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Transfers of major weapons: Deals with deliveries or orders 

made for 2000 to 2018
Note: The ‘No. delivered’ and the ‘Year(s) of deliveries’ columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. The ‘Comments’ column includes publicly reported informatio
value   of   the   deal.   Information   on   the   sources   and   methods   used   in   the   collection   of   the   data,   and   explanations   of   the   conventions,   abbreviations   and   acronyms,   can   be   found
5 <­and­methods>. 
Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database

Information generated: 13 February 2020

10   Year(s)
Supplier/ No. Weapon Weapon Year of No. 
recipient (R) ordered designation description of order delivery delivered Comments

15 China
R: Venezuela (3) JYL­1 Air search radar 2005 2006­2007 (3) Part of $150 m programme for military­civilian air­
surveillance system
      (7) JYL­1 Air search radar (2006) 2008­2009 (7)
      (3) JY­11 Air search radar 2008 2010­2011 (3) JY­11B version
20       18 K­8 Karakorum­8 Trainer/combat ac 2008 2010 18
      (100) PL­5E SRAAM (2008) 2010 (100) For K­8 trainer/combat aircraft
      8 Y­8 Transport aircraft 2011 2012­2014 8 Y­8F­200W version
      (250) Red Arrow­73 Anti­tank missile (2012) 2015 (250) Red Arrow­73D version for VN­18 IFV
      (18) SM­4 81mm Self­propelled mortar 2012 2014­2015 (18) Part of $500 m deal
      (18) SR­5 Self­propelled MRL (2012) 2014­2015 (18) Part of $500 m deal
      (68) Type­07P/VN­1 IFV 2012 2014­2016 (68) Part of $500 m deal; VN­1 version
      (121) VN­4 APV/APC 2012 2012­2015 (121) For National Guard
5       (23) ZBD­05/VN­18 IFV 2012 2015 (23) Part of $500 m deal; VN­18 version
      (9) ZTD­05/VN­16 Light tank 2012 2015 (9) Part of $500 m deal; VN­16 version
      9 K­8 Karakorum­8 Trainer/combat ac (2014) 2016 9 K­8W or K­8VV version
      C­802/CSS­N­8 Anti­ship missile 2017

10 Russia
R: Venezuela 1 Mi­26 Transport helicopter 2005 2007 1 Part of $120 m deal; Mi­26T2 version; Venezuelan 
designation Pemon
      3 Mi­35M Combat helicopter 2005 2006 3 Part of $120 m deal; Mi­35M2 version; Venezuelan 
designation Caribe
15       5 Mi­35M Combat helicopter 2005 2006 5 $81 m deal; Mi­35M2 version; Venezuelan 
designation Caribe
      (6) Mi­8MT/Mi­17 Transport helicopter 2005 2006 6 Part of $120 m deal; Mi­17­1V armed version; 
Venezuelan designation Panare
      (200) KAB­500/1500 Guided Bomb (2006) 2007­2008 (200) KAB­500 and KAB­1500 version
20       (50) Kh­29/AS­14 Kedge ASM 2006 2008 (50) For SU­30MK combat aircraft
      (50) Kh­31A1/AS­17 Anti­ship missile/ARM(2006) 2008 (50) Kh­31P version; for Su­30MK combat aircraft
      (50) Kh­59ME Ovod/AS­18 ASM 2006 2008 (50) For SU­30MK combat aircraft
      2 Mi­26 Transport helicopter 2006 2007­2008 2 $30 m deal (part of $200 m deal); Mi­26T2 version; 
Venezuelan designation Pemon
25       2 Mi­35M Combat helicopter 2006 2008 2 Mi­35M2 version; Venezuelan designation Caribe
      (14) Mi­8MT/Mi­17 Transport helicopter 2006 2008­2009 (14) Part of $200 m deal; Mi­17­1V armed version; 
Venezuelan designation Panare
      (18) Mi­8MT/Mi­17 Transport helicopter (2006) 2009­2010 (18) Part of $484 m deal; Mi­17­1V armed version; 
Venezuelan designation Panare
      (100) R­27/AA­10 BVRAAM 2006 2007­2008 (100) For Su­30MKV combat aircraft
      (150) R­73/AA­11 SRAAM 2006 2006­2008 (150) For Su­30MKV combat aircraft
5       24 Su­30MK FGA aircraft 2006 2006­2008 24 $0.8­1.5 b deal; Su­30MKV (Su­30MK­2) version
      (2000) Igla­S/SA­24 Portable SAM 2008 2009­2010 (2000) Deal incl also 200 launchers
      (11) S­125 Pechora­2M SAM system (2008) 2011­2014 (11) Second­hand S­125 (SA­3) SAM systems rebuilt to 
      (550) V­601/SA­3B SAM 2008 2011­2014 (550) Second­hand but probably modernized before 
10 delivery
      (48) 2S19 MSTA­S 152mm Self­propelled gun 2009 2011­2013 (48) 2S19M version
      (13) 2S23 Nona­SVK Self­propelled mortar 2009 2011 (13)
      (1000) 9M117 Bastion/AT­10 Anti­tank missile (2009) 2011­2013 (1000) For BMP­3 IFV
      (300) 9M317/SA­17 Grizzly SAM (2009) 2013 (300)
15       (40) 9M82M/SA­23A SAM 2009 2013 (40) For S­300VM (Antey­2500 or SA­23) SAM systems
      (150) 9M83M/SA­23B SAM 2009 2013 (150) For S­300VM (Antey­2500 or SA­23) SAM system
      24 BM­21 Grad 122mm Self­propelled MRL (2009) 2011 (24) Second­hand
      (12) BM­9A52 Smerch Self­propelled MRL (2009) 2013 (12)
      (123) BMP­3 IFV 2009 2011­2013 (123) BMP­3M version; incl some BREM­L ARV version
20       (5) BREM­1 ARV 2009 2011­2013 (5) Second­hand but probably modernized before 
      (114) BTR­80A IFV 2009 2011­2014 (114)
      (3) Buk­M2/SA­17 SAM system (2009) 2013 (3)
      (3) S­300VM/SA­23 SAM system (2009) 2013 (3) S­300VMK/Antey­2500 version
25       92 T­72M1 Tank 2009 2011­2013 92 Second­hand T­72B1 version but modernized to T­
72M1M before delivery
      24 2B11 120mm Mortar (2010) 2011­2012 (24) 2S12 version
      (2000) Igla­S/SA­24 Portable SAM (2011) 2012 2000

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