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Today was not a good day for me. I was triggered by my anxiety so badly.

The panic attacks and that feeling of apprehension and fear.

I have no classes today and it's an opportunity for me to study for my
Taxation quiz tomorrow, I should have studied but I didn't. I can't even sit
in one place, open my book and read.
● Why?
Because I was distracted by all the things that spinning in my mind and I
can't concentrate.
I can't breathe. I was drowned.

"I can't do this, this is beyond my ability.I am such a failure and

disappointment so don't try to do it." I was criticised by my own thinking
and it sucks. I can't try pushing myself forward because I'm afraid I might
fail. I'm afraid to live my life with a vision.

Then earlier this afternoon, I saw the Service Utility of DBP whom I met
during the days of my internship there. He was in the waiting shed near
our shop, smiling and waving at me. It's just a simple and ordinary
situation but God moves in mysterious ways. That moment, I was
enlightened. I was revived. I remembered all the things I did in the
company, how I was praised by my trainer and how I got a perfect
internship grade. And it made me remember that I am not a failure and I
can do great things. It made me remember that God has given me the
strength and power to achieve my dreams. It made me realize that I need
to face the reality and do not be twisted by anxiety.

Maybe others won't understand my situation, but I guess it's worth sharing
this. It might be nothing to others but some may need this reminder too,
that do not let anxiety break you down and doubt yourself. It's so simple
but it really helped me. Kuya Floro, thank you for waving and smiling at me,
you are a blessing in disguise.
God is good.

Angel Co ❤️

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