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Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

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Experimental and feasibility assessment of biogas production by

anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable waste from Joburg Market
S.O. Masebinu a,⇑, E.T. Akinlabi a, E. Muzenda b, A.O. Aboyade c,d, C. Mbohwa c
Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Department of Quality and Operations Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
United States Agency for International Development/Southern Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Substrate-induced instability of anaerobic digestion from fruit and vegetable waste (FVW) results in low
Received 11 October 2017 biogas yield. In this study, substrate management through fruit to vegetable mix ratio in a two-stage
Revised 31 January 2018 semi-continuous digester was investigated as a pathway for optimality of yield. The experiment con-
Accepted 6 February 2018
ducted over 105 days with 62.52 kg of FVWs sourced from Joburg Market, South Africa showed that a
Available online 2 March 2018
stable process was achieved at a fruit to vegetable waste mix ratio of 2.2:2.8. At this ratio, optimal organic
loading rate ranged between 2.68 and 2.97 kg VS/m3-d which resulted in a specific biogas yield of 0.87
Nm3/kg VS with 57.58% methane on average. The results of the experimental study were used as a fea-
Anaerobic digestion
sibility assessment for a full-scale 45 tonnes/d plant for Joburg Market considering three energy path-
Fruit waste ways. The plant will produce 1,605,455 Nm3/y of biogas with the potential for offsetting 15.2% of the
Mono- digestion Joburg Market energy demand. Conversion of all biogas to biomethane was the most economically attrac-
Waste management tive energy pathway with a net present value of $2,428,021, an internal rate of return of 16.90% and a
Biogas simple payback period of 6.17 years. This route avoided the greenhouse gas emission of 12,393 tonnes
CO2, eq. The study shows that the anaerobic digestion of FVWs as sole substrate is possible with financial
and environmental attractiveness.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Ogola et al., 2011)), it can be reasonably expected that the pro-
jected lifespan may be impacted. The establishment of new land-
An amalgamation of several factors related to rapid urbanisa- fills within and around CoJ’s metropolitan area is an unlikely
tion within the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in South Africa has made option because of a lack of suitable and available land (City of
the efficient management of its municipal solid waste (MSW) chal- Johannesburg, 2011), which suggest the urgent need to consider
lenging. The challenge is expected to be exacerbated since MSW other options for its MSW disposal.
generation is projected to rise from 1.6 to 3.6 million tonnes/year As part of an integrated MSW management plan, the CoJ is
should its population reach 9.2 million by 2040 (Aurecon South interested in anaerobic digestion (AD) technology for the treat-
Africa (Pty) Ltd, 2015). A study in 2016 revealed that the organic ment of highly biodegradable wet organic MSW, for example, fruit
percentage of MSW collected from households, restaurants and and vegetable waste (FVW) from Joburg Market (JM). JM receives
Joburg Market -a fruit and vegetable market wholly owned and farm produce from about 5000 farmers across South Africa gener-
operated by Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality- was 34%, ating an average of 47 tonnes/d of FVWs which are sent to the
14% and 93% by weight respectively (Masebinu et al., 2017b). The landfill. The disposal of FVWs in landfills come with specific chal-
current management system for MSW disposal is landfilling. How- lenges, most of which are related to high moisture content and a
ever, CoJ’s landfills are currently estimated to have between 5 and high degree of perishability (Scano et al., 2014). The fast degrada-
11 years lifespan. As the MSW generation rate increases (e.g. from tion rate of FVW leads to the generation of greenhouse gases
between 0.35 and 1.6 kg/capita/day in 2003 to between 0.92 and (GHG), specifically methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
1.91 kg/capita/day in 2015 (Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd, 2015; (Asquer et al., 2013). Aside from the climate change impact, dis-
posal cost and sale losses due to the quantity of FVWs generated
directly impacts the operating cost of the wholesale market. On
⇑ Corresponding author.
the other hand, the physicochemical characteristics of FVW make
E-mail address: (S.O. Masebinu).
0956-053X/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 237


Acronyms hwater;free free water convection [W=m2 C]

Meaning t pv c thickness of digester dome cover [mm]
V, V v volume of biogas [Nl/d],[Nm3/h] K pv c heat conduction coefficient of dome cover [W=m2 C]
T BG ambient temperature [°C] hair;free free air convection [W=m2 C]
PBG ambient pressure [N/m2] K soil heat conduction of soil [W=m2 C]
Nc number of tips per day [count/d] Q sub thermal energy to raise substrate to digester tempera-
Vc volume of biogas per tip [l/count] ture [kW]
V pH5 titration volume to pH 5 [ml] msub mass of substrate [kg/d]

V pH4:4 titration volume to pH 4.4 [ml] C specific specific heat capacity of substrate [kJ=kg C]

V dig volume of digestate [ml] T dig digester operating temp [ C]
NH2 SO4 acid normality [M] T sub substrate delivery temperature [ C]
M CaCO3 molar mass of CaCO3 CF t annual after-tax cash flow [$]
Q dig total thermal energy losses [kW] i discount rate [%]
r radius of digester [m] t time [years]
T o;min minimum outside temperature [°C] CC CHP capital cost of the CHP [$]
hair;forced forced air convention [W=m2  C CC BM capital cost of biogas scrubber [$]
t insulation thickness of insulation [mm] Pp installed power of CHP [kW]
K ps heat conduction coefficient of insulation [W=m2 C n project life [years]

it particularly suitable as feedstock for AD (Bouallagui et al., 2003; instability caused by rapid acidification is the application of alka-
Wu et al., 2016). The choice of AD inherently introduces a multi- line chemicals to adjust the AD pH to levels between 6.8 and 7.2,
objective approach to energy generation, creation of secondary thereby neutralising the acidification process (Gao et al., 2015).
raw material and reduction of environmental burden. Another approach is to make use of two-stage digestion that pro-
AD is a biological method that can be used to reduce and sta- motes different types of oxidation and reduction reactions, pH
bilise organic matter of various types in an oxygen-starved envi- optima and growth rate of acidogens and methanogens to increase
ronment by a consortium of bacteria and archaea while process efficiency (Ganesh et al., 2014; Ward et al., 2008; Wu et al.,
simultaneously producing an energy carrier called biogas 2016). The two-stage approach has the advantage of hydrolysing
(Schnürer et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017). Biogas is mainly com- the substrate and buffering organic loading rate (OLR) in the first
posed of CO2 and CH4 and finds application in heat, electricity gen- stage. In the second stage, the hydrolysed and homogenised sub-
eration and as a vehicular fuel (Parajuli et al., 2014; Shen et al., strate can be easily digested by the methanogens. Co-digestion of
2015). Biogas generated from FVWs of JM can offset part of the different substrates provides buffering capacity to the digester
22,431 MW h/year of electricity consumed at the cost of $2.5 mil- (Fonoll et al., 2015; Ganesh et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014). It also
lion/year (Market, 2016). Aside biogas, a sludge-like by-product increases the biodiversity of the microbial community that facili-
called digestate, that is potentially useful for agronomic applica- tates the AD process (Wang et al., 2018). The microbial population
tions, is also produced (Mangwandi et al., 2013). It can, therefore, in the digester and the biogas yield is partly dependent on the ratio
be summarised that AD technology proffers energy, environmen- of the different types of waste within the substrate mix (Lin et al.,
tal, waste management and socio-economic benefits (Amoo and 2012). Pavi et al. (2017) reported higher biogas yield and process
Fagbenle, 2013; Fallde and Eklund, 2015; Mangwandi et al., stability during co-digestion of food waste with FVWs at a ratio
2013; Olsson and Fallde, 2015; Tan et al., 2015). Although AD offers of 1:3 compared to mono-digestion. Huang et al. (2016) found
many benefits, the process presents some limitations mainly due optimal mix ratio at 3:1 of Aloe vera waste to dairy manure. Li
to the duration for stabilisation of organic waste, slow degradation et al. (2015) found a ratio of rice husk to pig manure of 1:1 as opti-
of volatile solids, fluctuating biogas yield rate and substrate- mum. Molinuevo-Salces et al. (2012) reported a 1:1 mix ratio as
induced process instability (Khalid et al., 2011; Pavi et al., 2017). optimal for AD of vegetable waste with pig manure. Furthermore,
AD process stability and biogas yield rate are strongly related to Wang et al. (2018) observed that increasing fraction of FVWs by
the source and composition of the substrate, process and opera- 5% during co-digestion increased CH4 yield by 22.4%. Cabbai et al.
tional conditions and partly, the type of digestion technology used (2013) and Koch et al. (2016) showed that co-digestion could
(Muhammad Nasir et al., 2012; Raposo et al., 2011; Ratanatamskul increase CH4 yield rate by 18–48%. Aside co-digestion, manage-
et al., 2015). The extent of stability of an AD process can be ment of total solids (TS) concentration in the substrate has been
adversely affected by the excessive accumulation of volatile fatty reported to improve the performance of digesters treating FVWs.
acid (VFA) and ammonia. The accumulation of VFA results in acid- Bouallagui et al. (2003) found that a substrate with TS concentra-
ification of the AD process thereby inhibiting the methanogenic tion <6% wet weight favours process stability but at the expense
activity (Asquer et al., 2013; Scano et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016). of high biogas yield. Also, Alkanok et al. (2014) digested FVWs with
AD of FVW as the sole substrate is challenging due to the tendency a 5% TS concentration and reported high volatile solid (VS)
to accumulate VFA caused by the degradation of highly soluble degradation.
simple sugar (Lebuhn et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014). Thermal and chemical pre-treatment is another viable way to
Several studies have reported AD instability resulting from reduce tendencies of instability when digesting FVWs as reported
digesting FVWs as sole substrate (Alkanok et al., 2014; by Dahunsi et al. (2016). Other stabilisation approach includes
Bouallagui et al., 2003; Bouallagui et al., 2005; Sitorus et al., hydraulic retention time management (Bouallagui et al., 2003; Di
2013). Maile et al. (2016) terminated the digestion of JM’s FVW Maria et al., 2015), organic loading rate (Aboudi et al., 2015; Di
after four days due to acidification problem encountered during Maria et al., 2015), digestate recycling (Zuo et al., 2015), elemental
the batch experiment. A conventional approach for managing the composition adjustment (Wang et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013),
238 S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

substrate management with artificial intelligence (Jacob and type of fruit and vegetable waste generated at JM. However, during
Banerjee, 2016), microbes addition (Yan et al., 2014), biochar addi- the experimentation, attempts were made to capture the percent-
tion (Shen et al., 2017) and dosing of trace elements (Jiang et al., age fruit to vegetable waste generated at the Market using the
2012; Zhang et al., 2012). weekly sale of fruits and vegetables as published on JM website.
The conventional process related routes for managing AD insta- Though this approach did not cater for the actual type of each fruit
bility have their disadvantages as well. The depletion of the neu- or vegetable waste generated, it provided a reasonable basis for a
tralising alkali chemical results in the increase of process fraction of fruit to vegetable in the substrate mix. The experimental
acidification. The use of two-stage digestion does not guarantee period was for 105 days.
process stability as increasing OLR to above 2.5 gVS/l-d for food The FVWs collected were separately macerated without the
waste has been reported to lead to process instability (Shen addition of water in an industrial food grinder as shown in Fig. 1.
et al., 2013). The practical implementation of co-digestion requires A homogenised sample was taken for characterisation. Samples
that all needed substrates are available at all times and also the not immediately used were packed into labelled plastic containers
right mixture must be fed into the digester (García-Gen et al., and stored at 18 °C. Before use, the frozen substrate was thawed
2014; Rao and Baral, 2011). Though co-digestion and two-stage and stored in a cold room operating at about 1 °C.
digestion are known for performance improvement (Di Maria and Proximate and ultimate analyses were conducted. Proximate
Barratta, 2015), it is possible that optimal substrate management analysis for each substrate was performed after homogenisation
can produce enough buffering capacity that reduces or eliminate to determine the TS, VS and ash content of substrate as received
the need for alkali chemical and co-digestion. Scano et al. (2014) using a Barnstead Thermolyne 6000 Furnace. Details of the proce-
emphasised that feeding a balanced blend of FVW can guarantee dure followed is as provided by Hart and Fisher (1971). The diges-
efficient control of the acidification processes that often lead to tate was also analysed according to procedures presented in Hart
process instability. In this paper, therefore, the impact of digesting and Fisher (1971). Ultimate analysis for each substrate was con-
FVWs as a single substrate at different ratios of fruit to vegetable ducted after homogenisation on TS basis to determine the carbon
waste was investigated with a view toward finding the optimal (C), hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), and Sulphur (S) present in the sub-
mix that will limit the need for other additives while still guaran- strate using a Thermo Scientific Flash 2000 Organic Element
teeing process stability and high biodegradability. The potential of Analyser.
utilising JM’s FVWs for energy generation through continuous AD
has not been investigated. Studies on the potential energy that 2.2. Micro-pilot scale system
can be recovered from FVW in South Africa is limited. Therefore,
the recoverable energy from digesting JM’s FVWs was investigated The experimental setup of the micro-pilot plant shown in Fig. 2
through a techno-economic feasibility assessment to provide pri- includes; an industrial food grinder, a 6-litre hydrolysis unit oper-
mary data on a regional level. ating at 35 ± 1 °C, and a vertical continuously stirred 35-litre diges-
ter operating at 35 ± 1 °C. The temperature of the digester is
2. Material and methods supplied by a 75 W submersible heating element and connected
to a temperature controller. The operating volume of the hydroly-
Designing and operating a full-scale AD plant with FVW as a sis unit was 3 L and the digester was 29.69 L. The hydrolysis was
sole substrate will require extensive knowledge of the perfor- manually agitated by shaking twice a day while the digester was
mance of such plant. Particularly, how the continuous loading of fitted with an IKA agitator that operates at 100 RPM over 10 min/
a highly heterogeneous mixture of FVW impacts on the stability h. The biogas produced from the digester passes through a wet tip-
of the process, biogas yield and specific methane yield rate. ping bucket flow meter that tips at every 100 ml of accumulated
According to Karellas et al. (2010), such information is difficult to biogas. The flowmeter was filled with acidified sodium chloride
capture by a batch biochemical methane potential (BMP) test. To as a barrier solution. Each tip of the flow meter was recorded as
obtain the information of interest, a two-stage laboratory-scale one count of a digital counter. Daily biogas production was nor-
AD process was designed, fabricated and operated in a semi- malised to standard temperature and pressure of 0 °C, 1 atm and
continuous mode. Scano et al. (2014) also designed and fabricated dry gas according to Eq. (1) (Bioprocess Control, 2014). The first
a micro-pilot plant digesting solely FVWs. term of Eq. (1) converts the biogas volume to standard temperature
To further investigate the potentially recoverable energy from
the sole digestion of FVWs at a full-scale plant, assess the cost
implication for the construction and economic viability for the util-
isation of the biogas and digestate, a techno-economic study was
conducted. The OLR, biogas yield rate, HRT and specific methane
yield rate experimental data and other data source from literature
and equipment suppliers were used as input data for the full-scale
AD plant techno-economic assessment.

2.1. Feedstock sampling, preparation and characterisation

Source separated FVWs were collected once in two weeks over

the first two months due to logistic reasons and subsequently on a
weekly basis from JM over the duration of the experiment. Random
sampling was used to collect FVW from each waste skip at JM. Ran-
dom sampling is the simplest method of sampling, and it underlies
many of the more complex method (Lebersorger and Schneider,
2011). The random sampling approach was applied because there
was no prior knowledge of each type of fruit and vegetable waste
generated on a daily basis. Also, it is difficult to collect every single Fig. 1. Separately macerated vegetable (left) and fruit (right) waste.
S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 239

Fig. 2. CAD drawing of the micro-pilot 35-L digester (Below: fabricated digester).

and pressure. The second term corrects the biogas volume to only from AD plants treating such waste. However, most biogas plants in
account for dry gas volume using the Antonine equation, and the CoJ and its environs operate on non-FVWs as substrate. Therefore,
third term calculates the total volume of biogas produced per only inoculum from such plants is available for use. Christof et al.
day. The average daily ambient temperature and pressure data (2012) indicated that no significant difference was found among
were retrieved from a WH2303 HP weather station and data log- BMP results for the same substrate using different sources of inocu-
ger. The biogas produced is stored in a 10-litre Tedlar bag. The bio- lum. They concluded that the degradation would proceed provided
gas composition (CH4, CO2, O2) was analysed at least four times the inoculum contains sufficiently diverse microbial communities
daily with a Geotech Biogas 5000. After each biogas composition to cope with the disintegration of the substrate. Also, Raposo
test, the Tedlar bag is emptied by burning the biogas and squeezing et al. (2011) reported the influence of inoculum sources was
the Tedlar bag to force out most of the stored biogas. insignificant regarding the extent of biodegradation. However, the
  " 1730:63
ð8:1962ð233:426þT Þ
# source of inoculum can affect the kinetic rate of degradation. To
273:15 ðPBG þ 0:6Þ 10 BG Þ
adapt the microbial community to the new substrate as against
V¼   1
ðT BG þ 273:15Þ 101:325 10  ðPBG þ 0:6Þ its source, a low OLR was used as the initial feeding and gradually
increased until the starting inoculum was completely replaced,
 ½Nc  V c  ð1Þ
and the microbial population acclimated. The starting OLR was
set to 0.5 gVS/l-d for the first week and was iteratively increased
2.3. Start-up of the digester and monitoring as shown in Fig. 3. Subsequent feeding and adjustment of OLR that
deviate from Fig. 3 were a response to the different composition of
The inoculum used for starting the AD process was provided by FVWs. Parameters monitored during this experimental period were
IBERT PTYs, a biogas company in Johannesburg, South Africa. The the fruit to vegetable mix ratio, mass flowrate, and proximate char-
inoculum obtained from a plant treating abattoir waste. The chem- acteristics of substrate and digestate. Also monitored were OLR, pH,
ical properties of the inoculum are presented in Table 1. The plant VFA to total alkalinity (TA) ratio (also referred to as FOS/TAC in Ger-
operates at 35 °C, and the inoculum had a pH of 7.75. Since FVW man literature), CH4 content in biogas, biogas yield, and hydraulic
will be digested, it would have been most suitable to use inoculum retention time. VFA/TA ratio and pH are critical substrate evolution
240 S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

Table 1
Characteristics of the inoculum used.

Inoculum TS (%ww) VS (%ww) C%TS H%TS N%TS

Abattoir digestate 2.33 2.01 42.97 5.97 2.33

Fig. 3. Iterative procedure for starting and monitoring the biodigester.


monitoring parameters in the digester while OLR is a control ðV pH4:4  V pH5 Þ  V20  0:1
2 4
 1:66  0:15  500  V dig
response parameter for management of the evolutions. The
VFA/TA parameter is the ratio of the volatile fatty (organic) acid
0:5  NH2 SO4  V pH5  MCaCO3  1000
measured in equivalent mg of acetic acid per litre to the total alka- ð2Þ
linity (inorganic) that measures the alkaline buffer capacity of the
digestate in equivalent mg of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per litre
(Bioprocess Control, 2015). According to Bensmann et al. (2016), 2.4. Full-scale plant assessment
VFA/TA ratio provides an immediate response to variation in the
stability of the digester than pH especially for a well-buffered sys- The full-scale plant is expected to receive about 47 tonnes of
tem and has been widely accepted as a better indicator than pH FVWs daily (approximately 17,000 tonnes/y). With consideration
only. In this study, both VFA/TA and pH were used as indicators given to lost FVW and pre-treatment inefficiency, it is expected
for the process evolution and the results guided on the adjustment that the plant will digest 45 tonnes/day (16,424 tonnes/y). The
of the OLR. The VFA/TA ratio was determined using titration of fil- waste stream of interest can be deemed clean as the FVWs are less
tered digestate with sulphuric acid to specific pH values of 5 and contaminated with other waste, although, sorting and cleaning to
4.4 as proposed by Rieger and Weiland (2006). The volume of acid achieve a higher purity is still required. For the proposed full-
consumed to attain both pH values were recorded and used to cal- scale plant, a consideration for mid-level mechanisation with
culate the VFA/TA ratio according to Eq. (2). human support at the front end of the sorting process was
S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 241

assumed. The sorted FVW is cleaned up, crushed and transported Q sub ¼ msub  C specific  ðT dig  T sub Þ ð4Þ
by appropriate equipment. The proposed plant was divided into
six functional units. The major components of each functional unit
were sized following procedures of (Akbulut, 2012; Samer, 2010; 2.4.4. Gas treatment unit
University of Southampton, 2016). The procedure for energy The end use of the biogas determines the type of gas treatment
demand and costing of each functional unit is presented in the unit required. The use of biogas in open flame application does not
sub-sections below. need any form of cleaning. A minimum biogas cleaning that
involves the removal of condensate and hydrogen sulphide is
2.4.1. Reception, sorting and storage unit required before use in an internal combustion engine for heat
This functional unit is described according to a modified and power generation. For high-value utilisation such as in an
approach of Sobacken biogas plant (Eriksson, 2009). FVWs will be automobile, the removal of carbon dioxide and compression to a
discharged in a holding pit of the reception hall after being weighed. high pressure increases the energy density of the gas. For all com-
FVWs are loaded onto a conveyor belt using a front wheel loader for mercial biogas plants, a gas flare unit is mandatory for combustion
manual sorting. The sorted waste is transported into a bio-separator of biogas during the period of scheduled maintenance, equipment
using a screw conveyor. At the bio-separator, heavy matter like failure or unavailability of utilisation equipment. A compressor is
undetected metal and grits settled at the bottom and expelled, while the main electrical component facilitating the transport of the bio-
non-organic materials like plastics floats at the top of the bio- gas through the series of cleaning equipment. The specific electri-
separator and are scooped off. The FVWs suspended between the cal energy demand facilitating the transportation of the biogas
heavy matter, and non-organic waste is transported into a crusher. through the desulphurisation unit was taken as 0.1 kW h/Nm3 of
Spillages from the bio-separator are retained in a pump pit for recir- biogas.
culation. The clean and sorted FVW is crushed into a buffer tank. In
the buffer tank, mixing with any additional slurry and substrate 2.4.5. Digestate management unit
amendment can take place before being transported to the sterilisa- This unit separates the solid fraction of the digestate from the
tion and hydrolysis unit. The specific electrical energy demand of whole digestate. A separator with a capacity to achieve a volume
this functional unit can range between 8 kW /tonne for a PURAC reduction of 41% and solid fraction of 56% as presented by
EFWA system to 50.2 kW h/tonne (Eriksson, 2009; PURAC, 2016). Breitenbeck and Schellinger (2004) was considered. The specific
The lower value has been used due to the scale of the plant. electrical energy of the digestate solid/liquid fraction separation
was taken as 0.7 kW h/tonne of the whole digestate according to
2.4.2. Pre-treatment unit University of Southampton (2016).
The pre-treatment unit is intended to transform the clean but
heterogeneous FVWs into a homogenised single-feed stream with 2.4.6. Biogas utilisation unit
properties within the specified range of TS, temperature, pH, C:N After the biogas treatment, the conversion of the biogas into
ratio, and particle size. This unit will include a mixer, heating, useful energy is done using specialised equipment. In this study,
pumping, internal transport and ventilation systems. The specific three energy utilisation pathways were considered as presented
electrical energy demand is taken to be 18.97 kW h/tonne in Table 2. The energy demand of the major biogas conversion to
(Lindkvist et al., 2017). energy equipment was taken from literature. The parasitic specific
electrical energy demand for the combined heat and power (CHP)
2.4.3. Digestion unit engine was assumed as 3% of the installed power. Biogas upgrading
The digestion unit is the key component of any AD process. The inclusive of cooling duty and compression to 200 bars were 0.25
digester for the FVWs will consist of a hydrolysis unit, the primary kW h/Nm3 and 0.11 kW h/Nm3 respectively (Budzianowski et al.,
digester where about 90% of the biogas is produced and a sec- 2017; Cozma et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2015). The heat duty for biogas
ondary digester that serves as a digestate holder and gas storage. upgrading was taken as 0.05 kW h/Nm3 of biogas (Cozma et al.,
Internal agitators for mixing and heating system to maintain meso- 2013; Cozma et al., 2015).
philic conditions were assumed to be installed in the hydrolysis
unit and primary digester. The specific electrical energy demand 2.5. Economic considerations and assumptions
for a biogas production process ranges between 7.32 and 10 kW h/-
tonne for a commercial-scale plant (Akbulut, 2012; Scano et al., The economic performance of the three energy pathways for the
2014). The average of 8.66 kW h/tonne is assumed in this study. digestion of FVWs is examined in this section. Data for estimating
This is because part of the energy demand required for pre- the specific cost of the major functional unit towards determining
treatment and conditioning of the substrate has been specified in the total plant cost (TPC), capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operat-
Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2. Thermal energy was calculated according ing cost (OPEX) is presented. The data consisted of both literature
to Eqs. (3) and (4) resulting in 46 kW h/tonne of the substrate. Eq. study of similar plant capacity, real data from engineering, pro-
(3) calculates total thermal energy losses through the walls of the curement and construction companies and specific equipment
digester and digester dome cover (Q dig ) while Eq. (4) calculates the suppliers.
thermal energy required to bring the fresh substrate up to the The decision to invest in a biogas project is based on some pri-
digester operating condition (Q sub ). mary values of merit. These are the net present value (NPV), the
internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period. The NPV is the
ðT dig  T o;min Þ
Q dig ¼ 2  p  r    þ p  r2
þ tinsulation
hair;forced K ps
þh 1 Table 2
  Biogas utilisation pathways.
T dig  T 0;min
  þ p  r2
Pathways Biogas use
þ Kppvvcc þ h 1
1 t
hair;forced air;free
  1 All biogas to electricity and exported to the grid
T dig  T 0;min 2 All biogas to compressed biomethane
  ð3Þ 3 Part of biogas for plant-parasitic energy demand and the rest
þ tinsulation
K pv c
þh 1 upgraded to biomethane
soil water;free
242 S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

sum of the discounted after-tax annual cashflows calculated Table 3

according to Eq. (5). The time value of money consideration makes TPC and CAPEX cost component.

the NPV a factor for quantifying an investment, but the financial Functional level TPC component Specific cost ($/tonne)
attractiveness depends on the extent of positive value recorded. 1. Civil and infrastructure 30.04
The accuracy of the NPV depends on the validity of the discounting 2. Reception and pre-treatment 25.55
rate which is often difficult to estimate accurately. The IRR is the 3. Digesters and ancillaries 37.72
discount rate that equates the net present revenue of the plant to 4. Digestate management 12.57
5. Biogas cleaning 12.15
its present total cost (Gebrezgabher et al., 2010) as calculated in 6. Electrical, SCADA and switchboard 21.72
Eq. (6). An IRR higher than the prevailing discount rate indicates 7. Other subsystems 12.92
economic viability for biogas project. IRR gives the measure of 8. Major energy conversion unit See Equation (1) and (2)
profitability of a project per unit of investment but does not 9. Total Plant Cost (TPC) =sum(1:8)
10. Project development cost 0.75 * TPC
account for both the scale of investment and measurement of abso-
11. Project contingency cost 0.05 * TPC
lute profitability. Payback compares the annual revenue with the 12. Total CAPEX =sum(9:11)
total investment of the plant and determines the duration of time
required to recoup the initial investment. The payback approach
does not account for the benefits incurred after the break-even Table 4
point (Masebinu et al. (2017)). Total operating cost factors.

CF t Total operating cost component Factors
NPV ¼ t ð5Þ
t¼0 ð1 þ iÞ Fixed cost
1. Labour overhead 10% of labour cost
2. Insurance 1% of TPC
CF t 3. General Plant overhead 0.5% of TPC
0¼ ð6Þ 4. Laboratory overhead 0.5% of turnover
t¼0 ð1 þ IRRÞt
2. Plant Management and marketing 1% of turnover

The three econometric indicators presented were investigated in Variable cost

this study. The determination of the econometric indicators 1. Maintenance 2.5% of TPC
2. Consumables 0.5% of TPC
requires the calculation of the TPC, CAPEX and OPEX. Cost compo- 3. Utilities 0.1% of TPC
nent that makes up a capital cost quotation from technology ven- 4. Electricity cost Calculated per pathway
dors might include in addition to the main equipment cost, cost 5. Liquid digestate disposal cost 0.3% of TPC
of erection, piping, instrumentation, electrical and SCADA system, 6. Additional amendment substrate cost 5000 $/y
7. Contingency 3% of sum(1:6)
civil works, building, engineering, design, supervision, manage-
ment, commissioning, contingency, and interest during construc-
tion. In this study, all elements of the capital cost have been
incorporated into the TPC. The TPC was calculated by grouping etables delivered to the JM over the duration of the experiment.
equipment into functional unit cluster discussed in Section 2.4 at Table 5 shows the average fruit fraction during each experimental
a specific cost per tonne of FVWs basis or cubic meter of biogas. cycle and the main composition of the substrate mixes used. The
The capital cost for the CHP and biomethane unit are calculated whole experimental period can be divided into three cycles
based on Eqs. (7) and (8) respectively. Eq. (7) was a modified equa- namely; the start-up cycle, HRT 1 and 2 cycles. Each cycle after
tion from data presented Fig. S1 (Supplementary Material) by Lantz start-up was approximately 27 days. During the experimental per-
(2012) and updated with recent cost data from CHP suppliers. The iod, C:N ratio was between 18.44 and 42.24 depending on the FVW
equation was also validated with a maximum standard deviation substrate mixes. The average C:N ratio was 28.77.
of ±36 $/kW (Table S1 Supplementary material). The equation ade-
quately predicts for CHP capacities <400 kW. Eq. (8) for the biogas 3.1.2. Micro-Pilot plant Start-up and operation
scrubber was derived through a non-linear regression of cost data Fig. 4 shows the fraction of fruit in the substrate mix and TS
for real plant obtained from literature (Sun et al., 2013) and equip- concentration fed to the digester. Regression analysis with the frac-
ment suppliers. The data showed tendencies of asymptote and was tion of fruit in the substrate mix as the predictor variable and pH,
therefore modelled using a concave asymptotic regression function CH4 concentration and VFA/TA as response variable was con-
in Minitab 17 (Fig. S2, Supplementary material). Table 3 summaries ducted. A unit increase in the fruit fraction caused a 1.12 and
the specific cost at functional unit level. Factors considered for the 7.38-unit reduction in pH and CH4 concentration respectively
operational cost of the plant are presented in Tables 4 and S1–S3 while a 0.51-unit increase was observed for VFA/TA. This shows
Supplementary material that as fruit fraction increases in the substrate mix, the pH of the
digester gradually reduces towards acidity, the conversion effi-
CC CHP ¼ 5904  P0:667
p ð7Þ ciency of the methanogens reduces, and the stability of the digester
reduces with increasing VFA/TA ratio. It was also observed that
CC BM ¼ 66639:2  V 0:5165
v ð8Þ increasing TS up to 15% wet weight resulted in an initial increase
in biogas yield and then a decline followed. A detailed discussion
of these observations and results of other monitored parameters
3. Results and discussion during the experimental period are summarised in Fig. 5A–D. The
monitored parameters are daily loading rate and volatile solid in
3.1. Experimental results the substrate mix (Fig. 5A), OLR and biogas yield (Fig. 5B), pH
trends and VFA/TA ratio (Fig. 5C), biogas yield rate and average
3.1.1. Proximate and ultimate analysis daily CH4 concentration in the biogas (Fig. 5D).
During the duration of the experiment, a total of 62.52 kg of In Fig. 5A, during the start-up cycle, the daily loading (kg/d) was
mixed FVWs was processed and digested. Variation in FVWs com- gradually increased to 0.6 kg/d. During the start-up cycle, continu-
position and characteristics were observed. This was partly due to ous increase in daily loading rate was to bring the digesters into
the dynamic weather conditions and seasonality of fruits and veg- optimal loading conditions and completely replace the starting
S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 243

Table 5
Mixed FVWs composition range.

Cycles Fruit [%] Total solid (%ww) Volatile solid (%ww) C (%TS) H (%TS) N (%TS)
Start-up 36.89 8.02–11.95 (Avg: 9.71) 7.15–11.52 (Avg: 9.19) 42.97–46.9 5.97–5.99 1.63–2.33
HRT 1 52.83 9.06–15.74 (Avg: 12.05) 8.53–14.99 (Avg: 11.51) 44.35–48.25 5.88–6.03 1.05–1.56
HRT 2 44.62 9.20–15.36 (Avg: 11.68) 8.64–14.97 (Avg: 11.12) 43.56–46.39 5.68–6.03 1.56–2.66

Fig. 4. Percentage Fruit and TS of substrate.

Fig. 5. Experimental results of the micro-pilot system. [A] Loading rate and volatile solid of substrate. [B] Organic loading rate and biogas yield. [C] pH and VFA/TA ratio. [D]
Biogas yield rate and Methane content.
244 S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

inoculum. The complete replacement of the starting inoculum was 4.06 kgVS/m3-d, the VFA/TA reached peaks of 0.45 and 0.53 for
achieved in 52 days. Subsequently, fluctuation in the daily loading HRT 1 and 2 cycles respectively. It was noted that a reduction in
rate during HRT cycle 1 and 2 was caused by corrective response OLR from 3.42 to 1.44 kgVS/m3-d over a period of 5 days, resulted
needed to stabilise the system while attempting to increase the in a corresponding decrease in VFA/TA ratio from 0.45 to 0.23 for
biogas yield rate. The maximum loading of the digester was 1.25 HRT 1 cycle with a pH adjustment from 7.12 to 7.28. While for
kg/d, but the digester was only stable when the daily loading HRT 2 cycle, reduction of OLR from 4.06 to 1.92 kgVS/m3-d reduces
was between 0.7 and 0.9 kg/d with a VS ranging between 9 and the VFA/TA to 0.29 over a period of 4 days with a pH increase from
11% of the daily loading. As the TS and VS content of the substrate 7.06 to 7.27. It was, however, observed that the change in pH was
changes, the daily loading rate was adjusted to maintain the not as instantaneous as that of VFA/TA. However, at exceptional
desired OLR in Fig. 5B. Higher VS requires a lower loading rate high loading rate, as experimented with an OLR of 4.06 kgVS/m3-
and vice versa. A corrective measure with the adjustment of the d with a high concentration of fruits, both pH and VFA/TA gave
OLR was carried out while monitoring the pH, VFA/TA, biogas yield an immediate indication of instability. This indicates that at lower
(Nm3biogas/m3reactor-d), biogas yield rate (Nm3biogas/kgVS-d) and CH4 OLR with a highly buffered system as in the start-up cycle, VFA/TA
concentration. ratio should have a higher monitoring priority than pH while at
In Fig. 5B, the biogas yield (Nm3biogas/m3reactor-d) increases propor- high loading, both pH and VFA/TA are good indicators of the extent
tionally with the OLR up to the maximum stable limit of the digester of degradation and stability of the digester. Aside pH of the main
before a decline in the biogas yield. It was observed that as the OLR digester, the pH of the 6-litres hydrolysis unit was monitored.
exceed 3.4 kgVS/m3-d, there was a rapid decline in biogas yield. The The pH ranged between 3.81 and 4.94. The hydrolysis unit pro-
statistical regression with OLR as the predictor variable and biogas vided buffering capacity for the main digester and allowed dilution
yield as the response variable indicated that a unit increase in OLR of substrate mix to increase the pH level. Throughout the experi-
increases biogas yield by a factor of 1.12. The decline in biogas yield ment and despite the high loading, the pH of the digester was
was also noted on the statistical regression. Therefore, the increase not below 7. The lowest pH recorded was 7.06 on day 99.
by a factor of 1.12 only holds true up to a loading rate less than In Fig. 5D, the effect of the OLR and substrate mix ratios on bio-
3.4 kgVS/m3-day. During HRT cycle 1, around day 68, a rapid decline gas yield rate and CH4 concentration was presented. During the
in biogas yield was recorded. This was due to the large quantity of start-up cycle, the biogas yield rate was unstable with high peak
citrus waste that constituted a significant fraction of the fruit waste and sudden valleys. This can be attributed to the initialisation of
mix. The FVWs mix was fed to the digester at an OLR of 3.4 kgVS/m3- the acclimation process of the microbial community. The average
day. A situation of this nature is possible in the full-scale plant biogas yield rate was 0.6 Nm3/kgVS with specific methane yield rate
around June and July when high citrus wastes are generated and ran- of 0.35 Nm3/kgVS. Although biogas yield rate during the start-up
domly when the rejection of large quantities farm produce can occur cycle was low compared to 0.91 Nm3/kgVS and 0.98 Nm3/kgVS for
due to damages during transportation. With the plant at a high load- HRT 1 and 2 cycles respectively, the CH4 concentration reached a
ing rate, a sudden change in the composition of substrates may occur peak of 72.4%. The high CH4 concentration achieved during the
and will affect the performance of the plant as observed in this start-up cycle was due to low OLR that facilitated complete degra-
study. High OLR makes the plant highly sensitive to any fluctuation dation of the substrate. This was an indication of the active culture
both in feed composition and operating parameters. It is therefore of the microbial community in the starting inoculum. After the
pertinent for the plant manager to operate below critical loading start-up cycle, the average CH4 concentration was in the range of
conditions and conduct a physical assessment of waste delivered 55–57%. Fig. 5D also shows that variation in FVW mix composition
to the plant regularly before pre-treatment or a pre-mixing unit that led to a CH4 concentration higher than 64% or lower than 49% only
reduces the possibility of loading the digester with a substrate that for a short period. The depth of valley in CH4 concentration was
contains high inhibitory chemicals that can be released under anaer- also observed to also relate to the frequency of feeding. Multiple
obic condition. Literature has reported challenges of digesting citrus feeding in a day yielded a more stable CH4 concentration than
waste due to peel oil containing 32–98% of an alkylated aromatic feeding once a day.
compound called limonene (Droby et al., 2008; Fagbohungbe et al., A summarised weekly average of fruit fraction in the substrate
2016; Mizuki et al., 1990). Recommended pre-treatment methods mix and its effects on the monitored parameters in presented in
suggested in literature are steam distillation and aeration (Mizuki Figs. S4 and S5 (Supplementary material). Average values of biogas
et al., 1990). To recover the process stability, the OLR was immedi- yield, biogas yield rate and composition during the three experi-
ately reduced, and the substrate mix was diluted with more veg- mental cycles are presented in Table 6. It was observed that when
etable waste. OLR was less than 2 kgVS/m3-d and VFA/TA ratio less than 0.21, the
As part of the monitoring parameters, the pH and VFA/TA ratio reactor was at suboptimal conditions producing below 1 Nm3biogas/
provided insight into the degradation efficiency and stability (m3reactor-d). The intermediate optimal operating parameters are
within the digester. Fig. 5C shows the pH trends and VFA/TA ratio loading rate that ranges between 2 and 2.68 kgVS/m3-d, VFA/TA ratio
in response to the OLR. Statistical regression indicated that for of 0.23–0.29 resulting in biogas yield that is greater than 1 but less
every unit increase in OLR, the pH decreases by a factor of 0.16 than 2.4 Nm3biogas/(m3reactor-d). Optimal conditions during this exper-
while the VFA/TA increases by a factor of 0.07. The adjustment of iment were found to be an OLR that was between 2.68 and 2.97 kgVS/
OLR in response to pH and more particularly VFA/TA was guided m3-d, VFA/TA ratio that range between 0.29 and 0.36 resulting in a
by acceptable range suggested in literature. As a general rule, the biogas yield between 2.4 and 2.8 Nm3biogas/(m3reactor-d). The average
VFA/TA ratio of anaerobic digestion processes should be in the specific biogas at the optimal conditions was 0.87 Nm3/kgVS with a
range of 0.3–0.4 (Lossie and Putz, 2008). Lossie and Putz (2008) specific methane 0.49 Nm3/kgVS corresponding to 57.58% CH4 con-
reported that VFA/TA ratios above 0.4 indicate an overloading of centration in the biogas. The results obtained from this experiment
the digester, therefore, indigestion and instability might occur. are high compared to some result from literature at mesophilic con-
Although some few processes treating energy crops requires VFA/ ditions but are in line with other studies (Di Maria and Barratta,
TA within 0.4–0.6, such systems require long-term observation. 2015; Gunaseelan, 2004; Raposo et al., 2011; Scano et al., 2014) that
In this experiment, once the VFA/TA exceeded 0.4, the OLR was digested FVWs solely. Scano et al. (2014) digested FVWs solely in a
reduced with guidance from Fig. 3. Two significant instabilities 0.95 m3 digester over 180 days and reported a specific CH4 yield rate
were observed over the experimental period during HRT 1 and of 0.43 Nm3/kgVS. Bohn et al. (2007) digested sugar beet tops in a
HRT 2 cycles. It was observed that as the OLR reaches 3.42 and 1.83 m3 digester and achieved a specific CH4 yield rate of
S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 245

Table 6
Average values of biogas production and composition.

Experimental Cycles Biogas yield (Nm3biogas/m3reactor-d) Biogas yield rate (Nm3/kgvs) CH4 (%vol.) CO2 (%vol.) O2 (%vol.) Others (% vol.)
Start-up 0.95 0.60 58.95 39.86 0.43 0.76
HRT 1 2.47 0.90 56.72 42.77 0.32 0.19
HRT 2 2.89 0.98 55.85 43.61 0.20 0.34

Table 7 Table 9
Parameters considered for the full-scale plant. Economic comparison of the energy pathways.

Parameters Factors used Pathway 1 Pathway 2 Pathway 3

Daily waste received/digested 47 tonnes/day/45 tonnes/day TPC $2,928,223 $3,574,337 $3,557,594

FVW composition characteristics TS = 11.84% ww; VS = 11.29%ww CAPEX $3,294,250 $4,021,129 $4,002,293
Organic loading rate 2.68 kgVS/(m3d) NPV $1,262,549 $2,428,021 $1,208,509
Operating Temperature 35C IRR 14.30% 16.90% 13.61%
Specific biogas production 0.8658 Nm3/kg VS Simple payback 7.42 y 6.17 y 7.44 y
Specific methane production 0.4985 Nm3/kg VS Discounted payback 11.76 y 8.87 y 11.96 y
Specific Energy Potential of Biogas 5.5 kW h/Nm3
Density of biogas 1.18 kg/m3
HRT hydrolysis/methanogenesis 5/30
CHP electrical/thermal Efficiency 40/45% 3.2. Full-scale plant
CHP utilisation factor/replacement year 92%/7 years
Electrical/Thermal losses 1%/10%
Methane slip 1.5% Results obtained from the experimental phase provided the
Digestate storage duration 3 months basis for the feasibility assessment of the full-scale plant. More
CO2 emissions for coal sourced electricity 0.99 CO2/kW h specifically, the specific biogas production, CH4 concentration, TS
and VS were considered. Plant operational data and other assump-
tions are summarised in Table 7. The envisaged process layout at
0.39 /kgVS. Raposo et al. (2011) obtained 0.37 Nm3/kgVS for mung functional unit level is presented in Fig. 6. The major tanks that
bean from an interlaboratory study. In this study, the high perfor- make-up AD system are the feed preparation (item 6 of Fig. 6),
mance obtained can be due to the long start-up period of 52 days hydrolysis (item 8 of Fig. 6), main digester (item 9 of Fig. 6) and
that allowed for an excellent acclimation of the microbial popula- digestate storage (item 10 of Fig. 6) and their respective capacity
tion. It can also be attributed to the high biodegradability of an aver- are 99 m3, 292 m3, 1755 m3 and 3996 m3. The digestate storage
age value of 78.74% achieved by analysing the digestate once a week of 3,996 m3 was sized for winter, a duration of three months, in
throughout the experimental period. This indicated that the bio- South Africa. The annual biogas production will be 1,605,455
digestion process is highly efficient in converting the volatile solids Nm3/y which is equivalent to 8,830 MW h/y. The AD plant will pro-
into biogas. Aside from the high biodegradation, the hydrolysis dura- cess 16,424 tonnes/y of FVWs and will produce 14,530 tonnes/y
tion ranged between 4 and 6 days on average that allowed for com- whole digestate. With the solid fraction of the digestate consid-
plete hydrolysis of the fresh substrate. Also, an average of 38 days ered, the annual compost production will be 5,914 tonnes. The
HRT as shown in Fig. S3 (Supplementary material) for all cycles fur- energy demand and annual products depending on the energy
ther improved the methanogenic activity which favours biogas yield. pathway are summarised in Table 8.
At the optimal condition, the pH varied between 7.32 and 7.44 with Pathway 1 will require a 430 kW CHP to convert all biogas into a
the fruit to vegetable ratio of 2.2:2.8. At conditions where fruit frac- total of 3.4 GW h/y of electricity. This is equivalent to 15.2% of the
tion is greatly higher than vegetable, the initial biogas rate was high electrical energy demand of JM. Net excess heat available for other
but with lower CH4 concentration. The reduction in CH4 is due to the industrial use is 2.7 GW h/y. There are two possibilities considering
rapid degradation of simple sugars that increase the initial biogas GHG emissions for AD systems: CO2 emission that would have
yield but simultaneously liberates carbon dioxide. Maintaining a occurred should the biogas escape to the atmosphere and CO2
high fraction of fruit in the substrate mix caused a decline in the emissions from combusting biogas equivalent to, respectively,
pH, an increase in VFA/TA ratio above recommended stable region 8.5 kg CO2/Nm3 biogas and 1.9 kg CO2/Nm3 biogas (Akbulut,
and an eventual reduction in biogas yield. These conditions were 2012). If the AD process had not occurred, 13,588 tCO2eq/y would
observed on days 62–68 and 96–100. However, the reduction of have been emitted. However, with the diversion of FVWs into an
OLR lowered the VFA/TA ratio, improved the pH and resulted in a AD and producing electricity from it, 10,143 tonnes CO2eq/y was
return to stability with biogas yield improvement. avoided.

Table 8
Energy demand and product potential.

Pathway 1 Pathway 2 Pathway 3

Biogas Production 1,605,455 1,605,455 1,605,455
Electrical Demand Energy 614,901 kW h/y 1,207,421 kW h/y 1,207,421 kW h/y
Thermal Demand Energy 780,735 kW h/y 861,008 kW /y 833,566 kW /y
Installed CHP 430 kW – 160 kW
Product potential
Electricity 3,369,529 kW /y – 1,280,000 kW /y
Biomethane – 900,288 Nm3/y 599,246 Nm3/y
Compost 5914 tonnes/y 5914tonnes/y 5914 tonnes/y
Excess Thermal Energy (kWh/yr) 2,715,143 kW /y – 388,948 kW /y
CO2 avoided (tCO2eq) 9833 12,393 12,513
246 S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

Fig. 6. Schematic of the proposed 45 tonnes/d full-scale biogas plant.

S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 247

Fig. 7. Impact of variable variation on energy pathway 1.

Fig. 8. Impact of variable variation on energy pathway 2.

Pathway 2 will produce 900,288 Nm3/y of biomethane. The pur- as specified in Table 4. The unit cost of electricity and selling price
chase of electricity from the grid and upgrading all biogas to bio- were 0.0825 and 0.0847 $/kW h respectively. Landfill charges and
methane will avoid 12,393 tonnes CO2eq/y. Considering the CoJ compost selling prices were 17.58 and 17.76 $/tonne respectively.
metro bus that uses on average 110 L of diesel per day The price of biomethane was calculated on gasoline energy equiv-
(University of Johannesburg, 2016), the biomethane produced alent basis as 0.68 $/Nm3 of biomethane. The NPV was calculated
can fuel 18 dedicated natural gas metro bus per year. at discounting rate of 10%. Of the three energy pathways, pathway
Pathway 3 produces both its electrical and thermal energy need 2 involving the purchase of all electrical needs from the grid and
and the remaining biogas is upgraded to biomethane. The designed harnessing the excess thermal energy from a LFG plant on site
system requires a 160 kW CHP that will produce 1,280,000 kW h/y while upgrading all biogas to biomethane was the most economi-
electricity with the excess thermal energy of 388,948 kW h/y after cally viable pathway. This pathway had NPV of $2,428,021, IRR of
meeting the thermal energy needs of the plant. Also, 599,246 Nm3/ 16.90% and a simple payback period of 6.17 years. Energy pathway
y of biomethane will be produced to fuel 12 dedicated metro buses. 2 leveraged on the low cost of grid electricity and the high cost of
The production of parasitic electricity and conversion of biogas to vehicular fuel for profitability. Pathway 3 economic performance
biomethane avoided the on-site GHG emissions by 12,513 ton- was also favourable with a positive NPV though the least among
nes CO2eq/y. This pathway is the most environmentally friendly. the three pathways investigated as shown in Table 9. The low eco-
Table 9 presents the economic performance of the energy path- nomic performance of pathway 3 was because 34.19% of the biogas
ways investigated. The energy pathway 1 had the least TPC of generated was required to meet parasitic energy demand. Also, the
$2,928,223 while pathway 2 had the highest. The TPC for pathways capital cost of biogas upgrading unit was almost identical to that of
2 and 3 were identical due to a marginal 50 m3/h difference in pathway 2 and therefore reducing any potential benefit that could
flowrate capacity of the upgrading unit. The NPV for each energy have been accrued from self-generation of energy. Pathway 1 had a
pathway was calculated after considering the unit cost and selling good economic performance over pathway 3 but its performance
price of raw material, utilities and products among other variables was lower than pathway 2 due to the marginal price differential
248 S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250

Fig. 9. Impact of variable variation on energy pathway 3.

between electricity purchase and selling price. Using the renew- ±0.72%, ±0.45%, ±0.35%, and ±0.25% landfill gate price, fixed cost,
able energy feeding tariff (REFIT) for biogas (0.11 $/kW h) the variable cost and compost price respectively. The sensitivity anal-
NPV would be $2,209,223 with a payback period of 6.22. This will ysis showed that variation in biogas production has the highest
make pathway 1 very competitive with pathway 2. However, an impact on the econometric indicators of the plant. Therefore,
industry expert has described the process of obtaining the REFIT improving biogas yield will be favourable for plant economic
licence as cumbersome and costly. Therefore, in this paper, a more returns.
pessimistic approach was taken in consultation with biogas plant
operators in South Africa.
The impact of the discounting rate on payback period was con- 4. Conclusion
sidered in this study. The study showed that if the assumed dis-
counting rate remains valid through the project lifetime, the AD is an effective technology for management of FVWs, gener-
payback period could range between 9 years for the most econom- ation of energy and compost and mitigation of GHG emission. The
ically viable pathway to 12 years for the least economically viable high specific biogas yield showed that the digestion of FVWs is
pathway as shown in Table 9. Discounted payback period is not viable as a mono-substrate when the fraction of fruit waste in
often used as an econometric indicator but it is important to indi- the substrate mix is controlled and below that of vegetable. Where
cate the expected long-term economic viability of the project fruit fractions are higher than vegetable, the AD process becomes
should the discounting rate assumed remains valid through the unstable with low biogas yield and low methane concentration.
project life. Also, since NPV already considers the time value of This study further supports existing proposition that the extent
money, a simple payback period could be deceptive as a negative of instability in a digester could be studied sufficiently through
NPV can still have simple payback period that is lower than the the VFA/TA and pH while the OLR is an effective control response
project life. strategy. The feasibility assessment for the full-scale plant showed
A sensitivity analysis was conducted on some primary variables that FVWs generated at JM could offset 15.2% of the Market annual
for each energy pathway and the effect on IRR was studied (Figs. 7- energy consumption and reduce GHG emission. Despite the esca-
9). Biogas volume, CAPEX, product selling price and landfill gate lating cost of electricity, the study showed that it was economically
charges had the highest impact on IRR. A ±10% variation on pri- viable to purchase electricity from the grid to meet parasitic load
mary variables on IRR for energy pathway 1 is presented in as proposed by pathway 2 than a self-generation and consumption
Fig. 7. The IRR increased by 1.74%, 0.95%, 0.83% and 1.62% with as suggested by pathway 3. The result of this study could be
10% increase in biogas volume, electricity selling price, landfill gate applied to other fruit and vegetable markets in South Africa as well
price and CAPEX respectively. as other cities in Africa with similar climatic condition and socio-
On the most economically viable energy pathway, pathway 2 economic status as to what is obtainable in the CoJ.
shown in Fig. 8, biogas volume is the variable with the greatest
impact on IRR. A 10% increase in biogas volume improved the Acknowledgement
IRR by 2.31% and an equivalent reduction reduces IRR by 2.38%.
A 10% increase in CAPEX reduces the IRR by 1.33% while a 10% This work was supported by the University of Johannesburg-
decrease increased IRR by 1.47%. The sensitivity analysis shows University Research Committee [UJ-URC-201339837]. Also, the
that reduction in CAPEX without improvement in plant productiv- authors are grateful to the City of Johannesburg, Environmental
ity has a small impact on the economic viability of the plant com- Infrastructural Service Department, Joburg Market and Process
pared to the biogas volume. Energy and Environmental Technology Station at the University
In pathway 3, 10% reduction in CAPEX increased IRR by 1.78% of Johannesburg for providing support for the research conducted.
and biogas volume reduces IRR by 2.83% as shown in Fig. 9. A The opinion expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
±10% variation in primary variable had a proportional impact of are not necessarily to be attributed to the sponsors.
S.O. Masebinu et al. / Waste Management 75 (2018) 236–250 249

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the online version, at Single-phase and two-phase anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable waste:
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