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SPM Bahasa Inggeris PAPER 1 (Section A and B)

Directed Writing and Continuous Writing

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SPM Compositions and Summaries
Directed Writing
Continuous Writing
Summary Writing Skills
Compositions for Upper Secondary Students

SPM Examination Paper 2007

Directed Writing
(SPM English/Bahasa Inggeris 2007)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]
You have been asked by your teacher to give a talk on a reference book that is useful for
secondary student. You have decided to give a talk about a science book.
Use the following notes about the book to write your talk.

Details of the book

-Title: Science Made Simple

- Author: Sharifah Shazana
-Publisher: Bunga Publications

Reasons why the book is useful

-attractive presentation
- clear explanations
- variety of exercises
- sample answers
- practice question papers
- useful tips

When writing the talk, you should remember:

-to use an appropriate greeting and closing
-to state the purpose of the talk
-to use all the notes given
-to give two other reasons of your own
-that the talk is for school students

Suggested answers
Good morning, teachers and my fellow students. I have been asked to speak about a new
reference book that has been very useful to me in my studies. I trust it would be to you
too, which is why I am here today. The book is titled Science Made Simple written by
Sharifah Shazana. It is published by Bunga Publications. The author is a famous
scientist-tumed-teacher who has been a scientist for 10 years before she started
teaching in schools. Ever since then, she has taught in secondary schools for 15 years.
Her experience as a scientist has enabled her to know the intricate details of science and
how to make it simple for learners, coupled with her years of teaching experience.
Let’s move on to talk about why I find the book useful for myself and for secondary
students. First of all, the book caught me right from the start through its beautiful cover
design. While we are often told not to judge a book by its cover, one could not help but
be drawn to this book as the cover design was very well done.
That aside, I must say I was very delighted to find that the contents of the book is even
better than what the cover design portrayed. The author provides very clear
explanations for all the concepts and theories given. Theories which are usually viewed
as boring and difficult to understand never seemed simpler. The author has the gift of
making complex truths simple to understand for the learner. The clear explanations
complemented well with the attractive presentation of diagrams and illustrations which
made science not only simple but loads of fun!
At the end of every chapter, there is a variety of exercises to test the concepts and
theories the students have learned. These exercises are handy and great for
reinforcement of the knowledge the students have acquired. The exercises are also
followed by practice question papers which are written in SPM-format to familiarise
students with SPM questions. Sample answers are also given as a guide for the students
to write their answers in the best format and style.
Not only that, the book also comes with useful tips that are spread out sporadically
throughout the whole book. These tips will help students to identify common errors
made in examination and how they can better tackle a question.
The book was also top on the list of bestsellers in our local bookstores. I believe that this
is good enough to consider buying the book!
All in all, the book really speaks for itself. It is an excellent book you would not want to
miss out on. I would highly recommend the book to all of you. You can get the book at
our school bookstore at just RM9.80 per copy. I am sure you would enjoy the book as I
Thank you.

Section B: Continuous Writing

[50 marks]/[Time suggested: One hour]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
Describe an embarrassing experience in your life.
1. ‘Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment.’
2. Do you agree? Support your opinion.
3. My early years
4. Write a story beginning with:
Kim was nervous when the door opened...
5. Tomorrow

Suggested Answer
Section B
1. Remarks:
Most of us would have many embarrassing experiences in our life, but choose one
particular experience that you think would appeal to your reader and will be fun to read
Suggested points:
First day of school - Form Five - excited - mixed feelings - final year in secondary school
- happy to see friends - after - long holidays - sad - last year - after SPM - parting ways
Day began - assembly - describe the scene of a normal school assembly - singing of
national anthem and school anthem - speeches - Principal
After assembly - told to follow class monitors - queue up - walk orderly - to respective
classrooms - while walking - chatting happily with friends - catch up - holiday activities -
did not realise - deep drain - in front - stepped into it - fell right through - as deep as
face level - everyone around shocked - some could not suppress laughter - close friends -
helped - climb up
Came out from drain - white baju kurung all dirty - thankfully - no scratches – just sore -
felt so embarrassed - never thought it would happen to me - could not bear the shame -
quickly walked towards classroom in pain
Most embarrassing experience in my life so far - wish I had been more careful - did not
blame friends who laughed - would have laughed too - too absurd and funny - what a
way to start the schooling year

2. Remarks:
The question allows you to agree or disagree on the statement given. Make sure you
have enough points to support your opinion, otherwise write down the points for and
against the statement. Then, decide which has a stronger voice to the argument and
choose that side of the argument.
Suggested points:
Agree - teenagers today - only interested in entertainment - although - teenager myself -
cannot help but agree - many ways this can be proven
One of the greatest market - sales - teenagers - buying power - parents more careful with
money - teenagers - more impulsive - spend - parents’ money - shopping unnecessarily -
describe a few areas where teenagers splurge - for example, clothing, shoes, sports and
more - a form of entertaining the self
Gadgets - era of smart phones - Internet on the go - need to be entertained - every other
second - no quietness or inactivity - every other teenager on the street - seems to have a
smart phone - constantly using
Television, cinemas - holidays – spent - going cinema - in the past - going to cinema -
luxury - now - commonplace - constant need and want to be entertained
Teenagers - only interested - entertainment - j other more beneficial and constructive
activities - despised - ignored - for example, helping the poor, volunteer work, or healthy
hobbies like reading, fishing, and more - should cultivate healthy hobbies -
entertainment - momentary enjoyment - healthy hobbies promote healthy character -
quote Ralph Waldo Emerson - sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and
you reap a destiny

3. Remarks:
Write about experiences during your childhood. Try to include interesting anecdotes to
attract your reader’s attention.
Suggested points:
Vivid memories of childhood - two brothers and a sister - parents divorced when I was
Describe sorrow at home - Mother was devastated - Father left us and remarried
another person - siblings and I - very young - I was the eldest - did not know how to
react - often cried to sleep - siblings too young to understand
School - academic results - went down - class teacher - kind and compassionate lady -
noticed I looked bitter and unhappy - tired eyes - stayed away from friends
One day - took me aside - chatted - at first - did not want to share – stranger - however -
gentle and tender manner - persuaded me - broke down – crying - shared with her - she
was emphatic - assured me - she understood - from broken family too - told me - not to
give up on studies — live stronger for Mother’s sake - siblings need me - agreed - glad to
find a shoulder to cry on
After that - everything changed - more confident - less emotional - stronger person -
studies improved - comforted Mother - helped around the house - spent more time with
siblings - things got better at home - everyone more cheerful – happy - but not every day
was rosy - whenever I get emotional again - missing Father - turned to teacher for
listening ear - comfort - she would give - wise advice
Early years - were difficult - now - leaving school - all siblings doing well in school -
Mother working in a successful company - thankful for a teacher who cares - changed
my childhood - could have been worse - difficulties moulding me - become stronger,
better person

4. Remarks:
You are required to continue the story with the line given. The story sounds like one that
is full of suspense so make sure your story has a tone of suspense, thrill or humour to it.
Think of what could have made Kim nervous when the door opened and continue the
plot from there.
Suggested points:
Kim was nervous - when door opened - earlier heard strange sounds of many footsteps
from the front door - could not see clearly from window - held pepper spray tightly -
been hearing news of robberies - neighbours - parents not around - working trip
overseas - home alone
When the door opened - to Kim’s surprise - party poppers in the air - her parents walked
in with a birthday cake - big smile - her cousins and close friends at the back - everyone
started singing birthday song - Kim - touched - blew candles on cake - did not expect -
nearly forgot - it was her birthday - thought her parents - would not make it back - to
celebrate with her - laughed at silliness - told parents what she initially thought -
everyone giggled
Had a good time - eating - chatting - parents planned surprise birthday party for a long
time — did not think it would scare her - pretended to forget her birthday - let the
working trip clash with her birthday - but came back in time to surprise her
Parents bought pizzas - favourite - chocolate mousse cake - snacks - played games -
enjoyed ourselves - describe a few funny instances at the party
Touched - glad - for the surprise - thankful - never would have thought - this was behind
the door

You can approach this one-word question in many different ways. It can be a factual
essay, reflective essay or even in the form of a story relating to the word “tomorrow”. If
you are writing a story, make sure the story does not run off from the actual meaning of
the word.
Suggested points:
Tomorrow - used to be a word that was far away - in the past - my ‘tomorrows’ were few
- I live one day at a time - never thought I would live another day
Grew up - with leukaemia - cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues - parents were
depressed - upset - I was the only child - they did everything they can - took me to see
many doctors - even went overseas - only way - chemotherapy - no guarantee of survival
then - waited for suitable bone marrow - transplant - long queue - other patients
Childhood - went in and out of hospital - chemotherapy - difficult - torture - losing hair -
but Mother encouraged' - press on - take it as a challenge -.stronger than other children
- matured faster than other children - because - death was always before me - learnt to
appreciate things and people around me more - because - days are numbered – I may
not live past tomorrow
One day - after only two years of waiting - hospital called - found a suitable bone
marrow - transplant - family - very happy - thankful - the night before - thought of
tomorrow - the first ‘tomorrow of hope’ - looking forward - the day of the transplant
arrived - nervous - wheeled into the operating theatre - Mother and Father waited
anxiously outside - prayed hard - after many hours - operation successful - I was like a
new person again - parents and myself - thrilled and blessed - beyond words - joy
In the past - tomorrow - was a daily impossibility - now - look forward to tomorrow - no
longer - a shadow of death - now sunshine to my heart
SPM Examination Paper 2008
(SPM English/Bahasa Inggeris 2008)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes

This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

You recently attended a leadership camp organised by your school.
At the camp, one of your friends was chosen as the best group leader.
You have been asked to write an article about your friend for your school magazine.

Use the notes below to write your letter.

Write your article based on the information below.
When writing the article, you should remember:
-to give a suitable title
-to give your name as the writer
-to use all the information given
-to provide an ending
-to add two other reasons why your friend was chosen
-that your readers are students of your school

Suggested answers
Reuben - The Leader
Last month, a group of us from 5 Cemerlang attended a leadership camp in Kuantan.
The camp was organised by our school. At the camp, we were divided into a few groups,
and each group had its own group leader. Unknown to us until the end of the camp, an
award for the Best Group Leader would be given. When the winner of the award was
announced, none of the members of my group were surprised. We knew the winner
would surely be Reuben, our group leader.
We were so sure that Reuben would win the award because he is born a leader. Reuben’s
full name is Reuben Raj and he is the eldest of five children. He turns 17 this year.
During his primary school, years, he studied in SMK Sungai Teguh. He comes from a
humble background where his mother sells nasi lemak for a living. His father has
passed on when he was still a baby.
As a child, Reuben grew up helping his mother care for his other four siblings while his
mother works hard to earn a living for five of them. Through his difficult childhood,
Reuben acquired a great sense of responsibility that has shaped him to be who he is
today. He is well known among his friends to be a man of caliber and very responsible in
all the tasks he is given. Through the years, the care that he has shown to his siblings
also overflows to others. People often mention his name with a smile on their faces,
remembering his genuine care and concern for the people around him. He always
remembers to greet people and makes sure no one feels left out around him. During the
camp, I remembered how Reuben cared for those who were sick although he was busy
with his own tasks. His people skills proved handy during this time.
More than his outstanding character, he also possesses great debating skills. He is a
natural and charismatic orator, so it was no surprise that he received the Best Speaker
award during the camp debate competition. Besides that, he was also voted as the most
cooperative camper at the camp. Every teacher and student just loved him as he would
never say no to people who need a helping hand.
Most of all, Reuben is an exceptional leader that inspires others. This was perhaps the
main reason he was given the award. The best kind of leader is a humble one. He leads
by example. During the camp, whenever we go through an activity together, he often
does it first and makes sure he tests the activity before we do it ourselves. If there is any
trouble to go through, he goes through it first. Even during the obstacle course, he had a
slight injury on his leg because he was the first to go and the obstacle course was faulty.
He affirmed that he would not have wanted it any other way. He proved that he is a
sacrificial leader. By this example alone, I believe that Reuben truly deserves the honour
of being the Best Group Leader.
The award entitles Reuben a Certificate of Achievement and a cash prize of RM500.
Reuben, we are so happy with your achievement and hope that you continue to inspire
others in every way that you can.
Contributed by:
Tan Peng Kun

Section B: Continuous Writing

[50 marks]/[Time suggested: One hour]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
1. Write about a person who has worked hard to succeed in life.
2. Examinations - good or bad?
3. My perfect future husband or wife
4. Write a story ending with:
“... Now I realise the value of a true friend."
5. Stars

Section B
1. Remarks:
It is your choice whether to write about someone you know personally, a fictional
character or a public figure. The question requires you to describe how the person has
worked hard to succeed in life. So, the plot has to begin with a difficult life at the
beginning but a happy and successful one in the end.
Suggested points:
Mother - a successful Senior Scientist - oil palm industry - works in an established
In the past - nothing like that - difficult childhood - small village in Perak - parents -
rubber tappers - less than RM300 a month to support her and two other siblings - life
was difficult - for example, a packet of instant noodles - shared among three of them
sometimes go hungry
Nevertheless - parents - emphasised education - no matter how hard - never stopped
them from going to school -everyone studied hard - want to be successful one day -
Mother was the youngest and brightest
One day - her father - had a heart attack - passed away - shock to the family - her mother
became depressed - did not work for a few months — those were the most difficult
months of her life - somehow pulled through - help of neighbours - after that - her
mother recovered - worked hard - encouraged the children not to give up - study hard
Scored straight A’s in PMR - it was a big thing in the village then - started giving tuition
to primary school children earned pocket money from there - saved up - finished school
- went to university - studied Biotechnology - completed Bachelor’s Degree - went on to
do - Masters Degree - Doctorate - now Dr - studies was difficult - did not give up
thankful to complete such a high level of studies
Now - famous researcher - highly sought after - Mother - inspires me - work hard too
2. Remarks:
You need to decide whether you agree with the topic - do you think examinations are
good or bad? Make sure that you have sufficient points to consolidate your side of the
argument and that these points are solid. Remember to provide examples to support
your points too.
Suggested points:
Examinations - like it or not - part of our lives - most people hate examinations - tedious
- lots of preparation –I believe that examinations - are good - for many reasons
We may not realise - each day - we go through examinations - for example, when we eat
at a restaurant - food – unpleasant - never return again - the food just went through an
‘examination’ by us - in the same way - examinations - a way to set
standards - maintain quality - necessary — I or else there will be no standards by which j
we live - no improvement
Keep us accountable - hard-working - or else - we often slack - become lazy -complacent
- when examinations - a norm — we know our limits - we will have fun - but will make
sure - under control - because - remember - examinations will come - keeps our
behaviour in check
Stimulate learning - good to have a sincere desire to learn - learn for love of knowledge,
not because of examinations - unfortunately - not everyone is like that - most people go
to school for the sake of it - existence of examinations - may motivate learning - through
learning the person may discover their strengths and what they really love - later - no
longer study because of examinations — but because of quest for knowledge - good
Help us to know what is important - in a subject matter - if we only learn - without
examination no sense of what is most important in a topic - examinations only test
important and useful topics - through the drilling - even if students do not remember
everything in the subject -important points will stay - because of what they have studied
for their examinations
Examinations are good - set standards, keep us accountable, stimulate learning, help us
to know what is important - the fact that ] examinations have never been abolished
through the centuries - good enough proof - examinations are good

3. Remarks:
Imagine the perfect husband or wife that you would want to marry. From there, think of
qualities or values you would look for in a future spouse.
Make your essay interesting by adding some personal examples since this is your
personal preference.
Suggested points:
At weddings - often wonder - how would my future husband be like - he would not just be any
other man - certain qualities I would love him to have
Looks are not important to me - inner beauty is most important - he has to be a
responsible and faithful person - mature enough to head a family - childish person -
would not be able to lead a family - make decisions together - may end up having
Kind, caring, loves children - I love children - spending time with them - some men
really dislike children - impatient - I would not appreciate someone who is impatient
with children - because - love children a lot
Similar interests - love writing and reading - do not expect him to love writing - but at
least - appreciate what I write - some people dislike reading - reading and writing - so
much a part of me - cannot imagine someone who shuns reading or writing
Hard to find - but not impossible - trust that the right person will come at the right time
- I must also make sure I am ready for marriage - unfair to expect such qualities in him -
I must have these qualities too

4. Remarks:
The line given indicates that the story’s plot is built around someone who has
experienced what it is like to have an untrue friend. Focus on the impact of the untrue
friend on your life, and how it helps you see the value of a true friend.
I come from a well-to-do family - often treat friends to meals in school - outside of
school - after tuition - go for drinks - throw birthday parties - year-end parties - at my
Best friend in school - Benjamin - always with me wherever I go - benefits from all the
meals I treat or the parties I throw - friendly - always have something to chat with him
about - get along well - help him in his studies - a great friend
One day - father’s business - failed – owed the bank - great sum of money — we had to
move out of our big bungalow - live in a flat - a big blow and change to our lives - no
longer able to splurge and spend as I did before - father started business from scratch -
slow start
In school - friends whom I used to treat to meals - heard about family - financial
problem - avoid me - stopped spending time with me - was really disappointed - such
friends - in my need - left me – worst -Benjamin - the greatest culprit - he was I always
there for me - because of the money - now that I am poor - made good friends - another
wealthy boy - hypocritical – sad hurt - could not concentrate in school - results became
Classmate - Ramesh began to be close to me - talked with me kindly - cared for me -
tried to comfort me - helped me in my studies - offered to revise studies together after
school — encouraged me not to give up - in the past - did not like Ramesh – son of the
school’s gardener - thought he was - shabby and poor - disliked him - touched that he
was the only one that stood by me - in times of trouble - began to learn more about him
- a wonderful person - humble, kind - did not expect anything in return - a friend in
need is a friend indeed
Painful lesson but important one. Now I realise the value of a true friend.

5. Remarks:
The question can be interpreted in many ways. You can write a factual or reflective essay
about stars in the sky, or celebrities that you adore. Last Besides these, you can also
write a story that relates to the word ‘stars’.
Stars - a great light at night besides the moon - brightens the sky - stands out - in the
same way - celebrities - people who are different from the general public - talented,
stands out from the rest
My favourite stars - singer songwriter Janice and Sonia Lee - twin sisters - Korean but
grew up in Australia - young and dazzling stars - became famous - posted videos of them
singing - on the Internet - millions of people have viewed their videos - from there -
travelled all over the world - concerts in Singapore, Malaysia, Vancouver, Thailand
Difficult background - Mother passed on when they were younger - remained strong
Very talented - one plays the guitar - both sing - harmonises very well - their videos - fun
to watch - always happy and smiling -very beautiful faces - describe some of the songs or
the way they sing
New generation of singers — Internet sensations - famous through the Internet - did not
need to go through recording labels
Talented stars - inspiration - started small -influenced the whole world - happy and
meaningful singing
SPM Examination Paper 2009
(SPM English/Bahasa Inggeris 2009)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

Many of your schoolmates are not interested in sports. You have carried out a survey on
the reasons for their lack of interest. Based on your findings, write a report to the
Principal regarding the matter. In your report, give reasons for the lack of interest in
sports and provide suggestions to overcome the problems.

Use the following notes to write your report.

When writing the report, you must:

-address your report to the Principal
-provide a title
- include your name
- use all the notes given

For your report, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content
points, and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Suggested answers
To: Encik Qaisy Junid, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Zamrud
Date: 13 November 2009
Title: Reasons for Students’ Lack of Interest in Sports
Recently, a survey was conducted to find out the reasons for students' lack of interest in
sports. The survey was conducted among 500 students randomly selected from Form
One to Form Five - 100 students from each Form. The results of the survey demonstrate
that there are three main reasons for the students’ lack of interest in sports.
Firstly, the students do not have the right attitude towards sports. They are not keen to
participate in these extra-curricular activities because these activities do not have any
bearing towards their overall academic results. They would rather spend time in their
studies where visible results can be seen. They commented that they do not have time
for sports. Most of them are involved in club meetings after schooling hours, and
involvement in sports would make them even more exhausted physically to revise their
studies when they are home.
Secondly, the parents of the students do not encourage their children to participate in
sports in order to ensure more time is spent on their studies. Parents place a greater
emphasis on their academic performance more than anything else. To meet this
emphasis, parents sign their children up for tuition classes, music classes, ballet classes
and more. As a result, the students are constantly bombarded with classes to attend
after school, resulting in little or no time at all for sports.
The third reason the students gave for their lack of interest is linked with the sports
facilities of the school. They find that the sports equipment are insufficient for the vast
number of students. For those who have sincerely tried to involve themselves in sports,
they did not linger long as they gave up waiting in long queues to use badminton
equipments such as the badminton racquets, nets, basketballs, hockey sticks and more.
More than that, they also complained that the condition of the fields and courts leave
much to be desired. The grass of the field is often uncut and dirtied with rubbish, and
the courts are not maintained well either. Consequently, the students were not able to
enjoy themselves playing sports and gave up sports altogether.
It is unfortunate that these reasons become a deterrent for the students to participate in
sports. The following suggestions should be able to encourage interest in sports among
the students if implemented accordingly.
The first way is that the teachers should stress the importance and benefits of sports to
students. This can be done in many ways whether unofficially through classes or by
having debate sessions in classes where the topics can revolve around sports. Besides
that, dialogue with parents can also be organised to help the parents see the importance
and benefits of sports. More importantly, the facilities need to be improved and repaired
as mentioned by the students. Employing qualified trainers for the individual sports will
also inspire students to participate in sports. Lastly, the school can also organise more
competitions with attractive prizes so that the student may participate in the spirit of
competition. These suggestions should prove successful in creating a greater interest in
sports among the students.
Prepared by: Gracey Tan

Section B: Continuous Writing

[50 marks]/[Time suggested: One hour]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
1. Describe an unforgettable incident that you saw on your way home from school.
2. School children should not have long holidays. Do you agree?
3. My favourite day of the week.
4. Write a story ending with:
"... We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.”
5. Beauty
Suggested Answer
1. Remarks:
Call to mind an incident you could not forget on your way home from school. It can be
fictional, but as always, personal anecdotes leave the strongest impression on the
Suggested points:
Few months back - walking home from school - unforgettable incident - 15 minutes
away from school - hot day - walked faster - could not stand heat - suddenly - heard a
baby’s cry - looked around - could not see anything
Went nearer to the voice - found a baby in a basket - hidden - behind the bush - a lady
quickly leaving the scene - young lady - called after her - did not turn back
Shocked - panicked - not sure what to do - baby kept crying - wearing a necklace -
pendant - name - Jaden - decided - alert police
Police came - took baby - social service - abandoned baby - policeman told me - sad -
parents who abandon unwanted babies
Went home - few hours later than usual - parents worried - told parents what happened
- praised - act in time - if not - baby - may die - starvation - dehydration
Unforgettable incident - was not prepared - thankful - able to save baby from trouble

2. Remarks:
You need to know which side of the argument you are at - whether or not you agree with
school children having long holidays. After choosing your side of the argument, list
down the reasons you agree or disagree and start writing from there.
Suggested points:
Most students - look forward - school holidays - especially long holidays - end of the
year - go for vacation - attempt short projects - go for short courses - the question -
should they have such long holidays? -I think they should
First reason - a good break after long year - although there are short breaks in between -
but nothing like a long holiday - something to look forward to – students - put burden of
studies down for a while - instead of - thinking of excelling in studies - every day
Teachers too - appreciate the break - teachers work harder than students - besides
preparing for class - after students hand in their work - teachers must mark the work —
grade - prepare examination questions- administration work- and many other tasks -
teachers get to spend quality time with family - during long holidays
Long holidays of a month or two - allow students to go on vacation with family - usually
occupied with studies - greater bond with family - Students can also attempt short
projects - craft-community projects-short holidays are usually insufficient - meaningful
- healthy projects
Short courses - computer, new language courses - usually available during long holidays
- develop extra skills - beneficial for students
School children - should have long holidays - it is only unbeneficial if spent unwisely -
laze around - do nothing - but if spent doing beneficial activities - long holidays are

3. Remarks:
Choose your favourite day of the week out of the seven days and elaborate on the
reasons why it is your favourite. You can also add interesting examples or stories to
support your reasons.
Suggested points:
I love beginnings - mark a new start - fresh - love Mondays - start of a new week
Most people dislike Mondays - Monday blues - I never had it - love Mondays - excited to
see friends in school again - fill each other in - stories and happenings during the
weekends - laugh and chat together - enjoy it
Mondays - school assembly - speeches by Principal and teachers - feel inspired by the
speeches given by Principal and teachers - they have high hopes on us in our studies -
hope I can meet their expectations - sing national and school anthems love to sing -
enjoy singing the anthems - patriotic spirit - great start to the day
Mondays - my favourite subjects - English. History, Bahasa Malaysia and Mathematics -
English teacher - Puan Gaik - very bubbly and lively - bring the world of literature alive
to us - never tire of her class - looked forward to her class j every Monday and Friday -
History teacher
Encik Kamarulzaman - comes into class with props and visual aids - History never
boring - feel like listening to stories every day - aids memory - enjoy his classes
So many reasons to love Mondays - these are just a few - favourite day of the week

4. Remarks:
The question requires a plot where at least two people met and parted ways in the end.
Think of an exciting plot and make sure it would attract
your reader to read.
Suggested points:
First met my best friend when we were in - university - Daniel - did many things
together - a great person to hang out with - ovial - great sense of humour - makes me
laugh when I’m down
Still remember first day we met - orientation - I was late — did not have a seat - he was
at the last row - offered me his seat - touched by kindness - became friends from there -
discovered same course and same class - often walked together to classes and did
assignments together - did many things together - similar interests, sports
Conflict happened one day - during our final semester - a jealous classmate - tried to
rain friendship - told me - Daniel gossiped about me to other classmates -said — I was a
mean person — selfish - he did all my assignments — I was furious - decided to vent my
anger on my social media account - wrote a status that said, “Some friends are
hypocrites in disguise.”
Daniel was hurt - wrote me a personal letter - explained that he did not do it - I did not
believe - friendship went downhill - a few months later - another friend came to me -
told me what the jealous friend did -I was very angry - guilty - wronged Daniel — hurt
was irreparable — we were on talking terms but the friendship was no longer the same -
we were graduating - earlier - wanted to work in the same company - after the conflict -
he decided to work overseas to get over the hurt.
I regretted my hasty words - the saying goes, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but
words will never hurt me’ - untrue - my words hurt Daniel a lot - sent him off to the
airport - we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways

5. Remarks:
The essay can be factual, reflective or even fictional. Suggestions for the essay angles are
the definition of beauty or even what beauty is to you.
Suggested points:
Beauty - first criteria that is used to judge people or things - that is the first thing we
see - but many do not realise - beauty is only skin deep - learnt it the hard way
When I was in Form 3 - attracted to a beautiful girl in my class - her name - Lainie -
knew - too young - to be in a relationship - parents always advised - focus on studies -
did not listen
Went after Lainie - heard a lot about her from other classmates - impolite, lazy, rich girl
- somehow love made me blind -did not care - went after her - showered love and care
for her - she was touched - accepted me as her boyfriend
The more time we spent together - the more I realised how incompatible we were -began
to realise - classmates were right -she was only as good as her looks - her personality
was really bad - unkind, not understanding, just difficult to get along with
It wasn’t long before we broke up - she moved on happily with another guy - I was hurt
and confused - wished I had listened to parents and classmates - my academic results
went down the drain -took a few months to catch up with studies - distracted - it was her
beauty that attracted me to her - but her beauty did not last - it is inner beauty that truly
Beauty is only skin deep - best to trust this saying, without having to learn it the hard
way like me
SPM Examination Paper 2010
(SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2010)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

Your cousin has been chosen to take part in the National Service Programme and is
worried about going. You have decided to write a letter to tell him/her about the
benefits of this programme and to encourage your cousin to go.
Use the notes below to write your letter.
-develop good habits
-make new friends
-learn leadership skills/responsibility
-exciting activities
-see different parts of Malaysia
-be independent
-gain new experiences
-strengthen love of country
-keep fit and healthy
-learn survival skills

When writing the letter, you must:

-lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closure)
-use all the notes given
-remember that your letter is to your cousin

For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and
up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Suggested answers
01-03-09, Phase 11,
Jade Apartments, Taman Jade 11,
27600 Kuantan, Pahang.

23 November 2010
Dear Natasha,
It has been a long time since I last heard from you. I heard you have been very busy!
Hope you managed to get some rest when the school holidays started. How are Uncle
Gabriel and Aunt Jinny doing? I hope everyone is well.
You must be wondering why I had suddenly decided to write to you. Well, my parents
told me a few days ago that you were selected to join the National Service Programme
and you are worried about going. I thought that I should drop by and encourage you to
go with joy and anticipation as I have heard many positive remarks about the
programme from my seniors who have been to the programme.
Firstly, my seniors who were mostly rowdy and playful developed many good habits
during the programme. They learnt the value of tolerance and toning down their
personality to accommodate others who may not appreciate their lively personalities. In
turn, they learnt to make new friends through this period of adjustment and found that
there are so many interesting people out there! The best part is that you get to meet
many people from different parts of Malaysia stretching even across East Malaysia. It
will be an exciting experience! On top of that, the fact that you will be mixing with so
many different friends will encourage teamwork and help you work better with people.
There will be difficulties working with some people, but do not be discouraged as the
experience will be great for character building.
Besides that, you would learn leadership skills and build a great sense of responsibility. I
remembered you have always wanted to take up leadership positions but never had the
courage to. Here is the chance for you to build those skills and prove yourself a leader.
The activities lined up in the programme are sure to interest you too. Some of the
activities include the
flying fox and various outdoor activities. The physical activities will help you keep fit and
healthy. You would also be participating in community projects such as cleaning up
rural areas and helping out at community centres. There will also be modules that
occupy a large part of the programme which promote patriotism and good values. The
cultural night is also a fun night where you will get dressed in your cultural costumes
and share with one another about your own cultures.
Since you are the adventurous type, you will be glad to know that you could be placed at
any camp in another part of Malaysia. It will be an eye-opening experience to live in
another town or state away from your own home. Surely that would help you gain many
new experiences that you can only dream of apart from joining this programme. What a
Being away from home also means that you learn to be independent. You will learn to
take care of yourself, wash your own laundry, make your own bed and a lot more.
Through this, you will develop survival skills that will be helpful wherever you go in the
future. You will cultivate great discipline through being independent and having to wake
early for the programme every day.
I think I will have to stop here. I trust that I have said enough about the benefits of the
programme though the benefits are not exhaustive. There is only one way to find out -
go experience it for yourself! I am looking forward to hearing your stories when you
return from the programme. Take care for now.

Yours sincerely,
Katrine Louis
Section B: Continuous Writing
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
1. Describe the most popular student in your school.
2. “The Internet is mostly a good thing.” Do you agree? Support your opinion.
3. What can we do to save the environment?
4. Write a story beginning with:
“It had been raining all day...”
5. Home

Suggested Answer
Section B
1. Remarks:
Consider who is the most popular student in your school and think of the reasons why
he or she is so popular. Make sure that it is a holistic point of view that encompasses the
person’s physical, emotional and mental aspects. Provide examples for the reasons you
Suggested points:
Describe the person’s physical appearance. For example, you can describe how the
person looks and perhaps a mental image of the person’s friendly and jovial smile.
Why the person became popular – for example, it could be because the person has a
charming personality or perhaps the person has accomplished much for the school.
Personality - outgoing, cheerful, humble - people love being around Jamilah - kind,
demure, helpful - provide instances where she was seen to be helpful or kind to people
in school
Talented - a great pianist - represented school at state level - won many awards -made
school proud
Academic - never neglected her studies - manages time well - top student in class
No wonder - the most popular student in school

2. Remarks:
The essay requires your opinion on the Internet - whether it is mostly good or bad. The
keyword is mostly’ - you do not have to go all out opposing or agreeing with the topic.
Make sure that your opinion is supported by valid reasons and examples.
Suggested points:
Internet - a worldwide phenomenon - most people - cannot live without the Internet -
agree - Internet - mostly a good thing
Ease of information - the world at your fingertips - anything at all - can be found on the
Internet - online books - online journals - how to get to places - maps — provide more
examples on information that can be obtained on the Internet
Business transactions - online - online shopping is becoming the norm – secure - fast -
sometimes - next day delivery - do not need to get out of home to get something -
banking, paying bills - can be done online
Learning - e-learning - long distance - online universities - people who do not have the
time or means to travel or to get out of their homes - education at your fingertips
Communication - people can communicate - across the globe - at high speed - in the
past - writing letters - takes weeks to arrive - now - instant - real-time communication -
as if the person has never left the country -through e-mail, instant messenger, video
Some people may misuse the Internet for bad intentions - but if used wisely - Internet -
mostly a good thing - a rich resource - let’s do the right thing

3. Remarks:
You would need to provide suggestions on how you can practically contribute to saving
the environment. Your suggestions must be practical and clear.
Suggested points:
Environment - dying - global warming - polluted air - climate changes
Many ways - save the environment - car emissions cause air pollution drive less - use
public transportation
Recycle - do not dispose recyclable items -buy products that are recyclable - reduce use
of paper — give examples of recycling
Conserve electricity and water - turn off the electricity when not in use - do not leave tap
running when not in use - bathe using buckets instead of the shower - saves more water
Encourage others to do the same one person can make the difference - but if every one
pass the same knowledge to others - then more people are aware of ways to save the
environment - impact is greater
We need to act fast - time is running out - Mother Earth is suffering

4. Remarks:
You are expected to write a story based on the phrase provided. Make sure your story is
lively and exciting. Include interesting details and make sure your story have a conflict
and a climax.
Suggested points:
It had been raining all day for two weeks - never experienced so much rain - the last
time it did - it caused a flood - I was 12 years-old - remember vividly
On that fateful day - heavy rain - after rain for eight hours - realised - not right - drains
clogged - water overflowed - into house - everyone panicked - baby sister - almost out of
sight - thankfully Mother saved her in time
Father - in control - asked all of us to carry important belongings upstairs - doublestorey
house - my room – downstairs - more things to transfer upstairs - my precious books -
hundreds of them - could not save all - electronics - brought upstairs
Whole family went upstairs waiting for water to recede - thankfully water did not go
higher than the first floor - water level as high as two metres - all my books were
destroyed - loved reading - felt really sad - all night long we were waiting for the waters
to recede
When the rain stopped - waters receded - begin clean-up work - tedious - thankfully
family helped with my room - for many days we were cleaning the house - some minor
renovation and repainting had to be done - Father spent a lot
A scary experience - would not want to experience it again - near death experience -
reminded of it every rainy day

5. Remarks:
A one-word essay like this is open to your interpretation. You can write a reflective essay
of what home means to you, or even a factual essay on what home means whether it
means the building or the people who live in it.
Suggested points:
Home - usually evokes a warm, fuzzy wuzzy feeling in our hearts - home is where the
heart is - reminds me of my family
going home - to Mother’s home-cooked food - Mother - housewife - decided to be a
housewife to spend more time with us although she had a high-paying job - after lunch -
homework - household chores to lighten Mother’s workload - play with baby brother -
Billy - very cute and playful - love to play with him
Tea time - Mother would make delicious cakes - chat about our day - Mother would
teach me life lessons - give advise — love this time with Mother - precious
At night - Father would be back from work - happy family time over dinner - after
dinner we would take a stroll at the park — breezy wind - enjoying nature
Home means the world to me - when I grow up - would like to put home first - the way
my parents do
SPM Examination Paper 2011
Directed Writing
(SPM English/Bahasa Inggeris 2011)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

You attended a workshop organised by the state’s Red Crescent Society on how to
manage a sprained ankle. Your teacher advisor has asked you to give a talk to the Red
Crescent Society members in your school to upgrade their skills in giving first-aid

Use the notes below to write your talk:

Rest ankle – (a) don’t walk apply ice (b) 20 minutes
-reduce swelling
Bandage ankle (not too tightly) – (a) stabilise ankle (b) ensure continuous
blood flow
Raise higher than hip - prevent further swelling
No massaging - prevent more injury

When writing the talk, you must remember to:

-greet your audience
-mention the purpose of the talk
-include all the points given
-end your talk appropriately
For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and up to 20
marks for the quality of your writing.

Suggested Answer
Good morning to Puan Kong, the Red Crescent Society teacher advisor, and my fellow
society members. I attended a workshop organised by the Red Crescent Society of
Pahang last month on how to manage a sprained ankle. I am here to share what I have
learnt from the workshop in order that we can upgrade our skills in giving first-aid
First of all, in treating a sprained ankle, it is important to let the injured person rest his
ankle. Gently bring the person to a quiet, nearby area to rest. Make sure that the person
does not walk as his ankle would be swollen. After that, apply ice to his sprained ankle
for 20 minutes. This should reduce the swelling.
Next, bandage the ankle of the person but do not do it too tightly. This is to ensure
continuous blood flow to the swollen area. The ankle needs to be raised higher than the
hip to prevent further swelling.
A very important thing to note is to not massage the sprained ankle to prevent more
If you find the instructions difficult to follow, or if you have any questions, please feel
free to come up to me later in private. I will be more than willing to explain further.
Thank you.

Section B: Continuous Writing
[50 marks]/[Time suggested: One hour]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
1. A famous person you admire.
2. Should school students have part-time jobs? Discuss.
3. The best things in life are free.
4. Write a story that ends with:
“...They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.”
5. Peace.

Suggested Answer
Section B
1. Remarks:
You are required to write about a famous person you admire. It will be best if this
famous person is real and the points are factual. Your essay should contain the reasons
why you admire this person and some details of the person's background.
Suggested points:
Description of C. S. Lewis - famous novelist, academician - born Clive Staples Lewis - in
Belfast, Ireland - 29 November 1898 - most famous for writing the popular children’s
fiction ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’
Never heard of him - until - watched the recent Chronicles of Narnia films - amazed and
in awe - decided to read the books - even more addicted to it -I believe - you know a
person better through their writing - through his writing - I found - deep in his thinking
- although children’s fiction - any adult will enjoy it - the meaning of the story - far
surpasses children’s level - each time 1 read it - find new gems and meaning — the most
prolific writer I know - example of a quote from the last book of Chronicles of Narnia,
“All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover
and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which
no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than
the one before.”
Began to find out more about the author - read his biography - he was a voracious
reader since he was young - like me - studied in Oxford University in England and later
taught in Oxford University as well — good friends with Lord of the Rings writer J. R. R.
Honest and straightforward person - wrote whatever he felt was right - his thoughts
come across clearly - admire his personality a lot - he wrote extensively - died in 1963 -
in 2008 - The Times ranked him ‘the 50 greatest British writers since 1945’
Really admire C. S. Lewis - for his deep thoughts - share his passion in reading - admire
his personality - hope to be an amazing writer like him one day

2. Remarks:
You need to have your viewpoint on the statement given. State the reasons why you
agree or disagree and provide examples to support your points.
Suggested points:
Part-time jobs for students – mushrooming - natural to wonder - should students have
part-time jobs? - there are advantages and disadvantages - but I disagree that they
should have part-time jobs - think that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages
Students - too young - some do not know how to juggle time - between work, studies and
rest - part-time jobs may mean they either lack rest or neglect their studies - some part-
time jobs have long hours for example, promoter jobs - students’ priority should be their
Some people may work due to financial difficulties at home - no choice acceptable - but
for those whose family are able to afford their living expenses part-time jobs become -
means to extra allowance - may be spent unnecessarily - cultivate materialistic attitude -
not encouraged
Females - may face harassment at work - too young to protect themselves dangerous -
better to work only when they are older - at least 18 after they have completed secondary
education - adult - will know how to discern good and bad then
Students who do not have financial difficulties - not encouraged to have part-time jobs -
many disadvantages-enjoy life as a student-will be working the rest of your life after
graduation - enjoy the current stage of your life

3. Remarks:
The title of the essay suggests a reflective essay. Write about what are the best things in
life that are free. Usually these mean immaterial and abstract things. Give examples of
these ‘best things’ and elaborate further on them.
Suggested points:
The best things in life are free - not tangible - not material like silver or gold - not the
gadgets that we fancy
The best things in my life-family-always there for me - even when everyone is far from
me - family - always near - give example of one point in your life when your family was
there when you needed them most - not exchangeable by money - best things
Friends - write about your best friend - why you appreciate him or her - the most
touching thing he or she has ever done for you - cannot be bought by money - best
Thankful for my body - brain - ability to think - five senses - not bought - every day is a
gift - treasure it - life is precious
Many things in life - some can be bought - some cannot - but the best things as
mentioned above - are free - but do not take them for granted - treasure these things

4. Remarks:
You are to write a narrative essay which ends with the given sentence. The sentence
seems to hint at a very meaningful or inspirational storyline so build your plot around
such themes.
Suggested points:
Rajini and Shu Yi - best friends - loved to do good - acts of kindness to others - one day -
on the way to orphanage to volunteer - saw an old lady by the road side - looked
troubled - asked her what is wrong - appeared sick and tired - mumbling
Took her to Shu Yi’s home - Shu Yi’s mother - took care of her - warm shower - looked
for her - when she is better - talked to her - from another state - was robbed when
walking on the road - looking for long-lost daughter - ran away - years ago - married a
man she did not approve of- heard news she is in this area - came to find her - held on to
daughter’s photograph in her palm - the only thing that was not lost during the robbery
distraught - no more money - no family or relatives
Shu Yi’s mother offered - stay at their house - until she finds her daughter - Rajini and
Shu Yi - determined to help old lady to find her long-lost daughter : posted her photo
online - social media first few days - no news - quiet - did not give up kept sharing photo
- asked friends to pass around
A week later - amazingly - someone e-mailed Rajini - asked how she got the photo - after
a few exchanges - found out - the granddaughter of the old lady - her mother, the old
lady’s daughter had passed away because of cancer earlier last year - no wonder it took
so long to find her on the Internet - kept it from old lady - wanted to surprise her -
arranged for the granddaughter to meet her in Shu Yi’s house
Bell rang - old lady opened the door - met with her granddaughter - looks exactly like
her mother- she knew it was someone related to her -hugged in tears - randdaughter
explained - her mother regretted her action - missed her - while they hugged and talked
- Rajini and Shu Yi felt glad to be able to help - They looked at each other and smiled

5. Remarks:
You can choose to write a factual, narrative or reflective essay based on this title. You
can define peace and what it means to you personally, or write about the different ways
people try to obtain peace, or even about a time in your life when you learnt the value of
Suggested points:
Peace - define peace - what everyone wants - not easily obtained - requires effort –
tolerance - patience
Peace in a family - just because you are a family - does not mean - get along all the time -
in fact - we usually take family for granted-quarrels will happen -impossible to have no
quarrels - but important to solve issues - maintain peace
Some ways to maintain peace at home - always listen to your parents - parents are older
— respect - there are times of laughter and jokes - but respect must be maintained -
there is also a time to be serious - do not cross the line
Tolerance - patience - key to peace at home - some personalities will clash - everyone is
different — important to tolerate - give and take - give examples of personality clashes in
a family and a way to tolerate it
Peace - difficult to achieve - but not impossible - the hardest to do is to put others above
- yourself - but that is key to solving problems - at home - and to maintain peace
SPM Examination Paper 2012
Directed Writing
(SPM English/Bahasa Inggeris 2012)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

Your younger sister is studying overseas. You have decided to write a letter to advise her
on how to spend her money wisely.

Use the notes given below to write your letter.

shopping list - necessary items
compare prices - cheaper brands
budget - what you can afford
buy during sales - discounts
own cooking - cheaper
leisure time activities - think about cost

When writing the letter, you must remember to:

-lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)
-use all the notes given
-remember that your letter is to your younger sister
For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and
up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Suggested Answer

22, Jalan One Heights 8/9, One Heights,

50670 Kuala Lumpur.

22 December 2012
Dear Zhu En,
How have you been? Hope you are settling in well in the university and with your
flatmates in London. Mum, Dad and I miss you very much and the house is so much
quieter without you around. We can’t wait for you to be back again during your summer
holidays. As for me, things have been a little busy at work. I hope you are also spending
your money wisely and I thought I should share with you some tips on how to spend
your money wisely.
As you are living alone now, you will have to do your own shopping and no longer have
the luxury of
Mum doing the shopping for you. There is so much to buy sometimes that you lose
track. So it is important to keep a shopping list. This will help you keep track of the
necessary items you need to buy. Without a shopping list, you will end up buying
whatever you see on impulse. Exercise self-control and try your best to keep to your
shopping list.
Another thing is to always compare prices. Every supermarket or shops may have a
slight price difference but every single cent (or penny for you now!) counts. For some
products, brands do not matter. Cheaper brands may not necessarily mean lower
quality. Try using a few brands and you will know what I mean.
A very important factor in deciding what to buy is your budget. Just because you need
certain items does not mean your budget allows it. Make sure your spending is within
your budget. If you overspend and expect to cover it up with next month’s allowance,
you will end up developing a habit of overspending. This is not healthy and I would not
encourage that.
An exciting tip is to buy during sales. Don’t we all love sales! Stay within your budget,
and check out the discounts during sales and get the items you need at a cheaper price.
If your budget allows it, buy a couple or more of the same item if it is really cheap so that
you can save on it the next time and do not need to purchase it at a higher price.
Eating out will cost a fortune in London, so the best thing to do is to cook your own
food. It is much cheaper and you also learn some valuable cooking skills. Perhaps you
can also introduce your English flatmates to our Malaysian Nasi Lemak using Mum’s
recipe. If you do not have time to cook, grab the pastries at bakeries towards the end of
the day when they will be sold at slashed prices. You can save a lot this way.
Lastly, it is tempting to be going around the country for vacation or leisure time
activities with your friends. Entertainment is fine, but make sure you think about the
cost too. Some leisure activity like going to the park nearby your flat would not cost
much. It can be enjoyable too.
Alright, enough nagging from your big sister. I trust you know that I am just trying to
help you have a disciplined financial planning. Take care for now and will chat with you
on the phone soon.

Your sister,
Section B: Continuous Writing
[50 marks]/[Time suggested: One hour]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
1. Describe an outing with your friends.
2. Should parents give children more freedom? Discuss.
3. Saving money for the future.
4. Write a story beginning with: “The teacher walked into the classroom. It was the first
period ...”
5. Cleanliness

Suggested Answer
Section B
1. Remarks:
This may look like a simple topic but try to make it vivid and interesting by adding an
exciting incident during the outing that can bring life to your story.
Suggested points:
School holidays - walking in the park with two friends - Haris and Jagjit - having a good
time - suddenly - Jagjit’s father came - won a trip to Port Dickson - hotel suite stay for
two nights - forgot all about it - expiring that day - but he is busy - offered to send Jagjit,
Haris and I there - let us enjoy the stay and the beach - surprised - so sudden - but
thrilled - went home - asked parents - allowed - packed quickly and left within an hour
The drive to Port Dickson took about three hours - enjoyed the drive - when we arrived -
immediately jumped on the huge bed - loved staying in hotels - Haris and Jagjit giggled
at my silliness - almost dinner time - hotel dinner provided - buffet - delicious food -
walked by the beach after dinner - slept early - tired
The next day - great hotel breakfast - extremely full — could not eat lunch anymore -
evening - went to play at the beach - some young adults playing beach volleyball - joined
them - had fun - made new friends - watched the sunset
Third day - decided to use hotel facilities - swimming - gymnasium – reflexology -
checked out at noon - Jagjit’s father fetched us
Happy trip - so blessed to enjoy this free trip - luxurious - free - good time with friends -
rare opportunity

You need to agree or disagree with this question and support your opinion with valid
reasons. Make sure you provide examples along with your reasons to further consolidate
Suggested points:
Freedom something everyone wishes to have - should parents give children more
freedom? - depends on definition of freedom - and how old the child is - define freedom
Freedom - a very important asset - if used wisely - a blessing - if misused - a tragedy -
disagree that parents should give children more freedom especially if the children —
below 18
Children — below 18 - still in school - if given more freedom - may misuse - peer
pressure - for example, freedom to go out as they like - may lead to mischievous acts -
may mix with wrong company - best to protect and limit freedom - until they are able to
fend for themselves - think wisely
More freedom-means more responsibility - are the children able to use their
freedom responsibly? - both must go along together - for example, if children are given
freedom to spend their money as they wish - may spend unnecessarily bad company of
friends may use their money - keep asking money from parents - are they able to
manage money wisely? - better to give a set amount of allowance - will not be given extra
- must spend within the budget
Disagree - parents should not give children more freedom - for their own good - only
when they are older and more mature
3. Remarks:
The topic is straightforward and many approaches can be used. You can reflect on how
important it is to save money for the future, or even write about someone who has a
personal story (or your own story) on saving money for his or her future. Make sure you
have sufficient examples to support your points.
Suggested points:
Saving money for the future - extremely important - yet not many people do it - many
reasons why we should save
Firstly - as said - it is for the future - life is uncertain - saving money avoid unexpected
incidents - if not - borrow from others - unpleasant experience - for example, accidents,
repair work at home, food prices hike, and more
Good habit - cultivate - avoids overspending - spend on necessary things only - needs,
not wants for example, electronic gadgets - everyone has it nowadays - is it really
necessary? - if not -save the money - for future use
The money saved can also be multiplied - if the amount is big enough - the money can
be kept in a fixed deposit in a bank - higher interest rate not only do not spend the
money - get more money in return - great for investment - rainy days
Saving money for the future - must be done - do not neglect - if not - regret - when time
of trouble comes

4. Remarks:
The narrative essay should begin with the given lines. Although the lines give an
impression of a very ordinary day in a classroom, try to bring your story to life by
describing interesting incidents that happened during that day in school or even using
the lines as a flashback to the past. Make sure your storyline is interesting.
Suggested points:
The teacher walked into the class room it was the first period - History class Puan
Rahmah - as she taught loud scream back of the class - everyone shocked - turned to the
back - classmate - Nora ran out of the classroom hysterically - crying
Puan Rahmah - stopped teaching asked the class to calm down asked class monitor to
control the class while she went after Nora - Nora was sitting behind a bush - field -
sobbing - Puan Rahmah asked why - comforted her - would not stop crying - decided to
let her cry it out many passers-by - staring
After half an hour - stopped crying - slowly - began to talk - parents going through
divorce — been quarrelling for many weeks - sometimes - abused her and siblings - she
could not stand pressure every day - stressed at home because of parents - stressed in
school because of her dropping grades - could not take it - emotionally - let out in class -
apologised to Puan Rahmah
Puan Rahmah - hugged - understood - did not blame her - suggested - visit her house -
talk to her parents - Nora agreed - followed her home after school - spoke to parents -
parents did not realise - Nora badly affected - realised their mistake - promised to try to
work things out
A week later - Nora was smiling happy again - more cheerful - grades began to improve -
thankful for Puan Rahmah’s help - bought her a gift - Puan Rahmah - touched
Puan Rahmah - glad to help - students - like her own children one of the best teachers in
the school

5. Remarks:
This one-word essay is free for interpretation and you can approach it in many ways. It
can be a factual, reflective or even a narrative essay. You can write about the importance
of cleanliness, or how cleanliness has been neglected. You can also write how you
personally show cleanliness in your life.
Suggested points:
Everyone in my family - thinks - I am a hygiene freak - cleanliness - top on my priorities
- cannot stand - even a tiny speck of dust - room - always clean
Many ways - people think I am peculiar — wash my hands repeatedly - for example,
when I toast a slice of bread - switch on - wash my hands - insert slice of bread - close
cover of toaster - wash hands again - afraid - toaster cover - dirty - after toasting - switch
off- wash hands again - Mum thinks I am obsessed with hygiene
Make my bed every morning - make sure all my soft toys sit nicely and in order of their
height - do it faithfully every morning - wash my water bottle every day - wipe my table
and shelves every day - I know most people do it once in a few weeks or months - cannot
stand it - cleanliness is very important to me - even if it takes up so much of my time
Eating out - smoky area - go home - bathe again - even if I had just taken a bath - could
not stand - smell - feel very dirty

Cleanliness is extremely important to me - annoying to many - but I think - important -

for a healthy life
SPM Examination Paper 2013
Directed Writing
(SPM English/Bahasa Inggeris 2013)
PAPER 1/Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
Answer both sections.
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]/[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

You have just returned from a visit to Indah Recreational Park. You find the park in
poor condition. Write a letter of complaint to the Town Council based on the notes
you have made.

not enough facilities - no restaurants

rubbish everywhere - not enough dustbins
dirty public toilets - smelly
grass not cut - snakes
information lacking - no signposts
vandalism - public telephones not working

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

-lay out the letter correctly (addresses, date, salutation, title, closing)
-use all the notes given
For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and
up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Suggested Answer

Musa Onn,
44, Lorong Indah, Taman Indah,
11020 Georgetown, Penang.

Town Council,
Jalan Bandar,
11020 Georgetown,
18 MARCH 2014

Dear Sir,
Please Upgrade Indah Recreational Park
I am a resident of Taman Indah and I frequent the Indah Recreational Park with my
family. I am writing this letter of complaint to draw your attention to the poor condition
of the park.
Indah Recreational Park is lacking in facilities. There are not any restaurants or cafes at
the moment. With the addition of eateries, visitors will have an enjoyable time with
family and friends. Besides the lack of comfortable places for visitors to gather at the
park, there is rubbish everywhere. There are not enough dustbins so the existing
dustbins are overflowing. This makes the surroundings unsightly.
The public toilets are dirty and smelly too. No one uses them anymore. There is no
scheduled cleaning or maintenance of the toilets any more. The grass near the public
toilets is also not cut regularly so it has grown too long. The fear of snakes lurking
among the grass keeps people away from the toilets too.
The lack of information is also confusing for new visitors as there are no signposts in the
park. Signposts will help visitors find their way around the park or get to the facilities
they require easily. Sadly, one such public facility provided at the park, the public
telephones, are not working. This is because vandals have destroyed them.
It saddens me to see my neighourhood park deteriorate. I appeal to you to upgrade
Indah Recreational Park. Please clean it up and improve its facilities to help bring it
back to its former glory.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Section B: Continuous Writing
[50 marks]/[Time suggested: One hour]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.
1. ‘Truly Malaysian.’ Describe what this means to you.
2. Is tuition necessary? Discuss.
3. Write a story about being alone.
4. Write a story that ends with: “... and so I became a better person.”
5. Reality shows

Suggested Answer
1. Remarks:
This topic needs your views and opinions on what ‘Truly Malaysian’ means to you. Give
examples so the reader understands your point of view.
Suggested points:
Truly Malaysian - not only in our feelings - but in our actions - being truly Malaysian to
me means portraying the Malaysian spirit wherever I am
Being truly Malaysian - showing respect and being loyal to the country fight to bring
glory to the country proud to be a citizen of the country
A true Malaysian will obey the rules and laws of the country - will act with dignity
wherever I am - follow and teach others that rules are there for the good of the people
and country
Being kind to our fellow Malaysians - will not tarnish the country’s good name by being
disrespectful or hateful to one another - respect other people’s views and opinions - will
not put down others to feel better
Truly Malaysian - epitomises the good values of the Rukun Negara - respects the
symbols of the country - is a good role model for others - friendly and kind as well as
welcoming and hospitable to visitors to the country

2. Remarks:
This topic requires you to either agree or disagree with the question. You have to take a
stand and support your opinion with reasons.
Suggested points:
Tuition - teaching students in small groups - common among Malaysian students -
primary and secondary students - I believe - necessary - competitive world - extra help -
challenge students - do their best
Tuition - necessary - complement - school work - helpful for students who need extra
help - difficult topics and challenging areas - additional practice - improve the students’
understanding - extra and helpful tips
Tuition - students get to learn - smaller groups - give timid students opportunities to
speak up and ask questions - conducted one-to-one or small groups - allows students to
get personal attention
Tuition - occupy students’ time wisely - revising and especially latchkey kids - prevent
students from wasting time - socialising with the wrong crowd
Tuition-fees can be expensive –may take up too much time - late hours can be tiring
after long hours in school - the benefit outweighs the negatives - tuition - necessary tool
to help students - gets students extra help in their weak subjects - acquire unrivalled
mastery - builds their confidence

3. Remarks:
This topic specifies that you write a story about being alone. You can create a series of
events or an incident that is interesting and exciting where the central theme is about
being alone. Be creative and think out of the box to make your story fascinating.
Suggested points:
One night during the holidays - my parents went outstation for a night - I stayed home
alone - first time staying at home without my parents - had dinner and watched a movie
- the wind started howling
I got scared -1 looked outside the window - the trees were bending over from the strong
winds - thankfully it was only
the wind - I checked that the doors and windows were locked just to be careful -1 went
back to my movie
After twenty minutes - it started to rain heavily - the rain began to beat against the
windows - I got uneasy again - I looked out of the window - 1 saw a flash of lightning - it
began to rain heavily - usually 1 loved it when it rained but not tonight
Tonight - the heavy rain - strong winds - was more frightening - I realised being alone
made everything seem scarier - I turned on all the lights in the living room - switched off
the television and thought reading a book would get my mind off the storm outside
I must have fallen asleep while reading - woke up to find it quiet outside - I switch off
the lights - I looked outside the window - saw a face staring back at me - screamed -
someone was opening the door - I backed away from the window ready to scream my
lungs out - the door opened arid my mother walked in - father ! was peering through the
window to see why the lights were all on

4. Remarks:
This narrative composition should end with the words given. Be creative with your plot.
Make sure the story ends smoothly with the character uttering the words given. Use
descriptive words to make your story interesting. Include an event or a situation which
caused the character to chance to become a better person.
Suggested points:
Once upon a time - was just like most people - go about my day without a care in the
world - do not get involved - see an animal in trouble - person in need of help - always
think someone else would help - what can I do - I did not realise that I was not being the
best I could be
One day, all that changed -I was walking home - saw a woman sitting on the road - at
first I was afraid to approach - moaning and holding her knee - other people were
approaching her so I walked on -I thought - that they could do more for her than I could
I headed home - kept thinking of the woman - feeling guilty and regret for not taking
action - thought could be too late to help - surely she would have got the help she needed
- a nagging feeling - returned to the scene
The woman was still beside the road - I was shocked - no one helped her - I approached
her and asked her how I could help - she told me what had happened - I used her
telephone to call her son - she kept thanking me the whole time
I didn’t do much - just took time to talk to her and get help for her -I realised it only
takes a little to help someone -1 wasn’t being the best I could be when I walked away - I
listened to my heart - and so I became a better person

5. Remarks:
This topic allows you to tackle it based your own interpretation. Choose an interesting
angle which will engage the reader. There are many ways to approach this topic: why are
reality shows popular, are reality shows staged, your favourite reality show.
Suggested points:
Reality shows - the craze in television viewing - gives viewers a glimpse into the world of
their favourite celebrities - takes viewers into the world of the rich, famous and
successful - window into the day-to-day busy lives
Reality shows - aims to entertain viewers - looks into the ups and downs of life -some
believe that the incidents are staged to keep viewers entertained - keep the viewing
rating high - whether real life or staged - amuse viewers with their antics - not meant to
be taken seriously
Reality shows - positive influence - gives viewers insight into other people’s lives - the
people and their lives portrayed in reality shows people - make good and bad decisions -
their mistakes teach us - their successes inspire us - just take the good and leave the bad
Reality shows - negative influence - bad language, choices and behaviour - influence
young viewers into thinking that these behaviours and actions are acceptable - only
suitable for mature viewers - able j to determine right from wrong

Reality shows - popular - just a form of entertainment - the behaviour and choices made
by the people in the show should not be taken seriously - take only the good and leave
the bad

Common Sense Reminders For Writing Your Essay Under Exam

Spend at least 5 - 1 0 minutes planning — a well-organised plan will provide the
general control of your essay and will determine its quality.
Spend the last 5 minutes editing and proofreading your
essay. Students tend to be careless under pressure and lose marks for common
grammatical, punctuation and spelling mistakes.
It might seem that spending only 45 - 50 minutes for your essay proper is inadequate,
but if you write 1 line per minute with 8 words per line, this means you will have about
360 - 400 words which is a good length for an essay. (You must write a minimum
of 350 words, but of course, you can write as much as 500 words.)

Your essay must have an arresting introduction, a coherent body expressed in linking
paragraphs and a conclusive ending.

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