Effective Goal Setting Planning Worksheet

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Effective Goal Setting & Planning Page 1

Step-by-Step Guide
STEP 1: Identify a goal.

STEP 2: Define the importance of the goal.

Why do you want to achieve this goal? Why is that important to you?

Importance Rating (0-10): _______________________________________________________

(0-not important at all; 10-extremely important)

STEP 3: Examine the advantages and disadvantages of achieving and not achieving
this goal.
Achieving the Goal Not Achieving the Goal


©2019 Izabel Nedeva Psychotherapy. All Rights Reserved.

Any other reproduction or distribution in whatever form is expressly prohibited without a prior written consent.
www.selfcareskills.com I www.izabelnedeva.com
email: info@selfcareskills.com
Effective Goal Setting & Planning Page 2

Step-by-Step Guide
STEP 4: Make the goal SMART
What exactly are you going to do?

How will you know you have done it?

Is this goal achievable?

Is achieving this goal realistic and

When are you going to start working
on this goal and achieve it by?

Now summarize your SMART goal:


STEP 5: Set small steps towards achieving this goal.

 ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________

©2019 Izabel Nedeva Psychotherapy. All Rights Reserved.

Any other reproduction or distribution in whatever form is expressly prohibited without a prior written consent.
www.selfcareskills.com I www.izabelnedeva.com
email: info@selfcareskills.com
Effective Goal Setting & Planning Page 3

Step-by-Step Guide
STEP 6: Anticipating Setbacks & Planning Helpful Management
Potential Hurdles Solution

STEP 7: Plan Your Activity

Add the steps to the Weekly Task Achievement Record

STEP 8: Carry out Activity

Monitor your progress on the Weekly Task Achievement Record

STEP 9: Review & Revise

What happened? Revise if needed

STEP 10: Reward Yourself

Reward Ideas





©2019 Izabel Nedeva Psychotherapy. All Rights Reserved.

Any other reproduction or distribution in whatever form is expressly prohibited without a prior written consent.
www.selfcareskills.com I www.izabelnedeva.com
email: info@selfcareskills.com

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