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An introduction to

the notion of a
Vector Bundle

Nabil L. Youssef

Cairo University
The geometry of the tangent bundle T M of a
smooth manifold M is extremely rich. It ad-
mits a lot of geometric objects of theoretical
and practical interest and of great importance
in constructing various geometrical models of
physical theories. In fact, the differentiable
manifold T M has a special natural structure
particular to it: it is orientable, admits a glob-
ally defined vector field (the Liouville vector
field), admits a globally defined integrable vec-
tor 1-form (the natural tangent structure) and
possesses an integrable distribution (the verti-
cal distribution).

The notion of a vector bundle is motivated

by the geometric construction of the tangent
bundle. In fact, a vector bundle is the abstract
form of the tangent bundle. For this reason
we start our lecture by focussing our attention
on the notion of a tangent bundle.
1. Tangent bundle

We assume, unless otherwise stated, that all

geometric objects we consider are of class C ∞.
The term “differentiable” will mean “smooth”
or of class C ∞.

Let M be a differentiable manifold of dimen-

sion n. For each point x ∈ M , let (U, ϕ) be
a chart of M at x and let (x1, · · · , xn) be the
coordinate functions defined on U by ϕ.

The set of all tangent vectors to M at x ∈ M

form a vector space of dimension n, called the
tangent space of M at x and is denoted by
TxM : dim TxM = dim M = n ∀ x ∈ M . The
tangent vectors at x
∂ ∂
,··· , n =: (∂1, · · · , ∂n),
∂x ∂x

form a basis for the tangent space TxM , called
the natural basis of TxM . For every chart (U, ϕ)
of M at x, there is associated a map
θx : TxM −→ Rn : v = v 1∂1+· · ·+v n∂n 7−→ (v 1, · · · , v n).
The map θx is an isomorphism of vector spaces,
called the natural isomorphism associated with
the chart (U, ϕ).

Now, let T M denote the set of all tangent vec-

tors to M at all point of M :
T M := TxM.
Then, we have:
– TxM ⊂ T M ∀x ∈ M ,
– TxM 6= φ ∀x ∈ M ,
– Tx1 M ∩ Tx2 M = φ, f or x1 6= x2.
Thus, the spaces TxM ; x ∈ M , form a partition
of T M . To this partition there is associated a
π : T M −→ M : v ∈ TxM 7−→ x.
It is clear that:
– π is onto,
– For each x ∈ M , π −1(x) = TxM .
Theorem . If M is a differentiable mani-
fold of dimension n and of class C k , then
T M := TxM is a differentiable manifold
of dimension 2n and of class C k−1.

Sketch of the proof.

Consider the map

π : T M −→ M : v ∈ TxM 7−→ x.
The set T M can be endowed with the ini-
tial topology defined be π, which is a Haus-
dorff topology. With respect to this topology
π becomes continuous. If (U, ϕ) is a chart
of M , then (π −1(U ), τϕ) is a 2n-dimensional
chart  of T M , where
 π −1(U ) ∈ O(T M ) and
τϕ = ϕ ◦ π, θπ(·)(·) :

τϕ : π −1(U ) ϕ(U ) × Rn w R2n 

v 7−→ ϕ(π(v)), θπ(v)(v)
v ∈ TxM 7−→ (ϕ(x), θx(v))
TxM 3 v = v 1∂1 + · · · + v n∂n 7−→
(x1, · · · , xn; v 1, · · · , v n) ∈ R2n.
π −1 (U )
M ⊃Uo k
π NN θ
ϕ ϕ◦π
τ NNNNπ(.)
k ϕ NNN
 ukkk  NNN
p1 p 2 /&
Rn ⊃ ϕ(U ) o
ϕ(U ) × Rn Rn

The triple λ = (T M, π, M ) is called the tangent

bundle of the manifold M :
– T M : the total space (manifold) of λ.
– M : the base space (manifold) of λ.
– π : T M −→ M : v ∈ TxM 7−→ x : the canonical
projection of T M onto M .
– π −1(x) = TxM : the fibre of λ at x ∈ M .
Frequently, we briefly say that T M is the tan-
gent bundle of the manifold M .

We have:
– π is surjective but never injective.
– π is bicontinuous (continuous and open).
– π is differentiable (of class C k−1 if M is of
class C k ).
2. Vector bundle
Definition . Let F be a k-dimensional real vec-
tor space.
A vector bundle of rank k, of fiber type F , is
a triple λ = (E, π, M ), where
– M is a diff. manifold of dimension n,
– E is a diff. manifold of dimension n + k,
– π : E −→ M is a surjective differentiable map,
such that the following axioms hold :
(i) For each x ∈ M , the set Ex := π −1(x) is a
k-dimensional real vector space.
(ii) For each x ∈ M , there exists U ∈ Ox(M )
and a diffiomorphism
τ : π −1(U ) −→ U × F
such that p1 ◦ τ = πU (:= π|π−1(U ))
and that τx := τ |Ex : π −1(x) −→ {x} × F is an
The pair (U, τ ) is said to be a chart of the
vector bundle λ.
π −1(U )OO τ / U × F

(iii) Let Aλ = {(Ui, τi) : i ∈ I} be the family of

all charts of λ.
For each (Ui, τi), (Uj , τj ) ∈ Aλ such that
Ui ∩ Uj 6= φ, the diffeomorphism

τj ◦ τi−1 : (Ui ∩ Uj ) × F −→ (Ui ∩ Uj ) × F

acts as follows

(τj ◦τi−1)(x, v) = (x, gji(x)·v) ∀ x ∈ Ui∩Uj , v ∈ F,

where gji : Ui ∩ Uj −→ GL(F ) is differentiable.

τi /
π −1(Ui ∩ Uj ) (Ui ∩ Uj ) × F
TTTT τj ◦τi−1
τj TTT) 
(Ui ∩ Uj ) × F
π : E −→ M

We call :
– E : total space (or total manifold) of λ,
– M : base space (or base manifold) of λ,
– π : projection of E onto M ,
– F : fibre type of λ,
– π −1(x) = Ex : fibre of λ at x ∈ M ,
– (U, τ ) : vectorial chart of λ,
– Aλ = {(Ui, τi) : i ∈ I} : vectorial atlas of λ,
– gji : functions of changes of charts.

3. Examples of vector bundle
We give here some fundamental examples of
vector bundles, which are of great theoretical
and practical importance.
Example 1. Tangent bundle
Let M be a differentiable manifold of dimen-
sion n. Consider the tangent bundle
TM = TxM
together with the canonical projection
π : T M −→ M : v ∈ TxM 7−→ x.
The triple τ (M ) = (T M, π, M ) is a vector
bundle of rank n, of fibre type Rn.
– base space: M , manifold of dimension n,
– total space: T M , manifold of dimension 2n,
– projection: π : T M −→ M : v ∈ TxM 7−→ x,
onto, differentiable,
– fibre type: Rn,
– fibres: Ex = π −1(x) = TxM , vector space of
dimension n,

– vectorial charts: If (U, ϕ) is a chart of M ,
then (π −1(U ), τ ) is a vectorial chart
 of τ (M ),

where π (U ) ∈ O(T M ) and τ = ϕ ◦ π, θπ(·) (·) :

τ : π −1(U ) −→ ϕ(U )×Rn : (x, vx) 7−→ (x1, .., xn; v 1, .., v n)
– functions of change of charts: if (Ui, ϕi), (Uj , ϕj )
are two charts of M such that Ui ∩ Uj 6= φ, the
−1 0
gji : Ui ∩ Uj −→ GL(R ) : x −
7 → ϕj ◦ ϕi ϕ(x)
are differentiable.

Ui ∩ Uj ϕi/ ϕi(Ui ∩ Uj ) ⊂ Rn

RRR ϕ ◦ϕ gji = ϕj ◦ϕ−1
j RR(  j i  i
ϕi(Ui ∩ Uj ) ⊂ Rn

One of the most important tangent bundles is

the second tangent bundle:
P : T T M −→ T M
Example 2. Cotangent bundle
Let M be a differentiable manifold of dimen-
sion n. Let Tx∗M be the cotangent space of M
at x ∈ M , the vector space dual to the tangent
space TxM . Consider the cotangent bundle

T ∗M = Tx∗M
together with the canonical projection

π ∗ : T ∗M −→ M : ω ∈ Tx∗M 7−→ x.
The triple τ ∗(M ) = (T ∗M, π ∗, M ) is a vector
bundle of rank n, of fibre type Rn.
The details run exactly as in Example 1.

One of the most important cotangent bundles

is the cotangent of the tangent bundle:

P : T ∗T M −→ T M

Example 3. Pullback bundle
Let M and M 0 be two manifolds of dimensions
n and n0 respectively. Let λ = (E, π, M ) be a
vector bundle of rank k of fibre type F and let
f : M 0 −→ M be a differentiable map. Define

M 0×E = 0
n o
(x, y) ∈ M × E : f (x) = π(y) ,

p1 : M 0×E −→ M 0 : (x, y) 7−→ x.


The triple
f ∗(λ) = M 0×E, p1, M 0
is a vector bundle of rank k of fibre type F ,
called the pullback of λ by f .
M 0×E −→
M 
 
p1  π
y y
M0 −→ M

Fibres of f ∗(λ): p−1
1 (x) = (M 0×E) =
{x} × Ef (x) ' Ef (x) ∀ x ∈ M 0.
rank(f ∗(λ)) = rank(λ) = k.
dim(M 0) = n0.
dim(M 0×E) = dim(M 0) + rank(f ∗(λ)) = n0 + k.

One of the most important pullback bundles is

the pullback of τ (M ) by π:
π ∗(τ (M )) = (T M×T M, p1, T M ).

2 p
T M×T M −→ TM
 
 
p1  π
y y
TM −→ M

Fibres of π ∗(τ (M )): π −1(v) = (T M×T M )v =

{v} × Tπ(v)M ' Tπ(v)M ∀ v ∈ T M .
rank(π ∗(τ (M ))) = rank(τ (M )) = n.
dim(T M ) = 2n.
dim(T M×T M ) = dim(T M ) + rank(τ (M )) =
2n + n = 3n.
Example 4. Whitney sum
Let λ = (E, π, M ) and λ0 = (E 0, p0, M ) be two
vector bundles of ranks k and k0 respectively,
with the same base manifold M .

Define n
0 0 0 0 0
E×E = (u, u ) ∈ E × E : π(u) = π (u ) ,
π×π 0 : E×E 0 −→ M : (u, u0) 7−→ π(u) = π 0(u0).
The triple λ×λ0 = (E×E 0, π×π 0, M ) is a vector
bundle of rank k + k0, called the Whitney sum
of the bundle λ and λ0.

p 0 p2 / 0
E oEEE 1E×E M xx
EE 0x
EE π×xxπxxx
π EE
"  xx
{xM π0

Fibres of λ×λ0: (π×π 0)−1(x) = (E×E 0)x = Ex ⊕

E0 x ∀ x ∈ T M.

rank(λ×λ0) = rank(λ) + rank(λ0) = k + k0.
dim(M ) = n.
dim(E×E 0) = dim(M )+rank(λ×λ0) = n+k+k0.

Two other vector bundles issue from this situ-

ation: π ∗(λ0), π 0∗(λ).

E×E 0 p2 / E 0 E 0×E p2 / E
p1 π0 p1 π
π / 0 π0 / 

Another approach:

E ⊕ E0 : = (Ex ⊕ E 0x), f or all x ∈ M,
π ⊕ π 0 : E ⊕ E 0 −→ M : (u, u0) ∈ Ex ⊕ E 0x 7−→ x.
0 0 
The triple E ⊕ E , π ⊕ π , M is a vector bundle
of rank k + k0, which is the Whitney sum of the
vector bundles λ and λ0.
Example 5. Bundle product

Let λ = (E, π, M ) and λ0 = (E 0, π 0, M 0) be two

vector bundles of ranks k and k0 respectively.
The triple

E × E 0, π × π 0, M × M 0

is a vector bundle of rank k + k0, called the the

product of the vector bundles λ and λ0.

1 p 0 −→
2 0 p
 ←− E ×
 E E

  
y π×π 0 
π 0
p p
M ←1− M × M 0 −→

Example 6. Vertical bundle

Let λ = (E, π, M ) be a vector bundle of rank

k of fibre type F . The following commutative
diagram constitute four vector bundles:

TE −−→ T M
 
P p
y y
E −→ M

For every u ∈ E, we have the linear map

dπu : TuE −→ Tπ(u)M.

Vu(E) = ker(dπu) ⊂ TuE.
The vector space Vu(E) ⊂ TuE is isomorphic
to the vector space TuEπ(u) ⊂ TuE and is thus
of dimension k. The space Vu(E) is called the
vertical space of E at the point u ∈ E.


ker(dπu) ≡ ker(dπ) ⊂ T E
V (E) = Vu(E) =
u∈E u∈E

Now, V (E) = (V (E), P, E) is a vector bundle

of rank k = dim(F ), called the vertical bundle
of E (where P : V (E) −→ E : z ∈ Vu(E) 7−→ u).

In particular, for E = T M , we have the follow-

ing commutative diagram:

T TM −−→ T M
 
y π
TM −→ M

The vertical bundle of T M is

V (T M ) = (V (T M ), P, T M )
and the vertical vectors to T M at u ∈ T M
are the vectors tangent to TxM at u, that is,
Vu(T M ) = Tu(TxM ), where x = π(u).
Example 7. Frame bundle

M : diff.manifold of dimension n, x ∈ M ,
Fx(M ): the set of all frames of TxM ,
θx : Fx(M ) −→ GLn(R), bijection
u = (u1, · · · , un) 7−→ (u1 n 1 n
1 , · · · u1 ; · · · ; un, · · · un).

F (M ) = Fx(M ),

π : F (M ) −→ M : (x, u) 7−→ x
The set F (M ) is a differentiable manifold of
dimension n + n2:
If (U, ϕ) is a local chart of M , then (π −1(U ), ϕ)
is an (n + n2)-dimensional local chart  of F (M ), 
where π −1(U ) ∈ O(F (M )) and ϕe = ϕ ◦ π, θπ(·)(·) :
ϕe : π −1(U ) −→ ϕ(U ) × GLn(R) w Rn+n
(x, u) 7−→ (ϕ(x), θx(u))
(x, u) 7−→ (x1, · · · , xn; u1 n 1 n
1 , · · · , u1, · · · , un, · · ·, un)
Now, F (M ) = (F (M ), π, M ) is a vector bundle
of rank n2 of fibre type GLn(R), called the
frame bundle of M .

Remark . We call a G-structure on M every

sub-bundle of the frame bundle F (M ).
Almost all remarkable geometric structures may
be thought of as G-structures. The Rieman-
nian structures are O(n)-structures, the con-
formal structures are CO(n)-structures, the sym-
plectic structures are Sp(n)-structures. The
almost product, almost complex, f -tensorial
structures are G-structures.
4. Sections of vector bundle
Definition . Let λ = (E, π, M ) be a vector bun-
dle. A (cross-) section of λ is a differentiable
s : M −→ E,
such that π ◦ s = idM .

M DDDs / E
π◦s DD


We denote by X(λ) the set of all sections of

the vector bundle λ = (E, π, M ).
Theorem . Let λ = (E, π, M ) be a vector
bundle. The set X(λ) of all sections of λ is
a vector space over R.
(This vector space is in general infinite di-

Example 1. A section of the tangent bundle

τ (M ) = (T M, π, M )
is a differentiable map

X : M −→ T M such that π ◦ X = idM .

For each x ∈ M , v := X(x) ∈ T M . Then,

π(v) = π(X(x)) = (π ◦ X)(x) = idM (x) = x

=⇒ v ∈ TxM,
i.e. X : M −→ T M : x 7−→ vx ∈ TxM , which
means that X is a vector field on M .

Hence, the differentiable sections of the

tangent bundle τ (M ) = (T M, π, M ) are
precisely the vector fields on M .

Example 2. A section of the cotangent bundle
∗ ∗ ∗
τ (M ) = T M, π , M

is a differentiable map

ω : M −→ T ∗M such that π ∗ ◦ ω = idM .

For each x ∈ M , ωx := ω(x) ∈ T ∗M . Then,

π ∗(ωx) = π ∗(ω(x)) = (π ∗ ◦ ω)(x) = idM (x) = x

=⇒ ωx ∈ Tx∗M,
i.e. ω : M −→ T ∗M : x 7−→ ωx ∈ Tx∗M , which
means that ω is a differential 1-form on M .

Hence, the differentiable sections of the

cotangent bundle τ ∗(M ) = (T ∗M, π ∗, M ) are
precisely the differential 1-forms on M .

Supplement (Connections)
We just give the definition of a linear connec-
tion on a vector bundle.
F(M ): the R-algebra of diff. functions on M ,
X(M ): the F(M )-module of vector fields on M ,
X(λ): the F(M )-module of diff. sections of the
vector bundle λ.
Definition . A linear connection D on a vector
bundle λ = (E, π, M ) is a map
D : X(M ) × X(λ) −→ X(λ)
(X, ξ) 7−→ DX ξ
such that
DX+Y ξ = DX ξ + DY ξ,
Df X ξ = f DX ξ,
DX (ξ1 + ξ2) = DX ξ1 + DX ξ2,
DX f ξ = f DX ξ + (X · f )ξ,
for all X, Y ∈ X(M ), ξ, ξ1, ξ2 ∈ X(λ), f ∈ F(M ).


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