Sample Essay Bii and C (Part 1)

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3 September 2018


Your father took you and your family to Singapore last week. Share
your experience using an email with your friend. Your email should
be between 50 and 80 words.

From: Date: 3 September 2018

To: Time: 8.30 p.m.

Subject: A Visit to Singapore

Dear Allan,

How are you? I hope all is well for you. I’m writing to share with
you about my recent trip to Singapore.

We had visited many exciting places. First, we went to Orchard

Road. We were mesmerized by the modern skyscrapers. We had a
shopping spree there and I bought something special for you too.
We also went to Sentosa Islands to watch the dancing fountains.
Then, we spent a few hours at the Universal World.

I will tell you more about it when we meet.

Your friend,
Ammar Hakim

(86 words)
3 September 2018


You saw a poster about gotong-royong at your school. Write a

message to your father to tell him about it. Your message should be
between 50 and 80 words.

Dear father,

I saw a poster on the notice board at my school. It was about

a gotong-royong event. The school clean-up will be held on 27
September from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Many activities will await you during the gotong-royong. You

can cut the grass, unclog the drains, prune the trees, and clean the
compound. You need to bring hoe, sickle, or lawn mower. However,
you don’t have to bring the food as it will be provided.

I hope you can come.

Your son,

(82 words)
3 September 2018


Your school is organizing Fund-raising Night to raise fund for

Cahaya Orphanage Centre. Write an email to your uncle to invite
him to the event. Your email should be between 50 and 80 words.

From : Date :
To : Time :

Subject: Fund-raising Night

Dear ______________(1),

How are you? I hope you’re right as rain.

I would like to invite you to _________________(2) event. It

_______________(3) at my school on 27 September 2018. The event
will __________(4) at 8.00 p.m. and end at 10.00 p.m.

Many activities ________________ (5) you. Among the special

activities are special ________________ (6) by Dato’ Seri Rosliza, the
famous songbird. The orphans will be on the stage too. If you’re
________________ (7), you _____________ (8) to call Miss Sandra

I hope you can ______________ (9) something for the needy.

Looking forward to ________________ (10) you.

Your son,

(100 words)
3 September 2018


Your brother wants to raise fund for his friend whose home burned
to the ground last night. Write a note to suggest what he can do to
collect the money. Your note should be between 50 and 80 words.

Dear _______________(1),

I’m _________ (2) to hear the bad news. I’m ___________(3) so

touched with your effort to raise fund for your neighbour. Here are
my ___________ (4).

First, you can ______________ (5) some of your money. So,

your friend can _____________ (6) what he needs now. You may
_____________ (7) Mom to bake some cakes and cookies so you
can _________ (8) them to your teachers and friends. Finally,
__________ (9) your teachers to hold a fund-raising night. Hence, all
___________ (10) will go to your friend.

Good luck.

Your brother,

(88 words)
3 September 2018


Your friend wants to buy a book for his brother. He asks you to
choose. Which book would you choose? Give your reasons.

I would choose _______________ (1) because of the three

________ (2).

First, Harry Potter is the _________________ (4) book in the

world. The book __________________(3) many children. Therefore,
it is _________________ (4). Second, it is _____________ (6) by
J.K.Rowling. She is very _________________(7). So, it is
___________________ (8). Third, the price is quite ______________
(9). I think you can _______________ (10) it.

Harry Potter is definitely my ___________________ (11).

(82 words)
3 September 2018


Your cousin asked you about how to make a delicious sandwich.

Write a note to your cousin telling about the ingredients needed and
the methods to prepare it. Your note should be between 50 and 80

Dear _____________________,

I have _________ (1) your message. You wanted to know how

to _________ (2) a delicious sandwich, right? Do not worry, I can
_________ (3) you with it.
First of all, you must ______________ (4) all the ingredients
beforehand. Then, ________________ (5) the hard-boiled eggs.
After that, __________ (6) some mayonnaise and _____________(7)
some salt and peppers. Next, _______________ (8) some butter on
the bread. Then, _______________ (9) the vegetables, cheese, and
another bread on it.
It is a piece of ___________(10), right? Wish you

Best Regards,

(86 words)
3 September 2018


Your brother wants to give a speech about the importance of

reading. Help him to write about it. His speech should be between
50 and 80 words.

Good morning teachers and friends,

I’m here to give my speech about the importance of reading.

First, reading makes you knowledgeable. Books contain lots of

information. You can apply them in day-to-day life. Second, it can
develop your language skills. By reading, you will get more
vocabulary. By practising what you read, you will improve your
fluency. Next, reading is a fun activity. You can share what you read
with your friends. Finally, reading helps you to imagine. It can
develop your creativity.

In the nutshell, reading is a window to the world.

Best Regards,
(88 words)
3 September 2018


It was a sweltering Sunday afternoon. Hafiz was walking home

alone from school.
On his way home, he smelled smoke. Hafiz was curious. From
the distance, he could see many people flocking on the street.
Hafiz walked towards them. Across the street, a house was on
Not long after that, two fire engines with eight dedicated
firemen arrived at the scene. Then then worked hand-in-hand to put
out the fire. They rescued the victims.
After the incident, Hafiz told his parents about it. They
promised to lend a hand to the victims.

(93 words)


It was 2 p.m. on Sunday. Hafiz and his friends were at the bus
stop. They were waiting their parents.
Not long after that, a car stopped in front of them. Two men
got out the car. They walked towards them.
Out of the blue, the two strangers pulled a little girl into their
car. Hafiz and his friends were stunned.
Without dilly-dally, they took some pictures of the car and
immediately called the police.
Two hours later, the police arrested the kidnappers. They
rescued the girl. Hafiz learned a lesson. He promised to be careful
next time.

(98 words)
3 September 2018


It was the Monsoon season. The rain lashed Kg. Tanggol. It

continued for several days. Not long after that, the village had been
flooded. The rain destroyed animals and crops too.

The villagers were worried of their safety. Fortunately, the

rescuers came to help them. They fetched the villagers to the relief
centre. The Samaritans donated some food and clothes for them. A
week later, the water level receded. Then, the villagers returned to
their house carrying their belongings. When they saw their houses,
they were devastated.

However, they were grateful because their homes were not

destroyed by the flood.
(100 words)


It was 2 p.m. on Monday and the weather was scorching.

Azmi, who was walking home from school, was tired and hungry.

On his way home, he saw a food stall at the roadside. The stall
was dusty and smelly. Azmi saw many flies flit and flutter on the
food yet he still bought it. Not long after that, he felt dizzy and
vomited. The ailing boy was sent by his father to the clinic. The doctor
examined Azmi and gave him some medicine. He told Azmi’s father
his son had food poisoning.

Azmi learned a lesson. From that day on, Azmi always watches
what he eats.
(107 words)
3 September 2018


During the school holidays, Hafiz went on to visit his

grandparents. He was very excited. After all, he hasn’t seen them
for a while.
In the village, Hafiz had a great time with his grandparents.
Every morning, they got together to eat delicious breakfast cooked
by his lovely grandmother. Then, he was taken to the fruit orchard
owned by his grandfather. As it was a fruit season, Hafiz ate lots of
rambutans, durians, and mangosteens. In the evening, his
grandfather took him to the river near his house to fish.
It was a memorable holidays for Hafiz. He promised to visit his
grandparents more often.

(105 words)


During the school holidays, Hafiz went on to visit his

grandparents in Terengganu. He was elated to see them.
One evening, Hafiz’s grandmother showed him how to
preserve the fish. First, she cut open the fish and cleaned them. After
that, she added some salt. The following morning, Hafiz helped his
grandmother to arrange the fish on the mat under the Sun. Few days
later, the fish were completely dried. Then, his grandmother stored
them in the fridge.
At the end of his stay, his beloved grandmother gave him two
packets of dried fish. Hafiz was extremely happy and he promised
to visit them again.

(105 words)

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