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I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson the students should be able to:
a. identify what sensory image is;
b. get familiar with the imagery used in the poem; and
c. perform group given activities.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Sensory Image
Materials: Visual aids, picture, Manila paper, drawing materials and markers
Reference: Eloquence 9 p. 64
Internet and library sources
III. Procedure
Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity
a. Daily routines

- Prayer
_____, lead the prayer. (Students will stand and put themselves in the
presence of God.)
- Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!

- Classroom management

Before you take your seat please pick (Students will pick the trash under their chairs.)
any trash that you can see under your

- Checking of attendance

Do we have any absentees today? (Students will answer.)

b. Motivation

Class I want you to close your eyes (Students will close their eyes and listen to the
while I’m reading a selection. All you selection.)
have to do is to feel and imagine each
word in the selection.

As you walked outside early in the

morning, you were greeted with a mean
gust of wind that left you feeling the
chill in your bones. The slick, icy streets
were freshly covered with soft powder,
and the ominous clouds blocked any
chance of sunlight coming through to
warm you. The streetlight still glistened
a faint yellow and around the corner you
could hear the grumbling of the salt
truck coming slowly. You looked at your
car, completely covered with fluffy snow
and knew your hands would soon be
numb from scraping the windshield
without gloves on.

Now, open your eyes. (Students will open their eyes.)

What do you see/feel from the passage? (Students answers may vary.)

c. Lesson proper
That leads with our today’s topic.

(Teacher will post the definition of

sensory image.)

_____, please read the definition. Sensory image refers to words and phrases that
help the reader imagine sensory experiences.

Sensory images are the images comes in

your mind while reading any kind of
poetry. We have different kinds of
sensory image.

(Teacher will post different kinds of

sensory image.)

_____, please the first one. Visual-appeals to the sense of sight.

Visual imagery is the most frequent type

of imagery used to recreate a certain

Who wants to read the second type? (Students will volunteer.)

Yes, _____. Auditory-appeals to the sense of hearing.

Auditory imagery is the mental

representation of any sound and it is vital
in imagining and feeling a situation.

How about the third type? _____, please Olfactory-which appeals to the sense of smell.

Olfactory imagery is related to smell and

this imagery helps summon and deliver
the smells to the reader.

Fourth type is tactile. _____, please read Tactile appeals to the sense of touch.
the definition.

Tactile imagery appeals to the sense of

touch by presenting attributes like
hardness, softness or hot and cold

_____, please read the last type of Gustatory appeals to the sense of taste.
sensory image.

Gustatory imagery illustrates and

recreates the taste of food or many other

So, those are the types of sensory image.

Now, I have here a poem that you are

going to read and analyze the lines that
used sensory images.

The title of the poem is “Those winter

Sundays” by Robert Hayden
Let me give you a brief background
about the writer of the poem.

Robert Hayden grew up in Detroit,

Michigan, where he was raised by foster
parents who made great sacrifices to
ensure his education. Their efforts were
also encouraged by Hayden’s natural
mother, who occasionally sent him
books to read. As his reputation as a
scholar grew, so did his fame as a poet.
“Those winter Sundays” was one of his
best-known shorter poems that examines
a parents’ legacy by recalling activities
of long-ago winter Sundays.

Are you ready to read the story? Yes, teacher!

I’ll give you five minutes to read the (Students will read the poem silently.)
poem silently. Your timer starts now.

*after 5 minutes*

What is the central idea of the poem? (Students answer may vary.)
Love, regret, and parenthood are the
major themes in the poem. The poet
provides some glimpses of his father’s
struggle. He elaborates how his father
used to spend his Sundays dutifully. He
takes every pain to bring comfort at
home and fulfill his responsibility as a
father. However, the poet feels sorry that
he could not regard his father’s

Very good!

Who among you can give the lines that (Students will volunteer.)
express sensory image? (Students answer may vary.)

and put his clothes on in the blueblack
then with cracked hands that ached
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked
(visual and tactile)
I’d wake and hear the cold splintering,
(tactile, auditory, and visual)
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
fearing the chronic angers of that house.

Did you understand our lesson for today? Yes, teacher!

Are you sure? Yes, teacher!

d. Application

(Teacher will group the class into four.)

I need one representative for each group (Each group has one representative and will
who will pick one picture here. pick one picture from the teacher.)

(Teacher prepared six pictures.)

You are not allowed to show the picture (Each group will choose two representatives
you have chosen to other groups but you who are good in describing image.)
can show it with your groupmates. Study
on how you are going to describe the
picture by not directly saying the image.
You can describe the color, the sound,
the shape and the emotions on the
picture. Two representatives are needed
to describe the picture to other groups.
The remaining members will draw an
image based on how the two
representatives describe the image. It is
not important if you’re not good at
drawing, the most important thing is
your imagination.

Did you understand? Yes, teacher!

I’ll give you 5 minutes to describe and to (Students will describe and draw the image.)
draw the image. Your timer starts now!

*after 5 minutes*

Time’s up!

Please post your drawings on the board. (Students will post their drawings on the
Let’s start with group ones’ drawing.

Group 2 representatives how did you (Group two representatives will explain.)
describe the picture to group one?

Can I have the picture?

(The teacher will show the picture to the

Is it close to the picture? Yes, teacher!

Group two drawing

Group 1 representatives how did you (Group one representatives will explain.)
describe the picture to group two?

Can I have the picture?

(The teacher will show the picture to the

Is it close to the picture? Yes, teacher!

Group three drawing

Group 4 representatives how did you (Group four representatives will explain.)
describe the picture to group three?
Can I have the picture?
(The teacher will show the picture to the

Is it close to the picture? Yes, teacher!

Group four drawing

Group 3 representatives how did you (Group four representatives will explain.)
describe the picture to group four?

Can I have the picture?

(The teacher will show the picture to the

Is it close to the picture? Yes, teacher!

That is impressive, class!

e. Generalization

What is sensory image again? (Students will volunteer.)

Sensory image refers to words and phrases that
help the reader imagine sensory experiences.

What are the different types of sensory (Students will volunteer.)

image? Visual

Very good!

IV. Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: Write the predominant sensory image found in each of the following.
_____1. flickering fireflies
_____2. The squeak of spinning wheels
_____3. Chocolate, ice cream, and apple pie
_____4. The piercing rays of the noon day sun
_____5. A host of golden daffodils

V. Assignment
Write a composition on what feelings or memories from your own life the poem “Those Winter
Sundays” stirred.

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