Lottery Forecasting Secret Part 2 PDF

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This book is dedicated to all the hard working lotto players

and independent professionals forecasters, like you, who continue on
in the face of any challenge to add value to society,
to support your family, and to build your business
and win your FREEDOM!

I have taken this a bit further and am going to go in detail and in

depth about everything. When you finish this, you should have no
doubt that you will be able to generate an income with lotto.
It is going to take work and effort on your part however, anything in
life that is worth having does
I’m going to be discussing my experience with lotto forecast and keys in this
eBook, how you can put your money on the right numbers. and I will reveal
some keys I ve been using for the past 2 years. but have it in the back of your
mind. We’re in this all together. it’s what I do so expect a tested and proven
keys and method.
You can not share, copy or reprint this ebook in anyway

The lottery world is a fascinating one I will tell you and it is ruled by people with wit and
endurance, people who believes in plans, patterns and keys with little bit of luck. And I am
one of THEM. Welcome to my world!!!!

A lot of people have been debating on how best to win the lottery many believing lottery has
something to do with luck and forecasting, well they are partially right
What is forecasting really
Based on what I use
Lottery draws are physically independent, leading most mathematicians to believe that draw
history has no bearing on the outcome of a lottery draw.
"It is impossible to predict which numbers will appear in the next draw unless there is a
mechanical bias."

"Lottery balls have no memory."

"Lotteries are a tax on the stupid."

Quotes like these frequently appear in the media. However an important principle is
established by the coin-flip game: in a pseudo-random environment, it is possible to 'get
something for nothing' based on sequences of results. The author has a convincing body of
evidence which indicates that the met statistics of the draw history have an influence on
future draws. Meaning it was discovered that past winnings have influence on the next
winning numbers
A statistic is a measure. Statistics are sets of measures, and derivatively, the mathematical
tools used to collate and summarize them. The prefix meta is often used to denote analysis of
a subject at a more abstract level. In this context, the term metastatistics is used to mean the
analysis of the dynamics of a distribution, both internal and external, rather than its static
formulation. Hot and cold number systems are trivial examples of this use of the term

How can you use metastatistics to forecast the lottery? You can simulate a metastatistical
forecast without using sophisticated mathematics.
First you need a statistically pure number population to work with(from past wininning and
machine numbers). For the data in this ebook, the author uses complete historical data for the
Ghana main draw back to the very first draw. The statistical purity is vital - incomplete or
incorrect data will render the exercise sterile.
Collate the data to form a number distribution.
Formulate a plan about how the distribution will be changed by the next draw(s).
Work out which numbers must be drawn in order to bring about the distributional changes to
satisfy your plan.
Bet on those numbers!
Statistically, 1.35 in 1000 such plan (one-tailed test) will wrongly be statistically significant
to 3 standard deviations, so it is vital you monitor the performance of your plan for a certain
period. Don't expect to forecast the exact 5 numbers that will appear in the next draw - just
think of all the midnight oil that has been burnt by others with that objective. You should set
your sights on smaller effects that others might have missed, and aim to make a regular profit
rather than become an instant millionnaire. For that reason it is stupid to buy lottery tickets
per se - in ghana less than half the takings are returned as prizes, the rest going to "good

A lot of other school of thought believe lotto can best be won by watching the patterns in past
winnings and machine numbers i.e what happened in some days or years back having some
links not regularly seen and therefore revealing the next lottery winning numbers and to be
sincere I shared in the philosophy and thinking because I have seen a lot of people win big
with patterns, I have won with it also a lot of times

The third one is the use of keys and well this is the biggest money machine when it comes to
lottery (baba ijebu)before I tell you how keys works and the keys I have for you let me tell
the 10 lotto playing mistakes you should avoid

10 Lotto Playing Mistakes You Should
Avoid At Any Cost

Every day I see lottery players making these obvious mistakes, and
wondering why they are not getting more wins.

So here’s 10 playing errors you MUST avoid ­ it will make you a better

Don’t play just when you feel like it. Have a timetable and stick to
it. Once a week, twice a month... whatever it is, set your play times in
concrete. I play 3 times per week and I don’t care any game you have on Tuesday,I am 
only playing Monday,Wednesday and saturday

Don’t play  popular . Many players lock themselves into a
Popular  games  and does type of numbers don’t usually win. Ask
your local lotto shop which number is least popular and play on that one.

3. Don’t mess with a system that works. Some guys on my website   who are premium 
members  put their own numbers in ‘for good luck.’ Well its ok as long as you they 
sure unless This will give them worse results. You cannot beat a proven system.

Don’t change your numbers. If you have the budget to play 20 lines
from  my system or your numbers you forecasted then stick to those numbers each 
game. Don’t
think of removing a line thinking it will enable you  win big based on your budget  ­ it 

Don’t miss games. Once you have a plan stick to it The major winners in any lotto 
game play EVERY time until their win comes up.

Don’t give up too soon. Every breakthrough in life ­ and lotto ­ has
come just when things seem to be at their bleakest.

Don’t think you know it all. Subscribing to the Lotto­Daily
newsletter ( and reading each issue
will give you little known information that could improve your winning
Don’t think you are losing your entry fee (buying tickets) when
you don’t get a win. Paying for your tickets is a necessary requirement, and
you need to be in to win.

Don’t play games with  more than 10 numbers if you want frequent winnings. Stick
with low ball games. Don’t play 7 ball games and 6 ball games Play 5 ball games like 
ghanal lotteries and premium lottery from Nigeria(baba ijebu)
no other choice. The odds of winning improve with the lower ball games.

Don’t play the games with the highest numbers ­ instead, play
the game with the lowest. The lower the number of numbers in your game,
the better your odds. If you have a choice of playing two games containing,
say, 35 numbers or 60 ­ go for low!

Let me continue by telling you the 

#2. 3 Essential Tips for Your Lottery Game

Whatever lotto game you decide to play, first do these important checks:

The game is state backed. Make sure your government is behind it for
added security.

Do not play lottery games that use computer generated numbers. Make
sure they are real balls ­ ping pong balls are most common ­ in a washer
barrel machine.

Ensure the draw is a continuous one filmed from start to end without a
break. Why? There’s some rumors going round that the computer
generated random numbers (RNG) some games use may not be secure.
There is a chance that they could be manipulated, hijacked or have hidden
features that alter the draw. This also applies to online lotto as well. The
chances of getting a win when you can’t physically see the numbers being
drawn makes these difficult to play without risk.(stick to Ghana lottos 
and,premier,golden chance and sky touch lottos)

The best way to get entirely random numbers and be sure of your game is
to do this:

Monitor the numbers from past draws and ensure they don’t follow a
strange or unexplained pattern, and,

Play games that have a manual number selection with no human
intervention and plenty of security. No computer­generated numbers!
Keys you should watch out for

90 @ center of winning numbers

The below keys worked when you have 90 at the center of the winning draw
numbers then you plus the center number above the 90 together…and it will only
work for this selected numbers for example
When 90 is in the center this week, then you check what is above the 90 in the
center i.e last week, if we have 9 then you plus 90 + 9=99 then key is set
And remember the first two numbers is the 2 sure and the remaining one is the for
90 +9>99 = 13 40 33 06
90+21>111=03 06 25 52 26
90+29>119= 10 30 79 31 86
Use similar calculation for the below keys
120 =78 55 40 15 50
121= 08 76 40 80 89
122= 42 34 72 38 73
137= 27 60 49 72 28
135= 56 60 13 62 57
141= 37 12 90 80 82
143= 44 75 54 43 03
144= 14 05 33 08 86
122= 15 87 16 88 24
150= 06 12 06 15 08
140= 25 51 52 66 06
157= 10 08 66 20 21
158= 06 02 54 03 22
163= 76 42 39 14 62
166= 45 36 81 06 18
164= 26 83 13 35 14
180=44 34 54 08 (38 42 69)
167= 76 40 39 14 62

1 @ center

1+9>10=19 65 63 64 08 53
1+25>26=13 85 15 39 60
1+33>34=49 74 68 14 29

Use the same similar calculation for the below keys

37=07 05 54 33 17
50= 67 39 80 26 64
63= 61 19 66 81 71
72 =48 03 24 12 66
81=33 71 49 68 63
80= 63 25 61 80 35


When you see 57 in winning numbers and 89 in machine that’s a key you will then wait
for 16 weeks it will play 64 49 2 sure, tooh sure and if you buy this ebook in time then
congratulation you are about hit some jackpot because it has set and its just some
weeks to pay day,check your lucky g chart and remember to send your number to us so
we can send you an smsm when any our key is about to pay

When you see 29 lapping 29 at the first box in nay winning numbers of a draw it’s a key
what you will do is plus the center number of the recent drawing and the one last week.
For instance 58 is in the center number of previous winning numbers and 60 is in the
center of this week winnings you will then add 58+60=118 then you separate it into two
like this 11 08 and 01 18 that’s two 2sure nad you can also perm it

Watch out for 58 -38 in machine numbers It will definitely bring 13-45 in the following

When you see 23-25 in machine or winnings The following week play 24(1 to 90)or look
for another banker to compliment it

When there is 55 in the center of machine numbers. Next week single 1 will definitely

Did you take note of 15-51 in winning or machine? The following WEEK please put
money on single 8

Whenever you see 52-20 in winning or machine The following week 66 will drop so put
money on it

Take note of 55-58-50 in machine numbers The following week 40-49-15 will drop so
stake on it

When you see 77-29 in winning numbers Place your bet on 55-65 the following
week.(sure banker)

82-65 in winning or machine The following week 53-43-34

12 in the centre of winning and 82 as the

last machine number Will definitely play 60 the following week
Whenever 60 play in the wining or it is 30 or 21 that played They always follow each
other play the remaining 2 when any of them come the previous week. Or whenever you
or you have any of them as your banker. Add the remaining 2

Anytime 16 and 26 is lapping each other in machine numbers

Count 23 weeks it will play 11-18-19.thats 3
direct(your jackpot

Anytime 19 and 28 is lapping each other Count 5 weeks on the 5 th week put your
money on 33 77 34(another jackpot)

When 14 is in the middle of turning numbers in winning box It will play 01-06-60-87 the
following week

When you see 88 in the middle of winning

Numbers The following week it will play 20 21

When you capture 60 in the middle of winning numbers for Ghana lotto It will play 22-04
the following week

When you capture 60 in the middle of winning numbers for premier lotto
• It will play 57 and 23

My vision towards making a lot of people to make money through lotto cannot be over emphasized,
and this has been shown by writing this eBook and given for free to all the members of my idea of opening a website that deals with lotto came out of
my curiosity to find online friends who plays lotto but unfortunately I couldn’t find any as there is
noplace for the them to meet. So I decided to create one by myself.
My vision for is to build a super website where different
forecaster and lotto players can meet to share ideas for free! But the whole idea is to accept
only people who are really interested to make money by placing a monthly membership fee
in order to sanitize the club. Because I personally don’t want unserious people who are not
ready to work their way up the ladder.
By this venue people of like minds could meet and chat on what’s happening in the world of
lotto everyday
With I have said I think you must have understand what im doing here. Soon will be launched with forums and chatting facilities.
Watch out!!!

Adeniji adekunle

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