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This series is dedicated to my husband, for always saying “yes” and all my children for always asking


Thank you Dr Ronnie Narasimooloo and Beaulah Narasimooloo for the “sugar and spice” and
everything else in between. Your perpetual grace and intense labour into my life and the Body of Christ
is inspirational.

Thank you Dr S. Y. Govender for graciously building and sowing The Accurately Building Christ Curriculum
and Bible Mnemonics into the Body of Christ. Some of the foundation material has been sourced and
adapted from those resources.

Thank you Mrs Divina Govender for graciously volunteering your art, talent and grace towards this

Jeremiah 33:3
2 “Thus says the Lord who made it, the Lord who formed it to establish it (the Lord is His name): 3 ‘Call
to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’


Approach 1
Introduction 3
1 Creation Origins 5
2 Eden Marriage 10
3 Temptation Origin of Sin 14
4 Cain and Abel Role of family in guarding purpose 19
5 Noah – Before the Flood Father – Son Wineskin 23
6 Noah – Flood Apostles, Fathers and Sons 28
7 Noah – After the flood Family 34
8 Tower of Babel Institution 40
9 Abraham - Beginnings Separation from Babylon Worldly Systems 44
and Sentimental Ties
10 Abraham in Egypt Separation from Egypt 52
11 Abraham and Lot Separation from Inaccurate Partnerships 57
12 Abraham and Melchezidek Separation from Mammon 63
13 Abraham and Hagar Separation from the Flesh 68
14 Abraham and Sodom & Gomorrah Mercy before Judgement 73
15 Abraham and Isaac Separation from his will 79
16 Isaac and Rebekah Servant hood 85
17 Jacob – Beginnings Flesh and Spirit 89
18 Jacob and his wives The Maturing Son 93
19 Jacob and Laban Idolatry 98
20 Jacob and Esau Restitution 102
21 Jacob wrestling with God Submission 105
22 Joseph’s Dreams Protection Station and Pit Station 109
23 Joseph in Potiphar’s house Potiphar’s Station 115
24 Joseph in Prison Prison Station 120
25 Joseph in the Palace Palace Station 125

The approach to the lessons is based on Acts 2: 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and
fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.


Each student, in the presence of a group, should recite the memory verses. It is normal to be shy at first. The
point of the exercise is to develop the boldness and tenacity, which is a characteristic of Kingdom people. Praying
in front of others is important as it builds confidence. Every believer must be able to pray the Word of God.
Teachers must mentor each individual in prayer.


These are eternal truths about God that every believer needs to be able to quote and remember for all time.
This must be memorized and tested at each lesson.


Every believer needs to memorize and call on the name of the Lord, in the various names that He reveals His
nature to us. This must also be tested in some form during every lesson.

Each lesson should begin with the reading of the text from the bible, followed by reading the summary. Young
believers must learn and be disciplined in listening to the proclamation of the Word from the Bible. Reading the
Word out loud convinces the believer that the Bible is superior to any other book ever written.

Accurate doctrine that forms the basis for formation of thought, character, personalities and world-views must
be emphasized in each lesson. Instilling doctrine is the objective of each lesson. Spend as much time as necessary
to make sure that everyone understands the doctrine.

This is the interactive part of the lesson, where the class recalls the details of the story and difficult words and
concepts can be explained. The activity is the tool to help focus on the outline of the text. You need not ask the
questions and expect an answer, as it is outlined in the lesson. Use your talents and innovative teaching skills to
bring out the truths outlined in the text.

This is the most important part of the lesson. There will be a question answer discussion around the character
or behavior of the characters. Here the nature of the characters can be compared and contrasted to Christ. The
goal is to find out the nature of God revealed in the text. The approach is always Christocentric. Ask the
questions and discuss the answers in as much detail as the class can understand. This section is taught according
to the maturity level of the class.

Each lesson has been designed with a prophetic picture. Teachers should take time to interpret and understand
the picture as it is a summary of the lesson. The picture must be taught along with the lesson and the children
should be encouraged to draw their own creative versions of the pictures.

Every believer must be able to rote learn the scriptures (memorize by repetition). Teachers may use their
discretion to simplify the text as needed.

Every believer must learn how to pray the scriptures. They must begin by learning the prayer in the lesson. Later
on, they can pray their own prayer.

Consolidation Activity: This activity must be the focal point for recall of the lesson. This breaks the monotony of
the lesson and helps the class remember what they learned. It is an easy activity with the purpose to remember
the lesson. Its purpose is directed at children. Teachers are encouraged to source online activities and games –
they are encouraged to be creative. For the adults – teachers should design their own activity.

Abstract activity: This activity is focusing on the deeper revelation of the lesson. Spend as much time as possible
to help the class process the lesson in a creative way. For the adults – teachers should design their own activity.


Sharing of a fellowship meal is important to build relationships in the body. This must be done at the end of the
lesson, with the whole group. Sharing the table of the Lord is mandatory at this time.


This is done at home with the family – across the board from adults to children. The study of the word must
become a culture in the home–given more importance than learning in the secular schools. Parents must be on
board to work with the lesson with their children. Bible study must be part of the culture. The parents are critical
to the completion of this process. Please encourage the fathers to do the work with their children and help them
with understand the difficult concepts. Adults need to maintain accountability but reporting how they discussed
the study in the homes.

Each lesson should take 3 – 6 hours to complete.

About some half a billion years after the big bang, the cosmos began to cool. As it cooled, the hot
subatomic particles that constituted the early universe began to slow down and stop colliding with each
other so that protons, neutrons electrons could form. The universe cooled further and the hot particles
slowed further still and allowed these particles to form atoms. The universe was nothing but a cloud of
hydrogen and helium. Over eons, as it cooled further a structure presented itself within this universal cloud.
From small disturbances woven into the structure, the galaxies began to collide. Tiny variations in the
primordial universe became the web that gave the cosmos its form. The earth came from a cloud of dust
and gas in space about 4500 million years ago. A star near the cloud exploded making the cloud spin, and
as it spun around gasses gathered at its centre and formed the sun. Dust whizzed around the sun and stuck
together to form a lump of rock. In time the rocks crashed into each other to make the planets… and so
on. This is not true. This is the opinion of people who do not know God.

The real story of our origins …

About six thousand years ago, the unseen all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present God created the
heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said "Let there be light". Light
was created and separated from the darkness. God called the light – Day and the dark – Night. This was
the first day. Then God used His finger of Fire to separate the water in the heavens from the water on the
earth. This was the second day. Then God separated the land from the sea. He made the grass, flowers,
fruit and herb with seed. This was the third day. Then God made 2 bright lights in the sky and He called it
the sun and the moon. He also made the planets, multiverse and stars. The Sun ruled the day and the
moon ruled the night. This was the fourth day. Then God filled the waters and seas with great creatures
like fish and water dinosaurs. And the skies were filled with great birds and flying dinosaurs. God told the
fish and birds to be fruitful and multiply. This was the fifth day. On the sixth day God made all the animals
on the earth. Some of them are extinct now. And God said it was good. Everything that God made was
good and it is still good. But you know what, God also made man on the sixth day. God created man and
woman in His own image and likeness. When God saw that everything that he had made was good, He
rested. This means that God went back into Himself and rested from all His works. All that He created
came out of Him and is contained in Him.

The world that God created was a paradise for all creatures to live in harmony. The air was rich with
oxygen, the water was pure as crystal and the food was uncontaminated. From the 30m tall dinosaurs to
the gentle butterflies. There was no fear, no pain, no death. All living creatures could grow and grow and
grow. That’s why they were so huge. God said to Adam and Eve that the fruit and herbs and seeds were
to be their food. There was no death then, so you couldn’t eat a steak or chicken. Man walked with the
animals, naming them and keeping the land. Adam could rule the earth NOT other men. God saw that it
was not good that man was alone so, He gave man a companion that was comparable to him. This means
that they were matched in every way to work as one. Together they become God’s special son on the
earth. They could walk in a close and intimate relationship with God. They were superhuman beings. They
could move between the heavens and the earth. They could think like God. They could talk to God. They
were immortal. They were created perfect and full of wisdom. They looked like God. They were
established in the purpose and Will of God. But they were only perfect before they sinned. When they
sinned, they fell into death. They became filled with the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life.
Sadly, they lost their immortality. Such a shame for us, because we are the children of Adam. But thank
God for Jesus, because now we are Sons of God.

This paradise didn’t last very long. On one of those creation days, God had created another spirit being
called Satan. He was the matched enemy of Adam. He tempted Eve with a thought. He planted the idea
that they were not already like God. That something was missing. They looked at the fruit of the tree that
God told them not to eat of and saw something that was not true. They saw life instead of death. Adam
processed the thoughts with Eve and made it a reality. Their hearts were revealed – the naked ugliness of
the flesh and the carnal wicked soul joined in death with Satan. Adam was already like God but he wanted

to rule without God. He wanted independence from God. He wanted to rule over men. HE wanted God’s
throne. Adam is given a new name called Lucifer – the shining one. He fell from heaven and was cut down
to exist in the earth realm only. He produced a weak human race after himself. His desire to be
omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent resulted in him to become a frail human. He brought the spirit of
fear into all men and corrupted the earth. Every worldly system has been ushered into the earth through
Adam. He imprisoned us in death. Adam severed his ties with his Father and became an orphan. Death
became a new and unknown thing to them. They had to function outside the presence of God. They tried
to cover themselves with fig leaves, but God in His mercy provided a better covering for them. God in His
righteous judgement shared the consequence of this sin with them. He wasn’t cursing them, as many
would lead you to believe – He was explaining the reality to them. And since then God was looking for a
son. No son could be found on the earth after Adam. Why? Because they all have sinned and fallen short
of His Glory. All man is born with a living soul and dead spirit. All man is born an orphan who is separated
from his Father. An orphan is one who has lost his position, protection and provision in God. He will have
to fend for himself. He walks around seeing through the eyes of his soul. No spiritual insight. He is naked.
Therefore, he uses many things to try and cover his nakedness e.g. ambition and career. He can never
take responsibility for his actions and blames God. And in doing so he is a natural man conformed to the
systems of the world. In this fallen state they had two sons, Cain and then Abel. They did their best to
teach their sons about God. And in time, when they sons had matured, they each brought an offering to
God. When God regarded their offerings, He was more pleased with the offering from Abel than from
Cain. And it is not because Cain brought rotten vegetables. No, No No. His sacrifice was also excellent. You
see, Adam looked at his son Cain and saw that in his heart was a "worldly spear". One that could kill. But
he failed to disarm this nature in his son. And Abel’s heart was empty. So even though he was good, he
couldn’t defend himself from evil because his father failed to arm him. Therefore, the worldly spear over
Cain, killed Abel and left them both to death. Cain went on to increase and multiply. His evil seed grew
strong and populated the whole earth. Such was the evil that one day, God looked down on the earth and
regretted everything that He had created. Such a stark distinction from creation. He searched and
searched for a good thing and after 4 generations, Noah was born. Noah was a just man, perfect in all his
generations. So God raised the standard in Noah and built him up to be the righteous standard by which
he would establish a new son on the earth.



There are not just ten commandments in the Bible as most people think. There are 613 commandments! There are 248
positive (commandments), ways to get closer to God, these are called the “Thou shalts”. There are 365 negative
(commandments), ways to get closer to God. These are called the “Thou shall nots”. However, not all 613 apply to us
today. The sum of all the commandments is: Law 1
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (NKJV) 1 “Now this is the commandment, and these are the statutes and judgments which the Lord
your God has commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess, 2
that you may fear the Lord your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, you and your
son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged. 3 Therefore hear, O Israel, and be
careful to observe it, that it may be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as the Lord God of your fathers has
promised you—‘a land flowing with milk and honey.’ 4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! 5 You shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6 “And these words which I command
you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in
your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your
hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your


God is: Father – Son – Holy Spirit – Love – Truth – Life. He has given Himself different names that reveal the nature of Him
to us. To become like God, we need to have His nature inside of us. God has a book called the Bible in which He tells us
the truth about Himself and His expectations of us.

Genesis 1 -2: 1-7

Day 1 God said “let there be light” …. God made the day and night.
Day 2 God said “let the fire in the water, separate the water, to form the sky above and water below” …. God separated
the heavens from the earth.
Day 3 God said “let the water gather and become the ocean, the land appears and the grass, trees and flowers appear
on land with seed” …. God separated the land from the sea and made the trees, flowers, fruit and herb with seed.
Day 4 God said “let there be bright lights in the sky” …. God created the sun, moon and stars.
Day 5 God said “let the waters teem with fish and the skies be filled with birds” … God made all the fish and birds.
Day 6 God said “let the earth bring forth every kind of animal and let US make man in Our image and likeness” … God
made the animals and created the first man.
Day 7 God rested and sanctified the seventh day to Himself. Everything that God made was good.

• God has always been and will always be.
• God created the world out of Himself and He created time for man to exist in it.
• God made the world and all of creation in six days. He made six days for work and one day for rest.

Genesis 1:27-28(NKJV)
27 God created man in His own image and likeness: male and female. 28 God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be
fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish, the birds and over every living thing that
moves on the earth.”

Help me to come into dominion, Lord I pray. Let us reflect your image and likeness on the earth.

1. Spend time during the week focusing on what was made on each day.
2. Consider the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God. God is everywhere, all-powerful and knows
everything at the same time.


• Retell the story and ensure that everyone understands the content.
• What does hover mean? (Remain in one place in the air e.g. helicopter. When something hovers,
it needs great power to overcome gravity. It can be seen from many places and it sees more than
one thing. This is a simple illustration of how God exists as omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent.)
• What did God make on each day? (Refer to the scriptures)

Refer to the Creation Poster

God made all of creation in six days and rested on the seventh day. All of creation exists in God. The
central flame is God. The “Word” of God is illustrated in blue. The circles represent each day of creation.
They are connected to God representing that they came out of God and remain in Him. The line without
a circle represents REST.

• God created the world from Himself and the world exists in Him
(Colossians 1:17)
• What does it mean when God said that each thing created was “Good”? (God was
describing His work as good.)
• God said “let US” – to whom does US refer? (God is Spirit - God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Us, refers to the triune, God operating as one.)
• What does Image and Likeness mean? (Image means external form – what it looks like on the
outside. Likeness means character and nature – what is expressed from the soul/mind/heart.)
• What does dominion mean? (Rulership and authority. It means having a title and then being in
• How was man created? (From the dust of earth and breathe of God. The breath of God is His
Spirit and Essence.)
• What did man eat? (Vegetables and fruit.)
• What does rest mean? (To stop all activity that achieves a result/work.)
• What does sanctify mean? (Separated to God and declared Holy.)
• “This is the history” – This is the truth. No other version is correct.
• How did God keep the earth alive? (A mist rose up from the ground and watered the earth.)


Make the creation cube. Draw what was made on each day in the blocks. Follow the instructions to make a
creation cube.
− Draw and colour a picture for each day of creation
− Cut out the cube on the solid lines
− Fold on the dotted lines
− Glue and tape the cube closed






• God cannot be seen. He is a Triune Spirit (Father – Son – Holy Spirit). To show creation
Himself, He created man as a tripartite being (flesh, soul and spirit). He created man:
male and female with the intention of them operating as one flesh. In doing this, they
reflect the image and likeness of God. He created the church to operate as one: Christ
the head and the church the body. In doing this, they reflect the image and likeness of

• Man was created with a soul that was dormant, a spirit that was alive and a body/flesh
that was covered in the glory of God. Today Adam might have looked like a large figure
with a human silhouette that glowed.

Refer to Image and Likeness Poster

The figure is an image/outline of a human shape. God created man with a Spirit
(flame in heart), Soul (black dot on head) and radiating glory that covered the
natural body.

• Discuss God
God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.
Omnipotent = all-powerful.
Omnipresent = present everywhere at the same time.
Omniscient = Knowing everything from the past, present and future at the same time.
God is Father – Son and Spirit. God is the Word. God is Love.

• Is everything that God made still “good”? Why?

Yes. Sin is present – but Jesus makes all things good.
Only God is good. When God created everything, he called it good because He was describing
Himself in creation. When we come to the salvation of Christ, we are once again covered in His

• How can we reflect the image and likeness of Christ?

Jesus came to the earth in the image of man to show us how we can be transformed into the image
and likeness of God. Therefore, we follow His example.
Image = looking like Christ, the personality and character of Christ.
Likeness = to respond like Christ in all circumstances.
Image and likeness = Mind of Christ = thinking like Christ.
When sons of God start thinking and behaving like Christ, they represent Him on the earth.

• How can we come into dominion?

Dominion is given to the image and likeness of Christ. When we start representing Christ and
working together in the body as one, then we will come into dominion. The only way we can access
dominion is through Christ.
(1 Peter 4:11, Ephesians 1:22)

• What did Adam have dominion over?
The earth and all the creatures in it. He was not given dominion over man.

• Why do we eat meat now?

After the fall of Adam when sin/death entered, God permitted it. In the Garden of Eden there was
life, therefore no animal could be killed. When death entered the earth, animals could be killed for

• What is rest?
A state of being with God; like God and where God is. This is called operating from the presence of

• Why is rest needful?

Physically our bodies need rest to renew our strength and energy. Our Spirits need to function from
the presence of God so that we can have dominion.

• Why was Adam super human?

He was made like God – he could move between the heavens and earth, he could think like God, he
was able to walk and talk to God, his body was immortal and could not die (death being the
severance of the Soul from the Body), he had the strength and power of God.

Ezekiel 28:11-19 describes what Adam looked like before and after the fall. (Apply the
Hermeneutical Principle of Double Reference – Ezekiel is talking about the King of Tyre but at the
same time he is referencing the description of Adam).
- Vs 12: Adam was created perfect, beautiful and full of wisdom.
- Vs 13: Adam lived in Eden. The precious stones refer to the reflection of the glorious
nature of God that covered him. The timbrels refer to Adam’s musical ability and
inclination to worship.
- Vs 14: Adam was anointed and established. The mountain refers to Adam’s dominion.
Walking back and forth refers to Adam’s ability to walk from the heavens to the earth.
- Vs 15: Adam was perfect until he sinned.
- Vs 16: Adam sinned and became violent. Adam was cast out of Eden and fell into death.
- Vs 17: Adam became proud – filled with the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of
- Vs 18: Adam was created a tripartite being with 3 sanctuaries (body, soul and spirit).
When he sinned he defiled himself and entered into death?
- Vs 19: Adam lost his immortality.


Draw what you think Adam looked like and what God looks like today.
(Adam should be drawn as a superhuman and God should be drawn as a tripartite man with Christ inside




A man and woman should marry, be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:28


The Seed of the Woman – Genesis 3:15
Jesus is called the Seed of Woman because He was born as a man naturally through a woman.

Genesis 2:8-25

God planted a Garden east of Eden and placed man in there. God planted many trees that were good to look at and eat in
the garden. He also placed the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. There was a river that flowed out
of the garden with 4 branches: Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates. God instructed man to tend and keep the garden
and to name all the animals in the garden. He could eat from all the trees in the garden except the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil. God felt that it was not good for the man to be alone and decided to make him a helper comparable to him.
He made the man sleep and took a rib from his side and made her. God brought her to the man. Adam looked at her and
called her “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”. He named her Woman because she was made from man. This is why
a man leaves his parents and becomes one flesh with his wife. They were both naked and not ashamed.

• God made man and woman – different in appearance but equal in authority and dominion.
• He created man and woman to reflect His image and likeness together, so that He could show creation Himself.
• God created Adam from dust and Eve from Adam. Adam was a husband and Eve a wife. Husbands are the head
and wives are the helpmates. God sees a husband and wife as ONE flesh in a marriage.

Genesis 2:23-24(NKJV)
23 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken
out of man.”24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one

Lord I pray for a partner that is comparable to me.
Help us keep ourselves righteous until we meet the “bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh”

1. Spend time during the week focusing on family.
2. Spend time celebrating being born male or female. Discuss how each member of the family has been given unique
gifts and talents. Celebrate being created fearfully and wonderfully.

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• God planted a garden. How would you plant a garden? (Choose site, prepare the ground,
prepare the seed, cover seed with ground, water and sunlight, wait for harvest).
• What trees were in the garden of Eden? (Beautiful trees to look at, fruit trees, Tree of Life,
Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.)
• Name the 4 rivers in the garden? (Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, Euphrates).
• What was Adam’s job in the garden? (To tend and keep it).
• What were the rules in the garden? (Don’t eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil).
• Did Adam ask for a wife? (No – God said it was not good for Adam to be alone).
• How was Eve made? (Adam was put into a deep sleep. God removed a bone from his rib cage
and created Eve).
• Man and Woman were created different but equal (E.g. 3+1 = 2+2).
• Why were they not ashamed to be naked? (They were covered in glory of God. Glory is a
light/radiance that projects from inside your body so brightly that it covers your skin. Matthew
• God made man and woman- they look different but both express God. What does that
mean? (Male alone is not the image of God. Male and female are in the image of God. God is
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are the same in their omnipotence, omniscience, and
omnipresence but have unique functions. However, they operate as one God. Adam was created
male and Eve was created female – they are similar with unique characteristics but function as one,
just like God. Therefore, when a man and woman marry, God sees them as one. Likewise – the body
of Christ (the church) must operate as one to become the image and likeness of Christ).
• What does marry mean? (Married means that a man and woman who are comparable to each
other, make a covenant to spend the rest of their lives together to serve God and raise Godly
children. They live together in an intimate union and equal partnership with the husband providing
headship and the wife submitting to the head.

Refer to 1+1=1 Poster

A mirror is a reflection of an image. The mirror here represents God. When a husband and wife come
together in marriage, God does not see 2 humans – He sees two operating as one, This is the image
and likeness of Himself.


Draw what you think the garden looked like. (Accept any drawing). Include the most important things in
the garden and write why you think it was important? Children who cannot write may discuss their pictures.
(Options: rivers, Adam, Eve, Adam asleep, Sun in the east, the 3 trees, Adam naming the animals, Satan).

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• What is a garden a metaphor/picture of?

A picture of the Kingdom of God.

• What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is the sovereign eternal rule and dominion of God over all of creation. It is the
spiritual rule of God over the Spirits and Souls of men who willingly submit to Him. This Kingdom
can be seen and demonstrated in the earth, when people start reflecting Christ in image and
likeness. When people internalize the laws of God and start behaving in the manner and nature of
Jesus, then the Kingdom is in the heart of that person. The Kingdom operates on the Holy Spirit and
is miraculous and supernatural. People who are strong, militant, passionate and energetic are
attracted to the Mindset of God/ Kingdom of God. These people are triumphant and can overcome
all things. For us to enter into the Kingdom of God we have to embrace the purpose and plan God
has for us and spend the rest of our lives trying to finish it.

• What do you think life in the garden was like?

Paradise. Discuss the different interpretations of paradise.

• Where was the garden planted?

East = new day, migration, absence of night. Eden = Paradise. The garden was planted in the best
part of paradise – where there was no darkness. Illustrate to the class the likeness between the
time and effort a person would take to plant a garden and the love and effort that God put into the

• Adam could name the animals exactly the way God could – this means that He was just
like God.

• What was the Tree of Life?

It was a real tree with fruit in the Garden of Eden that enabled Adam to become a superhuman
immortal being. It gave him the God kind of life and the ability to remain in the presence of God.
Today Christ is the Tree of Life – in Him we have everlasting life. Romans 5:17.

• What was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

It was a real tree with fruit in Garden of Eden. Eating of that tree would allow you to know what is
good and evil. It caused the spirit and flesh of man of man to die and for his soul to awaken. Romans

• Why did God tell them not to eat from it?

They would die.

• What is free will?

Choice is the freedom to decide. God gave us choice but He did not give us the freedom to choose
the consequence of our decisions. God wants us to choose Him. He did not create us to be like

• Why did God make Eve from Adam and not the dust?
He was making something comparable. Everything that Man needed was inside of him.

• What does this tell us about getting married?

God has a partner for us that is comparable to us. Discuss the difference between comparable and
compatible. Comparable are two like things e.g. apples and apples – compatible are two different
things that look similar e.g. oranges and lemons. When we are comparable walking as one in a
marriage is easy. When we are compatible then we have to work hard to overcome our differences.
This can cause strive in a marriage. Therefore, we ask the Lord to help us choose a partner that is
comparable to us. We need to be busy about Gods work and happy to serve God. In the right time
He will send us the right partner. We don’t date or go looking for partners. Proverbs 19:14,
Colossians 3:18-21.
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• What does this tell us about finding a spouse?
Step 1 – be healthy and content before you look for a partner. Adam was happy fulfilling his God
given purpose before he met Eve. He did not have problems in his life or an identity crisis or low
self-esteem. All those things must be worked out first.
Step 2 – When you see someone that you fancy, check to see if that person is also healthy, content
and fulfilling their purpose. Eve was very confident in herself. If Adam rejected her, she was not
going to be upset.
Step 3 – if you decide that you both are comparable use the time before you get married to work
out your ministry together. Eve needed to learn how to help Adam in the garden. Couples serve the
Lord together in harmony and encourage each other.
Step 4 – maintain physical limits and boundaries so that you remain without sin.
Step 5 – ensure that you have the blessings of your parents and your spiritual father.


Draw the perfect family and where they should live (they should be encouraged to draw a man and woman
and children in the garden – the garden is a picture of the kingdom)

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Male children must be circumcised on the 8th day of birth. This is not a law anymore, but it is a good practice. Genesis


The Jehovah Jireh – Genesis 22:14. God is the provider of all our physical and spiritual needs.

Genesis 3

The serpent was more cunning than all of the animals that God made. He asked Eve if God really said that they should not
eat of all the trees in the garden. Eve replied that God said that they could eat from all the fruit trees, but not the fruit of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil that was in the middle of the garden. They couldn’t touch it or eat from it, because
if they did, God said that they would die. The serpent said to Eve that she would not die. God knew that if she eats from
that tree, then her eyes would be opened and she would be like God, who knows good and evil. When Eve looked at the
tree she saw that it had fruit that was good to eat, it looked very pleasant and it could make her wise, she decided to eat
from it. Then she gave some to Adam. Then their eyes were opened and they knew that their bodies were naked. They
took fig leaves and sewed them together to cover their body. God called Adam but he hid from God because he was naked.
God asked him if he ate from the tree that he was instructed not to eat from. Adam said that Even gave him the fruit to
eat. Eve said that the serpent had fooled her. So God cursed the serpent, the woman and the ground. God made them
clothes of skin and drove them out of the garden, because He was afraid that they might eat from the tree of life and then
become immortal in this fallen state.

• Satan is a spirit that is a liar and murderer from the beginning of creation and works through deceiving Gods
people with lies. Satan is man’s enemy and he tries to make people sin by lying to them.
• Sin separated man from God because death entered into man.
• God created evil so that there is a balance. God did not create sin.
• God put the angel in front of the tree to show Adam they way back to life.
• When Adam left the garden, he lost his dominion over the earth – NOT his sonship.

Genesis 3:6(NKJV)
6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make
one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.

Lord, deliver me from the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

1. Discuss examples of the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life.
2. Share some of the ways Satan deceives

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• Who is Satan? (A spirit that you cannot see. Satan was created to be a liar and murderer. Satan cannot
tell the truth. Jesus Christ has defeated Satan, but he can still lie to us and deceive us into sinning against
God. Satan is man’s enemy – not God’s. We can overcome Satan by becoming more and more like
John 8:44, 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-10, 1 Peter 5:8.
• When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they only knew God and had eternal life. They
were superhuman immortal beings. Their lives were without stress and fear and anger. The
animals were their friends.
• Name some evil deeds? (Accept any answer. Galatians 5:16-21, Colossians 3:8 - 11).
• Name some good deeds? (Accept any answer. Galatians 5: 22-23, Colossians 3:12-15).
• Do you think that God was angry or sad that Adam disobeyed Him? (Both).
• Do you think that God wanted Adam to be cast away from Him? (No. God wants a son.
Therefore, He sent Jesus to reconcile us back to Him and the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us back
into life).


Draw the temptation scene. Encourage as much detail as possible. Include the serpent tempting Eve and
Eve tempting Adam.


• Discuss Satan briefly

Satan is a defeated spiritual enemy of man. Jesus defeated him.
Satan is a Spirit Being – he cannot be seen. (Luke 22:3-4, John 13:27, Acts 5:3 – these scriptures show
that Satan can enter a human vessel. Only a Spiritual Being can do that – an angel cannot enter into a
human vessel).

Satan has many names:

▪ Accuser of the Brethren – Revelation 12:10
▪ Your adversary – 1 Peter 5:8
▪ Angel of Light – 2 Corinthians 11:14
▪ Deceiver– Revelation 12:9
▪ Enemy – Matthew 13:39
▪ Evil one: John 17:15
▪ Father of lies – John 8:44
▪ Murderer
▪ Prince of power of the air – Ephesians 2:2
▪ Ruler of the world – John 12:31
▪ Serpent – Revelation 12:9
▪ Tempter – Matthew 4:3
▪ Prince of this world – John 14:30

Satan was created for the following reasons:

▪ Satan is God’s blacksmith and tool.
▪ Satan was created to destroy – Isaiah 54:16.
▪ Satan was created to test the believer – Revelation 2:10.
▪ To murder, to lie and steal – John 8:44, John 10:10.
▪ To devour man – 1 Peter 5:8.

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How does Satan work?
▪ Satan is a defeated foe that works through lies and deception.
▪ Satan can only lie.
▪ Satan is not jealous of man – it was created evil.
▪ God created Satan as the opposite of man. He is man’s enemy.
▪ Satan was never perfect – it never fell from perfection.
▪ God declares that the oppressor is under his control – it cannot surprise God.
▪ God knows everything and is in control.
▪ Satan cannot challenge God on anything. Satan is not equal to God.
▪ We have been delivered from the power of sin and the penalty of sin – but not the presence
of sin.

• The Spirit of Satan influenced the serpent. Satan is a spirit and he influences with evil
thoughts. Satan asked Eve if “God really instructed them not to eat of the tree”. He was
causing her to doubt the instruction of God. Satan causes us doubt that the Word of God is
the truth and this leads us into sin.
• When the serpent said “you will not die” he was lying. Satan cannot speak the truth.

• Their eyes opened? What does that mean?

Man was created as body, soul and spirit. The eye of his soul was closed and the eyes of his spirit were
open – that is why he could see God and walk with God. The spirit has life but the soul has death.

• What was the lie that Satan told Eve?

He said that they would not die. He said that they would become like God. However, they were already
like God, and walked in life and not death. He was lying – knowing good and evil would not make us
like God – it separates us from God.

• Eve ate and nothing happened to her? Why?

Women are under the headship of a man, even though they are created equal. A husband, wife and
their children are all equally responsible for their sinful actions and will face the consequence of their
actions before God– however, God holds the Husband accountable if he failed to instruct the family in
the ways of the Lord, if he fails to correct the family and if he allows the family to be led astray. This is
God’s protocol. 1 Corinthians 11:3.

• Why did they realize that they were naked?

They lost the glory of God that used to cover them and the soul’s eyes opened and the spirit’s eyes
closed – the spirit saw the light of God – the soul cannot see God, it can only see flesh.

Refer to Fall of Man from Glory into the Flesh Poster

The first half of the picture shows Man in the image and likeness of God – a spirit filled being with the
eye of the soul closed (pre-fall). The second half shows man in the fallen state – a fleshly being with the
soul dominating the flesh and the spirit that is dead (post- fall).

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• Discuss Spiritual reality and human reality
When Adam walked with God, he existed in a spiritual reality – one where he could literally see the
magnificent and awesome dimensions of God. When he sinned, he fell from seeing those dimensions
because his Spirit died and his soul became activated. Therefore, he could only see in the natural/human
reality. He lost the ability to see the spiritual reality of God. When we accepted Jesus as our Saviour and
the Holy Spirit comes to live in our Spirit, then we are open to a spiritual reality. Spiritual things are
perceived and discerned in the Spirit. Literal things are seen and experienced tangibly. A person cannot
experience God literally because it demands a living Spirit. When we love God and reject the natural
knowledge, understanding, wisdom and operational systems of this world we start to express the
spiritual things in the natural.

• Why did they make clothes for themselves?

They were ashamed of their bodies.

• They heard God and hid. Do we do the same?

They disobeyed God, but instead of repenting, they hid and then blamed each other. Yes we do the same
– discuss some practical examples of hiding from God and blaming others for our mistakes.

• Why did they blame each other?

They were guilty but afraid of the consequence of their action.

• God had to kill the first animal so that they could have clothes.

• Why did God send them out of the garden?

He didn’t want them to become immortal in the sinful state.

• What is the purpose of the cherubim?

To show us the ways back to life. Christ is life. The cherubim are symbolic of men and woman of God
who carry the accurate, Rhema/proceeding Word in their hearts and speak the Truth.

• If Adam and Eve repented, do you think God would have forgiven them? (Accept any answer)
Discuss forgiveness – mention that this is the reason every person has to repent. Adam was our ultimate
father and he sinned, the passed that sin onto us – and he didn’t repent. This is called original sin. This
is to our carnal nature/old self. Romans 5:19.

• Describe Adam after he fell

Isaiah 14:12-21 describes the nature of Adam after he fell. Apply the Hermeneutical Principle of Double
Reference – Isaiah is talking about the King of Babylon but at the same time he is referencing the
description of Adam.
Vs 21 – Lucifer means, “light bearer”. Adam fell from heaven – he was able to walk from the heavenly
realm to the earth. After he sinned, he was cut off from heaven and confined to the earth. Adam was
created to be a Son of God. He was covered in light – which is the glory of God. Adam was the originator
of the human race and when he fell, he perpetuated a weak race.
Vs 13 – Speaks of the ambition of Adam – he wanted to rule over mankind in the same manner that
God did. He wanted God’s throne.
Vs 14 – Adam was created just like God, but he wanted to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent
like God. He was fooled into thinking that the knowledge of good and evil will bring him that.
Vs 15 – Adam fell from life into death.
Vs 16 – Adam perpetuated the spirit of fear in all men.
Vs 17 – Adam’s sin corrupted the earth and ushered in worldly systems. Adam imprisoned mankind in


Put on a puppet show of what happened in the garden (from the naming of animals – to the marriage of
Adam and Eve – to the temptation and exit from the garden). The play must show the influence of Satan
over Eve. Use the paper cutouts attached to a stick. Draw in your own characters in the finger puppet cut

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Know your God and believe in God. Exodus 20:2


Shiloh – Genesis 49:10 . Shiloh means Peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He is our peace and refuge.

Genesis 4: 1-16

Adam and Eve’s first son was named Cain and the second son was named Abel. Cain farmed vegetables and fruit and Abel
farmed animals. One day both brothers brought an offering to God. Cain brought the fruit of his crop and Abel brought
the firstborn of his flock and their fat. The Lord had respect and regard and deep consideration for Abel and for his offering.
God had no respect for Cain and his offering. Cain was exceedingly angry and indignant, but he looked sad and depressed.
The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why do you look sad and dejected? If you do well, will you not be accepted?
And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it”. One day Cain asked his
brother to go into the field with him. When they were in the field, Cain killed Abel. Later the Lord called Cain and asked
him where his brother was. Cain denied any knowledge of his brother’s whereabouts and insolently asked God if he was
his brother’s keeper. God solemnly asked Cain “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me
from the ground”. God punished Cain with a curse. Cain would be cut off from the presence of God, he could no longer
farm the ground with a good produce and he was doomed to be a fugitive and vagabond on the earth. Cain told the Lord
that he would not be able to bear his punishment. He was afraid that someone would kill him because he no longer had
the favour of God over his life. God put a mark on him and told him that if anyone kills him their punishment would be
seven times worse than Cain’s. Then Cain left his home and went to live in the land of Nod.

• Abel represents a son that gets killed because he is not armed in the spirit.
• Cain represents a son armed in the spiritual with worldly spear, who strikes righteous men.
• When we are led by the Holy Spirit, He will reveal the hearts of the wicked to us.
• First-fruits belong to the Lord. Your offering will reveal the condition of your heart.
• We are our brother’s keepers. Murder, jealousy, envy, pride are not the nature of God. God hates hypocrisy.

Genesis 4:7 (AMPC)
7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but
you must master it.

Lord protect me from sin. Let me overcome my sinful nature and be more like you. I do not want to be a hypocrite. Forgive
me if I have sinned.

1. Parents tell your children what your hopes and dreams for them are.
2. Work through sibling rivalry. Affirm each member of the family in their role and function.

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• Names carry special significance in the Bible, because they represent the person’s purpose
and nature.
• Who is Cain? (First born son of Adam. His name means “worldly spear”).
• Who is Abel? (Second son of Adam. His name means “empty”).
• Why do you think the sons brought offerings to God? (They learned from their parents).
• What did they each bring to God? (They both brought their best to God. Both brought their first
fruits and both were excellent offerings. However, Abel’s offering was more excellent. Heb 11:4).
• Why didn’t God respect Cain’s offering? (Cain’s heart was evil. He did not love the Lord. He gave
out of obligation, not out of love. When we give to God we must want to give).
• How did God’s reaction to the offering make Abel feel? (Happy, proud).
• How did Cain feel? (Angry, jealous).
• Why did Cain kill his brother? (He was jealous of the favour that Abel had).
• What do you think was Abel’s weakness? (He was gullible and not discerning – just because God
accepts your offering doesn’t mean that you won’t die or get fooled).
• Why did God ask Cain about the death of his brother? (He gave Cain the opportunity to confess
and repent. Spend time focusing on “saying sorry”).
• What happened to Cain when God sent him away? (Accept any answer).
• Did Cain deserve the punishment? (No – he deserved death or a worse punishment, but God is
• What would you have done if you were God? (Accept any answer – but point out to those that
give harsh judgement that God doesn’t treat us that way – He forgives and forgets).


Draw a picture of what happened with Cain and Abel. Illustrate how God felt when Abel died.
(They should draw a man with a spear and a man without anything dead with lots of blood
and a very angry God).


• Whose nature did Abel have?

The nature of good.

• Whose nature did Cain have?

The nature of evil – Satan – Satan is deceptive.

• How can two children in one family be so different?

Children can be different because we are each uniquely made – however the parents need to know what
is in their children’s heart so that they can help them turn to Jesus. That’s why we are commanded to
honour our parents. Adam knew what was in Cain’s heart but he was unable to correct Cain. Cain had
a bad temper and didn’t obey instructions. He could not listen to God either, and that’s why he
eventually became a murderer. Parents can guide their children however every child will ultimately be
responsible and accountable, to God, for their own actions.

• How did Adam fail as a father?

He knew what was in the heart of each of his sons, but he couldn’t arm Abel to defend himself and he
couldn’t disarm Cain from becoming evil.

• Does God hold Adam and Eve accountable for Cain’s behavior?
No, because he was an adult and made a choice. Ultimately it is a relationship between each individual
and God. When one comes to an age of understanding, personal responsibility and accountability is
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• Why would we consider Cain a hypocrite?
When Cain saw that God was pleased with Abel’s offering, he became very angry in his heart. But the
expression on his face was sadness. Discuss with the children how a person feels when they are angry –
red face, clenched fist, angry face and sad – cry, long face, shoulders slumped. What Cain felt in his
heart, he did not show on his face. This makes him a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says
something and does the opposite.

Refer to the Cain and Abel Poster

Cain is pictured as a hypocrite – sad face but angry black murderous heart. Abel is smiling but spiritually
he was unarmed.

• How would we show that we are our brother’s keeper?

- Fellowship/ Communion/ Companionship/ Friendship/ Socializing with each other.
- Being someone that is reliable, sincere and loyal.
- Unwavering love for God.
- Encouraging each other in good and bad times.
- By being considerate of others needs before your own.
- Defending each other.
- Sharpening and chastising each other.

• Spend time discussing hypocrisy in detail. What are some hypocritical behaviours?
Explain why you cannot be a trustworthy person if you are not truthful. God cannot use someone who
lies. God knows what is in your heart and He is always giving you a chance to repent and change.

− Pretend to have godliness, righteousness or some other desirable characteristic that they
do not actually possess. Matthew 23:5-7, Matthew 23:27-28, Matthew 7:15-16.
− Condemn others without personal insight and conviction. They correct others for the
same things that they do. Romans 2:1-11, Romans 2:21-24, Matthew 7:1-5, 2 Samuel
− Do not practice what they preach. Matthew 23:3, Ezekiel 33:30-33, James 1:22-25.
− Worship God with words and actions, but their hearts are not committed to God. They
pray loudly and do good deeds in public but they do not love God. What they do is for
man to see and approve of. Matthew 15:7-9, Matthew 6:5-6.
− They choose which commandments they want to obey and disregard the ones that are
too difficult.

• Discuss the importance of obeying our parents.

It is one of the commandments of God. The way you respond and honour your parents shows how you
will respond and honour God. Parents will protect you and guard your heart from sin.

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• Discuss favour


Favour is God’s goodness given to us. The blessings are given because of a lifestyle that pleases
God. These are some ways we can earn God’s favour and please Him:
− Faith (Hebrews 11:5-6).
− Fear of God (Psalms 147:11, Psalms 33:18-19).
− Faithfulness (Proverbs 28:20, Psalms 101:6).
− Loving the word, pursuing it, accurately interpreting it, meditating on it and living it (2
Timothy 2:15, Psalms 119:70, Psalms 40:8, Romans 7:22, Psalms 37:4).
− Obedience to parents, those set over us and the Lord (Colossians 3:20, 1 Samuel 15:2).
− Living in harmony, unity and fellowship with each other (Psalms 133:1-3).
− Righteousness (Ps 5:12).
− Wisdom of God (Proverbs 8:33-36, Proverbs 3:13-18).
− Thanksgiving and praise at all times – not only in the happy times.
− Doing all things with excellence in the best of our ability (Proverbs 11:27, Proverbs 22:29).
− Sacrifice (Psalms 51:19).


Play the “ Am I my Brother’s keeper? Game”

Before you begin discuss the following…
o Establish “who is your brother” – for the sake of this lesson – it is the sibling. If the child does not
have a sibling, it will be their cousin or closest next of kin.
o How can you be a “keeper” = watching over, guarding, loving, caring, supporting, showing,
kindness, standing up for them etc.
o How can you be a killer = jealously, telling tales, spitefully wanting to get them into trouble,
fighting, bullying, stealing, not showing kindness, ignoring someone who is sad, etc.

(Refer to the game in the appendix)

Open the game board. Play the game in groups of 4. On the blank instruction cards – ask the children to
write their own “keeper or killer” behavior e.g. keeper = I helped my sister tidy her room so that she would
not get in trouble. Killer = I told my mom that my sister broke the glass, when I broke the glass. Place all the
instruction cards on the middle of the board face down. Each child chooses a game card. Taking turns, they
each choose a card from the instruction pile and follow suit from begin to the end. By reading out the
behavior, they must all decide who is the keeper or killer. Move on the board according to the instructions.
(For adults – the teacher should write down more abstract and complicated human natures and behaviours).

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Do not serve any other God besides God. Exodus 20:3


The Rock of My Salvation – 2 Samuel 22:47
God is the reliable, dependable and solid source that we build our faith on.

Genesis 6

After ten generations the earth became populated with very sinful and wicked men. Their hearts and deeds were evil.
They were corrupt and violent. This caused God much grief. God regretted making man and decided that He will destroy
man, the animals and the birds on the earth. But Noah found favour with God. He was a just man, perfect in his generations
and he walked with God. He had three sons named Shem, Ham and Japheth. God told Noah his plan to destroy humanity
through a great flood. Then he told Noah to build a great ark for himself. God gave Noah very clear directions on how to
build the ark. It had to be built with gopher-wood and waterproofed with tar. The ark was about 140 meters long, 25
meters wide and 15 meters high (300 cubits x 50 cubits x 30 cubits). The ark had three floors with one window and one
door and many rooms inside. A male and female of every bird, animal and creeping thing would go into the ark and Noah
was to make sure that there was enough food for them during the flood and that they all survived in the ark. God assured
Noah of His covenant with him and told him that he would survive the flood with his family and the chosen animals in the
ark. And Noah did everything that God commanded him to do.

• When sin on the earth reaches maturity God will judge the people.
• Before God judges the earth, he will raise a righteous man (or company) to be the standard for judgement.
Whoever is in a covenant relationship with that man (or company) will be saved from Gods judgement.
• Today there are men like Noah on the earth called Apostles. God tells His Apostles His plans for the Kingdom and
the Apostles implement those plans on the earth.
• Today there are “arks” on the earth called the “Father – son wineskin”.
• God offers protection to those that enters into a father- son covenant because that company reflects the image
and likeness of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 6:9 (NKJV)
This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.

Lord I want to walk with you. Teach me your ways so that I can become just, righteous and obey Your will, all the days of
my life.

1. Parents to spend time during the week focusing on building according to Gods plan.
2. Parents spend time with your child discussing your family tree – where you came from, grandparents and great
grandparents – talents in the family, religion in the family etc.

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• Noah means “REST”.

• Why was God so grieved in His heart? (People became very sinful, wicked and forgot Him).
• What was special about Noah? (He was a Just man. He had a perfect lineage and walked with God).
• Name some things that Noah could have done that would have pleased God. (Obey, learn the
Word – accept any good deed as an answer).
• Why do you think God shared His plan to destroy the earth with Noah? (God never keeps His
secret plans from His obedient sons who walk with Him).
• How do you think Noah felt when God told him to build such a big ark? (Accept any answer –
scared, nervous, anxious, uncertain).
• God gives us very clear instructions on how to build the things that are going to protect us
from evil.
• Why did God ask Noah to take the animals with him and protect them? (He wanted them to
repopulate the world).
• How do you think Noah managed to feed the animals and keep them from killing each
other? (Accept any answer – he had to learn about the animals, what they eat, how to separate them,
he couldn’t be afraid of them – so he had to tame them. He became an excellent veterinarian etc).


Draw in detail the ark showing what it might have looked like on the inside and the outside.(The outside was
black and floating on the water and the storm raging about. Inside: 3 storey multi-room interior with light,
outside: black large boat like structure with one window reflecting light from inside and the door hidden.)


• In the bible names and numbers are very significant. In this story we see the following
numbers: these are just a few
o 1 = Oneness of God.
o 2 = Witness.
o 3 = Nature of God – His Oneness, Holiness, Goodness etc.
o 4 = Number of Apostolic Culture
o 5 = Number of grace / five-fold ministry.
o 6 = Number of man.
o 7 = Rest.
o 8 = New day or spiritual migration / new beginnings.
o 9 = Perfection.
o 10 = Number of the law / judgement.
o 11 = Lawlessness / rebellion / disobedience.
o 12 = Number of dominion.
o 30 = Full stature or maturity.
o 38 = Wandering.
o 40 = Testing’s and tribulations.
o 50 = Pentecost – Anointings and the fullness of the spirit without measure.
o 300 = Overcomer.

• Noah was a just man. What does that mean?

Law abiding, good character, honest, righteous.

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• Noah was perfect in his generations. What does that mean?
He came from a family that walked closely with God: his father was Lamech, his great grandfather was
Methuselah and his great, great grandfather was Enoch. All these men were righteous before God in a very
wicked and sinful world.

• Noah walked with God. What does that mean?

It is the same close personal intimate relationship that Adam and Enoch had with God.

• What grace did Noah carry?

Father – because his family repopulated the world. He was the spiritual father to the new world.

• Why do we call Noah an apostle?

He was chosen by God, set apart for a very important task, equipped by God to accomplish that task, given
all authority to operate and given the anointing to fulfill the vision – this makes him a sent one – one going
out of God presence with a commission from the Father.

• Discuss the role of an apostle.

(Mark 3:14-15). An apostle is appointed by God. They have a close and intimate walk with Him. They are
sent out from His presence on a commission in the full authority of God to address strongholds and
principalities. They lead over the church and set doctrine and practical truth.

• Why did God destroy man and the animals?

Sin corrupted both man and animals – man and the animals were behaving abominably. If man alone was
wicked, God would have saved all the animals.

• What important things do we learn about the ark?

It was designed by God but built by man, it was made with earthly materials, it was water proof, it had only
one door to enter and exit and God controlled who entered and sealed it shut, only the one window could
be opened by man but it was not big enough for a man to exit, it had three stories representing the triune
nature of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; body soul and spirit; outer court, inner court and most holy place,
its size is representative of 30: mature church, 50: church functional in the anointings and fullness of Christ
without measure, 300: complete deliverance/overcoming.

• What is the ark today?

Father – son wineskin in the corporate church.

• Would you consider the ark a place of “rest”?

Yes. If you consider the ark literally it was a shelter from the storm, but it could not have been very
comfortable. In the spiritual it is the place where the you go through difficulties without being killed by the
challenge. All your present needs are met and you are safe. That is called the position of rest.

• Discuss “rest”.
The rest of God is a 7th day position. It is being located with God. Christ is seated on the right hand of the
Father and operates from rest. This is an overcoming and triumphant position. This is a Spirit-controlled life.
The individual ceases from his own works, ideas, ambitions and strivings and enters God’s peace.

Rest implies three positions:

o Rest of the Spirit – this occurs when you are saved and given the gift of salvation. We become
separated from the world and then strive to be separated from the things of the flesh/world.
o Rest of the Soul – this occurs daily as we reject our Adamic/sinful nature and strive to be more like
Christ. We have to learn to overcome our negative emotions e.g. anger, bitterness, hatred etc. The
more we overcome, the more established we become in our unique call and purpose. In this position
we operate in joy, satiety and contentment. There is no competitiveness in the body. There is no
worry because the peace and faith that God is with us, helps us overcome the storms of life. We
learn to deal with all the negative emotions we feel e.g. insecurity, poor self-esteem, poor self-
image, self-condemnation etc. And with this, our spirit becomes gentle. We don’t retaliate when
people come up against us, because anger doesn’t rule out emotions

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o Rest of the body – we will have this rest when Jesus comes back again. Our bodies will be immortal
and we will return to the pre-fall Adam.
o Rest means that you operate in the authority of God – according to his rules and regulations.
o Rest means that you have been appointed, secured and established on the foundation that is God.
o Rest means that you separate yourself from the things of man unto the things of God.
o A person operating in rest is an overcomer.

• Discuss the father son wineskin under the role of the spiritual father and the spiritual son.
Wine skin holds something inside it. It is not the wineskin we are interested in, but what is inside the
wineskin. Inside the wineskin is the grace to reflect the image and likeness of God. Our objective is to function
as Father and Son – so that the image and likeness of God can be manifest in us. A Spiritual Father mentors
our souls into the image and likeness of Christ and converts us from being orphans to sons by adoption. A
spiritual son is a man or woman who is being transformed into the image and likeness of Christ by a
covenantal relationship with a spiritual father. This spiritual son recognizes and identifies himself in the
grace of that spiritual father and pursues that grace until Christ is fully formed in him/her. You will discuss
this in detail in the next lesson.

Refer to the Father Son Wheel Poster

A wheel is formed with multiple sons connecting to one father. The wheel cannot be penetrated at high
revolution and will offer protection from demons by repelling them. Each son has his own character,
purpose, unique gifts and talents. The son identifies a father, spiritually, as the one with the grace to nourish
and activate his gifts. One father can father many sons into their unique callings. Fathers build individual
sons into an equal and unique stature in the body. Fathers are fathers because they have been processed
through death by many trials and tribulation. In overcoming these trials, he attains an inherence that his
sons can enjoy. (Proverbs 20:26, Jeremiah 18:3, Ezekiel 1:15, Ezekiel 10:9-13).

• What did it take for Noah to make sure that the animals survived?
He had to learn to be a master-builder and a farmer of animals/vet/ farmer of vegetables and a very good
planner for the future, and separate animals based on species so that they don’t eat each other.

• Why did Noah enter the ark with his family?

They were in covenant with him – no one else on the earth was.

• Do you think it was easy for Noah to obey God and do everything that God commanded? Why?
No – it was a journey – allow free discussions on all the hardships Noah faced and what might have made
him want to give up.

• Do you think that it is important to finish what you start? (Yes)

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• Discuss finishing
(Luke 14:28-30, John 4:34, John 19:30, 2 Tim 4:7) All the great men in the Bible from Noah to Jesus and then
the apostles were finishers. Every generation must finish the work it is given to do. God commands a blessing
over those that finish the work.

• What could hinder a person from finishing their task?

Encourage the children to give their own answers. Some hindrances include: sentimental relationships e.g.
what if Noah became attached to someone in the world that could not enter the ark. That person could have
delayed his building process or prevented Noah from entering the ark. What if your parents ask you to stop
being friends with someone whom you like, however this person is a bad influence over you? It is hard to
break the friendship because of the sentimental tie. Past focus e.g. in every season God gives us new
instructions. We must be able to move into the new things that God commands. Addiction to leadership e.g.
we cannot remain as children forever. There comes a point in every person’s life that you have to hear from
God and move forward alone with boldness and confidence. Focus on God instead of focusing on the work.
There must be a balance between the two. No passion or zeal e.g. when you begin a new task it is exciting
but after some time your enthusiasm can start to dwindle and you can get tired or bored. When this happens,
you fail to finish. Every person must be self-motivated to build their own passion and zeal to finish the work.


Make an ark out of cardboard / polystyrene / wood (whatever arts and crafts material you have available).
After it is made – the children discuss the difficulties and struggles with making the ark. Then discuss the
struggles that Noah may have had. (Encourage the children to visualize the difficulty and enormity of the

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Do not make any idol of any form or likeness to worship. Exodus 20: 4


The King of Glory – Psalms 24:8
Our God is the glory and all glory, honour and praise belongs to Him. His Majesty overwhelms the heavens and the earth.
There is none other than our God.

Genesis 7

When the ark was completed God told Noah to enter the ark with is family because he had proven his righteousness. God
said that seven days later He will bring rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights. Every living thing that He made
would be destroyed. God said that He would send animals in male and female pairs (two - by - two) to be received by Noah
into the ark. The numbers of animals were: 7 pairs of clean animals, one pair each of unclean animals, and seven pairs of
birds to keep the species alive. Noah did everything the Lord commanded him. After they were all in the ark the Lord shut
him in and closed the door. Noah was 600 years old when, when the fountains of the great deep were broken up and burst
forth, and the windows and floodgates of the heavens were opened. It rained for forty days and forty nights. The flood
was so great that it caused the ark to sail on the earth as though it were a ship gently sailing at sea. The water level was so
high that it covered the mountains (it was almost 7 meters above the highest mountain) and reached up to the sky. And
everything that had life on the earth had died. Only Noah and all those that were in the ark survived. When the rain
stopped, it took 150 days (five months) for the water on the earth to subside.

• The fullness of salvation only comes once we have built what God wants, exactly the way He wants it built.
• God designed procreation in the union of male and female – two by two. We are supposed to have one spouse
for all our lives and produce children from that same union.
• God’s method of judgement is the overwhelming of the earth with His Word/ Truth/Life.
• Accurate apostolic doctrine judges the unrighteous but saves the righteous.
• Building family accurately is very important to God.

Genesis 7:16 (NKJV)
16 So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in.

Lord, help me to finish the work and enter your rest. Deliver us from judgement.

1. Parents spend time with your child discussing God’s providence.
2. Discuss serving in the church and serving in the home. Service must always be done with excellence.

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• Could they enter the ark before it was ready? Why? (No - accept any answer on the importance
of finishing. Revise what was discussed in the previous lesson).
• Why did God send the animals in pairs? (To repopulate the earth – it was part of His plan).
• What happened was more than just a flood. Right? (Yes – the earth burst open and it rained).
• Discuss what you think could have happened? (Let the children discuss flooding and monsoons.
Encourage them to talk about the worst storm they ever experienced with the howling winds and raging
rain – the lightening and terrifying thunder).
• What was it like to live in the ark during the flood? Why? (Accept any answer).
• Why do you think God shut the door and sealed them inside? (With the door sealed by God they
won’t be able to escape the ark or put any of those in the ark in danger. This kept them alive. It also
prevented anyone who was not supposed to enter the ark from breaking in when the storm started).
• How did the ark sail? (The giant ark was very small compared to the water around it. The waters
were very deep and the ark was able to float).
• How do you think Noah felt knowing that everyone was dying around him? (Accept any
answer – the discussion should be directed to experience Noah’s deep sorrow. Noah was a kind and
merciful man. It was a terrifying experience to hear the cries of the people and animals dying. There
was nothing that Noah could have done to help them. This also made Noah see just how fearful it is to
fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31).
• How do you think Noah managed to feed the animals and keep them from killing each other
when the flood had stopped? What would have happened if he didn’t have enough food?
Would God have been happy? (Accept any answer – direct the discussion into the wisdom that Noah
would have had to have enough provisions and then into the providence of God. God takes care of what
belongs to Him – and will provide. Noah had to become an expert. It takes study, experience, knowledge,
sacrifice and hardship to become an expert).


Draw a boat with all the people and animals you would take with you into the ark. Discuss why you made
those choices.


Explain these concepts in as much detail as can be understood. Teachers must embrace this
doctrine and practice it before they can minister it to the children. This part of the lesson must be
taught after much prayer and waiting on the Lord.

• In the Bible “water” is a metaphor/symbol of the Word of God. It is also a symbol of the
Holy Spirit and of Zoe Life. Water came out of the ground and from the heavens to
overwhelm the earth. This tells us that Gods standard of judgement is the
overwhelming of the earth with His Word/ Truth/Life.
• Noah was an Apostle and a Spiritual Father.

• Discuss accurate doctrine. (Doctrine is the instruction of God. On these instructions we build or
modify our lives so that we can become His image and likeness– doctrine is firstly about God and
secondly about everything in relation to God. Doctrine teaches us to see God as the one from whom,
through whom and to whom all things exists. Doctrine directs our lives to God’s glory. The Bible is
divided into two parts essentially. The Histories and the Documents. The Histories are the stories of
men and woman in the Bible, written as historical accounts, prophesies and psalms. Their lifestyles
reveal the mysteries of the operating system of God, working through a man. The Documents are
the letters written by the apostles in the New Testament. In these documents the mysteries in the
historical accounts are revealed. Therefore, we study both the Old and the New Testament in the
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• Discuss the apostle.
• Discuss spiritual fathers.
• Discuss spiritual sons.
• Discuss the father son wineskin.


Literally the word apostle (Greek ‘apostolos’) means a ‘sent one’, a ‘delegate’, a ‘messenger’. In the New
Testament the apostle is an ambassador of the gospel, officially a commissioner of Christ, with miraculous
powers. Every apostle has a specific commission, and is sent to do the Father’s will.
Apostles are ordinary men that operate in the power of APOSTOLIC GRACE.

1. They are appointed by God – God calls him.

2. They have a pioneering spirit – Apostles lay foundations. They break through barriers that would
stop others. They have a penetrating quality that advances the kingdom of God. They are fruitful
in unchartered territory.
3. They are filled with overwhelming passion – For God / God's people / and the call. Apostles have
an unstoppable mentality. This passion leads to sacrifice, suffering and even death for the church.
Apostles speak of themselves as slaves / servants of Christ because of their passion.
4. They are equipped with Spiritual wisdom – This is a gift from the Holy Spirit.
5. Their view is a total perspective – They are given the full plan from God and can see beyond what
the local house is building.
6. They are loving father’s – They are spiritual fathers that love the church and are always longing
and praying for the church.
7. They are expert equipper – They establish doctrine and then mentor and guide the church into
8. They posses Spiritual authority – Over the church, over demons and strongholds and authority to
do signs and wonders.


God is Father who is a Spirit. God can place His Spirit of Father into men and women. God is Son who is a
Spirit. God can place His Spirit of Son into men and women. God is the Holy Spirit. God can place His Holy
Spirit into men and women.
All three are one. God can place the oneness of His Spirit into men and women.

Men have the capacity to reveal the attributes of God, e.g.:

God my healer = go to the man who represents God’s healing.
God my teacher = is the Holy Spirit = you go to a man who can teach you the truth.
God my father = you go to a man who represents the father to show you and guide you.

The Kingdom of God is built on Fathers and Sons!

Malachi 4:5-6 (KJV) 5Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful
day of the LORD: 6And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children
to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
“Even John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah upon him to prepare a people for the coming of the Lord,
today we have a generation of Apostolic leaders with the spirit of Elijah, who are “fathers” in the Church,
and who are fully authorized to represent the name of Him who sent them” (Ephesians 2:19-20; 3:5).
The people of God are broken. They need strength and direction. They are crying out, not for a preacher or
a new institution, but for spiritual Fathers! Paul declared, “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in
Christ, yet have ye not many fathers . . .” (1 Corinthians 4:15).

What is a spiritual father?

We have a biological father who has given us as genetic makeup for our natural journey on the earth. He
contributes to our physical nature and helps us in our natural lives.

We also have a spiritual father who gives identity to our spiritual journey in the kingdom.
When we accept Christ as our personal saviour and Lord over our lives, He replaces a dead spirit with a
spirit that is alive. We change from becoming human beings with a soul and dead spirit into spiritual beings
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with a body and soul. Our spirits are alive; our souls have to be transformed into the image and likeness of
Christ while our bodies’ still face aging and death. Our Christian walk is ruling over our carnal nature and
bringing it to subjection of our spirit man that is joined with Christ.

In the same manner that God gave us a natural father to take care of us in the natural realm, he gave us a
spiritual father to take care of our souls/minds and mentor it into the image and likeness of Christ. He is
called a “spiritual” father – not because he is the father of your spirit, but because He operates in the Spirit
of Father God to mentor your soul.

Our spirits belong to Christ alone. A spiritual father does not replace the Lordship of Christ over your spirit

God raises men and women as fathers by depositing single or multiple natures/characters of the Spirit of
the Father in those people. We will call it grace(s). These fathers spend their lifetimes developing that Grace
in their lives through the gifting’s and fruit of the Holy Spirit. This pursuit of Grace is developed within the
vision or mandate of that father and is riddled with trials tribulations and various blessings from God.
The connection with a spiritual father is relational. It is a personal and intimate experience between a
believer (son) and the one that they identify as their spiritual father.

The recognition of a spiritual father is the instance when your spirit discovers a similarity between your
grace and the grace that a man or woman is walking in. A deep sense of belonging develops as you partner
with this spiritual father and you become a spiritual son (no longer an orphaned soul). The spiritual
recognition of Grace is the attribute of God that you covenant into. Your walk with this father then becomes
a pursuit of that Grace. The inheritance is the reception of that same Grace in your life without having to
have worked to develop in your own life. It comes to you in bountiful measures based on your service and
following of that father. Your pursuit of this Grace unlocks the various other gifting’s and graces in your
own life, in this personal journey. The manner in which you relate to your spiritual father depends on how
much you allow the Holy Spirit to transform your spirit into overwhelming your soulish nature. When we
reject fathers – we reject our inheritance. Rejecting our inheritance is hating your father and everything he
stands for.

Therefore, it becomes very clear. A spiritual father is not replacing our Father in Heaven. A spiritual father
is not the worship of man. A spiritual father is not an autocratic dictator to sons. A spiritual father is a man
or woman appointed by God to help guide you into the fullness of your purpose in the kingdom in clearly
defined spiritual parameters. This parameter is called the "Father – Son wineskin".

Role of the Spiritual father:

1. Fathers are a friends and companions to their sons and share in their lives.
2. Fathers are available in the good times and the bad times with their spiritual wisdom and advice.
3. Fathers teach, support and lead their sons by example.
4. Fathers help their sons come to maturity.
5. Fathers establish their authority in the house and set the protective boundaries for everyone to
grow in freedom.
6. Fathers want to see their sons do well and exceed them. They want their sons to grow in the vision
and become prosperous. Their hearts are always inclined towards their obedient sons.
7. Fathers will always allow the voice of God to prevail. Fathers know that the sons don’t belong to
them. Sons belong to God. And so, they will let the Lord direct their sons’ path without stepping in
the way.
8. Fathers transmit resources – He transmits, grace, anointing, truth, revelation, inheritance.
9. Fathers harness the potential of the son – He identifies, trains, sends and positions his son in his
10. Fathers love having their sons around them. They enjoy the fellowship and intimacy with their
11. Fathers rebuke the son – Fathers will bring correction to their sons for their own good.

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In the same manner that a spiritual father operates in the gifting’s of God the Father, spiritual sons operate
in the Spirit of the Son (Christ).

A spiritual son is a man or woman who is being transformed into the image and likeness of Christ by a
covenant relationship with a spiritual father. This spiritual son recognizes and identifies himself in the grace
of that spiritual father and pursues that grace until Christ is fully formed in him/her.

Jesus laid aside everything except His identity. In our journey we do the same. Our identity is locked in
Christ but our unique gifts and characteristics are built so that we can transact the Kingdom.
Sonship is salvation/adoption

A son imitates, a son honours and a son pursues/ follows/tracks/shadows a father.

Fathers create opportunity for sons to follow but give freedom for sons to be autonomous.

Spiritual Sons: Submit to the headship and the leading of the Spiritual Father.
1. Take ownership of vision – They become involved in the vision and take ownership of it – with
passion to see it completed.
2. Imitate the father – Sons teach the same doctrine as the father – and eventually think and do as
the father does.
3. Support their father – They serve the father by giving him financial, emotional and physical
4. Honour the father and other elders in the company – They honour, love and respect the father.
They stay because they love the father and not because they want something.
5. They are in close and intimate with the father – The walk close with the father.
6. Protect the father – They protect the father and guard his secrets and weaknesses. They don’t let
him down.
7. Are mature over their emotions – they exercise self-control – They control themselves at all times,
making sure that they don’t lash out in tantrums and anger.
8. They are overcomers – They overcome because they have anointing and grace to fight against the
father’s enemies
9. Carry the nature of the Son of God, Christ Jesus – They know that serving their spiritual father
brings out the nature of Jesus in them.
10. They are sensitive to the Holy Spirit – They discern the spirit of God and the seasons and times.
11. They walk in their heritage – They know that they have an inheritance.
12. They submit to the discipline and chastising’s from their father – They know that being rebuked
and corrected by the father is for their own good.

Wineskin is the structure specially designed to receive, contain, make available to us the life, power, grace,
and spirit of God in a corporate way. This wineskin is:
• The power of the Elijah anointing to change the hearts of men in respect to relationships.
• The only way God will show us His nature of Father-Son.
• Relational instead of institutional Christianity.
• The raising of genuine spiritual leaders in the church to lead and guide us.
• The restoration of apostolic prophetic ministry to build the church correctly.
• The anointing to love, have finishing faith and bring the church to maturity.

The essence of the Father-Son wineskin is not about the quality of “fathering” but the quality of “sons”.
God is looking for His Son on the earth. When He sees the pursuit of sons after the grace locked in fathers,
His reward is over the sons. That’s why fathers are also sons.

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Refer to the “Ark = Father Son wineskin” Poster
The ark represents the covenant between Fathers and sons. The rainbow is a sign of the covenant. Its shows the
hands of God coming together to form the rainbow. Sons partake in all of the blessings that God gives to a father
because they are connected in covenant.


You will need:

o 2 clear plastic packets
o Water
o Mud

In the first plastic packet, pour in the mud. Then pour out the mud. Now pour in the fresh clear water. Is
the water clean and clear? (No)
In the second packet. Pour in the fresh clean water. Is the water clean and clear? (Yes)
Explain this as the wineskin. In order to hold the new wine, the old wineskin has to be thrown away. You
cannot put new wine into an old wineskin. The new wine represents the current or proceeding truth. The
old wine is the old word. We live by what God is saying to the churches now.
(Matthew 9:17)

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Do not submit to, bow down and worship or serve any idol. Exodus 20:5


Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6.

Genesis 8 and 9

After the destruction of the earth, God remembered Noah and all the animals in the ark. God caused a (hot) wind to move
over the earth and the water began to recede. After 150 days the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat. Noah opened the
window of the ark and sent out a raven. It did not return. He also sent a dove. The dove could not find a place to land, so
it came back. After seven days, he sent the dove out again. This dove returned in the evening with a freshly plucked olive
tree in its beak. Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. After 7 more days he sent out the dove again and
it did not return. Noah looked out of the ark and saw that they ground was dry. Then God said to Noah, “Go out of the ark
with your family and the animals so that they may reproduce, be fruitful and multiply on the earth.” So Noah and the
animals left the ark. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a
soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart that He would not destroy His creation like that again. God blessed Noah
and his sons, and said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. All the animals and birds and fish will fear man
and man will have dominion over them. Man can eat animals that have been cooked, fruit and vegetables. He made a
covenant with Noah that He will never destroy all flesh and the earth with a flood. The sign of that covenant is the rainbow.
Noah’s sons repopulated the earth. Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard. And one day he drank wine and became
drunk and was uncovered in his tent. Ham saw this and told his brothers about it. But his brothers covered their father
without looking (they walked backwards into the tent). When Noah woke up, he was very angry. He cursed Canaan – he
said that he would be the servant of servants to his brothers. He blessed Shem and said that Canaan will be his servant.
He blessed Japheth and said that he will thrive and will live with Shem and Canaan will be his servant. Noah lived for 350
years after the flood and died when he was 950 years.

• God establishes family through a father, mother and children. In the spiritual – God establishes family through
fathers and sons.
• Offerings appease God, but God prefers obedience to sacrifice.
• We can eat meat and fruit and vegetables because God has authorized it.

Genesis 9:13 (NKJV)
13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.

Lord thank you that you are a God of Covenant. Thank you that when you make a promise it is true for always. I will trust
in you, always.

1. Parents to spend time during the week focusing on honour in the family.
2. Talk about the mistakes that need forgiveness and everyone should pray for each other to overcome their

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• Even when the rain stopped, it took a long time for those inside to leave the ark. It rained
torrentially for 40 days and nights. There was light rain for 110 days. After 150 days the ark
rested on the mountain. And it took another 21 days before they could exit.
• What would have happened if they left the ark too soon? (The earth was not inhabitable and
they would have died).
• Why did the raven not return? (It was feasting on the dead flesh – no allegiance to Noah).
• Why did the dove return? (Doves return to their homes – there was no place for it to settle on the
• Why did the dove return with the twig? (To show that trees had started to grow on the earth).
• What does the olive tree symbolize? (Life).
• What does the dove symbolize? (Peace).
• What does the raven symbolize? (Death and darkness).
• How did Ham sin against his father? (He revealed his father’s nakedness. He didn’t protect his
• How did Shem and Japheth honour their father? (They covered their father).


Draw the rainbow, alter of offerings and the dove with the twig


• Noah did not leave the ark when the dove came back with the olive twig. Why?
Even though he knew it was safe, he still waited for the instruction from God. God sealed them in the
ark, but didn’t seal them from leaving. God always gives us the option to choose between good and evil,
obeying Him and disobeying Him. Noah understood why it was necessary to wait on the Lord. Spiritual
fathers know that it’s not about what they want – it’s about what is best for all the people they are
entrusted with. The timings of God are perfect. Man’s timing leads to death.

• Did God ask Noah to offer up a sacrifice? (No). Why did he do it?
Noah knew what was in the heart of God. Noah was grateful for the protection from God and his
immediate response was to obey in sacrifice.

• God put a rainbow in the sky, which we still see today as a reminder to us of His covenant
with us.

• Discuss the rainbow.

The Rainbow speaks to us of the: Power of God – God created it. The perfection of God –God made the
rainbow a wonder… perfectly seamless and symmetrical. The promise of God – God is a God of covenant
and the rainbow is His signature that He delights in covenant. The purpose of God – God is a God of
purpose. In his judgement and His grace).

• What are other symbols of covenants?

Contracts signed by two people, a wedding ring, rainbow, circumcision, Communion, Baptism, Bible.

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Refer to the Rainbow Circle Poster
See how the rainbow is the sign of the covenant between God and creation, that was ushered in after
the sacrifice of a righteous spiritual father – and all the sons in covenant with the father were granted
the same protection.

• Do you think that Ham sinned just because he saw his father naked?
Yes – for the younger children. No - this is for the older children

• Why did Noah curse Ham’s son Canaan?

Ham knew that his son had committed a grave sin and he didn’t correct his son. Therefore Ham was
accountable for his son’s actions, but his son had to bear the consequences of the sin. Ham boasted to
his brothers about what his son had done.

• What does “uncovering” nakedness mean?

This answer is only for the children that are old enough to understand – teachers must use their
discretion… Scripture must interpret scripture – it is a principle for bible study. Leviticus 18:8 (NKJV) 8
The nakedness of your father's wife you shall not uncover; it is your father's nakedness. Canaan had
lain/slept with/raped/ incestuous relations with his grandmother, Ham’s mother. This was an
abomination to God and to Noah.

• What really happened?

Gen 9:24“young son” = in original text means grandson.
Gen 9:22“saw nakedness” = incestuous relations with Noah’s wife.
(See Leviticus 20:11 ‘The man who lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness’).
Noah got drunk and left his wife vulnerable. Canaan, Ham’s son, committed an act of incest with Noah’s
wife (his grandmother). Ham knew about it and told his brothers. Shem and Japheth went in and
covered their mothers’ nude body. That’s why Canaan was cursed and NOT Ham.
“Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brethren." The most despised of
servants. "Blessed be the LORD, The God of Shem, And may Canaan be his servant. Canaan
would never have a son with an inheritance. May God enlarge Japheth, And may he dwell in
the tents of Shem; And may Canaan be his servant." (Genesis 9: 25-27 NKJV)
Shem and Japheth will be united in subduing and inheriting all that Canaan holds.
That’s why Abraham, David and Jesus come out of the line of Shem and before Jesus died, He said that
the word must be taken to the Gentiles (the line of Japheth) – Isaiah 11:10. Canaan was to be overtaken
and overthrown by the descendants of Shem and Japheth (Exodus 6: 3-4).

• Discuss the biblical pattern for family.

• Discuss obedience.
• Discuss sacrifice.


God does not want us to date or look for a partner to marry.
God wants boys and girls to grow up loving the Lord and learning about the Kingdom. As you grow and
mature your first desire must be about Gods work. While you are busy in the Kingdom, God will send
you the right partner. You will discern the right person for you and together your ministry will grow
and become better and better. In this relationship – there is no confusion. Colossians 3:18-21.
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Boys before they become men and before they become husbands:
Before a man becomes a husband there are certain things that he needs to become.
1. He needs to have a relationship with God. He needs to come to a place where he knows who he is
in God. This does not have to be fully developed before he gets married – but the seed must have
2. He needs to walk in revelation. He must have experienced an intimate and personal revelation of
who Jesus Christ is and where he is positioned in Christ. He must know the word of God and be
able to teach his family the law of God.
3. He needs to have committed to a spiritual father – the one that can commission him on God given
tasks. This becomes a man with a name and an identity. He needs a spiritual father.
4. His vision for his life and future home must be rooted in the kingdom. He needs to know where he
is going. Not flounder about. Perception, conception and inception.
5. He must be a man of experience – teachable spirit. He could have made mistakes but he has
learned from it. He is someone who can lead by example. He has a genuine caring heart.
6. He must be a passionate man. His passion is about God. About a wife and children. The driving
force of this MUST come from His own desire to see Christ in his home. He must love God and have
a passion to see God in his wife and children.
7. He needs to speak the authority of God. Discern the times and seasons of the family. Anticipate
the needs of the family and then prepare for it. The family must be secure in knowing that he
carries the voice of God.
8. He must Plan – his brain must be the mind of Christ… counselor, career, financial planner, manager
of the family resources.
9. He must listen to God and his family. To listen means that he is available. He is someone who
prioritizes family time.
10. He can develop the family by – planning, preparing, planting, protecting, producing.
11. He creates opportunity to try and fail – the children know that even if they fail, they will not be
fatally harmed.

In doing this, a father is born. One that is mature. One that can bring into his home:
1. Prosperity – He knows that his resource is God and he can bring physical, psychosocial, financial
prosperity and wellness into his home. Only a man walking in the wisdom of God can do this.
2. Personality – His personality is not corrupt and ruled by the carnal nature. The dominant talents
and characters are developed through the Spirit. He can identify these same talents (or lack
thereof) in his children and raise them accordingly.
3. Protection – this man does more than die for his children … he lives for his children. All the
decisions that he makes is to safe keep, protect and bring longevity to his seed.

Girls before they become Women and before they become wives:
Before a woman becomes a mother there are certain things that she needs to learn.
1. Submission – submission to the vision of the home. She learns this from her father and her
mother, through example and instruction.
2. Honour – She learns from her father through disciple and from her mother through example.
3. Prophetic – Discerning the voice of God. She learns from her mother and the manner in which
her father listens to the prophetic voice in her mother.
4. Her identity in Christ – learns in her home from her parents.

In doing this a wife can submit and honour. The way we show honour are:
1. Trust her husband.
2. Believe and follow her husband.
3. Identify that he is the head of the home.
4. Sacrifice for him because she loves him and cares for him.
5. Respect his position and authority and the Lord in his life.
6. Obey him.
7. Pray for the home.
8. Identify with the vision for the family that is determined by him.
9. Give him rest.
10. Protect him.
11. Be kind to him.
12. Support him emotionally.

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These two people can now make a covenant with each other.

Children raised in this home are:

1. Educated in the law of God.
2. Suffered to come to Christ.
3. Disciplined in love.
4. Loved and cherished as precious gifts.
5. Subject to parents.

Parents have a duty to pray for their children, love them and show them affection, respect them,
educate them, nurture and train them in the love and admonition of the Lord. Children must be raised
to be whole, functional sons in the kingdom that can overcome the influences of the world.

In this family:
1. No member is in competition with each other, or betrays each other.
2. No member murmurs or reveals secrets or attacks anyone.
3. Everyone knows their place – so there is no usurping authority.

Use this opportunity to mention dysfunctional families. Not all families look like what has been taught
above. Explain to the children that this is the model that we can strive for. Mention (at your discretion) that
any abuse is intolerable (verbal, sexual, emotional, physical). Parents are excused for abusing their children
and children who are being abused by a parent or any family member must report it to their pastor or


Obedience is a mindset that translates into a behavior. This means that obedience begins in your heart
before it becomes an action. For you to obey you need the following traits to be built into your heart:
1. You must be determined and unwavering to complete the task you are asked to do.
2. Obedient people are confident that what they are doing is the right thing. You must know that God
will instruct us only in truth.
3. Obedient people are willing to submit their own ideas to the one giving the instruction. They give
up their desires willingly. You must obey with your whole heart.
4. Do not obey with a murmuring or complaining attitude. Obey with joy in your heart and a smile on
your face.
5. A person, who obeyed once, will invariably obey again and again. This is learned behavior that
eventually becomes a lifestyle.
6. When we choose to obey, we must obey completely. You cannot obey one part of the instruction
and ignore the second part.
7. We obey quickly. We do not say “yes” and take a long time to complete the task. We must do it
8. We use Christ as the pattern to obey.

Some of the people we must obey are parents, elders, spiritual fathers, law enforcers, teachers etc.

Discuss further the reasons that children do not obey instructions.


We do not offer animals as sacrifice anymore. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Today we offer
up spiritual sacrifices.

Spiritual sacrifices are:

• Spiritual brokenness – This is an attitude of repentance (Psalms 51:17).
• Appreciation – Thanksgiving (Psalms 107:22, Ps 116:17).
• Celebration – Rejoicing in the Lord (Psalms 27:6, Philippians 4:4).
• Raised hands – (Psalms 141:2).
• Intercession – Petition made on behalf of another. This is a sacrifice by definition. (Exodus 32:32,
1 Timothy 2:1).

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• Faith – Philippians 2:17.
• Integrity and righteousness – (Psalms 4:5).
• Consecration – becoming sanctified unto God (Romans 12:1).
• Exaltation – (Hebrews 13:15, Jeremiah 33:11).
• Sharing – sowing our money, time, prayer– (Hebrews 13:16, Philippians 4:18) .


Play the Doves and Olive Branches Game

Use paper olive branches or leaves. Hide them throughout the play area. Designate one child as Noah. The
rest of the children are doves. Noah says “Fly away and bring me a branch” The children scatter and look
for the branches. When they find one, they return with the branches. Designate a new Noah who can hide
the branches and repeat the game.

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Do not use the Lord’s name in vain. Exodus 20:7


The Rock of Ages. Isaiah 26:4

Genesis 11: 1-9

The people on the earth had one language. As they were travelling the earth, they came to the plain of Shinar and lived
there. They decided amongst themselves to make brick and cement and with that build a big city. In this city would be a
tower that went into the heavens. They wanted to make a name for themselves in case they became scattered all over the
earth. God was not happy with this. The Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is
what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. “So God confused their language
and they did not understand one another's speech.” God scattered the languages all over the earth, and they stopped
building the city. Therefore, its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and
from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

• God builds His church through relationships. God’s way is patriarchal – based on a father son wineskin. The
institutional church is a man-made structure that God will destroy. God is not inclined into a religious church.
• Idols are formed when man moves away from God. God detest idols and will not walk with any man that has an
idol in his life. Idols must be replaced by obedience and love for God.
• God created language so that we can fellowship together as sons in the earth – Inequality, bias, discrimination
and racism is rooted in an inability to understand each other’s language. When we start speaking kingdom
language – then we will be above the limitations of the world languages.
• Oneness in the body is a very powerful thing – because it is the nature of God (Father – Son and Holy Spirit as
one) – when we walk in oneness in the body nothing is impossible for is.

Genesis 11:9 (NKJV)
9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the
Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

Lord help me to never walk in confusion. Lead me to like-minded sons so that we can build your kingdom in oneness.

1. Spend time during the week talking about your spiritual father and your apostolic covering.
2. Discuss Oneness. Oneness with parents, Oneness with siblings. Oneness at a family.
3. Discuss how as a family, you will not let the world, and worldly ways into your home.

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• How many languages were there on the earth then? (One).

• What was significant about the place they decided to build in? (It was a plain – flat).
• What does Shinar mean? (Country of two rivers).
• Why did they want to build a city? (Accept any answer – guide them into realizing that this was their
own personal ambition. They were not building according to God’s instruction, in the manner that Noah
• Why did they want to build a tower to reach God? (Accept any answer – guide them into
understanding that this was a similar sin to Adam. Adam was already in the image and likeness of God, but
was deceived by Satan who told him that he was not. People already had access to God, but they wanted
access on their own terms).
• Why did God confuse the languages? (To stop the building process).
• Do you think it was a good idea to bring different languages? (Encourage a discussion around the
reason of the different answers. Accept all views).
• Why was making the languages a good way to scatter the people? (The people would then find
people that they can communicate with – and those of the same language would dwell together).
• What does Babel mean? (Confusion – it is where we get the word Babylon from. Babylon is a picture of
the world. Confusion means disorientation in a person, place and time. A person who is confused doesn’t
know who they are or what their purpose is, where they are located spiritually and cannot discern the times
of God).


Using building blocks or play dough build the City of Babel. Build this together. (This must be on a flat ground,
all the people are the same size and colour, the city must be busy and bustling and the tower must be high).


• The people make their own bricks. Do you think that this is significant?
Yes. Prior to this, man-made buildings from stones that were hewn out of the ground. Each stone was
different but forged to be joined together to create a structure. From this moment on bricks were used.
Bricks are stones that are crushed and melted in fire and then made uniformly, so that each one looks
the same, and weighs the same. Babylon is a worldly system that forces us to conform to its
methodology. However, God wants to build His temple with “living stones”. As living stones, we
maintain our unique characteristics and willingly join together in the body. 1 Peter 2:5.

• What is a sign that we could be building an idol in our life?

Reaching a plateau or comfort zone. Whenever we don’t want to move to where the presence of God
is, it means that we have an idol in our life. Some types of idols are: money, houses, cars, musical talents,
clothes, material goods, careers and jobs.

• Was God really worried that they will reach heaven?

No, heaven is spirit realm – no one can reach it. God was addressing their heart condition. People who
walk in oneness can achieve the impossible – because oneness is the nature of God.

• Discuss the institution.

An institution is its own body or organization that has been formed by men, with a specific and common
goal in mind. This body, once formed, takes on a life and presence of its own. This body becomes
independent and influences its members to think according to its rules. It’s rules and regulations are
binding. The people in the institution work for that system and not for a man. The men in the system
are faceless. The head of the institution is faceless. The authority of the institution is absolute. This is
what makes an institution bigger than any man. The institution is bigger than man, but not bigger than
God. Sons cannot be born in an institution. Sons are killed in an institution. The religious institution has
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bound Christians like slaves and removed the authority of the Apostle and Prophet from the body.
However, God is reinstating those offices into His Church.

• Discuss the different governing systems of church / institutions of church.

1. Episcopalian - The word episcopal comes from the Greek word “episkopos” which is translated to
“bishop”. It is a system of hierarchy with a clergy laity distinction. This form of church government
has a single leader, the Bishop, who is answerable to other Bishops at a higher level than him, until
at the top the Archbishop has the final authority. The leader is controlled by a system of
bureaucratic authority from outside. At the top of the authority structure is the leader and if God
wants to communicate to a local church in this structure, He has to speak to the leader first. The
clergy conquers and rules over the laity e.g. Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Methodist
Church, Episcopal Church, Greek Orthodox Church. Many other churches adopt this form of church
government even though they may not officially recognize it.
2. Presbyterian - The word Presbyterian is from the Greek word “presbuteros” which is translated to
“elders”. In this system, authority does not rest on the leader but on a body or board of elders or
deacons. The congregation ratifies the elected elders. Once in position the congregation and local
leader cannot overturn their decisions nor do they have the power to remove them from their
position. The leader is not free to exercise the will of God without prior approval of the elders or
deacons. In denominational churches, the local board of elders answer to a higher board of elders
which represents each church. The highest board of elders has the final authority on all matters
relating to each individual church.
3. Congregational - The congregation has the final authority on all aspects of the church through
democratic ratification. The leader is elected and expected to follow the regulations as is laid out
by the approved constitution of the congregation.
4. Independent - This is a system of a single autocratic leader. The leader rejects accountability to
anyone. He is the final authority on all church matters and matters of doctrine.

• Discuss autonomous churches.

It is a Self-governing church. There is a plurality of elders who recognize the Father as the visionary and
one responsible for directing the church. The Father/Pastor has the final authority over the finance,
property, constitution, vision, and local government of that church. This church is accountable to City
Elders/City Church: unity, purity of heart, relationships, morality, discipline, doctrine, attitudes, holiness,
love, Christlikeness, passion etc. The church is self-governing (no outside control), self-supporting and
self-propagating. It is committed to equipping believers for the work of the ministry, team-ministry,
intimacy with Christ and cultural diversity. The church operates with a Kingdom perspective and is
sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

• Name some church denominations.

There are over ten thousand different church denominations. These are a few: Methodist, Baptist,
Pentecostal, Charismatic etc. Teachers can source their own material on this.

• Discuss the triune God and the triune nature of man.

God is omnipotent – all-powerful, omniscient – all-knowing, omnipresent – ever present. God is Father.
God is Son. God is Holy Spirit. He is triune – All are Spirit. They are three separate personalities. Each is
equal to the other in Nature, Substance and Power. Not three separate Gods - but one God. Each
personality is called God. All personalities called God together. He is transcendent, immutable and the
ruler of all creation. He is perfect in His holiness, faithfulness, righteousness, wisdom, love and truth. He
is unique, timeless, self-existent, eternal, faultless. He is the source of all life and lacks nothing. He
cannot lie – Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18. He cannot deny Himself – 2 Timothy 2:13, James
1:13. He cannot be tempted – James 1:13. We will never fully understand God. To try and picture God
we must look at ourselves because He made us in His Image and Likeness. Man has a Body with a Soul
and a Spirit. Our Soul is our mind, thoughts, reason, logic. Our spirit is unseen but communicates with
God. When our body dies our soul dies, but our Spirit is alive and goes to Christ. When God made Adam,
He said that it was not good that he was alone. That is because he could not reflect God’s image alone.
When Adam and Eve walked as One Flesh – they became the image of God – both uniquely expressing
God as one.

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Refer to the Poster Revealing God
God is Father – Son – Spirit – All-consuming fire – Love. This is the image of God – the fire branches off
into 3 separate flames that represent God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All three
have different attributes but operate as one God.

• Discuss Oneness
Oneness brings favour and blessings into the house.
Psalms 133:1-3 NKJV
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious
oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his
garments. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD
commanded the blessing-- life forevermore.
Oneness has 4 demands
a. Association – being in close fellowship with each other, joining with other like-minded sons –
belonging to Christ.
b. Character – Just as the Father and Son have the same character, moral attributes and fruit we
have to have one culture.
c. Doctrine – we all must have the same doctrine and believe the same things
d. Righteousness – we need to come to perfection. Maturity of the sons.

We get it from the Glory and through Love.

John 17:22 The glory is the power and authority he imparts to believers to overthrow the kingdom of

Unity is not oneness. You can be united in error e.g. a gang of thieves are united to steal, kill and
Examples of oneness:
o Demonstrate a 3-legged race – 2 children with one of their legs tied together – they must learn to
walk together in sync.
o Fruit juice – to make fruit juice you need the extract from a fruit, water and sugar. Each ingredient
is unique and separate with a specific function. Fruit gives flavor, sugar gives sweetness and water
is the liquid facilitator. Once the ingredients are mixed, it becomes juice. They cannot be
separated. If you want the sugar in the juice you have the drink the whole thing. If you want the
water, you have to drink it all. This is called oneness.

This is oneness: all the blocks are the same height and breadth and length.

This is unity: The same height, but the length and breadth of each block is different.

Each one must make up a language (speak gibberish). In teams, everyone must try and build a tower together without
speaking the native language. Speak in the made-up language. Try and communicate your ideas with your friends.
(Illustrate why oneness cannot be reached if we are not of the same mindset – we communicate our mindset by our
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Abraham is processed through seven separation stations before coming into dominion:
Babylonian Worldly systems (Ur of Chaldeans, Babylon)→ Sentimental ties (Haran) → Egyptian Worldly systems →
Inaccurate relationships/partnerships (Lot) → Mammon (Tithing to Melchezidek), Flesh (Ishmael) →His Purpose and Will


Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. Six days are given for work and the seventh day for rest. Exodus 20:8


Our Lawgiver – Isaiah 33:22

Genesis 12: 1-9

God said to Abram “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who
bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Abram was seventy-
five years old when he left Haran with Sarai his wife, Lot his brother's son, all their possessions, and servants to go to the
land of Canaan. Abram came to the place of Shechem. Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants
I will give this land.” There he built an altar to the Lord. He moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he
pitched his tent there and he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.

• God is a God of covenant. God established Abraham as a father and blessed us through the covenant with
• Migration is an on-going process in the life of a believer. Migration means moving from one spiritual location to
another that will bring us closer to fulfilling our purpose on the earth. Spiritual migration involves changing our
mind about certain actions, behaviours or doctrines that we have become accustomed to.
• God can’t establish a new thing in our lives if we have sentimental (emotional) ties with family, church, friends
or any location.
• Babylon represents a worldly system/ philosophy/ culture that insinuates idolatry into our worship, obedience
and sacrifice to God. This mixture is an insidious and very crafty ploy of Satan. The believer is unaware that his
walk with God has become compromised.

Genesis 12:2-3 (NKJV) I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be

Lord bless me. Lord help me come into maturity so that I will be worthy of my inheritance. Lord I want you more than any
material goods on the earth.

1. Family members bless each other.
2. Identify some worldly systems e.g. dress codes, gender bias, feminism, humanism etc.

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• We need to do the extra-ordinary in the natural to achieve the supernatural.

• We do not know when God is going to ask us to do something extra ordinary. When God
asks us to do something bold and risky, it is because he has a supernatural and extraordinary
blessing for us.
• What did God ask Abram to leave behind? (His home town, his country, his citizenship, his job, his
extended family, his father’s house, his current home).
• Was God being severe by asking Abram to abandon his family? (God was not telling him to
abandon his family. His father had already died. He could still have a relationship with his extended
family, and support them – but he could no longer stay with them. God was asking him to move to a
different location. But as long as he was under his father’s roof, he could not mature into what God had
planned for him because would have to carry on his father’s business. By obeying God he would also be
protecting and helping his extended family – because they would be blessed through him).
• How old was Abram when he moved? (75 years old).
• Who did Abram take with him? (His wife, His servants and employees, Lot, all his possessions).
• Do you think that he was obeying the Lord, when you consider who he took with him? (You
can accept, YES, at this stage. We will discuss Lot at a later time in the lesson, and you can revisit this
• How do you think Abram felt about moving? (Scared, anxious, excited, adventurous – accept all
• Why do you think that God didn’t tell Abram exactly where to go? (Accept any answer. Explain
to the children that when God calls us into a purpose, He does not give us the full instruction at first. He
wants to test our obedience and passion to finish the task. He sends us His Spirit to guide us in our
thoughts, decisions and choices).
• Did God ask Abram to build Him an altar? (No).
• Why did Abram build an altar to God? (Because he was walking with God, Abram instinctively knew
what would please God. This instinct is called perception – seeing with spiritual eyes).
• Was God pleased? (Yes).
• What are some of the things God might ask you to give up so that you can follow him?
(Dreams, hopes, ambition etc.)


Make the direction activity – Where do I go? Cut out the shape of the hands and glue it to the stick. Place
in the circle and spin around. You can decorate the circle like a map.

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Make a direction chart – Where do I go? Cut out the shame of the hands and glue it to the stick. Place in
the circle and spin around. Decorate the circle like a map.

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• Discuss the instruction from God in detail.

God says to Abram:
Leave 3 things: This is called migration.
1. Leave your country – geographical location.
2. Leave your family – sentimental ties.
3. Leave your father’s house – idolatry, material comfort and security.
Migration is changing your position, disconnecting from a location and changing your
location – this is in the natural and spiritual.

A new beginning:
Go to a new land that He will show him – new location and season.

A promise for obedience:

1. He will make Abram a great nation – corporate blessing, nation.
2. He will bless him – personal blessing, health.
3. He will make his name great – fame and prosperity.
4. He will be a blessing – personal accomplishment and satisfaction – this is the nature
of God. He will become a blessing.
5. He will bless those that bless him – conferred blessings – this is an ability of God. He
will be able to bless others just like God.
6. He will curse those that curse him – judgement over enemies.
7. Through him all the families of the earth will be blessed and they shall possess the
gates of their enemies – generational blessing, immortality, inheritance, dominion.

• What are some of the things that can prevent you from obeying God / migrating?

1. Having the wrong ideas about things. Discuss some wrong ideas (e.g. men are superior
to woman, only men can be leaders in the church, eating meat is a sin etc.)
2. Wrong company (Discuss bad influences from friends).
3. Lack of faith (Faith is believing that you have something that you haven’t see yet – discuss
some things that the children can believe God for e.g. a shy child to become bold, a child
struggling with a defect can overcome).
4. Rebellion (Disobeying God and parents and all those who are leaders over us – but this does
not apply when a leader is telling you to do something wrong e.g. steal or lie. We must know
what God wants us to do. Some leaders are evil/bad/immature/ungodly and can make you do
sinful things).
5. Our nature (We all have bad habits e.g. temper, stubborn, lies etc – it is our own bad character
that can prevent us from obeying God).
6. Ignorance (When we don’t know the right thing to do, we will do the wrong thing. That’s why
we must learn the word of God).
7. Spirit of fear (Fear makes us paralyzed. The devil makes us fearful. God makes us brave and
gives us courage to do His work).
8. Material comfort and security (Moving can make you uncomfortable e.g. getting out of
your warm bed on a cold, cold day, to go to school. When we are too comfortable it might
make us delay listening to God).
9. Spiritual deafness (We must be able to hear God’s voice. We hear His voice in our heart and
in our head. Hearing His voice means that we just know the right thing to do).

• We are all still living within the promise and blessings of Abraham. God chooses to bless us
through men and women that He has called out as Spiritual Fathers. He will always bless us
through a man e.g. Abraham, David, Jesus.

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• Whom we take on our journey can negatively affect our lives. Abram took his nephew Lot
with him. He should have left his nephew behind to take care of his father’s house and
possessions. Lot proved to be a big problem for Abram later on in his journey.

• When God asks us to move, we must do it quickly. Why?

There is a short “obedience window” in the instruction of God. When the window closes, then the
blessing is closed as well. Every window has it own blessing and consequence for disobedience.

• Why doesn’t God give us the whole plan at once?

We need to show obedience every step of the way. If God tells us too much, we may not understand it.

• Discuss why Fathers build with sons and not nephews.

God’s way is Father and Son, because God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Only your father has your
inheritance. This is in the spiritual sense.

• Discuss sentimental ties

A sentimental tie is an emotionally binding feeling to something or someone. This tie is bondage e.g. a
dog on a leash. You can never have freedom if you are tied to something. God wants us free to do His
work. That is why we must never love our mom or dad or brother or sister or friend or country more
than God. God is always first.

• Discuss what a blessing is and how to bless?

Blessing is the nature of God. God blessed everything that He created when He made the world. Then
God blessed Adam and told him to bless everything as well. So, blessing is the ability to do what God
can do. The ability to “bless” means that you can change/ affect your environment and circumstance.
Blessings brings life and hope into any area of your life. E.g. if we are poor in money – when we bless
our mom and dad and then pray for God to bless our mom and dad – God will provide our every need.
E.g. if you are not doing well in school and cannot understand mathematics, then we can bless ourselves
and ask God to bless us, and then God will give us His wisdom and knowledge and understanding – then
we see that we can do well. We get it by loving God, praying to Him every day all the time, and walking
closely with God.

• Types of Blessings.
o Boldness (I John 4:17, 2 Timothy 1:7, I John 4:18, Hebrews 2:14-15).
o Leadership (Deuteronomy 28:13).
o Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Revelation (Psalms 119:130, Isaiah 60:1-2, Matthew 5:14).
o Success (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-4).
o Confidence and Stability and unwavering faith (Psalm 112:5-7, Psalm 125:1-2, Psalm 46:5, Proverbs
o Invincibility (Deuteronomy 28:7, Matthew 16:18-19, Isaiah 54:17).
o God will be near to you/Manifest presence of God (James 4:8, Psalms 145:18).
o Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:28, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10).
o Super-abundance (Deuteronomy 28, Ephesians 3:20-21).

• Discuss inheritance.
In the natural – Inheritance is what you receive from your parents after they have died. You did not
work for it – it becomes yours because you are their child. In the spiritual – your inheritance is the
expression of Jesus inside you PLUS all the blessings that God has for you so that you can be prosperous
and protected and favoured in the world. Your inheritance is life.

• Discuss the things that can affect your inheritance.

o The spiritual location.
o The season of God / timings of God.
o Your attitude towards God.
o The amount of faith / passion and zeal for God / hunger and thirst.
o Rebellion.
o How much you have sown.
o Estrangement from God who is the source / back sliding.
o Wrong company / influences.
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o Obedience and sacrifice.
o Ability to change.


1. Revelation: Word of God – God will tell me the secrets in the Bible.
2. Covenant blessings: All Gods promises are mine if I have clean hands and a pure heart and walk in
3. Skills: God has given me special abilities to do what no one else could do. I am uniquely, fearfully and
wonderfully made.
4. Acceleration: I can move quickly into Gods promises and make new things and change people. God
will give me wisdom for witty inventions.
5. Nature of Christ: I can become just like Jesus and do all the things that He can do, because He has
chosen me.
6. Anointing oil: I have the oil that helps me overcome any problem. I am a Priest, King and Prophet. I
can operate the giftings and fruit of the Spirit.
7. Fathers: I have a spiritual father, so I will always have someone to follow.
8. Inheritance: My inheritance is the kingdom of God with all its power and authority over Satan.
9. Open heaven: God hears all my prayers and answers when I call Him.
10. Sonship: I am the firstborn son and all of creation waits for me.


Cut out the words and pictures and scriptures that show our inheritance from Christ. Cut out the inheritance
bag. Pray for every blessing and place your inheritance inside the bag.

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Cut out the words that show our inheritance from Christ. Cut out the inheritance bag. Pray for every blessing and
place your inheritance inside the bag.

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Abraham is processed through seven separation stations before coming into dominion:
Babylonian Worldly systems (Ur of Chaldeans, Babylon)→Sentimental ties (Haran) → Egyptian Worldly systems→
Inaccurate relationships/partnerships (Lot) → Mammon (Tithing to Melchezidek), Flesh (Ishmael) → His Purpose and Will


Show respect and honour to parents. Exodus 20:12


The Redeemer – Isaiah 59:20

Genesis 12: 10-20

There was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to dwell there. When he approached Egypt, he said to
Sarai his wife that he thought that the Egyptians will find her very beautiful and will kill him. For this reason, he asked her
to pretend to be his sister. When they arrived in Egypt, Sarai was taken to the Pharaoh’s palace and Abram was treated
very well. Abram accumulated a lot of wealth in Egypt. He had sheep, oxen, male donkeys, male and female servants,
female donkeys, and camels. But the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house because of Sarai. After some time, the Pharaoh
realized why his house was plagued. He was very angry with Abram for lying to him and he evicted him and his household
from Egypt. Abram was sent out of Egypt with all his possessions back to Bethel.

• Egypt is a spiritual location or worldly system that represents Bondage and Slavery.
• Pharaoh is a type of demon that holds the people of God in captivity.
• A Pharaoh demon causes the hearts of men to become hardened like stone.
• Famine is a sign of God’s curse/judgement against us/ His rebuke.

Genesis 12:17 (NKJV)
17 But the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram's wife.

Lord direct my steps. Give me wisdom so that I can make wise decisions. Deliver me from famine, bondage and slavery.
Enable me to stand up to the Egyptian systems that are in this world.

1. Parents to spend time during the week focusing on curses in the family. What does each family need
deliverance from e.g. lack of education, poverty etc. Pray against those things and bless each other into fertility.
2. Parents to discuss how Egypt can make them make bad decisions. Give the children examples of how someone
can ask you to do what is wrong and how to stand up to it. Discuss bullying and empower your children to act in
truth and righteousness.

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• What is famine? (Drought, no food, animals and plants die, poverty).

• Why did Abram decide to move to Egypt? (The famine was also affecting his household).
• Why did Abram ask Sarai to pretend to be his sister? (He was afraid that Pharaoh would kill him
and take her as his wife).
• What happened when he told the Egyptians that she is his sister? (They took her to the
Pharaoh’s palace).
• Was Abram happy about this? (He was happy that he was alive and his business was prospering.
The famine in the land was not affecting him in Egypt. However, he must have missed his wife because
he loved her).
• Was Sarai happy about this? (She could not have been happy, because she was separated from her
husband and household. She would have to act and dress like an Egyptian and was constantly fearful
that they might make her a wife).
• Was God happy about this? (No – breaking a marriage does not please God).
• Was Pharaoh happy about the arrangement? (At first he was- then when his home became
plagued, and he realized the reason for the curse, he was furious).
• Why did God plague Pharaoh? (Sarai was one flesh with Abram and they were separated. God is
not pleased when homes are broken by deceit and lies).
• Why did Abram leave Egypt? (Pharaoh evicted him from the land).
• Would he have left if Pharaoh didn’t chase him out? (No, he was very comfortable).
• Did God speak to him in Egypt? (No – He was in an inaccurate location. When you look carefully at
Abram’s journey you will notice that every time Abram made a separation, God would speak to him and
he would worship the Lord by building an altar. Our reward for breaking sentimental ties is that God
speaks to us and we can worship in spirit and truth).


Put on a puppet show. Re-enact the story.


• Curses, Famine and Barrenness.

Refer to the Poster on Barrenness

Using the poster discuss how you can end up in a pit and what could be the “rope” that pulls you out of
the pit. The image shows a person that is in a pit due to curses bound them to the ground. It also shows
the same person overcoming the curse by doing things according to God’s way such as increased faith,
tithes, covenant etc.

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Why does God bring famine and curses in the land/home/your life?
1. Disobedience.
2. Rebellion.
3. Inaccurate locations.
4. No repentance and restitution.
5. Institutional church systems.
6. No sacrifice to God.
7. Failure to tithe, pay first-fruits, sow seed, bring offerings.
8. Hating the Word of God – not studying.
9. Living isolated from other grace carriers.

Signs of curses in our land/ home/ life:

Deuteronomy 28 is the key note text – everything mentioned below is found in that passage ("But
it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His
commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon
you and overtake you:")
One who is cursed is plagued with chronic, recurrent problems (chronicity and recurrence is
inferred by the word OVERTAKE). There is an absence of God's blessings as promised in John 10:10.
("I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.")
Typical feature of a curse is the lack of progress.

1. Strife and fighting amongst each other – fighting/ gossip can break a person’s spirit (Gal 5:13-
16 1 Corinthians 6:6-7, 2 Corinthians 12:20).
2. Unsuccessful – recurrent defeat in marriages, personal relationships, children become
disobedient, no friends, cannot feel the presence of God, business, school.
3. Rejection (Jeremiah 17:5-6).
4. Shortage, poverty, always lacking.
5. Exploitation and abuse from others.
6. Diseases e.g. infertility, wasting diseases, fever and inflammation, boils, sores, tumors, itch,
mental illness.
7. Famine – no water or drought resulting in: poverty, death of animals and crops, sickness and
disease, death. This is also applied in the spiritual sense – there is no revelation or proceeding
word, so we live in ignorance of what God is doing in the earth.
8. Inaccurate locations – literal and spiritual. We end up in these locations because we cannot
hear from God.
9. No fathers – there are no spiritual fathers to produce spiritual sons.
10. Broken homes or dysfunctional homes – every family that does not fit the model family is a
broken or dysfunctional home. The model home is: Father who is the head. He provides vision,
protection, provision and preservation for the family. He is loving and caring over his wife and
children. There is no abuse. Mother who is the helper to her husband. She supports and loves
and submits to her husband. She works equally with her husband. Both husband and wife
function as one unit. Children are raised in the ways of the Lord. They adopt the culture of the
home. They are not rebellious.
11. Amoral society – the world adopts unrighteous behaviours regarding family, work and church.
The society is filled with corruption, violence, exploitation and hate.
12. Illegal church government – the institutional church and denomination sects in the church.
13. Corrupt leaders.
14. Barrenness – inability to be fruitful, no progress or upgrade.
15. Loss of protection – no one is safe.
16. Unsuccessful/ failure – in relationships and all endeavours.
17. Rejection.
18. Lack – not enough food, protection, water, love etc.
19. God cannot be heard – no dew, oil and wine.
20. No wisdom.

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Ways to break the curse
1. Covenant of Father and Sons (Malachi 4:5-6).
2. The emergence of Fathers and Sons on the earth (Romans 8:19-23).
3. Repentance and Restitution (2 Chronicles 7:14-15 Ezekiel 18:30-32 Revelation 2:21-23).
4. Unlocking the prophetic grace (Ezekiel 37:4 – need to prophesy life into our situation).
5. Apostolic Reformation.
6. Sacrifice (1 Sam 15:22).
7. Giving – tithes, first-fruit, offerings, seed (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2).
8. Studying the Word of God – if you don’t study the word you will not know it and will not be
able to declare it (Isaiah 55:11).
9. Walking in harmony with other grace carriers/ partnerships (Psalms 133).
10. Migration and accurate positioning.
11. Anointing.
12. Grace.
13. Table of the Lord.
14. Worship in Spirit and Truth.
15. Righteousness.

• What should we do when we are facing famine or curses or barrenness? (Famine is a very
difficult time. Worship in Spirit and Truth with clean hands and a contrite heart. Be quick to repent. His
joy will be our strength. Have faith to weather the storm and pray for God to deliver us quickly. We must
not make any decisions when we are sad, depressed, angry or confused. We will make bad decisions in
this state that can affect our purpose and inheritance. Be quick to migrate into an accurate location at
the voice of God).


Complete the maze. See how difficult it is to reach your destination. In each block write down how you think
Abram must have felt. How can those feelings lead you into the wrong destination?

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Abraham is processed through seven separation stations before coming into dominion:
Babylonian Worldly systems (Ur of Chaldeans, Babylon)→ Sentimental ties (Haran) → Egyptian Worldly systems
→Inaccurate relationships/partnerships (Lot)→ Mammon (Tithing to Melchezidek), Flesh (Ishmael) → His Purpose
and Will (Isaac).


Do not murder. Exodus 20:13


The Holy One and Just – Acts 3:14

Genesis 13 and 14:1-16

Abram left Egypt with all his wealth of livestock, gold and silver and went back to Bethel, the place where he built the first
alter to God. Lot also travelled with him, along with all his possessions. The place was too small for both Lot and Abram,
and the workers began to fight amongst each other. Abram called Lot and said “I don’t want trouble between you and me
and our workers, because we are family. Please, let’s part ways. Choose first where you want to go and I will go in the
opposite direction.” Lot considered the land and saw that the plain of Jordan was a lot like Egypt and well-watered
everywhere. Lot moved to the plain of Jordan (up to Sodom) and Abram lived in Canaan. Sodom was a very wicked and
sinful city. Then the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Look up—north, south, east, and west; all the
land you see I give to you and your descendants forever. Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give
it to you.” Then Abram moved to Hebron and built an alter to God. After some time 4 kings of Mesopotamia made war
with 5 kings of Jordan. The 4 winning kings captured Sodom and Gomorrah including Lot. A fugitive came and reported to
Abram that his nephew was taken prisoner. Abram then took 318 of his servants, trained in his household, and attacked
the 4 kings. They divided themselves into small groups, attacked at night and chased the kings away. They recovered all
the plunder along with Lot and his possessions.

• 318 is a prophetic number that describes sons born and trained in a household under a Spiritual Father’s grace.
Sonship is the ultimate expression and manifestation of Christ on the earth. It is the one purpose that is common to
every child of God.
• Lot represents the carnal people that walk with us – they want God’s blessings but not God. They want you for what
you can give them, but they don’t want responsibility. They are like a monkey riding on your back and eating your
lunch from your backpack.

Genesis 13:17 (NKJV)
”Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.”

Lord I pray that I will be able to walk into the blessings that you have in store for me. Make me fit and able to accomplish
my purpose.

1. Parents share with your children some difficult choices that you had to make for the gospel and how God helped
you through. Discuss the struggles and trials and the rewards of obedience.
2. Children share some of your problems and insecurities with your parents and work through these struggles
together. Promise to always be open and honest with your parents, and parents promise not to judge or get
angry with your children when they genuinely need your help.

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• Where did Abram settle, after he left Egypt? (Bethel).

• Were Abram and Lot wealthy? (Yes).
• Were Abram and Lot fighting with each other? (No, their servants were fighting – but this fight
shows that a man of the Spirit cannot live with a man of the Flesh. Abram is the man of the Spirit and
Lot is a man after the flesh).
• Why were they fighting? (The land was not big enough for both households).
• Why did Abram want to separate from Lot? (To keep the peace in the family).
• Why do you think Lot was blessed? (Abrams' grace and favour from God extended to all those that
were in his household. Whomever was connected with Abram would be blessed. This is the dynamic of
the grace-carriers today. Whomever is in covenant with a Spiritual father will be protected by the same
• How did Lot choose a home? (Based on what he could see). Did he make a good choice? (Yes
and No. Yes – based on what he saw in the natural - the land was beautiful and rich and would sustain
his wealth. He was greedy and worldly and this location was perfect for him. No – based on the spiritual
– this land was evil, it would corrupt his soul and kill his spirit).
• What does Lot represent? (He represents a carnal relationship with a person who attaches himself
to you for selfish or unrighteous reasons. These are the people who would use you for your kindness
and good nature and then leave you when they have taken what they needed. We cannot build the
Kingdom with people who are not like-minded).
• Describe Sodom? (Evil, wicked, sinful men).
• How did Abram choose? (With spiritual insight. He trusted God to provide for him wherever we
• Does God speak to Abram while he is with Lot? (No- God will not speak if we have inaccurate
sentimental ties with people that will hinder our purpose).
• What does God add to his previous promise? (All the land that he sees, and infinite descendants).
• Abram doesn’t hesitate to rescue Lot when he discovers that he was captured. Would you
do the same for your relative? (Accept all answers and discuss the importance of showing mercy
and kindness first before we judge those who have offended us. Notice that when Abram recued Lot, he
did not bring him back to his house. Lot continued to live in Sodom. This shows us that Lots heart had
not changed. Abram’s decision to save him was driven by HIS love towards Lot – NOT by Lot’s love for
him or Lot’s change of heart. Discuss love, mercy and kindness further).
• Describe Abram’s 318 servants? (Strong, obedient, bold, courageous, able to do battle, experts in


Draw a picture of Lot. (Draw Lot like a monkey on your back eating your lunch)

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• What does Hebron symbolize? (Hebron means “association”. Symbolically it is a picture of the place of
covenantal ties between Fathers with Sons and sons with sons).

• Why does God demand separation from inaccurate relationships?

God is relational. Relationships in covenant represent Him. If we are yoked with people who are not like-
minded or adding to our purpose, then we cannot reflect God. This hampers the development of the kingdom
inside of us. Inaccurate relationships can damage the seed and corrupt the person. ( 2 Corinthians 6:14).

• What does 318 represent?

The number 318 is symbolic of a special type of son → A Mature Son.
3= the triune God, 1 = oneness of God,8 = new beginnings, the number of Jesus.
318 points to the image of God, therefore a 318 son is in the image of God. This is a metaphorical illustration
of Fathers and Sons, which we have already learned about. Abram is a “spiritual father” in whom God the
Father has deposited an inheritance/grace. The servants in his house are “adopted” by Abram to become
his “adopted sons” and are therefore eligible for an inheritance from him. These sons have been
matured/trained in the house of their father. These sons of adoption represent us. We have become adopted
into the household of Jesus Christ through His death and are now joint heirs with Him. Romans 8:15, Romans
8:23, Romans 9:4, Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:5. This illustration teaches us the following lessons: the
importance it is to stay under the covering and chastisement of a spiritual father, the benefits of completing
our training in the household, the enemies we will be trained to overcome, the rewards for overcoming these
enemies and it should inspire us to come into maturity).

• What do the 4 kings represent?

o Amraphel means “sayer of darkness” – this is a metaphor of negativity. This represents someone
who is always speaking negative things. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 (NKJV)" … For out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. You speak what is in your heart. If your heart is
hopelessness, heavy, critical, bitter, unhappy, unsatisfied, angry, vengeful, full of unforgiveness
then you will complain all the time, exaggerate minor problems and never see the bright side of
things. You will feel depressed, hurt and broken all the time. You will have defeatist perceptions.
Depression is a stronghold and a sign of demonic oppression.
o Arioch means “lion like” – this is a devil centered mindset (1 Peter1:8) when a person is only
preoccupied with demons. People who are concerned over demons do not understand their
authority in Christ Romans 16:20. Such people are either fearful of demons OR blame Satan for all
their problems. We are not called to focus on casting out demons or to be fearful of demons. We
are purposed to become more like Jesus. When we become more like Jesus, demons have no role
in our sphere.
o Chedorlaomer means “handful of sheaves” – this is a picture of poverty. Poverty is a demonic
stronghold. It is more than lack of provision in the natural. It is a mindset. A person with a poverty
mindset always believes that they lack. They are unable to see the provision of God. Poverty implies
– physical – poor health/diseases, social – lack of friends/unsafe home environment, emotional –
depression, financial – insufficient money, and spiritual lack – no access to revelation. Such a
mindset can paralyze a person – prevent them from moving into dominion. This spirit drains “grace
o Tidal means “great son or king of the nations or that breaks the yoke; knowledge of elevation” –
represents the nature of Adam: pride, rebellion, strife and desolation. Discuss these concepts
further. The Adamic nature will prevent you from entering the Kingdom of God.

• The 318 sons of Abram defeated these kings. What does this tell us about them?
The 4 kings represent negativity, demonic mindsets, poverty and the carnal nature. The 318 son
has overcome these demons in their own lives.
▪ They speak life because their heart is filled with the Word of God. They are filled with faith
and hope that nothing can bring them down. They are always positive.
▪ Their own focus is Christ. Christ overcame all, so their only desire is to practically
demonstrate the righteousness of God. By walking in holiness, no unholy thing can come
near them.
▪ They are confident that God is Jehovah Jireh “the one who provides” so they lack nothing.
▪ They have overcome their carnal nature and have put on the nature of Christ.

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These become formidable men in the kingdom of God. Such men can change atmospheres and
command the blessings of God or pronounce the judgement of God.

• How do we overcome the 4 kings?

Negativity with positivity = APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE – Proverbs 1-5.
Demonic mindset with the Mind of Christ = FELLOWSHIP Isaiah 11:2 (NKJV) 2 The Spirit of the Lord shall
rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of
knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
Only Jesus had the anointing without measure. Now the anointing without measure rests on the Body of
Christ (Psalms 133 – the same oil on the head is the head oil on the hem). When the brethren dwell together
in oneness it is called fellowship. And in that place, no demonic activity is present. Satan is under our feet.
Nature of Adam with Nature of Christ = TABLE OF THE LORD. When Jesus broke bread, Judas the traitor
was exposed. When Jesus broke bread, the two men on the road to Emmaus became passionate, energized,
were able to run all night, had a revelation of God. The table of the Lord is the place where we examine our
lives and the evil in our hearts are exposed. It is the place of healing from all types of infirmities.
Poverty with Authority of God = PRAYER Matthew 6:5-15 Jesus taught us how to pray. This prayer helps us
overcome poverty.

• How can we become like 318 sons?

Enter into a Father son Covenant relationship. Train in a spiritual fathers house – in doctrine. Be developed
to deal with the enemies of the father and your household. Be ready to do battle at anytime without
complaint. Follow instructions in obedience.

• Other types of sons that can be found in the same household (these are some examples –
teachers to self-study before teaching this)
o The lame son e.g. Mephibosheth. These sons are faithful to the local house. They are unable to
travel or do anything extraordinary. They serve faithfully in their offices and are loyal to the father.
o The unorthodox son e.g. Ehud the left-handed man. He used unconventional and eccentric means
to overcome the evil king. This type of son is uniquely gifted and filled with the “Spirit of Might and
Courage” to break tradition and do the extraordinary.
o The industrious sons e.g. The sons of Elisha – they recognized that the place where they lived was
too small, and of their own accord sought to build a bigger home. This type of son takes ownership
of the vision and can identify the needs in the church. They do not need to be told what to do.
o The sacrificing sons e.g. The mighty men of David. They risked their lives to bring David water from
the well.
o The overcoming son e.g. Caleb and Joshua.
o The tenacious son e.g. Elisha. He followed Elijah through extraordinary circumstances to the end
and received the double portion of the inheritance.
o The humble son e.g. The prodigal son returning as a servant.
o The encouraging son e.g. Barnabas the son of encouragement to Paul.
o The successor e.g. Solomon, Joshua took over when their fathers had died.
o The like-minded son e.g. Timothy was to Paul a like-minded son.
o The approved son e.g. Benjamin – son of my right hand.


Make the door hanger for your home. Cut out the 4 kings and the type of 318 son that can destroy him.
Make the door hanger – cut along the lines and stick where indicated.

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- 62 -


Abraham is processed through seven separation stations before coming into dominion:
Babylonian Worldly systems (Ur of Chaldeans, Babylon)→ Sentimental ties (Haran) → Egyptian Worldly systems →
Inaccurate relationships/partnerships (Lot) →Mammon (Tithing to Melchezidek), Flesh (Ishmael) → His Purpose
and Will (Isaac).


Do not commit adultery. Exodus 20:14


The Prince of Life – Acts 3:15

Genesis 14:18 - 20

Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and
said: “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has
delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all.

• Seed is the only substance that can reproduce itself innumerably.
• Sharing in communion with your whole family and in the church must be done as often as possible. Daily and
• Children are not exempt for taking communion because they are covered by the protection of their parents.
Communion is for all believers and sons of God.
• Types of giving:
Offerings = to grace carriers, to others in the body, the poor, pledges, sacrifices.
Tithing = 10 percent of your monthly income given to the Father/ Setman in the church.
First-fruits = first week’s salary for the whole year (1/52 of your annual salary).
The fourth measure offering = you give everything because you are the offering and the sacrifice. Everything
belongs to God.

Genesis 13:19-20 (NKJV)
And he blessed him and said: “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God
Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all.

Lord bless me and all that I possess, even as I begin to return all that you have given to me, back to you.

1. Discuss the needs in your home (as is relevant to the children). Plan to sow a seed together as a family for the
fulfillment of that need.
2. Children from now on will be taking up an offering. Teach your children to give their tithes and offerings. As a
family, start bringing your offerings to the Lord.

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• Who is Melchizedek? (We don’t really know – literally he was the king of Salem. Jesus came in the
same order of him – the more excellent ministry, because Jesus was King, Priest and the sacrificial lamb
for our sins).
• Why does Abram give his tithes and offerings to him? (He recognized him as his spiritual father).


Draw a picture of Abram before Melchezidek. Show the bread and wine (communion) and show the tithes
that Abram gave to the king.


• Jesus gave up everything for us, willingly and freely, as a gift of love. He established “Giving”
as a principle, through His life and His death on the cross. Giving is a form of sacrifice. Jesus
replaced the need for animal sacrifices as the atonement for sin, however, He did not
abolish the principle of giving. We don’t sacrifice animals, we offer up our money as sacrifice

• Discuss Melchezidek.
Jesus came after the order of Melchezidek Psalms 110.

Melchezidek means = king of righteousness.

He lived in Salem which means = peace.
He is referred to as the Priest of the God most high.
So in essence, Melchezidek is the King of righteousness and peace. A royal priest to the most high God.
The genealogy of Melchezidek is not mentioned probably because God wanted to show how someone
can be human but behave as though he is living from the presence of God.
Melcheizdek meets Abram with bread and wine = communion (the body and blood of Christ)
Bread – for his provision.
Wine – for his pleasure.
And in turn Abram gives 1/10th of his spoil to him.
Melchzidek is a type of Christ because he could serve communion and collect tithe – because the tithe
is the Lord’s (Leviticus 27:30).

Refer to the Poster on Abraham and Melchezidek.

Melchezidek reflected the image and likeness of Christ in his King – Priest capacity and served the
communion to a submitted Abram. When Abram had seen Melchezidek, he did not see a man but the
God in a man. Melchezidek reflected the image and likeness of Christ and thus Abram tithed to him.
Melchezidek represented Christ as a King-priest and broke bread with Abram.

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The order of Melchezidek / the more excellent ministry / the ministry of Jesus is (Hebrews 8-9):
o That of a prophet, priest and king.
o Unlimited.
o In Zoe life – life that is eternal.
o Unchangeable.
o Universal.
o One that springs forth in praise.
o One that brings perfection.
o One that puts away the curse of sin, sickness, poverty and death.

It is: Powerful, Priestly, Permanent, Perfect, Praiseworthy, Pre-eminent, Non-prejudiced, Purged from
sin and death and Prayerful

• Discuss Melchezidek offering.

Abram tithed the spoils of battle to Melchizedek. Abram tithed after he was blessed. Abram tithed to
a person, not an institution. Abram tithed to the person that gave him bread and wine. The lesser must
tithe to the greater – must discern the greater. This offering was different to tithe. Abram started it out
of honour to God. After he tithed to Melchezidek blessings and favour were activated: revelation,
fruitfulness, increase of the land, dominion, breakthrough and overcoming his enemies.

• Discuss Offerings.
Offerings are given to grace carriers, to others in the body, the poor, as pledges, sacrifices. This is over
and above the tithe.
Measures of giving:
o First measure – give to receive (you fulfill the instruction to give because you want a personal
o Second measure – give to give (you are giving because you want God to bless you with more,
so that you can give more to the kingdom).
o Third measure – just give (you give and expect nothing in return).
o Fourth measure – give everything (all that you have belongs to God and your complete
reliance is on Him and He is your source. You are the gift and sacrifice).

• Discuss tithes.
This is given so that our daily bread does not become rotten, stale, moldy or stolen.
This is why we give our tithes: Malachi 3:8-12.
Tithing existed before the law – Abram was the first to do it. Abram’s blessing was bread, wine and
deliverance from his enemies. Abram tithed after he was blessed. His tithe was a declaration of his
deliverance. Abram did not tithe to get delivered. Abram tithed because he was blessed. Under the law
tithing was an act of obedience. Blessings are activated by obedience (Deuteronomy 28). Because the
tithe belonged to God, returning it to the Lord was an act of obedience. The blessing for this act of
obedience is outlined above.


o Open windows.
o Overflowing blessings.
o The devourer rebuked – resulting in fruitfulness in your field.
o All nations will call you blessed.
o You will be a delightsome land.

• Discuss first fruits

First fruits honour the principle of priority.

o Priority in pursuit – we pursue grace first and then all things are added to us (grace from the
Lord, grace from men of God, grace from the corporate gatherings).
o Priority in rank – apostles are first (1 Corinthians 12:8).
o Priority in battle – we engage with kingdom demonic principalities that we have the grace to
restrain. We don’t engage in that which we are not sent or commissioned to do (Judges 20:18).
o Priority in judgment – we judge ourselves first (Matthew 7:5).
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o Priority in worship – doctrine first then fellowship, breaking bread and prayer
(Matthew 5:24).
o Priority in coming (Matthew 12:29).
o Priority in plunder – what we receive first belongs to God (Matthew 12:9).
o Priority in offerings – we give to God first, then sow into grace and then consider charitable
work (Exodus 34: 22-30, Numbers 18:12-14).

First-fruits are not the same as tithe (2 Chronicles 31:5, Nehemiah 10:37, Nehemiah 12:44).
First fruit is bringing the first thing to God and declaring that this will be the whole harvest (Exodus
22:29-30, Nehemiah 10:35-37).
What is first and best, represents everything and makes everything Holy.
It is given to the spiritual father of the house and not an institution. We do this to honour God
(Deuteronomy 18:3-5, Ezekiel 44:30, Nehemiah 10:35-36, Leviticus 23:10-11)

We give the first fruit first – to acknowledge that Christ is first in our life. We give the tithe last to
acknowledge that Christ is also last in our lives. And we give offerings continually to demonstrate that
Christ is in our lives daily (Proverbs 3:9-10.


Give each one a bag of 30 stones/jelly tots or beans.

Work through how much they would give as: first fruits, tithes and offerings.
Write down how many beans you received and how much you gave for each offering.

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Give each person a bag of 30 stones/jelly tots or beans.
Work through how much they would give as: first fruits, tithes, offerings
Write down how many beans you received and how much you gave for each offering.

Example: 20
FIRST FRUIT 20 x 12 = 24 240 divided by 52 = 1st week of a new Spiritual Father In January:
This is the amount 4.6 year First-fruits amount =
that you would have This the amount you 4.6
for one year. get from dividing the Tithes = 2
years salary by 52 So you would have
weeks. 13.4 left (20-4.6 -2)

All the other months

– 20
You give this amount
in the first month –
and then tithe as
normal for the rest of
the months.
TITHE 20 20 divided by 10% = At the end of every Spiritual Father. 20 – 2 = 18
2 month.
1st MEASURE 18 Any amount. Anytime. Grace carriers – 18 minus the amount
OFFERING This amount is 18 because you want you gave.
because you would favour.
first give your tithes.
2nd MEASURE 18 Any amount. Anytime. Grace carriers – 18 minus the amount
OFFERING because you want you gave.
3rd MEASURE 18 Any amount. Anytime. Grace carriers – 18 minus the amount
OFFERING because you want you gave
4th MEASURE 18 Everything. Anytime. The Kingdom. Nothing – your
OFFERING source is God.






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Abraham is processed through seven separation stations before coming into dominion:
Babylonian Worldly systems (Ur of Chaldeans, Babylon)→ Sentimental ties (Haran) → Egyptian Worldly systems →
Inaccurate relationships/partnerships (Lot) → Mammon (Tithing to Melchezidek), Flesh (Ishmael) → His Purpose
and Will (Isaac).


Do not steal. Exodus 20:15


That Spiritual Rock – 1 Corinthians 10:4


Genesis 16-18

Sarai could not have any children so she asked Abram to have a child with her maid, Hagar. When Hagar had
conceived a child, she began to despise Sarai. Sarai became very upset and she argued with Abram. Abram told her
to do whatever she wants to Hagar. Sarai started treating her very badly - so bad, that Hagar ran away. But an angel
of the Lord told her to go back to Sarai and submit to her. The angel told her that her son will be blessed, his name
will be Ishmael and her descendants will be multiplied. Ishmael was born when Abram was 86 years old.
When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him again. God reminded him of his covenant and changed his
name to Abraham and his wife’s name to Sarah. As a reminder of the covenant God told him to circumcise all his
sons. God told Abraham that Sarah will have a son, but Abraham thought he meant Ishmael. God corrected him.
God told him that he will have a son within a years’ time with Sarah, named Isaac. Ishmael will be blessed. Abraham
went back home and circumcised his entire household.

• Circumcision was meant to be a physical distinction between the sons of God and the rest of humanity.
Today, it is not God’s law for children of God to be circumcised physically, even though it is a healthy
practice. The Circumcision is of the heart.
• Hagar is the bondwoman who represents a church in bondage. Sarah is the freewoman, who represents
the church in freedom and liberty.
• Ishmael represents what is born of the flesh and Isaac what is born out of the spirit.

Genesis 17:6 (NKJV Strong's,)
6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.

Lord circumcise my heart so that I can reject myself and put on the nature of Christ. Make me into a son worthy of
your glory.

1. Spend time around your family alter discussing each other’s strengths and unique gifts. Discuss what
makes your family unique and set apart from anyone else in the community.
2. Repent for any evil in your hearts and pray for one another e.g. bad temper, lying, lack of courage

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• Go through the events in the story.

• Was Sarai doing a good thing by asking her husband to take another, so that he could have
a son? (No - this was a manmade attempt to bring the promise of God. She was using her own mind
and logic to solve a problem that she thought God couldn’t solve. Ishmael came from Sarai’s head and
Abram’s seed – it was a very GOOD-BAD idea. Good human ideas are terrible ideas to God).
• Why did Sarai start to treat Hagar abusively? (Hagar started mocking Sarai because she could not
have children. This hurt Sarai’s feelings, because she had trusted Hagar. When we put our trust in people
who do not love the Lord as much as we do, or people who are not meant to be in our lives – it is called
being yoked with an unbeliever. No good could possibly come from these relationships. 2 Corinthians
6:14 (NKJV) "14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has
righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?"
• Why did God bless Ishmael? (He was the son of Abram and Abram loved his son. God honoured him
because of Abram).
• Why did God change Abram’s and Sarai’s name? (In the Bible, a name defines you and calls out
your purpose. Abram means “exalted father” and Sarai means “princess”. Their names were changed
to Abraham which means “father of the multitude” and Sarah which means “noble woman”. Abraham
had changed from being a good and proud father to the father of nations and Sarah from being a
princess to becoming a queen. This name change speaks of a change in their nature and ushered them
into their destiny).
• Why did the angel send Hagar back to Sarah? (It was not the right time for them to leave. God
wanted to bless Ishmael, but he would not have been able to until he was circumcised by his father.
Ishmael still needed his father’s grace for his purpose to be unlocked. If she failed to obey the words of
the angel, both she and her son would have perished).


Draw a picture reflecting how Hagar felt when she ran away from her home. Teachers please find their own
illustrations online and discuss the plethora of emotions in this action.


• What does Ishmael represent?

All the things of the flesh. The things of the flesh/Adamic nature that persecute the things of the Spirit.

• What does Hagar represent?

Hagar is a product of Egypt. This is the one that will persecute the promises of God, through an
inaccurate partnership.

• The promised seed from God had to come though Sarah because Sarah and Abraham were
one flesh in marriage.

• What does the heart refer to?

The heart refers to your soul. Your spirit is alive and saved, but your soul is being saved every day.
Philippians 2:12. The soul has the mind and will that is carnal/evil/corrupt/bad/unrighteous. The soul
wants to be independent from God – because of Adam’s sin. When God looks at us, he does not look at
what is on the outside. It is not about how you look or your race or the colour of your skin. God looks at
your soul/mind/heart to see what is inside. A soul that loves God, and doesn’t have any signs of evil,
pleases God.

• What are the different types of hearts in the bible?

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Refer to the Poster on the Dual Heart.
Everyone has the Spirit of God in their heart. The image shows that as one breaks down the flesh and
the Adamic nature and develop the fruits of the Spirit, the hardened heart breaks off bit by bit to come
to the heart that is filled with the Spirit. The flesh that covers the heart can only be cut away with the
Word of God.

Consider other images that can exist side by side with the Spirit filled heart.

Discuss each type of heart in as much detail as time permits. Let the children work out what type of
heart they have. Pray with the children to overcome the negative hearts.

1. Broken Heart --------- Psalms 34:18, 51:17, 69:20.

2. Contrite Heart --------- Psalms 51:17.
3. Grieved --------- Genesis 6:6, Psalms 73:21.
4. Willing --------- Exodus 25:2, 35:5,29.
5. Discouraged Heart --------- Numbers 32:7-9, Deuteronomy 1:28.
6. Obstinate --------- Deuteronomy 2:30.
7. Proud Heart --------- Deuteronomy 8:14, Psalms 101:5, Ezekiel 28:5,17.
8. Wicked Heart --------- Deuteronomy 15:9, Proverbs 6:14,18, Jeremiah 4:14-18.
9. Trembling Heart --------- Deuteronomy 28:65, Isaiah 66:2.
10. Perfect Heart --------- 1 Kings 8:61, 1 Chronicles 29:9.
11. Double Heart --------- 1 Chronicles 12:33, James 4:8.
12. Tender Heart --------- 2 Kings 22:19, 2 Chronicles 34:27, Ephesians 4:32.
13. Soft Heart --------- 1 Samuel 24:5, Job 23:16.
14. Pure Heart --------- Psalms 24:4, Matthew 5:8, 1 Peter 1:22.
15. Upright Heart --------- Psalms 32:11, 36:10, 64:10, 97:11.
16. Clean Heart --------- Psalms 51:10, 73:1, Proverbs 20:9.
17. Fixed heart --------- Psalms 57:7, 112:7.
18. Subtle Heart --------- Proverbs 7:10.
19. Forward or Perverse --------- Proverbs 11:20,12:8.
20. Wise Heart --------- Exodus 28:3,35:25, Proverbs 10:8, 11:29.
21. Merry Heart --------- 2 Chronicles 7:10, Proverbs 15:13-15, 17:22.
22. Sorrowful Heart --------- Proverbs 14:13, 15:13.
23. Haughty Heart --------- Proverbs 18:12, Jeremiah 48:29.
24. Fretting Heart --------- Proverbs 19:3, 24:19, Psalms 37:1-8.
25. Heavy Heart --------- Proverbs 25:20, 31:6.
26. Unsearchable Heart --------- Proverbs 25:3, Psalms 64:6.
27. Despiteful Heart --------- Ezekiel 25:15, Romans 1:30.
28. Bitter Heart --------- Ezekiel 27:31, Hebrews 12:15, James 3:14.
29. New Heart --------- Ezekiel 18:31, 36:26, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18.
30. Stoney Heart --------- Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26.
31. Flesh Heart --------- Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26.
32. Uncircumcised Heart --------- Ezekiel 44:7, Jeremiah 9:26, Acts 7:51.

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33. Meek and Lowly --------- Matthew 11:29.
34. Honest and Good --------- Luke 8:15.
35. Overcharged heart--------- Luke 21:34.
36. Troubled Heart --------- John 14:1-3, 27.
37. Single Heart --------- Ephesians 6:5, Acts 2:46.
38. Foolish and Darkened --------- Romans 1:21.
39. Impertinent Heart --------- Romans 1:21, 2:5.
40. Circumcised --------- Romans 2:29, Philippians 3:3.
41. Evil Heart --------- Jeremiah 3:17,7:24,11:8,16:12, Hebrews 3:12.
42. True Heart --------- Hebrews 10:22, Matthew 22:16.
43. Melted Heart --------- Joshua 2:11, 5:1, 7:5, 14:8.
44. Deceitful Heart --------- Jeremiah 14:14, 17:9, Mark 7:21-23.
45. Hard Heart --------- Deuteronomy 15:17, Psalms 95:8, Hebrews 3:8.
46. Whorish Heart --------- Ezekiel 6:9, Hosea 4:12, 9:1.
47. Mischievous Heart --------- Proverbs 28:14, 22:15, Romans 1:21.
48. Diabolical Heart --------- John 13:2, Acts 5:3.
49. Covetous Heart --------- Jeremiah 22:17, 2 Peter.
50. Compassionate Heart --------- Psalms 55:4, Jeremiah 4:19.

• Discuss the benefits of a good heart.

These are just some verses. You can find many more for your class discussion.

Will see God Matthew 5:8.

Will ascend into God’s presence Psalms 24:4.
Come into dominion by bearing fruit Luke 8:15.
Receives instruction from God Proverbs 10:8.
Brings good things Matthew 12:35.

• Discuss circumcision of the heart.

A whole nation was built and sanctified through the process of circumcision—the cutting away of
excess flesh from the frontlets of their mentalities. This means denying ourselves and becoming more
like Christ. In the old – the child’s excess skin was cut on the 8th day and he was named.

Today Circumcision means:

o Baptism.
o Changing your nature from a sinful man to Christ – this is changing your heart towards God
and becoming righteous like Christ.
o Seal of blessings – this is the promised blessings that will never be taken away from you.
o Sign of divine ownership – God will see you as His Son.
o Love for God.
o Holy living.
o Birth of a nation
o The message you preached is validated by your lifestyle – this means that not only have you
practiced what you preached, your life is the message of the Lord.
A person is not a Christian or a Jew by an outward mark but by an inward life walked blamelessly
before God.

• Discuss the difference between the bondwoman and the freewoman.

A church that is bound up in Egypt cannot produce an overcomer. Ishmael was a good idea but a very
bad decision. When we are busy laboring in an Egypt system, we will never have the freedom to do the
will of God. Ishmael looked like, and walked like and talked like Abraham, but he had an Egyptian heart.
Galatians 5:21-31.

Bondwoman / Slave
▪ Old covenant.
▪ Under law.
▪ Born out of the flesh.
▪ Works according to the flesh.
▪ Persecutes the one born of the Spirit.

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Freewoman / Son
▪ New covenant.
▪ Under grace.
▪ Born out of the promise/Spirit.
▪ Works according to the Spirit.
▪ Walks in the inheritance.


Play the “I see” activity.

This activity will highlight that God sees the details of our lives.
Hagar called God “the God who sees me.” God notices everything about us. He even sees what we are
wearing right now. Let’s see how quickly we can see something God sees about each of us.

1. Choose a child (Shaleah) to stand in front of the room.
2. The child (Shaleah) silently chooses something, such as a piece of clothing or jewellery, on another child
3. Shaleah then completes the sentence, “My eyes see something _______.”
Example: “My eyes see something round,” or “My eyes see something blue.”
4. The remaining children take turns guessing what the object is and who it is on.
5. When a correct guess is made, the teacher says, “Shaleah’s eyes see round earrings on Ehlana. God’s
eyes see everything about Ehlana.”
6. Repeat this game until everyone has a turn to “see”.

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Do not lie or bear false witness. Exodus 20:16


The Mediator – 1 Timothy 2:5

Genesis 18:6 – 19:20

God decided to share with Abraham his plans to destroy Sodom. Abraham was purposed to become a great nation and
God knew that he would ensure that his household kept the ways of the Lord and his righteousness. God told Abraham
that the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was great and that He was sending his angels to investigate. The angels left,
but Abraham stayed in the Lords presence. He asked the Lord if He would destroy the righteous and the wicked? And if
there were just 50 righteous men, would they be destroyed? God said that He wouldn’t destroy the nation if there were
50, 45, 40, 30, 20 or 10 in the land. And the Lord left. The angels arrived at Sodom in the evening and found Lot at the gate.
Lot went to meet them and bowed before them. He offered for the angels to spend the night with him at his house, but
they refused. He insisted that they enjoy his hospitality and they joined him. He made a great feast for them. Just before
they went to bed, the men of the city surrounded the house and demanded that Lot send out the strangers so that they
could lay with them. Lot went outside and pleaded with them not to do this thing. He offered for them to have his
daughters. But the evil men refused, and they tried to break down the door and injure Lot. But the angels dragged Lot into
the house and struck the evil men blind. The angels told Lot to leave the city with all his family and goods, because God
was going to destroy it. Lot tried to convince his sons-in-law but they thought he was joking. By morning the angels hurried
Lot and his family along by taking them by the hand and dragging them out the city. When they were out the city, the
angels cautioned that they should not look back, but should escape to the mountains. But Lot asked if he could go to the
city called Zoar. When Lot was safe, the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the
heavens and destroyed all the cities in the plain. But Lot’s wife looked back and she immediately turned into a pillar of salt.
The next morning Abraham went out to look at the land of the plain and saw the smoke rising up, and he knew it was

• Sexual immorality is an abomination to the Lord.
• Wrong company, wicked locations and environments can destroy the purpose of God in your life.
• Intercession for our neighbour’s (friends and enemies) is our reasonable service to the Lord.
• Sin looks good to the one who is sinning. But the righteous wants no part of sin.

Genesis 18:17-18 (NKJV)
17 And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, 18 since Abraham shall surely become a great
and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

Lord reveal to me your secret things.

1. In your prayer alter pray for your enemies – pray for someone who does not like you.
2. Discuss as a family, idols that maybe in the household.

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• Retell this story and clarify any questions. Ask the class to tell you what stood out for them
the most.
• Describe the men of Sodom (Evil, wicked, full of sin, don’t know God, don’t worship God, no morals,
do things that feels good, no conscience, no morals – accept all answers that speak of sin).
• Was there one righteous man in Sodom? (No).
• Was Lot righteous, or was he merely favoured because of Abraham? (Lot was not righteous.
He was saved because of Abraham’s prayer and relationship with God).
• Why did God reveal his plans to Abraham? (God reveals His secret plan to His sons that walk
closely and intimately with Him. God is speaking to us all the time. He is searching for children that want
to listen to Him and obey Him. Abraham was God’s friend. God made a covenant with Abraham that
can never be broken).
• Will God tell you his plans? (Yes, if you are righteous. God will also speak to us through our Spiritual
fathers, parents and other elders that are set over us. We must be keen to hear the voice of God, from
sources other than ourselves).
• Why did the angel tell them not to look back? (The word “look” means to see something with love
and caring or favour. It is like when you see ice- cream and then look and gaze on it and thinking about
how delicious it tastes and how it makes you feel so happy. God was saying to them not to love Sodom
and Gomorrah and everything it represents. They must not pine for it or mourn when it was gone).
• Why did Lot’s wife look back? (She loved the city was pinning over it. Leaving the city was very
difficult for her because she loved it dearly).
• What happened to her when she looked back? (She turned into a pillar of salt).
• Can we turn into salt? (No – not naturally. What happened to her was supernatural).
• What was the main sin in those cities? (Idolatry. Sin of man-man and woman–woman living in sin
or having the relationship of a husband and wife. Try and explain that sexual immortality is an
abomination before God – in as much detail as the children can understand).
• Would you do whatever you can to help your enemies? (Accept any answer).


Colour in the picture and cut out the puzzle. Use sticky tape to piece the puzzle together. Discuss if it is possible to
get the page seamless. No – it’s not! This is an illustration of how sin scars us. Only true repentance can heal us.

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• When you consider at Sodom – you will see that 4 people looked at it differently.
Lot – looked at it with lust – he wanted what was in it.
Lot’s wife – looked at it with sentimental attachment – she could not let go of it.
Abraham – looked at it with revelation – he saw a place that needed intercession despite
the sin.
God – looked at it with judgement – in spite of Abraham’s intercession, sin had reached its
maturity and God had to destroy it.
Therefore, it is very important to make sure that we make decisions based on what God wants and
not what we see. Our sight is limited.

• What does it mean that the “outcry against Sodom was great”? Who was crying about
Sodom to God?
Creation was.
Romans 8:19-25 (NKJV Strong's,) 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the
revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of
Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of
corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation
groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the first
fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the
redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why
does one still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it
with perseverance.
Creation became corrupted because of the sin of Adam. Creation now longs and waits for the return
of righteousness sons. This means: all that God created in the first 6 days, is waiting for all of us to
become like Christ and express His Image and Likeness.
The evil and sin was so great in Sodom and Gomorrah that God heard the cry out from creation and
dealt with it, in His righteous judgement. This we know because there was not one righteous man in
Sodom or Gomorrah to cry out – therefore creation cried out.

• Do you think that Abraham would have interceded for Sodom if Lot was not living there?
Yes – he was a righteous man. Abraham knew that Lot was sinful and evil. He was not interceding for
him. He was interceding for someone who might be righteous in the city. Abraham knew God and
walked closely with God. Abraham knew that with God – His first response is mercy and the second is
judgement. God always shows mercy first. When God spoke to His son Abraham, He knew that He was
speaking to someone who knew His Heart. Abraham reminding God of His mercy, God showed him that
He had already exhausted the option for mercy and shows us that judgement was the only option for
Sodom and Gomorrah.

• Why do you think that Abraham didn’t rush to save Lot, like he did the last time (when he
was captured by the kings)?
He had broken his sentimental ties with Lot. He understood the sin in Lot’s life. He knew that this type
of rescue had to be God’s decision alone – because Lot was guilty of the sin.

• Do you think that Abraham knew that God had saved Lot?
He did not know at first – later on he might have got word from Lot that he was alive. Abraham trusted
that if God wanted to save him, He would have. If he didn’t save him, he had accepted that God’s
decision was best.

• What do you think the fire and brimstone, raining out of the sky, on the city looked like?
What do you think the people experienced? Was this a good way to die?
Accept all explanations. Spend time discussing the sudden fire that left no one a chance to escape.
Discuss other sudden calamities e.g. Tsunami in Indonesia, Earthquakes in Nepal, Hurricane in New
Orleans, Floods in Texas, Droughts in South Africa etc. In such devastations the whole land, animals and
people die. God controls the weather and the seasons.

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Refer to the Poster on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Notice that the people walking into the fire were saved but those running from it were destroyed. God is our
safe haven – we must never run from Him, irrespective of our circumstance. This image depicts the
judgement and wrath of God – instead of running away from the judgement we should run into God and His
mercy will speak for us. However, once we turn away from wicked ways we must ensure we do not look back
because the judgement of God will fall upon us like the woman turning into stone.

• What do we learn from this story?

God will not tolerate sin forever. There comes a point when mercy is exhausted and judgement will
come. We cannot commit the same sin over and over again and expect God to forgive us.

• Discuss Sin
Galatians 5:19-21.

Types of sins:
Sins that bring divisions in the body e.g.
o Strife – Conflict resulting in quarrelling or fighting. This is an expression of enmity.
o Constant disagreement – Gossiping, Loss of harmony or agreement, disagreement or
o Heresies – Erroneous opinions which are the result of personal advantage or preference
and contrary to the doctrines of the Apostles.
o Rebellion and stirring up fights.
o Lust – these are sins of excessive desire or craving e.g.
o Drunkenness – Habitual intoxication (excitement) by drug or alcoholic beverage. Drinking
alcohol is not a work of the flesh but drunkenness is.
o Reveling – Immoral feasting involving immoral sex, song, dance, music and drunkenness.
The above do not satisfy so there is a craving for more.
o Indecency – Absence of moral restraint resulting in shameless conduct e.g. streaking,
filthy communication, foolish jesting (vulgar jokes).
Emotional sins
o Hatred.
o Anger.
o Murder.
o Envy.
o Jealously.
Sexual sins
o Adultery - Sexual intercourse by a married person with one who is not his or her spouse
o Fornication - Sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other
o Uncleanness - Unnatural acts e.g. homosexuality, bestiality, sodomy.
o Witchcraft - sorcery, enchantment, occultism, black art, voodoo. Use of potions, charms,
amulets, drugs to keep away demons or manipulate others.
o Idolatry - The worship of idols. Includes covetousness (deep earnest desire for money,
clothes, drugs etc.).

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• Discuss Idolatry
Idolatry is the worship of Idols. An image, representation or symbol of a deity made or consecrated as
objects of worship Deuteronomy 27:15.

Covetousness/ Greed / materialism is spiritual idolatry (Colossians 3:5).

This is the worship of worldly wealth. Worship belongs to God alone.
God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
An idol is impotent. It cannot see, hear, smell, move, do anything, save anyone or bless anyone. The
spirit behind the idol is evil.

• Discuss Intercession
Intercession is a form of prayer in which one person petitions God on behalf of someone else. Abraham
interceded on behalf of the one righteous person in Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus interceded for us on
the cross.

Effective intercession requires:

o Love - Love God above all things with all your heart and soul and might.
o Accurate partnerships - Do not pray with someone that is not like-minded.
o Voice of God - Intercede only after you have heard from God.
o Specificity - Be specific in your petition before God.
o Faith - Must have expectant faith.
o No discrimination - Don’t intercede for your friends only – we intercede for our enemies too.
o Expectations - Expect spiritual attack when you are praying accurately.
o Commitment and dedication - Commit to praying for a specific time and follow through on it.
o Upgrade - Be prepared to change your life style and mindset as you intercede for someone
o Acceptance - Accept the God given outcome with a joyful and compassionate heart.


This activity is called burning away the flesh

Ask the children to draw their best picture. They can paint it or use oil pastels. Use canvas if you have. The
children must take their time perfecting this picture. They can take a few days or weeks to finish it. Teachers
guide the children in the painting.

When all the pictures are completed and everyone has received their commendation – the picture must be
burnt in the classroom (by the teacher). Allow the children to express their sadness that their work is being
destroyed. Tell them that God made us just as beautiful – but when we sin, we are destroying his perfect

Use this activity to show how something can look beautiful and you can work hard for it – but it is
destructible. Illustrate that fire is all consuming, just like God. Sodom and Gomorrah was situated in a
beautiful location. It had valleys and trees and rivers. But it was full of sin. And when God rained fire –
nothing was left. Just like the painting – only ashes are left. The ashes are like the spirit of the painting – it
still exists in our minds. You can draw another picture because it is in your mind. Just like Sodom and
Gomorrah. The city is gone – but that sin is still in the minds of men today.

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Abraham is processed through seven separation stations before coming into dominion:
Babylonian Worldly systems (Ur of Chaldeans, Babylon)→ Sentimental ties (Haran) → Egyptian Worldly systems →
Inaccurate relationships/partnerships (Lot) → Mammon (Tithing to Melchezidek), Flesh (Ishmael) → His Purpose
and Will (Isaac).


Do not covet. Exodus 20:17


The Great High Priest – Hebrews 4:14

Genesis 18:1-15, 21,22

God appeared to Abraham as three angels. The angels declared that Sarah will have a son. Sarah was in the tent,
listening at the door and she laughed when she heard this because she was 99 years old. The angels promised that
to return when she had a son. After some time, Sarah had son called Isaac. When he was eight days old, he was
circumcised. On the day that Isaac was being weaned, Abraham threw a big feast. Sarah saw Ishmael mocking Isaac.
This made her very angry and she asked Abraham to send Ishmael and his mother away. Abraham didn’t want to do
this, but God spoke to him and told him to send the boy and his mother away. God promised to protect and prosper
Ishmael. The next day, Abraham sent the boy and his mother away. After some time, God spoke to Abraham again.
He told him to take Isaac to Moriah and offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains. Abraham woke
up early the next morning, saddled his donkey with wood and took two of his servants along with Isaac on the
journey to Moriah. When they arrived at their destination, he built an altar and laid Isaac on it. Just as about he was
going to strike his son with the knife and kill him, the angel of the Lord appeared and said “Don’t kill your son,
because now I know that you fear God because you did not withhold your only son from him”. Abraham noticed a
ram caught in the bushes and offered it up instead. Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide.
Then the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, and blessed him.

• When God demands a personal sacrifice, there is always an alternative that we will not see until we come
to the point of complete resolute obedience.
• When God tests us, He doesn’t do it because He wants to know the answer. He tests us so that we can know
what is in our heart.
• Abraham’s purpose was locked in Isaac because he was called to be the father of nations. He had to give
up his own will, desire and purpose and submit to the Will of God.

Genesis 22:14 (NKJV)
And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide.

Lord I will not withhold from you anything. All that I have I give to you - use it as you wish and command. I offer
myself up to you as a living sacrifice.

1. Go through the 7 separations of Abraham and help the children memorize them. Make a poster of it and
write down what each station symbolizes in your family. Then pray for God’s divine wisdom and faith to
2. Discuss what things each member of the family may need to separate from. How are you going to
overcome the difficultly in this separation? Pray and intercede for each other.

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• Why did Sarah laugh? (She did not believe. Imagine if someone said that you could do something
impossible – we might also laugh. Discuss why it is important to believe God’s promises for our lives).
• Why was she listening at the door? (She was not allowed to sit with the angels. Some things are
purely between God and the Spiritual Father).
• Why did Abraham call the angels “Lord”? (The three angels were “sent ones” or “messengers”
from God. Abraham recognized the “sent ones” as grace carriers who carried the accurate word of the
Lord. Receiving the “messenger” from God is the same as receiving God Himself. John 13:20 (NKJV) 20
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me
receives Him who sent Me.”
• Why were Isaac and Ishmael fighting? (Accept any answer).
• How do you deal with a bully? (Help the kids with whatever struggles they have – discuss why we
should not laugh at each other).
• Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? (Sons belong to the Lord. God has the right to do
whatever He wants to those that belong to Him. We are on loan to our parents until we become mature.
He is sovereign. So even if someone we love dies, we must not get angry with God).
• What do you think about Abraham’s answer to Isaac’s question? (Abraham knew that even if
his son had died, God would resurrect him or replace him – because he believed the Word of the Lord.
Abraham loved his son, but He loved God more and trusted God with his whole heart. Hebrews 11:17-
19 (NKJV) 17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the
promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 of whom it was said, “In Isaac your seed shall be called,”
19 concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him
in a figurative sense.)
• Discuss the ram. (There is always a ram in the bush – we need to be able to see it. In the hard times,
God has an alternate solution. He shows us his plan when we are obedient. The sheep is a picture of the
sacrifice without spot or blemish. When man sinned, only blood could appease God – when Jesus died,
His blood was the last bit of blood that was required for the remission of sins. The ram in the bush
symbolizes the alternate and more excellent plan that God has for our lives, if we would only believe.
The ram in the bush is not visible until we have successfully completed the assignment God has tasked
us with. This means that God has an alternative sacrifice to the one that we are presenting. When we
trust in Him completely and are willing to love Him above everything else in this world (including our
family), then He will reveal His more desirable plans for us.

Refer to the Poster of Abraham and the Ram

Obedience to God will always be tested to reveal your heart. The ram in the bush is seen as large and
visible but Abram is only able to see it once he passes the test of obedience. There is blood on the knife
which means Abram was intent on finishing the task.

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• What nature of God was revealed to Abraham? (Jehovah Jireh – the Lord will Provide. Abraham
received an experiential revelation of the providence of God).
• Describe Gods reaction to Abraham’s obedience. (God was exceedingly blessed and happy with
him, that He added more to the blessings).
• What did God add to the blessing? (He will bless and multiply his descendants and they will possess
the gate of their enemies).


Build the alter with the “word” stones.

Cut out the words and stick them in order so that the sentence makes sense and it looks like an alter


to faith

HEB 11:16


• Abraham is a picture of God the Father and Isaac a picture of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the Son that was
offered and also the lamb that was killed for the remission of our sins. The first-born son is the heir of the
father. Christ is the first born and heir of all the things from the Father. When we are in Christ, we are
joint heirs with Him and entitled to the inheritance as first-born sons by adoption.

• What is the principle of the first -born son?

The first-born son is the heir to all that his father has. He receives a double portion of the inheritance. He
carries on the name, authority and rulership of his father long after his father has died. He receives what his
father has laboured for as a free gift.

• Discuss the principle of the seed.

Show the children a seed. Can they guess how many fruits are going to come out of that seed? (No). Can
they guess how many seeds will come out of the fruit of that seed? (No). The seed can become unlimited –
because it can make a tree that produces fruit for many years and the seeds in those fruit are limitless. That
is the principle of the seed.
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• Isaac pre-shadows Jesus
o Both were promised as a seed.
o There was a long-time interval between when they were born.
o They had names given from before they were born.
o They were born at the appointed time.
o Their births were miraculous and supernatural.
o They were the delight of their father.
o The birth of Isaac caused Ishmael to be cast away. The birth of Jesus caused the old covenant to
be put aside.

• Why did Ishmael have to be cast away?

Ishmael is the son of the flesh. Isaac is the son of the promise. The sons of the flesh always persecute the
sons of the spirit.

• Discuss the sacrifice of Isaac.

Abraham walking with Isaac is a picture of God the Father and Jesus … a picture of how fathers and sons
should walk:
1. A father doesn’t spare his son.
2. A father sets aside his son for a sacrifice.
3. What happened on the mountain was between a father and son – no one else could come.

• Discuss the full blessing of Abraham.

o He will make Abram a great nation – corporate blessing, nation.
o He will bless him – personal blessing, health.
o He will make his name great – fame and prosperity.
o He will be a blessing – personal accomplishment and satisfaction.
o He will bless those that bless him – conferred blessings.
o He will curse those that curse him – judgement over enemies.
o Through him all the families of the earth will be blessed and they shall possess the gates of their
enemies – generational blessing, immortality, inheritance, dominion.

• Outline the stations of Abrahams walk – draw the map and discuss what each station means –
show where God spoke to Abraham and where he was silent – show what Abraham had to
separate from – show what each place meant – add what God added to the blessings.

Abraham had to separate from 7 things before he could become the benefactor to the specific nature of
God. God revealed to Abraham that He is “Jehovah-Jireh” which means “God will see and provide”.
Abraham had to make 7 separations before this happened and when it did, there was complete, unlimited
provision without God needing anymore requirements to be met.
Separation brings revelation and this leads to worship.

7 separations:
a. Babylon – literally it is the country that you are born in – giving up the patriotism to a specific country
– giving up the culture and ways of that country (teachings and traditions). Spiritually Babylon is a
picture of the world – it is the human and demonic systems that include, careers, economics, trading,
the administration of money etc. We do things to embrace the kingdom culture and the kingdom
operating system of dominion.
b. Biological family ties – giving up all sentimental ties in pursuit of the spiritual family. This implies
inaccurate relationships and blood ties with close and extended family members. This does not include
your spouse. Husbands and wives walk together.
c. Egypt – the worldly system of Egypt of slavery and task-masters and Pharaoh. These are the things that
we are enslaved to that prevent us from moving into the promise of God and that causes us to harden
out heart towards the voice of God.
d. Lot – these are friends and “brothers” that attach themselves to you because they want the benefits
of being your friend. They are the carnal ones. These a friends and colleagues that join you on your
journey that cannot add to your destiny.

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e. Mammon – he gave the tithe to Melchezidek. In doing so he acknowledged a higher form of pursuit –
the King Priest. Despite his high call, he was able to submit to a higher authority. He gave up his money
as a symbol of overcoming the Spirit of Mammon. Mammon is the idol of money/ worship of money/
dependence on money for deliverance.
f. Ishmael – the flesh – the man-made attempt to bring to fruition the promise of God. You give up your
own ideas and methods and submit to the ways of the Lord. This is the position where we submit
completely to the way that God wants to operate through us.
g. Isaac – Abraham had to give up what he loved. Do we love the promise more than God? God wants to
be our first love

• What is your calling / purpose in life?

Your calling is your divine purpose. The reason that God created and formed you.
It is not your:
▪ Achievements
▪ Talents
▪ Career
▪ Ambition
▪ Desire
▪ Value
▪ Use
Every purpose is tied into image and likeness. All of us are called to accurate representation of a
specific attribute of Christ on the earth. If you don’t find your purpose, then you will not receive
the inheritance and come into dominion.

• What is our inheritance

Our inheritance is not mansions and pearly gates or golden streets or a location called heaven. Abraham’s
great wealth and prosperity was a by-product of his obedience – not the inheritance. Abraham’s wealth
was beyond what one could spend in a lifetime – but the promise to him was trans-generational.
A promise was made to Abraham that he would produce a seed. We just discussed that out of one seed we
cannot count the number of fruit or seeds it can produce. The seed is a picture of a son that will produce
many sons. Jesus Christ is that Seed. And He is the one that produces innumerable sons.
The Seed/Jesus is the recipient of the promises that God made to Abraham. And when we accept Jesus as
our personal Saviour and become joint heirs with Him, then we also receive those covenantal
blessings/promises. Look at the covenant God made with Abraham again and then see exactly what our
inheritance is.
Some aspects of your inherence include:
o God will give you the nations as an inheritance – Revelation 2:26.
o Revelation/ Wisdom of the ages/ Perception – Revelation 2:17.
o Victory stone/ white stone symbolizes victory over all trials– Revelation 2:17.
o Zoe life/ God kind of life. – Revelation 2:7, Revelation 3:5.
o Authority of Christ – Revelation 3:21.
o Sonship/ Divine ownership/ Christ nature formed in us – Revelation 3:12.
o High ranking pillar/ vessel in the Body of Christ – Revelation 3:12.
o Eternal inheritance/ Dominion over all the earth – Revelation 21:7.
o Righteousness – Revelation 3:5.

• Some truths about your inheritance

o You cannot claim your inheritance until you know who you are.
o The reception of the promises comes with new authority and confidence of knowing who you are
and that you have the legal right over it.
o You have been made worthy and fit to partake of your inheritance – through Jesus.
o Our inheritance is light in the world of darkness.
o We have the possession of and access to the realm of the spirit.
o We have a divine nature = just like Jesus.
o Our inheritance is revealed through the fivefold ministry – the apostle, prophet, evangelist,
teacher, pastor.
o We cannot receive it without the Holy Spirit.

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• Discuss the providence of God.
God sustains and nourishes everything that He ordains – Matthew 6:32.
He preserves or gives longevity – Proverbs 2:8, 2 Timothy 4:18, John 10:28.
He is a source of strength and a retreat in the time of trials – Psalms 46:1, Isaiah 25:4.
God watches over us – 2 Chronicles 16:9, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 121:4.
God delivers – Psalms 34:19, Isaiah 4:4.
He will encourage us to finish the race – 2 Timothy 4:17, Ezra 7:28.
He cares for us – 1 Peter 5:7.
He teaches us – 1 John 2:27.
By living inside of us, He empowers us – 1 Corinthians 6:19, Hebrews 13:5.
He blesses us with an abundance of blessings – Psalms 23:5, Ephesians 3:20.
He leads us – Psalms 5:8, Psalms 25:5, Psalms 23:1-2.

Draw and discuss the Separation Station chart.

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Do not withhold food, clothing or relations with your spouse. Exodus 21:10


The Lamb Slain – Revelation 13:8

Genesis 24; 25:1-28

When Abraham was old, he called his oldest servant, Eliezer, and made him promise to go back to Abraham’s home
country and find a wife for Isaac from his family. Abraham made Eliezer promise to not take Isaac back to their home
country because Isaac’s inheritance was the land of Canaan, according to the covenant (promise) that God had made
with Abraham. Abraham told Eliezer that an angel will go ahead of him and prepare a wife for Isaac, but if she refuses
to follow then Eliezer will be released from his oath. Eliezer took ten camels and traveled to the city of Nahor. They
arrived at the city in the evening and rested at a well. While he waited, he prayed to God to give him success in his
task, and a sign that the first woman he asked to give him a drink of water would also offer to give water to his
camels and she would be the one chosen as Isaac’s bride. Then Rebekah, Abraham’s niece, came to the well with a
pitcher on her shoulder. She was very beautiful and pure. Eliezer asked her for water and she gave him some, she
then offered to give some to his camels. Eliezer knew that this was the wife for Isaac and gave her a gold nose ring
and gold two gold bracelets. He then asked who her father was and if they had room for him and the camels. He was
invited to stay with her family. At dinner, he explained who his master was and the full purpose for his journey, and
why he believed that Rebekah was the wife for Isaac. Rebekah’s father and brother agreed that this must be the
Word of God, and they agreed to the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. Eliezer was so filled with joy that he worshipped
the Lord. He then brought a great amount of silver and gold and clothes and gave them to Rebekah’s family. They
feasted and stayed the night, and the next night Rebekah consented to go with Eliezer. Her family (including her 9
brothers) blessed her and sent her with her maid. Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah but she was
barren. Isaac prayed sincerely to the Lord and he blessed Rebekah with twins but her pregnancy was difficult. She
prayed to the Lord and He said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your
body; One people will be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger”. Isaac was 60 years old
when his twins were born. The first born was Esau, favoured by Isaac and the second was Jacob, favoured by

• God has the perfect spouse prepared for you.
• A true son – doesn’t violate the bride.
• God will reveal the purpose of children to the parent. When the parent doesn’t know, God will eventually
reveal the child’s purpose to the child.

Genesis 24:46 (NKJV)
And quickly she let her pitcher down from her shoulder, and said, ‘Drink, and I will give your camels a drink also.’

Lord the small gift that I have. I pray that you multiply it so that I can minister to your church and be a blessing in the
body. Let me behave exactly the way you want me to so that I can become the true bride of Christ.

1. Discuss as a family the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit – draw a chart and stick it on the wall. Meditate one
each every day.
2. Every time you take a drink of water think about one gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to give you that gift
and then toast to it.

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• Why did Abraham send his servant to find a wife for Isaac, and not Isaac himself? (He trusted
his servant. He was afraid that if Isaac went into the world , he would not come back. Fathers protect
their sons from the world, when necessary).
• Eliezer was trusted with all of Abraham’s wealth. Why wasn’t Isaac in-charge of his father’s
household despite being an adult? (Abraham was still alive. He could only manage his father’s
estate after Abraham had died. Isaac might have been old enough, but the timing was not right).
• Eliezer asked God for a sign to show him that the woman was the chosen one. Is that
something we should still do? (No – asking for signs is like asking for magic. We don’t test God like
that anymore. We trust Him to do what is best and give us the best. We must be able to discern the
voice of God in our choices. Signs and wonders follow the voice of God. Signs and wonders follow
believers who walk in obedience. The sign that we are walking in obedience comes after we have made
the decision to commit).
• Why did Eliezer ask for a sign? (He did not want to choose a woman based on what she looked like.
He wanted to choose based on what was in her heart. Eliezer knew that he could not see the heart of a
person. Only God knows what is in the heart).
• How many trips do you think Rebekah made to and from the well to feed all the camels?
(More than 40 trips, because each camel would drink about 4 pitchers of water. She must have been
exhausted, but she was committed to finishing the task. This speaks of how strong and determined she
was to complete the task).

Refer to the Poster of Rebekah and Eliezer

Eliezer looked at Rebekah watering the animals and knew in his heart that she was the perfect bride for
Isaac. The image shows Eliezer being able to discern the heart of Rebekah as she first served others and
then herself. She filled the troughs for a stranger’s camels and Eliezer was able to see that she was a
good fit for Isaac.

• When he came into the house, he was offered food, but Eliezer wouldn’t eat until he
completed the task. Why? (The completion of the mission is priority to sent ones. He would not be
deterred. Sent ones are not distracted by worldly things).
• Why didn’t Eliezer allow Rebekah to stay for 10 days longer? (He would not be delayed. Delays
can make you change your mind. These delays are called procrastination – doing tomorrow what should
be done today. Procrastination makes tomorrow more important than today).
• Rebekah was blessed by her siblings. Is that important? (Yes, siblings give a unique blessing –
because the love amongst siblings is unique. We must love and bless our siblings. The love amongst
siblings should be a natural thing – the Bible speaks of the “phileo” love amongst brothers. Siblings
offer: friendship, companionship, lifelong support, mentorship, commitment, and protection. Siblings
watch out for each other and also make sure that the family rules apply to everyone. They share their
lives, space and material goods with each other. But most importantly siblings celebrate each other.
The blessing of a sibling is “brother’s keeper blessing”. We are our brothers’ keepers).

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• Why did Isaac have to pray for his wife to have a child? (The head of the home and the father of
the household must head prayer and intercession in the family).
• Describe the twins when they were born? (Esau was hairy and red. Jacob was fair and not hairy -
but he was holding onto Esau’s heel).


Draw a picture of Eliezer and Rebekah at the well and write what each person was thinking when they saw
each other .


• Describe character of Eliezer and how he is a picture of the Holy Spirit.

o Eliezer means “God of help”.
o He was Abraham’s eldest servant and believed in the God of Abraham.
o He was trained in the house of Abraham, being one of the 318 sons that rescued Lot.
o He saw Abraham as his father and if Abraham had died without a biological son, he would have
inherited all that Abraham had.
o He ruled in the house – which speaks of his loyalty and faithfulness in what was not his. Abraham
completely trusted him.
o He was a man under authority and willingly subjected/submitted to Abraham.
o He was a sent man = a man with a message.
o He is an example of a servant that is given instruction and receives the instruction with
o He was a prayerful, discerning, mature, honest, truthful, loving and patient man not given to
impulsive decisions, human emotions or worldly sentiments.
o He was a worshipper of God and committed to being led by the spirit of God in his tasks/mandate.
o He knew his priorities.
o He does not violate the bride – she was safe with him.
o He goes with 10 camels – one for him and 9 for her. 9 is the picture of completion and holiness. It
is also the gifts of the Holy Spirit which are freely given to the bride.
o All the way home he talks about Isaac – he is the source of information about the groom.
o He willing submitted to Isaac as his master.
o In this picture – Isaac is a picture of Christ. Christ is heir of all things and represents the father.
Eliezer is a picture of the Holy Spirit who has been sent by the father to prepare the bride (the
church) for Christ. The Holy Spirit points the believers to Christ. He endows the believers with gifts
and fruit and teachers the believers about Christ. He represents Christ perfectly.

• Describe the character of Rebekah.

o She was Isaac’s second cousin – part of his own people.
o She was willing to follow Eliezer and followed him until she met Isaac.
o She was fair and a virgin (chaste)
o She fed the 10 camels – so she ministered to the ministry.
o She was industrious, patient and humble.
o She had a perception of the Spiritual things.
o She made room for Eliezer.
o She brings her whole household to listen to the words of Eliezer.
o She is decked with jewels of silver – redemption and gold = divine nature and causes others to also
receive great and precious gifts.
o She was veiled and became the loving wife of Isaac.
o She carried 2 natures – 2 babies in her womb but made way for the promised son to overcome
and come into his destiny.
o Her pregnancy was very difficult because of the fight in her womb – there is always a spiritual war
in the womb of man between the carnal and spiritual nature.
o She had faith. She was prophetic and remembered the words of the Lord.
o Rebekah is the picture of the bride of Christ. The bride of Christ is the church. Her character is the
character we exemplify to please the Lord. Rebekah represents the church that follows the servant
of the Lord to the groom. The church struggles with the two natures in the womb – but the Spirit
must rule over the Flesh.
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• Discuss the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of the Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:6-11 (NKJV) 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works
all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is
given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,
9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the
working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of
tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things,
distributing to each one individually as He wills.

Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

Seven measures of the Holy Spirit

Isaiah 11:2-3 (NKJV) 2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and
understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. 3
His delight is in the fear of the Lord,

Ministry of the Holy Spirit

o Anoints the believer.
o Selects and elects those into ministry – Acts 13:2, 2 Thessalonians 2:13.
o Confirms and assures us of our call into the ministry – Ephesians 1:13.
o Guides and leads us – John 16:13, John 17:17.
o Protects the believer – 1 John 4:4, Isaiah 59:19.
o Empowers the believer to witness and to overcome – Acts 1:8, Romans 15:19.
o Baptizes you in power– Zechariah 4:6.
o Intercedes on our behalf – Romans 8:26-27.
o Inspires the believer – 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21.
o Lives inside of the believer – 1 Corinthians 3:16, Galatians 4:6, 1 Corinthians 6:19.
o Regenerates the soul – John 3:5, Titus 3:5.
o Reminds and brings to remembrance the things that were forgotten – John 14:26.
o Convicts, reproves, reproaches of sin – John 16:8.
o Brings prophetic illumination and revelation of the word – 1 Corinthians 2:12, John 16:13.
o Imparts gifts and life into the believer – 1 Corinthians 12:7,11, John 6:63.
o Teaches the believer – John 14:26, 1 John 2:27.
o Testifies of Christ – John 15:26, John 16:14.
o Changes the believer’s life and transforms him into the image of Christ.

• Discuss the principle of servant-hood.

o Serve without getting in the way e.g. the way Joshua served Moses. He went up the mountain
with Moses, but was inconspicuous Exodus 24:12-13.
o Service is a life-long commitment Deuteronomy 15:15-17.
o Serve with honour without becoming familiar Ephesians 6:5-8, Colossians 3:22 - 25, 1 Timothy
6: 1-3.
o Versatile service 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.
o Reconciliatory service – servant make peace, they do not make volatile situations worse.
o Charitable and self-sacrificing service – give up your life for your master.
o Trustworthy service.
o Servants are faithful and loyal.


Draw the figure of Eliezer like a tree trunk. Cover with leaves. Write the fruit of the Spirit all around his head
and body as though they are adorning a tree. Write the gifts inside the body of the figure. Fruits are what are
evident for all to see. Gifts are what are expressed from the heart.

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Do not hit or strike your parent. Exodus 21:15


The First and the Last – Revelation 1:17

Genesis 25:29-34, 27

Jacob had cooked a delicious lentil stew. When Esau came back from hunting, he was tired and hungry. He asked
Jacob for some stew. Jacob asked for the first-born birthright as payment for the stew. Esau was so hungry that he
gave up his birthright, ate the bread and stew and went his way. Years passed and Isaac was old and almost blind.
He called Esau and told him that soon he is going to die. He asked him to hunt for game and make him his favourite
meal, so that he could eat it and bless him, before he dies. Rebekah overheard this conversation and when Esau
went out to hunt, she gave Jacob and instruction. She told him to fetch 2 goats and she will cook his father’s favourite
meal. Jacob should then take that meal to his father and get his father’s blessing before he died. Jacob objected
because he was not as hairy as Esau and he was afraid that if his father found out about the deception, he would
curse him. Rebekah assured him that she would be responsible for this deception. He brought the goats and his
mother made the stew. Rebekah took the goats skin and covered Jacob. Jacob went to his father with the stew and
bread and claimed to be Esau. When Isaac felt Jacob’s hands, he remarked that it was Jacobs voice but Esau’s hands
and scent. After he ate he blessed him Jacob left.
Immediately when he left, Esau came in with the stew for his father. But Isaac declared that the blessing has been
given and cannot be taken away. Esau cried a bitter cry and begged his father to bless him as well. Isaac said that his
brother had deceived him and taken the blessing. Esau was betrayed. He said that Jacob supplanted him twice first
with his birthright and now with his blessing. He begged his father for a blessing also. Then Isaac blessed him as well.
Esau hated Jacob and he declared that when his father dies, he will kill Jacob. Rebekah heard this and told Jacob to
go live with her brother Laban until Esau’s temper is calm. She promised to send for him when Esau had calmed and
had forgiven and forgotten. Rebekah then went to Isaac and asked if Jacob could take a wife from their people. Isaac
agreed and blessed Jacob and sent him to Laban’s house, on the mission of finding a wife.

• The flesh is all things human – thoughts, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, evil ways, works of
• The Spirit is God: His ways, His nature, His righteousness and His Wisdom.
• When we get saved, we still have our own human ways – but we have to put those things aside and become
like Jesus. This is called the battle between the flesh and the spirit.

Genesis 27:20 (NKJV)
But Isaac said to his son, “How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?” And he said, “Because the Lord your
God brought it to me.”

Dear Lord – bring me the things that I need quickly, so that I can achieve my purpose. Accelerate me into the plan
you have for me.

1. Consider all the things of the flesh – write it on a chart and stick it on the wall. Meditate on how you will
remove those things from your life.
2. Consider all the “fleshly” actions and thoughts for the day. Do you think that pleased God? Repent.

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• Describe the characters of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau and Jacob. (Allow the children to express their
• Do you think that the stew that Jacob made was delicious? (Accept any answer – let the children
describe the kind of stew they like, who makes it the best. Encourage a disagreement e.g. I like pigs eye
stew and then say I like it very spicy OR I like troll and worm stew with extra onions etc.)
• What is the birthright? (The right to receive the first-born inheritance – which is the double portion
of the inheritance).
• Why do you think that the stew that Rebekah made tasted exactly like the stew that Esau
made, which he loved? (Rebekah taught her sons how to cook and how to prepare food. She was the
one who made the food for the family).
• Was the stew worth the birthright? (To Esau it was, because he did not understand the value of his
inheritance. To Jacob, it was worth more than anything that money could buy. Discuss the difference
between cost and worth. Cost is what you pay. Worth is value. Cost can be predetermined. Worth varies
from person to person e.g. I have an antique ring that belonged to my great grandmother. It will not
yield much money if sold. However, it holds sentimental value to my family. It will if passed through our
generations as an inheritance. To a stranger this ring costs little and is of no value. To me, it costs little
but it's worth is priceless).

Refer to the Poster of Jacob and Esau around the Pot of Stew.
Each looks at the stew and sees something different. The image shows the pot of stew being the tool to
bargain for a birth right. The image shows Esau consumed by his own selfish desires – by eating the
stew he will be able to grow more crop and cattle. Jacob on the other hand sees the inheritance that
the birth right has – his descendants and the hand of God with him always.

• Whom do you think is the biggest deceiver in this story? (Rebekah. Let the class all respond with
reasons, before giving them the answer).
• Do you think that there could have been a better way for Jacob to get the blessing – a more
honest way? How? (Allow the class to express their views – accept all versions. But encourage that
truth is always better than the lie).


Draw and cut out images of Jacob and Esau. Draw what they each looked like. Write out the words that
describe the things of the flesh and the thing things of the spirit. Cut out the words like leaves and stick the
things of the flesh in Esau and the things of the Spirit in Jacob

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• There were 2 nations in Rebekah’s womb that symbolize the things of the flesh and the
things of the spirit. These two things must be separated. The flesh must bow to the spirit.

• What is the birthright?

The birthright is the rights and the authority of the father after he has died with a double portion of the
Birthright involves:
o Great respect.
o Headship over brothers.
o Succession to the father’s official authority.
o A special claim to the father’s benediction/blessing.
o Domestic priesthood.
o A double portion of the father’s goods.

• Why do you think Jacob wanted the birthright? (He valued it and wanted it).

• Why did Rebekah plan this deception? (She remembered the promise over Jacob, when her sons
were born. If she did not act immediately, Jacob was going to lose his purpose. She was prophetic and
helped the processes of God, when Isaac was loosing his sight. Wives and husbands share an equal
responsibility in bringing to fruition the destiny of their children).

• Would Jacob have done this if his mother didn’t tell him to? (No).

• After he did it – who was accountable for the deception? (Rebekah said that she will be – but
she wasn’t. Jacob was. He still made a choice and obeyed. We cannot blame other people for our
decisions. We are accountable for it and have to pay the price).

• How was Rebekah judged for her deception? (She never saw her son again. This was a very painful
price to bear because she really loved her son).

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• While we have freedom to choose, we do not have the freedom to choose the consequences
of our actions.

• Discuss the blessings of the father. (The blessings of a father, predicts the sons future. It entails
words of encouragement, details about the inheritance and a prophetic insight into the future and a
warning about disobedience with the consequences. Receiving blessings from a father is an honour.
Not receiving a blessing or losing a blessing is equated to a curse).

• Why was Isaac deceived? (He could not see – it is important that we all see the things of God and
not get blinded to it. Sin blinds our spiritual eyes).

• Did God really hate Esau? Malachi 1:2-3 (NKJV) 2 “I have loved you,” says the Lord. “Yet you say, ‘In
what way have You loved us?’ Was not Esau Jacob's brother?” Says the Lord. “Yet Jacob I have loved; 3
But Esau I have hated, And laid waste his mountains and his heritage For the jackals of the wilderness.”
(When we hear the name Jacob – we think of Israel (God changed his name to Israel and made him the
father of His chosen people). When we hear Esau – we think of the Edomite nation. (Esau was the father
of the Edomites). The Edomites were a blessed nation. God did not choose Esau to be the father of His
chosen nation. Therefore, when we consider God loving Jacob and hating Esau, it has nothing to do with
the human emotions of love and hate. It has to do with God choosing one man and his descendants
over another. Hate in this context means to love less. Hundreds of years after Jacob and Esau had died
their descendent became bitter enemies. The Edomites frequently made war with Israel).

• Why did God choose Jacob over Esau? (Esau also was an impulsive, hot-headed individual who
sold his birth-right by a sworn oath to Jacob for one meal of lentil stew and bread. Esau had no
appreciation for the sacred things of God. He knew the covenant that God had made with his
grandfather Abraham. He also knew that he was the seed line through which that promise would be
fulfilled, because he was the heir. Yet, in an impulsive state, he gave it up. This showed that he despised
the birth right and viewed it with little value. He also married a pagan woman without his father's
consent and became a polygamist, which was unlike his family tradition. These behaviours exposed his
heart as worldly, therefore, disqualifying him from the promise).

• Esau loved the blessing but despised the responsibility of the birthright – He didn’t want his
father’s business or responsibilities. He wanted independence – just like Adam. Adam didn’t
want to represent God. He wanted dominion independent from God.

• Do we choose like Jacob or Esau? (We should choose like Jacob. We should value our inheritance.
Our inheritance is Christ. If we value it, we will not choose the things of this world. Every time we reject
righteousness, truth, holiness and love we are despising our birthright. Every time we choose sin over
obedience or act in rebellion to the voice of God, we are cutting ourselves off from God. It does not
mean that God hates us, it simply means that God will love us less and give our portion over to someone
Spend time with the children dealing with difficult choices that they face every day at home and at

• Review the things of the flesh and the things of the spirit
Galatians 5:16-23
Spend plenty of time discussing each of these things.


Write a recipe for your own birthright stew.

Write down all the things that you want to receive from God – write down what you want for an inheritance.
Write it in the form of a recipe.
e.g. 3 spoons of money with 10 spoons of love mixed with etc.

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Pay for any loss you caused anyone to suffer (property that you stole, damaged, or that you borrowed. If you
borrowed something and it was damaged or stolen under your care, you must pay for it.)
Exodus 21:18, Exodus 22:1-3,6-7,9,14


The Saviour of the World – 1 John 4:14

Genesis 28:10-30:43

Jacob began his journey towards Haran. He stopped to rest one night and used a stone as a pillow. He dreamed that
night of a ladder from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it. God spoke to him and blessed
him. When Jacob awoke from his sleep built an alter to the Lord and called the place Bethel. He made a covenant
with God that he will return one tenth of all God gives him to God as a tithe. Jacob was welcomed into Laban’s house.
He agreed to work for Laban for 7 years for the hand of Rachel in marriage. After his service period he asked to be
wed to Rachel. The morning after the wedding feast Jacob woke up in his tent and found Leah. He was angry and
asked Laban why he had deceived him. Laban replied that the custom in the land was that the eldest must be married
first. They agreed that he should stay married to Leah for a week, and after that he will be able to marry Rachel. But
he would have to serve for another 7 years. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. When God saw that Leah was
unloved, He allowed her to have children, but Rachel was barren. She had 4 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah.
Jacob had 2 sons with Rachel’s maid called Dan and Naphtali and 2 sons with Leah’s maid called Gad and Asher. Leah
had another two sons and a daughter called Issachar, Zebulun and the daughter was Dinah. Then Rachel had a son
and called him Joseph. After Joseph was born, Jacob asked to be released from Laban with his family and goods.
Laban asked him to stay because he was blessed by the presence of Jacob. He asked Jacob to stay and name his
wages. Jacob asked for the sheep and goats that were speckled or spotted. He agreed to keep his flock separate and
continue to take care of Laban’s flock. Jacob kept his flock far away from Laban’s. And every time a lamb or kid was
born, he would separate his from Laban’s. And his flocks grew and he became very prosperous and wealthy.

• Election Principle: Election is that eternal act of God, by which in His sovereign pleasure, and on account of no
foreseen merit in them; He chooses certain ones out of the number of sinful men to be the recipients of His
purpose. God sets aside the first to establish the second.
• Principle of Leah – Leah represents the law. The law states that the penalty for sin is death.
• Principle of Rachel – Rachel represents grace. Under grace it states Jesus came and made atonement for our sin
and redeemed us. We have been reconciled to the God and have access to life. When we confess our sins and
accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we are saved from death. We have been delivered from the penalty of sin
but not the presence of sin.

Genesis 28:16 (NKJV)
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”

Lord make me into a house of worship. Reveal yourself to me as I pray. Let me see the heavens and imprint the
kingdom on the earth.

1. Discuss moving through the steps of maturity as a family and pray these things into your lives – review to
steps to maturity poster.
2. Memorize the names of each son and what they each represent.

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• Why did Rebekah want to send Jacob away? (She knew that Esau would kill him. She saved his
• Why did she ask Isaac to send him away? (Only a father can send a son – it is not the mother’s
role. A mother becomes head of the home when there is no father. That is the protocol in family).
• Why did Jacob lie down to sleep? (He was very tired from the long journey).
• What dream did he have? (He dreamed of a ladder from heaven to earth with angels ascending and
descending – and he heard God speak to him and promise him the same thing as his father and
• What principle of the voice of God do we see here again? (God speaks to us when we accurately
migrate into the place that He wants for us).
• What did Jacob call the place that he met with God? (The gate of heaven).
• What principle did Jacob establish on the altar that he made? (The principle of returning a 10th
of all God gives us, back to Him as a tithe).
• How many years did Jacob serve Laban for Rachel? (Seven).
• How did Laban deceive him? (He forced Leah to marry Jacob).
• How many more years did Jacob have to serve Laban for Rachel? (Another 7 years).
• Whom did Jacob love more? (Rachel).
• How did God reward this behavior? (God was not pleased that Rachel was favoured and Leah was
unloved. So he allowed Leah to have children and Rachel was barren).
• When did Jacob want to leave Laban? (When Joseph was born).
• Why did Laban want him to stay? (He was blessed because of Jacob. His reasons were selfish).
• Can you think of someone else who carried the same spirit as Laban? (Lot – Lot wanted to stay
with Abraham for his favour).
• Whose flocks prospered when Jacob separated them? (Jacob).


Use cut outs and place the order of the sons birth and who was their mother. This is the genealogical line
of Jacob and his wives and the order of birth of their sons.

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• Prayer is access to God so that we can get revelation of His purposes for the kingdom, and
imprint it on the earth.
• Discuss Jacob’s encounter with God.
o God revealed something to a desperate and helpless man – God gave him grace.
o God repeated the promises he made to his father and grandfather – and promises to preserve him
and bring him back to the promised land.
o The ladder points to Christ.
o The anointed stones point to Christ.
o Ushers in the stipulations and conditions of tithes.
o Pillow of rest became the alter of worship.

• Discuss the significance of the ladder

The ladder symbolizes Christ. Christ is the conduit of impressing the will of God into our lives. Prayer is the
expression of God through you. Prayer is the communication between you and God. But this is more than
talking to God. This is the place where God shows you heavenly patterns and things of the spirit, so that we
can bring those things into the earth. This alter where he experienced the ladder is the spiritual dimension
of worship. Worship is – atonement for sins through Jesus Christ, its fulfilling our obligations and
responsibility to God, it is a place of thanksgiving, it is a place of rest, it is a place of remembering all the
promises that God has spoken over you and it a place where intercession occurs.

• Discuss the different types of prayer.

o Instant – Praying at the same time as the need arises. This is praying on the spot.
o Nuisance – This is the kind of prayer that harasses God. It is characterized by monotonous
o Thanksgiving – Prayer in the context of thanksgiving. The prevailing atmosphere of this kind of
prayer is thanksgiving.
o Earnest – This prayer involves sincerity, depth, fervency, and desperation.
Earnestness may be demonstrated in some of the following ways:
▪ Physiologically e.g. sweating, increased heart rate and breathing.
▪ Tears.
▪ Confession and repentance.
▪ Fasting.
▪ Loud voice.
▪ Perseverance in adversity e.g. Syro-Phoencian woman.
o Revelation – There are 2 aspects to this prayer: Prophetic and observation.
▪ PROPHETIC – Prayer following the revelation of the will of God.
▪ PRAYER OF OBSERVATION – This is a state of continual vigilance – watching for
temptation points and devices of the enemy, and praying accordingly.
o Cooperative – This is the prayer of agreement.
o Expectant – Believing that you will receive. This kind of prayer demands a demonstration of
expectancy which is an attitude of – Boldness, rejoicing in tribulation, positive speech and signs.
o Declaration – This is saying/declaring the solution before asking God or without asking God.
o Exaltation – Prayer in the context of exaltation.
o Spirit.

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• Discuss what each of the sons symbolize in the journey of our walk with God.

Refer to the Steps to Maturity Poster

The image shows the 12 tribes of Israel and the allegorical meaning behind each name
as one journeys from a babe to a mature son, seated on the throne with Jesus.

12 = Foundation on which Christ builds His church (12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles).
Each son represents a manifestation of the Nature of God – it is an experience and expression of God. It is
the step wise journey of a Son coming into maturity. As we progress through each step, the preceding step
in not nullified – each step is intensified. Example – if I come to stage 10 (wrestling with God), it means that
I still am practicing stages 1-9 daily.

1. Reuben means, “Behold a son” = salvation, born again, new nature.

This represents the time when you are regenerated. At salvation we are given a measure of faith,
grace, anointing and hope. This measure grows as we mature in Christ.

2. Simeon means “hearing” = ability to hear the voice of God and walk into obedience.
The word “hear” in the Bible implies three instructions: Listen, Understand and Do. To hear the
voice of God means that we have listened to the Voice, understood the instruction and then
proceeded to do the work. If you listen, understand but fail to “do” then it means that you have
not heard. This is the second step in our maturity into Christ. When we master this step, it
becomes part of our culture of holiness and sanctification.

3. Levi means “union or entwined” = intimacy with God.

The next stage ushers us into a deeper and closer relationship with God. An intimate walk with the
Lord is an intensely close, personal, familiar, abiding relationship. It is longing to be in His presence
and an overwhelming desire to please the Lord. It’s a position where God reveals to us His mind
and thoughts. With this inscribed in our hearts, it makes it more difficult for us to choose the path
of sin. We start to practically demonstrate this righteousness.

4. Judah means “praise” = worship in Spirit and Truth.

Psalms 119:164 (NKJV) Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments.
John 4:24 (NKJV) God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Praise is not an occasional compliment to God. It is a lifestyle of worship reflected in a constant
and habitual admiration, adoration, approval, acclaim and applause to the Magnificent God. Praise
is born out of joy. Joy means contentment despite of your circumstances. Happiness is a temporary
feeling of pleasure that is based on your immediate circumstances.
In the next stage, praise becomes a dominant factor in your culture.

5. Zebulon means “habitation” = we become the dwelling place of the Lord.

As the journey progresses, and we climb up this ladder of maturity, we will find ourselves
constantly in the presence of God. It is a walking in the precepts and statutes of God. The Lord
inhabits the praises of His people.

6. Issachar means “reward” = the Lord is our reward, not materialism.

In the next stage our focus moves from wanting earthly blessings and prosperity to only wanting
God. God Himself becomes the reward for all our labour in the Kingdom.
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7. Dan means “judge” = the pureness and righteousness of judgment that flows out of us to
produce life (Jesus didn’t say don’t judge, He told us how to judge – Matthew 7:1-5, John 7:24).
Walking in the authority of God means that we become the righteous executioners of His Law.
God will not entrust this aspect of His divine nature with someone who is immature.

8. Gad means “troop/good fortune/crowd” = speaks of being in the corporate body of sons.
The singular must become the plural. This is not an individual ministry – it is the ministry of the

9. Asher means “happy” = this is not gritting your teeth in a trial with a few scriptures of faith, it is
the result of the nature of joy.
This is the unique anointing when you become immune to the pain and sufferings of your trial.
Your heavenly perspective over-rides the natural circumstances.

10. Napthali means “wrestling” = the wrestling like Jacob – let me know your name, let me know
your nature, how can I produce Benjamin? (Son at my right hand) I will not let you go.
This is the principle of exchange – where the natural is exchanged for the divine nature of Christ.
This is the principle of complete and total submission and dependence on God.

11. Joseph means “let him add or augment, continue to do a thing” = become a preserver of life to
others (family) – 100 fold / first fruit company.
Transforming into the nature of the Father.

12. Benjamin means “son of my right hand” = sitting with Him on the throne as the first-born son.
Transforming into the nature of Christ.


Draw a picture of yourself with a ladder to heaven. What prayer are you going to send up to heaven and
what do you think God will send down to you.



D = Doctrine
F = Fellowship
TOL = Table of the Lord
P = Prayer

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Pay for any damage your animal causes. Exodus 21:28


The Great Shepherd – Hebrews 13:20

Genesis 31

Jacob heard Laban’s sons complaining about him. They accused him of taking all that belonged to Laban. They said
that he got rich with Laban’s wealth and livestock. Laban no longer looked on Jacob with kindness. God spoke to
Jacob and told him to move to the house of his fathers. Jacob called both his wives, Rachel and Leah and told them
what happened. He explained to them that their father had been unjust with him from the beginning and has dealt
with him deceitfully, but God has always been with him. They agreed to leave with him. Jacob packed all his goods
and began a journey to return to Canaan without informing Laban first. Rachel packed her goods and also stole some
idols from her father’s house. After 3 days Laban realized that Jacob absconded. He took all of his family and pursued
after Jacob for seven days and ended up being ahead of Jacob. God spoke to Laban in a dream and told him not to
harm Jacob. Laban came to meet with Jacob in the mountains of Gilead and spoke to Jacob and asked him what he
had done for Jacob to steal from him and run away with his daughters as though they were being kidnapped. Jacob
told Laban that he was afraid that he might have taken away Rachel and Leah by force. He gave Laban permission to
look for his idols and kill whoever had stolen his idols. Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them. Laban
searched everywhere and found nothing. Rachel had hidden the idols in the camel’s saddle and sat on them. When
her father went to search her goods, she excused herself for not being able to wake up as she was not well. Laban
searched frantically but could not find anything. Jacob was very angry. He said that in the twenty years that he served
Laban, he never questioned anything he was asked to do. His wages were changed 10 times. He declared that the
favour of God had protected him in such a hostile working environment. Laban then asked for a covenant to be
made between themselves that they would not harm one another. The next day Laban left.

• There is only one God and we do not have any other God besides Him. We love Him and honour Him and
trust in Him alone. God will not share us with anyone else. We belong to Him.
• Laban represents a system that uses you and abuses you – it will move the finish line so that you stay
enslaved. God desire is to develop a finishing race.
• Jacob sowed seeds of deceit and therefore reaped a harvest of deceit. Sowing and reaping is a fundamental
Kingdom principle.
• When Joseph was born, the desire to leave the inaccurate location was stirred in Jacob. Joseph is a picture
of Christ. When Christ becomes formed in a believer, then migration into the accurate things of God are

Genesis 31:7 (NKJV)
Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.

Lord the world changes my wages ten times, but you are a God that is fair and righteous. Deal with me according to
your judgments, I pray.

1. Discuss idols in the home.
2. Review the things of the flesh and carnal natures in each member of the family. Discuss how each can be
encouraged to overcome.

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• How did Jacob know that his uncle’s heart was not kind towards him? (His face showed what
was in his heart – his countenance fell).
• Why did Jacob finally decide to leave? (The Lord spoke to him and told Him to leave).
• Why was it important for Jacob to leave? (God could not promote Jacob in his current location.
God had seen that Jacob had suffered enough for his crimes in the past, and He wanted Jacob to move
into dominion)
• How many times did Laban change Jacob’s wages? (Ten times).
• Why didn’t Laban kill Jacob when he found him? (God spoke to him and told him not to).
• What excuse did Laban use to pursue Jacob? (He said some idols were missing from his house –
he did not really care about the idols. He did not want Jacob the leave).
• Rachael lied. Is that good? (No – she lied so that she would not get into trouble?).


Draw a picture of your favourite part of the story:

Example – Rachel sitting on a camel with the idols in her saddle bag
Jacobs spotted sheep and goats
Explain your picture to the class and outline why you chose that incident.


• Jacob wanted to go home after Joseph was born.

• Laban was blessed because of Jacob.

• The righteousness of Jacob was self-righteousness.

• Is it significant that Laban changed Jacob’s wages 10 times?

Yes – the world will change it 10 times. Ten is symbolic of the law. Under the law there is condemnation.

• Why did Rachael steal her father’s images?

She was still attached to them. She was married to her husband but not his God. This caused Jacob to
become more persecuted. When a woman is not fully submitted to her husband it can bring strife in the

Refer to the Idol Heart Poster

Notice how idolatry can be subtly inserted into your heart. The image shows that how as a believer
one can start off with God and the study of the Word strong but then as the blessings pour in their
hands become replaced by idolatry and Babylonian principles.

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• Jacob rebuked his uncle? Is it justified?
We can say yes – because Laban was not fair to Jacob. But the truth is that Laban was right and Jacob
was wrong. Jacob did not know what is happening in his wife’s heart or that she had stolen the idols.

• What did it take for Jacob to make his migration back to the promised land?
▪ Pressure – Jacob become completely frustrated with his present circumstance. He was no longer
comfortable. The weight of his suffering became unbearable.
▪ Assistance – He needed the support from his wives to move. If they did not support him, it would
have made the move almost impossible.
▪ Recognition of inaccuracy – Jacob finally realized that he was being abused. He might have
remembered his mother telling him to return home within a month. He had been gone for
twenty years. He had delayed his purpose by getting caught up in the household of Laban and
his own ambition for the right wife.
▪ Empowerment – He could not have left unless he had created enough wealth and power. He
had matured considerably.
▪ Presence of God – God had to speak to him and tell him to move. His migration would have been
in vain without the presence of God.
▪ Incentive – He knew that a greater reward awaited him.
▪ Desire – without passion and will to migrate, we will not be obedient.
▪ Elimination of hindrances – Laban was a hindrance. He was like Lot – a carnal partnership. He
had to break sentimental ties.
▪ An example to follow – both his father and grandfather had made historic migrations in their
▪ Supernatural intervention – Joseph had been born. He is symbolic of Christ.
Using Jacob as an example, discuss personal migrations in the same format.

• How does Jacob benefit by migrating into his God given purpose?
▪ God started to speak to him.
▪ He walked into the patriarchal blessing that was inherited from Abraham.
▪ He met God face to face, just like his father and grandfather.
▪ He received the full inheritance according to his birthright and blessing.
▪ He moved from bondage of Laban’s house (a picture of Egypt) into freedom in the promise land.
▪ He had 12 sons – more than his father and grandfather – he experienced numerical growth in
his personal life and personal wealth.
▪ He started to walk in revelation and rhema word.
▪ Joy entered his home.

▪ Discuss idolatry (review the previous lessons on idolatry and carnality).

Idolatry is the worship of Idols.
An Idol is an image, representation or symbol of a deity made or consecrated as objects of worship
Idolatry is an abomination to the Lord.

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God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
An idol is impotent.
- it cannot see (Deuteronomy 4:28).
- it cannot hear (Deuteronomy 4:28).
- it cannot eat (Isaiah 45:20).
- it cannot smell (Isaiah 45:20).
- it cannot save (Isaiah 45:20).
- it cannot move (Jeremiah 10:5).
- it cannot do evil or good (Jeremiah 10:5).

Some of the consequences of idolatry:

1. Instability – Personal and National. God is in charge of the universe. He upholds all things
by His power (Hebrews 1:3). Only He can establish nations and people.
2. Degeneration and Depreciation – death visits and the things that you have begin to lose
its value.
3. Overcome by enemies with inability to rule over them.
4. Lack in every area of your life e.g. not enough food and water, poverty, sorrow,
unanswered prayer.
5. Oppression – in the world, work place, home.
6. God’s judgement and curse.

Modern day idolatry:

Colossians 3:5 (NKJV) Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication,
uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

▪ Money.
▪ Material goods – this includes all types of possessions.
▪ Our own pride and ego and lusts – this is worship of ourselves, self-devotion e.g. our
ambition, our accomplishments, wanting to be the best, the “selfie generation” of taking
pictures of ourselves, the “I want and Me first” mentality.
▪ Man, through naturalization and science – seeing man and science as creator of new
things and not God.

Types of Idols:
▪ Idols without images – these are things that don’t have an actual image that you worship
e.g. ambition.
▪ Idols with images – this is the worship of an image – like the idols of Hinduism and
▪ Idols of superstition – these are practices that we do which are superstitious.
▪ Open idolatry – where the religion and worship is openly accepted.
▪ Concealed idolatry – where the idols are in our heart. This is the most dangerous –
because you can be a Christian and still have an idol concealed in your heart (e.g. Rachel).

How to overcome Idolatry.

▪ Passion for God.
▪ Apostolic culture – doctrine, fellowship, bread and prayer.
▪ Putting on the mind of Christ.
▪ Separation from evil or worldly people.
▪ Faith, Hope and Love of Christ.
▪ Obedience and heavenly sacrifices.
▪ Overcoming the things of the flesh.
▪ Spirit of Christ.
▪ Not seeking after materialistic comforts and manmade security.
▪ Submission to God – becoming completely dependent and vulnerable to Him.
▪ Developing Spiritual perception – seeing, listening, understanding and doing the things of


Make a list of some things that can be idols in our lives.

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Do no mistreat or oppress widows, orphans, strangers, or foreigners. Exodus 22:21-22


The Apostle and The High Priest - Hebrews 3:1

Genesis 32-33

After Jacob had made peace with Laban, he went on his way to his father’s house, and the angels of God met him.
When Jacob saw them, he said, “This is God's camp.” And he called the name of that place Mahanaim. Then Jacob
sent messengers to go to Esau his brother. He instructed them to speak these exact words to him, “Thus your servant
Jacob says: “I have dwelt with Laban and stayed there until now. I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, and male and female
servants; and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find favor in your sight.” ”The messengers returned to Jacob and
told him that his brother Esau is coming to meet him with four hundred men. After hearing this Jacob became very
worried. He decided to divide all the people who were with him into two groups so that if Esau decided to attack
one camp, the other would survive.
Then Jacob prayed to God for forgiveness and deliverance from the wrath of his brother. Jacob stayed there the
night and prepared a very extravagant gift for Esau. He told his servants to go ahead and meet Esau with the different
gifts. Jacob hoped that the gifts would please Esau and he would forgive him

Then Jacob saw Esau coming with his four hundred men, he bowed to the ground seven times, until he came near
to his brother. Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept. When
they had come to, Esau asked who were these women and children and Jacob introduced them to his family. Esau
asked Jacob about the goods he met on the way to see him. Jacob replied saying they were a gift to him to seek his
forgiveness and to make restitution but Esau declined saying he has enough. Jacob insisted that he take the gifts.
Jacob came safely to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan.

• It is not enough to repent – we must make restitution.
• God cannot reveal Himself in rivalry, contention, strife, fighting, murmuring, and unforgiveness.
• Forgiveness is an instruction from God. God will not forgive us if we do not forgive others.

Genesis 33:11 (NKJV)
Please, take my blessing that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have
enough.” So he urged him, and he took it.

Lord let my gifts of restitution and the Spirit of forgiveness guide my paths into your presence. As I forgive others
forgive me and show me you grace and favour.

1. Spend time discussing forgiveness and repentance.
2. Discuss if you need to make restitution.
3. Pray about relationships that have become marred over time and start to speak life into it.

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• Why does Jacob send a message to his brother? (He was seeking forgiveness and trying to make
• Why did Jacob divide his family? (In the hope that some of his household will survive an attack from
• Why did he prepare a gift for Esau? (It was his price for restitution. He knew that saying sorry was
not enough – he had to show repentance).
• When he bowed down to Esau, was Jacob worshiping him? (No, he was showing submission).
• How did the meeting with Esau end? (In peace and in a reconciled relationship).


Draw a picture of Israel and Esau meeting.

Picture of Restitution
The image depicts the scene when Jacob and Esau reunited as brothers after the stolen birth right.
Compare with the pot of stew. It is a picture of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation.


▪ Discuss forgiveness
God’s first reaction is mercy – second is grace. To say we have to have a Christ like nature means that we
must be able to release forgiveness over our enemies.
Forgiveness is:
1. The antiseptic, antibiotic, analgesic, sterilizing agent over your heart
Ephesians 4:30-32. The Spirit of forgiveness can launch you and the ministry of others e.g. Paul’s
ministry was launched because Stephen forgave him. The disciple’s ministry was launched because
Jesus forgave them.
2. Forgiveness transforms the world into the image and likeness of Christ
Isaiah 1:18-20. There is a transformation from the colour red into white. How do you transform
red into white? This is physically impossible because Red (Yellow and Blue) is a primary colour.
White is the absence of colour. Black is the combination of all colours. To turn red into white, red
will have to give up its red pigment essence. That’s what forgiveness is. It is the giving up of the
offense that hurt you and transforming into something else
2 Corinthians 5:17. Forgetting is not denying the reality of what has happened. Forgiveness is
restoration of a relationship – it is central to reconciliation. Forgiveness has no qualifiers – its
unconditional. I don’t forgive because you said sorry.
Check your heart for forgiveness – if you have un-forgiveness it will manifest as: skepticism
(wanting proof all the time/ doubt), unfaithfulness, lustfulness (not being satisfied), fornication,
murmuring (sustained complaint), bitterness (unresolved issues), sarcasm (irony to mock or show
contempt), hostility, unfriendliness, malice, gossip.
Matthew 6:14, Matthew 18:22
• Forgiveness is the prerequisite for God’s mercy.
• This is called intercession for our enemies.
• We must forgive 70 X 7 times a day.
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▪ Discuss restitution.
In looking at this text we see 9 steps to restitution:
1. Notice - Jacob sent notice to Esau that he was coming that way. This would be the same as making
an appointment to see the person. Do not wait for a coincidental meeting – plan the meeting.
2. Repentance before God – Jacob asks God for forgiveness and deliverance from his enemy even as
he attempts to make amends. Before meeting the person, repent before God and seek His wisdom.
Many people repent before God for their sin against a person, but fail to repent before the person.
3. Preparation – Jacob prepares the gifts that he will send to his brother. This is called the “prepared
seed of restitution”. This is not your tithe or offerings. This is a separate offering.
4. Sending – Jacob sends the gift ahead of him. This would be the same as you carrying the money
with you to meet the person. Do not tell the person I will give you the money at the end of the
month. Do not meet unless you have the offering.
Interlude …. The offering activates an encounter with God. The spirit of forgives and reconciliation
was released which ushered in a new dimension of God.
5. Kiss of restoration – Esau started out his journey to kill Jacob but when he sees him, he falls on his
neck and kisses him. Kiss of restoration has 7 characteristics:
a. Your enemy will see you coming from afar. He will see you before you see him.
b. When your enemy sees you, he becomes full of compassion.
c. Your enemy will run to you.
d. You enemy will hug you.
e. You enemy will fall on your neck – the neck symbolizes the will to change.
f. Your enemy will kiss you – love will be ushered in where hate used to reside.
g. There will be weeping – it is an emotional meeting.
6. Repentance and Reconciliation – Esau asks why these gifts are being given to him and Jacob
repents. This means that Jacob acknowledged his sin against his brother; showed remorse for the
hurt he caused him and truly wanted his forgiveness.
7. Restitution – Esau starts to refuse the gift but Jacob insists that he receives it. It was important for
Jacob’s healing process that Esau received the gift. It helped bring Jacob closure.
8. Restoration – Both Esau and Jacob are restored and progress to walk in the re-established promise
of God.

Practically this is demonstrated in the following way: Based on Exodus 22, Leviticus 5-7
1. If you break something borrowed, it must be replaced.
2. If you owe someone, something e.g. money.
▪ Make an appointment to meet that person.
▪ Pray to God and ask Him for wisdom even as you embark on this journey of reconciliation.
Ask God to help heal any hurt that you have caused.
▪ Prepare how much you are going to give. You must give what you owed plus 4 times the
amount e.g. if you owed R10 – then you pay back the R10 + (R10 x 4) = R50.
▪ Make sure you have all that you have to give on hand. You cannot pay this in installments.
▪ Meet with the person repent and offer the gift of restitution.
▪ Work through your reconciliation.
3. Leviticus 6:2-5 If you have stolen something – it must be replaced to it full value + an extra 20%
of its value. E.g. if you have to replace a cellphone that costs R100. You will replace the cellphone
and pay and extra R20. Or you can give R120.
4. Lev 5:14 -19 If you have hurt someone or sinned against them you offer 20% of your monthly
salary as restitution. If the person will not accept your appointment – you must keep trying to
satisfy yourself that you have tried your best to reconcile. If the person will not accept your gift,
then you are not obliged to pay anything further. If the person will not forgive you, then you may
not pursue the matter further, but you must continue to pray for him.


Take a piece of foil/paper and crumble it up. Open it up and try and remove the creases. Is it possible to
remove all the creases? NO. Discuss ways to make it smooth again. The only way to make it smooth is by
ironing it (applying heat). Sin against your brother is like wrinkling a piece of foil. Forgiveness is like opening
up the foil. It can never be smooth. Restitution is applying the heat – it is a hard thing to do, but it is the
only way to bring something back to its original state.

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Lend to the poor and needy without interest and do not harass them to pay back the loans. Exodus 22:24-26


The Mediator. 1 Timothy 2:5

Genesis 32: 22-32

When Jacob divided his household that night, the next day he took his two wives, his two female servants, and his
eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of Jabbok. He took them, sent them over the brook, and sent over all the
possessions he had. Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the daybreak. Now when He saw
that He did not overpower Jacob, He touched the socket of Jacob’s hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint
as He wrestled with him. And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But Jacob said, “I will not let You go unless
You bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer
be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have succeeded.” Then Jacob asked,
saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.” And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there.
So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Just as he
crossed over Peniel the sun rose on him, and he limped on his hip. Therefore to this day the children of Israel do not
eat the muscle that shrank, which is on the hip socket, because He touched the socket of Jacob's hip in the muscle
that shrank.

• Wrestling comes before submission.
• Submission is the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of
another person.
• It means to arrange oneself under the command of divine viewpoint rather than to live according to one's
old way of life based on a human viewpoint. It is a process surrendering our own will to that of our Father's.
The principle is that being in obedience to the authority over us, whatever that authority is, will bring a
temporal blessing in real time here and now and, for the believer, reward later.
• The blessing of your inheritance comes only when you have submitted to the Will of the Father.

Genesis 32:26 (NKJV)
26 And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks. ”But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!”

Lord bless me. List all the blessings that you want. Tell the Lord how much you love Him.

1. How can you submit your dreams to God?
2. What are some ways that you can submit: Husbands to a spiritual father; Wives to husband; Children to
parents; Younger siblings to older siblings; Family to God.

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• What does Jabbok mean? (It means “emptying”).

• When he was alone, a man wrestled with him. Who was that man? (God).
• Do you think that Jacob would have wrestled with the man if he knew it was God? (Yes and
No. Yes – he was arrogant enough to believe that he could stand up to God. No – he might have become
fearful and not fought to the end).
• We wrestle with God when we are alone – never in a crowd. This dimension of seeking God,
is a place that no one can come with you. Not your parent or spouse. It is you and God.
• Why did the angel wrestle with Jacob? (Jacob’s moment of launch was at hand. It was time to put
aside his old nature and embrace his new destiny as a patriarch in the eternal kingdom. He had been
completely processed through the world. This was the final challenge that God planned for him. The
angel was operating under the instruction of God).
• They wrestled for a long time. Probably more than 12 hours. Can you wrestle that long? (No
– it is not humanly possible).
• Did the angel defeat Jacob? (No).
• What does this tell you about Jacob’s character? (He was a worthy opponent, determined till the
• What did the angel have to do to defeat Jacob? (Dislocate his hip and he was unable to walk
normally thereafter).
• Why did the angel give himself the advantage? (To make himself undefeatable. Jacob the deceiver
was adept to winning despite immeasurable odds. He had shown endurance for his wife and served
good under a tyrannical master of the house. God was demonstrating that Jacob could not win the
fight. He had been rendered disqualified. Jacob had finally encountered a man that he could not defeat).
• What did the loss of the match mean for Jacob? (Jacob became acutely aware of his inadequacies.
He became aware of the supremacy of God and the need for God’s blessings if he were to continue
living. This was a personal revelation of who he was, who he was in God and who God is. This is the
premise of salvation).
• Why did the angel ask him what his name was? (Your name signifies your nature).
• What does God change his name to? (Israel).
• What is the significance of Jacob’s name change? (The name change signifies the change of his
heart, nature and destiny. Here the “heel-catcher” was caught and had to confess his true nature before
he could be blessed).


Draw the scene of Jacob wrestling with God.

Image of the wresting scene

This depicts Jacob wrestling with a person he did not know, it was only at the break of dawn that he realised
he was wrestling with himself – his purpose that he refused to let go off. In one it shows the heart of Israel,
unflinching and unfailing compared the heart of Jacob, pounding and working so hard to hold on to the

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• What is wrestling?
Wrestling is a competitive combat, high contact sport involving grappling techniques such as pushing,
throwing, take down, joint locks, pinning etc. The sport is a physical competition to gain/maintain a superior
position over the opponent by over powering and pinning the opponent into submission. The aim is not to
harm or fatally injure the opponent – merely claim superior strength.

• Describe the character of Jacob.

Jacob was strong willed, intelligent, manipulative and a survivor. He had perseverance and long-suffering
and endurance. However, his dependence was on his own intelligence, street wit, strength, wisdom and
experience. He loved God, but his faith was in himself.

• What is the reason for this wrestling match?

God was addressing Jacob’s nature in the “language” that he would understand. Jacob was destined to
inherit the promise from Abraham, however, he was unworthy of the promise if his heart was not
submitted to God. He needed to surrender his will to the will of the Lord. He needed to give up independence
and depend on the superior Lord. The wrestling match was a test of wills and strength. Jacob proved to
have a great skill, until ‘day break”. He wrestled in darkness, but when the light/illumination entered the
wrestling match, the superior being rendered Jacob incapable of winning the match. Jacob realized that he
had to submit to the Lord.

• Is it easy to submit your will and desire?

No. Adamic nature - Review Lust of the Eyes, Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life. Discuss
something that one might have to surrender to God, so that they can increase in the stature of Christ.

• Before this encounter, God was known as the “God of Abraham and Isaac”. After this encounter
God became known as the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”. Up until this point, Jacob had
lived vicariously through the faith of his father and grandfather. When he wrestled with God,
his nature changed and he became established in the same covenant of his father and
grandfather. Jacob was a liar, a manipulator and a thief. Israel was transformed through grace
into a perpetuator of the trans-generational covenant.

• Abraham received the promise through obedience. Isaac was a passive recipient of the promise.
Jacob had to fight from the time he was born - he had to overcome incredible odds for the

• What experiences in Jacob’s life contributed to his self-sufficiency and independence?

He had to scheme for the birth right. He had to deceive his father for his blessing. He became a fugitive from
his home and needed to survive in the desert. He endured hard labour at the hand of Laban. He suffered a
wage change ten times. He withstood the persecutory pursuit of Laban. He used his diplomacy to make
peace with his brother. This was an extraordinary man. However, God is greater.

• How did Jacob demonstrate his submission to God?

Asking the Lord to bless him was a sign of his submission. A self – sufficient/self-made man doesn’t feel that
he needs the blessings of another.

• What is submission?
It means to arrange/position oneself under the command of divine perception rather than to live according
to one's old way of life based on a human viewpoint. It is a process off surrendering our own will to that of
our Father's. The principle is that being in obedience to the authority over us, whatever that authority is, will
bring a blessing and reward in this lifetime. Submitting is a choice we make daily, so that we can be
conformed into the image of Christ. God will put us through different situations to give us the opportunity
to choose to submit to Him, so that we can grow spiritually. God does not want us to submit because He is
an oppressive tyrant – He is a good, good father that wants to bless us with every good blessing under
the sun.
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• What are some of the things we need to give up and submit to God?
o Self-centeredness - Denominations.
o Hoarding - Yielding to temptation quickly.
o Religious mindset - Stinginess.
o Natural cultures - Ambitions.
o Acts of the flesh - Lusts.
o Rebellion - Lack of interest in others.
o Lack of conviction for sin - Isolation.
o Stirring up conflict - Failure to consider the rights of others.
o Unforgiveness - Irresponsibility.
o Love of the world - Immature
spiritual diet

• What submission is not? (Discuss this with children whose parents are unsaved or
locked in the institution).
We submit all of our being to God alone. Wives submit to the authority of the husband.
Wives submit to the vision if the husband, only if the husband’s vision is not opposed to
Christ. Spiritual sons submit to the vision and authority of the spiritual father.

▪ Submission is not agreeing with everything. You cannot agree to sin, to breaking
the law or defiling your body. Example: If one parent is a hindu and tells you to
go to the temple. As a child you can explain very respectively and kindly to your
parent that you do not want to go. If your parent instructs you to go, then you
must obey. But in your heart, you declare Christ as your God and you don’t
worship the idol. You must continue to pray for the salvation of your parent.
▪ Submission is not blind following. Every person must make their own decision
and be accountable for that decision. You must have a reason for why you do
something. Your reason cannot be “because he told me to”.
▪ Submission does not mean silence. When you are being forced to do something
against your will, you must speak truth and life into that situation. Truth does not
return void.
▪ Submission is not putting the will of your husband or parent over the will of Christ
for your life. We all belong to God, first.
▪ Submission does not mean that you get all your spiritual strength from a husband
or your parent. We each must have our own personal relationship with God.
▪ Submission is not living or acting in fear – a God fearing wife is fearless. A God-
fearing son is fearless. Submission is not autocratic dictatorship with harsh
consequences. Any form of abuse is intolerable and must be confronted.

Enact a wrestling match. See who can go the longest.
After that have a joint prayer. See who can concentrate and pray the longest.
Show that both wrestling and praying is the same thing. It is tiring and it is easy to give up.
But if you give up, you don’t get the prize.

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Joseph is processed through 5 stations before coming into dominion: Protection Station → Pit
Station→ Potiphar’s Station → Prison Station → Palace Station


Do not curse political leaders, judicial leaders or judges. Exodus 22:28


A Life-Giving Spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45

Genesis 37

Israel loved Joseph more than all his children so he made him a robe of many colors. Joseph’s brothers
knew that their father loved him more and they began to hate him. Joseph had two dreams, and he
told it to his brothers. When his brothers heard the dream, they began to hate him even more. One
day his brothers went to feed their father's flock in Shechem. Israel asked Joseph to check on his
brothers. When his brothers saw him approaching, they plotted to kill him and tell everyone that a wild
animal killed him. Reuben objected and suggested that they throw him into a pit. He planned on
rescuing him and taking him back home. They grabbed Joseph and removed his robe of many colours,
assaulted him and threw him into the pit, which had no water. When they sat down to eat a meal, they
saw a group of Ishmaelites, coming from Gilead on their way to Egypt. Judah said that nothing good
would come of murder and deceit, and suggested that they sell him. His brothers agreed. They pulled
Joseph out of the pit and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. They took Joseph's
robe, killed a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. They took the bloodied robe to Israel and told their
father that they were unsure if Joseph was alive. Israel mourned for his son many days. And all his sons
and all his daughters arose to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted.

• God only has one purpose for all humanity. This purpose is to accurately manifest Jesus Christ on
the earth - this is called exact representation. However, every individual has a unique and divine
plan for their life to bring them into exact representation. This means one purpose for every
person, but each with a different plan to achieve that purpose.
• Our lives are not meant to be without trials and tribulations. Our adversity points us to our destiny.

Genesis 37:20 (NKJV)
20 Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast
has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”

Lord protect me from people that want to kill me and destroy my purpose.

1. Consider the gifts and talents in each member of the family. Consider each person’s dreams
and aspirations. Discuss what it will take to achieve those dreams.
2. Discuss the difficulties at work and school – peer pressure, difficult relationships. Try and
identify the things that are pits.

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• How old is Joseph? (17 years old).

• Was Joseph telling tales when he reported his brother’s bad behavior to him? (No -
he was a faithful servant to his father. He was not spying. His job was to monitor his brothers
and report back to his father).
• Whom did Israel love the most from all of his sons? (Joseph).
• What did he do to show his love? (Made him a coat of many colours).
• Why did his brothers hate him and speak badly to him? (They were
jealous/envious/bitter. Joseph also revealed their bad behavior to their father, which would
have got them into trouble).
• What was Joseph’s dream? (Refer to scriptures).
• How did they interpret the dream? (As Joseph ruling over the family).
• Do you think Joseph should have shared this dream? (Accept any answer. Yes – because
they were family and family should be a safe space to share your dreams. No – it was
premature and caused hatred amongst his brothers – we must be wise to know when to speak).
• Why did Joseph go looking for his brothers? (His father asked him to find out if they were
safe and behaving well – this showed that Israel loved all his sons, but he merely favoured
Joseph a little bit more).
• Do you think that Jacob should have sent Joseph alone? (No, he knew that his brothers
despised him. He should have protected Joseph).
• When did they brothers think to plot this evil? (When they saw Joseph approaching them
in the distance).
• What was the plan? (Kill him, throw him in a pit and lie that a wild animal killed him).
• Who disagreed with this plan? (Reuben – he suggested that they throw him in the pit. It
was his intention to rescue Joseph later).
• What do they do to Joseph? (They removed his coat, assaulted him and threw him into a
pit and then sit down to eat a meal).
• Who do they see approaching? (Tribesman of Ishmael- Midianites on their way to Egypt).
• What plan does Judah have? (To sell Joseph as a slave to these men).
• How much do they sell him for? (20 shekels of silver – this was the price of a disabled slave).
• Who was absent when this plan was made? How do we know? (Reuben – because he
went back to the pit to rescue Joseph and could not find him. He was very distressed about
• The brothers kill a goat and cover it with blood and take it to their father. How does
the father react? (He mourned his son for many days and could not be comforted).


Create Joseph’s coat and stick it on the figure of Joseph. The coat had the colours of the
rainbow. Creatively design the coat.


• Joseph means = Jehovah has added, He shall add or increase.

• Joseph had purpose and was righteous but was not exempt from suffering.

• Describe the living conditions of Joseph. (His father was wealthy, but old. His mother had
died when his brother Benjamin was born. He was the favoured of his brothers and therefore
lacked nothing, materialistically. He had ten older brothers that resented him. His father

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favoured him over his brothers. He father was a passive man that didn’t discipline his older
brothers. Joseph was a shepherd and also the one who oversaw the deeds of his brothers and
reported the misdeeds to his father).

• Discuss the family issues in Joseph’s home. (Joseph grew up without a mother. He was
the first born of Rachel, his father's first love and therefore dearly loved as the first-born son of
Jacob. His brothers hated him because of their envy and jealousy. Their resentment was evident
in the manner in which they spoke to him and treatment. He was not included with the ten.
This didn’t bother Joseph too much because he was under his father’s protection).

• Discuss types of sibling rivalry in the home with the children. Let them express their
hearts over how they feel their siblings treat them. Address any serious issues
privately with the child and parent or pastor if need be. Address the common
tensions by giving the children tools that can help them overcome the issues.

• Discuss a Protection station. (Joseph the beloved son).

Refer to Protection Station Poster

Joseph is protected by the shadow of his father – he sees his purpose through glass doors.
This is also called the comfort zone. It is a place of complacency. In this position there is no
desire to change your ways voluntarily. Nobody wants to leave a comfortable position. In
this location there is favour and protection from immediate danger. There is a home with
food, clothes and other resources. The father’s love abounds. You hear the voice of God
through your unique gifting’s. You have the platform make mistakes and are sheltered
from the consequences. It is a place of immaturity= immature thinking, premature
declarations and naivety. You are affirmed by your family but not by the community. You
have a symbol of your authority, but you cannot function in that authority yet. This is not
a place of dominion. It is a comfortable place where an ordinary person can live out their
whole life. However, you cannot achieve greatness in this location.

• Why would you consider this to be a comfort zone for Joseph?

Joseph had his father’s coat – this was a symbol of his authority. Joseph had his father’s
protection and access to his father’s wealth. He was given the platform to speak his vision,
even when they should have been kept to himself. He felt his brother’s jealousy but was not
affected by it. He was naïve. Joseph did not want to leave his father’s house. He would visit
other locations but always come back home. This is a comfort zone.

• What does “processed” mean? (Processed means to change and preserve something by,
reconfiguring, adding, removing or performing some operation on it. In each of the stations we
will learn what Joseph had to deal with in his life – get rid of, change, become established in,
embrace before he could move to the next station).
• What is processed in Joseph’s life in the first station? (His identity – Joseph had to be
fully esteemed in his father’s love and affection. He knew who is father was and he was wholly

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committed to the God of his father. This truth he carried in his heart all his life. It was his love
for God and his father that led him to bring his people back to Egypt).

• Why does God need us to shift from our comfort zones? (In a comfort zone you are
stagnant. You cannot grow into the greatness God has planned for you. You are a big fish in a
small pond. God wants us to be great whales in the sea. you cannot become the king. We can
never fully achieve our purpose in God, if we don’t migrate).

• How can we tell that we have reached a comfort zone in our lives? (This is a
comfortable position. All our needs are met. We are protected from hardship and trials. It’s a
place of blessing. But there is no room for you to grow into something else. If your life is exactly
the same as it was 5 years ago – same blessings, same job, same house, same car, same
problems, same mindset, same actions, you don’t lack but you do not grow – it’s a comfort

• Discuss the pit (Joseph the man with no identity).

Refer to Pit Station Poster

Joseph cannot see his purpose. He is isolated. He can only see the heavens. Literally the pit
is a hole or cavity in the ground that may or may not be covered. A person in a pit of often
forced there after an assault. It is a confined space with little or no room for movement.
Pits are usually small so it can only accommodate one person. It is dark and lonely. There
is no food or water and exposure to the elements. You are vulnerable to the creepy crawlies
on the ground. There is only one opening and it is impossible to get out without aide. In a
pit, you can see the sky but you cannot get out. If someone does not rescue you, you will
die. And the pit will become a grave.
Symbolically it is a difficult position/situation in your life. It is the place where you can
physically and spiritually die. It is a place where you are alone, frustrated, with little self-
esteem and motivation to persevere in a trial. Place of monotonous routines, nothing
changes, nothing is added. You are forgotten. Not enough food and water. You are
haunted by your demons. No love. A person can feel depressed and abandoned with no
hope. All your natural resources are lost. You cannot deliver yourself out of your situation.
All the things that you were confident about and the faith that you were string in starts to
waiver. This place is called rock bottom. Many people reach this position and want to
commit suicide in the natural.
Discuss some pits e.g. death of a parent leaving the children orphaned or penniless, loss of
a job and all source of income, incurable disease and affliction, political unrest in a country
This is also a delusional state of some believers. They look up and can see the sky but don’t
realize that when they look around, they are trapped. Believers trapped or living in
isolation in the old season feel that because they have access to a limited spiritual dynamic
in God, they are in an accurate location. They do not realize that every other spiritual
aspect in their lives is trapped, vulnerable and frustrated. These people do not have any
resources for the Body. They do not have a water supply – they can only receive sporadic
rain from the heavens. This means that God does not speak to them (Psalms 28: 1).

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• How can you end up in a pit?
Three ways to end up in a pit:
o God can put you there: Job 9:31, Psalms 55:23, Psalms 88:6 .
As part of God discipline, he can deliver us into a situation so that we can repent and look
to Him as our source. God also shifts us from a comfort zone through adversity in order to
point us to our destiny.
o You can dig your own pit and trap yourself: Proverbs 26:7, Psalms 7:14-16, Psalms 9:15.
What you sow, you will reap. If you sow evil and unrighteousness deeds, it is a spiritual
sign of you digging our own pit that you will imprison yourself in.
o Your enemies can put you in there: Psalms 35:7, Jeremiah 18:19-20.
You are given over to your enemies when you sin.

• What is processed in Joseph’s life in Pit Station? (Joseph ended up in the pit, at the
hands of his brothers, because he was obedient to father. His brothers became his
enemies. Your enemies have no love for you or conscience about the consequence of their
actions. The assault him and leave him without medical attention, protection and food
with the intention of him dying a slow and painful death. In the pit the following things
were processed:
o His inaccurate relationships – the reality that the people he thought were his
brothers, were his enemy.
o His reputation – he had a coat that symbolized his authority in his father’s house
and glorified his reputation as the beloved son. He had to lose that symbol of
authority so that God could later on position him in real authority. He has to lose
his reputation as the favoured son in the house and become a slave.
o In the pit we are forced to give up inaccurate, proud, sentimental, immature
mindsets and other things that define us, so that we can be established in the
purpose that God has for us.

• What important lesson did Joseph learn in the pit? (Not to share his dreams with
anyone, unless God tells you to speak it. He learned when to speak and when to be quiet.
There are certain things that God will share with you, that you must not share with anyone.
These things are secrets. He learned to be weary of people that pretend to be friends. He
learned that he should not flaunt that gifts and honours that people give him. He learned
not to be proud).

• Discuss why the pit is not such a bad place when we learn the lesson about it?
(The pit becomes a the stepping stone to our dominion. Out of the ground, great things
can be formed and extracted. Consider all the great things e.g. gold, precious stones and
minerals are unearthed from the ground, seeds die and become transformed into great
big trees, water which is a daily necessity for all life etc).

• Discuss STRIFE.
Strife means discord, conflict, contention, quarreling, friction, animosity.
o Pride (Proverbs 13:10, Proverbs 28:25).
o Gossip, Carrying Tales and Slandering (Proverbs 16:28, Proverbs 26:20).
o How?
o This bad habit hurts people and inflicts emotional wounds on a person.
o When a person shares secrets and discuss things that they should not, it can
damage the self-esteem or the reputation of a person.
o This amounts to idle chatter – nothing good can come out of idle chatter.
o Jealousy, Envy, Bitterness and Hatred (Proverbs 10:12).
o Anger and temper (Proverbs 29:22, Proverbs 15:18, Proverbs 30:33).
o Critical spirit, nitpicking, disparaging spirit.
o Demonization.
o Carnal indulgences (James 4:1, James 3:14-17)

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Discuss how these things were evident in the lives of Joseph's brothers, leading to strife
and ultimately the disaster.


Overcoming Strife brings rest.
• You need God. Strife is dissolved when the Spirit of Rest enters. We need the
Holy Spirit for wisdom.
• Address the individual causes – what is the root cause of the ill feelings and the
• Discipline and correction (Proverbs 29:17).
• Rebellion must be exchanged for obedience (Philippians 2:14-16).
• Support from the elders. Strife cannot be addressed unless there is a company
of strong leaders that can bring strong correction and discipline.
• Mature and reasonable leaders that can adjudicate impartially.


Play the Dig and unearth game.

You will need a spade and a soil – either the ground outside or a little pot of sand.
One hole will have lots of jelly beans or stones. The children will then each take turns reading
the cards. With each card they must decide whether this dig a hole or remove a stone from
the hole. You dig a hole with the deeds or unrighteousness. You remove a stone with a deed
of righteousness. Discuss what is easier to do. The conclusion must be that it is easier to dig
the hole than to get out of it.

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Joseph is processed through 5 stations before coming into dominion: Protection Station → Pit
Station→ Potiphar’s Station → Prison Station → Palace Station


Do not repeat gossip, lies, false or slanderous reports. Exodus 23:1


The God of gods, Lord of kings and Revealer of secrets. Daniel 2:47

Genesis 39

Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites who in turn sold him to Potiphar, the Captain of the Guard in
Pharaoh’s army in Egypt. The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man in the house of
Potiphar. Joseph was put in charge of his house and he gave him authority in the house and the Lord
blessed the Egyptian's house because of Joseph. Now Joseph was well-built and handsome, and after
sometime his master’s wife took notice of him and asked him to have an affair with her. But Joseph
refused her offer saying that his master left him in charge and gave him authority over everything with
complete trust in him and God. This made her angry so one day she accused Joseph of trying to take
advantage of her. When Potiphar heard about this, he was very angry so he threw him into the
dungeon, a place where the king's prisoners were confined. But the Lord was with Joseph and showed
him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the prison guard. The prison guard put Joseph in
charge of all the prisoners and he was in charge of all that happened in prison.

• Whatever work we are given, we must do with excellence and personal conviction that our service
is to God. Excellence is a sign that God is with us.
• It is better to face false accusation and prison than to comprise your stand and principles before
• We must be able to discern if a position of blessings is coming from “Potiphar’s house” (interim
blessing) or “the palace” (dominion grace).

Genesis 39:3 (NKJV)
3 And his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his

Lord be with me and prosper all the things in my hand. Without you I can do nothing.

1. Discuss the “peaks” and “pits” of each other's day.
2. Review the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.

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• Who bought Joseph as a slave? (Potiphar – and Egyptian in Pharaoh’s army).

• In which country did Joseph make his new home? (Egypt).
• How did Joseph work in Potiphar’s house? (He was an excellent servant – very wise and
• Did Potiphar like Joseph? (He loved and favoured Joseph)
• Why did Potiphar appoint Joseph as manager of all his estate? (He trusted him. Joseph
was loyal and faithful. He served his master as though he was serving God).
• To whom to Potiphar credit Joseph’s character and the success of his household?
(To the God of Joseph).
• Why did Potiphar’s wife like Joseph? (He was handsome and carried grace which made
him very attractive).
• Was her intention over him honourable? (No – it was carnal).
• How does Joseph react to her proposition? (He denies her. He declares that dishonouring
is master is the same as dishonouring God. He was incapable of such a deed).
• Why did she pester him? (She was hoping to change his mind).
• What happened when she accepted the rejection from Joseph? (She falsely accused
him of a despicable deed).
• How does Joseph react? (He denies the action, but he stands his ground and accepts the
• How does Potiphar react? (He put Joseph in prison).
• Do you think it is fair that Joseph was put in prison? (No).
• Do you think that prison was a good sentence for the crime? (No – for this crime the
criminal would be put to death. Potiphar genuinely loved Joseph and did not want him to die.
So he spared his life by putting him in prison).
• How do you think you would feel if you work very hard, accomplish something great
and it is all taken away from you? (Accept any answer).
• How would you feel if you were falsely accused and no one believed you? (Accept
any answer).
• What does this tell you about the character of Joseph? (Explore all the answers – weak,
strong, hopeless, coward, resilient, brave, righteous etc. From this exercise try and determine
the perspective of the children about adversity. Show them that difficult times and hardships
are supposed to expose the Christ like nature in our lives. We are not meant to give up, but
show up. We are not defeated, we are triumphant).
• Joseph served with excellence because of his righteousness before God. Despite the
favour that Potiphar showed him, Joseph was always aware that he was a slave. If
he were a son in the house, his fate would have been different. Therefore, when he
was thrown into prison, he was not bitter or resentful. He knew that he was a slave
of man, but a SON OF GOD. He was esteemed in the relationship he had with God,
not the manner in which man treated him.


Draw a picture of Joseph and cut it out. Make a prison out of match sticks. Generate
a discussion on what deeds will get a person into prison. Talk about how there maybe
people in prison who maybe innocent of their crimes. What should our attitude
towards prisoners be?

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• What did Joseph learn in Potiphar’s house? (Egyptians systems and culture. He had to
learn the Egyptian culture. He learned how to manage a household with servants under him.
He learned how agriculture and business management. He also learned economics,
mathematics and politics).

• IF we consider Joseph’s fathers house as a “school” where you learn elementary

things, then we can now liken Potiphar’s house to “university” where is gets
advances specialized tertiary education.
• Our prosperity in our school and work place is meant to give glory to God, not give
us personal glory.
• Everyone should know that all our success is only because God is with us. When we
begin to prosper in school or a work place, we must not be tempted to make an
illegal covenant with that location.
• If we sin against the people that we work for, and the people set over us, it is as
though we are sinning against God.

• What does Potiphar mean? (Potiphar means “belonging to the sun”).

• What kind of environment was Potiphar’s house? (Good, comfortable, educational, fair)

• Would you consider Potiphar’s house a good place to take up permanent residence?
Explain why? Draw analogies between Potiphar’s house and some current
examples. (Yes – it a comfortable place with food, clothes, shelter, abundance, respect and
reward. No – in this position you are still a slave. God has called us to operate as sons, within
our inheritance. God showed Joseph at a young age that he will rule over his family – in this
house he would never fulfill that purpose. We must always be mindful of the promise of our
purpose – so that we don’t build in inaccurate locations).

• What was the lurking evil principality in the house? (Idolatry or the harlot church or the
false church).

• What does the wife represent? (In marriage - man and woman operate as one. The action
of Potiphar’s wife has bearing on Potiphar. The wife of Potiphar wanted to have an illegal
joining/relationship with him. If Joseph entered into that relationship, he would have had an
unrighteous, ungodly yoke with that household. This idol wants a son of God to enter into a
covenant with it and thereby render your covenant with God null and void. This would be a
covenant with the “one belonging to the Sun” and not the “one who is the Son”.

• What does Potiphar’s house represent? (The false church).

Refer to the Potiphar’s Station Poster

Joseph is in a man-made prison of brick and mortar. The false stands at the window
and obscures his view from his purpose. here he must overcome idols in his life. The
false standard/harlot is at the window blocking his view from his purpose.

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• Why did God bring Joseph to this station? (So that he could reject the false and stay true
to the Truth – do you see why you need the Holy Spirit to guide your steps. Only He can reveal
the true and the false).

• What is processed in Joseph’s life in Potiphar’s Station? (His flesh, carnal desires and
ambition. Joseph had dreams and visions, and this was a good location to build a home and
prosper. However, it came with a very serious price tag – something that would cost him his
relationship with God. He had to give up his own will and the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh
and pride of life and pursue the will of God for his life).

• How can you decipher the false from the true? (The Holy Spirit who knows all things, and
who is our teacher will guide us in all truth. He will give us the Spirit of God, Spirit of Wisdom,
Spirit of Knowledge, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Might, Spirit of Counsel and the Spirit of
the fear of the Lord. All this will bring in the favour of God who will deliver us from every snare
of the enemy).

• How can you obtain the favour of God? (Favour is the goodwill of God extended to a
believer. The blessings of God are a result of pleasing God or having His approval. God enables
us to initiate actions that invite his favour. These are the things that can bring the favour of
God into your domain:
o Faith – Hebrews 11:6.
o Fear of the Lord - Psalms 147:11, Psalms 33:18-19.
o Faithfulness - Proverbs 28:20, Psalms 101:6, Luke 12:42-44.
o Accurate interpretation and application of the Word - 2 Timothy 2:15.
o Meditation on the Word (including praise and worship) - Jeremiah 15:16, Romans
7:22, Psalms 119:40-65.
o Obedience - Colossians 3:20, 1 Samuel 15:22, Deuteronomy 15:5-6, Deuteronomy
o Unity – Ephesians 4:3, John 17:21, Psalms 133:1-3.
o Righteousness - Psalms 5:12, Proverbs 3:3-4.
o Wisdom - Proverbs 8:33-36, Proverbs 3:13-18, Proverbs 13:15.
o A culture and daily practice of Thanksgiving - Psalms 50:23.
o An excellent spirit - Proverbs 11:27, Proverbs 22:29.
o Sacrifice - Hebrews 13:16, Psalms 51:19.

• Joseph was able to overcome the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life.
How did he do that?
o Faith - 2 Corinthians 5:7.
o He feared God above all other things. His fear of God helped him to choose God and
God’s way. It focused his mind to depart from evil, prevent idolatry and perfect
holiness in his life – Proverbs 8:13.
o He loved God above all other things - James 4:8, Romans 13:10.

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o Self-examination. He always checked his heart- 2 Corinthians 13:5.
o He fled from evil and temptation. He would not consider it. He would not touch it -
2 Timothy 2:22, Matthew 5:29.
o He was a man of self-control – Colossians 3:5-8, 1 Corinthians 9:27
o Romans 6:13.
o He very clearly demonstrated to everyone who his God was and attributed his success
to God.
o The Holy Spirit.


Create a model/figure using foil stuffed with paper/cotton wool.

Cover the foil with a thin layer of play dough.
On a table create a rough surface with stones, sand, sandpaper etc – make it look like an
obstacle course.
Drag the figure through the different rough surfaces. With each obstacle some of the play
dough should peel off to reflect the shiny foil underneath.
Use this activity to demonstrate that adversity reveals the glory of God inside of us.

- 119 -


Joseph is processed through 5 stations before coming into dominion: Protection Station → Pit
Station→ Potiphar’s Station → Prison Station → Palace Station


Do not lie to protect a wicked man or woman. Exodus 23:1


The Branch – Zechariah 6:12

Genesis 40

After some time the butler and the baker of the King of Egypt offended the King. Pharaoh was angry
with them so he threw them into the same prison as Joseph. One night the butler and the baker had a
dream and they were sad because they couldn’t understand it. Joseph offered to interpret the dream.
He interpreted it correctly and asked that the butler remember him when he is released. But the chief
butler did not remember Joseph, he forgot him.

• Adversity is not your disadvantage. Disadvantage must become your advantage.
• God orders the trials and tribulations to develop you and bring out the best in you. There are
things that God will put strategically in your path in order to propel you into your destiny.
• Trials and testings’ are linked intrinsically to your destiny (1 Thessalonians 5:14-22, 1 Peter
4:12-13, Habakkuk 3:17-19, 2 Corinthians 12:10, Hebrews 11:33-40).

Genesis 40:8 (NKJV)
“… So Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell them to me, please.”

Lord give me the wisdom to interpret dreams in the same manner and accuracy that Joseph did.

1. Discuss dreams in the family and try and work out what they might mean.
2. Discuss the trials and adversity in the family – how is God processing you for a higher calling.
Encourage one another.

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• Why was Joseph put in prison? (He was falsely accused of violating Potiphar’s
• What happened when he was put in prison? (God was with him, showed him
mercy and gave him favour in the sight of the prison guard. Joseph was put in charge
of all the other prisoners).
• Who joined Joseph in prison? (Pharaoh’s Butler and Baker).
• What happened to these men in prison? (Each had a dream).
• Why were they upset about the dream? (The did not understand their dream).
• How does Joseph respond? (He said that dream interpretation belongs to God and
that they should tell it to him).
• Joseph said that his interpretation would be the same as God’s. What do
you think about Joseph’s response? (Accept any answer – encourage a discussion
about being confident in the voice of God).
• Discuss both dreams and the interpretations (Refer to the scriptures)
• What was Joseph’s request to the Butler? (That he would remember the kindness
that Joseph showed him and petition Pharaoh to release Joseph from prison).
• What happened next? (Joseph’s interpretations were correct and the Butler was
released, but the baker was executed).
• Did the Butler remember Joseph’s request? (No).


Draw a picture of Joseph and the two prisoners telling him about their dream. Include what
they dreamt of in the picture.


• Joseph the prisoner.

Refer to the Prison Station Poster

Joseph is at the same place as Jacob when he was wrestling with God. Here he must
overcome all of the betrayal and accusations he has faced all along and come to the
place of restitution, forgiveness and reconciliation. The heart in the image is larger and
brighter showing that he is almost as his purpose.

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• What is processed in Joseph’s life in Prison Station?
Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison. His brothers, his previous employer
and his colleague betrayed him from prison. He suffered extensively at the hands of men
– but God was always with him. During his struggles, he learned to forgive the men that
hurt him. Why? He came to the realization that God was the orchestrator of his life and
everything that he suffered was because God had ordained it. Knowing that he was in the
plan of God made it impossible for him to hold grudges against men. His love for God
made him submit to the chastising and the ministrations of God as he went through
difficult trials and tribulations. Joseph was a master at overcoming adversity – he could
rule in the midst of his adversity without dishonouring God.

• Discuss Adversity.



− Identifies your destiny.
− Trains you for your destiny.
− Equips you for your destiny.
− Develops you for your destiny → diversity of gifts and talents, upgrade.
− Takes you / sends you to your destiny.
− Positions you for your destiny.


− If you take advantage of your adversity then it will launch your destiny.
− Your adversity points you to your destiny
− Your adversity, the thing that you despise in your life is the actual thing that God
has called you to do.
− Joseph was in the pit which was pointing him to a palace.
− Joseph was in the false church (Potiphar’s house) which was pointing him to the
true church.
− Joseph was in prison, which was pointing to him ruling as a king.


Your adversity is your gym and training ground.
It trains you for the one thing that only you can do.
− Strengthens you - Builds strength and capacity in you. Joseph was a hard worker, able
to adapt to any circumstances and yet maintain his integrity.
− Unlocks hidden gifts - You will never know this unless you go through extra ordinary
adversity. Joseph became a manager/expert of multiple estates in the midst of his
− You adversity brings out a diversity of gifts and witty inventions and innovations.
Joseph came up with a 1/5th taxation solution to the famine (Genesis 41:24-44).
Jacob came up with a genetic engineering plan – streaked, speckled, spotted sheep
using rods in the water troughs (Genesis 30: 37 – 43).
In your adversity you start creating new things.
− Manifests fruit in your life
▪ John 15:2, John 12:24.
▪ Righteousness (Hebrews 12:10-11).
▪ Patience (James 1:2-3).
▪ Perseverance, character, hope – Romans 5:3-4.
▪ Humility.
▪ Love – all the characteristics of love.
− Focuses your thoughts on God and His Will - Makes you more focused and calmer.
Joseph could focus on God in prison and interpret the dreams.

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− Focuses you on the priorities on your life - Exposes what is priority and what isn’t.
You focus on the important things in life. Joseph prioritized God and righteousness
over his personal comforts – that is how he was able to reject Potiphar’s wife.
− Exposes the genuineness of your heart.
− Realization of sin and inaccuracy.
− Become dependent on God - Inculcates divine dependence. True believers draw
closer to God in a trial in recognition of His power to deliver (Hosea 5:15, Hosea 6:1-
3, Psalms 142:4-7).
− Nurtures intimacy with God - Worship in the midst of adversity.
− Pursue God - Adversity intensifies your pursuit.
− Glorifies God (John 11:4).
− Shapes you - Refines you (Malachi 3:3, Job 23:10, Zechariah 13:8-9).


− In adversity the false dies and the true lives.
− Saul died in adversity buy David lived.
− Flood killed all but 8 lived.
− Fire killed Sodom but Lot lived – wife died.


Joseph got a coat of many colours that symbolized his authority – however that was a
positional reality not a practical reality. He needed to go on a journey before he could
operate in dominion. His taxi to his dominion was his brothers. They moved him out of
the comfort zone. This is a taxi that only you can board. That taxi is taking you to the place
you don’t want to go. You have to pray and praise and wait on the Lord in that position.
In this taxi we pray like we never prayed before. Agree with your adversity quickly. This
adversity has been ordered by God. Don’t jump out of a moving taxi. Have staying power.


Your problems are coming with a solution. Don’t complain about your adversity

• Discuss Types of prisons

− Religious or institutional bondage.
− Idolatry.
− Demonization.
− Illegitimate covenants / joinings.
− Strongholds – psychological bondage (bound without chains).


− Operate through manipulation – free will is lost. Bound by sentimental ties.
− Addiction to a system/culture/ way of life/ religious way of doing things.
− Delusions – fixed false beliefs that you are righteous, doing the will of God, obeying
the word, that there is no need for repentance and change, refusal to move into
current truth.
− Complain but do not leave – you are deeply afflicted and not operating in joy,
however you cannot leave. Victims never depart.
− Antagonism – hatred for current truth and what God is saying to the churches now.
− Mental disorders – depression, anxiety, phobias etc.


− Holy Spirit and Anointing– breaks the yoke of all bondage. Where the Spirit of God
is, there is liberty.
− Word of God – He sent his word and he healed them. Truth sets you free.
− Covenantal relationships – father son wineskin. Sowing and reaping grace.

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− Faith in God.
− Prayer, praise, worship and thanksgiving.
− Divine intervention.

• Discuss the protection of God

This is the goodness of God and the attribute by which he blesses his beloved. In the midst of
trials and tribulations God is our:
− Preservation (Proverbs 2:8, 2 Timothy 4:1, John 10:28).
− Refuge (Psalms 46:1, Isaiah 25:4a, Psalms 57:1).
− Oversight (Psalms 33:18, Psalms 121:4, Luke 12:7, Psalms 139:7-10).
− Present in our sufferings (Isaiah 53:5, Galatians 3:13, 1Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:21).
− Inheritance (Matthew 25:34, John 14:2).
− Deliverance (Psalms 34:19, Isaiah 46:4, Psalms 34:7,1).
− Encouragement (Psalms 18:1,29,35, 2Timothy 4:17, Ezra 7:2).
− Nourishment (Matthew 6:32, 1 Peter 5:7).
− Teacher (Psalms 25:8, 1 Thessalonians 4:9, 1 John 2:27).
− Present (Psalms 9:10, Psalms 37:28, Psalms 94:14, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Hebrews 13:5).
− Provider (Psalms 23:5, Ephesians 3:20).
− Leader (Psalms 5:8, Psalms 25:5, Psalms 23:1-2).
− Remove obstacles (Isaiah 45:2, Isaiah 40:4).
− Bearer of our troubles (Exodus 14:14, 2 Chronicles 32:8, 2 Chronicles 20:15, Hebrews
− Exposes the way (Isaiah 30:21, Isaiah 42:16, Psalms 18:28).
− Refuge (Psalms 46:1-2).
− Fortress (Psalms 18:2).
− Hiding place (Psalms 32:7).
− Shield (Psalms 3:3).
− Covering (Psalms 91:4).
− Triumph (Malachi 4:2-3, 2 Corinthians 2:14-17, Deuteronomy 28:7, Psalms 44:5,
Romans 16:20)
− Invincible saviour – (Mark 16:18, Isaiah 59:19, Matthew 16:18, Isaiah 54:17).
− Name – (Proverbs 18:10).


Play the “break out of prison game”

Elect 2 children – one the prison guard and the other the prisoner (send them out of the room)
On 9 children’s right hand write “Holy Spirit, Word of God, Covenantal relationships, Faith,
Prayer, Praise, Worship, Thanksgiving, Divine intervention”
The rest of the children have nothing written. IF you don’t have enough children, then use a
few of the words.
Make the children to stand in a circle holding hands tightly.
Bring the elected two children in. Prisoner on the inside of the circle and the guard on the
outside. The prisoner must “break out of prisoner by trying to identify the ones with the words
written on their hands. The guard will try and break into the prisoner by going through a child
whose hands are bare. The prisoner will be chased by the guard until caught.

- 124 -


Joseph is processed through 5 stations before coming into dominion: Protection Station → Pit
Station→ Potiphar’s Station → Prison Station → Palace Station


Do not join a majority, mob or multitude to do evil or lie to pervert justice. Exodus 23:2


Thou Son of the Most High God – Mark 5:7

Genesis 41 -47

Joseph was in prison for 2 years. Then Pharaoh had a dream that he could not understand. The butler
remembered Joseph and suggested that they call Joseph to interpret the dream. Pharaoh agreed with
the interpretation and decided to act on Joseph’s advice. Pharaoh discussed this plan with his servants
and they all agreed that this was a good plan. He set Joseph over his house and over his people. The
only person higher in rank to Joseph would be Pharaoh himself. When famine hit the land, Egypt had
plenty. Israel sent his 10 sons to Egypt to buy food. Joseph’s brothers had to bow before Joseph, but
they did not recognize him. Joseph accused them of being spies and demanded that they bring him
Benjamin. When they refused, he put them in prison. Joseph overheard them speaking about what they
had done to him, and it made him cry. He decided to give them grain for free and send them home.
Israel was devastated that they had agreed to give up Benjamin and he refused to let him go. When
they ran out of food, Israel agreed to let them go with Benjamin to buy more food. Joseph was
overwhelmed to see Benjamin. After a series of events, Joseph confesses that he is their long-lost
brother. He assured them that he had forgiven them. He attributed all that happened to him, to God.
He explained that God had positioned him in Egypt to bring deliverance to his family. He commanded
them to bring his father to him. He allocated land in Goshen for them to live and promised to provide
for all of them during the next five years of famine. The family settled in Egypt and was very prosperous
because of the favour of Joseph. When Israel about to die, they promised that he would be buried in
Canaan. Israel died at 147 years.

• Dominion is our inheritance.
• Dominion is not bought – it is earned through overcoming all adversity
• Joseph is a type of Christ.
• Benjamin is a type of son/church that is seated at the right hand of Christ.

Genesis 45:5 (NKJV)
5 But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God
sent me before you to preserve life.

Lord help me see your hand in all the trials in my life.

1. Discuss aspiring dreams and talents. Is there a conflict in purpose and dreams?
2. Think of witty inventions – play a game: if I could I would invent …

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• Are you pleased with how the story ends for Joseph?
• Do you feel hopeful that truth and obedience and righteousness prevails?
• Are you excited about what God has prepared for you?
• Spend time encouraging and motivating the children about perseverance and hope.
Magnify and glorify God – use the session to praise and sing to the Lord for His
tender and loving mercies.
• It was an ordinary day for Joseph, when he went to sleep. However, he had no idea
that his life was going to change, because that night Pharaoh had a dream.
• Was anyone capable of interpreting the dream? (No – no one in all of the kingdom).
• Who remembered Joseph? (The Butler).
• When Pharaoh called for Joseph what did he do before went to the throne room?
(He washed his face and cut his hair – he made himself presentable. It is very important for us
to always look presentable, irrespective of our circumstances, how we feel or where we are
• Was Joseph able to interpret the dream? (Yes – discuss the dream).
• Why does Pharaoh make Joseph his second in charge? (Joseph radiated the presence of
God in his life. He was wise and filled with understanding. He was able to interpret the dream
accurately and also provide an ingenious solution to the problem. He also showed competence
and expertise to accomplish the task).
• Why did the brothers come to Egypt? (They were sent by their father to buy grain).
• Why could they not recognize Joseph? (Firstly, they assumed that he would be dead. He
was 17 years old when they last saw him – a young lad, now he is a robust man. He spoke the
Egyptian language. He was dressed like an Egyptian. He looked different).
• Why do you think that he spoke harshly to his brothers? (Accept any answer).
• Why do you think he devised this plan to bring Benjamin back to Egypt? (He wanted
to make sure that his beloved brother was still alive and unharmed at their hand).
• Why didn’t Jacob accept the money for the grain? (Accept any answer).
• How did Jacob react to the news? (He was devastated – it brought back the painful
memories of the loss of his beloved Joseph. It becomes very evident that Jacob had not
changed. He still showed disfavor to his older sons. He favoured and protected Benjamin).
• Why does Jacob agree to send Benjamin to Egypt? (Judah pleaded and vowed to protect
him. They needed more food).
• Discuss Joseph’s reaction to Benjamin (Let this be a free discussion – discuss his initial
reaction, his decision to have a meal with them, his weeping).
• What emotions did Joseph experience? (Love, loss, a blast from the past, regret, sorry –
all of this was necessary as he processed his hurt and came to forgiveness).
• Why did he want Benjamin to stay behind? (He loved his brother and wanted to reconnect
with him).
• Why did he create the deception with the cup? (He needed a legitimate reason to keep
Benjamin with him).
• Who intercedes? (Judah).
• Discuss the revelation of Joseph (The feelings of shock, explore all the emotions, the
atmosphere in the room).
• What do you think about Joseph’s response, when he absolved his brothers of guilt
and said that God brought him to Egypt? (Accept any answer).
• Do you think that this is a happy ending to the story? (Yes).

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Draw the reunion scene.


• Pharaoh is king but Joseph is in charge. Discuss.

This is the essence of ruling in the midst of your enemies and coming into dominion –
being in this world but not of this world.

Refer to Palace Station Poster

Joseph has been processed by all the other stations to become the image and likeness of
Christ. He emerges from the rock as one set over his brothers. Here Joseph has matured
into the purposes of God and has come out of the Rock. His brothers are seen rejoicing
with him, they are represented by golden sheaves. Symbolic of his brothers recognising
him as a father and coming into covenant with him.

• What is processed in Joseph in Palace station?

Joseph had come into dominion. He displayed the wisdom of God in the manner in which
he ruled. However, in this station he had to demonstrate practical righteousness and
exhibit the circumcision of his heart. The lessons that he learned in his journey was
practically demonstrated in the manner in which he treated his brothers. He revealed that
he loved his father unconditionally and had still remained in covenant with him.

• What is the real function of Joseph in this position?

Distributor of grace with a compassionate and merciful heart. He is a legitimate judge, but
he operates in mercy first and then judgement.

• What is a signet and robe a symbol of?


• Discuss Prosperity.


Biblical prosperity is four-fold. It includes physical, social, spiritual and mental wellbeing.
Physical wellbeing: physical health and wealth.
Social wellbeing: having the favor of man.
Spiritual wellbeing: having the favor of God.
Mental wellbeing: healthy mind, emotion and will.

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− Presence of God – God was with Joseph and Joseph prospered. Noah, Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob all prospered because God was with them.
− Righteousness – despite his circumstances, Joseph always maintained right
standing before God. Righteousness refers to conformity to God's moral
character in order to be in right-standing with him. We are to conform to God's
moral attributes. This conformity is not possible by law or human endeavor but
by faith alone. God’s moral attributes include: holiness, faithfulness, wisdom,
truth and love.
− Obedience – Joseph served his masters as though he were serving God. However,
he would not conform to idolatry or any deed that would make him disobey God.
− Sowing – Joseph always sowed the best that was in his nature. He was betrayed
but he sowed loyalty. He was forgotten but he always remembered the good. He
was false accused but he always spoke the truth.
− Love the Lord.
− Honour to God, elders, equals and servants.
− Industry - Determine what God has called and equipped you to do. Then work
diligently at it. Determine what your land is. Stop chasing fantasies and establish
what God has called and equipped you to do. Many people are working hard in
careers that have not even been purposed for them by God. They have acquired
wealth but never lived to enjoy it, or were too sick to enjoy the fruits of their
labour. Laziness and over indulgence, hinders prosperity.
− Faith.
− Submit to God.

• Discuss what it takes to migrate out of an inaccurate location towards the



Revise the migration of Jacob in Lesson 19 and similarly draw parallels in Joseph life.
− Pressure – His brothers forced him out.
− Maturity – outgrowing phases in your life.
− Persecution – His was persecuted all his life.
− Assistance from accurate leadership – he served his leaders well and was
− Recognition of inaccuracy – he knew that each location was not his final
− Repentance – he stood for righteousness and repented in each station of his
− Resources and empowerment – he was well resourced in every station.
− Presence of the Lord – God was always with him. He never doubted.
− Blessings from God – these act as incentives.
− Desire – he was passionate.
− Elimination of hindrances – he was an overcomer.
− Oneness – he brought his family together again.
− Brokenness – he was a broken man.
− Covenant – he was a man of covenant.
− Supernatural intervention – God moved him from each station.

• Discuss what dominion looks like.


− Evident and demonstrated.
− Holy Spirit is glorified.

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− Supernatural and miraculous.
− Kingdom is in your heart – it is a heart condition, a mindset.
− Thinking outside the learned things of this world.
− Unfolded incrementally in the course of your life.
− Offensive to the world.
− Palpable and near, accessible.
− Invisible to those whose spiritual eyes are closed.
− Seduces the violent, forceful eager and energetic.
− Overcomes all things.

• Discuss keys to dominion.

− Maturity
o Leave the circle.
o Humility.
o Immersed in the word.
− Eschatological perspective – − Fruitfulness and
it's happening now. accountability.
− Thanksgiving. − Reception of the kingdom
− Revelation. message.
− Obedience. − The spirit.
− Partnerships. − Perception.
− Overcoming lifestyle. − Character.
− Love. − Virtue – moral goodness,
− Integrity and righteousness. excellence.
− Stewardship. − Knowledge – intelligence.
− Preparation. − Self-control – temperance.
− Flexibility. − Perseverance – endurance.
− Attitude to the master’s − Godliness – well pleasing to
sovereignty. God.
− Entering the Kingdom of God. − Brotherly kindness.
− Righteousness. − Love.
− Attitude to God’s sovereignty. − Fruitfulness.
− Maturity. − Reception.
− Faithfulness and diligence. − Unity (all Israel with him).
− Back-up. − Love – it never fails.
− Personal responsibility. − Exaltation and thanksgiving.
− Sacrifice. − Repentance.
− Accuracy. − Submission (obedience).
− Obedience – hearing and − Perception.
doing the will of God. − Holy spirit.
− Humility. − Attributes (character).
− Repentance. − Divine grace.

Keys to dominion in this world

− Maintained by slavery-Egypt. − External.
− Maintained by confusion – − Needs.
Babylon. − Hybridization.
− Numbers. − Legalism.
− Democracy. − Sectarianism.
− Traditions. − Control.
− Titles and Positions.
− Documental.

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Refer to Dominion Poster
God is invisible. God is made manifest through individuals that have come into exact
representation. When an individual is walking in the image and likeness of Christ, who is the
Rock of our Salvation, all of creation sees God. It will be as though we are walking in a perfect

• Discuss who is a beneficiary of the blessings / inheritance.

− Poor in spirit.
− Those who mourn.
− Meek.
− Hunger and thirst after righteousness.
− Merciful.
− Pure in heart.
− Peacemakers.
− Persecuted for righteousness sake.
− Persecuted for Christ’s sake.

Refer to Train Station Poster

Consolidate the lesson with the final poster. See the full journey of Joseph with
the train/God moving him from station to station until he comes to exact

Show the class any picture / figure. Ask the class to replicate that picture. It must look exactly
or as close as possible to the original.
IS it possible? No – only possible to replicate by the original artist. But some students will come
close. Discuss what it will take to recreate a replica. Discuss the obstacles e.g. inability,
insufficient resources etc.This illustrates what it takes to come to exact representation.

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1. Plot the journey of Genesis:
Creation → Adam and Eve → Fall of man → Cain and Abel→ Noah →
Abraham → Isaac → Jacob → Joseph.
2. Discuss the journey of man away from God.
3. Discuss the methods that God has used to bring man back to God.
4. Spend time discussing each poster and revise the doctrine from each lesson.
5. Prepare your hearts for Exodus.

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Brother’s Keeper

You are now g

Place cards
Copy these cards and cut them out for use with the game – you can make your own.

When I am told to do something I do as I

I did something nice for my brother.
am told.

TRUE: Move 2 spaces

TRUE: Move 1 space
FALSE: Do not move a space
FALSE: Do not move a space

I always take care of my pet or pets. I do not complain about things.

TRUE: Move 2 spaces TRUE: Move 2 spaces

FALSE: Do not move a space FALSE: Move 1 space

When I was playing with my brother, I

I do not like to share.
got upset and lost my temper.

TRUE: Do not move a space

TRUE: Miss a turn
FALSE: Move 2 spaces
FALSE: Move 1 space

Sometimes I do not like to listen to

I always listen to my mum or dad.
mummy or daddy.

TRUE: Move 2 spaces

TRUE: Miss a turn
FALSE: Do not move a space
FALSE: Move 1 space

One time I shouted at someone and said

One time I used a bad word.
“No, I do not want to listen.”

TRUE: Move 1 space back.

TRUE: Move 1 space
FALSE: Move 1 space .
FALSE: Do not move a space
When I was asked to do something, I When I was told to do something, I did
shouted “No, I don’t want to”. not listen and did what I wanted to.

TRUE: Move 1 space back TRUE: Move 1 space back

FALSE: Move 1 space FALSE: Move 1 space

When I was playing with my brother, I

I always hug my brother.
got upset and said mean things.

TRUE: Move 1 space

TRUE: Move 1 space back
FALSE: Do not move a space
FALSE: Move 1 space

I always tell my brother, “I love you” After I play, I always pick up my toys.

TRUE: Move 1 space TRUE: Move 1 space

FALSE: Do not move a space FALSE: Do not move a space

I throw my toys. I always remember to pray.

TRUE: Move 1 space back TRUE: Move 1 space

FALSE: Move 1 space FALSE: Move 1 space back

I always share. I always read the Bible

TRUE: Move 1 space TRUE: Move 1 space

FALSE: Do not move a space FALSE: Move one space back
I always do my chores. I always break the rules.

TRUE: Move 1 space TRUE: Move 1 space back

FALSE: Move 1 space back FALSE: Move 1 space

When I did something wrong, I did not

When I am scolded I talk back.
tell the truth. I lied.

TRUE: Move 1 space back

TRUE: Move 1 space back
FALSE: Move 1 space
FALSE: Move 1 space

When we wrote a test in school, I copied

I do not talk back.
the answers from my friend.

TRUE: Move 1 space

TRUE: Move 2 spaces back
FALSE: Do not move a space
FALSE: Move 1 space

I do not listen in class. I do not do my homework on time.

TRUE: Move 1 space back TRUE: Move 1 space back

FALSE: Move 1 space FALSE: Move 1 space
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