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Toko 1

Properti yg hrus ada

= CD, Cas hp, Laptop, Mouse, Hp, kertas 3 jenis, pulpen yang bisa ditulis di CD, uang koin, koran

Dialog 1

Bayu : Good Morning

Zila : morning!

Bayu : what can i help you?

Abdi : i am looking for blank cd to burn music

Bayu : oh yah, it's evailable in here you can choose what do you want ?

Sitta : i am looking for newspaper, do you sell it?

Bayu : Oh i am sorry , we dont sell it, maybe you can find it in the next store.

Sitta : ok thanks

Abdi : 0how much does this cast?

Bayu : its only 7.000

Abdi : ok. I will take it

Michelle : Hello, did you find everything you were looking for?

Abdi : yah sure

Zila : where is the nearest bank?

Misel : i am sorry i dont know, but we accept credit card payments.

Zila : ok. Thank you for your information.

Dialog 2

Septrian : Hello miss, good morning.

Sitta : morning, iam looking for newspaper

Septrian : yeah, we have it. But we only have the fajar, the kompas, and the tribun news.

Sitta : oh yeah i want the fajar one please !

Sitta : yah sure. How much is it?

Kartika : thats 2000 please!

Toko 2

Properti = Chewing gum, cherry, banana, koran, majalah

Dialog 1

Adel : hey arnis what are you looking for in here?

Arnis : oh iam lookinv for some candys.

Adel : you can find candy there!

Arnis :lets together to find candy.

Isma : hello welcome to our store what are you looking for?

Arnis : i wanna some candys

Isma : which one do you want. We have pappermint, cherry and banana and you can find them in there

Rury: hi arnis, adel

Arnis, adel : hi, oh you here too

Rury : yeah, i am here to buy some newspaper. You all?

Arnis : i wanna buy chewing gum

Rury : oh ok. Btw, i wanna go back home

Adel : ok. Take care, see you later.

Isma : so, are you guys going to buy chewing gum?

Adel, arnis : yes of course

Isma : please go to the cashier to pay

Adel : ok.

Ono : good morning girls, how would you like to pay? Will that be cash or credit?

Arnis : morning, we will pay by credit card

Ono : ok. All of them price is 5000, do you need a bill?

Adel : no thanks

Ono : ok. Thank you

Isma : i have good day.

Toko 3

Ainun : i will take english exam next week, so i wanna buy dictionary.

Nurul : oh i have a recommendation that the store provides

Ainun : oh yes, where is it?

Nurul : what if we go there together?

Ainun : thats good idea lets go.

Ihsan : welcome to our store, can i help you?

Ainun : we need dictionary, do you have it?

Ihsan : we have many dictionary. There are spanich, french, chinese and arabic.

Nurul : woah, your shop is very complete.

Ihsan : which one do you need

Jery : hey guyss, you're here?

Ainun : hey jerry

Jerry : what do you want to buy?

Nurul : i am looking for dictionary and you?

Jerry : i am looking for a salt, but i think in this store no sale it, so i want to find it in another store

Ihsan : so, which one do you need mrs?

Ainun : we need english dictionary

Ihsan : ok wait in here. This is your what do you want, is this right?

Nurul : yes, this is what we want. We will take it

Ihsan : please go to cashier to pay

Diah : hello guys good morning, how would you like to pay? Will be cash or credit?

Nurul : all pay in cash

Diah : ok, the total is 10rb please

Ainun : ok

Diah : thank you and have a good day guys.

Ainun, nurul : thank you

Dialog 2

Ilham : good morning, what can i help you sir?

Jerry : i need two packets table salt

Ilham : ok wait in here sir. This is table salt, is this rigt?

Jery : yes, i will take it

Ilham : lets go to cashier sir

Tito : How would you like to pay? Will that be cash or creadit?

Jerry : i will pay in cash

Tito : this is two packets of salt, one table salt 2500. So, the total price is 5rb

Jery : ok

Tito : thank you sir, i hope you have a good day!

Jerry : thank youu

Toko 4

Ilham : good morning

Alda : morning

Ilham : what can i help you?

Riri : i am looking for instant noodles do you have it sir?

Ilham : yes we have it, how many instant noodles do you need?

Alda : we need 3 packet instant noodles.

Ilham : ok wait in here, i will take it

Wandhy : hey guys, what are you doing here?

Alda : we want to buy instant noodles in here and you?

Wandhy : ouh, i am here to buy a milk, are they sale it in here?

Riri : we dont know, why dont you just ask them?

Wandhy : ok. I will ask them. Excusme, do you have a milk?

Ilham : what caind of milk do you want?

Wandhy : i would like to full fat milk sir

Ilham : thats avaible in here. How much do you want?

Wandhy : just one sir

Ilham : ok wait in here sir

Ilham : its 8rb sir

Ilham : did you guys buy this instant noodle 3 packets?

Alda : yes, of course

Ilham : please you guys go to the cashier.

Alda,riri,wandhy : ok

Tito : good morning guys, who want to pay the first?

Riri : we first to pay, i will to pay by card credit

Tito : ok wait 3 packet instant noodles is price 5rb

Alda : ok sir, we will take it.

Tito : ok guys thankyou for coming in here

Toko 5
Anca : Assalamualaikum

Amir, agus : walaikumsalam

Anca : what are guys doing in here?

Agus : i am looking for newspaper

Amir : and iam looking for magazine

Anca : oh me too, i am looking for newspaper

Agus : how about we go there together?

Anca, amir : sure

Septrian : hello sir, good morning, can i help you? We have newspaper and magazine

Anca : i am looking for newspaper. I need to newspaper please.

Septrian oh news paper? But we only have the kompas and tribun news.

Agus : ok we will take it

Septrian : what about you sir?

Amir : i am looking for magazine

Septrian : oh magazine? We have film review magazine and this week if people pay extra they can get
the special guide to summer films also.

Amir : ok i will take it and pay extra.

Septrian : you can pay at the cashier.

Kartika : hello guys, good morning, this is all you wang guys? No anything again?

Anca : no, thanks

Kartika : you count all of these

Amir : i will pay it all

Kartika : ok wait in here sir, so, the total is 15rb .

Amir : ok thankyou

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