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Pyramid Reiki Master

Lineage: Alaya ~~Susan Beaumont

Pyramids can be used to amplify a powerful healing vibration. By combining pyramid
power with Reiki we can channel higher levels of energy. This is a very powerful
advanced attunement as many Pyramid Reiki Masters will testify. This can increase your
healing vibration to levels which exceed any other form of energy channelling.
Orgone energy is "The Higher Power We Can Use", what is also called the Life
Force/Chi/Prana and many others, the live cosmic energy of nature that is present
everywhere. This cosmic force is a spontaneously pulsating, mass-free energy that fills
the Universe in vast quantities. Orgone fields of energy can be amplified using a pyramid
structure to channel and ground these higher energies into our lives. The energy moves in
the direction of a magnetic field, having a constant motion in an upward tendency. It will
pass through all materials at variant speeds, radiates a great distance and will interact in
accordance with the understanding of the user. Pyramid energy has been known to
increase psychic ability, health and wellbeing, aid sleep, concentration and release stress.
It is thought that the pyramid has the power to return things to their natural state of how
things should be. this could help us regain what we have lost over many lifetimes.
Pyramid Power is intrinsic to the pyramid shape which has been proven to function as a
geometric accumulator and amplifier of strong energy forces. Placing crystals in
geometric energy forms within the pyramid, dramatically magnifies the overall energies
as they blend together in a unified gridwork lattice. This transmuting pyramidal energy
manifests a powerful vortex of spiraling healing energies, that will then interrelate with
the chakras of the human body.
Reiki You will already be Reiki Master so you will understand the
microcosmic/macrocosmic relationship of energy flow. Any healing energy you now
expel following this attunement will increase. When invoking the pyramid energy you
need not use traditional symbology. You can use the pyramid power for food, protection,
psychic development, manifestation.
Receiving Pyramid Reiki Master Attunement
Print out the Master Pyramid Matrix and place crystals or salt at the outer points which
represent the star of david configuration. The Pyramid Matrix is much more powerful as
it amplifies the energy within it.
Sit within the pyramidal matrices for a very powerful attunement. You use the crystals or
salt to absorb the energy and allow it to slowly attune you. Without the crystals the
attunement may be too powerful. Once attuned to pyramid reiki empowerment you can
use the matrix for meditation, to send healing or for protection and maifestation by using
it as a amplifies crystal grid.
Below is an image of how the pryamid matrix can trasmute energy around you through

Distance Healing using the pyramid.

To send healing from a distance, use the pyramid matrix and place crystals or salt at each
point which represent the star of david configuration. In the middle, write the name and
address of the person requiring healing. Alternatively you may place a photo or an object
belonging to that person which is symbolic of them into the middle.
Ask for assistance from your higher self, guides, helpers, Reiki guides, Angels or any

spirit you may work with to assist you in passing on the distance healing.
Invoke the pyramid energy from the universe allow it to enter your crown and come up
from the earth. Picture a pyramid at your feet and at the top of your head. Now you must
empower the matrix. You can either hold your hands a few inches above the grid and
mentally empower each point, or you can touch each point with your finger directing the
energy flow into the pyramid. you will feel the energy begin to eminate from the
pyramid. Let the healing energy flow for 20-30 minutes. When the healing is complete,
thank your helpers and the Universe for sharing this wonderful source of energy.
Passing on Attunements
It is important that you sit quietly and gain equilibrium within yourself.
You will follow the procedure of a distance healing, as each crystal you empower from
your grid will seek to empower the pyramid matrix of the recipient.
Ask for assistance from your higher self, guides, helpers, Reiki guides, Angels or any
spirit you may work with to assist you in passing on the attunements for the Pyramid
Reiki Master Empowerment.
Draw in the energy from your crown and through your feet as before, picturing a pyramid
under your feet and above your head the powerful energy travelling through you. Take a
few moments for the energy to heal you when it merges within your solar plexus.
Now empower the pyramid matrix and then raise your hands a few inches above the
centre (where the picture or recipients details are). When the pyramid is empowered you
will feel the energy eminating from the matrix. Let the energy flow for 20-30 minutes.
When the attunement is complete, thank your helpers and the Universe for sharing this
wonderful source of energy.

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