Woodhouse Vasquez Arrieta and Magat

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CHARLES F. WOODHOUSE, plaintiff-appellant, vs.

2) Because of defendants' refusal to deliver to the plaintiff the

FORTUNATO F. HALILI, defendant-appellant. said 1,512 cavans of palay within the period above
mentioned, the plaintiff suffered damages in the sum of
Facts: On November 29, 1947, the plaintiff Woodhouse P1,000.
entered into a written agreement with defendant Halili for a
partnership for the bottling and distribution of Mission soft 3) On account of the agreement above mentioned the plaintiff
drinks franchise for and in behalf of the proposed partnership delivered to the defendants 4,000 empty sacks, of which they
and that the plaintiff was to receive 30% of the net profits of returned to the plaintiff only 2,490 and refused to deliver to
the business. the plaintiff the balance of 1,510 sacks or to pay their value
amounting to P377.50; and that on account of such refusal
Prior to entering into this agreement, plaintiff had informed the the plaintiff suffered damages in the sum of P150.
Mission Dry Corporation that he had interested a prominent
financier who was willing to invest in the bottling and In his defense, Antonio Vasquez denied having entered into
distribution of the said beverages, and requested, in order the contract mentioned in the first cause of action in his own
that he may close the deal with him, that the right to bottle individual and personal capacity and the said agreement was
and distribute be granted him for a limited time under the made by the plaintiff with and to the Natividad-Vazquez
condition that it will finally be transferred to the corporation. Sabani Development Co., Inc., of which the defendant was
Pursuant to this request, plaintiff was given 30 days option on the acting manager at the time the transaction took place.
exclusive bottling and distribution rights
Issue: W/n Vasquez is guilty of negligence in the
Plaintiff prayed for the execution of the contract of performance of the contract (culpa contractual)
partnership, an accounting of the profits, and a share thereof
of 30% with damages. The defendant on the other hand Held: No. Counsel for the plaintiff, in his brief as respondent,
claims that the defendant’s consent to the agreement was argues that altho by the preponderance of the evidence the
secured by false representation of plaintiff that he was the trial court and the Court of Appeals found that Vazquez
owner or was about to become the owner of an exclusive celebrated the contract in his capacity as acting president of
bottling franchise. Further, he contended that plaintiff did not the corporation and although the corporation, thru Vasquez,
secure the franchise but was given to defendant himself. He had received the sum of P8,400 from Borja, it’s still Vasquez
also filed counterclaim for damages. who shall be liable on the contract he entered into by him on
behalf of the corporation.
Issue: W/n fraud or false representation, if it existed,
annuls the agreement to form the partnership The Court ruled that such argument is invalid and insufficient
to show that Vasquez is personally liable on the contract. It is
Held: No. Article 1270 of the Spanish Civil Code distinguishes well known that a corporation is an artificial being invested by
two kinds of (civil) fraud, the causal fraud, which may be a law with a personality of its own, separate and distinct from
ground for the annulment of a contract, and the incidental that of its stockholders and from that of its officers who
fraud, which only renders the party who employs it liable for manage and run its affairs. The mere fact that its personality
damages. This Court has held that in order that fraud may is owing to a legal fiction and that it necessarily has to act thru
vitiate consent, it must be the causal (dolo causante), not its agents, does not make the latter personally liable on a
merely the incidental (dolo incidente), inducement to the contract duly entered into, or for an act lawfully performed, by
making of the contract. them for and in its behalf. Such legal fiction may be
disregarded only when an attempt is made to use it as a cloak
If ever the plaintiff was guily of a false representation, this was to hide an unlawful or fraudulent purpose. No such thing has
not the causal consideration, or the principal inducement, that been alleged or proven in this case neither is it contended
led plaintiff to enter into the partnership agreement. The main that he entered into said contract for the corporation in bad
cause that induced defendant to enter into the partnership faith and with intent to defraud the plaintiff.
agreement with plaintiff, was the ability of plaintiff to get the
exclusive franchise to bottle and distribute for the defendant The trial court and CA erred in finding Vasquez guilty of
or for the partnership. contractual negligence and held him personally liable on that
account. They have manifestly failed to distinguish a
***Jeff’s note – “MEMORIZE THE DEFINITION OF DOLO contractual from an extracontractual obligation. The fault and
CAUSANTE AND DOLO INCIDENTE. PLUS negligence referred to in articles 1101-1104 of the Civil Code
DIFFERENCES”*** are those incidental to the fulfillment or nonfulfillment of a
contractual obligation while the fault or negligence referred to
in article 1902 is the culpa aquiliana of the civil law, which
ANTONIO VAZQUEZ, petitioner, vs. FRANCISCO DE gives rise to obligations independently of any contract. The
BORJA, respondent. fact that the corporation, acting thru Vazquez as its manager,
Facts: Francisco de Borja against Antonio Vazquez and was guilty of negligence in the fulfillment of the contract, did
Fernando Busuego to recover from them jointly and severally not make Vazquez principally or even subsidiarily liable for
the total sum of P4,702.70 upon three alleged causes of such negligence. Since it was the corporation's contract, its
action, to wit: nonfulfillment, whether due to negligence or fault or to any
other cause, made the corporation and not its agent liable.
1) On January, 1932, the defendants jointly and severally
obligated themselves to sell to the plaintiff 4,000 cavans of
palay at P2.10 per cavan, to be delivered during the month of
February, 1932, the said defendants having subsequently
received from the plaintiff in virtue of said agreement the sum PAZ P. ARRIETA and VITALIADO ARRIETA, plaintiffs-
of P8,400; that the defendants delivered to the plaintiff during appellees, vs. NATIONAL RICE AND CORN
the months of February, March, and April, 1932, only 2,488 CORPORATION, defendant-appellant, MANILA
cavans of palay of the value of P5,224.80 and refused to UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO., INC., defendant-
deliver the balance of 1,512 cavans of the value of P3,175.20 appellee.
notwithstanding repeated demands.
Facts: Plaintiff and the appellant corporation entered into a illicit act which impairs the strict and faithful fulfillment of the
Contract of Sale of Rice, under the terms of which the former obligation, or every kind of defective performance.
obligated herself to deliver to the latter 20,000 metric tons of
Burmese Rice at $203.00 per metric ton. In turn, the
defendant Corporation committed itself to pay for the imported VICTORINO D. MAGAT, petitioner, vs. HON. LEO D.
rice "by means of an irrevocable, confirmed and assignable MEDIALDEA and SANTIAGO A. GUERRERO, respondents.
letter of credit in U.S. currency in favor of the plaintiff-appellee
and/or supplier in Burma, immediately." Facts: Defendant entered into a contract with the U.S. Navy
Exchange, Subic Bay, Philippines, for the operation of a fleet
Despite the commitment to pay immediately "by means of an of taxicabs, each taxicab to be provided with the necessary
irrevocable, confirmed and assignable Letter of Credit," taximeter and a radio transceiver. Isidro Q. Aligada, acting as
however, it was only after a full month from the execution of agent of the defendant, approached the plaintiff herein in
the contract, that the defendant corporation took the first step behalf of the defendant and proposed to import from Japan
to open a letter of credit by forwarding to the Philippine thru the plaintiff herein or thru plaintiff's Japanese business
National Bank its Application for Commercial Letter of Credit associates, all taximeters and radio transceivers needed by
of which read: the defendant in connection with his contract with the U.S.
"We understand that our supplier, Mrs. Paz P. Arrieta, has a Navy Exchange.
deadline to meet which is August 4, 1952, and in order to Aligada secured a firm offer in writing wherein the plaintiff
comply therewith, it is imperative that the L/C be opened prior quoted in his offer a total price of $77,620.59 [U.S. dollars]
to that date. We would therefore request your full cooperation FOB Yokohama, the goods or articles therein offered for sale
on this matter." by the plaintiff to the defendant to be delivered sixty to ninety
On the same day, Arrieta, thru counsel, advised the appellant [60-90] days after receipt of advice from the defendant of the
corporation of the extreme necessity for the immediate radio frequency assigned to the defendant by the proper
opening of the letter of credit since she had by then made a authorities. Plaintiff received notice of the fact that the
tender to her supplier in Rangoon, Burma "equivalent to 5% of defendant the offer.
the F.O.B. price of 20,000 tons at $180.70 and in compliance By his letter dated October 7, 1972, addressed to the plaintiff
with the regulations in Rangoon this 5% will be confiscated if by the defendant's agent, defendant's agent qualified
the required letter of credit is not received by them before defendant's instructions in the sense that plaintiff herein
August 4, 1952." should proceed to fulfill defendant's order only upon receipt by
On August 4, 1952, PNB informed the appellant corporation the plaintiff of the defendant's letter of credit. However,
that its application, "for a letter of credit for $3,614,000.00 has defendant fails and refuses to open the necessary letter of
been approved with the condition that 50% marginal cash credit to cover payment of the goods ordered by him. Plaintiff
deposit be paid." Furthermore, the Bank represented that it filed a complaint to recover his losses and for damages.
"will hold your application in abeyance pending compliance Issue: W/n plaintiff has a right to recover the losses
with the above stated requirement." However, the appellant
corporation was not in any financial position to meet the Held: Yes. Indisputably, the parties, both businessmen,
condition. entered into the aforesaid contract with the evident intention
of deriving some profits therefrom. Upon breach of the
Consequently, the credit instrument applied for was opened contract by either of them, the other would necessarily suffer
only more than two months from the execution of the contract. loss of his expected profits. Since the loss comes into being
As a result of the delay, the allocation of appellee's supplier in at the very moment of breach, such loss is real, "fixed and
Rangoon was cancelled and the 5% deposit, amounting to vested" and, therefore, recoverable under the law.
524,000 kyats or approximately P200,000.00 was forfeited.
Appellee sent a letter to the appellant, demanding Article 1170 of the Civil Code provides:
compensation for the damages caused her in the sum of "Those who in the performance of their obligation are guilty of
$286,000.00, U.S. currency, representing unrealized profit. fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner
Issue: W/n appellant is liable for damages contravene the tenor thereof are liable for damages."

Held: Yes. Despite the defendant's awareness that it was The phrase "in any manner contravene the tenor" of the
financially incompetent to open a letter of credit immediately, obligation includes any illicit act or omission which impairs the
appellant agreed in paragraph 8 of the contract to pay strict and faithful fulfillment of the obligation and every kind of
immediately "by means of an irrevocable, confirmed and defective performance.
assignable letter of credit," it must be similarly be held to have The damages which the obligor is liable for includes not only
bound itself too answer far all and every consequences that the value of the loss suffered by the obligee [daño emergente]
would result from the representation. but also the profits which the latter failed to obtain [lucro
Article 1170 of the Civil Code provides: cesante]. If the obligor acted in good faith, he shall be liable
for those damages that are the natural and probable
"Those who in the performance of their obligation are guilty of consequences of the breach of the obligation and which the
fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner parties have foreseen or could have reasonably foreseen at
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable in damages." the time the obligation was constituted; and in case of fraud,
Under this provision, not only debtors guilty of fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude, he shall be liable for all
negligence or default in the performance of obligations are damages which may be reasonably attributed to the
decreed liable: in general, every debtor who fails in the nonperformance of the obligation
performance of his obligations is bound to indemnify for the
losses and damages caused thereby. The phrase "in any
manner contravene the tenor" of the obligation includes any

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