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Reception - Reading & Hearing

Production - Speaking & Writing

‫ راست‬Direct
‫الحمد‬All Praise/Sukr(Thanksgiving)
‫اييام‬-‫ىوم‬Ressurection Day
‫دين‬the way of living/badla

Hua - wo, Hum - wo sab

Anta - aap, Antum - Aap sab
Ana - mai, nahnu - ham sab
Hu - uska, Hum - unka
Ka - aapka, kum - aap sab ka
E - mera, Na - Hamara
Rabbuhu - uska rabb,
rabbuhum - unka rabb,
rabbuka - aapka rabb,
rabbukum - aap sab ka rabb,
rabbi - mera rabb,
rabbuna - hamara rabb
Mubarak - batqat wala,
Tadabbur - jis par gor kiya jaye,
Tajakkur - hidayat li jaye
ulu - wale, li - take
tarkees - focus
Wal yatalattaf be very careful
[ballighu anni walau aayah
Ballighu - pahucha do, anni - mujhse
Walau - agarche, aayah -sign]

[Kitabun anjalnahu(hamne nazil kiya usko) ilaika(apki taraf) mubarakun liadabbaru

aayatihi, Wal yatajakkara ulul albab. Sad38:29]
Ulul albab - aqal wale
Fatha - open
Nasara - madad
Mujakkir -male (hu), Muslim + Muslim'un-in
Mu'annas- female (ha), Muslimah + Muslim'at

[In-agar, i.e inshaallah

Inna-beshak, innallaha ma'as sabireen
Innama-bas, innamal aamalu bin niyaat.]

[Khairukum man ta'allamal Quran wa allama. Khairukum-tum me SE bahtreen, man-who,

taallama- sikhe, allama-sikhaye]

Buniyal Islamu ala khabs.

Kana ya'amuru ahlahu bis salati wazzakati wa kana inda rabbi ka Mardiya - - Ismail
(as) used to tell his family to pray and give zakat.
Rabbna waba asfihim rasulan minhum yatlu alaihim aayatic wayu allihumul kitaba Wal
hiqmah wazzakihim - ya Allah send the messenger among them who will recite your
ayat (Ibrahim made Dua in barren desert with his son Ismail)

Imra'a - wife (something not fulfilled)

Zawz/Azwaz - spouse (something fulfilled)

Wasta Inu bisSabri wassalah-seek aid in patience and prayer.

‫ حازا بلغول النناش‬this reaches to the people
(Quran is meant to reach people)

1.SPEAKER the one who speaks certainly affects how we understand what they're
QURAN ➡ mesmerize & annoyed

Darabballahu massana (ALLAH struck an examples)
Hajj22 ‫ضوريبا مشالون يااييوة الننش‬listen up people an example has been struck

Axiom Ali Ra said we judge the speech before we judge the speaker
We judge what is said before we judge who said.

One of the main reason to reject the Prophet Muhammad (saw) because he was an
orphan, he wasn't the celebrity and he wasn't two leader ‫مينل كرياتيني اجيم‬of that time.

3. Medium/Style How do they say (How something is being presented)

Haman mentioned 6 times in the Quran, one of the minister of Pharaoh, He ordered
Haman to build the tower.
But Haman mentioned in Bible one of the minister of king Jercsy not in Egypt but in
Babylon 1000s of years after Pharaoh. In the Book of Ester, Catholics Denis this
book and the Jews also that this book has not historical values.

Literature - How does it influence/impact/impression.

Yasin 36
"Yambaghila" wadda'eyan illlahi bi'ednihi was sirajam munira-you are caller to
Allah by His leave and you are a brilliant lamp (or sun)
Hatta a'adha kulurjunil kadeem-sometimes it (sun) becomes like a leaf of a palm

Najala bihi ruhul amin 'ala qalbik.

La 'ilma lana illama allamtana

If you don't have that attitude you can't understand the rest of the Quran.

Wma kunta tatlu min qablihi min kitab wma tahuttu bihi aminak.
An nabiyyal ummi.

Al lazina yu'minuna bil gaib.

Its not a small thing.

Allah made the language mysterious on purpose.

Aman ar rasulu bima unjila elayhi mir rabbihi.

Al labibu minal isarati afhamu Akalmand ke liye isara hi kafi hai be intelligent
one can take a hint.

Wa jayyenah lahumus shaytanu a'amalahum shaytan beautify their actions to them

Edfah billati hiya ehsan respond in a good manner faezallazi baynaka wa baynahu
adawah and even if b/w you and him is animosity ka annahu waliyyul hameem then at
that point you have to think of him as a friend who would protect you HAMEEM HIMMA
FEVER WARMNESS OF BLOOD wma yulkkaha illallazina sabaru this is not accomplish by
people at all except people who have sabar.
Wa emma yanjagannaka minas shaytani najwun of shaytan comes and pokes at you innahu
huwas samiul aleem

Ablaghul mutaqallimeen nobody speaks more eloquently than Allah does

Wa 'anqihul ayama minkum get the unmarried among them married
Was salihina ebadikum wa emaeekum

La tankihu mushrikat don't mary disbelieving women

Wa la tukrihu fata yatikum 'alal birra don't force your young girls to rebellion
(don't make young women go into prostitution it's not just about prostitution but
wide open)

Wal yastafifil lazina la yaziduna nikahan hatta yughniya humullahu min fadhlihi you
better try to hold on as best as you can -especially for young men. Estifaf - Effa-
kaffu anil haram walau kana yazmulu stay away from haram even though haram is
really beautiful/tempting. For those la taziduna nikahan

Word of prophet Muhammad saw - La yazdi zani hina yazni wa huwa mu'min when someone
commits adultery they are no longer mu'min. You better hold on and protect yourself
from the road to Haram

Marriage of Moosa As
He is Homeless, Israelite, and a fugitive
He ends up in Madyan land, they helped some beautiful girls and one of them
indirectly told their father she is interested in him and father immediately say
Yes and they got married.
So an Israeli got married to an Arab
The only thing father needed to see was Qawwiyun amin three things
1. Girl interested
2. He is strong had good character
3. He is trustworthy

3:110_Kuntum khaira ummatin ukhrijat lin naas you are the best nation produce for
mankind ta'maruna bil marufi wa tanhawna anil munkar you enjoin what is right and
forbid what is wrong wa tu'minu billlah and believe in Allah.

Honor carries certain responsibilities.

Allah talking about the people who already attained success they have constant
khush'u in their prayers.. Mu'minoon 23

Allazina hum fi salatihim khashi'uoon.

Instead of allazina hum yusalloon.

Alfikra tamaman.. kul hazihil ayat.

A Man at the top of the mountain talking to Allah is Mosa As..

The first thing Allah said to Him ..after talking the shoes off that..

Innani anallah la ilaha illa ana fa'abudni wa aaqimus salata li dhikri... Indeed
I'm Allah no one is to be worshipped and obeyed besides myself so ne my slave and
establish prayer to remember me.

Al kirdu fi 'ayni ummihi ghazaal.. in the eyes of mother even monkey looks like a

Allahummarzuqni rizqan tayyiban.. O Allah give me good, clean, pure rizq. Wa 'ilman
nafi'an.. and give me beneficial knowledge.
Wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan.. and give me actions (deeds) that are accepted by you.

Umar Ra lashed out ..Al asna alal haqq .. Aren't we the followers of Truth?

La nufarriqu bayna ahadim mir rasulih.

Wa salamun alal mursaleen.

When Allah speaks to the prophets, He calls them by their name...i.e

Ya Adam
Ya Moosa
Ya Isa
Ya Dawud
What you don't have in the Qur'an is....
Instead he saw addressed by....
Ya Ayyuhan nabi
Ya Ayyuhar rasul
Ya Ayyuhal mujammil
Ya Ayyuhal mudatssir
ALLAH gave the special status to MOHAMMAD (SAW) by not calling him directly by his
name.. bit always call him by a nice beautiful title or a loving name unlike any
other prophet.

Also the name MOHAMMAD is Ism Maf'ool taf'eel pattern in Arabic language what's

The people close to us are least impressed with us the people far away from us are
the most impressed with us.
But the people close to MOHAMMAD SAW are most impress with him.

No one can correct the messengers except Allah. Prophet is much more higher than
But Allah is still the Rabb.
Rabbul arsil azeem... Al abdu abd un in tarakka.... wa rabbu rabb in tanazzal.

Atssale bin sabit writes a poem...

Khansha ra was listening it..
Lanal jafnatul ghur_hamare pas bde chamkile pyale hai
Yal ma'na bid duha_jo din ke waqt chamakte rahte hai
Wa asyafuna yaqtarna_or hamari talwaro se khun ke katre girte rahte hai
Min najdatin dama_kyoki ham rescue mission pe jate rahte hai

Khansha ra called Hassan

Qulta jafanat lau qulta jifan la kana ahsan
Aapne jafanat kaha (jama 10 se kam) agar jifan (jama 10 se jyada) kahte to jyada
acha hota aur apne kaha Yalma'na-wo chamakte hai, apko kahna chayta Yushriqna-unse
khid rosni nikalti hai fir apne kaha BidDuha-din me chamakte hai, din me toh pathar
bhi chamakta hai, apko kahna tha BilLayali-rat ko chamakne ki bat karni chaye thi,
fir kaha Asyafuna <10 tumhare pas to talware hi nhi hai Suyufuna kuch talware to ho
apke pas, fir kaha yaqtarna-katre girte rahte hai Yazrina-bahte hai aur Daman
(khoon ke katre) nahi Dima'n (khoon ke dariya) kahna cahye tha.

Ya kashwaratal Arab_Ay Arab ke sher ..Anta Kubbaruna_Aap hamare bade hai... Haza
shaiin Uzab_ye badi azib chiz hai.

Kairul amali madima alaiy wa en kallat awwa il kal the best of deeds are that done
regularly even if little.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said..

Innallaha la yarfa'u bi haza bi hazal kitabi akwaman wa yadhaw bihi aakharin..
Allah elevates certain people through the Quran and through the same Quran He drops
other people.

Prophet Muhammad saw says..

Kalimatani khafifatani 'ala al lisan tsaqilatani fil mizaan habibatani ilar rahman
there are two words that are very light on the tongue but they are really heavy in
the scale and very beloved to Allah.

Words.. Subhanallahi wabihamdihi

Subhanallahil 'azeem.

Khairu kalami ma kalla wadhlla..bahtreen bat wo hoti hai jo sabse kam alfaj me
sabse jyada kar di jaye.

“Kullu Bani Adam Khattaa'un,Wa Khayrul Khattaa'een At-Tawwaaboon” “Every Son Of

Adam Is A Sinner (Commits Sin), And The Best Of Sinners Are Those Who Repent
Tirmithi, Ibn Maajah & Ad-Daarimi

The ayah could have been.. wa'mur ahlaka bis salati..tell your family to pray.
But Allah say.. wastabir ala' steadfast therein. Taha20:132

Allah's apostle said..

Insaluhat saluhal amru kullahu.. if salat is good everything is good.

Kullu hayyiyan mayyatu wa kullu zadidan bad.. Everything would have been die and
every adulthood would have been fade.

Waqad waladtu tohra.. certainly I gave birth to a pure soul.

Ma yafalullahi bi azabikum.. what would Allah do with your punishment. 4:147

Huwa al-ladhi khalaqa lakum ma fi al-"ardi jami'an is He who created for you
all of that which is on the earth. 2:29

yuharrimu alaikum al khabais..He only forbade for you few filthy things.

Yuridullahu li yukhaffifa ankum Allah intends to lighten your for you.

Balil insanu aala nafsihi bashira

Lima taquluna ma la tafalun don't say things you don't mean.

wa huwa hablullahil mateen minas samaaee elal ardh it (Quran) is an extended rope
of Allah from sky to the earth.

wa'atasimu bi hablillahi zamian hold onto Allah's rope altogether.

saharu ramadan allaji unjila fihil quran the month of ramadan is the one in which
the quran was sent down.

Allahuma la tahrimni khaira ma 'endik li sarri ma endi O Allah do not forbid me

from the good you have and for the evil that i have.

innallaha yarjuqu man yashaa bi gairi hisaab.. Indeed Allah provides whoever He
wants w/o any limits.

Hisaab also means Muhasba .. Nobody questions Allah ..why did you give, why didnt
you give?

Hisaab also means Ehtisab-imagination.

wife of Zachatiya As .. Kanat emraati aakiran my wife has always been barren.
hunalika daa zachariya rabbahu
Rabbi habli milladunka zuriyyatan tayyabatan innka sami'ud dua.. My Master give me
the gift of good offspring, certainly You re the lister of call.

Saami' who listens at the time

Sami' who always listens

When we say
‘Kalimatullaahi hiyal ulyaa’ it means:

* The Word of Allah is the highest = Islam is the priority = Shariah is victorious

* The Word of Allah is the most dominant = Islam has an upper hand = Truth triumphs

* The Word of Allah is the most prevailing = The way of the Prophet will prevail =
Islam dominates

* The Word of Allah is the most exalted = Shariah is the natural world order =
Prophet Muhammad is the real role model

* The Word of Allah is the most victorious = Islam is the winner, the winner of
hearts, winner of souls

* The Word of Allah is the most sublime = Dignity and honour belongs to Islam =
Islam is unique

* The Word of Allah is supreme = Man-made religions must surrender = Falsehood

never succeeds!

The Merriam webster dictionary gives the following definition of Supreme:

1. highest in rank or authority
2. highest in degree or quality
3. ultimate, final
Kalimatullahi Hiyal Ulyaa
‘ulyaa’ ‫ عليا‬is the feminine form of the word ‘a’laa’ ‫ أعلى‬which means ‘higher’,
‘highest’, ‘most exalted’, ‘most sublime’, ‘most victorious’, ‘most prevailing’,
‘having the upper hand’, ‘most dominant’, ‘most supreme’.

Wa kallamallahu Musa taklima. And Allah spoke to Musa as directly.

Why Adam As were created.. They even ask Allah..

Aa tajalu fiha man yufsidu fiha wa yaswikuddima.

'Abdan min 'ebadina.

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