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SMJK CHUNG LING PULAU PINANG 2008 FINAL TERM EXAMINATION ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 1 Form One »_ Duration: One Hour, This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer ALL the questions in the answer sheet provided, Section A Questions 1- 10 4. Look at the sign below carefully and answer the question thet follows. When you see this sign, you should not A. stop B. park C. honk D. speed From the dialogue,.we know that : A. Vikram wants Kamal to switch on the TV B. Kamal wants Vikram to switch on the TV. 4 C. Vikrarn does not want Kamal to switch on the TV D. Kamal does not want Vikram to switch on the TV | Questions 3 and 4 Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow. 3. This place Is usually 4. The man‘wearing an apronis.a Ady A. butcher B. busy B. fruit seller C. empty . C. fishmonger D. orderly . D. vegetable seller 5. Study the graph below and answer the question that follows. Malaysian oll exports from 2002 to 2003 rose A. sharply B. sii . slightly C. gradually (08ti0na) 6. Read the notice below and answer the question that follows. ‘Water Supply Disruption in Petaling Water supply will be disrupted in eaveral areas in Petaling from 8.00 p.m, tomorrow till 8.00 a.m. on Sunday due to pipe works. Why will water supply be cut? A. Itis a Sunday ‘C. The pipes need repairs B. To save water D. Several areas need cleaning. 7. Read the poster below and answer the question that follaws. The word draw means A. find B. c. aa Annual Food And Fruit Fiesta D. sketch ° Aims to draw thousands of visitors — local‘and foreign, Questions 8-9 Look at the picture below.and answer the questions that follow. 8. The instrument which is played by shaking or hitting with the hand Is the... A. drum C. harmonica B. guitar D. tambourine 9. In the picture, the wind instrument Is the . A. drum C. harmonica B. guitar . D. tambourine « 10. An employee performing the duties ts most likely A. astore clerk B, ashop assistant C. an account clerk D. a marketing executive + Listitems to replenish stock. — 9.00a.m, “~ Assist customers on rounds. B ‘= Report problems to management. 1.00pm. — Break forlunch. Sebi Section B Questions 11- 18 Each question In the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D tofit the numbered blanks. Today, a lot of people use the microwave oven to cook and heat up food. . Usifig the microwave oven Is a fast and easy way to cook. Do you know (11) Invented the microwave ‘oven and how it was invented? _|____ (12) engineer named Dr. Percy Spencer was working in his laboratory. ‘He was working with a magnetron tube which produces microwaves. At that (13), he had a candy bar in‘his pocket. When he wanted to eat it,he (14) that it had melted. He was puzzled. There was no heat In the laboratory that could (15) caused the candy bar to melt. The only thing he: (16) think of that could have caused this to occur was the magnetron tube he was working with. He then placed some popcom (17) the tube aind the popcom popped In a few seconds. He than tried focusing the beam through a an egg. The egg exploded on one of ____ (18) fellow scientists. As a result of these experiments, the microwave oven was invented. 11. A why B who Cc what D when 12,A an B the C this D’ that 13. A. time B times Cc timely 14, A. find B finds C found D founded" 15. A. has B had Cc. have D_ having 18. Acan B may C must D could 17. A at “. B near C.- -after 18 A he B his Cc him D ‘himself Section C Questions 19-21 Read the text below and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined. “Trishan, you are late again. | was hoping you would fum up (19). arly.” sald Arif, You know that tomorrow is the deadline to hand in our class project. Sora J was bald up (20) by tHe early moming traffic .Don't ‘worry, weil finish pur work on time," said Trishan, “Thanks Trishen, | know I can caunton (21) you" sald at “Lwon't let you: down, you know that,” replied 19 tum A walt B stay Cc. anive D return 20 held up coe A worried B delayed C’ surprised =D _ disappointed 21. counton . A rely B refer C ‘remind D recognise Questions 22- 24 Read the text below and choose the best meaning for the proverbs that are underlined ‘Once their father passed away, the three brothers decided to go and five by themselves. They started buliding thelr own homes. ° ‘The eldest brother built himself a beautiful home of stones and bricks. ‘The second meanwhile, bultt a house of plank and straw, The third Just spent his time doing nothing. “The two brothers decided to advise him, “Dear ite brother,” they sid, , "Never put off til tomorrow what maybe done today (22). You are atil young, 60 learn to strike while the bron hot (2)” "Do not worry about me, brothers,” he sald, “I am young and | have my lifetime ahead of me. Remember, Rome was not built ina day (24).” 22. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today A. Do not pian on what to do C. Do not hurry when doing something B. Donotworry about anything .D. Donot postpone what you should do 23. strike while the iron is hot A. Use the iron when it is hot C, Use your ideas when you get them B. Use your hand to strike your foe’ D. Use the opportunity when it is there 24. Rome was not built in a day A. It takes time to develop Rome C. You have to be young to build a house. B, You have to bulld a house inaday _D. It takes time to achieve something great Section D . Questions 25 - 28 are based on the following-advertisement COMPUTER FAIR 2007 >>, BIGGEST EVENTI COMING THIS DECEMBERII WIDE CHOICESII! ‘COMPUTER FAIR - the biggest COMPUTER cash and carry event in Malaysia offers you the widest choice of consumer ICT products all under one roof at blowout prices: Call COMPUTER Fall at 03-7955 2422 or e-mall to for detalls. « ‘Visit my for updates. ‘Admission: FREE Time:11 am.to9 pm, 25. The phrase ‘Join Us There’ is an A. Offer B. Appeal C. Invitation D. Introduction 26. Customers can buy many products at the computer fair. A. camping B. stationery C. handicraft D. technological 27. From the advertisement we know that A. The fair will be held twice a year ‘ B. Customers will have only a limited'choice of products C. Customers can buy most of the products at the same place. 28. Customers can buy the ICT products at prices: A. fixed B. expensive TC. teasonable Questions 29 - 34 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Many of us know that vegetables are good for us. They are good sources of vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, calcium and Iron. Vegetables are best eaten fresh. If they are cooked for too long, they will lose thelr nutrients. So It Is advisable to eat vegetables that are half cooked. Besides serving as food crops for people, vegetables have other uses. They serveas feed for cattle, sheep and poultry. Vegetable olls are widely used In cooking, One of the most common vegetables|s the tomato.The tomato Is actually afrultbecause Its fleshy and contains seeds. Other similar frults which are eaten as vegetables include cucumbers and melons. Before vegetables are marketed they have to go through a process of washing, trimming, waxing grading and packing Vegetables ike cucumbers and tomatoes are waxed to Improve thelr appearance and to control the loss of molsturé:The vegetables are then sold through various retail and wholesale markets. 29. Vegetables are good for us because A. they are easy to get C. they are green B. they are sold in the market D., they are good sources of vitamins 30. Vegetables should not be cooked for too long because A. they will lose their taste C, they will loge their freshness B. they will lose their nutrients 31. All the following statements are true except A. vegetables contains fat C, vegetables serve as feed for animals B. vegetables are best eaten fresh —_D vegetable olls are widely used in cooking 32. Fruits which are eaten as vegetables include tomatoes, cucumbers and A. apples ;B. melons C. bananas D. mangoes 33. Before vegetables are marketed, they have to go through a process of A. washing, drying, waxing and packing B. washing, waxing, cooking and grading C. washing, trimming, waxing, grading and packing dD washing, trimming, waxing, soaking and packing 34. Vegetables are waxed to improve their A. size B. prices. C. colour D. appearance Section E Questions 35 - 37 Read the poem below and ariswer the questions that follow. Life's Brief Candle ‘To-morrow, and tomarrow, ahd to-morrow,” Creepa in thia petty pace from day to day ‘To the /est syllable of recorded time,’ ‘And all our yesterdays have lighted foots ‘The way to dusty death. Out, cut, brief candle! Life's but walking shadow, a poor player, ‘That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, ‘And then la heard no more; itis tale ‘Told by an Idfot, full of sound and fury, ‘Signifying nothing. 35. The word creeps is related-to A. retirement B: movement C. entertainment 36. The phrase /ast syllable of recorded time refers to A. one's personal life C. one's memorable. day B. the end of one's wish D. the end of one's lifetime 37. From the poem we leam that life is A. short - B, simple C. interesting: D. demanding Questions 38-40 Read the extract below and answer the questions. (to Se ee eee eee eee, “He was my brother and my father’s sori,” he sald. "He was younger than lam. | should have looked afier him. I want you to make. 8 tall, carved memorial pole, like the one you made for my late father.” But the men disagreed. “Chief,” they sald, "your kindness is too great. This man was your brother and your ate father’s ‘son. This Ie why he should never have gone against you the way he did. He should not have brought our enemies here to attack and to Kill many of our frends. You can moum him if you like, but we will not carve a pole for him." How Dalat Got its Name By Heidi Munan ee 38. The chief was when he knew of his brother's death. A. fearful B. excited C. regretful D. honoured 39. The villagers considered the chief's brother a A. leader B. traitor C. warrior D. follower 40. Why did the chiefs brother team up with the enemies? A, Tokillhis friends - C. To look after his village B. To fight his brother D. To take care of his people. END OF QUESTION PAPER Lim noc chat Prepared by: Yow Yam Ling KETUAPANITIAL oN Checked by: Lim Guat Beng Se MTU ro : SMJK CHUNG LING, PULAU PINANG PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN 2008 ENGLISH (PAPER 2) FORM1 ‘TIME: 1 % HOURS Answer all the questions. SECTION A (30 marks) You have taken up a new hobby, gardening. You want to convince your friend, Shaun, that gardening is a useful hobby. You made the following notes: > is. very useful hobby very interesting and relaxing, joy to see plants grow and bear fruits ® fills up leisure time meaningfully ‘trains us to be patient Write a LETTER to Shaun, telling him about your new hobby. ‘When writing your letter: > use ALL the notes given > ELABORATE on the given notes io make it more interesting > make sure it is NOT LESS THAN 120 WORDS SECTION B (10 marks) Many people, especially students, face stress in their everyday lives. Students who are sitting for public examinations are under a lot of stress, However, they should be able to cope with this problem if they follow these simple steps. First of all, students must plan a schedule and have a checklist to monitor their progress, They must aiso know about the different study skills and put into practice one that is suitable for themselves. Maybe they would lear better if they work in groups. This will help to reduce stress. Besides, they should also get advice from their teachers and parents if they face problems. A healthy lifestyle such as doing exercises regularly and eating healthy food also goes a long ‘way in helping them cope with stress. Simple forms of exercise such as jogging or brisk walking around the neighbourhood is enough. They must have a proper diet and learn to relax by spending time on their hobbies, talking to their parents or listening to music. Write a SUMMARY on how to cope with stress. Your summary must: © not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below bein continuous writing (not in note form) © be written in ONE PARAGRAPH ONLY Use your OWN WORDS as far as possible without changing the original meaning, Begin your summary as follows: Students sitting for examinations are under a lot of stress SECTION C (10 marks) Short Stories: 1, OfBunga Telur and Bally Shoes by Che Husna Azhari 2. The Pencil by Ali Majod 3, How Dalat Got Its Name by Heidi Muman Choose ONE of the short stories above. Based on the short story that you have chosen, write about A CHARACTER that you ADMIRE THE MOST. Give REASONS for your choice based on the evidence from the story to support your answer. ‘Your response should be more than 50 words. seuneeesesnneesaneeeesssee*END OF QUESTION PAPERI*####¢0esseeeeesnsenneseans Prepared by: Lim GB KETUAPANTIABANASA NGGeRIS Checked by: Yow YL 0 SSROLAN MENENGA 4iC) CHUN tg

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