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What is the importance of the NSTP Act to national development?

Based on this RA, here are a few points that relate to the importance of NSTP in
society: NSTP enhances civic consciousness as well as defense preparedness among
the youth. NSTP inculcates patriotism and service ethics among the
youth. NSTP develops the youth's social responsibility through civic works.Jan 10, 2018

What is the importance of community immersion?

Community Immersion, a program of the AQ CSTP, is an experimental process of
being with the people in communities. The process helps concretize theoretical
classroom discussion through actual experiences. It also raises the level of awareness
and consciousness of the realities besetting the people in the communities.

What is community immersion in NSTP?

Community immersion is a strategy in community organizing that is sought to. imbibe
among the NSTP trainees a better understanding and realization of the.
different community concerns through the exposure on actual life situations.
specifically in the deprived, depressed and the underprivileged (DDU) communities.Nov
17, 2016

What is the significance of nstp community immersion to

the attainment of national development?

being a student, you are expected to experience, to be trained, and feel

what is the real world. they theoretical world of going school should be
verified by at least in early time as possible. this is what the community
immersion had aimed in the first place. the student would have inspiration
by their small experience and observation. doing so, we will let them feel
the responsibility for being a future adult citizen. maybe one of them will
be inspired to do something not just for their own success but for the
benefit of the nation.

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