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DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2006.01062.

General obstetrics

Intravenous versus oral iron therapy for

postpartum anaemia
N Bhandal, R Russell
Department of Anaesthesia, Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
Correspondence: Dr N Bhandal, Department of Anaesthesia, Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, John Radcliffe Hospital,
Oxford OX3 9DU, UK. Email nav1@doctors.org.uk

Accepted 25 July 2006. Published OnlineEarly 28 September 2006.

Objective Postpartum iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is common Main outcome measures Hb, haematocrit, red cell indices, ferritin
in women. Most women are treated with either oral iron and serum iron levels were measured on days 0, 5, 14 and 40.
supplementation or blood transfusion. Hence, the aim of our
Results By day 5, the Hb level in women treated with intravenous
study was to compare the effect of treatment with either
iron had risen from 7.3 ± 0.9 to 9.9 ± 0.7 g/dl, while there was no
oral ferrous sulphate or intravenous ferrous sucrose on
change in those treated with oral iron. Women treated with
postpartum IDA.
intravenous iron had significantly higher Hb levels on days 5 and
Design A single centre, prospective randomised controlled trial. 14 (P < 0.01) than those treated with oral iron; although by day
40, there was no significant difference between the two groups.
Setting Women’s Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK.
Throughout the study, ferritin levels rose rapidly in those treated
Population Forty-four women with haemoglobin (Hb) of <9 g/dl with intravenous iron and remained significantly higher than in
and ferritin of <15 microgram/l at 24–48 hours postdelivery. those treated with oral iron (P < 0.01).
Methods Women were randomised to receive either oral Conclusions Intravenous iron sucrose increases the Hb level more
ferrous sulphate 200 mg twice daily for 6 weeks (group O) or rapidly than oral ferrous sulphate in women with postpartum IDA.
intravenous ferrous sucrose 200 mg (Venofer; Vifor It also appears to replenish iron stores more rapidly. However, this
International Ltd, St Gallen, Switzerland), two doses given on study was not large enough to address the safety of this strategy.
days 2 and 4 following recruitment (group I). Results were
Keywords Intravenous iron sucrose, oral ferrous sulphate,
analysed by the Students t-test, chi-square test and analysis of
postpartum anaemia.

Please cite this paper as: Bhandal N, Russell R. Intravenous versus oral iron therapy for postpartum anaemia. BJOG 2006;113:1248–1252.

cian dependant and a number of studies and audits have

shown that the transfusion level varies widely between med-
Postpartum haemoglobin (Hb) levels of <10 g/dl are observed ical teams and institutions, with a significant proportion of
in up to 30% of women, with more severe anaemia (Hb < 8 transfusions given inappropriately.6 There are a number of
g/dl) seen in 10%.1 Iron deficiency is the principal cause. This hazards of allogenic blood transfusion including transfusion
is partly attributable to an iron deficit during pregnancy of the wrong blood, infection, anaphylaxis and lung injury,
caused by the increased iron demands of the fetoplacental any of which would be devastating for a young mother. These
unit and an increased maternal red cell mass.2 Irrespective hazards, together with the national shortage of blood prod-
of mode of delivery, blood loss is a contributing factor, with ucts, mean that transfusion should be viewed as a last resort in
5% of deliveries involving loss of more than 1 l.3,4 otherwise young and healthy women.7
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is thought to contribute to Oral iron supplementation is more commonly used than
a variety of morbidities such as lethargy, lactation failure and blood transfusion for postpartum IDA. However, it is unreli-
postpartum depression.5 The standard approach to treatment able in the treatment of severe anaemia due to its limited
in the majority of UK institutions is oral iron supplementa- absorption and gastrointestinal adverse effects that affect
tion, with blood transfusion reserved for more severe or compliance.8,9 Parenteral iron administration with ferrous
symptomatic cases. However, the transfusion trigger is clini- sucrose is now available and routinely used in a number of

1248 ª RCOG 2006 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Intravenous versus oral iron therapy for IDA

European countries. Unlike previous formulations, most (N.B.), community midwives and health visitors. A pill count
notoriously ferrous dextran, which was associated with a sig- was carried out on days 14 and 40.
nificant risk of anaphylactoid reactions, ferrous sucrose has an
excellent safety record.10 Laboratory procedures
Blood samples were taken at recruitment into the study (day
0) and at days 5, 14 and 40 after the start of the treatment.
These time-points were chosen based on previous studies10
A prospective randomised study was conducted. Ethics com- and to minimise any inconvenience to the women, as they
mittee approval was obtained, and written informed consent would normally have had contact with either community
from all women was obtained prior to participation in the midwives or health visitors on these days. The time-points
study. were also chosen to detect any differences in the speed of
restoration of Hb and iron stores. Hb, haematocrit, red cell
Participants indices, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular Hb
The study population consisted of women aged 18 years or levels were measured. Iron status markers measured included
more with postpartum IDA (defined as Hb of <9 g/dl and serum ferritin and serum iron. The C-reactive protein level
ferritin of <15 microgram/l at 24–48 hours postdelivery). The was also measured at each time-point to exclude artificial
exclusion criteria were previous iron therapy during preg- elevation of ferritin levels due to an acute inflammatory
nancy, intolerance to iron derivatives, peripartum blood response.
transfusion or a history of asthma, thromboembolism, seiz- The incidence and severity of adverse events were recorded.
ures, alcohol or drug abuse. Women with signs of infection or In accordance with recommendations, the intravenous suc-
evidence of renal or hepatic dysfunction were excluded from rose was administered in areas where there were facilities for
the study. monitoring and resuscitation. Vital signs (pulse, noninvasive
blood pressure and oxygen saturation) were monitored during
Randomisation and for 30 minutes after infusion.
The women were randomised to one of the two groups using
a computer-generated randomisation schedule. Opaque, Statistical analysis
sealed envelopes containing the treatment allocation were From previous studies, it was found that treatment with intra-
prepared and marked with a sequential numerical code by venous iron sucrose increase the Hb concentration by 25% by
an independent person. After obtaining consent, the next day 5. To detect this increase with 90% power at the 5%
consecutive envelope was opened by the recruiter and the significance level, we calculated that 20 women needed to
woman was prescribed the appropriate treatment. be recruited to each group. Hb data at each of the three
postbaseline assessment times were analysed by analysis of
Treatments covariance. All analyses were conducted using SPSS for Win-
Treatment was started at 24–48 hours after delivery. Women dows, version 10.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). The effect of
were randomised either to group I, where they received two iron supplementation on maternal iron status was analysed by
doses of intravenous ferrous sucrose 200 mg (Venofer; Vifor Student’s t-test.
International Ltd, St Gallen, Switzerland) given on days 2 and
4 following recruitment or to group O, where they received
oral ferrous sulphate 200 mg twice daily for 6 weeks.
In group I, the dose of intravenous ferrous sucrose used was Forty-four women entered the study, but data were available
based on pooled data from four different randomised studies from only 43. All the women were haemodynamically stable at
using cumulative doses of 100–800 mg.10 The ferrous sucrose the time of inclusion into the study. A single exclusion from
was administered as an infusion in 250 ml of 0.9% sodium the study occurred when a woman in group O suffered a
chloride for more than 30 minutes. This group received no secondary postpartum haemorrhage at home and was re-
further iron supplementation. They were asked, however, to admitted for blood transfusion. The groups did not differ
note any symptoms or adverse effects of treatment. at baseline in characteristics or laboratory data (Table 1).
In group O, the women were advised to take 200 mg fer- Forty-two women had elective lower segment caesarean sec-
rous sulphate twice daily together with meals for 6 weeks from tions and one had a vaginal operative delivery. All the women
the day of recruitment. They were given a date on which to in the study received 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 2.5–2.7 ml
stop oral iron supplementation. Women were required to and fentanyl 15 micrograms intrathecally using a spinal tech-
document treatment compliance and symptoms on a diary nique for the delivery. The fluid management was standar-
chart provided for that purpose. Compliance was further dised with a preload of 500 ml Hartmann’s solution during
emphasised by regular contact with one of the investigators the administration of the intrathecal injection, and a further

ª RCOG 2006 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1249

Bhandal and Russell

Table 1. Baseline data at recruitment into the study Iron status

There was no significant difference in ferritin levels between
Characteristics Group I (n 5 22) Group O (n 5 21) the groups at baseline (Table 1). Figure 2 shows the response
of ferritin levels in the treatment groups. There was a signifi-
Age 29 (3.7) 28 (4.1)
cant increase in ferritin levels in group I by day 5 (P < 0.01),
Hb (before delivery) (g/dl) 11 (1.8) 11.9 (2.1)
Hb (g/dl) 7.5 (0.8) 7.3 (0.9)
and the ferritin levels remained elevated in this group. In
Haematocrit (%) 26.5 (3.1) 27.9 (5.1) comparison, no increase in ferritin levels was seen with oral
Ferritin (microgram/l) 11.0 (4.1) 13.0 (3) iron supplementation. Serum iron levels also increased in
Serum iron (nmol/l) 6.5 (0.3) 7.0 (0.7) both groups, with the levels being significantly higher in
group I at days 14 and 40 (P < 0.01) (Figure 3).
Data are given as mean (SD).
No serious adverse events was reported. In group I, five
1000–1500 ml Hartmann’s solution was given intraoper- women (23%) complained of a metallic taste during the infu-
atively according to clinical need. Syntocinon (Alliance, sion of the drug. This was transient in nature and resolved
Wiltshire, UK) was administered postdelivery as a slow intra- immediately after the infusion was complete. Four women
venous bolus injection of 10 iu, followed by a continuous (18%) complained of facial flushing, describing it as a warm
infusion of 40 units in 500 ml 0.9% saline at a rate of 125 tingling sensation; again this was reported as ‘not unpleasant’.
ml/hour. All the women received the above standardised reg- There were no haemodynamic disturbances observed either
imen, with the exception of the woman who had a vaginal during infusion or after infusion.
operative delivery and received intramuscular Syntocinon In group O, seven women (33%) complained of adverse
only. The range of estimated blood loss was from 550 ml to effects. These were all of a gastrointestinal nature ranging
1.2 l, with a median loss of 750 ml. This was calculated by the from dyspepsia, nausea and constipation. Despite these symp-
theatre staff based on suction volume and swab weights. The toms, 100% compliance was reported and confirmed at the
mean duration to treatment after delivery was 30 ± 5 hours, pill counts.
with no difference between the two groups.

Hb response
Hb levels increased from baseline in both treatment groups at The study was performed to ascertain whether administering
days 5, 14 and 40 (Figure 1), with higher levels in those in the intravenous ferrous sucrose to women with postpartum anae-
intravenous group at days 5 and 14 (P < 0.01). The mean mia results in higher Hb concentrations and improved iron
increase in Hb level from baseline at day 5 was 2.5 g/dl in stores than using standard treatment with oral iron.
group I and 0.7 g/dl in group O. However, by day 40, there In our study, ferritin and serum iron were used as indi-
was no significant difference between the treatment groups cators of iron storage. Although ferritin levels are low in
(Table 2). pregnancy due to plasma dilution, ferritin remains a reliable

Table 2. Laboratory data after treatment with iron

Group O Group I
Haemoglobin (g/dl)

Hb (g/dl)
* Day 0 7.5 (0.8) 7.3 (0.9)
10 Day 5 7.9 (0.6) 9.9 (0.7)*
Day 14 9.0 (0.4) 11.1 (0.6)*
Day 40 11.2 (1.2) 11.5 (1.3)
8 Ferritin (microgram/l)
Day 0 11.0 (4) 13.0 (3)
Oral Iron
IV Iron Day 5 12.0 (2) 48.0 (6)*
6 Day 14 16.0 (4) 37.9 (5)*
*p<0.01 Day 40 15.0 (3) 42.2 (7)**

Prepartum 0 5 14 40
Data are given as mean (SD).
Days *P , 0.01.
**P , 0.05.
Figure 1. Response of Hb to intravenous and oral iron therapies.

1250 ª RCOG 2006 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Intravenous versus oral iron therapy for IDA

* minutes. Twenty-four hours after administration, the plasma

50 * level is negligible, indicating rapid incorporation. This
has been shown by positron emission tomography studies,
* which show immediate incorporation into the bone marrow
while the plasma levels fall.13 These studies, mostly investi-
gating renal patients with severe IDA, have shown that
Ferritin (µg/l)

30 70–97% of the iron is used for erythropoiesis, with only

*p<0.01 4–6% elimination.
20 Other intravenous iron preparations have been used pre-
viously, particularly ferrous dextran, but due to their high
anaphylactoid risk, there is now considerable reluctance to
Oral iron administer them. In our study, intravenous ferrous sucrose
IV iron
was well tolerated and not associated with any serious adverse
0 effects. This finding is supported by previous larger studies
0 5 14 40
that have investigated the safety profile of intravenous ferrous
sucrose both during pregnancy and in the postpartum
Figure 2. Response of ferritin to intravenous and oral iron therapies. period.14–16 Perewunsnyk et al.10 studied 400 women who
received a total of 2000 ampoules of ferrous sucrose. Minor
general adverse effects including a metallic taste, flushing of
indicator of iron deficiency, where a cutoff level of <15 micro- the face and burning at the injection site occurred in 0.5%,
gram/l is used.11,12 A spontaneous restoration of ferritin levels with doses up to 200 mg. The high tolerance of the drug has
due to physiological changes and fluid shifts postpartum is been partly attributed to slow release of iron from the com-
know to occur, but it had little effect in this study as there plex and also due to the low allergenicity of sucrose.
was minimal change in the ferritin levels in those treated with The dose of oral ferrous sulphate used in our study was
oral iron. based on standard practice in our hospital. This dose is also
We have shown that two 200 mg doses of intravenous widely used in the majority of institutions in the UK. Higher
ferrous sucrose significantly increases Hb levels and rapidly doses appear to increase reported adverse effects without a sig-
replenish iron stores within 5 days, with a mean increase from nificant effect on haematological parameters.8
baseline of 2.5 g/dl. Although Hb levels were similar in both In our study, compliance with oral treatment was surpris-
groups by day 40, only intravenous ferrous sucrose appeared ingly good and was reinforced with regular visits and verbal
to restore iron reserves, with a statistical difference through- contact by the investigator. This contrasts with compliance
out the treatment period. findings described in other studies. Gastrointestinal adverse
Ferrous sucrose appears to be effective because it is rapidly effects are thought to be dose related and occur more fre-
removed from the plasma and used for erythropoiesis. After quently at higher doses.8 al-Momen et al.17 described gastro-
a bolus dose of saccharated iron, plasma levels peak at 10 intestinal adverse effects with a frequency of up to 30% in
women treated with oral iron. In our study, adverse effects
occurred in 33% of women but were not severe enough to
affect compliance. It has to be noted that this group of women
30 * was highly motivated and therefore may have persisted with
oral iron for longer than the general postpartum population.
Serum Iron (nmol/L)

25 If this is true, then the benefits of intravenous iron over oral

iron may be greater in clinical practice than in this study
The general health effects of iron deficiency in the obstetric
population have been identified as an area of research prior-
10 *p<0.01 ity.18 It is well known that women with anaemia suffer from
increased cardiovascular strain, reduced exercise performance
5 oral iron and various symptoms including a feeling of reduced well-
IV iron
being, headaches, tiredness and dizziness. All these symptoms
can be debilitating, especially when caring for a newborn.
0 5 14 40
Women suffering from early postpartum anaemia may also
have an increased risk of developing postpartum depression.19
Figure 3. Response of serum iron to intravenous and oral iron therapies. Our study did not examine the effects of improving the

ª RCOG 2006 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1251

Bhandal and Russell

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