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In groups of 3 answer the following guide based on information provided in class. Every team
member must have the answer in his or her notebook but only one member (chosen by the group)
must upload it to the platform.

Due Date: 03/02/2020 11:59pm


1. What is Poetry?
Words arranged in a rhythmic pattern with regular accents.

2. What are the poetry elements presented in the document?

a) Rhythm
b) Melody
c) Imagery
d) Form

3. What is Melody in a poem?

Like music, each poem has melody (i.e. Sound devices). A poet chooses words for their
sound, as well as for their meaning.

4. What is imagery in a poem?

Imagery is produced by imagery. These take many forms, but all are rhetorical methods
that affect the literal meaning of words.

5. What is poetic license and what are the names of the special effect’s poets may use?
A poet is allowed to break rules in order to improve his poem in some way. The effects
they may use are Catalexus, an unstressed syllable omitted from the beginning of an
iambic or anapestic line, and Hypermeter adding an unstressed syllable at the beginning of
a trochaic line.

6. Poems can be classified by content. What are the 3 types of poetry?

Narrative Poetry: a nondramatic poem that tells a story or presents a narrative, whether
simple or complex, long or short.
Dramatic Poetry: poetry that employs dramatic form or dramatic techniques as a means
of achieving poetic ends.
Lyrics Poetry: a brief subjective poem marked by imagination, melody, and emotion, but
strict definition is impossible.

7. Give an example of the following kinds of poems (they may be googled)

⮚ rhymed couplet
⮚ heroic couplet
⮚ tercet, triplet
⮚ quatrain


•Rhymed Couplet:

“Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

•Heroic Couplet:

“O, no, poor suff’ring (sic) Heart, no Change endeavour,

Choose to sustain the smart, rather than leave her;

My ravish’d eyes behold such charms about her,

I can die with her, but not live without her:

One tender Sigh of hers to see me languish,

Will more than pay the price of my past anguish…”

•Tercet, triplet:

“Oh, Galuppi, Baldassaro, this is very sad to find!

I can hardly misconceive you; it would prove me deaf and blind;

But although I give you credit, ’tis with such a heavy mind!”


“Who knows how long I’ve loved you

You know I love you still

Will I wait a lonely lifetime

If you want me to, I will.”

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