Map Rubric Final

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TASK: Asian Country Assignment

Create a detailed map of your Asian country (including all of the listed elements). The
assignment outline is listed on the Year 6 webpage at

Name of student: Asian country:

Excellent High Satisfactory Limited Very Low

Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement
The map includes a The map includes The map contains The map is missing The map is missing
clearly labelled title, most standard map some elements of a most standard map all standard map
Map Elements
border, source, elements: most are standard map. elements. elements.
scale, north point accurate and easy
and legend. to read.
The map includes The map includes The map includes a The map only The map doesn’t
accurate labels of mostly, accurate few labels of cities includes a few include majority of
main cities and labels of cities and and waterways. labels. The Tropic labels and many
waterways. waterways. Physical features of of Cancer and are inaccurately
Labels and
Physical features of Physical features of the Tropic of Capricorn are placed. Tropic of
the Tropic of the Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn inaccurately placed. Cancer/Capricorn is
Cancer and Cancer/Capricorn are included. not included.
Capricorn are are included.
carefully drawn.
The map includes The map includes The map includes The map includes The map doesn’t
carefully drawn and accurate lines of correct lines of inaccurate lines of include lines of
Latitude and
very accurate lines latitude and latitude and latitude and latitude and
of latitude and longitude. longitude. longitude. longitude.
The map The map The map The map does not The map does not
represents the represents the represents the represent the represent the
intended area well. intended area well intended area with intended area at all. intended area at all.
All the objects are with the exception a few errors of Many features are All features are not
Accuracy and
placed in correct of a few missing placement. Most not drawn to scale. drawn to scale.
proportion and objects. Most features are drawn
approximation. All features are drawn to scale.
features on map to scale.
are drawn to scale.
The map is neat The map is The map is The map is legible, The map is difficult
and readable. The readable and readable. Some however neatness to read/understand.
Neatness map is easily identifiable to the features need to be needs improving. Gives the reader no
identifiable to the reader. distinguished with clues or ideas of
reader. help. what it is.
Very colourful and Varieties of colours Same colour is Limited use of No use of colour.
Visual clean looking. are used. Labels used. Most labels colour. Labels are Labels are difficult
Appeal Labels are easy to are easy to read. are easy to read. somewhat difficult to read.
read. to read.
All words on the Nearly every word Most words on the Some words are Limited amount of
map are spelled on the map is map are spelled spelled and/or words are spelled
Spelling and capitalised spelled and and capitalised capitalised and/or capitalised
correctly. capitalised correctly. correctly. correctly.

Teacher Comment:

Geography: Knowledge and Understanding

- The geographical diversity of the Asia region and the location of its major countries in relation to Australia (ACHASSK138).
- Australia’s connections with other countries and how these change people and places(ACHASSK141).
- Differences in the economic, demographic and social characteristics of countries across the world(ACHASSK139).
Inquiry and Skills: Researching
- Locate and collect relevant information and data from primary and secondary sources(ACHASSI123).
- Organise and represent data in a range of formats including tables, graphs and large- and small-scale maps, using discipline-
appropriate conventions (ACHASSI124).

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