Lesson Plan2

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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s Name: Socareva Nicoleta-Cristina


Date: the 6th of February, 2020

Time: 50 minutes

Number of students: 25

Grade: 5th

Level: Upper-Intermediate

Textbok: ”Going for Gold”

Unit 1: ”Changing world”

Topic: ”Machu Picchu”

Type Of Lesson: mixed

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able:

O1 : To read a text for the main idea;

O2 : To use Present Simple and Present Continuous in sentences;

O3 : To speak about Machu Picchu;

O4 : To express opinions on the topic.

Aids/Materials: textbook, worksheets, blackboard, chart.

Teaching Techniques: conversation, explanation, individual work, exercise, dialogue.

Evaluation: continuous- through observation and analysis of answers

Possible Problems:

 Students may be reluctant to speak;

 Students may pronounce incorrectly some words when reading a text.

Stage Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Interaction

1. Warm-up *T enters into the *The pupil on duty T-Ss

classroom, greets the names the absentees;
Ss, asks them how Ss-T
they are, if there are *The Ss answer to
any students missing; the T’ questions;

*Chatting with the

Ss, the T creates the
specific atmosphere
for an English class;
*T asks the Ss about *In turn,Ss answer T-Ss
their homework for and present their
today and checks it homework: an Ss-T
with them. advertisement for a
tourist attraction.

2. Presentation *T asks the *Ss answer to the T-Ss

Ss about questions;
Machu Ss-T

-Have you
heard about

-What can
you tell me
about it?

-Where is it

*T informs *Ss write the title on

the Ss that their notebooks;
today they are
going to read
and learn
about Machu
Picchu. T
writes the title
of the lesson
on the Bb.

*T asks the *Ss fulfill the task in T-Ss

Ss to open turn, Ss read aloud Ss-T
their and translate into
textbooks at Romanian the text
the page 4; from exercise 3 and
choose the suitable
heading for each part
of the article;
*T announces
the Ss that
they are going *Ss pay attention and T-Ss
to solve the solve the exercise. Ss-T
exercise from
the page 5
and explains
what they
have to do:
Read the
summary and
underline the
correct item. T-Ss


*T shows to
the Ss a chart *Ss write on their
with Present notebooks the
Simple and information.
explains to
them the
writes on the
board and
asks them to
write on their
notebooks the

3. Practice *T asks the Ss to *Ss come to the T-Ss

solve exercise 1, board and solve the
page 5 and explains exercise; Ss-T
them what they have
to do: Choose the
correct alternative,
present simple or
present continuous.

*T announces the Ss T-Ss

that they are going to
solve exercise 2 from *Ss read the exercise Ss-T
the page 5: Look at and solve it.
the rules below.
Match each rule with
two sentences from
exercise 1.

4. Production *T asks the Ss to *Ss try to answer the T-Ss

answer to the questions.
following questions: Ss-T

-Do you think is a

good idea to build a
cable car up to
Machu Picchu?
Why? Why not?

-What problems or
difficulties do
tourists cause in your

-What benefits do
tourists bring to your

*T gives to the Ss a
worksheet: Nine of
these sentences Ss-T
contain mistakes
with the form of the
verbs. Find the
mistakes and correct

5. Assignment *T explains to the Ss *Ss write down the T-Ss

homework that their homework homework.
for the next time is:
Write a composition
on the following
note: What famous
place would you like
to visit?

6. End Of The *T thanks the Ss for

Lesson their cooperation and
grades some of the

*T answers possible
questions from the

*T greets the Ss and

leaves the classroom.




I. Nine of these sentences contain mistakes with the form of the verb. Find the
mistakes and correct them:

1. They are makeing a lot of exciting plans for the future.

2. Linda and Bob is staying with us for a few days.

3. The world’s climate is getting warmer.

4. He don’t believe anything I tell him.

5. More and more people is using cars these days.

6. Your town is clean or dirty?

7. I’m travelling around Europe for two weeks.

8. We are developing a new system for paying by credit card.

9. His phone is no working at the moment.

10. My brother studys for three hours every evening.

11. My parents go to the cinema at least once a week.

12. What you are doing while you’re in Lisbon?

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