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Lesson Plan in ICT

Grade 7
I. Objectives
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the different computer storage devices;
B. Find pleasure in using different computer devices; and
C. Install the different computer storage devices.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Computer Storage Devices
B. Concepts: The use of computer storage devices in digital age is very significant for it will be
very useful in the industry.
C. Materials: laptop, projector, whiteboard marker
D. Value Focus: Cooperative learning and listening attentively

III. Developmental Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review of previous lesson
2. Word Drill
3. Unlocking Difficulties
4. Motivation
 Think of things that used to store an object which starts with the letter:
o C
o B
o F
5. Presentation (Hidden Artifacts)
B. Activity Proper
1. Grouping of Students
2. Group Activity
C. Post Activities
1. Reporting
2. Discussion
3. Generalization
 What are the different kinds of primary and secondary storage devices?
 What are the characteristics of primary storage devices?
 What are the primary storage device and secondary storage device?
 How important are storage devices in a digital world?
4. Application
 Randomly pick students who can perform the task in installing the storage
device: hard disk, CD
5. Valuing
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Write your answer in a ½ crosswise.
Explain in 3-5 sentences on how storage devices can help students.

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