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Maicon E.


2D Tool and Die Technology

2A Electrical technology portrayed a play before the session had started. It was

divided into different parts and it all showed family values, Filipino family values rather.

There’s a part where a parent works hard and harder just to satisfy their family financial

needs regardless how she had already abused her body. The first part, there will be having a

family reunion of a huge family yet everybody had no time for their lola.

On August 20, 2014, Ms. Marinel Asia conducted the session about family

orientation and talked on how Filipinos value family-centeredness. Family is a group of

people consisting of parents and their children, definition literally. Two mutually in-love

partners commit marriage and bear children to form a family is commonly the cycle of being

in a family. Being securely with people with same blood would be one of my literal definitions

of it. A group of related people or things is also a family. Example, studying in MFI Tech with

healthy relationships with classmates, friends, teachers, and instructors develops a new kind

of family. Knowing that no matter where you go in life in the future after my study here, I

know that there’s this particular group I will always belong with. Like the literal family, even

how many friends or boyfriends would leave me, I know that at the end of the day, there’s a

place called home I am always welcome at, and true people who love and accept me or who

I am.

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