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A lecturer from a science class

1. What is the lecture on the audio?

a. Social science class
b. Science class
c. History class
d. Agriculture

2. What is a nut?
a. Nut is a plant fruit containing a single seed (with or without integument)
b. A part of flowering plant
c. It’s an embryo
d. Integument

3. What is the lecture mainly about?

a. The history of integument
b. The definition of a nut
c. The distinction between seed and nuts
d. The history of seed

4. What is Integument?
a. A flowering plant or tree that will grow into a new plant or tree
b. A human egg, which becomes an embryo when fertilized by sperm
c. The cover of embryo
d. Person who study plants

5. According to the professor, how do botanists define a seed?

a. It is the part of a plant that will grow into a new plant or tree
b. It is any kernel used in cooking what is found within a shell
c. It is a plant fruit that doesn’t attach itself to the ovary of nut
d. It is a plant embryo completely encased in an integument
Lecturer in Social science class

1. What is the Professor’s name?

a. Prof. Fitch
b. Prof. Morgan
c. Prof Peter
d. Prof. Ammons

2. What is the lecture about?

a. How fads and trends affect our life
b. The distinguishing between fads and trend
c. the characteristics of trend
d. the characteristic of fad

3. How does professor introduce fads?

a. He gives explanation
b. He gives story about pigeon and hula hoops
c. He asks the class question
d. He asks the student who sit in the back

4. What is distinguishing between fad and trend?

a. Art
b. Science
c. Fashion
d. Reputation

5. What is not true about the main difference between fad and trend?
a. A fad is something that seems to appear suddenly and then disappear just as suddenly
b. Trend doesn’t disappear
c. A trend can have a long term influence on its particular market
d. A trend and fad is a science

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