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Promoting Philippine Specialty Coffee

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 3
The Goal of the Philippine Coffee Quality Competition ................................................... 3
Official Rules and Guidelines .......................................................................................... 4
Participant Categories and Sub-Categories .................................................................... 5
Submission of Green Coffee Bean (GCB) Sample Entries.............................................. 6
Guidelines: ................................................................................................................... 6
Cause for Disqualification ............................................................................................ 7
Guidelines for Receiving Entries ..................................................................................... 7
Coffee Quality Assessment ............................................................................................. 9
Methods and Standards ............................................................................................... 9
Assignment of Tasks .................................................................................................... 9
Coding of GCB sample Entries ................................................................................. 10
Storage / Warehousing.................................................................................................. 11
Documentation: ............................................................................................................. 11
Green Grading and Sensory Analysis ........................................................................... 12
Roasting of GCB Sample Entries .................................................................................. 13
Cup Assessments and Grading..................................................................................... 13
Events Promotion, Sponsorship and Budget ................................................................. 14
Market / Promotional Activities ................................................................................... 14
Event Organizer ......................................................................................................... 14
Cupping for PCQC Winning Coffees .......................................................................... 15
Competition Results and Awarding ............................................................................... 15
Awards and Rankings ................................................................................................ 15
Liberica and Excelsa Coffees..................................................................................... 16
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 16
Disputes and Complaints ........................................................................................... 16
Technical Report ........................................................................................................ 16
Publishing of Scores and Information ........................................................................ 16
Awarding/Program......................................................................................................... 16
Pre-Announcement of Winning Coffees ..................................................................... 17
Awarding ceremonies ................................................................................................ 17
Winner’s Prizes .......................................................................................................... 17
Event proper – PCE2020 : The Philippine Coffee Expo ................................................ 17
PCQC Auction ............................................................................................................... 18
Participants ................................................................................................................ 18
Floor Price.................................................................................................................. 18
Annexes ........................................................................................................................ 19
Transmittal Form ........................................................................................................ 19
Participant Code ........................................................................................................ 20
Official Logos ............................................................................................................. 23
Executive Summary

The Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC) is an annual event designed to identify and
promote the best quality coffees in the Philippines to domestic and international markets to
benefit producers, market actors, and consumers. This manual is designed to comprehensively
establish the rules and guidelines for the implementation of the PCQC to ensure the quality,
consistency, and integrity of the competition and build a reputation for excellence in the
Philippines and abroad. Implementing the PCQC requires the involvement of a wide range of
people and institutions covering a large geographic area. This manual will seek to ensure that
the breadth and complexity of the competition are fully covered, and the various roles and
responsibilities will be clearly understood by those assisting in the implementation of the PCQC.

This competition is an annual event with support from government, private sector and donor
funded projects. The purpose of the PCQC will be to identify the best specialty coffees in the
Philippines to motivate producers to improve their coffee quality and to improve market access
as these coffees are made known to specialty buyers through the competition results and
subsequent auction.

• To ensure that Philippine specialty coffee is recognized by the global coffee industry as
a result of a competition that maintains the highest standards of quality and integrity and
by performing evaluations aligned with globally accepted grading and profiling protocols
and standards of the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).

• To make Philippine specialty coffee known in the domestic and global markets and
thereby improve business opportunities to Philippine coffee market actors including

The Goal of the Philippine Coffee Quality Competition

• To ensure that Philippine specialty coffee is recognized by the global coffee industry as a
result of a competition that maintains the highest standards of quality and integrity and by
performing evaluations aligned with globally accepted grading and profiling protocols and
standards of the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).

• To make Philippine specialty coffee known in the domestic and global markets and thereby
improve business opportunities to Philippine coffee market actors including farmers.
Official Rules and Guidelines

Event: Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC)

Coffee Submissions
: February 24 – March 13, 2020 at designated DTI regional and provincial offices and
secure warehouses.
Coffee coding for blind judging, roasting, and cupping
: March 18, 2020 at Specialty Coffee Association Certified Coffee Cupping Laboratory.
Announcement of winning coffees
: Date April 2 – 3, 2020 (Philippine Coffee Expo)
: BCAA Davao (Roasting and judging)
: SMX Davao (Awarding Ceremony)
Online auction
: Date __________________________
Over-all Organizer
: Barista and Coffee Academy of Asia (BCAA)
: Department of Agriculture (DA)
: Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)


Competition Statement: This competition is open only to coffees of Philippine origin, submitted
by Philippine coffee farmers and entities engaged in coffee farming. The competition is open to
the first 100 samples/entries received.

Participants: Any entity engaged in the production and semi-processing of Arabica and Robusta
coffees within the Philippines. These may include farmer organizations (associations and
cooperatives), individual farmers, corporate farms, who have coffee farms and post-harvest
facilities in the Philippines.

All entries must be of Philippine origin, traceable to the farms they are grown.

• To ensure that Philippine specialty coffee is recognized by the global coffee industry as a
result of a competition that maintains the highest standards of quality and integrity and by
performing evaluations aligned with globally accepted grading and profiling protocols and
standards of the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).
• To make Philippine specialty coffee known in the domestic and global markets and thereby
improve business opportunities to Philippine coffee market actors including farmers.

Head Judge : To be selected by the Coffee Quality Institute by mid-October

International Judges: 3 International Judges
Local Judges : 4 Certified Q Graders (Q Arabica and Q Robusta Graders)
Green Graders : 8 Q Graders (4 Q Robusta, 4 Q Arabica)
Roasters : 4 Local roasters

Observers : To be selected by the Technical Committee

Participant Categories and Sub-Categories

Robusta Coffee Category: Coffea Canephora, commonly known as Robusta is an official
category, whereby a cupping score result will be posted for each competing lot and awards
will be given to the first, second and third places of the Category. Subcategories include
(1.a) Washed (1.b) Honey (1.c) Natural.

The best coffee of each subcategory will receive an honourable mention.

Arabica Coffee Category: Coffea Arabica, commonly known as Arabica is an official category,
meaning a cupping score result will be posted for each competing lot and awards will be given
to the first, second, and third places of the category. Catimor shall be entered under Arabica
Category. Subcategories include:
(2.a) Washed (2.b) Honey (2.c) Natural

The best coffee of each subcategory will receive an honourable mention.

Liberica and Excelsa Coffees. Coffea Liberica, both the “Barako” coffee and Excelsa coffee is
an unofficial category and judging will be done separately. The cupping results will not be given
and only a “Judges’ Selection” honorable mention will be received by the preferred coffee of
each type from this variety.
Submission of Green Coffee Bean (GCB) Sample Entries
1. Each participant may submit only one (1) sample for each category (Arabica or Robusta,
regardless of the method/process). Each sample will be assigned a ‘Farmer Code’.
2. Coffee submissions of a minimum of 180kg (three 60-kg bags) and a maximum of 360 kilos
(six, 6-kilo bags) will start on February 24, 2020 Deadline is on March 13, 2020 in all DTI
Regional Offices/designated storage warehouses. GCB entries must be stored at the
designated facility or are not considered for PCQC.
3. An entry form must accompany each submission and each 60kg bag needs to be properly
labelled. Entry forms will be made available at all thirteen (13) DTI Field Offices Nationwide.
4. Entry Forms must be filled out and placed inside each 60kg bag. All pertinent details as
required in the FORM should be provided upon submission. Lack of adequate details can
result to disqualification from the competition. The point person receiving the beans must
check if the details are complete and compliant.
5. Entries to be submitted must be a minimum of 180 kg (in three 60 kg hermetic bag) and a
maximum of 360kg (in six 60 kg hermetic bag) of dried green coffee beans and a jute sack
with moisture content of 10-12%. The entries will be safely stored in proper conditions with a
receipt provided to the lot owner.
6. A three (3) kg sample for each lot will be randomly taken from all the submitted coffee bags
by a representative of DTI in the presence of the farmer. Samples must be packaged in a
resistant, opaque, food grade film package (assuring that the package/seal will not break
during transport). The DTI Offices shall provide the GrainPro Bags to the farmer to ensure
safe handling of GCB during transport. All entries of three (3) kg must be packed in one single
plastic bag.
7. The three (3) kg sample will be sent to a pre-agreed upon location to be coded, roasted, and
judged based on grading and sensory analysis.
8. Competition is open to the first one hundred (100) entries received. All entries will be closed
once the total maximum number of entries is reached or by (Date: March 13, 2020) whichever
comes first.
9. Samples submitted must be clearly labelled with a minimum of the following
information. Entry Forms and format will be distributed to all DTI Provincial Offices.
Name of Sender: _______________________________________________

Farmer/Producer’s Name: ________________________________________

Contact Person: ________________________________________________

Complete Address: ______________________________________________

Phone Number: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

Farm Location (barangay-sitio or GPS coordinates): ____________________

Coffee Species: _________________________________________________

Coffee Variety: _________________________________________________

Moisture Content: ______________________________________________

Elevation: _____________________________________________________

Post-harvest Processing Method: __________________________________

Bean Size (Optional): ____________________________________________

Farm size (HA) : ____________________________________________

Number of trees in the farm: ____________________________________________

Average yield per year/HA: : ____________________________________________

10. This information is mandatory for all entries submitted and must be clearly provided by the
participant submitting their coffee and verified by the receiving entity.
11. A briefing by BCAA with DTI Provincial Office representatives will be scheduled between
(Date: _______________), via skype. They shall cascade briefing information to all provincial
receiving offices.
12. To ensure integrity of the submitted samples, a certification of origin signifying that the farmer
owned a coffee farm in the area where submitted coffee samples are grown. This will be
signed by the Municipal Agriculturist (MAO). See form in the annexes

Cause for Disqualification

1. Mislabelling is ground for disqualification (e.g.: Arabica submitted as Robusta or vice versa,
inappropriate location indicated, processing method, etc.)
2. Lack of adequate details on the Entry Form
3. Submission of coffee not grown on the indicated Philippine farm.
4. Coffee designated for PCQC is not physically submitted to a PCQC warehouse facility.

Guidelines for Receiving Entries

What should participants submit?

1. Registration form (3 copies: Original copy is to be inserted inside the plastic bag of
samples. 1 copy for participant, 1 copy for DTI/DA/ACDIVOCA). ALL COPIES SHOULD
2. Consolidated files in excel format will be share to DA, DTI and ACDI/VOCA
3. No more than 360 kgs (in 6, 60kgs bag), no less than 180kgs (in 3, 60kgs bag)

What equipment and materials do you need?

1. Calibrated weighing scale
2. Calibrated moisture meter
3. Camera
4. Participant rules and regulations
5. Registration Forms
6. 3-6 GrainPro Bags 60kgs
7. 3 GrainPro Bags 3 kgs
8. 7 sticker Labels with codes

What do you do with the coffee samples?

1. Make sure that the forms are properly filled up and complete
2. Put them in provided sealed GRAIN PROBAG with the form inside
3. Place all sticker codes on sacks and bags. Have farmer and receiver sign over labels.
4. Check that all needed information is provided. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE
What do we put in the control number?
A sample control number will look like this:X-Y-01
X: refers to the Region Number
Y: refers to the Provincial Code
01: refers to the Participant Number
Example: Entries from CAR IFUGAO
Participant code will be: CAR-05-01, CAR-05-02
Entries from REGION 11 Compostela Valley
Participant Code will be: R11-01-01, R11-01-02
See provincial codes as attached.
Should there be provinces or chartered Cities not included

Can a participant submit more than 1 entry?

Yes, one participant is only entitled one (1) entry per category (Arabica and Robusta) regardless
of the process. Each entry will have its own registration form and control number.
How do we send the samples to BCAA?
1. All samples should be in BCAA Davao by March 13, 2020.
2. All samples should be sent with a summary of all the participants and its Participant

Control number Participant name Warehouse Date submitted

CAR-01-01 Juan Dela Cruz DTI office February 25,
CAR-04-01 John Reyes DTI Office March 1, 2019

3. BCAA should be notified that the coffee samples are already on their way. A Viber group
will be created with the point persons for receiving. A daily report every 3:30pm From
March 2 -March 13 should be sent giving the following information:
February 25
2 Entries today
CAR-05-01 Juan Dela Cruz
CAR-06-03 John Reyes
Total Inventory of entries: 8

5. The address of BCAA is:

Barista and Coffee Academy of Asia (Equilibrium Coffee)
Door 2 & 3 SRC Bldg. Dacudao Ave.,
Agdao, Davao City, 8000, Philippines

Coffee Quality Assessment

Methods and Standards

1. SCA and CQI grading standards for both Arabica and Robusta coffees will be used throughout
the competition and in all green grading and cupping procedures and protocols.
2. SCA cupping forms for Arabica coffees shall be used in the assessment of Arabica Coffees.
3. CQI Fine Robusta cupping forms for Robusta coffees shall be used in the assessment of
Robusta and Liberica/ Excelsa Coffees.

Assignment of Tasks
The following persons are assigned to assure that sample entries are properly labelled, roasted
and cupped.
1. BCAA Representatives to oversee proper labelling of green beans and roasted coffees.
GCB and receiving Custodian
Record Custodian
Head Judge Admin & Tech Support
2. Observers/ Shadow Judge are representatives recommended by their organizations and
approved by the Head Judge. Observers will make sure that protocols are properly
followed. They will be allowed to cup and score during the cupping exercises but cannot
participate in the judges’ discussion of results. Their cupping scores will not be counted.
3. Green Bean Graders and Sorters are CQI Certified Q Graders for Arabica green bean
grading and CQI Certified Robusta Graders for Robusta and Liberica/ Excelsa green bean
4. Green Bean Grading Overseer is a CQI Certified Q (Arabica) and Q Robusta Grader
who will oversee the green bean grading process making sure that all submitted GCB are
graded and assessed based on Standard SCA and CQI defect identification for both
Arabica and Robusta Coffees.
5. Judges
a. CQI Q and Q Robusta™ cuppers in good standing, as approved by the Head judge
and as appointed by the CQI.
b. Willing to help clean and fix before and after every cupping session. Must stay for
the tallying and discussion of results. Neutral, is not part of any organization or
enterprise that submitted coffee or has any personal gain if the coffee does well.
c. Must be willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which will protect the integrity
of the competition process and refrain from any unauthorized or undue
announcement of information, results or winners from the competition. Only the
DA or DTI representative shall announce the winners. Only results signed by the
Head Judge will be considered valid.
d. Philippine-based national Judges are selected from a short list submitted by CQI.
e. International Judges are CQI selected representatives.

6. Roasting Teams will oversee the proper roasting of GCB sample entries for Arabica,
Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa, following the respective Arabica / Robusta sample roasting

7. Photographer/ Videographer to document all important proceedings during the

competition. To be provided by DTI.

8. All those involved in the competition process shall be required to sign Non-Disclosure

Coding of GCB sample Entries

1. Green Bean Samples will be received and coded by BCAA Authorized representatives
(Record Custodian and Admin / Tech Support)
All information shall be recorded and assigned three (3) unique codes
Code 1 Farmer or Participant Code
Code 2 Green Bean Code
Code 3 Roasted Coffee Code
ie: A0001 = Arabica sample or entry #1
ie: GA0001= green grading and sorting of entry #1
ie: CA0001 = Roasted for cupping of entry #1
2. These will be used as identification throughout the competition. Only the Record Custodian
and Admin/ Tech Support will have access to all codes. Decoding information will be kept
confidential until final competition rankings have been determined.
3. Green coffee beans will be utilized as follows:
a. 350g for green
b. 500g roasted
c. 500g back up for roasting
d. 500g for library
e. 1250g to be brought for roasting and cupping at the SCA (for the top 3) winners.
4. The 500g for library sample will be kept for a period of two (2) years in BCAA Manila
5. The coffee library at BCAA shall have full ownership and shall decide on disposal procedures
after the six (6) months holding period. After six (6) moths, stored coffee beans maybe used
for instructional purposes
6. Green Coffees will be sorted and graded in a separate area. Green Bean Graders are selected
from a separate pool of Q Arabica and Q Robusta Graders and will only be involved in green
grading. They will not be cupping the roasted coffees to avoid biases.

Storage / Warehousing
All warehouses must be pre-qualified/assessed based on agreed coffee product quality and
safety protocols. Regional warehouses are preferred and must meet the following requirements:

1. Should have concrete walling, equipped with air ventilation and exhaust fan.
2. Should be sanitized, free from insects, rodents, and humidity
3. Must use good quality wooden or plastic pallets that serve as platform where coffee entries
will be stored to prevent absorbing moisture from the floor and to permit better air circulation
4. Each warehouse must be equipped with:
Calibrated weighing scale (>60-100 kilos capacity)
Calibrated Moisture meters
Plastic/wooden pallets
Coffee sampling bags
Jute sacks
GrainPro Bags

5. Each warehouse must have appropriate security

6. Limited access to people for internal control (prevent unauthorized access to the
7. Each warehouse must have a logbook that will contain details of the inventory inside, date,
volume, moisture, etc. The log must also include information of people who entered/visited
the warehouse

8. Proper ventilation to minimize humidity (all reception points must have humidity meters that
are calibrated and with personnel who know how to use them)

Submission of Coffees:
1. Photos of the farmer and the coffee submitted
2. Short write up of the farmer and his coffee farm
3. Photos of warehousing conditions for monitoring/audit protocols

Event Proper:
4. Individual photos of the farmer receiving their prizes/awards
5. Individual video of the farmer being interviewed
6. Group photo of farmers with their prizes/awards

Social Media
1. Pre-announcement of the event
2. Announcement of the event
3. Messaging to farmers
i. Complete timeline
• Submission Date
• Expo Event & Awarding Date
• Auction Date

1. Warehouse entry log
2. Names of Graders and Judges

1. Moisture content
o Availability of moisture meters in all participating regions/provinces
2. Green Grading
o Scores implied possible equipment problems that should be reviewed and
communicated to producers along with recommendations to improve
Insurance of Stores Coffee Beans
1. The Department of Agriculture through Philippine Crops Insurance Corp. (PCIC) will
explore insurance for the stored coffee beans for a period of four (4) months.

Selection of Local Judges

Local judges who will form part of the overall PCQC Judging Team will be selected by the
foreign judges through a calibration.
1. Pool of 10 local judges will be invited to join the calibration rounds.
2. Based on performance, foreign judges will choose only four our the ten to join PCQC’s
elimination and final cupping.
3. Outliers will be eliminated and those who score as close to the average mean score will be
4. Those who do not make it as judges will then be part of the team who will be assigned in the
green grading.

Green Grading and Sensory Analysis

5. Evaluation of green coffee bean and sensory analysis will follow the SCA/CQI
6. Green graders must be certified Q Robusta and Arabica Graders
7. Q Robusta Graders will evaluate Robusta entries and Q Arabica Graders will handle Arabica
entries respectively
8. Green graders will undergo orientation on green grading process and calibration prior to the
9. Ideally, there will be an overseer to inspect and approve all graded samples.
10. Every entry will be triangulated, will pass through at least 3 green graders before it will be
submitted to the head green grader for validation.
11. Only green coffee bean entries that will pass the green grading evaluation will qualify for the
next round (coffee cupping)
12. Green grading will be conducted 2 days prior to roasting of the PCQC coffee entries

Roasting of GCB Sample Entries

1. Once all the GCB from the warehouse are in the BCAA lab, the roasting should commence
within the same week, following Specialty Coffee Association of America protocols for Arabica
species coffee and Coffee Quality Institute protocols for Robusta coffee.

• Roasting profile shall be:

o Agtron #53 Arabica - 9-12 minutes
o Agtron # 55 Robusta - 9-14 minutes

• All roasting procedures will be conducted at BCAA.

• 500 grams will be roasted at a time. Repeat Roast will be done only once. The same
roast sample will be used for Eliminations, Finals and Public Brewing /Tasting.

2. Two (2) teams of roasters will do the roasting - One team for Arabica and another team for
Robusta. Each team shall be composed of one (1) head roaster and one (1) assistant.
Roasting must be done on the same machine per category. Roasting to be done on the same
date per category (e.g., Arabica all on Monday, Robusta all on Tuesday). Master roasters
cannot join the cupping exercises.
3. The head roaster of each team shall work with an authorized BCAA representative for the
coding and roasting of green beans.
4. New codes for the roasted samples shall be assigned.
5. Codes for Roasted samples shall not be disclosed to green bean sorters. In this manner, all
beans are kept unidentified and all point persons will not be allowed to participate in the

Cup Assessments and Grading

There will be two (2) rounds of Cupping Competitions. Cupping overseers must be present during
the Preliminary (Eliminations) and Finals. Cupping must always follow SCA protocol and must
make use of the SCA Cupping Forms for Arabica Coffees and The CQI Fine Robusta Form for
Robusta Coffees, Liberica and Excelsa Coffees.
Preliminary Rounds
1. In the preliminary round of competition (up to three (3) days), all submitted samples will be
evaluated using SCA protocols for cup quality (Arabica) and CQI protocols using the CQI
forms (Robusta) by a panel of ~3 International judges and ~4 national judges led by one (1)
competition Head judge. – TBD
2. Separate cupping sessions will be scheduled for Arabica and Robusta assessments.
3. The top twelve (12) Arabica coffees and top twelve (12) Robusta coffees evaluated by judges
shall advance to a final round of competition. Scores from the prior round of competition are
not cumulative. It is normal for coffee average cupping scores to change slightly. The Head
Judge will investigate any changes greater than one (1) full point.
Final Rounds
1. Judges will conduct a secondary round of cupping exercises, separately for all Arabica and
Robusta qualifiers using the same roasted coffee beans from the preliminary rounds.
2. All scores are zeroed out as all qualified GCB Entries move into the Final Rounds.
3. Cupping forms submitted by judges must be properly filled out and checked by the Head
4. Improper use of forms can cause non-inclusion from the tally as assessed by the Head Judge.
The Head Judge shall oversee calibration and any problems in terms of discrepancy of forms
(empty forms, tied coffees, uncalibrated cuppers) shall be his responsibility.
5. Custody of all cupping forms will be through the head judge and an appointed authorized
BCAA representative.
6. Average Judges’ scores and combined tasting notes shall be recorded for each sample and
provided to each participant or entrant within two (2) weeks after the competition.
7. For the health considerations and welfare of our judges, defective coffees may be disqualified
without scoring results or sensory information provided.
8. Owners of Entries who make it to the final rounds must make themselves available at the
announcement of winners and must be present during the B2B event.

Events Promotion, Sponsorship and Budget

Market / Promotional Activities

1. The DTI Media Team will be solely responsible for all Media Releases and Promotions.
2. All Social Media Posting shall be done thru the DTI Media Team in collaboration with the
3. All Official Photographs of the Philippine Coffee Quality Competition shall be through the DTI
Media Team.
4. An official competition photographer to document proceedings and important protocols shall
be designated by DTI.

Event Organizer
• PCQC 2020 will be organized by MSYS
Cupping for PCQC Winning Coffees
• There will be cuppings organized in strategic places (Manila, Davao) for Philippine buyers,
ideally in association with an event that brings the coffee sector together.

Competition Results and Awarding

Awards and Rankings

1. Scores from the final round of competition will be ranked in descending order from the highest
(#1) to lowest (#12) of each official category. Winners shall be recognized as follows:
Arabica Samples/Lots
• Grand champion (#1 sample): Prize (TBD)
• Second place (#2 sample): Prize (TBD)
• Third place (#3 sample): Prize (TBD)
• The top three (3) coffees will be shipped to USA to be cupped at SCA event
Robusta samples
• Grand champion (#1 sample): Prize (TBD))
• Second place (#2 sample): Prize (TBD)
• Third place (#3 sample): Prize (TBD)
• The top three (3) coffees will be shipped to USA to be cupped at SCA event
2. Placeholders listed above will receive recognition in a post-event statement to international
coffee trade media. All media and post event announcements shall be conducted by the DTI
Media Team.
3. Places 1-12 of each official category (#1-12 samples) shall be advised after the preliminary

4. The top three (3) coffees will be showcased in a SCA cupping event in order to showcase
Philippine Coffees c/o ACDI/VOCA and CQI.

5. All PCQC coffee entrants with their cupping score will be included in the online auction and
available to be bided on by national and international buyers, scheduled for (Date: _____).

6. Places 13 and below of each official category (#13-#100 samples): Will be issued Certificates
of Participation.
Liberica and Excelsa Coffees
1. Coffee samples of Category 3 (Liberica and Excelsa) will be evaluated by the judging panel
following CQI Robusta protocols for sensory characteristics.
2. Distinctive coffee lots will receive recognition at the discretion of the head judge, while a
“Judges’ Selection” honorable mention will be received by the preferred coffee of each type
(Liberica and Excelsa).

1. A quit claim or waiver on the part of the organizers shall clearly state that they are not liable
for any trading / negotiation between seller and buyer, post event.

2. Participant can only sell the quantity declared in the lot submitted and assessed as
competition coffees.

3. Organizers are not liable for change of quality of the minimum retained three (3) 60kg bags.

4. Buyer beware warning should also be exercised. PPS pre-shipment sample should always
be done by buyers to check the quality they are buying.

Disputes and Complaints

1. Decisions made by the head judge on results, competition matters, including but not limited
to conduct and protocol, are final.
2. Objections or contestation for re-cupping and results should be done within a month from April

3.. Disputes, Inquiries and Clarifications will be received by a DTI appointed Helpdesk.

5. Disputes will be deliberated, discussed and resolved by the PCQC Work Group.

Technical Report
• All entries will be provided with Certificates of Participation (See attachment).
• All Entries will be provided with a Non CQI technical report (See Attachment).

Publishing of Scores and Information

• Only the scores of the top 6 arabica and top 6 robusta coffee will be published
• Scores/results of the green grading will be shared to the participants

Pre-Announcement of Winning Coffees
: Date: Pre-announcement will no longer be conducted as participants are assumed to
have joined the Philippine Coffee Expo 2020 on April 2-3, 2020
: Method : Announcement of winners will be during the second day of Philippine Coffee

Awarding ceremonies
: Date April 2 – 3, 2020
: Venue SMX Davao

Winner’s Prizes
• Receive coffee PH facilities and equipment to improve provision of services to its
• Prizes will be through sponsors
• Sponsorship for CQI certification for the top 3 winners that will reach 86 and above score
o Anything lower than 85 will not be certified
o Price increase becomes exponential for coffees that reaches 86 score
• Discounted CQI official cupping price of $90 USD (originally $350 USD) for the coffee to
be Certified Q Philippine coffee, including display of cupping score and
farmer/cooperative origin reflected on the CQI website.
• Names of all the winners highly publicized through print and mass media.

Event proper – PCE2020 : The Philippine Coffee Expo

• ACDI/VOCA to provide external speakers on coffee quality, sustainability and climate
change speakers (ie World Coffee Research)
• Topics/Themes:
o Sustainability (environmental, economic, resilience)
o Production (GAP) / farm management
o Innovation (farm level and processor level)
o Credit facility: financing
o Waste management (recycling, reusing, waste water management, minimize
plastics, etc.)
o Sustainable practices at the coffee shop level
o Processing operations (new methods and innovation)

• Market matching sessions – B2B by the DTI (set-up like a mini coffee shop for meeting
• Youth engagement/Millennials (Trashionista Event) – Fashion show using scrap materials
from coffee shops, roasters, farms, etc.
• Government:
o Department of Tourism – expressed interest in supporting the event
o DOT – is going to London with select coffee industry players to feature Philippine
PCQC Auction

The organizer in collaboration with members of the PCQC Technical Working Group (TWG) will
be responsible for the identification and engagement of a reputable international coffee auction
company to manage the process.

• Local and international coffee buyers
• Date: _______
• Platform: ______

Floor Price
• To be identified by the TWG


Transmittal Form
The Philippine Coffee Quality Competition 2019
Summary of Participants

Control number Participant name Date submitted





Participant Code
Region 1: Ilocos Region Dagupan R01-01 – Participant number
Ilocos Norte R01-02 – Participant number
Ilocos Sur R01-03 – Participant number
La Union R01-04 – Participant number
Pangasinan R01 – 05- Participant number

Cordillera Administrative Abra CAR-01- Participant number

Region Apayao CAR-02- Participant number
(CAR) Baguio CAR-03- Participant number
Benguet CAR-04- Participant number
Ifugao CAR-05-Participant number
Kalinga CAR-06- Participant number
Mountain Province CAR 07- Participant number

Region 2: Cagayan Valley Batanes R02-01-Participant number

Cagayan R02-02-Participant number
Isabela R02-03- Participant Number
Nueva Vizcaya R02-04- Participant Number
Quirino R02-05- Participant Number
Santiago R02-06-Participant Number

Region 3: Central Luzon Angeles R03- 01- Participant Number

Aurora R03-02- Participant Number
Bataan R03-03- Participant Number
Bulacan R03-04- Participant Number
Nueva Ecija R03-05- Participant Number
Olongapo R03-06- Participant Number
Pampanga R03-07-Participant number
Tarlac R03-08-participant number
Zambales R03-09–Participant number

Region 4A: Southern Tagalog Batangas R4A-01-Participant Number

Cavite R4A-02-Participant Number
Laguna R4A-03-Participant Number
Lucena R4A-04-Participant Number
Quezon R4A-05- Participant Number
Rizal R4A-06-Participant Number

Region 6: Western Visayas Aklan R06-01- Participant Number

Antique R06-02-Participant Number
Bacolod R06-03-Participant Number
Capiz R06-04-Participant Number
Guimaras R06-05-Participant Number
Iloilo R06-07-Participant Number
Negros Occidental R06-08-Participant Number
Region 7: Central Visayas Bohol R07-01- Participant Number
Cebu R07-02-Participant Number
Negros Oriental R07-03-Participant Number
Siquijor R07-04- Participant Number

Region 8: Eastern Visayas Biliran R08-01-Participant Number

Eastern Samar R08-02-Participant Number
Leyte R08-03-Participant Number
Northern Samar R08-04-Participant Number
Samar R08-05-Participant Number
Southern Leyte R08-06-Participant Number

Region 9: Zamboanga Zamboanga del Norte R09-01- Participant Number

Peninsula Zamboanga del Sur R09-02- Participant Number
Zamboanga Sibugay R09-03- Participant Number
Isabela City R09-04-Participant Number

Region 10: Northern Bukidnon R10-01-Participant Number

Cagayan de Oro R10-02-Participant Number
Camiguin R10-03-Participant Number
Iligan R10-04-Participant Number
Lanao del Norte R10-05-Participant Number
Misamis Occidental R10-06-Participant Number
Misamis Oriental R10-07-Participant Number

Region 11: Davao Region Compostela Valley R11-01-Participant Number

Davao City R11-02-Participant Number
Davao del Norte R11-03-Participant Number
Davao del Sur R11-04-Participant Number
Davao Oriental R11-05-Participant Number
Davao Occidental R11-06-Participant Number

Region 12: Cotabato R12-01-Participant Number

Cotabato City R12-02-Participant Number
General Santos R12-03-Participant Number
Sarangani R12-04-Participant Number
South Cotabato R12-05-Participant Number
Sultan Kudarat R12-06- Participant Number
Name of Sender: _______________________________________________

Farmer/Producer’s Name: ________________________________________

Contact Person: ________________________________________________

Complete Address: ______________________________________________

Phone Number: _________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

Farm Location (barangay-sitio or GPS coordinates): ____________________

Coffee Species: _________________________________________________

Coffee Variety: _________________________________________________

Moisture Content: ______________________________________________

Elevation: _____________________________________________________

Post-harvest Processing Method: __________________________________

Bean Size (Optional): ____________________________________________

Farm size (HA) : ____________________________________________

Number of trees in the farm: ______________________________________

Average yield per year/HA: : _____________________________________

Name and Location of Warehouse Coffee is submitted : __________________



This is to certify that Mr./Ms._________________________________________ a resident of

is the grower/owner of _______ kilos of Arabica / Robusta Coffee submitted as an entry to
the PCQC 2020.

Further, this is to certify that he/she owns a _____ hectare/s coffee farm located at

Signed this ________ day of ________ 2020 at _____________________________________.

Municipal Agriculturist
Official Logos

Full colored – for use Full black – for use with Full white – for use on
with a white background white or light colored very dark or black
background background
For inquiries:

Juliet P. Lucas

Cherry Cruz

Emmanuel Quisol

© 2019
All Rights Reserved

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