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Typically concerned with:

• Determining ground motions – especially as to
effects of local site conditions
Kramer, Steven L. 1996.
• Liquefaction and liquefaction-related evaluations – Geotechnical Earthquake
(settlements, lateral spreading movements, etc.)
• Slope/landslide evaluation
Engineering. Prentice Hall, 653 pp.
• Dams/embankments
• Design of retaining structures
• Deep and shallow foundation analysis
• Underground structures (tunnels, etc.)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 1 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 2

Historical Perspective Important Learning Opportunities

“While many cases of soil effects had been • 1964 Niigata and 1964 Alaska
observed and reported for many years, it was • 1967 Caracas
not until a series of catastrophic failures,
involving landslides at Anchorage, Valdez and
• 1971 San Fernando
Seward in the 1964 Alaska earthquake, and • 1979 Imperial valley
extensive liquefaction in Niigata, Japan, • 1985 Mexico City
during the earthquake in 1964, caused • 1989 Loma Prieta
geotechnical engineers to become far more
aware of, and eventually engaged in
• 1995 Kobe (Japan)
understanding, these phenomena.” • 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey)
(I. M. Idriss, 2002) • 1999 Chi Chi (Taiwan)
Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 3 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 4

Site Effects – Some History Site Effects on Ground Motions

“… a movement … must be modified while • Soil profile acts as filter

passing through media of different
constitutions. Therefore, the earthquake effects • Change in frequency content of motion
will arrive to the surface with higher or lesser • Layering complicates the issue
violence according to the state of aggregation
of the terrain which conducted the movement. • Amplification or de-amplification of
This seems to be, in fact, what we have ground motions can occur
observed in the Colchagua Province (of Chile)
as well as in many other cases.”
• Duration of motion is increased
- from Del Barrio (1855) in Toro and Silva (2001)

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 1

Site Effects on Ground Motions
Site Amplification Is Common Conservation of energy drives amplification


Sand B


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Amplification Definitions Amplification Definitions

Free Surface Outcrop
• Fourier amplification spectra • Spectral amplification

a free surface (f ) Sa, free surface (T )
aoutcrop (f ) Sa, outcrop (T )
Bedrock Rock

Free Surface Free Surface

Amplification = Amplification =
Bedrock Outcrop

Figure adapted from Rix, G. J., (2001)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 9 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 10

Soft Soils Commonly Amplify Effects of Local Soil Conditions

Motions Relative To Bedrock

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 2

1985 Mexico City Accelerograms
1985 Mexico City Earthquake

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1985 Mexico City – Juarez Hospital 1985 Mexico City – Response Spectra

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1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake San Francisco Bay Geological Map

• Soft deposits in red

(Bay mud)

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 3

San Francisco Marina District Damage in Marina District

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Cypress Structure Collapse

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Cypress Structure Collapse Effects of Local Soil Conditions

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 4

Effects of Local Soil Conditions Pre-Loma Prieta Design Spectra

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Spectrum from 1989 Loma Prieta at IBC2003 – “F” Requires Site-specific Analysis
Deep Soft Soil Site

Reason for
F Category
in IBC 2003

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 27 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 28

IBC2003 – “F” Requires Site-specific Analysis NEHRP Provisions Site Amplification

• Determine site class based on top 30 m: for Site Classes A through E
Site Class
2.50 B
Amplification Fa

2.00 D


Site Class
0.00 A
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 B
Amplification Fv

Short Period Spectral Accel. Ss (g’s) C

2.50 D
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Long Period Spectral Accel. S1 (g’s)

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 5

Field Tests To Measure Seismic Wave Velocities
Site Classification from? Source

• NEHRP Provisions allow site Direct P

Direct P
and S
classification to determined from various
and S

geotechnical data, such as SPT Source 3 –D Receivers


blowcounts, undrained shear strength, a. Crosshole Testing

b. Downhole Testing

and shear wave velocity measurements Fluid-Filled

(Vs) Direct b. Downhole Testing Arrangement
S Wave

Various Receiver 1

• Best approach ⇒ in situ Vs measurement

Horizontal Modes (body Receiver 2
Receiver and interface
c. Seismic Cone Penetrometer
d. Suspension Logging
Courtesy of K. H. Stokoe II

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 31 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 32

Site Response Mechanisms Site Response Analysis - Two Steps

• Constant flux rate – impedance
ρVsů2 = constant (1) Modeling the soil profile
• Resonances within the soil column

Vs (2) Calculating the site-modified time
H Vs fn =
4H histories or other motions at various
• Low-strain damping and apparent level within the profile, typically, at the
attenuation in soil
ground surface
• Nonlinear soil behavior

Figure adapted from Rix, G. J., (2001)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 33 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 34

(1) Modeling the Soil Profile (2) Calculating top-of-profile motions:

• The stratigraphy and dynamic properties (dynamic
moduli and damping characteristics) of the soil profile • Typically the design bedrock time-histories are
are modeled. input to the soil model and the corresponding
top-of-soil time-histories are obtained.
• If soil depth is reasonably constant beneath the
structure and the soil layers and ground surface • Analysis should incorporate nonlinear soil
reasonably flat, then a one-dimensional analysis can behavior either through the equivalent linear
be used. method or true nonlinear analysis methods.
• Two- or three-dimensional models of the site can be • Ensure program properly accounts for motion
used where above conditions are not met. recorded on outcrop being input at base, etc.
• Unless soil properties are well constrained a range of • Issue: where to assume base or halfspace? (Vs
properties should be defined for the soil layers to = 2000 fps is often assumed but not always OK)
account for uncertainties.

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 6

Site Response Analysis Techniques Site Response Calculations
• Layered profile
•Linear analyses 1 h1, Vs1, D1, ρ1
• Vertically propagating,
horizontally polarized
•Quarter-wavelength approximation shear waves
2 h2, Vs2, D2, ρ2 • Calculate the amplitude of
•Equivalent linear analyses up-going and down-going
waves in each layer by
enforcing the compatibility
•Nonlinear analyses of displacements and
n hn, Vsn, Dn, ρn
stresses at layer interface

n+1 Vs(n+1), D(n+1), ρ(n+1)

Figure adapted from Rix, G. J., (2001)

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Equivalent-Linear Analysis (i.e., SHAKE)

Linear Analysis 1.0


Start with 0.6

G / Gmax
Charleston SC Profile • Constant Vs (i.e., G) G = Gmax and 0.4
PI = 0
PI = 15
PI = 30

10 (Wheeler and Cramer,

PI = 50

and D (i.e., Q)
PI = 100

D = Dinit 0.2 PI = 200

Fourier Amplification

10-4 10-3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1
8 Figure adapted from Rix, G. J., (2001)

PI = 0

Linear Calculate 20

Damping Ratio, D (%)

PI = 15

PI = 30
PI = 50
15 PI = 100

site response G = G(γeff) 10

PI = 200

analysis and D(γeff)

4 5

10-4 10-3 10-2 10 -1 100 10 1

No Shear strain, γ (%)

Calculate γmax
and γeff G and D Yes
10-2 10-1 100 101 Output
in each layer consistent
Frequency (Hz) with γeff?
γeff = 0.65γmax

• Amplification from Pre-Cretaceous outcrop (hard rock)

Figure adapted from Rix, G. J., (2001)
to ground surface. Soil profile is ~1 km thick.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 39 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 40

Equivalent Linear Analysis Equivalent Linear Analysis

10 Rock
4 Linear
Charleston SC Profile (Wheeler and
Cramer, 2000) Equivalent Linear
Spectral Acceleration (g)
Fourier Amplification

Figure adapted from Rix, G. J., (2001)

2 Response Spectra

2 1

10-2 10-1 100 101
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Frequency (Hz) Period (sec)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 41 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 42

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 7

Nonlinear Analysis Equivalent Linear vs. Nonlinear
• The inherent linearity of • Nonlinear methods require a
• Choose a constitutive model equivalent linear analyses can robust constitutive model that
representing nonlinear cyclic lead to “spurious” resonances. may require extensive field and
soil behavior (nonlinear lab testing to determine the
• The use of effective shear

Shear Stress
inelastic, cyclic plasticity, model parameters.
strain can lead to an over-
pore pressure generation)
softened and over-damped • Difference between equivalent
• Integrate the equation of system when the peak shear linear and nonlinear analyses
motion for vertically strain is not representative of depend on the degree of
propagating shear waves in the remainder of the shear- nonlinearity in the soil
time domain strain time history and vice response. For low to moderate
Shear Strain
• Programs available are versa. strain levels (i.e. weak input
DESRA, FLAC, • Nonlinear methods can be motions and/or stiff soils),
DYNAFLOW, SUMDES, etc. formulated in terms of effective equivalent linear methods
stress to model generation of provide satisfactory results.
excess pore pressures. -- from Kramer (1996)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 43 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 44

Site Response Analysis Codes Site Response Analysis Codes

A. One-dimensional equivalent-linear codes: B. One-dimensional nonlinear codes:

• SHAKE (Schnabel, Seed, and Lysmer 1972; • DESRA-2 (Lee and Finn 1978), DESRA-MUSC (Qiu
Idriss and Sun 1992) 1998)
• SUMDES (Li, Wang, and Shen 1992)
• WESHAKE (Sykora, Wahl, and Wallace 1992); • MARDES (Chang et al. 1990)
• D-MOD (Matasovic 1993)
• TESS (Pyke 1992)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 45 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 46

Dynamic Soil Properties

Site Response Analysis Codes
• Shear wave velocity profile

C. 2-D and 3-D equivalent linear codes: Gmax = ρ ⋅Vs2 τ

• Nonlinear soil behavior

• FLUSH (2-D) (Lysmer et al. 1975) Modulus reduction curve
• QUAD4M (Hudson, Idriss, and Beikae 1994)
= f (γ cyclic )
• SASSI (2-D or 3-D) (Lysmer et al. 1991)
Material damping ratio curve
1 ΔW
D= = f (γ cyclic )
4π W


Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 47 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 48

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 8

Laboratory Methods In Situ Methods

• Invasive methods • Noninvasive methods

•Resonant column
− Crosshole Refraction
•Torsional shear − Downhole/SCPT High-resolution seismic
− P-S suspension logger reflection
•Cyclic simple shear Surface wave methods
• Invasive methods for
nonlinear soil properties • Empirical correlations
•Cyclic triaxial with SPT and CPT
• Vertical arrays
•Bender elements

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 49 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 50

In Situ Tests to Measure Seismic Wave Velocities

Modulus Reduction and Damping

Direct P
Direct P
and S 0.8 • Seed et al. (1986)
and S 0.6
• Sun et al. (1988)
G / Gmax

PI = 0
3-D 0.4
PI = 15
PI = 30
• Ishibashi and Zhang (1993)
PI = 50
PI = 100
Source 3 –D Receivers 0.2 PI = 200

a. Crosshole Testing b. Downhole Testing 0.0

• EPRI (1993)
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101

Fluid-Filled 25 • Hwang (1997)

Borehole PI =0

• Assimaki et al. (2000)

Damping Ratio, D (%)

PI = 15
Direct PI = 30
PI = 50
S Wave b. Downhole Testing Arrangement 15 PI = 100
PI = 200

10 • Toro and Silva (2001)

Various Receiver 1
Horizontal Propagation
Modes (body Receiver 2
Receiver 0
and interface 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101
Courtesy of K. H. Stokoe II
waves) Shear strain, γ (%)
Vucetic and Dobry (1991)
c. Seismic Cone Penetrometer
d. Suspension Logging

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 51 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 52

Liquefaction Liquefaction - Field of Sand Boils

“If a saturated sand is subjected to ground
vibrations, it tends to compact and decrease in volume.

If drainage is unable to occur, the tendency to

decrease in volume results in an increase in
pore pressure.

If the pore water pressure builds up to the point at

which it is equal to the overburden pressure, the
effective stress becomes zero, the sand loses its
strength completely, and liquefaction occurs.”
Seed and Idriss

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 9

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 55 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 56

Liquefaction Damage, Niigata, Japan, 1964 Liquefaction Damage, Adapazari, Turkey, 1999

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 57 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 58

Lateral Spreading Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading,

Kobe, Japan, 1995


• Mostly horizontal deformation of gently-sloping

ground (< 5%) resulting from soil liquefaction
• One of most pervasive forms of ground damage;
especially troublesome for lifelines

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 59 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 60

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 10

Pile Damage Beneath Building by Lateral Spread 1964, Niigata, Japan
Lateral Spreading, Loma Prieta, 1989

Photo courtesy of Professor T. L. Youd from Elgamal (2002)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 61 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 62

Lower San Fernando Dam Lower San Fernando Dam

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 63 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 64

Liquefaction Damage
Key Reference
• In the 1994 Northridge earthquake,
homes damaged by liquefaction or ground
failure were 30 times more likely to Youd et al. 2001. “Liquefaction Resistance
require demolition than those homes only Of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996
damaged by ground shaking (ABAG) NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF Workshops on
Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of
• In the 1995 Kobe Japan Earthquake, Soils,” Journal of Geotechnical and
significant damages occurred to port Geoenvironmental Engineering, October, pp.
facilities due to liquefaction; after almost 817-833.
10 years post trade still 10-15% off

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 65 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 66

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 11

Liquefaction Analysis Liquefaction Analysis
Saturated loose sands, silty sands, sandy
silts, nonplastic silts, and some gravels are • A quantified measure of seismically induced
susceptible to liquefaction in an earthquake. shaking within a soil profile is termed the
earthquake demand. The most commonly
used measure of demand in current practice
is the cyclic stress ratio (CSR).

• The soil’s ability to resist this shaking without

Shear Waves Propagate
Potentially Liquefiable Upward
liquefaction is determined by one or more
methods, and is indicated by its cyclic
resistance ratio (CRR).
Shear Waves from
EQ Source

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 67 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 68

Liquefaction Analysis Steps Liquefaction Analysis

Step 1 -- Estimate the maximum acceleration at Step 2 -- Determine the cyclic shear stress ratio, CSR,
the ground surface, amax: according to:
τave a σ
This can be obtained from: (a) an actual CSR = = 0.65 max vo rd
acceleration record from nearby; (b) from σvo ' g σvo '
“attenuation” relationships that relate amax to the in which
earthquake magnitude and include the effects of τave = average cyclic shear stress
soil directly; (c) from a site response analysis σ’vo = vertical effective stress (total vertical stress minus
using a series of time histories (if this is done, the pore water pressure) at the depth of interest
CSR can be determined directly from the output); σvo = total vertical stress at the depth of interest
(d) soft soil amplification factors such as Idriss g = acceleration due to gravity
(1990); and (e) national seismic hazard maps. rd = depth reduction factor (see Figure 1)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 69 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 70

Figure 1 – Rd vs. Depth Liquefaction Analysis

Step 3 -- Determine the soil resistance to
liquefaction, CRR.

CRR can be determined from the results of Standard

Penetration Tests (SPT) – see Figure 2, Cone
Penetration Tests (CPT) – see Figure 3, or Shear
Wave Velocity Measurements (Vs) - see Figure 4, may
be used. Characteristics and comparisons of these
test methods are given in Table 1.
⇒ The SPT N-value method is described here for
level ground.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 71 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 72

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 12

Figure 2- N1,60 vs. CSR/CRR Liquefaction Analysis
Step 4 -- Determine SPT N-values at several depths over the range
of interest. These values must be corrected to account for depth
(overburden pressure) and several other factors as listed in Table 2 to
give the normalized penetration resistance (N1)60 which corresponds to
a hammer efficiency of 60%.
(N1 )60 = N ⋅ CN ⋅ CE ⋅ CB ⋅ CR ⋅ CS

N = measured penetration resistance, blows per foot
CN = correction for overburden pressure = (Pa/σ’vo)0.5
Pa = atmospheric pressure in same units as σ’vo= 1 tsf,
100 kPa, 1 kg/cm2
CE = energy correction (see Table 2)
CB = borehole diameter correction (see Table 2)
CR = correction for rod length (see Table 2)
CS = correction for sampling method (see Table 2)
Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 73 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 74

Table 2. SPT Correction Factors

Factor Test Variable Term Correction
Liquefaction Analysis
Overburden Pressure1 CN (Pa/ σvo’)0.5
CN ≤ 1.7 Step 5 -- Locate (N1)60 on Figure 2. If the
Energy Ratio Donut Hammer
Safety Hammer
CE 0.5 to 1.0
0.7 to 1.2
earthquake magnitude is 7.5 and the depth of the
DonutType Hammer
0.8 to 1.3
point being evaluate corresponds to an effective
Borehole Diameter 65 mm to 115 mm CB 1.0
overburden pressure of 1 tsf, 100 kPa, or 1
150 mm
200 mm
1.15 kg/cm2, then the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) is
Rod Length2 <3m CR 0.75
given by the corresponding value from the curve
3 m to 4 m
4 m to 6 m
that separates the zones of liquefaction and no
6 m to 10 m
10 m to 30 m
1.0 liquefaction (note that the appropriate curve to use
> 30 m >1.0
depends on the fines content of the soil).
Sampling Method Standard Sampler CS 1.0
Sampler without Liners 1.1 to 1.3

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 75 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 76

Liquefaction Analysis Liquefaction Analysis

Step 7 --If the soil contains more than 5% fines, Fines content (FC
Step 6 -- If the effective overburden pressure (σ’vo) is greater than corrections for soils with >5% fines may be made using (with
1 tsf, 100 kPa or 1 kg/sq. cm, then the CRR should be reduced engineering judgment and caution) the following relationships.
according to Figure 5 by: (N1)60cs is the clean sand value for use with base curve in Fig. 2.

(CRR) (σ’vo) = (CRR) (σ’vo)=1 x Kσ (N1)60cs = α + β(N1)60

α=0 for FC ≤ 5%
If the earthquake magnitude is less than 7.5, then the CRR
should be increased according to: α = exp[1.76 – (190/FC2)] for 5% ≤ FC ≤ 35%

α = 5.0 for FC ≥ 35%

(CRR)M<7.5 = (CRR)M=7.5 x MSF
β = 1.0 for FC ≤ 5%
The Magnitude Scaling Factor (MSF) is given by the shaded zone β = [0.99 + (FC1.5/1000)] for 5% ≤ FC ≤ 35%
in Figure 6. Similarly, if the magnitude is greater than 7.5, then
the CRR should be reduced according to the relationship in β = 1.2 for FC ≥ 35%
Figure 4.

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 13

Liquefaction Analysis Table 1- Comparison of In Situ Tests
Feature Test Type

Step 8 -- The factor of safety against liquefaction

is defined by: Data base from past EQ’s Abundant Abundant Limited Sparse

Type of stress-deformation Partly Drained, Small Partly

in test drained, large strain drained,
large strain strain large
FSLIQ’N = CRR/CSR Quality control, Poor to Very good Good
repeatability good
Detection of heterogeneity Good if tests Very good Fair Fair
Typically want FS >1.35 or so. Most suitable soil types Gravel free Gravel free All Gravelly
Soil sample obtained Yes No No Possibly

Index value or property Index Index Property Index

measured directly

Data suitable for theoretical No Yes Yes No


Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 79 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 80

Figure 4 - Shear Wave Velocity

Figure 3 - CPT vs. CSR/CRR

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Figure 5 - Recommended Factors for Kσ Figure 6 - Magnitude Scaling Factors

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 14

Soils With Plastic Fines: Chinese Criteria Liquefaction Remediation
Clayey Sands • Basic approach is to either increase
Potentially liquefiable clayey soils need to meet all of the
following characteristics (Seed et al., 1983):
capacity (i.e., increase density, bind
particles together), or decrease demand
•Percent finer than 0.005 mm < 15 (i.e., soil reinforcement)
•Liquid Limit (LL) < 35
•Water content > 0.9 x LL • Recent studies indicate cost/benefit
If soil has these characteristics (and plot above the A- ratio of liquefaction and site remediation
Line for the fines fraction to be classified as clayey), is generally > 1.0
cyclic laboratory tests may be required to evaluate
liquefaction potential. Recent work suggests latter two • Excellent summary of performance and
criteria work well to distinguish liquefiable soil, but the techniques available from:
criterion of “percent finer than 0.005” does not match
recent field experience (Martin et al., 2004).
Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 85 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 86

Liquefaction Remediation – Brief Summary

Source of following slides:
Cement Grouting Primarily used for water control in
Compaction Grouting fissured rock, Portland and microfine cement grouts
When low-slump compaction grout is injected into granular play an important role in dam rehabilitation, not only
soils, grout bulbs are formed that displace and densify the sealing water passages but also strengthening the rock
Surrounding loose soils. The technique is ideal for mass. Fast-set additives allow cement grouting in moving
remediating or preventing structural settlements, and for water and other hard-to-control conditions.
site improvement of loose soil strata.

Chemical Grouting Soilfrac Grouting Soilfracsm grouting is used where

The permeation of very low-viscosity chemical grout into a precise degree of settlement control is required
granular soil improves the strength and rigidity of the soil in conjunction with soft soil stabilization. Cementitious
to limit ground movement during construction. Chemical or chemical grouts are injected in a strictly controlled
grouting is used extensively to aid soft ground tunneling and monitored sequence to fracture the soil matrix
and to control groundwater intrusion. As a remedial tool, and form a supporting web beneath at-risk structures.
chemical grouting is effective in waterproofing leaking
subterranean structures.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 87 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 88

Jet Grouting Jet grouting is an erosion/replacement Vibro-Replacement Related to Vibro-Compaction,

system that creates an engineered, in situ soil/cement Vibro-Replacement is used in clays, silts, and mixed
product known as Soilcretesm. Effective across the or stratified soils. Stone backfill is compacted in lifts
widest range of soil types, and capable of being to construct columns that improve and reinforce
performed around subsurface obstructions and in the soil strata and aid in the dissipation of excess
confined spaces, jet grouting is a versatile and valuable pore water pressures. Vibro-Replacement is well suited
tool for soft soil stabilization, underpinning, excavation for stabilization of bridge approach soils, for shallow
support and groundwater control. footing construction, and for liquefaction mitigation.

Vibro-Compaction A site improvement technique Vibro Concrete Columns Very weak, cohesive
for granular material, Vibro-Compaction uses and organic soils that are not suitable for standard
company-designed probe-type vibrators to densify Vibro techniques can be improved by the installation
soils to depths of up to 120 feet. Vibro-Compaction of Vibro Concrete Columns. Beneath large area loads,
increases bearing capacity for shallow-footing Vibro Concrete Columns reduce settlement, increase
construction, reduces settlements and also mitigates bearing capacity, and increase slope stability.
liquefaction potential in seismic areas.

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 15

Dynamic Deep Compaction Dynamic Deep Compactiontm
is an economic site improvement technique used to treat Minipiles Underpinning of settling or deteriorating
a range of porous soil types and permit shallow, foundations, and support of footings for increased
spread footing construction. Soils are densified at depth capacity are prime candidates for minipile installation,
by the controlled impact of a crane-hoisted, heavy weight particularly where headroom is limited or access
(15-35 tons) on the ground surface in a pre-determined restricted. These small diameter, friction and/or
grid pattern. Dynamic Deep Compaction is also successful end bearing elements can transfer ultimate loads
in densifying landfill material for highway construction of up to 350 tons to a competent stratum.
or recreational landscaping.

Soil Mixing Typically used in soft soils, the soil mixing technique
relies on the introduction of an engineered grout material
to either create a soil-cement matrix for soil stabilization, Extensive literature is available at the Hayward Baker Web-site:
or to form subsurface structural elements to support earth
or building loads. Soil mixing can be accomplished by many methods,
with a wide range of mixing tools and tool configurations available.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 91 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 92

Vibrocompaction/Vibroreplacement Vibrocompaction/Vibroreplacement

Figure adapted from

Hayward Baker, Inc.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 93 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 94

Vibrocompaction in Charleston, SC

Photos adapted from

Hayward Baker, Inc.

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 16

Deep Dynamic Compaction Jet Grouting Systems

Figure adapted from Hayward Baker, Inc.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 97 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 98

Jet Grouting for Liquefaction Mitigation

Jet Grouting Process

Figure adapted from Hayward Baker, Inc.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 99 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 100

Jet Grouting Machine

Excavated Jet-Grout Columns

Photo courtesy: T. Durgunoglu,

Zetas, Inc.

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 17

Deep Soil Mixing

Deep Soil Mixing

Figure adapted from Hayward Baker, Inc.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 103 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 104

Deep Soil Mixing Slopes and Dams

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Pseudostatic Analysis Displacement Analysis

• stability is related to the

resisting forces (soil strength)
and driving forces (inertial ≡ μ = friction coefficient
forces) S=μN

C-of-G • seismic coefficient (kh) to

khW τ represent horizontal inertia
W forces from earthquake
• Estimate the acceleration (i.e. kh) that would overcome the available friction and
σ • seismic coefficient is related start moving the block down the plane – critical acceleration, yield acceleration
to PGA • Bracket the acceleration time history with yield acceleration in one direction (i.e.
• insufficient to represent downward movement only), double integrate the portion of the acceleration
history to estimate permanent displacement
dynamics of the problem
• Or use simplified charts to relate permanent displacements to yield acceleration
and peak ground acceleration

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 18

Displacement Analysis Soil-Structure Foundation Interaction- SSFI
vm ⎛ k y ⎞

• Traditionally considered conservative

d =3 ⎜ ⎟
km g ⎝ k m ⎠

d = 0.5
vm 2 ⎛ k y ⎞
⎜ ⎟
−2 to ignore (flexible foundations transmit
less motion to superstructure, vice
km g ⎝ k m ⎠
dr - normalized permanent dispacement


• However, recent studies from (i.e.,

vm 2 ⎛ k y ⎞⎛ k y ⎞
d = 0.5 ⎜1 − ⎟⎜ ⎟
km g ⎝ km ⎠⎝ km ⎠

1 1995 Kobe, Japan EQ) suggest SSFI

d r : normalized displacement
effects may actually increase ductility
dr = d
km g
vm 2
d : permanent displacement
v m : peak ground velocity
k y : yield acceleration (in g's)
k m : peak ground acceleration (in g's)
demand in some structures
0.01 0.1 1
ratio of the yield acceleration to peak ground acceleration (ky/km)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 109 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 110

Seismic Design of Pile Foundations - SSFI SSFI- Example: Earthquake Loadings on Piles
1. Seismic force;
2. Inertial force;
3. Soil failure (liquefaction, etc.)
• The piles have to
withstand forces due to the
movement of the soil Inertial

around and also inertial

forces due to the building

Seismic force
(ground movement) = MOMENTS

Earthquake Motions

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 111 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 112

Deep Foundations in Soft Soils IBC 2003 Primary Geotechnical

• Map-based procedure not ideally suited
for geotechnical analyses

• Interpretation of soil categories not

straight forward (i.e., What is “F” site?)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 113 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 114

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 19

National Seismic Hazard Maps & IBC National Seismic Hazard Maps & IBC
Issues for Geotechnical Use Issues for Geotechnical Use

• Maps generalized and not originally intended for site- • Further away from original design intent, the fewer
specific analysis that account for the effects of local soil guidelines are available (structural engineer⇒
conditions, such as liquefaction. geotech engineer ⇒ seismologist)
• Map-based site classification procedure does not work as • Maps developed mainly for structural design
well for complex, layered soil profiles (site class based on • Earthquake magnitude/duration not provided directly,
average of top 30 m or 100 ft.)– think of 30 ft. of medium only pga’s (M requires deaggregation)
clay on top of hard rock– should this really be a “C” site?
• For structures with elastic response, duration is not as
• Modifications of ground motions for the effects of local important per se
soil conditions using the maps is not well-established
• Magnitude/duration is very important for most
• Maps do not account for regional geology geotechnical analyses (non-linear behavior)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 115 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 116

IBC 2003 Geotechnical Design Issues IBC Geotechnical issues

• Provisions (Chap. 18) recommend SDS/2.5 for
liquefaction analysis ⇒ SDS factored by 2/3, and 2/3
is from structural considerations, not soil-- this is
• Structures can factor MCE by 2/3, but not soils ⇒ new
IBC Provisions affect geotechnical analyses more than
structural analyses
• 20% limitation in reduction of map-based design
motions based on site-specific analysis, but no
simplified approach available for Class “F” sites ⇒
leads to loophole.
• What is “F” site not always clear (i.e. “liquefaction”)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 117 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 118

Example of Conditions Different from Those Assumed

Charleston, SC Columbia, SC
by Current USGS Maps
Vs, m/s V s, m/s
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600

fall line coast line 0


(Columbia) (Charleston) DEPOSITS


160 km IBC 2003


300 300

400 MARL/COASTAL 400 ROCK (3450 m/s)
Depth, m
Depth, m

500 500

600 600
(3450 m/s)
“Soft rock” sediments 700 700

B-C Classification ~1 km 800 800

Hard Rock 900 900

1000 1000

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 119 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 120

FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 20

Columbia, SC, Response Spectra -- High Impedance
Charleston, SC, Response Spectra
2.0 • Effect unique to
1.8 central United States
1.8 IBC 2003 Design
1.4 Unconservative 1.4 here
here 1.2
IBC 2003 Design

PSA, g
PSA, g

1.0 Site-specific time 1.0

time history
Over-conservative history analysis 0.8 analysis

here 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10

Period, seconds/cycle Period, seconds/cycle

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 121 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 122

IBC 2003 Site-Specific Example

South Carolina Coastal Plain
Vs data for this upper soil zone
available from recent site-specific study
fall line coast line
200 Soil assumed base of soil stack (Columbia) (Charleston)
340 ft below ground surface
160 km
Depth below ground surface (ft)


• Typical South Carolina 400

Coastal Plain Site


Soft Rock
~12000 ft/s
“Soft rock” sediments
B-C Classification ~1 km
1000 Hard Rock

Hard Rock
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Shear wave velocity (ft/s)

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 123 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 124

SC Coastal Plain Geology WUS vs. EUS Crustal Models

• SC coastal plain sediments (“soft rock”)
California Charleston
difficult to characterize 0 0
• Q & κ (ƒ of damping) are two big κ = 0.05
Q = 30
unknowns 1 1

• Sediments filter high frequencies and 2 2

decrease peak motions
Depth (km)
Depth (km)

κ < 0.04

• “Effective” κ values in Eastern US soft rock 3 Q = 200

similar to κ values for Western US hard 4 4 κ < 0.01

rock Q = 800

• “Soft rock” motions in coastal SC may be 5 5

similar to Western US “hard” rock motions 6 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Velocity (km/s) Velocity (km/s)

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 21

Effect of SC Coastal Plain on Ground Motions
Results of Site Specific Analysis*

Q=30, K=0.05 IBC Design Spectrum

80% of IBC Design Spectrum
(Allowable lower design limit)


PSA (g)
Site-specific Design
Rock 0.20 Spectrum

Hard 0.10

Rock 0.05

0 1 2 3
Period (sec)
* Includes effect of coastal plain sediments plus near-surface soils
in top 30 m. Plots developed for typical site in coastal SC

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 127 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 128

Special Comments on Site Response Analysis in Where Is the Halfspace?

CEUS ? ? Typical EUS Site:
• Analysis techniques common in WUS, may

A 100
not apply in many cases in CEUS C
200 Soil

Depth below ground surface (ft)


• Site response (i.e., SHAKE) analyses not as 400

straight-forward in CEUS 500

Soft Rock

• SHAKE has depth limitations (600 ft.? CEUS • Surface motions obtained from A, B, & C

~12000 ft/s

sites can be deeper) would be different, unless base motion 900

modified for the different halfspace depths.

• Where is halfspace? (Vs = 2000 ft/sec rule of
1000 Hard Rock

• Deeper profile is probably better to use, if 1100

thumb not always applicable in CEUS)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
base motion is appropriately developed and Shear wave velocity (ft/s)

if damping is not too high.

Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 129 Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples Geotechnical 15-4 - 130

A Final Point to Remember….

Soil is the great equalizer:
Relative PGAs in the United States

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 22

Summary Summary
• Losses from earthquakes continue to
exceed those from other natural hazards • Current IBC 2003 procedures are based on
(with the exception of megadisasters like WUS practice and experience.
Hurricane Katrina). • IBC provisions may not yet adequately
• Poor soils tend to increase damages from account for unique CEUS conditions.
• Soil conditions in CEUS increase hazard.
• Earthquake soil mitigation, especially for
soil liquefaction, is effective.

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FEMA 451B Topic 15-4 Handouts Geotechnical Engineering 23

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