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cc  c



a)c Introduction c
)c Need , scope c

c)c O ective c
2 ? ccccccc c

 c c
)c 0eview of literature c
Ê)c 0esearch methodology
?)c 0eference
Ñ)c U0
|)c ÿuestionnaire



‘he o ective of foodstuff laeling is to guarantee that consumers have access to complete
information on the content and composition of products, in order to protect their health and their
interests. Other information may provide details on a particular aspect of the product, such as its
origin or production method. Some foodstuffs, such as genetically modified organisms,
allergenic foods, foods intended for infants or even various everages, are also su ect to specific

In 1990, the Nutrition aeling and |ducation ct went into effect. ‘he USÑ and the FÑ
designed the requirements so that consumers would have useful information aout the food they
eat. ccording to the Nutrition aeling and |ducation ct, all food laels must contain the
following information:

ºc ?ommon name of the product

ºc Name and address of the product¶s manufacturer
ºc Net contents in terms of weight, measure or count, and:

Ingredient ist ± ists the ingredients in descending order of predominance and weight. In
Krispy Krunchies, the ingredients are listed at the ottom of the lael. s you can see, the
predominant ingredient is corn, next is oil, then cheese, etc.

Serving Sizes ± |ach package must identify the size of a serving. In Krispy Krunchies, one
package contains one serving. ‘he nutritional information given on the lael is ased
on one serving of the food.

Nutrition Facts ± each package must identify the quantities of specified nutrients and food
constituents for one serving. From this information, you can gleam some very useful

. Information given on the lael of food product helps consumer to make cognitive
learning in their mind. ‘he cognitive learning may influence the consumer uying ehavior and
make different perceptions aout product. Purpose of the study to know the factors which
influence consumer learning and uying ehavior after reading the laeling in formation of food

V c c c cc

m  GGG   


‘oday consumers are relatively more educated than previous 20 years as we seen in aove tale
hence the awareness of consumer aout packaging information have increased. ‘hus the study is
the very use full to for food industry to understand the consumer uying ehavior related to food
products. Êecause the literacy rate of Pun a in 1991 was 58.51% which increases in 2001 to
74.19% which is showing there are great development of Pun a during census 1991 to 2001 in
education ecause its leads the whole development that¶s why we feel the need of this study
means people how much ecome aware and what effect came in due to literacy aout their right
and responsiility with respect to purchasing of any food products.


c c c c c

rc ‘he study will e conducted in mritsar, udhiana, Jalandhar and Phagwara of Pun a
and it is decided to consider all malls in these places like ig azaar, vishal mega mart,
life style, easy day, where we can easily find out the respondent for the survey.

Y c

c c
rc ‘o find out the effectiveness of packaging information on consumer learning.

c cc

rc ‘o find out the dominating factor among all factors.

rc ‘o find out the consumer awareness aout food packet information.

c c c

c ?c 
 c ! c 
c   c "c Vc #$$%&c Ñiet-related
health prolems have increased dramatically over the last few years. ?onsequently, nutritional
laeling has emerged as an important aspect of consumers' food purchase decisions. Nutritional
content in food products is considered to e a credence attriute. However, if trustworthy
nutritional laels are availale, nutritional laels could function as a search characteristic. ‘his
paper synthesized the results of empirical research related to nutritional lael use. ‘he summary
of results presented in this paper provides valuale information for directions for future research
and development of theoretical and empirical studies. Our review indicates that several factors
affect the use of nutrition information, ut a numer of these factors have conflicting effects due
to differences and diversity in methodology, data, timing, location, and scope of the studies. In
addition, although there is some consistency as to which general factors are considered y
researchers, the range of factors included in the individual studies varied consideraly. ‘here
also seems to e a need to roaden research in specific directions in order to increase the
generalizaility of the findings. c '
c c #$$(& the purpose of this paper is to
provide insight into whether GM-laeling leads to different processing ehavior of food stimuli
compared to when products are not laeled.  task was designed to investigate people's
categorization ehavior as a function of information provided. In two studies each participant
was randomly allocated to either the experimental "GM-laeled condition", or the control "non-
laeled condition". Ñifferent processing strategies and different characteristics are used to udge
products that are laeled as genetically modified or not. GM laeling of foods is interpreted to
induce analytical processing of information and therefore the products are classified relatively
more often on the asis of verifiale categorization criteria compared to when they were not
laeled as GM. When products are not laeled as GM, information is more likely to e
automatically processed and non-verifiale categorization criteria are used. ‘his is the first study
to examine the processes that laeling as GM rings aout. ‘he categorization criteria on the
asis of which the participants classified the products into two groups were scored. Six different
criteria were mentioned y the participants (whether they ate it or not, whether it was healthy or
not, whether the products were vegetale or animal, whether it was natural or not, whether it was
a processed product or not and whether it they accepted it or not). We regrouped the criteria in
two ma or groups, namely the "verifiale categorizations. )c Yc #$$*& so many
consumers are taking time to read nutrition laels, there is also a marketing opportunity for food
manufacturers to provide consumer-friendly information on laels that may entice shoppers to
switch rands at the point of purchase," said Ñeepak Varma, senior vice president of Nielsen
?ustomized 0esearch. "Food marketers can make relatively low investments in pack and
laeling changes compared to advertising and promotions, and drive significant sales. 
c #$$+&  proposed regulation on the provision of food information to consumers --
suggests, has a rather roader remit than the simple laeling of food and drink products. In
respect of actual laeling, the proposed resolution clarifies the responsiility for laeling in
respect of different food usiness operators along the supply chain, introduces a minimum print
size for carrying information on laels, and requires that information on allergenic ingredients
should e availale for non-pre-packed foods sold through retail and catering outlets. t present
there were no comprehensive rules on compulsory laeling in the |U and the present legal
provisions have ecome simply confusing, thus giving rise to legal uncertainty. . Uniform |U
rules on food laeling "is a necessary step", such uniformity would make for transparency in the
interests of consumers and would offer food enterprises a greater degree of legal certainty, since
a whole series of existing provisions would e comined in the new regulationc,

c- c
V c. /c#$$+& the issue of cloned food laeling came to the forefront on January 15,
2008, with the release of a controversial report y the Food and Ñrug dministration (FÑ).
‘his paper aims to explore issues surrounding cloned food sources, specifically the increasingly
vocal demands y the merican pulic for mandatory laeling. ‘his paper reviews literature to
examine the culture and structure of the FÑ over the past ten years. |thical, economic and
pulic health concerns surrounding cloned food sources are also examined. ?omparisons are
made to the shared history of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Political process and
implementation of the ?loned Food aeling ct (S. 414) are explored. ‘he FÑ faces legal and
cultural pressure to speed medications to market. ‘he processes created y this struggle also
affect the regulation of agriculture; this can e seen in the similar histories of GMOs and cloned
food. |thical issues surrounding cloned food laeling include animal welfare and the usurpation
of the creator's role.c V c ,c Y  
c #$0$& this research indicates that a simple logo
helped students identify healthful food choices, and positively influenced food choice,"
commented Professor Freedman. "It would e interesting to determine if a comination of point-
of-purchase nutrition information, coupled with economic incentives (e.g. lower prices for
healthier foods) would further drive consumers to choose these healthier food items. We must
aggressively test such options in light of the increasing threat of oesity to the health of our
society. ow rates of lael use also suggest that national campaigns or modification of the food
lael may e needed to reduce the proportion of the population not using this information.
Possile changes to the current lael that have een suggested include olding calorie
information, reporting the total nutrient intake for foods likely to e consumed in a single sitting,
and using more intuitive laeling that requires less cognitive processing such as a red, yellow,
and green 'traffic light' signs on the front of the lael. ‘he food lael alone is not expected to e
sufficient in modifying ehavior ultimately leading to improved health outcomes, ut may e
used y individuals and nutrition professionals as a valuale and motivating tool in our efforts to
comat oesity and diet-related chronic disease.cc1  c#$0$& ‘he Food Safety and
Standards ct 2006, amended in 2008, says food items should carry laels that include the
weight of the product, list of ingredients present and nutrition information-including total
calories (energy value) as well as amounts of protein, carohydrate, fat, sodium (salt), sugars,
dietary fire, vitamins and minerals. ccording to noop Mishra, director and head of the
department of diaetes, oesity and metaolic diseases, Fortis Hospitals, New Ñelhi, it is a myth
that if a lael says "cholesterol free", then the product will not affect lood cholesterol levels. ,
the small-scale manufacturers either skip this laeling procedure or mislead the consumers
through false claims," says Swati Êhardwa , nutritionist, National Ñiaetes, Oesity and
?holesterol Foundation (N-Ñoc), New Ñelhi. |ven larger companies, some playing y more
stringent rules in international markets, are guilty of misleading with laels such as "heart
healthy", "fat free" or "sugar free", ased on myths and half-truths.c2c3 
c #$0$& Most food companies in India have started reducing portion sizes and are
reformulating existing products to reduce saturated fat, cholesterol, added sugars and sodium in
line with gloal trends. Food and everage companies are gearing up to meet the requirements of
the integrated food law that will e mandatory this year, say industry players. ‘he unified food
law plans to set up, among other things, mandatory laeling of ingredients, and a scientific panel
to audit the claims made y functional foods flooding the market. ‘he food law will also include
a feature called 'food recall'.


 c  c


0esearch in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a
scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. ccording to
?  c 4  research comprises defining and redefining prolems, formulating hypothesis
or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and
reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit
the formulating hypothesis.

' c  ‘he study is  in nature with survey method eing used to complete
the study ecause this research is the most commonly used and the asic reason for carrying out
descriptive research is to identify the consumer learning with respect to information given on
food packet. Ñescriptive research is also called Statistical 0esearch. ‘he main goal of this type
of research is to descrie the data and characteristics aout what is eing studied. ‘he purpose of
the study to know the consumer learning with respect to information given on food packet. ‘he
research was conducted in Pun a. Ma or o ective of descriptive research is to descrie
something usually market characteristics or functions .and also this research is already done
efore this research.


 sample of ³500´ consumers of Pun a (150 respondent from udhiana,150 respondent

from mritsar, 100 respondent from Jalandhar and 100 respondent from Phagwara) are
taken for the purpose of study and analysis.



Sample unit consisted of consumer who purchasing packed food product in Pun a.


|very consumer who purchasing packed food products in Pun a.

5 c

c5 c

 technique (non proaility sampling) was
used for the survey.

: data was collected through primary and secondary sources.

c  primary data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire and personal
interview with consumers.

c  Source of secondary data was collected with help of pulished, ournals (ritish
food of ournal) and the wesites.


c?c#$$%& ³?onsumers¶ Use of Nutritional aels:  0eview of
0esearch Studies and Issues´ Academy of Marketing Science ReviewXcVol.c6 pg. 1 ISSN


cc3cc $$(& ³|ffects of laeling on information processing´

Êritish Food JournalXcVol.0$+, Iss. 4; pg. 305.

c)cYc#$$*& ³Nutrition laels get more attention´ Natural Foods Merchandiser; Volc
+, Iss. 9; pg. 1, 1 pgs

c#$$+& ³|U pushes ahead with additives and laeling legislation for food and
drinks sectors† Management briefing: Food information, just - Drinks. Êromsgrove; pg. 7, 6 pgs


c- cV c. /c#$$+& ³?loned food laeling: history, issues, and ills´;
¬nternational Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing; Vol Ë, Iss.2; pg. 149

c#$0$)´Health ?are, Hospitals; Nutritional aeling and Point-of-Purchase Signs
Influence Healthy Food ?hoices´ Êiotech Êusiness Week; vol7 pg. 1069.

c#$$+& ³Food cos have a lael solution´ ‘ribune
Êusiness.vol.+,iss. 5, pp. 23-31.


c- cV c. /c#$$+& ³?loned food laeling: history, issues, and ill S8
¬nternational Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. VolcË, Iss. 2; pg. 149



:9;' YVV ;

ºc Name:- ««««««««««««««««««««««..

ºc ddress:- «««««««««««««««««««««..

ºc ge:-
Êelow 21 22 ± 35
36 ± 45 45 ± aove
ºc Gender :-
Male female
ºc Occupation:-
Student Self |mployed
Salaried If any other

‘han specify ««««««««««««««««..

ºc Income own or family (p/month.):-

Êelow 20000 20000-30000
30000-35000 35000-aove

1.c re you aware aout information given on food packet (if yes how you come to know )

Êy food packet y dept. of consumer affair

wareness programme any other media
Êy the govt.

‘han specify««««««««««««««««««««...
(If no than go question no 6)

2.c Ño you check the information given on food packet efore purchase

Yes No (If no than go question no 7)

3.c If yes than how

lways often


4.c Which information of food packet affects your learning more efore purchasing (please
rate according to yourself 1 to 5)
c   cc
Ëc " c c c
7c   c
&c I would uy food product whether I see the  c/ on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the   on the product.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the <c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the  c

. on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the /

c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
&c I would uy food product whether I see the 

c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the  

con the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the  

 on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

/&c I would uy food product whether I see the   c c 

on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the  c

 on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&cI would uy food product whether I see the 

c=c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the <c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the

c on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see  c/ on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5&c I would uy food product whether I see the c=c

cthe product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
&c I would uy food product whether I see the  c  on the product.
1.c 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the c c

 on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the c  on the product.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

&c I would uy food product whether I see the c c 

 on the product.
1.c 2. 3. 4. 5.

5.c Ño you think the information given on food packet is useful

Êeneficial up to some extent
Not eneficial

6.c What makes you unaware aout information given on food packet
ess advertisement less pulicity
Never thought aout it do not shop

7.c Why don¶t you check the information given on food packet efore purchasing

Never felt the need to do so Unimportant

Usually are misleading other

Please specify«««««««««««««

8.c re you recommending others for checking the information of food packet efore purchasing

Yes No
9.c Please share your any other feelings aout food packet information.



‘ cc
‘  c

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