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Volume 150, Number 4 January 25, 2016

(C) Tax Analysts 2015. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
Corporate Social Responsibility and
Taxation: An Evolving Theory

By Doron Narotzki

Reprinted from Tax Notes, January 25, 2016, p. 455

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(C) Tax Analysts 2016. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
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Corporate Social Responsibility and included, the ETR for profitable filers increases to
approximately 17 percent, well below the top statu-
Taxation: An Evolving Theory tory rate of 35 percent.
By Doron Narotzki A study conducted in 2011 by the Citizens for Tax
Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic
Policy found that Pepco Holdings Inc. had an
Doron Narotzki is an assistant professor of tax at astounding ETR of negative 57.6 percent between
the University of Akron George W. Daverio School 2008 and 2010.1 Most of that resulted from extensive
of Accountancy. He thanks Professor Yariv Brauner use of ‘‘complex structures, dubious transactions
and Vered Kuperberg for helpful comments and and legal fictions’’ to shift profits overseas and
Danielle Hickman for outstanding research assis- avoid paying U.S. taxes.2 That raises the question: Is
tance. All mistakes and inaccuracies are the au- it a legitimate corporate goal to minimize tax?
It is widely known that corporations are in
In this article, Narotzki discusses how corporate business to make money. However, most people
social responsibility (CSR) can affect tax planning. would hesitate to agree that a corporation has little
He argues that although CSR may decrease a or no responsibility to its own clients. There is
corporation’s short-term profits, greater recognition
nothing wrong with a company wanting to do well
and positive feedback from the public will ulti-
mately increase profits in the long term. Narotzki and fulfill its main objective of being as profitable as
concludes that a partnership between CSR and tax possible while at the same time going above and
planning can help evolve the corporate world into beyond customer expectations to keep them happy
one that seeks to benefit not only shareholders but with its performance. In fact, some might call that a
also the public. An expanded version of this article business plan.
will appear in volume 16 of the Houston Business This article doesn’t address whether corporations
and Tax Law Journal. should pay taxes; rather it argues that the new
direction, not only from society’s and the state’s
A. Introduction standpoint but also — perhaps most surprisingly —
from the corporate standpoint, is that corporations
In theory U.S. multinational corporations carry a responsibility to pay corporate tax and help
(MNCs) face the highest corporate tax rate in the others ‘‘carry the burden.’’ The development of this
world, with the United States having a marginal idea spawns from the concept of corporate social
corporate federal tax rate of 35 percent and an responsibility theory, more commonly known as
effective corporate tax rate that could reach 40 CSR.3
percent. However, there is a big difference between
those rates, which are prescribed by law, and the
rates actually levied on typical U.S. MNCs — 1
Robert S. McIntyre et al., ‘‘Corporate Taxpayers & Corporate
mainly due to various tax credits, exemptions, and Tax Dodgers 2008-10’’ (Nov. 2011).
other benefits that aren’t discussed or well-known 2
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent
among individuals who aren’t tax practitioners. Subcommittee on Investigations, ‘‘Offshore Profit Shifting and
the U.S. Tax Code — Part 1’’ (Sept. 20, 2012) (Microsoft and
The effective tax rate (ETR) differs from the Hewlett-Packard) (statement of Sen. Carl Levin).
statutory tax rate because it attempts to measure the 3
See Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, ‘‘The Cyclical Transformations of
taxes paid as a proportion of economic income, the Corporate Form: A Historical Perspective on Corporate
while the statutory tax rate indicates the amount of Social Responsibility,’’ 30 Del. J. Corp. L. 767 (2005), for a
complete review of the CSR evolvement and debate. See, e.g.,
tax liability before tax credits that could offset the Michael C. Jensen, ‘‘Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory,
company’s taxable income. For instance, for tax and the Corporate Objective Function,’’ 12 Bus. Ethics Q. 235
year 2010, profitable U.S. corporations that filed a (2002), for previous literature. See also Jensen and William
Schedule M-3 paid an average U.S. federal income Meckling, ‘‘The Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behaviour,
tax rate of 12.6 percent on the pretax worldwide Agency Costs, and Ownership Structure,’’ 3 J. Fin. Econ. 305
(1976). But see generally for different perspectives on CSR:
income reported on their financial statements, ac- Michael J. Phillips, ‘‘Reappraising the Real Entity Theory of the
cording to the Government Accountability Office. Corporation,’’ 21 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 1061 (1994); C.A. Harwell
When foreign, state, and local income taxes are Wells, ‘‘The Cycles of Corporate Social Responsibility: An
(Footnote continued on next page.)

TAX NOTES, January 25, 2016 455

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Over the past few decades, MNCs across the corporate social activities can be justified by having
world have started adopting CSR programs and a good chance of bringing long-term economic gain

(C) Tax Analysts 2016. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
self-regulating standards for what are considered to the corporation.9
responsible corporate activities. At the same time, A significant contribution to the development of
legal developments in the United States have given CSR came in 1971 from the Committee for Eco-
corporations even more political power and influ- nomic Development (CED) in its publication, Social
ence by allowing them to take an active role in the Responsibilities of Business Corporations. This was one
day-to-day life of citizens and by recognizing a of the first times that social responsibility was
constitutional right for corporations to give finan- directly referring to the corporation and not to its
cial support to a wide range of electioneering shareholders.10 The CED stated in its publication
activities, including the use of corporate funds.4 that ‘‘business functions by public consent and its
basic purpose is to serve constructively the needs of
Although those developments may ultimately have
society — to the satisfaction of society.’’11
negative effects, they result in the public expecting
The important acknowledgment is that the cor-
more responsibility and accountability. Thus, it is poration should remain profitable before engaging
important to acknowledge that an MNC has an in CSR activities. The question now is, what consti-
unwritten agreement with the public to ‘‘do the tutes a socially responsible activity for a corpora-
right thing’’ because of its influence on society5 and tion? In 1972 Henry G. Manne answered that
because it does so well from a financial standpoint.6 question:
For those reasons corporations are becoming more
influential globally. To qualify as a socially responsible corporate
action, a business expenditure or activity must
B. Corporate Social Responsibility be one for which the marginal returns to the
CSR is an action taken by a corporation to adopt corporation are less than the returns available
a specific standard of self-regulation that a corpo- from some alternative expenditure, must be
ration cannot otherwise be forced into and which purely voluntary, and must be an actual cor-
doesn’t produce any direct gain.7 The CSR trend porate expenditure rather than a conduit for
started in the 1950s and gained traction in the 1960s. individual largesse.12
One of the most prominent writers on CSR at that Those definitions show that according to re-
time was Keith Davis, who argued that ‘‘business- searchers, CSR is a form of corporate strategic
men’s decisions and actions are taken for reasons at management that sets a higher standard of conduct
least partially beyond the firm’s direct economic or than imposed by legal constraints and which envi-
technical interest.’’8 Davis argued that at least some sions CSR as a system for governing transactions
and relations between the corporation and its stake-
Historical Retrospective for the Twenty-First Century,’’ 51 Kan- C. Tax Responsibility
sas L. Rev. 261 (1992); Cynthia A. Williams, ‘‘Corporate Social On December 9, 2012, The Sunday Times’ headline
Responsibility in an Era of Economic Globalization,’’ 35 UC reported that Microsoft Co. paid no tax on £1.7
Davis L. Rev. 705 (2002); and Ronald Chen and Jon Hanson, ‘‘The billion of online sales. It was explained that Micro-
Illusion of Law: The Legitimating Schemas of Modern Policy
and Corporate Law,’’ 103 Mich. L. Rev. 1 (2004).
soft was channeling cash generated by sales of its
See Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. Microsoft Windows 8 operating software to Luxem-
310 (2010). bourg to sidestep tax obligations. To explain how
An MNC will have thousands of employees, and it will the alleged tax evasion works, imagine a customer
have a large number of subcontractors and other linked com- in the United Kingdom pays to download the new
panies that deal with it every day and lean on it for their
existence. Windows software and the money is paid (online)
For example, I doubt anyone would expect Blackberry to
make a donation to a hospital while it has been losing so much
money over the past few years; however, we do expect Apple to
do good and make an effort to improve more than just iPhones. Id.
7 10
Abagail McWilliams and Donald Siegel, ‘‘Corporate Social The CED was composed of business people and scholars
Responsibility and Financial Performance: Correlation or Mis- and therefore reflects an important view coming from both sides
specification?’’ 21 Strategic Mgmt. J. 603, 603-605 (2000). It is of the table. It is important to remember that the CED operated
reasonable to assume that adopting CSR elements may indi- in the late 1960s and early 1970s when social movements were
rectly produce some economic gain for the company that at their peak regarding environment, worker safety, consumers,
adopted such regulations, often because of positive public and employee rights.
opinion and increased customer happiness. However, extensive CED, Social Responsibilities of Business Corporations 1, 11
research by McWilliams and Siegel shows that CSR has a neutral (1971).
effect on a corporation’s financial outcomes. H.G. Manne and H.C. Wallach, ‘‘The Modern Corporation
Keith Davis, ‘‘Can Business Afford to Ignore Social Respon- and Social Responsibility,’’ American Enterprise Institute for
sibilities?’’ 2 California Mgmt. Rev. 1, 70 (1960). Public Policy Research, 1, 4-6 (1972).

456 TAX NOTES, January 25, 2016

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to Microsoft in Luxembourg. The software royalties A further analysis of the principal operating
then go to Microsoft in Ireland, and right after, company in the United Kingdom, Starbucks Coffee

(C) Tax Analysts 2016. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
dividends can be directed to a parent company in Co. (UK) Ltd. (Starbucks UK), showed in fiscal
Bermuda with no U.K. corporate tax being paid. 2011,16 under U.K. financial accounting principles,
That entire process is completely legal. turnover of about £400 million, gross profit of £78.4
Richard Murphy of the Tax Justice Network13 million, an operating loss after ‘‘administrative ex-
said, ‘‘Like many other companies, Microsoft is penses’’ of £28.8 million, and a net pretax loss on an
trying to avoid tax. It has tried hard to represent ordinary activity of £32.9 million. During its first 15
itself as doing the best thing for the world, but if years of existence, Starbucks UK paid £8.6 million
you really want to solve the world’s problems, pay of corporate tax on revenue of more than £3.4
taxes.’’ He added: ‘‘159 million pounds would more billion. Of that amount, all but £600,000 was attrib-
than pay for a hospital, or provide IT training for utable to an audit settlement with the U.K. authori-
young people so they can work in that industry.’’14 ties. According to Reuters, the company achieved
Microsoft’s case wasn’t improved when sources those results by paying substantial amounts to
such as The Guardian reported that although Micro- other related group companies: (i) royalties and
soft’s headquarters is in Redmond, Washington, license fees paid to a Dutch affiliate, (ii) markups on
when it comes to licensing, Microsoft is actually coffee purchased via another Dutch affiliate and a
based in Reno, Nevada. This means Microsoft won’t Swiss affiliate, and (iii) interest paid on a loan from
pay the tax on software licensing that Washington the U.S. parent company.17
state applies. Experts estimate that Microsoft has While Starbucks reported staggering losses on its
avoided paying more than $700 million in taxes over financial statements, its reports to analysts and
the past 13 years, while the state of Washington faces shareholders were much more positive. For in-
a $430 million deficit in its biannual budget. stance, the Financial Times reviewed the transcripts
Microsoft is hardly alone in this game. Apple Inc. of Starbucks’ securities analyst conference calls and
has been found to use subsidiaries in Ireland to found that in 2009 Starbucks told analysts:
channel more than $70 billion in worldwide income ‘‘Canada, the U.K., China and Japan are our largest
away from the United States. The three legal entities international markets and drive the majority of the
involved (‘‘Apple Sales International,’’ ‘‘Apple Op- segment’s revenue and operating profits.’’18
erations Europe,’’ and ‘‘Apple Operations Interna- The key takeaway from this case is that if Star-
tional’’) were all incorporated in Ireland, but bucks can manipulate its successful operations to
weren’t tax residents . . . anywhere. This complex result in a minimal tax liability position, any MNC
structure has allowed Apple to pay an ETR of 2 can. But the company’s decision to voluntarily pay
percent (or less) since 2003. income tax is shocking. The short, and perhaps even
Meanwhile, Starbucks Co. has also been facing cynical, explanation for that remarkable decision
bad publicity. However, unlike the other MNCs would be that it hoped to improve public opinion.
before it, Starbucks chose a different path. In June D. Corporate Social Responsibility and Taxation
2013 Starbucks released a public statement saying
that it had decided to voluntarily pay more than £5 1. An important step forward. In the words of
million in U.K. taxes and £20 million in additional Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., ‘‘Taxes are what we pay
taxes in 2013 and 2014. The company had reported for a civilized society.’’19 Paying taxes is the most
losses in 14 of the first 15 years of its existence there basic and fundamental way that corporations en-
and hadn’t paid any corporate tax in the United gage with society. When corporations avoid paying
Kingdom since 2008. However, at the same time, the taxes but volunteer to do other CSR activities, they
company had a 31 percent market share and share- try to fill the traditional role of the state. Therefore,
holder reports indicating solid profitability for its instead of doing so, they should first pay their taxes
U.S. operations.15

taxes paid by its largest competitor, Costa Coffee. E.g., Public

Richard Murphy, ‘‘Microsoft — Looking Like It’s in the Accounts Committee, Minutes of Hearing HC 716 House of
Upper Echelons of the Tax Avoiders,’’ Tax Research UK: Richard Commons Q235 and Q281 (Nov. 12, 2012). For the market share
Murphy on Tax and Economics (Dec. 9, 2012). figure and ‘‘solid profitability’’ claim, see Public Accounts
Sam Webb, ‘‘Microsoft Avoids Paying £159 MILLION in Committee Report, 1 House of Commons para. 8 (Nov. 28, 2012).
Corporation Tax EVERY YEAR Using Luxembourg Tax Loop- Fiscal 2010 results were generally similar.
hole,’’ Daily Mail Associated Newspapers, Dec. 9, 2012. Bergin, supra note 15.
15 18
Tom Bergin, ‘‘How Starbucks Avoids U.K. Taxes,’’ Reuters, Lisa Pollack, ‘‘Media Said, Starbucks Said,’’ Financial Times,
Oct. 15, 2012. At the parliamentary inquiry, the members of Dec. 12, 2012.
Parliament questioning Starbucks consistently contrasted Star- Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Collector of Internal
bucks’ losses in the United Kingdom to the significant company Revenue, 275 U.S. 87, 275 (1904) (statement by Holmes).
(Footnote continued in next column.)

TAX NOTES, January 25, 2016 457

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and then let the state do its job. Tax responsibility • the applicable statutory tax rate; and
has evolved to be a part of CSR, and avoiding • the corporation’s ETR.

(C) Tax Analysts 2016. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
corporate tax is simply a socially irresponsible Another chapter may focus on corporations that
behavior. have refused to cooperate with the OECD. Once the
Much of the work done in the past decade by public learns that some corporations are more open
government and international organizations, such to assuming responsibility, those corporations’ pub-
as the OECD, has been to find ways to limit the lic image will skyrocket, and they will see better
ability of MNCs to avoid paying taxes or even to financial results through sales and services.
limit their ability to minimize their tax liability.
2. Creating the standard. This article suggests that
However, many of those efforts were useless. For
to tackle the issue of CSR and taxation and build on
instance, the Procter & Gamble Co. transaction in
the natural evolution, a new standard must be
which it sold 43 beauty brands to Coty Inc. for
created. A good place to start is with the OECD
about $12.5 billion through a tax scheme often
report, ‘‘Harmful Tax Competition — An Emerging
referred to as a ‘‘Reverse Morris Trust’’ saved the
Global Issue.’’21 This report looked to create a set of
company between $2 billion to $4 billion in taxes by
international measures for nations to follow to help
some estimates.20 To stop the Robert Morris trans-
combat harmful tax competition. However, in ret-
action, Congress enacted section 355(e) in 1997.
rospect, as considered by many scholars, the report
Under that section, an additional tax is imposed on
failed and had a minimal effect on tax avoidance
the distribution in the spinoff step, the first step,
and tax evasion.22
when 50 percent or more of the corporation that has
been spun off is transferred in a tax-free manner in One of the main factors contributing to the re-
the following two years to the spinoff. port’s failure is that it departed from most previous
As one can easily assume at this point, although OECD publications in its rhetorical and substantive
the original scheme has been shut down by Con- posture, which was clearly designed to threaten
gress, a new way to achieve the same result was countries that failed to cooperate. Another contri-
quickly found: the Reverse Morris Trust. Is there a bution to its failure is thought to be its focus on
way to shut down the Reverse Morris Trust? The countries instead of MNCs. Essentially, the report
simple answer would be yes. Congress can come up came up with two different approaches to dealing
with a new code section to close this loophole, but with harmful tax competition. For member states,
it is reasonable to assume that a sophisticated tax ‘‘peer reviews’’ were the main source of defense
professional will find a new way to achieve the against those issues, as long as the members would
same result. continue to exchange information and would be
That is where CSR can come into play. What willing to cooperate. However, other states that were
Congress should do is close the loophole, but it is nonmembers and that were classified as potential
critical to understand that this will never be the full tax havens would be blacklisted.23 Unsurprisingly,
answer. Just as citizens make demands of their this threatening approach didn’t prove successful,
country, customers should demand that corpora- especially since most tax havens exist because they
tions pay a reasonable amount of tax. What consti- offer tax incentives to combat the economic, geo-
tutes reasonable in this context should be graphical, or political disadvantages of operating in
researched and studied by international organiza- the country.24 It would be crippling to their econo-
tions such as the OECD. And just like the OECD mies to remove these incentives, as they control the
had a whitelist and blacklist of countries, it can locations where MNCs look to invest.25
create a list of multinational companies that refuse
to fully disclose their tax schemes and tax liabilities.
The OECD final report should include as much 21
OECD, ‘‘Harmful Tax Competition — An Emerging Global
information as possible, while keeping the bottom Issue’’ (1998).
line clear. The report should include one main Hugh J. Ault, ‘‘Ruling the World: Generating International
chapter with the following data: Legal Norms,’’ 34 Brooklyn J. Int’l L. 757 (2009); Robert T. Kudrle,
‘‘The OECD’s Harmful Tax Competition Initiative and the Tax
• the name of the corporation; Havens: From Bombshell to Damp Squib,’’ 8 Global Econ. J. 1524,
• what it does; 1524-5861 (2008); J.C. Sharman, Havens in a Storm: The Struggle
• the total income it generated in recent years; for Global Tax Regulation 8 (2006); Richard A. Johnson, ‘‘Why
• where the corporation and its headquarters are Harmful Tax Practices Will Continue After Developing Nations
Pay: A Critique of the OECD’s Initiatives Against Harmful Tax
located; Competition,’’ 26 B.C. Third World L.J. 351 (2006); and Karen B.
Brown, ‘‘Harmful Tax Competition: The OECD View,’’ 32 GW J.
Int’l L. & Econ. 311 (1999).
Sharman, supra note 22.
20 24
Allan Sloan, ‘‘For Tax Techies, P&G’s Deal With Coty Is a Supra note 21.
Thing of Beauty,’’ The Washington Post, July 16, 2015. See Avi-Yonah, supra note 3; see also supra note 21.

458 TAX NOTES, January 25, 2016

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Even though the report was unsuccessful, that ETR in each jurisdiction in which it operates, and
doesn’t mean that nothing can or should be learned the corporation’s worldwide average ETR.

(C) Tax Analysts 2016. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
from it. The report was revolutionary in creating
E. Future Outlook
criteria and standards by which tax havens can eas-
ily be identified and the steps required for countries In the global economy, companies are constantly
to lose that negative status.26 Adopting the standards competing to maximize returns to their sharehold-
created by the OECD report is a critical step toward ers and to achieve success. Based on the recent
standardizing what constitutes positive tax and so- trend towards CSR, this article proposes that a new
cially responsible corporate behavior. However, the standard of CSR, which incorporates responsible
threatening approach, as the OECD used in its re- tax practices, be enacted.
port, won’t work for two reasons. First, socially re- The implementation of a new standard would
sponsible corporate activity must be voluntary. And align with the premise that corporations are now
second, to really create a change, we need to get starting to look to the betterment of society to
corporations to truly cooperate. increase revenues. Because tax is the most basic way
One way to incentivize corporations is to create a that corporations can engage in society, those with
‘‘good behavior’’ standard, much like the current aggressive tax schemes to avoid paying the corpo-
‘‘Fair Tax Mark’’ created by Community Benefit rate tax should be labeled as being socially irrespon-
Society.27 Based in the United Kingdom, this orga- sible. Once it is brought to the attention of the
nization’s main objective is to create incentives for public that it is beyond Congress’s power to fully
U.K. businesses to promote tax transparency and eliminate loopholes and that corporations are able
fairness. The group offers two versions of the to take the matter into their own hands, there would
accreditation according to the type of the business: be a demand for MNCs to help carry the burden
(i) U.K. businesses that operate solely in the United and to pay their fair share of taxes.
Kingdom; and (ii) U.K.-owned MNCs. However, The largest obstacle will be helping consumers
the criteria for both types of businesses are gener- realize their power to influence MNCs by bringing
ally measured in the same categories: (i) level of awareness to the issue and reinforcing the idea of
transparency; and (ii) tax rate, disclosure, and creating a standard. Even though the OECD report
avoidance.28 The main problem with, or perhaps failed, research and new terminology will provide
weakness of, that accreditation is that the group an adequate benchmark for characterizing corpora-
behind it lacks the resources and influence to con- tions that participate in harmful tax competition. As
vince corporations to cooperate with them, and stated previously, the information to analyze this
more importantly, to create an international accredi- type of behavior should include the level of tax
tation brand. Individuals look more to the backing haven involvement, jurisdictions in which a com-
of a highly regarded tax authority as opposed to a pany operates, amount of income generated in each
relatively unknown nonprofit.29 Thus, organiza- jurisdiction, tax benefits received, ETR in each ju-
tions like the OECD must become involved for that risdiction, and the company’s worldwide average
objective to be achieved. ETR. By providing this information to the public in
The OECD report is an excellent starting point, a straightforward, easily interpreted report, it will
but other factors must be included as well, such as be more likely that citizens will support companies
the other jurisdictions in which the corporation that don’t participate in aggressive tax planning. In
operates, the total amount of income it generates in turn, MNCs will be more likely to refrain from
each of them, the tax benefits it receives in each participating in harmful tax competition and will
jurisdiction in which it operates, the corporation’s look for ways to improve their level of CSR in
taxation, such as voluntarily paying more tax as
Starbucks did in 2013.
Some countries, such as Andorra, The Principality of Overall, by pairing the ideology of CSR with the
Liechtenstein, Liberia, The Principality of Monaco, The Republic initiative of reducing harmful tax competition, a new
of the Marshall Islands, The Republic of Nauru, and The global business standard can be achieved. The bur-
Republic of Vanuatu followed those guidelines and were taken
out of the uncooperative tax havens list by 2007.
den of taxation would be relieved on the individual,
See (The Fair Tax Mark proj- and the vast wealth of corporations would be redis-
ect is managed by the Ethical Consumer Research Association, tributed for the benefit of local economies. The
which also works with other ethically minded organizations OECD was on the right track to solve the issue of
and campaign groups such as Amnesty International). harmful tax competition, but focusing instead on
‘‘Criteria,’’ Fair Tax, available at http://www.fairtax
encouraging companies to act voluntarily to please
Vanessa Houlder, ‘‘Companies Debate Merits of ‘Fair Tax’ the public may be a more efficient way to achieve
Kitemark,’’ Financial Times, Feb. 2, 2015. results.

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