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Are we getting what we should get from the mall

Situation Description:
Nashik City Centre Mall (NCCM) is located off Lawate Nagar, Untwadi Road, Nashik. The
aim being to be the most preferred marketplace for retailers and consumers, the target market
is not only the city of Nashik but the entire district including Sinnar, Ozhar, Ghoti, Igatpuri
etc..(according to the mall’s website, Wide walkways and aisles
are provided throughout the mall. Visitors use these as horizontal circulation channel to walk
through from space to space, while pausing to look around without being obstructions.
Elevators and escalators are provided at the central area of the shopping mall. These serve as
vertical circulation channels. Being in a mall, visitors observe and being observed. They move
freely both horizontally and vertically within the mall also, look at merchandise on display in
the store. Then, some make the change from being outside the store to being inside or else
simply move forward. Inside the stores, visitors watch the merchandise, compares between
range of products, watch other shoppers’ behaviour, and interact with staffs. This makes
shopping a social activity. NCCM includes access for the physically challenged persons. To
ensure that people with disability find it easy to use the mall space, wheelchair assistance is
being provided on demand. It also provides wide variety of dining options for visitors. Shops
in the mall offer customers the ability to touch and feel the merchandise. Big Bazaar, Reliance
digital and Central are the anchor stores present in the mall. There are several entertainment
options available in City Centre Mall such as multiplex, game zone, and various rides for kids.
Apart from these, concert, live stand-up comedy shows, celebration of festivals, and various
promotional activities are being conducted regularly by the mall management to keep the
visitors engaged. NCCM provides multi-level parking space, which is the largest indoor
parking facility in the city of Nashik.
NCCM seems to follow dual market positioning strategy i.e. shopper market and retailer
market. In shopper market, the interaction and transaction happen between retailer and shopper
while in retailer market, the interaction and transaction happen between retailer and mall
management. Major portion of the revenue comes from the rent and the maintenance paid by
the tenants. There are three types of rent options available for the tenants in the mall i.e., fix
rent, pure revenue share, and minimum guaranty and revenue sharing. In fix rent type, fix
amount of rent is collected from the tenant. In pure revenue share rent type, percentage of sale
revenue is collected as rent. Minimum guaranty and revenue sharing is a type of rent where
there are two components i.e., fix rent and revenue share on percentage basis. Fees collected
from parking is another revenue generating source. There are many kinds of operating expenses
incurred by the mall. Common area maintenance (CAM), insurance, fixtures, utilities, safety
and security, inventories, marketing budget, professional services, licenses and tax deposits,
etc. are some of the key expenses. In NCCM, the security system and the concern team play a
crucial role in keeping tenants, staffs, visitor, and the property safe. Every visitor coming to
the mall must undergo through a two-step security check i.e., passing through a metal detector
and baggage checking. Other types of surveillance, safety and security systems available in the
mall are video surveillance system, fire-fighting system, and emergency exits.
Tenants of CCMNPL are part of the only one of its kind mall in the city. They get a large
potential customer pool whom they can offer their products and services. A tenant avails all
the sophisticated modern features of the mall by paying a certain amount as rent. Marketing
and promotional activities conducted in the mall helps the tenants to endorse their brand and to
grow their business. Overall safety and security is taken care by the mall management. But the
is risk of theft, damage to the properties or any kind of security breach inside the store premises
is to be handled by the tenants. The mall management also handles the operation and
maintenance department. Some key maintenance tasks associated with mall are related to
HVAC, housekeeping, electricity, firefighting, plumbing, pest control, etc..

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