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QC Report

Instrument Information
Information.dll Version:
Panel.dll Version:
Genesis.dll Version:
GUIExtensions.dll Version:
OSpp.dll Version:
Setup and Service Version:
Computer Name:

Instrument Type: EVO

Instrument Serial Number: 1003004144
Tools [Type, SN]: None specified
Date: 25/Oct/2017 16:52:27

Operator: service Date: Signature:

Instrument Information
Instrument Properties
Type: freedom evo
Size: 150
Arm order
Arm Addr Movable Range [mm] Deviation [mm] Deviation Limit [mm]
1 MCA96 W1 901.9 0.9 na
2 RoMa C1 901.7 0.7 na

Diagnostics Data
Power Ups: 208
On Time [h]: 51137.22
Downloads: 1
Page erases: 26

Device Information
Device Firmware Bootware Serial Number
C2T00 DCSERVO2 V1.21-04/2007 V1.00-05/2003 -
C2T02 DCSERVO2 V1.21-04/2007 V1.00-05/2003 -

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Device Firmware Bootware Serial Number
C2T04 DCSERVO2 V1.21-04/2007 V1.00-05/2003 -
W2T00 DCSERVO2 V1.21-04/2007 V1.00-05/2003 -
W2T02 DCSERVO2 V1.21-04/2007 V1.00-05/2003 -
W2T04 DCSERVO2 V1.21-04/2007 V1.00-05/2003 -
W1 MCA V1.21-04/2012 V1.10-04/2007 1502001161
O3 MIO V2.02-02/2013 V1.00-11/2006 1003004143
C1 ROMACU V2.21-09/2007 V1.10-04/2007 1003004142
O1 SAFY V1.30-04/2008 V1.10-12/99 10070090
M1 TECU V1.40-12/2007 V1.10-07/2005 1003004144
W2T40 TESERVO V1.00-05/2006 TeSerBo-V1.00-01/2006 -

Address: W1
Serial Number: 1502001161
Firmware Version: V1.21-04/2012
Bootware Version: V1.10-04/2007
Axes Parameters
Offset Displ Range Scale Accel Speed
X 1.0 33.7 935.6 1.0000 55.0 500.0
Y 1.0 -13.8 298.2 0.9862 75.0 350.0
Z 1.0 0.0 237.1 1.0000 40.0 120.0
P 100.0 0.0 6750.0 1.0000 6500.0 8000.0

Diagnostics Data
Power ups: 186
Minute meter: 2845101
FW downloads: 1
FW page erased: 17
Moves Moves (cl) Distance No-Loads Status
X 12475 12475 2170 1 ready
Y 12596 12596 1401 2 ready
Z 31824 31824 2757 66 ready
P 14131 14131 187 0 ready

RoMa Arm
Address: C1
Serial Number: 1003004142
Firmware Version: V2.21-09/2007
Bootware Version: V1.10-04/2007
Type: Eccentric Gripper, CW Rotator, Long Z-Range
Axes Parameters
Offset Displ Range Scale Accel Speed Move Speed
X 2.0 226.5 1128.2 1.0000 160.0 1000.0 100.0
Y 1.0 -61.6 323.5 1.0157 100.0 350.0 80.0
Z 1.0 -351.1 254.9 1.0000 55.0 130.0 50.0

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Offset Displ Range Scale Accel Speed Move Speed
R 3.7 0.0 272.3 1.0083 60.0 200.0 60.0
G 2.0 56.0 139.0 1.0000 30.0 40.0 10.0

Gripper PWM [%]: 75

Diagnostics Data
Gripped Plates: 5982
Moves Moves (cl) Distance No-Loads Status
X 42448 42448 4149 3 ready
Y 53770 53770 5712 2 ready
Z 76659 76659 4939 4 ready
R 28762 28762 2961 22 ready
G 15810 15810 340 14 ready

Address: O3
Serial Number: 1003004143
Firmware Version: V2.02-02/2013
Bootware Version: V1.00-11/2006
Shaker: Available
Heatup cycles: 169
Operation time [h]: 51828
Shake time [h]: 163

Common Parameters
Validation date: 25 Oct 2017serv
Max temperature [°C]: 63.0
Shutter solenoid off [mA]: 0
Shutter solenoid on [mA]: 600
Current limitation: Inactive, this incubator should not be interconnected to another one with a CAN link cable

Heater Temperature [°C] Target temp [°C] Calib temp [° C] Sensor resistance Calib offset [°C]
1 Off 23.4 0.0 37.0 10442 -1.8
2 Off 23.3 0.0 37.0 10462 -2.4
3 Off 23.0 0.0 37.0 10452 -2.6
4 Off 23.7 0.0 37.0 10443 -1.8
5 Off 22.9 0.0 37.0 10460 -2.8
6 Off 22.1 0.0 37.0 10473 -4.2

Speed [Hz]: 4.0
Init speed [Full steps / sec]: 450
Led current [mA]: 14

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Version Information
System Modules
Version Description Copyright Original Filename Product Name
SnSFrame.exe Instrument Setup and Service Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG SnSFrame.exe Setup and Service
Application 2013
Genesis.dll Device library for GENESIS Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Genesis.dll Setup and Service
Instruments 2013
Panel.dll Base classes for concreate Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Panel.DLL Setup and Service
Panel Modules 2013
OSpp.dll C++ wrapper for WinApp Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG OSpp.dll Setup and Service
functions 2013
GUIExtensions.dll GUI Extensions based on MFC Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG GUIExtensions.dll Setup and Service
controls. Used by Panel base 2013
classes and concrete panels
TCSDriver.dll TCSDriver Tecan Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TCSDriver.dll Setup and Service
Communication Server 2013
TLSDriver.dll TLSDriver - Tecan Login Server Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TLSDriver.dll Setup and Service
ZLIB.dll zlib data compression library (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark zlib.dll ZLib.DLL
VPEP3236.dll Virtual Print Engine Professional Copyright © 1995 - 2005 IDEAL - Virtual Print Engine
Edition Software® GmbH. All rights reserved. Professional Edition
ZaapMotionAdapter.dll ZaapMotionAdapter Copyright © Tecan Schweiz AG 2013 ZaapMotionAdapter.dll ZaapMotionAdapter
ZaapMotionDriver.dll ZaapMotionDriver Release Copyright © Tecan Schweiz AG 2013 ZaapMotionDriver.dll ZaapMotionDriver

Version Description Copyright Original Filename Product Name
AirLiHa.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG AirLiha.dll Setup and Service
AirLiHa 2013
Autoloader.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Autoloader.DLL Setup and Service
Autoloader 2013
BasicSetup.dll Setup module for basic setups Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG BasicSetup.dll Setup and Service
CGM.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG CGM.DLL Setup and Service
CGM 2013
CheckCarrierPosition.dll Tool to check carrier positions Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG CheckCarrierPosition.DLL Setup and Service
according to worktable DB 2013
CommandTool.dll Tool module for FW Commands Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG CommandTool.dll Setup and Service
DiTiTest.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG DiTiTest.DLL Setup and Service
DiTiTest 2013
Incubator.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Incubator.DLL Setup and Service
Incubator 2013
Information.dll Tool module for Information Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Information.dll Setup and Service

Instrument Information Instrument Serial Number: 1003004144 Date: 25/Oct/2017 16:52:27 Page 4/6
Version Description Copyright Original Filename Product Name
IOModule.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG iomodule.DLL Setup and Service
I/O-Option 2013
LiHa.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Liha.dll Setup and Service
LiHa 2013
LiquidSystem.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Liquid System.DLL Setup and Service
Liquid System 2013
LoadingInterface.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG LoadingInterface.DLL Setup and Service
Loading Interface of EVO 2013
MCA.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG MCA.DLL Setup and Service
MCA 2013
MCA384.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG MCA384.DLL Setup and Service
MCA384 2013
MCAWash.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG MCAWash.DLL Setup and Service
MCAWash 2013
MoveTest.dll QC Test Module for RoMa, LiHa Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG MoveTest.dll Setup and Service
and PosID Move Tests 2013
PMP.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG PMP.DLL Setup and Service
PMP 2013
PnP.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG PnPModule.DLL Setup and Service
PnP 2013
PosID2.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG PosID2.DLL Setup and Service
PosID2 2013
PosID3.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG PosID3.DLL Setup and Service
PosID3 2013
Repositioner.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Repositioner.DLL Setup and Service
Repositioner 2013
Results.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Results.DLL Setup and Service
Results 2013
RoboticDevices.dll Tool module for robotic devices Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG RoboticDevices.DLL Setup and Service
RoMa.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG RomaModule.DLL Setup and Service
RoMa 2013
Safety.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Safety.DLL Setup and Service
Safety 2013
SpoMpo.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG SpoMpo.DLL Setup and Service
SPO-MPO 2013
Supervisor2.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Supervisor2.DLL Setup and Service
Supervisor2 2013
TeFill.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeFill.DLL Setup and Service
Te-Fill 2013
TeLink.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG Shuttle.DLL Setup and Service
Shuttle 2013
TeMags.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeMags.dll Setup and Service
Te-MagS 2013
TeMO.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeMO.DLL Setup and Service
Te-MO Base 2013

Instrument Information Instrument Serial Number: 1003004144 Date: 25/Oct/2017 16:52:27 Page 5/6
Version Description Copyright Original Filename Product Name
TeMORefill.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeMORefill.DLL Setup and Service
Te-MO Refill 2013
TeMoWashUnit.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeMoWashUnit.DLL Setup and Service
Te-MO Wash Unit 2013
TeShake.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeShake.DLL Setup and Service
Te-Shake 2013
TeStack.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeStack.DLL Setup and Service
TeStack 2013
TeVacS.dll Setup and QC Test module for Copyright © by Tecan Schweiz AG TeVacS.dll Setup and Service
Te-VacS 2013

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