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First of all, Problem is the difference between actual state and desirable (ideal)

state. On the other hand, the difference between what we have and what we want is

problem. And problem formulation is the process of deciding what actions and distinct

states to consider, given a goal. Problem Formulation Includes ´starting with Problem

Identification and ending with Learning from Experience. Russo·s problem formulation

includes framing, gathering Intelligence, and coming to conclusions. Once we start

implementation in problem formulation then we manage that process.

´Why-Whyµ technique is effective for problem formulation. It is a tool to identify

root causes of a problem so that countermeasures can be applied to prevent

reoccurrence. Basically the process is to keep asking why for all possible causes until

you can find the root cause for each effect and, therefore, find a counter measure for

each root cause. A different way to organize cause and effect relationships. Problem

formulation understands the problem, defining the phenomenon to be analyzed,

establishing cause-effect relationship through why questioning and field checks, logical

review of the analysis, and checking for standards.

Communications pyramid has three parts- action, semantic, and technical. In

technical level it provides accurate information & communication, semantic level is

meaningful context, and action make sufficient decision. Each level can only be

achieved when previous level is properly done. We can get the idea of granularity

which means level of detail. Technical level requires consistency and accuracy. In this

pyramid diagram the semantic level focuses on meaning which requires appropriate

context or time horizon. On the other hand, action level is work as decision making (for

example, in case of present something I have to make decision with the information of

presented data. &!'(




Visual communication is very powerful communications usually we emphasize on

presenting something by strong data. Today, data visualization is increasingly taking its

rightful place as an important part of business intelligence. Many universities now have

faculty members who focus on visualization and a few have excellent programs that

serve the needs of many graduate students who produce worthwhile research studies

and prototype applications.




Context of the information is very important in problem formulation, communication

pyramid and visual communication. This is a part of written or spoken statements that

precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect.

All are related mainly with the context of information. Information is the important


 ´Graphical excellence is the consists of complex ideas communicated with

clarity, precision, and efficiencyµ (Tufte, Edward R., 1983)

Here are examples of complex business graphic:

For example, the FedEx logo, designed by the famous

logo designer Lindon Leader, appears to be a simple and

straightforward. But on close examination, you will notice that there is an ´arrowµ

between the ´Eµ and ´xµ that signify the company·s aspirations for progress.

Similar is case with the Toyota logo. Many of you

might not know that the letters T, O, Y, O, T, A are

found within the TOYOTA emblem.

The criteria of graphical excellence gives to the viewer

the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space.
Visualization is the graphical presentation of information, with the goal of providing

the viewer with a qualitative with the goal of providing the viewer with a qualitative

understanding of the information contents. Information may be data, processes,

relations, or concepts. Visualizations rely on accurate and matched data. Even if data

are incomplete or faulty, or if data sets use If data are incomplete or faulty, or if data

sets use different definitions or units, these issues must be different definitions or units,

these issues must be resolved in order to create a valid visualization. Data visualization

is the graphical representation of information. Bar charts scatter graphs, and maps are

Bar charts, scatter graphs, and maps are examples of simple data visualizations.

Here is another example of complex business graphic-

Making complex information about social and human development throughout the

world available and understandable is as difficult as it is important. Gap minder is a

project in Malmo, Sweden designed to produce accessible, easily used interactive

software used to study trends in data on world income distribution, human health and

development, and similar topics. In addition to the very nice interactive applications,

the static graphs are also models of clarity of graphic design. According to the concept

of graphical excellence this graphics can be defined like-

· A set of complex ideas communicated with clarity, precision, and efficiency.

· Gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the

least ink in the smallest space.

· Always nearly multivariate (illuminating relationships between numerous


· This graphic telling the truth about the data

In graphical excellence data should be used effectively according to the graphical point

of view. There should avoid distortion. In this complex business graphics there should

not be so much information in small space. On the other hand, granularity is very

important because of the visualization. It is necessary to have detail information for the

description of data, exploration its main idea, tabulation and decoration, and showing

the data, avoid distorting the data, induce the viewer to think about the substance of the

graphic rather than the methodology, graphic design, or something else make large

amounts of data coherent, encourage the viewer to use the graphic as you intend, e.g.

make comparisons, be closely integrated with statistical and verbal descriptions of the

data, be as simple as possible.

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Problem formulation and data presentation is such a course by Dr. David

Bouchard which is not only a core requirement for management students but also it can

be a guideline for any other disciplines. This course focuses on the management of the

information systems building process within the organization context in which they
operate. This course is very fruitful for develop, plan, manage, and evaluate systems in

the information processing and decision making for real life situations.

According to the class concern, I have learned so many things. I have got an experience

of how a book can be reviewed and presented only its main idea in a specific time

period. I came to know how a problem can be identified and defined. On the other

hand, I have got the ideas of knowledge and application of effective problem

formulation methodologies, problem and process visualization techniques, and the

analysis of these data. Again, I have got ideas of Russo·s design methodology which

focused steps i.e., identification of the problem, analysis, design of the application,

gathering resource (research data, fools, sales report etc.), designs review,

implementation, post-implementation review & maintenance etc. One of the most

useful techniques I have got from class is ´Why-Whyµ technique that describes

variables. This is an effective technique for problem formulation. Beside these, cause

and effect and flow chart diagram is very important to formulate a problem. Cause and

effect diagram also known as fishbone diagram where we can find out effect by

different variables considering as cause. It helps determine the root causes of a problem

or quality characteristic using a structured approach. On the other hand, cross

functional flow chart describe a complex processes for any problem. Moreover, I got the

basic ideas of deductive (from general to specific) and inductive (from specific to

general) reasoning. Communication pyramids also a great idea that I have learned from

this class. It has three levels- action, semantic, and technical. The concepts about short
term memory and long term memory also a remarkable lessons from this class. As per

my concern, visual memory is much richer i.e.1 as a bun, 2 as a shoe, 3 as a tree, 4 as a

door, 5 as a hive! Data visualization is one of the most interesting ideas that I was

picked up from this class. A good visualization allows viewers to observe and

understand the information and take action based on it. Based on visualization we can

present so many things. A good visualization provides a clear and straightforward

presentation of the data. The use of color in presentation should be very effective. Data

visualization and presentation is the most important ideas that I picked from the class.

At my workplace I will implement my learning in effective way. As I have

mentioned earlier, if I need to solve a problem then I should apply why-why technique,

analysis of cause and effect, solve problem like general to specific (deductive reasoning)

and apply generic communication model for smooth communication.

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Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this

is informally called a "top- -down" approach. Conclusion follows logically from

premises. This one is known as waterfall.The deductive reasoning works as follows:

think of a theory about topic and then narrow it down to specific hypothesis

(hypothesis that we test or can test). Narrow down further if we would like to collect

observations for hypothesis (note that we collect observations to accept or reject

hypothesis and the reason we do that is to confirm or refute our original theory). In a

conclusion, when we use deduction we reason from general principles to specific cases,

as in applying a mathematical theorem to a particular problem or in citing a law or

physics to predict the outcome of an experiment.



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Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations from to

broader generalizations and theories. Informally, we sometimes call this a "bottom upµ

approach.In this case, conclusion is likely based on premises. It involves a degree of

uncertainty. This is also known as hill climbing.Inductive reason starts from specific

observations (or measurement if you are mathematician or more precisely statistician),

look for patterns (or no patterns), regularities (or irregularities), formulate hypothesis

that we could work with and finally ended up developing general theories or drawing

conclusion. In a conclusion, when we use Induction we observe a number of specific

instances and from them infer a general principle or law. Inductive reasoning is open-

ended and exploratory especially at the beginning. On the other hand, deductive

reasoning is narrow in nature and is concerned with testing or confirming hypothesis.

Induction is usually described as moving from the specific to the general, while

deduction the specific to the general, while deduction begins with the general and ends

with the specific. Argument based on laws, rules and accepted principles are generally

used for deductive reasoning. On the other hand, observations tend to be used for

inductive arguments. If we compare that, logical reasoning with human nature then we
can observe that logical reasoning is an essential part of human thought process and

this dominates in scientific and technical research development. However, humans are

not natural logical reasoners. Both deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning can go

from general to specific and vice versa, in one direction or the other. Both use logic and

arrive to a conclusion.

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A social network is a social structure made of individuals (or organizations)

called ´nodesµ which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of

interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, financial exchange, dislike, sexual

relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. Social networking is the

grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a

neighborhood subdivision, if you will. Examples of social networks are Facebook,

LinkedIn, my space etc.

  . +
  +(Many people today are on at least one social

networking site such as LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster even Twitter. Most

people have joined these sites for one of two reasons: to get in touch with friends and

family, or to network. Many people make the mistake in thinking that if you are on
Facebook or MySpace for social reasons that it won't impact your professional life. That

may have been true before social networking began to flourish as a component of

business internet strategies, but it is not the case now. In 2010, recruiters consistently

turn to social networking technology to find qualified candidates to fill employment

vacancies. Normally, they don't seek out candidates from social sites like Twitter or

MySpace, but instead look at the business networking sites, such as LinkedIn. As social

workers, we know everything is about our network -from finding the perfect job to

creating social change. At Social Work Network, you can create a professional pro file,

search for social workers by name, location, expertise, degree, experience, school, or

company -Search thousands of social work jobs, connect with Facebook to share your

activity on Social Work Network with friends, get live social work related Twitter

updates, post and browse resources, links, and videos, participate in forum, IM, and

chartroom discussions.

Bloom·s taxonomy some interactive techniques are augmented with computed

attributes from statistics and data mining to improve information visualization

exploration. Knowledge level work as dawning out, factual answers, recall, and

recognition. Comprehension level work as translating and interpreting. Both

knowledge and comprehension level belongs to the lower division. Application level

works as upper division. Analysis level means senior level where

they break it down into parts. Synthesis works as masters· level

where we can get the basic combining elements. Evaluation level

we do evaluate. Social Network Strategy development must take place within the

context of overall organization·s mission, vision and objectives. It should serve to

enhance organization·s existing business strategy, adding new tools and capabilities.

Social Network Strategy development addresses the perspectives i.e. our audience

(current and potential), objectives, message, platform(s), Intellectual Property (IP),

network champions, the process, structure, plan and resource allocation to implement

your strategy and measurement.

If graphical excellence can be followed properly i.e. show of data effectively, avoid

density (showering data in a small space), proper granularity (how much data is

available), proper decoration, description, exploration of ideas and thoughts, tabulation

etc. That·s the way we can best apply our visualization concepts in social networks.

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