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INTRODUCTION enacted Proclamation No.

3 which became known as the

Freedom Constitution
Constitution – A written instrument by which the fundamental powers of 4. The 1987 Constitution – The creation of this was provided for in
government are established, limited, and defined, and by which these the Freedom Constitution; this has been in operation for 27 years.
powers are distributed among several departments, for their more safe
and useful exercise, for the benefit of the body politic. (Justice Miller) PREAMBLE

Kinds of Constitution  Authorship is that of the sovereign Filipino people.

 Scope and purpose is to build a just and humane society, etc. etc.
1. Normative constitution – its norms direct governmental action;  Use of “we” stresses active role of the Filipino people.
government adjusts actions to these norms.
2. Nominal constitution – cannot yet be fully operative because of ARTICLE I
existing socio-economic conditions; primary value is educational. THE NATIONAL TERRITORY
3. Semantic constitution – a tool for the perpetuation of power in
the hands of power holders. Composition of National Territory

Parts of a constitutional document 1. The Philippine archipelago

2. All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
1. Constitution of government – Provisions that set up the jurisdiction
government’s structure. 3. The territorial sea, seabed, subsoil, insular shelves, and other
2. Constitution of liberty – Provisions hat guarantee individual submarine areas corresponding to the first two
fundamental liberties against governmental abuse.
3. Constitution of sovereignty – Provisions that outline the process Philippine archipelago – That body of water studded with islands which is
whereby a sovereign people may change the constitution. delineated in the Treaty of Paris and modified by the Treaty of
Washington. (NOTE: The 1973 and 1987 Constitutions omitted mention of
The Different Constitutions of the Philippines these treaties in the hopes of erasing traces of colonial history.)”

1. The 1935 Constitution – Born from the Tydings-Mcduffie Law on “All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
May 14, 1935; overhauled because many people felt uneasy that an jurisdiction” – Asserts a legal situation in which a disputed territory can
independent republic would continue to function under a have a place in Philippine territory depending on the outcome of said
constitution fashioned under colonial auspices. dispute (ex. Sabah)
2. The 1973 Constitution – Constitutional Convention began on June
1, 1971 but before it could finish its work, martial law was imposed; Straight baseline method – Method of determining territory consisting of
on March 31, 1973 a divided Supreme Court ruled that since there drawing straight lines connecting appropriate points on the coasrt
was no further judicial obstacle the new Constitution was without departing to any appreciable extent from the general direction of
considered in force and effect. the coast; the dividing line between internal waters and territorial waters
3. The Freedom Constitution – President Aquino chose not to
govern under the 1973 Constitution which she believed had failed Archipelagic waters / Internal waters – Waters around, between, and
the people and whose officials had denied her the presidency; she connecting the islands of the archipelago

 The right of innocent passage through archipelagic waters exists,
but there is no such right through “internal waters” (UNCLOS III) Constituent functions – Those compulsory functions that constitute the
very bonds of society.
The waters around the Philippines and their distances from the baselines
Territorial waters 12 nautical miles 1. The keeping of order and providing for protection of persons and
Contiguous zone 24 nautical miles property
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) 200 nautical miles 2. The fixing of legal relations between man and wife & parents and
Regime of islands – Provided for by R.A. 9522 where islands outside of the 3. The regulation of liabilities for debt
archipelago have their own baselines. 4. The determination of contract rights
5. The definition and punishment of crime
6. The administration of justice in civil cases
7. The determination of political duties, privileges, and relations of
ARTICLE II 8. Dealings of the state with foreign powers
Ministrant functions – The optional functions of government intended
PRINCIPLES for achieving a better life for the community.

SECTION 1 – Democratic and republican state 1. Those things which private capital would not naturally undertake
2. Those things which by its very nature it is better equipped to
Elements of a State: administer for the public welfare

1. People – A community of persons more or less numerous

2. Territory – Permanently occupies a definite portion of territory Classification of Government
3. Sovereignty – Independent of external control
4. Government – Possessing an organized government to which the 1. De facto – One established in defiance of the legitimate sovereign
population renders habitual obedience a. Government that usurps by force or by the voice of the
Legal sovereignty – The supreme power to make law; lodged in the b. That which is established and maintained by invading
people. military forces
c. That which is established as an independent government
Political sovereignty – The sum total of all influences in a state that by the inhabitants of a country who rise in insurrection
determines the course of law. against the parent state
2. De jure – One established by authority of the legitimate sovereign
Republican state – A state wherein all government authority emanates
from the people and is exercised by representatives chosen by the Patterns of Government
1. Direct democracy – When the people, organized as the
Functions of the Government electorate, are the preponderant power holder.

2. Assembly government – The parliament as the representation of Three Parts of Section 2
the people is the ascendant power holder.
3. Parliamentarism – An equilibrium between the independent 1. Renunciation of war
power holders, parliament and government, is attempted by 2. Adoption of principles of international law
integrating the latter into the former. 3. Adherence to a policy of peace, freedom, and amity with all
4. Presidentialism – The independent power holders are kept nations
separated but are constitutionally obligated to corporate for the
formation of the will of the state. NOTE: Only aggressive war is renounced. Defensive war is permitted.
5. Directory government – A pattern of government unique to the
Swiss government with a collegiate structure of the Examples of Acknowledged International Law
governmental power holder.
 Right of an alien to be released on bail while awaiting deportation
Presidentialism vs. Parliamentarism in the Philippines  Right of a country to establish military commissions to try war
The 1935 Constitution adopted a presidential form of government similar  Treaties like the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals
to the American system, with a principal identifying feature of separation  The duty to protect the premises of embassies and legations
of powers with 3 independent branches of government.
SECTION 3 – Civilian authority
The 1973 Constitution adopted a parliamentary system with the following
features: Civilian supremacy – Implied in the 1935 Constitution but made explicit
in 1973; it came about as a legacy of American conquerors.
1. The members of the government or cabinet or the executive are  Institutionalized by making the President, a civilian, the
simultaneously members of the legislature. commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces
2. The government or cabinet, consisting of the political leaders of
the majority party or of a coalition who are also members of the Role of the Armed Forces – Secure the sovereignty of the State and
legislative, is a committee of the legislature. preserve the integrity of the national territory; in extraordinary
3. The government or cabinet has a pyramidal structure at the apex circumstances they may also be called upon to protect the people when
of which is the Prime Minister. ordinary law and order forces need assistance
4. The government or cabinet remains in power only for as long as
it enjoys the support of majority of the legislature. SECTION 4 – Duty of the government
5. Both government and legislature are possessed of control devices
with which each can demand of the other immediate political Differences between the 1973 & 1987 Constitution:
 The 1973 Constitution spoke of the “defense of the State” being a
The 1987 Constitution brought the country back to the presidential prime duty of government
system of 1935 but has imposed new limits on the powers of the  In light of the experience with Marcos which placed emphasis on
president. national security, the Commission opted for a more people-
centered provision.
SECTION 2 – Renunciation of war

 Thus in the 1987 the prime duty of the government was made the
protection of the people; national defense was merely one of the
modes of doing so SECTION 9 & 10 – Social order and justice

SECTION 5 – Rights of people under blessings of democracy Underlying premises – Poverty and gross inequality are major problems
besetting the nation; these problems assault the dignity of the human
This provision recognizes a hierarchy of rights: person.

1. Life Social justice – The equalization of economic, political, and social

2. Liberty opportunities with special emphasis on the duty of the state to tilt the
3. Property balance of social forces by favoring the disadvantaged.

SECTION 6 – Separation of church and state SECTION 11, 12, & 13 – Human rights, family, and youth

Discussed under the non-establishment clause of the Bill of Rights. Meaning of “family” – A stable heterosexual relationship.

STATE POLICIES Effect on family autonomy – The family is anterior to the State and not a
creature of the State.
In general, these are not self-executing provisions and need
implementing acts of Congress. Protection of the unborn – This is not an assertion that the unborn is a
legal person or that the life of the unborn is placed at the level of the
SECTION 7 – Foreign policy mother; when necessary to save the life of the mother, the life of the
unborn may be sacrificed.
Guiding Principles Re: Foreign Relations
Rights of the Parents & the State
1. Government must maintain an independent foreign policy
2. Must give paramount consideration to national sovereignty,  Primary right – Belongs to the parents; the Constitution affirms
territorial integrity, national interest, and self determination the primary right of parents in rearing of children
 Secondary and supportive role – Belongs to the State; only those
SECTION 8 – Nuclear weapons interests of the state “of the highest order and those not
otherwise served” can overbalance the primary interest of
Policy of freedom from nuclear weapons – Includes prohibition not only parents
of possession, control, and manufacture of nuclear weapons but also o Parens patriae - The public policy power of the state to
nuclear arms tests. intervene against an abusive or negligent parent, legal
 Exceptions may be made but such must be justified by demands guardian or informal caretaker, and to act as the parent of
of national interest. any child or individual who is in need of protection.
 The policy however does not prohibit the peaceful use of nuclear
energy. SECTION 14 – Women

This provision does not automatically repeal the inequalities found in the
Civil Code. It gives impetus to the removal, through other enacted SECTION 26
statutes, of existing inequalities.
The purpose of this provision is to give substance to desire for
SECTION 15 – Health equalization of political opportunities. However the definition of
“political dynasties is left to the legislature.
This provision provides for an “enforceable right” to health which is an
aspect of social justice. SECTION 27 & 28

SECTION 16 – Ecology See Article XI.

This provision came about as a result of concern about preservation of a ARTICLE VI

healthy environment. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT

SECTION 17 – Education, science and technology, etc. SECTION 1 – Legislative power

A flagship provision for Article XIV; it sees education and total human Legislative power – The authority to make laws and to alter and repeal
development as a gateway to intellectual and moral development as well them.
as economic advancement.
Vested in:
SECTION 18 – Labor
1. Congress – the House of Representatives and the Senate
Labor as a primary social economic force – This means that human factor 2. The people – through the provision on “initiative and
has primacy over the non-human factors in production. referendum”

SECTION 19 – National economy Advantages of Bicameralism

National Economy and Patrimony – Related to the provision in that any  Allows for a body with a national perspective to check parochial
doubt must be resolved in favor of self-reliance and independence of tendency of representatives elected by district
Filipinos  Allows for more careful study of legislation
 Makes the legislature less susceptible to control by Executive
SECTION 20 & 21 – Agrarian reform and indigenous communities  Serves as training ground for national leaders

The comprehensiveness of rural development means that it includes not NOTE: The Philippine Congress is bicameral.
only agrarian reform but also social, economic, human, cultural, political,
and industrial development. Advantages of Unicameralism

SECTION 22, 23, 24, & 25  Simplicity of organization

 Economy in efficiency
See Articles X, XII, XIV, and XVI.  Facility in pinpointing responsibility for legislation

 Avoidance of duplication
Contingent legislation –Where the law is made dependent on the
Kinds of Legislative Power verification of the existence of certain conditions; verification is
delegated to the executive.
1. Original – Possessed by the sovereign people
2. Derivative – That which has been delegated by the sovereign In order for rules and regulations promulgated by administrative
people to legislative bodies agencies to have the force of penal law, the following conditions must
3. Constituent – The power to amend or revise the Constitution occur:
4. Ordinary – The power to pass ordinary laws
1. The delegating statute must authorize the promulgation of penal
Limits of Legislative Power regulations.
2. The penalty must not be left to the administrative agency but
1. Substantive limits – Curtail the contents of a law must be provided by the statute.
2. Procedural limits – Curtail the manner of passing a law 3. The regulation must be published in the Official Gazette or a
newspaper of general circulation.
NOTE: Congress may also not pass irrepealable laws. The power of
present and past Congress must remain plenary. Passing an irrepealable SECTION 2, 3, & 4 – Senate
law limits the power of future legislatures.
Composition of the Senate – Twenty-four senators elected at large by
Non-delegability of legislative power – Legislative power must remain qualified voters
where the people have lodged it. However, there are two exceptions:
Qualifications of a Senator
1. By immemorial practice, legislative power may be delegated to
local governments. 1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
2. The Constitution itself might in specific instances allow 2. Thirty-five years of age on the day of elections
delegation of legislative power. 3. Able to read and write
4. Registered voter
NOTE: The scope of delegated power is only as far as Congress allows it. 5. Resident of the Philippines for not less than two years
immediately preceding the day of the election
Rule-making power / law execution – The power delegated to
administrative agencies by Congress; administrative agencies may “fill up Term of office of a Senator – Six years, commencing on June 30
the details” of an already complete statute or to ascertain facts necessary immediately following the elections; 2 terms may be served provided
to bring a contingent law into actual operation they are not consecutive.

Qualities of a Delegating Law: SECTION 5, 6, 7, & 8 – House of Representatives

1. Be complete in itself – it must set forth therein the policy to be Composition of House of Representatives – 250 members who shall be:
carried our implemented by the delegate  Elected from legislative districts apportioned among the
2. Fix a standard – The limits of which are sufficiently determinate provinces, cities, and the Metro Manila area in accordance with
or determinable to which the delegate must conform the number of inhabitants

 Elected through a party-list system of registered national,  Violates or fails to comply with laws relating to elections
regional, and sectoral parties or organizations  Declares untruthful statements in petition
 Ceased to exist for at least 1 year
NOTE: These representative districts are created by law. If such does not  Fails to participate in the last 2 preceding elections OR fails to
involve the creation of an LGU, plebiscite is not needed. obtain at least 2% of votes in the last 2 preceding elections

Classification of Members of the House Qualifications of a Party-List Nominee

1. District representative – Represents one congressional district 1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
2. Party-list representative – Elected through the party-list system 2. Registered voter
3. Sectoral representatives – Existed only until 1998 3. Resident of the Philippines for a period of not less than 1 year
immediately preceding the election
The party-list system – Registered national, regional, and sectoral parties 4. Able to read and write
or organizations submit a list of candidates arranged in order of priority; 5. A bona fide member of the party which he seeks to represent for
they are entitled to a portion of the 20% allocated to party-list at least 90 days immediately preceding the day of election
representatives and the number of seats they get out of that 20% will 6. At least 25 years of age on the day of the election (not older than
depend on the number of votes garnered nationwide. 30 in case of the youth sector)

NOTE: A party-list organization may not have more than three seats. Proportional representation – This was implemented in order to enable
Filipinos belonging to the marginalized and underrepresented sectors to
Guidelines for Parties and Organizations contribute to legislation that would benefit them.

 Must be representing the marginalized and underrepresented. Party-list Distribution

 Political parties who wish to participate must comply with this.
 The religious sector may not be represented. 1. 20% allocation – The combined number of all party-list
 The party or organization must not be disqualified under Section congressmen shall not exceed 20% of the total membership of
6 of R.A. 7941. the House.
 The party or organization must not be an adjunct of or a project 2. 2% threshold – Only those parties garnering minimum 2% of the
organized or an entity funded or assisted by the government. total valid votes cast are qualified to have a seat in the House.
 Nominees must comply with requirements of the law. a. Veterans Federation Party, et. al. v. COMELEC ruled that
 Nominee must be able to contribute to formulation and the 2% requirement was mandatory for each seat.
enactment of legislation b. Banat v. COMELEC overturned this by saying that since
the 2% threshold was an obstacle to filling the 20%
Disqualified Parties allocation, it was unconstitutional.
3. Three-seat limit – Each qualified party is entitled to a maximum
 Religious sect or denomination of 3 seats.
 Advocates violence or unlawful means to seek its goal 4. Proportional representation – Additional seats which a qualified
 Foreign party or organization party is entitled to shall be computed in proportion to their total
number of votes.
 Receives support from a foreign government

Apportionment – Each legislative district shall comprise contiguous, Election of Congress – Shall be held on the 2 Monday of May unless
compact, and adjacent territory. Each city with a population of 250,000 otherwise provided by law
OR each province shall have at least 1 representative.
SECTION 9 – Vacancies
Gerrymandering – The formation of one legislative district out of
separate territories for the purpose of favoring a candidate or party. Vacancy in Congress – A special election may be called, but the Senator
Generally forbidden. or Member elected shall only serve for the unexpired term.

Qualifications for Member of the House of Representatives SECTION 10 – Salaries, etc.

1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines Salaries of Congress

2. At least 25 years of age on the day of elections
3. Able to read and write  Determined by law
4. Registered voter in the district in which he shall be elected  No increase shall take effect until after expiration of full term of
(except for party-list reps – see list of qualifications for such) all Members of Senate and House approving such increase
5. A resident thereof for not less than one year immediately
preceding the election NOTE: The purpose of this delayed effect is to place a legal bar to the
legislators’ yielding to the natural temptation to increase their salaries.
Residence – May be temporary; for the purposes of election contests, the (Philconsa v. Mathay)
word ‘resident’ or ‘residence’ refers to domicile.
SECTION 11 – Privileges of Congress
Domicile – Once established, considered to be continuous and will not be
deemed lost until a new one is established. Privileges

To successfully effect a change of domicile: 1. Privilege from arrest – Applicable to Senators or Members of the
House charged with offenses punishable by not more than 6
 One must demonstrate actual removal or change of domicile years imprisonment
(animus manendi) a. Availability – “While Congress is in session”, whether
 Bona fide intention of abandoning former place of residence and special or regular and whether or not the legislator is
definite acts which correspond with such purpose (animus non attending such; thus, it is NOT available during recess
revertendi) 2. Parliamentary privilege of speech – N o Member shall be
questioned nor held liable in any other place for a speech or
Term of office of a Member of the House – Lasts for three years debate in Congress or any committee thereof.
beginning on June 30 next following the elections; no Member shall serve a. Scope – Protection only against forums other than
for more than three consecutive terms. Congress; the assemblyman is still liable to disciplinary
authority of Congress.
Term – The period during which an official is entitled to hold office. b. Absolute protection against suits for libel – This is
because speech or debate includes utterances made in
Tenure – The period during which the official actually holds the office. the performance of official functions.

c. Essential element – The utterance must constitute
“legislative action”, meaning it is part of the process by NOTE: This prohibition is not applicable to law firms of which a lawyer-
which legislators participate in proposed legislation Congressman might be a member. The prohibition is personal.

Purpose of privilege – Intended to leave the legislator unimpeded in the SECTION 15 – Congress sessions
performance of duties and free from fear of harassment from outside.
Convening of Congress – Once every year on the fourth Monday of July
NOTE: The privilege extends to agents of the assemblymen provided that for a regular session which shall continue to be in session for such
this agency assists legislator in performance of legislative action. (Gravel number of days as it may determine until 30 days before the opening of
v. U.S.) next regular session.

SECTION 12 – Public disclosure of Congress documents Special session – One called by the president while the legislation is in
Required to be publicly disclosed by Congress:  Under the 1935 Constitution, during a special session the
legislature could consider only the subject matter designated by
1. Their financial and business interests the President
2. Notify the House concerned of potential conflict of interest that  Under the 1987 Constitution, the President may specify the
may arise from the filing of a proposed legislation subjects he wants considered but he is not empowered to
prohibit consideration of other subjects
SECTION 13 & 14 – Prohibitions
SECTION 16 – Officers of Congress and journal
Prohibitions Imposed on Congress
Officers of Congress
1. Holding any other office or employment in the government
2. Any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof 1. Senate President
3. Government-owned or controlled corporations or their 2. Speaker of the House of Representatives
subsidiaries 3. Such other offices as each house may deem necessary
4. Any office which may have been created or emoluments thereof
increased during the term for which he was elected Quorum – A majority of each house; based on a proportion between
those physically present and the total membership of the body.
Prohibitions Imposed on Congress Relative to Practice of Profession  A smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may compel
the attendance of absent Members
1. Appear as counsel before any court of justice, the electoral
tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other administrative bodies Disciplinary action – Each house determines the rules of its proceedings,
2. Interested financially in any contract with the government punishes its Members for disorderly behavior, and with a concurrence of
3. Any franchise or special privilege granted by the government two-thirds of all its members suspend or expel a member.
4. Intervening in any matter before any office of the government for  In case of suspension, such shall not last for more than 60 days.
his pecuniary benefit  The implementation of rules of either House of Congress may not
5. Intervening in any matter before any office of the government be intervened with by the Court or subject to judicial review
where he may be called upon to act on account of his office

because the House is the sole judge of what disorderly behavior is
(Osmeña v. Pendatun). Enrolled bill conflicting with the Journal – The Supreme Court has left it
 HOWEVER, when legislative rule affects private rights, the courts an open matter on which should prevail.
cannot altogether be excluded (Vera v. Avelino).
Journal of proceedings – Each house shall keep such and from time to
time publish the same; the journal is written and is an account of the Electoral tribunal – Sole judge of all contests relating to the election,
proceedings of Congress. returns, and qualifications of their respective members
 The Supreme Court, each House of Congress, or COMELEC
Record of proceedings – Shall also be kept; actual record of what has cannot interfere when there is an election contest
been said, more detailed than the journal.
Election contest – When a defeated candidate challenges the
qualification and claims the seat of a proclaimed winner ( Angara v.
Purpose of Journal Electoral Commission)

1. To insure publicity in the proceedings of the legislature and a Composition of Electoral Tribunal
correspondent responsibility of members to their constituents
2. To provide proof of what transpired in the legislature 1. Three Justices of the Supreme Court (to be selected by the Chief
Matters that may be kept out of the journal – Such matters as may in the 2. Six members of the Senate or House of Representatives (as the
Congress’s judgment affect national security. case may be – chosen by proportional representation)

Conflicts with extraneous evidence – The Journal is conclusive upon the NOTE: Senior Justice shall be the chairman.
Courts (United States v. Pons).
Passing from COMELEC to electoral tribunal – Once a winning candidate
Enrolled bill doctrine – The signing of a bill by the Speaker of the House has been proclaimed, taken his oath, and assumed office as a member of
and the President of the Senate and certification by the secretaries of the House of Representatives or Senate, COMELEC’s jurisdiction over
both Houses that such bill was passed are conclusive of due enactment election contests relating to elections, returns, and qualifications ends
(Arroyo v. De Venecia). and the electoral tribunal’s jurisdiction begins.

When journal is in conflict with enrolled bill – The enrolled bill is the NOTE: The electoral tribunal decides whether a party list representative
official copy of approved legislation of the legislative body. The respect is qualified, but COMELEC decides whether a party list organization is
due to a coequal department requires the courts to accept the qualified to join the party list system (Aggabao v. COMELEC and
certification of the presiding officer as conclusive assurance that bill Limkaichong v. COMELEC)
certified is authentic (Casco Philippine Chemical Co. v. Gimenez).
Body Occasion of exercise of power
Repudiation of presiding officer’s signature – The enrolled bill theory is
based on respect due a coequal department, so when that coequal
department itself repudiates the bill the journal must be accepted as
concusive (Astorga v. Villegas)

Presidential Electoral Tribunal All contests relating to elections, 3. Twelve Members of the House of Representatives (elected by
returns, and qualifications of each house according to proportional representation)
president and vice president
NOTE: The Chairman only votes to break a tie.
Senate / HOR Electoral Tribunal All contests relating to elections,
returns, and qualifications of SECTION 19 - Commission of Appointments decision-making process
senate and/or house of
representatives Process of the Commission arriving at its decisions:
Congress and COMELEC En banc shall determine the
authenticity of and due execution 1. The Commission must act on all appointments submitted to it
of certificates of canvas within thirty session days from submission – This rule is intended
to prevent the CoA from freezing appointments.
Intervention of Supreme Court – The jurisdiction of the Electoral 2. The Commission shall decide by majority vote – The dissent of
Tribunal to be sole judge comes only after a valid proclamation of a one member should not block action by the Commission.
winner (Bondoc v. Pineda). 3. The Commission can meet and act only when Congress is in
Differences of composition of electoral tribunals
SECTION 20 & 21 – Records of Congress; Legislative investigations
1935 Constitution 1987 Constitution
Only the two major political parties All political parties are given Records and books of accounts of Congress – Preserved and open to the
had representation proportional representation public in accordance with law; audited by the Commission on Audit
which shall publish annually an itemized list of amounts paid to and
Extent of the Supreme Court over Electoral Tribunals – Judicial review of expenses incurred for each Member.
decisions or final resolutions of the Electoral Tribunals is possible only in
the exercise of the Court’s extraordinary jurisdiction upon a Inquiries – The Senate or the House of Representatives or any of its
determination that the tribunal’s decision was rendered without or in respective committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation.
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion.  Legislative investigations must be subject to the limitations
placed by the Constitution on governmental action – exercised
SECTION 18 – Commission on Appointments subject to the constitutional limitations, principally found in the
Bill of Rights.
Commission on Appointments – Acts as a legislative check on the
appointing authority of the President. For the effectivity of the Publication of rules of investigation – The requisite of publication of the
appointment of certain key officials enumerated in the Constitution, the rules is intended to satisfy the basic requirements of due process.
consent of the Commission on Appointments is needed Publication is imperative as it is the height of injustice to publish or
otherwise burden a citizen for the transgression of a law or rule of which
Composition of the CoA he had no notice whatsoever.

1. Senate President as ex officio chairman Purpose of legislative investigation – The power of inquiry and the
2. Twelve Snators process to enforce such is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the
legislative function. A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or

effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which
the legislation is intended to affect or change. Declaration of a state of war – Declared by Congress by a vote of two-
thirds of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately (SOLE
Enforcement of legislative investigation – Since mere requests for POWER)
information are frequently unavailing or information volunteered is not  Congress may authorize the president to exercise powers
always accurate or complete, the power of investigation necessarily necessary and proper to carry out a declared national policy.
includes the power to punish a contumacious witness for contempt.  This power shall cease upon next adjournment thereof.

Enjoining the appearance of a witness – A court has no authority to Differences of War Power
prohibit the Committee from requirement respondent to appear and
testify before it. 1935 Constitution 1987 Constitution
Gave to Congress “the sole power Gave to Congress “the sole power
Punished for contempt – No person can be punished for contumacy as a to declare war” to declare the existence of a state
witness unless his testimony is required in a matter into which the of war”
legislature or any of its committees has jurisdiction to inquire. Is more in line with the denouncing
 Congress may keep a contumacious witness in detention only war as an instrument of national
until the legislative body ceases to exist upon its final policy.
Absence of declaration of war – The actual power to make war is lodged
SECTION 22 – Meeting of department heads before Congress in the executive power which, when necessary, may make war even in
the absence of a declaration of war.
“Oversight function” of Congress – Heads of departments may appear
before the Senate or the House and be heard on any matter pertaining to Conditions under which emergency powers may be delegated:
their departments
 On their own initiative, at the consent of the President, OR at the 1. In times of war or other national emergency
request of either House. 2. For a limited period and subject restrictions as it may prescribe
 Written questions shall be submitted to the President of the
Senate or the Speaker of the House at least 3 days before the Delegable powers – The nature of the delegable power is not specified. It
scheduled appearance. is submitted that the President may be given emergency legislative
 Interpellations shall not be limited to written questions but may powers if Congress so desires.
cover matters related to such.
 When security of state or public interest so requires and the SECTION 24 – Origin of appropriation, revenue, etc. bills
President states so in writing, the appearance shall be conducted
in executive session (special session). Bills that must originate within the House of Representatives:

Question hour – No such thing as this is only applicable to a  Appropriation, revenue, or tariff bills
parliamentary system where there is no separation between legislative  Bills authorizing increase of the public debt
and executive department.  Bills of local application
 Private bills
SECTION 23 – Declaration of war

 This is mandatory, not directory, and compliance with it is
NOTE: The Senate may propose or concur with amendments. essential to the validity of the legislation.
o RATIONALE: Legislative assemblies often pass bills by
SECTION 25 – Prohibitions on increase of appropriations, riders, etc. bills their titles only without requiring them to be read. A
specious title sometimes covers legislation which, if its
Prohibitions on Appropriations real character had been disclosed, would not have
commanded assent.
1. The Congress may not increase the appropriations recommended  This rule should be interpreted liberally, with a practical rather
by the President for the operation of the government than technical construction.
2. No provision or enactment shall be embraced unless it relates
specifically to some particular appropriation therein (those that Bill being brought before Congress:
don’t are known as riders)
a. Any such provision shall be limited in operation the  Three readings on separate days
appropriation to which it relates  Printed copies should be distributed to members three days
3. Congress shall strictly follow the procedure for approving before passages
appropriations for other departments and other agencies  Upon last reading of a bill, no amendment shall be allowed
4. Special appropriations bill shall specify the purpose for which it is  Only exception is when the President certifies to the necessity of
intended its immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency
a. This shall be supported by funds actually available as
certified by the National Treasurer or be raised by a SECTION 27 – Presidential veto
corresponding revenue proposal therein
5. No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of appropriations Certain prohibitions on vetoing
a. The following are authorized to augment any item the
general appropriations law for their respective offices  As a general rule, the President vetoes an entire bill and not items
(from savings in other items of their respective of it.
appropriations):  The exceptions are appropriation, revenue, or tariff bills where
i. President the President may exercise item-veto, but the veto shall not
ii. President of the Senate affect the item to which he does not object.
iii. Speaker of the House of the Representatives
iv. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Steps before a bill is passed:
v. Heads of Constitutional Commissions
6. Discretionary funds shall be disbursed only for public purposes 1. Bill is presented to the President
7. If at the end of the fiscal year Congress shall have failed to pass 2. If he approves he shall sign; otherwise he shall veto the bill and
the general appropriations bill, the law for the preceding year return it with his objects to the House where it originated
shall be deemed enacted 3. This House shall enter objects into the Journal and proceed to
reconsider such
SECTION 27 – Bills passed by Congress 4. If after this reconsideration two-thirds of all members of such
House it shall become a law
“One bill one subject” – Every bill passed by Congress shall embrace only
one subject which shall be embodied in the bill’s title

NOTE: The President shall communicate his veto of any bill to the House PROGRESSIVE SYSTEM OF TAXATION – A tax is progressive when the
where it originated within thirty days; otherwise, it shall become a law as rate increases as the tax base increases.
if he had signed it.  Mention of such reflects the wish of the Convention that the
legislature uses the power of taxation as an instrument for a
Entering of the yeas and nays of the Members every time a House votes: more equitable distribution of wealth.

 Upon the last reading of a bill  The standards that are used are substantial and not arbitrary
 At the request of one-fifth of the members present  The categorization is germane to achieve legislative purpose
 In repassing a bill over the veto of the President  The law applies, all things being equal, to both present and future
Disagreement between Senate and House of Representatives – In such  The classification applies equaly well to all those belonging to the
case, a conference committee is created whose function is to propose to same class
Congress ways of reconciling conflicting provisions found in the Senate
version and House version of the bill Congress may authorize the President to fix within specified limits:
 Composition – Members of Senate and the House nominated
 Extent of their power – Amendments germane to the purpose of  Tariff rates
the bill may be introduced even if these were not in the original  Import and export quotas
bill  Tonnage and wharfage dues
 Other duties or imposts within the framework of the national
Doctrine of inappropriate provisions – A provision that is constitutionally development program
inappropriate for an appropriation bill may be singled out for veto even if
it is not an appropriation or revenue item (Gonzales v. Macaraig, Jr.). Institutions exempt from taxation:

Executive impoundment – This is refusal of the President to spend funds  Charitable institutions
already allocated by Congress for a specific purpose (Philippine  Churches and parsonages or convents
Constitution Association v. Enriquez). The Supreme Court refrained from  Mosques
passing judgment on the constitutionality of such, but found the doctrine  Non-profit cemeteries
on inappropriate provision a way out.
 All lands, buildings, and improvements actually, directly, and
exclusively used for religious, charitable, or educational purposes
SECTION 28 – Taxation bills
NOTE: No law granting any tax exemption shall be passed without the
Rule of taxation – Uniform and equitable, with a progressive system of
concurrence of a majority of all Members of Congress.
Purpose of the power to tax – Primary purpose is to raise revenue
UNIFORM AND EQUITABLE – A tax is uniform when it operates with the
 However the power to tax has also been recognized as:
same force and effect in every place where the subject of it is found;
o An instrument of national economic and social policy
uniformity is also equivalent to the requirement of valid classification
o A tool for regulation
under equal protection clause.
o “The power to keep alive” – The foundation for the
imposition of tariffs designed for the encouragement and

protection of locally produced goods against competition SECTION 29 – Public monies
from imports.
Control of expenditure of public funds – Vested in Congress
Limitations on power to tax – The power to tax exists for general welfare,  No money shall be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance
therefore implicit in such power is the limitation that it should be of an appropriation made by law.
exercised only for a public purpose.
 Both due process and equal protection clauses of the Limitations on Appropriations
Constitution may be invoked to invalidate a revenue measure in
appropriate cases. 1. Support of any sect, church, denomination, sectarian institution,
 The due process clause may also be invoked where a taxing or system of religion
statute is so arbitrary it finds no support in the Constitution. 2. Any priest, preacher, minister, or other religious teacher or
Tax rates of other countries – Cannot be used as a yardstick in
determining what may be the proper subjects of taxation in our own NOTE: Except when such priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is
country. It is inherent in the power to tax that the state be free to select assigned to the armed forces, any penal institution, or government
the subjects of taxation (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Santos). orphanage or leprosarium.

Delegation of power to tax – Specifically provided for in the Constitution. Special fund – All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose
It grans the right to impose restrictions and limitations on the taxation shall be treated as a special fund and paid out for such special purpose
power delegated to the President. The restrictions and limitations only.
imposed by Congress take on the mantle of a constitutional command.  If this special purpose has been fulfilled or abandoned, any
remaining balance shall be transferred to general funds of the
Differences of Exemptions government.

1935 Constitution 1987 Constitution Power of the purse – Comprehends both the power to generate money
No mention of charitable Mentions ‘charitable institutions, for the government by taxation and the power to spend it.
institutions mosques, and non-profit
cemeteries’, and also requires they SECTION 30 – Increasing appellate jurisdiction
should ‘exclusively, actually, and
directly’ used for religious, Appellate jurisdiction – The power of a court to review decisions and
charitable, and educational change outcomes of decisions of lower courts.
purposes  No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court without its advice and concurrence.
Also requires proof of such use of  This rule is to prevent overburdening of the Supreme Court.
lands, buildings, and
improvements SECTION 31 – Title of royalty or nobility

EXCLUSIVELY, ACTUALLY, and DIRECTLY – Covers not just what is No law granting a title of royalty or nobility should be enacted.
indispensable but also what is incidental and reasonably necessary  PURPOSE: Such is the cornerstone of republican government;
exclusion of a title of royalty or nobility means there cannot be

serious danger that the government will be any other than that of
the people (The Federalist, No. 84). HEAD OF STATE – Ceremonial head of government who must take part
in a range of activities which may be solemn or even priestly in nature

SECTION 31 – Initiative and referendum CHIEF EXECUTIVE – The President is the executive and no one else is;
the heads of the executive department occupy political positions and
R.A. NO. 6735 (An Act Providing for a System of Initiative and Referendum hold office in an advisory capacity and are subject to the direction of the
and Appropriating Funds Therefor) – Current implementing law president

Requirements for exercising power of initiative and referendum: Powers of the President – The enumeration of specific powers of the
President does not exhaust the totality of such; tradition recognizes that
1. At least 10% of the total number of registered voters the powers of the President are more than the sum of enumerated
2. Of which every legislative district is represented by at least 3% f executive powers – implied existence of “residual unstated powers”
the registered voters thereof (Marcos v. Manglapus, et. al.).
3. Sign a petition for the purpose and register same with the  The intent of the Constitutional Commission to limit the powers
Constitution of the President was a limitation of specific powers (particularly
those relating to the commander-in-chief clause) but not a
Contents of Petition diminution of the general grant of executive power.

1. Contents or text of the proposed law sought to be enacted, Immunity from suit – Presidential immunity during tenure remains part
approved, or rejected of the law. What has been rejected by the new Constitution is the
2. The proposition expansive notion of immunity in the Marcos Constitution.
3. The reasons therefore  RATIONALE – This is done to assure the exercise of presidential
4. That it is not one of the exceptions provided herein duties and functions free from any hindrance or distraction.
5. Signatures of the petitioners / registered voters  This immunity from suit pertains to the President by virtue of the
6. An abstract or summary in not more than 100 words which shall office and may be invoked only by the holder of such office.
be legibly written or printed at the top of every page of the Additionally, thre is nothing in our laws which would prevent the
petition President from waiving such privilege. (Soliven v. Judge Makasiar)

Executive privilege – The power of the President to withhold certain

ARTICLE VII types of information from the courts, Congress, and the public ( Senate v.
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Ermita and Neri v. Senate)

SECTION 1 – Executive power, immunity, and privilege Information covered by executive privilege (Section 2a of E.O. 464):

Executive power – Vested in the President 1. Conversations and correspondence between the President and
 In vesting executive power in one person rather than in a plural the public official covered by this EO
executive, the intention was to invest the power holder with 2. Military, diplomatic, and other national security matters which in
energy. the interest of national security should not be divulged
 President is both “Head of State” and “Chief Executive”

3. Information between inter-government agencies prior to the 4. At least forty years of age on the day of election
conclusion of treaties and executive agreements 5. Resident of the Philippines for at least ten years immediately
4. Discussion in close-door Cabinet meetings preceding such election
5. Matters affecting national security and public order
FUNCTION: His only constitutional function is to be on hand to act as
Validity of claim of privilege – Depends on the ground invoked to justify it President when needed or to succeed to the presidency in case of
and the context in which it is claimed. The question that must be asked is vacancy in the office. He may also be appointed as a Member of the
not only whether the requested information falls within one of the Cabinet (not subject to consent of the Commission on Appointments).
traditional privileges, but also whether that privilege should be honored
in a given procedural setting. (Senate v. Ermita) SECTION 4 – Election of President and Vice President
 Statement of claim – Must be stated with sufficient particularity
to enable Congress or the court to determine its legitimacy. Term of office – Six years, which shall begin at 12NN on the 30th of June
However, Congress must not require the executive to state the next following the day of the election and shall end at 12NN of the same
reasons for the claim with such particularity as to compel date six years thereafter.
disclosure of the information which the privilege is supposed to
protect. Reelection

Relation to compulsory power of Congress – Only the President may be  President shall NOT be eligible for any reelection.
exempted from Congress’s compulsory power.  No person who has succeeded as President and has served as
such for more than four years shall be qualified for election to the
The Cabinet same office at any time.
 No Vice President shall serve for more than two successive terms.
SECTION 2 – Qualifications for President  Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time shall
NOT be considered as an interruption in the continuity of service
Qualifications for President for the full term.

1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines Process of Elections - Held on the 2nd Monday of May unless otherwise
2. Registered voter provided by law; elected by direct vote of the people
3. Able to read and write
4. At least forty years of age on the day of election 1. The returns of every election for President and Vice President
5. Resident of the Philippines for at least ten years immediately shall be duly certified by the Board of Canvassers of each
preceding such election province or city.
2. This shall be transmitted to the Congress and directed to the
SECTION 3 – Vice President President of the Senate.
3. The President of the Senate, not later than 30 days after the day
Qualifications for Vice President of the election, shall open all certificates in the presence of the
Senate and House of Representatives in joint public session.
1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines 4. Congress, upon determination of authenticity and due execution
2. Registered voter thereof, shall canvass the votes.
3. Able to read and write

5. Person having the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed
elected.  The President shall have an official residence.
6. In case two or more shall have an equal highest number of votes,  The salaries of the President and Vice President shall be
one of them shall be chosen by vote of a majority of all the determined by law and shall not be decreased during their
Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting separately. tenure.
7. Congress shall promulgate its rules for the canvassing of the  No increase in said compensation shall take effect until after
certificates. expiration of the term of the incumbent during which such
8. Supreme Court, en banc, shall be the sole judge of all contests increase was approved.
relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of the  They shall not receive during tenure any other emolument from
President or Vice President. the government or any other source.

Delegation of preliminary count of votes – May be done provided that the SECTION 7 & 8 – Vacancies in the presidency
Committee report be submitted for approval by the Congress as a body.
Two sets of rules for filling a vacancy:
Continue of canvass even after final adjournment – The final
adjournment of Congress does not terminate an unfinished presidential 1. Applies when the vacancy occurs at the start of the term (Section
canvass. 7)
a. If the President-elect fails to qualify, the Vice-President-
Function of Congress – Not merely ministerial; Congress has the elect shall act as President until he has qualified
authority to examine the certificates of canvass for authenticity and due b. If a President shall not have been chosen, the Vice-
execution. President-elect shall act as President until a President
shall have been chosen and qualified
Contesting of elections – May only be filed by the registered candidate c. If the President shall have died or shall have become
who received second or third highest member of votes (FPJ v. Arroyo). permanently disabled, the Vice-President-elect shall
This may be done by filing a verified petition with the Clerk of the become President
Presidential Electoral Tribunal within 30 days after proclamation of d. Where no President and Vice President shall have been
winner. chosen or shall have qualified, or where both shall have
died or become permanently disabled, the President of
Validity, authenticity, and correctness of statement of votes & Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives
certificates of canvass – Under the Tribunal’s jurisdiction, which means shall act as President or Vice-President until one shall
they can correct manifest errors on such (Legarda v. De Castro). have been chosen and qualified.
e. In case of death, permanent disability, or inability of the
SECTION 5 – Oath of the President / Vice-President officials mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Congress
shall provide for the manner in which one who is to act as
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and conscientiously President shall be selected
fulfill my duties as President (or VP or Acting President) of the 2. Applies when a vacancy occurs mid-term (Section 8)
Philippines, preserve and defend its Constitution, execute its laws, do a. In case of death, permanent disability, removal from
justice to every man, and consecrate myself to the service of the Nation.” office, or resignation of the President, the Vice President
shall become the President to serve the unexpired term
SECTION 6 – Official residence, salaries, etc.

b. In case of death, permanent disability, removal from
office, or resignation of both President and Vice SECTION 11 – Acting President
President, the President of Senate or the Speaker of the
House of Representatives shall act as President until the When the Vice President becomes Acting President:
President or Vice President shall have been chosen and
qualified. 1. Whenever the President transmits to the President of the Senate
c. In case of death, permanent disability, or inability of the and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a written
officials mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Congress declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties
shall provide for the manner in which one who is to act as of his office
President shall be selected 2. Whenever a majority of all members of the Cabinet transmit to
the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Resignation of the president - Representatives such written declaration

When the President resumes office:

SECTION 9 – Vacancies in the vice presidency
1. When the President transmits to Congress written declaration
When there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President: that o such inability exists

1. The President shall nominate a Vice-President from among the NOTE: Should a majority of all members of the Cabinet transmit within 5
Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives. days their written declaration the President is unable to discharge the
2. He shall assume office upon a confirmation by a majority vote of powers and duties of his office, the Congress shall decide the issue.
all the Members of both Houses of Congress, voting separately.  For this purpose, Congress shall convene within 48 hours without
need of call.
SECTION 10 – Process of filling in such vacancies  If within 10 days after receipt of last written declaration (or 12
days if not in session) Congress determines by a two-thirds vote
1. At 10AM on the 3rd day after vacancy in the offices of the of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the
President and Vice President occurs, Congress shall convene powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue
without need of a call. acting as President.
2. Within 7 days, they shall enact a law calling for a special election  Otherwise, the President shall reassume his office.
to elect a President and Vice President to be held not earlier than
45 days nor later than 60 days from said call. SECTION 12 – Serious illness of the President
3. The bill calling for such special election shall be deemed certified
and shall become law upon third reading by Congress. Serious illness of the President – Not just incapacitation but also any
4. Appropriations for special election shall be charged against any serious illness which can be a matter of national concern
current appropriations and shall be exempt from the prohibitions
on appropriations in Section 25. Duty of releasing such information to the public – Falls to the office of
5. The convening of Congress cannot be suspended nor special the president
election postponed.
6. No special election shall be called if vacancy occurs within 18 Shall still have access to the President during said illness:
months before the date of the next presidential election.

 Members of the Cabinet in charge of national security and  EXCEPTIONS: Temporary appointments to executive positions
foreign relations when continued vacancies therein will prejudice public service or
 Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines endanger public safety

SECTION 13 – Holding of other offices Kinds of Appointments

Limitations on the President, Vice President, Members of the Cabinet, 1. Ad interim – Done when Congress is not in session; permanent in
deputies or assistants: nature but can be revoked during Congress’s next session or
upon disapproval of the Commission on Appointments
 May not hold any other office or employment during said tenure 2. Temporary – Can be done anytime
 Shall not directly or indirectly practice any other profession,
participate in any business, be financially interested in any Scope of President’s Appointing Power
contract with or in any franchise
 Any special privilege granted by the government or any Shall nominate and with the consent of the Commission on
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality Appointments appoint the following:
 Including any government-owned or controlled corporations or
their subsidiaries  Heads of executive departments
 Ambassadors
Spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the 4th civil  Other public ministers and consuls
degree of the President:  Officers of the Armed Forces from the rank of colonel or naval
 Shall not be appointed as Members of the Constitutional  Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower court (Article
Commissions VIII, Section 9)
 Office of Ombudsman  Regular members of the Judicial and Bar Council (Article IX B
 Secretaries, Undersecretaries, Chairmen, or Heads of Bureaus or Section 1 Par. 2)
offices  Chairmen and Members of Constitutional Commissions (C & D
 Including government-owned or controlled corporations and Section 1 Par 2)
their subsidiaries  Ombudsman and his deputies (Article XI, Section 9)

SECTION 15 & 16 – Appointments made by the President Needing confirmation of the Commission on Appointments – Only those
mentioned in Section 16 (as opposed to the rule of the 1935 Constitution
Appointments extended by an Acting President – Shall remain effective where all appointments made by the President was subject to
unless revoked by Elected President within 90 days from his assumption confirmation of the CoA)
of office  Such prohibition also applies to a President’s alter ego (Pimentel
Jr. v. Ermita).
Appointments by President – Cannot be made two months immediately
before the next presidential elections up to the end of his term NOTE: Congress may not give to any other officer the power to appoint
these officers. HOWEVER, appointing authority for other positions may
be vested in other officers lower in rank.

SECTION 17 – Control of executive departments President’s powers as Commander-in-Chief of all Armed Forces of the
Power of control – The power of an officer to alter, modify, nullify, or set
aside what a subordinate officer had done in the performance of his 1. He may call out such armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless
duties and to substitute the judgment of the former for that of the later. violence, invasion, or rebellion.
 Given to the President over all executive officers. 2. When public safety requires it, he may suspend privilege of writ
of habeas corpus (time limit of 60 days).
Doctrine of “qualified political agency” (Villena v. Secretary of Interior) – 3. When public safety requires it, he may place the Philippines
Recognizing that the Constitution has established a single and not a under martial law (time limit of 60 days).
plural executive, this doctrine postulates that:
 All executive and administrative organizations are adjuncts of the Significance of Commander-in-Chiefship – A civilian President holds
executive department supreme military authority and is the ceremonial, legal, and
 The heads of the various executive departments are assistants administrative head of the armed forces. It is not necessary that he be
and agents of the Chief Executive possessed of military training but he has the power to direct military
 Except in cases where the Chief Executive is required by the operations and determine military strategy. He may delegate but
Constitution or law to act in person, the multifarious executive ultimately the power is his.
and administrative functions of the CE are performed by and
through the executive departments Subjection to judicial review – Use of armed forces, yes. Suspension of
 The acts of the secretaries of such departments, performed and privilege of writ of habeas corpus, no.
promulgated in the regular course of business are the acts of the
Chief Executive Writ of habeas corpus – A court order that requires a person under
arrest to be brought before a judge or into court.
Power to reorganize executive offices – The express grant of the power  Such suspension is only applicable to persons judicially charged
of control the President justifies an executive action to carry out for rebellion or other offenses inherent in invasion.
reorganization of an executive office under a broad authority of law  Any person thus arrested shall be judicially charged within 3 days.
(Anak Mindanao v. Executive Sec., Tondo Medical Center Employees v.
CA). Martial law – Essentially, police power exercised by the executive with
the aid of the military; authorizes the military to act vigorously for the
Disciplinary power of the President – Flows from his power to appoint, maintenance of an orderly civil government.
since the power to remove is inherent in the power to appoint (Ang-  Scope of martial law - A flexible concept, rather than a fixed one,
Angco v. Castillo). This inherent disciplinary power has been made since the factual bases upon which it is dependent have different
subject to limitation by the legislature through the latter’s power to necessities for public safety. These bases are:
provide for a civil service system with tenure. o The existence of actual invasion or rebellion
o The requirements of public safety.
President’s power over government-owned corporations – Comes from
statute (NAMARCO v. Arca) rather than the Constitution, so it may also Limits Upon the Imposition of Martial Law / Suspension of Privilege of
be taken away by statute. Writ

SECTION 18 – Commander-in-Chief of the AFP 1. A time limit of 60 days

2. Review and possible revocation by Congress 5. Amnesty – Commonly denotes general pardon to rebels for
a. President has to submit a report in person or in writing to treason and other high political offenses, or forgiveness which
Congress one sovereign grants to subject of another who have offended by
b. They shall vote jointly with a vote of at least a majority of some breach of the law of nations
all its Members on whether or not to revoke such a. Tax amnesty – General pardon or intentional overlooking
proclamation or suspension of authority to impose penalties on persons otherwise
c. If not in session, Congress shall convene within 24 hours guilty of evasion or violation of revenue or tax law.
3. Review and possible nullification by Supreme Court
a. In an appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen NOTE: These clemencies cannot be given until after conviction by final
judgment. This is to prevent the President from preempting the action of
the judge.

SECTION 20 – Foreign loans

SECTION 19 – Reprieves, pardons, etc.
Contracting or guaranteeing of foreign loans – Requirement of prior
Power of executive clemency – Except in cases of impeachment, the concurrence of the Monetary Board and subject to such limitations as
President may grant reprieves, commutations, pardons, and remit fines may be provided by law
and forfeitures after conviction by final judgment. With concurrence of o Monetary Board – Has expertise and consistency required to
majority of all members of Congress, hey may also grant amnesty. perform the mandate which may be absent among members of
 Purpose is a tacit admission that human institutions are Congress
imperfect and that there are infirmities in the administration of
justice. SECTION 21 – Treaties and international agreements

Kinds of Executive Clemency Foreign Relations Powers of the President

1. Reprieve – Postpones the execution of an offense to a day certain 1. The power to negotiate treaties and international agreements
2. Commutation – A remission of a part of the punishment; a 2. The power to appoint ambassadors, other public ministers, and
substitution of a less penalty for the one originally imposed consuls
3. Remission of fines and forfeitures – Prevents the collection of 3. The power to receive ambassadors and other public ministers
fines or confiscation of forfeited property; cannot have the effect accredited to the Philippines
of returning property 4. The power to contract and guarantee foreign loans on behalf of
4. Pardon – Exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the Republic
the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he committed (if 5. The power to deport aliens
decision appealed, the pardon shall have no effect until the
person withdraws his appeal). President’s role in international agreement – In the negotiation phase,
a. Absolute pardon – Complete even without acceptance the executive may completely exclude Congress. However, any resulting
b. Conditional pardon – Has no force until accepted by treaty does not become binding without concurrence of at least two-
condemned thirds of all Members of Senate.
i. NOTE: The President alone will determine
whether such has been violated

Treaties – Require ratification, but less formal international agreements
may be entered into by the Chief Executive and become binding without
concurrence of Congress.

Agreement – Those that are permanent and original and should be

embodied in a treaty requiring concurrence from Congress. However,
those which are temporary or are merely implementations of treaties or
statutes do not need concurrence.

SECTION 22 & 23 – General appropriations bill and addressing of


Basis of general appropriations bill – The budget of receipts and

expenditures prepared by the President
o Should be submitted within 30 days from the opening of every
regular session

Presidential address of Congress – Opening of every regular session


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