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1. Which of these antibiotics are primarily bactericidal in action?

a. cephalosporins
b. tetracycline
c. erythromycin
d. azythromycin
e. sulfonamides
2. Which of the below statements are true about antibiotics?
a. Bacteriostatic drugs is more ideal to use in treating infections than bactericidal drugs
b. Bactericidal will inhibit the growth of bacterial cells and the elimination of microorganism
is not dependent on host’s immunity
c. Cephalosporins are example of bacteriostatic drug
d. Gram positive bacteria has less layer and more penetrable than gram negative bacteria
e. Penicillines are mainly effective against gram negative bacteria
3. Appearance of a new infection as a result of prolonged or inappropriate antimicrobial
therapy is termed as?
a. toxicity
b. allergic reaction
c. adverse effects
d. drug resistance
e. superinfection
4. What is one of the principles in choosing antibiotics?
a. Use a broad spectrum antibiotics in simpler infection
b. Choose antibiotics that can be given through oral
c. You can treat a virus with an antibacterial drug
d. Adverse effects of the drugs should not be a concern
e. Complete the full course therapy of an antibiotic
5. In which cases of dental treatment that a prophylaxis antibiotic is not needed?
a. Fluoride treatment
b. Periodontal procedures
c. Extraction
d. Implant placement
e. Root planning
6. What is one of the effects of the indiscriminate use of broad spectrum antibiotics?
a. Susceptibility to the drugs increased
b. Drug resistance
c. Less opportunistic infection
d. Decreased toxicity of drug
e. The proliferation of the normal flora
7. Which of these antibiotics are NOT of Penicillin group?
a. Gentamicin
b. Amoxicilline
c. Augmentin
d. Ampiciline
e. Penicillin G
8. These drugs below are all classified as broad spectrum antibiotics,except…
a. cephalosporins
b. metronidazole
c. macrolides
d. penicillin
e. quinolones
9. Which of these are in the group cephalosporins?
a. cefazolin
b. bacitracin
c. doxycicline
d. azythromycin
e. ampicillin
10. Which of these antibiotics are not safe in pregnant women?
a. macrolides
b. quinolones
c. penicillin
d. cephalosporins
e. azythromycin
11. What are one of serious side effects caused by aminoglycosides?
a. Loss of vision
b. Teeth discoloration
c. Aplastic anemia
d. Deafness
e. Closing of the epiphysial plate in prepubertal children
12. Which of the commonly used antibiotics regimen for prophylaxis in dental procedure?
a. chloramphenicol
b. tetracycline
c. metronidazole
d. amoxicillin
e. gentamicin
13. Which of these are not considered the empirical antibiotics for odontogenic infections?
a. streptomycin
b. cephalexin
c. cefazolin
d. azythromycin
e. clindamycin
14. Which of the antibiotics below are highly effective against anaerob bacteria?
a. ampicillin
b. eryhtomycin
c. amoxicillin
d. metronidazole
e. ketoconazole
15. Clyndamicin is in which groups of the below?
a. cephalosporins
b. lincosamides
c. macrolides
d. quinolone
e. sulfonamides

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