The Endocrine System

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The Endocrine System


 Hormones:
 are “chemical messenger molecules”
 Circulate in the blood
 Act on distant target cells

 Basic categories of hormones:

 peptide or protein = at least 3 amino acids
 steroid = derived from cholesterol
 amine = derived from single amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine).

 Chemical Classification of Hormones :

 Amine hormones
 Polypeptide and protein hormones – chains of amino acids
 Glycoproteins include LH, FSH, TSH (water soluble)
 Steroids – lipids derived from cholesterol

 Mechanism of Steroid Hormones

 The hypothalamus and pituitary integrate many functions of the

vertebrate endocrine system
 The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (master gland of the
body)control much of the endocrine system
 Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) :
1. TSH
3. FSH
4. LH
5. GH
6. PRL
7. MSH

 Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) :

1. ADH (antidiuretic hormone), or vasopressin
2. Oxytocin.

 Anterior Pituitary(adenohypophysis):
 4 tropic hormone.

 Non tropic hormone:

 Growth hormone (GH) promotes growth, protein synthesis, and
movement of amino acids into cells, use glucose for ATP production
 Prolactin (PRL) stimulates milk production by mammary glands.

 Function of Posterior Pituitary (neurohypophysis) Hormones :

1. ADH (antidiuretic hormone) also called as vasopressin, stimulates the
kidneys to reabsorb more water from the urine, raises blood pressure.
2. Oxytocin prompts contraction of smooth muscle in reproductive tracts,
in females initiating labor and ejection of milk from breasts, child birth.

 The Thyroid Gland

 Some Effects of Thyroid Hormone (Thyroxine).

 The Parathyroid Glands

 Increases blood Ca++ (calcium) concentration when it gets too low.
 Adrenal Gland
 Adrenal cortex
 MINERALOCORTICOIDS – Aldosterone is the main one
 GLUCOCORTICOIDS – Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is the main one
 Adrenal medulla
 Secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine

 Cortisol, the most important glucocorticoid

 The Pineal Gland

 Light/dark cycles control release of melatonin
 Primary functions of melatonin appear to relate to biological (circadian)
 –the biological clock Pancreas:
1. Alpha cells: secrete glucagon( raises blood sugar)
2. Beta cells: secrete insulin (lowers blood sugar)
3. Rare Delta cells:secrete somatostatin (inhibits glucagon)

 Testes
 Interstitial cells secrete androgens
 Helps promote sperm formation

 Ovaries
 Corpus luteum also secretes estrogen and progesterone

 Produces immunity (T lymphocyte).
o Fertilization produces one cell with one set of chromosomes from each
o Survival of sperm required 2 -3 degree lower than body temperature.
o Sperm has mitochondria to produce ATP for energy.
o Normal sperm count is 50 to 150 millions/ml.

 Principal functions of the endocrine system:
 Maintenance of the internal environment in the body.
 Integration and regulation of growth and development.
 Control, maintenance and instigation of sexual reproduction, including
gametogenesis, fertilization, fetal growth and development and
nourishment of the newborn.

 Humoral: in response to changing levels of ions or nutrients in the blood

 Neural: stimulation by nerves
 Hormonal: stimulation received from other hormones.

 Stages of sperm production:

 ( spermatocytogenesis, spermatidogenesis, spermiogenesis)

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