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SPE 78332

Selection of EOR/IOR Opportunities Based on Machine Learning

Vladimir Alvarado, SPE, PDVSA-Intevep, Aaron Ranson, PDVSA-Intevep, Karen Hernández, PDVSA-Intevep, Eduardo
Manrique, SPE, PDVSA-Intevep, Justo Matheus, PDVSA-Intevep, Tamara Liscano, FUNDATEC, Natasha Prosperi,

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE 13th European Petroleum Conference Primary and secondary recovery methods generally result in
held in Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K., 29–31 October 2002.
recoverable reserves between 40 and 50%. The latter depends
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
on reservoir complexity and reservoir conditions, field
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to exploitation strategy and is greatly affected by economics.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at Tertiary recovery or Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) methods
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
are key processes to replace or upgrade reserves, which can be
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is economically recovered, beyond conventional methods.
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Therefore, the application of IOR methods offers opportunities
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
to replace hydrocarbon reserves that have been produced in
addition to those coming from exploration and reservoir
appraisal1,2. In this work, we concentrate on screening of EOR
Abstract processes, rather than IOR, but no real limitation for the
The Venezuelan National Oil Company, PDVSA, has method presented here is known at the present time.
dedicated a sustained effort to adapt EOR/IOR technologies to PDVSA, the Venezuelan National Oil Company, holds a
rejuvenate a large number of its mature fields. The first step long history of oil and gas production, with all its E & P assets
towards achieving this objective was to select cost-effective located in Venezuela. This history brings along a large number
technologies suited for conditions of Venezuelan reservoirs. of mature, near abandonment, reservoirs. PDVSA operates a
The current strategy for screening EOR/IOR applications is variety of accumulations, most of them in sandstone
based on the Integrated Field Laboratory philosophy, where a formations, with wide spread in API gravity, from bitumen
representative pilot area of a number of reservoirs is selected and heavy oils, to volatile oil and condensate reservoirs.
to intensively test EOR/IOR methods, such as WAG injection Exploitation plans have often yielded low recovery factors,
(water alternating gas) and ASP (alkali polymer surfactant), that in average amount to 30% for waterflooding and 40% for
currently underway. Two problems with this approach are the gas injection, and lower values for primary recovery in
lack of objective rules to define a reservoir type and the most cases.
project completion time. In general, the trouble with using One of the major difficulties to manage such a portfolio of
expert opinion is that it tends to be too biased by operational opportunities relates to numerous reservoirs under dissimilar
experience. It is known that the success of a given EOR/IOR conditions and the long list of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
method depends on a large number of variables that technologies available. As expected, screening/ranking of
characterize a given reservoir. Therefore, the main difficulty these processes can become a daunting task. Two
for selecting an adequate method is to determine a relationship constraints limit the use traditional evaluation techniques in
between reservoir characteristics and the potential of an PDVSA’s case:
EOR/IOR method. In this work, data from worldwide field 1. Maturing reservoirs have short life span, hence time is
cases have been gathered and data mining was used to extract quite limited for the decision-making process.
the experience on those fields. Here, a space reduction method 2. Reservoir characterization is far from complete in a
has been used to facilitate the visualization of the needed large portion of the portfolio. Although integrated
relationship. Machine learning algorithms have been utilized studies are underway, many reservoirs lack
to draw rules for screening. To illustrate the procedure, several enough financial performance to justify information or
Venezuelan reservoirs have been mapped onto the extracted data gathering.
representation of the international database. PDVSA-Intevep, PDVSA´s R&D division, has embarked
the development and adoption of EOR methods that are
suitable for Venezuelan reservoirs. The latter requires
techniques for visualization of opportunities with good grasp

of the risks involved. This is a consequence of uncertainties, Carvajal et al.3 describe the management approach for
due to incomplete information, a constant in the E & P technology evaluation in the IFL's as follows:
business. Methods for analysis should be designed to enable • Advanced reservoir characterization, simulation
iteration during evaluations, including progressively more and visualization.
details, such that they allow us to refine as the opportunity • Drainage strategies, combining EOR methods and
becomes more attractive and data gathering (reservoir well architectures.
characterization mostly) turns out justifiable. Along with these • Speedy well construction, with minimum damage
ideas, PDVSA has developed the concept of the Integrated and cost.
Field Laboratory (IFL) to facilitate testing field technologies • IOR technologies to deal with injectivity and
and their deployment in a number of exploitation units. productivity enhancement.
A data mining strategy applied to a collated database of • Advanced monitoring technologies.
international project results is used here for knowledge • Production fluid handling technologies.
extraction on applicability of EOR processes. Statistical • Risk evaluation and mitigation.
analysis of the data yields importance of variables, in terms of
Eight pilot tests have been planned since 1996. As seen in
how they influence clustering of reservoirs. A small number of
this section, intensive application of technologies in field
these variables, representing average values for each reservoir operations is an important part of the objective in the IFL
are used to rank EOR processes and extract rules. It is
strategy. However, technology evaluation of that level of
important to notice that, as mentioned previously, the process
detail is only possible in pilot areas. Screening criteria that
of inquiring the database does not end at the first include the possibility of portafolio analysis is an answer to
representation of the data, which means that further refinement
extrapolation of lessons learned in pilot tests. Alternative
is necessary, until a decision can be made or information is
approaches, based on artificial intelligence, are now describe
exhausted from the extraction process. This differs from
to introduce the context of this work.
traditional analysis in the sense that several iterations of
the screening/ranking process are not only possible, but
Artificial Intelligence
also necessary.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Neural Networks,
The paper is organized as follows. After this introduction,
Fuzzy Logic, and Expert System, have been often proposed
a summary of the IFL strategy is summarized. Then, reference and used for supporting E&P operations. Their use varies
to artificial intelligence methods and several EOR screening
depending on the specific problem. In the case of neural
methodologies is carried out. The proposed methodology is
network and fuzzy logic, they have been proposed for data
then explained, followed by the results section. Closing filtering11 (smoothing), or as modeling tools. All the potential
remarks and recommendations are provided at the end. This
of these information processing systems are used to build non-
work does not pretend to be comprenhensive, but rather
linear models for oil production forecast, log interpretation to
intends to show a first view of a whole strategy thought of for identify total porosity as well as lithofacies12, or reservoir
these purposes.
property related estimations13. In the case of Expert system is
mostly used for knowledge representation in the form of IF-
Integrated Field Laboratory THEN rules, where specific Know-How from Experts are used
The idea behind the IFL philosophy is the speedy
to build schemes that would be automated and used for
evaluation and incorporation of technologies to field
modeling an Expert reasoning. Some expert system have been
operations3. However, finding the best technology for developed recently14,15, for different disciplines of E&P, which
individual reservoirs would represent an endless task. Here
included drilling areas16,17, well bore simulation18,19, well
comes in the idea of grouping reservoirs by type, i.e. by
testing and logging20,21, EOR and fluid property
analyzing together reservoirs with similar characteristics.
predictions22,23. It is important to mention that combinations of
Applicability criteria for EOR technologies and reservoir types
these different tools are also possible, i.e. fuzzy rules are used
are a motivation for investing in these advanced pilot test
to increase the capability of the expert system to deal with
areas. One of the weakest aspects in IFL projects, has been the
uncertainties. Also, fuzzy activation functions are used in
method for extrapolation of learned strategies from a pilot area
combination with Neural Network topologies so that some
to a large set of reservoirs. Several EOR technologies are form of regression techniques to adjust the fuzzy set rules are
under scrutiny in the IFL projects: Optimized Water flooding3
possible. A recent new player in these AI solution suites is
(OWF), Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) flooding4-6,
Machine Learning (ML)24. One possible realization of this
Continuous Steam Floding (CSF) in heavy oil7 and Water- technique is the combination of Clustering techniques25,26 and
Alternating-Gas (WAG) injection8-10. Fig. 1 illustrates the
rule extraction algorithms27. In this approach, all the data
typical workflow for evaluation in an IFL, for the
available is used to extract implicit and explicit process or
VLE example. business rules hidden within the data, whether heuristic or
not28. In all these cases, AI has showed an excellent
performance as well as simplicity in the final solution. With
these techniques, the probabilities of success are strongly

related to type of information available, the amount/quality Results

and the existing knowledge experience. Therefore, the The database used to generate the results contains
application prerequisite for these technologies or any information from EOR projects carried out around the world,
deterministic model requires a comprehensive and detail which would allow to compare the results with those from
analysis of the problem and the available information. A rule other projects in more than one country or continent. Most of
of thumb is that AI techniques are preferred when decision- these EOR projects have been completed in the USA and
making cases are based on bulk heterogeneous and incomplete Canada; the remaining projects have been carried out in many
information, where deterministic modeling is rather difficult, other countries from several continents, including Asia,
but each case must be evaluated in case-by-case basis. Europe and Latin America. The database includes a list of
more than 20 reservoir and fluid variables, although some
EOR Screening records are missing information for some of those variables.
During the past 20 years, screening criteria have been The main sources of information were biannual reports
employed to evaluate a number of reservoirs for the from 1972 through 2000 published by the “Oil & Gas
applicability of different IOR processes in a simple way, Journal”, articles, books and reports from the SPE, and
before any detailed evaluation is done. This is especially databases created in PDVSA-INTEVEP.
helpful when a large number of reservoirs needs to be The database contains information from a total of 290
analyzed. Screening criteria have evolved through the years cases, 70% of which correspond to miscible drive and the
and and they are now well established thanks to more field remaining 30% of the processes use inmiscible drive. Fig. 2
experiences as well as laboratory and numerical simulation summarizes the statistics of all methods represented in
studies29-31. Furthermore, several computer programs or the database.
analytical model have been developed to select feasible IOR Table 2 shows the range of values for each of the
methods and predict their oil recovery performance based on parameters used for the different methods found in the
reported screening criteria32-35. On the other hands, since early database. The database contains information ranging from
90´s computer technology has improved the application of extra-heavy oils to condensates, and HP/HT reservoir
screening criteria through the use of artificial intelligence conditions. Missing conditions are very deep reservoirs, where
techniques to select and design IOR processes and even to pressure and temperature exceeds 11.000 psi and 325 oF,
perform IOR Project Risk and Economic Analysis29,36. Typical respectively, and Tarsands, common in Canadian underground.
selection criteria are shown in Table 1. The first step after database collation and quality control
Oil and gas reservoirs represent a complex system with are carried out, is to process the data to generate a knowledge
high degree of uncertainty, starting with the definition of the map. Although more than 20 variables were initially
important parameters, finishing with the data availability and considered, to be able to have a large number of records
then quality. Hence, a first order screening of EOR/IOR available for the analysis, 6 variables were selected to generate
methods applicable under particular reservoir conditions is the maps. The selection was based on importance of those
important such that it is possible, in early stages, to establish variables to form well-defined clusters, but also reduction of
development scenarios. redundant information, based on correlation analysis. Fig. 3
A primary goal of this work is to propose and develop an shows a projection of the different reservoirs that make up the
AI frame work based on ML, where it is possible to identify, international database. This type of projections does not intent
based on a reduced set of characteristics reservoir variables, to represent two axes, as might be interpreted from a 2-D
reservoir clusters, that heuristically will be called reservoir representation, but it instead is a compact representation of a
typology. The combination of the reducted space combination of the six variables. After applying cluster
representation with machine learning approach28 opens a algorithm to the projection, six clearly defined clusters can be
different way of screening EOR methods. It is also possible to determined, representing six mixed reservoir typologies, that
visually identify reservoir types, despite the subjective nature is, each cluster is made out of different reservoirs to which
of the resulting 2D data representation. In this sense, it is different EOR methods have been applied.
observed that certain types of reservoirs tend to group in Two examples will be used here to illustrate the use of the
specific areas of the maps and these reservoirs have in information obtained from projections. The way we proceed
common the EOR methods that have been applied to them. goes as follows. If a new reservoir, not originally found in the
The proposed approach allows us to carry out fast and clean international database, is projected on Fig. 3, and the new
screening of the EOR methods bases on the “reservoir pseudo reservoir is, for instance, located in cluster 5, this will mean
typology”. The information used can be handled at different that the newly incorporated reservoir has similar
levels of granularity, which means that it guides data characteristics to those in cluster 5. Analyzing the statistics per
capturing, which in turn allows is to request data only in cases method, and per cluster, we can show that most recovery
where we have foreseen that more information will indeed add methods in cluster 5 correspond to thermal ones; therefore, if a
more value to the decision-making process. reservoir is located within cluster 5, experience shows that for
this particular typology, thermal methods are frequently used,
and perhaps adviced. The method statistics that can be applied
to the reservoirs in cluster 5 are shown in Table 3.

In addition to the methods statistics that can be applied to as the clustering algorithms are flexible enough to complete
each cluster, we have developed a set of rules that allow us to this task. Rules derived from the automatic extraction method
characterize each one of the clusters. The set of rules should , from our point of view, be complemented by using
associated to clusters shown in the projection of Fig.3 are expert opinions, guided in turn by the reduced representation.
listed in Table 4. It is important to highlight that not all six
variables are in principle used to define a rule automatically. Conclusions
This is a consequence of the algorithm employed for this 1. Space reduction techniques have been applied
purpose. However, it has been already forseen that rules can successufully to produce bidimensional maps that clearly
be, and will be, complemented by expert opinion, based on show reservoir types by using 6 reservoir variables.
observation of the maps. 2. The generated maps allowed us to establish applicability
To find reservoir typologies, representative candidates for criteria or selection rules, based on international
specific processes, that is, clusters made out of different experience on EOR processes.
reservoirs to which the same EOR method has been applied, 3. Several Venezuelan reservoirs were mapped, based on
each of the six clusters in Fig. 3 are reanalyzed (the same their reported average reservoir variables, and sensible
applies to other clusters). This is part of the possible conclusions on applicability of EOR processes were
refinement of the data analysis, mentioned before. The latter drawn from the analysis method proposed here.
means that the same methodology and cluster algorithms can 4. The outcomes of this work drives further development of
be used over the subset of data integrated for each one of the the techniques proposed here to refine the
reservoirs that conform cluster 5 or any other cluster (see Fig. screening/ranking criteria based on detailed analysis on
3). For example, looking closely at cluster 5 (Fig. 4), we see the available data.
once again a new classification (six clusters A, B, C, D, E and 5. Firmer rules and conclusions can be drawn as the
F). We also observe that pure typologies, those related to one gathered experience, represented in the database, is
method only, are better defined. Cluster B and cluster C are enlarged. This, however, would require collaboration
clear examples of pure typologies of thermal methods within from oil companies, as the results of the application of
global cluster 5. Since the new analysis is performed on a EOR methods are not often found in the open litterature.
reduced set of data of the international database, new results
and a different set of rules are obtained. Acknowledgements
Figure 5 shows a projection of the international database We would like to thank PDVSA-Intevep for permission to
that includes two Venezuelan reservoirs. For instance, publish this paper.
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Venezuela- indicated by the dashed Brown Circle) is located References
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Table 1. Summary of Screening Criteria for Polymer and CO2 Flooding
Parameter Polymer CO2
Flooding Flooding
Oil Gravity (°API) > 22 > 25
Oil viscosity(cp) < 100 < 15
Crude Oil Composition NC High % C5-C12 fraction
Oil saturation (% PV) > 50 > 25
Water salinity (ppm) < 100000 NC
Water hardness (ppm) < 5000 NC
Mobility ratio 2 - 40 NC
Reservoir temperature (°F) < 200 NC
Rock type Sandstone preferred Sandstone or carbonate
Permeability (mD) > 50 NC
Depth (ft) < 9000 > 2500
Net thickness NC Wide range
Minimum Miscibility Pressure NC < Original pressure
Drive mechanism No gas cap and no bottom No gas cap
water drive

Table 2. Range of Values for each Parameter in the entire database.

Parameter Interval Mean
Porosity (%) 5.5-37 17.60
Temperature (°F) 60-325 132.89
Pressure (psi) 20-10800 2044.77
Permeability (mD) 0.2-10500 450.04
Gravity (°API) 8.5-55 32.48
Viscosity (cP) 0.07-5000 72.95

Table 3. Statistics for methods associated with cluster 5.

Method %
Air 41.38
Steam 27.59
CO2 Immisc. 10.34
Polymer 8.62
WAG CO2 Inmisc. 5.17
Water Flooding 5.17
N2 Inmisc. 1.72

Table 4. Set of Rules defined for International Data Base Projection.

Cluster Number RULE
1 IF POROSITY <= 15.05 && TEMP <= 120.5 && VISC > 3.35 &&
VISC <= 7.6 Then Cluster 1
2 IF VISC <= 7.6 && POROSITY <= 15.05 && TEMP > 120.5 && TEMP
<= 255 && PRESSURE > 1976 Then Cluster 2
3 IF POROSITY <= 15.05 &&TEMP <= 120.5 && VISC <= 3.35 Then
Cluster 3
4 IF VISC <= 7.6 && POROSITY > 15.05 &&TEMP <= 145 &&PERM >
375 Then Cluster 4
5 IF TEMP <= 255 && VISC > 7.6 && PERM > 81.25 && POROSITY >
9.75 Then Cluster 5
6 IF TEMP > 255 && API > 40.75 Then Cluster 6

Table 5. Statistics of recovery methods associated with Cluster 4-C (see Fig. 6).
Method %
Polymer 33.33
CO2 Misc. 16.67
Steam 16.67
Air 16.67
Water flooding 16.67

Table 6. Statistics of methods associated with cluster 5-F of Fig. 6.

Method %
CO2 Inmisc. 40
N2 Inmisc. 20
Wag CO2 Inmisc. 20
Polymer 20

Table 7. Set of Rules defined for New Analysis Cluster 5 ( Reservoir B).
Cluster Number RULE
1 IF IF VISC <= 135 && API > 24.5 && PRESS <= 489.85 Then Cluster 1

2 IF API > 20.05 && VISC > 135 Then Cluster 2

3 IF API <= 20.05 && TEMP <= 107.5 Then Cluster 3

4 IF API <= 20.05 && TEMP > 107.5 &&PERM > 314.75 &&VISC > 95
Then Cluster 4
5 IF VISC <= 135 && API > 20.05 &&API <= 24.5 Then Cluster 5

6 IF API <= 20.05 && TEMP > 107.5 &&PERM <= 314.75 5 Then Cluster

Planning & Conceptualization Definition & Performance

Economy Laboratory
Evaluation evaluation
SPE 50645
Simulation studies
and Pilot Design

New drainage
Project SPE
Evaluation Project performance
and and
EE Monitoring
Large field scale
application Successful

Fig. 1. Typical planning for IFLs, illustrated through the VLE example. SPE papers reflect the progress of this particular case.

Wag HC Misc.
N2 Inmisc.
Wag CO2 Inmisc.
CO2 Inmisc. 1%
5% N2 Misc. Wag HC Inmisc. Water Flooding
Wag CO2 Misc. 5% 1%
7% Wag N2 Misc. Air
Steam 1%
CO2 Misc.
7% Steam
Wag CO2 Misc.
CO2 Inmisc.
N2 Misc.
CO2 Misc. Water Flooding Wag HC Misc.
9% 30% N2 Inmisc.
Air Wag CO2 Inmisc.
10% Polymer Wag HC Inmisc.
15% Wag N2 Misc.

Fig. 2. Distribution of EOR Methods reported in the collated database. Waterflooding abunts in the database, followed by polymer flooding.
Scarce data were available for processes such as Nitrogen injection

Cluster 4
Cluster 6
Method %
CO2 Immisc. 22.58 Method %
Air 12.90 N2 Misc. 42.86
Cluster 5 Water Flooding 12.90 N2 Inmisc. 21.43
CO2 Misc. 9.68
Method % WAG N2 Misc. 14.29
Polymer 9.68
Air 41.38 WAG HC Inmisc. 9.68 Cluster 6 Water Flooding 14.29
Steam 27.59 N2 Misc. 6.45 WAG HC Misc. 7.14
CO2 Immisc. 10.34 WAG HC Misc. 6.45
N2 Inmisc. 3.23
Polymer 8.62 Steam 3.23
WAG CO2 Inmisc. 5.17 WAG CO2 Misc. 3.23
Water Flooding 5.17
N2 Inmisc. 1.72 CO2 Inmisc.
CO2 Misc.
N2 Inmisc.
N2 Misc.
Wag CO2 Inmisc.
Cluster 2
Wag HC Inmisc.
Method %
W ater Flooding 38.46 Wag CO2 Misc.
W AG CO2 Misc. 13.46 Wag HC Misc.
W AG HC Misc. 13.46
N2 Misc. 9.62 Air
CO2 Misc. 7.69 Water Flooding
N2 Inmisc. 7.69
Cluster 1 Polymer 5.77
Method % Air 3.85
W ater Flooding 29.17 Cluster 3
CO2 Misc. 20.83
Method %
Polymer 18.75
N2 Inmisc. 6.25
Water Flooding 48.28
Steam 6.25 Polymer 25.29
WAG HC Misc. 6.25 WAG CO2 Misc. 12.64
CO2 Immisc. 4.17 CO2 Misc. 10.34
WAG CO2 Misc. 4.17 N2 Inmisc. 1.15
N2 Misc. 2.08 WAG HC Misc. 1.15
WAG N2 Misc. 2.08 Steam 1.15

Fig. 3. International DataBase Projection.

Cluster A
Method %
Cluster B Steam 37.5
Method % Air 25
Air 52.94 Polymer 25
Cluster C Steam 47.06 Water Flooding 12.5
Method %
Air 70 Cluster E
Steam 30 Method %
Air 44.44
Steam 22.22
CO2 Inmisc. 11.11
Polymer 11.11
Water Flooding 11.11

CO2 Inmisc.
N2 Inmisc.
Cluster D Steam
Method % Air
CO2 Inmisc. 33.33 Water Flooding
Air 22.22 Wag CO2 Inmisc.
Wag CO2 Inmisc. 22.22
Water Flooding 11.11
Polymer 11.11
Cluster F
Method %
CO2 Inmisc. 40
N2 Inmisc. 20
Wag CO2 Inmisc. 20
Polymer 20

Fig. 4. New Analysis of Cluster 5 of the International Data Base Projection.


Cluster 4
Cluster 6
Method %
CO2 Immisc. 22.58 Method %
Air 12.90 N2 Misc. 42.86
Cluster 5 Water Flooding 12.90 N2 Inmisc. 21.43
CO2 Misc. 9.68
Method % Polymer 9.68
WAG N2 Misc. 14.29
Air 41.38 WAG HC Inmisc. 9.68 Cluster 6 Water Flooding 14.29
Steam 27.59 N2 Misc. 6.45 WAG HC Misc. 7.14
CO2 Immisc. 10.34 WAG HC Misc. 6.45
N2 Inmisc. 3.23
Polymer 8.62 Steam 3.23
WAG CO2 Inmisc. 5.17 WAG CO2 Misc. 3.23
CO2 Inmisc.
Water Flooding 5.17
N2 Inmisc. 1.72 CO2 Misc.
N2 Inmisc.
N2 Misc.
Wag CO2 Inmisc.
Wag HC Inmisc.
Cluster 2
Wag CO2 Misc.
Method %
Water Flooding 38.46 Wag HC Misc.
WAG CO2 Misc. 13.46 Air
WAG HC Misc. 13.46
N2 Misc. 9.62 Water Flooding
CO2 Misc. 7.69 Reservoir A
N2 Inmisc. 7.69
Cluster 1 Reservoir B
Polymer 5.77
Method % Air 3.85
Water Flooding 29.17 Cluster 3
CO2 Misc. 20.83
Method %
Polymer 18.75
N2 Inmisc. 6.25
Water Flooding 48.28
Steam 6.25 Polymer 25.29
WAG HC Misc. 6.25 WAG CO2 Misc. 12.64
CO2 Immisc. 4.17 CO2 Misc. 10.34
WAG CO2 Misc. 4.17 N2 Inmisc. 1.15
N2 Misc. 2.08 WAG HC Misc. 1.15
WAG N2 Misc. 2.08 Steam 1.15

Fig. 5. Venezuelan Reservoir map in the international data base projection, located in clusters 4 and 5 (see dashed circles).

Cluster E
Method %
Cluster A Co2 Inmi 85.7
N2_Inmiscible 14.3
Method %
Aire 20.0
Co2 Inmi 20.0
Polymer 20.0
Cluster C
Wag-HCInmi 20.0 Method %
Water Flooding 20.0 Polymer 33.3
Water Flooding 16.7
Steam 16.7
Co2 Mis 16.7
Aire 16.7
CO2 Immisc.
CO2 Misc.
N2 Immisc.
N2 Misc.
WAG-HC Immisc.
WAG-CO2 Misc.
Cluster B
Method % WAG-HC Misc.
Aire 28.6 air
Co2 Mis 14.3 Water flooding
N2_Miscible 14.3
Reservoir A
Wag-HCInmi 14.3
Wag-HCMisc 14.3
Cluster D
Method %
Water Flooding 14.3
Co2 Mis 16.7
N2_Miscible 16.7
Wag-Co2Misc 16.7
Wag-HCInmi 16.7
Wag-HCMisc 16.7
Water Flooding 16.7

Fig. 6. New Analysis of Cluster 4 for ReservoirA, clearly indicated by the dashed circle in cluster C.

Cluster 1
Method %
Cluster 2 Steam 37.5
Method % Air 25
Air 52.94 Polymer 25
Cluster 3 Steam 47.06 Water Flooding 12.5
Method %
Air 70 Cluster 5
Steam 30 Method %
Air 44.44
Steam 22.22
CO2 Inmisc. 11.11
Polymer 11.11
Water Flooding 11.11
CO2 Inmisc.
N2 Inmisc.
Cluster 4
Method %
Water Flooding
CO2 Inmisc. 33.33
Air 22.22 Wag CO2 Inmisc.
Wag CO2 Inmisc. 22.22 Series20
Water Flooding 11.11
Polymer 11.11
Cluster 6
Method %
CO2 Inmisc. 40
N2 Inmisc. 20
Wag CO2 Inmisc. 20
Polymer 20

Fig.7. New Analysis of Cluster 5 for Reservoir B, indicated by the dashed brown ellipse. Several points indicate sensitivity analysis.

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