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sN - 138

Total No. of Pages I 2

M.B.A. (Pa3t . I) (New)

-.-a_/\_ -..,/ (Semester - r,
I) Lr4ulu4irur
Examination, May- 20i2
Sub. Code: 68302
Day and'I)llte ; Wednesday, 03- 05 - 2017 '-' Total Marks :80
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m.
Instructions: 1) Q. No, I and 2 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any tlro questions from e, Nos. 3,4 and 5.
3) Figures to flre riglt indicate full marks.

Qf Case Study.
The.noniechnical people assigned to the research division complain
that they
are ignored by the research engineers and administrative
staff who are also
engineers. Purchasing ishandled for and at the research division
by a purchasing
depanment headed by a local purchasing agent. He repor-ts to
the head ofthe
purchasing division at another location. pmchasing deparlment
personael are
divisior.r. tte p,rchising
problems in placing for bid the complex techrical materials
dil;*d; ;;
requidd,. it must
in mos(Cases rely on the specifications ofthe engineering
stafil wii feel that
enginetrs should have the choice regarding .o.,i"", q,_,ultiq6rarrJpri"e.
en5fieers do not question stockroom items unless there.ig3ihol1
part; then
they inform the research director that his activities are being
int"oupt"O ly a
stock- shortage. He storms into purchasing agent,s officelo
valuable engineering time is being lostbecause a two rupees pat "o*pluil,
is noiavailable.
Arother difficulty arises out ofthe research engineers, dislike for paper
They bring material into plant from vendors w.ithout gettirg
uprrr"hu." ord".; materials from petty cash. Engineers oft"r, p.oiri."
an order to a
vendor before the purchasing agent receives the requisition.
thousands ofrupees worth ofmaterials are being assembled
on ,r"ndo. f.".i.",
without covering paper work.
The engineers take pr.ide in this freedom and flexibility in
their operations.
Engineering department heads and the director ofr.esearch
shar.e thi's feeling.
1) Ident;fothe tlchnical problems involved in this case. . '
2) Whar controls might be esrablished ro minimize them?
.,' ' r'
sN - 138
Q2) Yots arc interviewing candidates for sales
and marketing position which will
involve face-to-face meetings with customers. On paper,"o'n"
oitfr" uppli.*t.
stands out as b{iiig the most able and best qualihed'fo;
confirmedat i&1drview, but you thendiscoveithat he
,h; ilrrtiltill;
has a"i"LJ"Ai iil" i.
visually lter)ldisturbing and also impacts onhis speech. "
him {a6g thejob and you conclude thar he woutl be;e;gpo!
ui it, fp"opt.
gavq,him the chance, but you are woried that som.
otyfro{rrto_".., *t o
are not exactly progressive, might not give him
chance. Will you recruitthis candidate?

Q3) a) How do the required managerial skills differ in the

b) Why do most ofthe laxge departmental stores and
supermarket chains
organize the stores on a territorial basis and
the intemal store units by
products? Elaborate with examples. tl0l

Qa) What isjofanalysis and why is it central to hruran

") resource ptaqni{dtJtOl
b) Ifyouwere the chief executive ofa large corporation, t
ori **ta yo1,
inslitutionalize ethics in the organizationi
-\ t10l

Q5) Short notes (any four)

a) Contingencyapproach.
b) Span ofmanagement.
c) Benefitsofcontrolling.
d) Characteristics ofgood corporate gove rance.
e) Gandhian philosophy of Wealth ManaSemenr.
1) Management in 2l St Century_ Opportunities.



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