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Zaira Yuki Midoro Ms.


12-ABM 4

Performance Task #1: Photo Essay

The Sunset Will Rise Again

The picture that I take is symbolizes how filipino face all of the struggles that come.
Many filipinos have different problems that faces in our community, a lot of people like sunset,
sometimes they falls down when people not give an idea or solution to solve many problems.
And the after that day, the people who have a lot of problems have gave an idea to solve many
different struggles in their daily lives. Like sunset sometimes the sunset falls down but sunset
will rise and shine again. Filipinos will rise and happy again if they gave a solution to their
problems, so that they will rise again like sunset. In our daily life, sometimes we falls down but
you will trust to yourself to rise again like sunset.

Like my mother, she feel like a sunset because when my mother pregnant to me, my
father left us. It is very difficult to my mom because she felt like all the sacrifices and challenges
that come, she faces only without a father concern. When I was young, my mother sacrifices all
of the challenges to become a good mother to me even if my father left us without knowing the
true reason why he left. When I was in elementary I need money to buy all school supplies and
other necessities. My mother have problem in financial because her salary was not enough to
buy all of my needs in school and other necessities that I need. And the after that day she felt
like her life was stop because she thought that her problems was not be solved. One day, my
mother thinks carefully what did she do to buy all of my needs and other necessities. She thinks
carefully and she say of herself that she can do all of that struggles not in financial problem but
all of the struggles that come in the help of God. My mother thinks positively even if she have a
lot of problems. One day me and my mother are helping each other to improve all the mistakes
that we can do and we improve are knowledge that to became a better person. We helping each
other to give different ideas on what problems that come. We think we rise again and again
even if we have a lot of problems that come. Like sunset when falls down and take a break,
after again the sunset will rise and shine again no matter what happens.

The sunset symbolizes the completion of a day's work and shows the passage of time.
As the sun sets, it is time to end the day and take a break. The all that we can do is having a
break, it takes time because when you rush everything, it quickly dissapears. All that we can do
are important, think carefully before you do because in the end all of this will be worth it. The
awesome beauty of the setting sun is also symbolic of the beauty and mystery of life itself. I
surely that everyone will rise again and again so that we will be happy in the rest of our daily life
even if we have a lot of problems that come.
Zaira Yuki Midoro Ms. Laxa

12-ABM 4

Performance Task #1: Photo Essay

The Sunset Will Rise Again

The picture that I take is symbolizes how filipino face all of the struggles that come.
Many filipinos have different problems that faces in our community, a lot of people like sunset,
sometimes they falls down when people not give an idea or solution to solve many problems.
And the after that day, the people who have a lot of problems have gave an idea to solve many
different struggles in their daily lives. Like sunset sometimes the sunset falls down but sunset
will rise and shine again. Filipinos will rise and happy again if they gave a solution to their
problems, so that they will rise again like sunset. In our daily life, sometimes we falls down but
you will trust to yourself to rise again like sunset.

Like my mother, she feel like a sunset because when my mother pregnant to me, my
father left us. It is very difficult to my mom because she felt like all the sacrifices and challenges
that come, she faces only without a father concern. When I was young, my mother sacrifices all
of the challenges to become a good mother to me even if my father left us without knowing the
true reason why he left. When I was in elementary I need money to buy all school supplies and
other necessities. My mother have problem in financial because her salary was not enough to
buy all of my needs in school and other necessities that I need. And the after that day she felt
like her life was stop because she thought that her problems was not be solved. One day, my
mother thinks carefully what did she do to buy all of my needs and other necessities. She thinks
carefully and she say of herself that she can do all of that struggles not in financial problem but
all of the struggles that come in the help of God. My mother thinks positively even if she have a
lot of problems. One day me and my mother are helping each other to improve all the mistakes
that we can do and we improve are knowledge that to became a better person. We helping each
other to give different ideas on what problems that come. We think we rise again and again
even if we have a lot of problems that come. Like sunset when falls down and take a break,
after again the sunset will rise and shine again no matter what happens.

The sunset symbolizes the completion of a day's work and shows the passage of time.
As the sun sets, it is time to end the day and take a break. The all that we can do is having a
break, it takes time because when you rush everything, it quickly dissapears. All that we can do
are important, think carefully before you do because in the end all of this will be worth it. The
awesome beauty of the setting sun is also symbolic of the beauty and mystery of life itself. I
surely that everyone will rise again and again so that we will be happy in the rest of our daily life
even if we have a lot of problems that come.

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