Crucible Thread Chart 2017

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The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information!


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1. Accusing
someone of a
crime or naming
names is a
powerful tool to:

a. Get out of
b. Gain Power
c. Get Revenge
d. Protect the Lie/
e. Silence critics
and dissent
The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information! )

Thread Quote & Context (Cite it!) Connection to McCarthyism Connection to modern society

2. Those who
stand by and do
nothing, when
they know a lie is
being exploited,
are equally
complicit in the
abuse of power.
The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information! )

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3. Those falsely
accused of crimes
may refuse to
confess because
they do not wish
to legitimize a lie,
because doing so
could ruin them
and possibly those
they are associated
The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information! )

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4. When engaging
in a “witch hunt,”
the accusers must
attack people who
are seen as
undesirable or
members of
society, because an
attack on a
member of society
that has a good
reputation brings
into question the
veracity of the
accuser(s) and
undermines their
The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information! )

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5. Witchcraft,
communism, and
terrorism are
“invisible crimes”
because often
there is no tangible
therefore neither
the accuser nor the
accused can prove
their claims, thus
giving the accuser
The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information! )

Thread Quote & Context (Cite it!) Connection to McCarthyism Connection to modern society

6. Accusations of
terrorism, can be
legitimized and
solidify an
accuser’s power if
a confession can
be coerced from
an accused
The Crucible (Don’t forget to cite where you found your information! )

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7. The Bill of
Rights to the
fundamental rights
designed to curb
many of the
abuses during the
Salem witch trials,
McCarthyism, and
the 21st century.

1st – Right to freedom of

religion and free speech.

4th – Right to be secure

in homes from
unreasonable search and
seizure without probable

5th – Right not to testify

against oneself; must
have indictment by
grand jury; must have
due process

6th – Right to attorney;

confront witnesses; see
evidence against you

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