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arte are 1S 16227 (Part 3): 2015, ppbie nee TEC 61069-32011 soent cient vam 9 tenets atcem leer fore safes artemg Instrument Transformers ‘Para Adational Requirements or Inductive Voltage Transformers L LT 1081722020 © ais 2015 sda are apt BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS rm tae, 9 ange omat me, a fee -troone ANAK BHAVAN, § BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR WARG. new Deana wmnsorgie wo cancrdbiin ‘August 2015 Price Group 8 Instrument Transformers Section Commitee, ETD 34 NATIONAL FOREWORD “Tis ina Stand (Pa 3) whe is identical wth EC 61860-9: 2011 ‘Instrument ranstormers— Pert: Additonal equementa for Inuctve voage Wansloret” sued by te Intorabonal Etsctrotachneal Commission (IEC) wes adopted by the Buroau of Indan Slandards onthe fecommendaion of the Instumen Transformers. Soclonal Commitee and approval of the Elscrotecyeal sion Count ‘he text of 1EC Sandard has been approved as suitabe for pubication as an Inn Standard Tithoutdovations, Catan conventons sre, however, nt Sencale hese used an Siandards. ‘Rortion is parteutly drawn othe folowing |) Whrever tle words trator Standard app ‘ada Indan Standerd 1. Comma) has been used asa decal mather while in ndan Standard, the urent practice ‘Stousaa pont) a8 he doceal marr 1, rlering to tis standard they shouldbe In he adopted standard, aleence appears to contin Intemational Standards fr which Inden ‘Stands ts xs Tne comespondng nan Std, wh ae be cubed nha reepoetne Places are ited blow song with ne degre of equvalonee fr io ection indeed: Intemational Stared Comespondng indian Stardars _Degroeot Equivalence €C.60008 (EC standard votages 1S 12980: 1988 Votage bands for Technlaly Equvaent blectrical installations including proterred voltages an rquency EC 61969-1 : 2007 instrument 1S 16227 (Pat): 2044 Instrumer ttanstormers — Fart: Gonoral Wanstormers: Part 1 General requirements rogutomerts encal “Tha technicl committee has reviewed the provislons ofthe ftlwingItomaional Standard reared ‘i'ihis adopted slndard and hat deidod that tis accoptabe for use In conjunction wih ths Standart Internationa Stand re veceo0ze International standard of resistance foreopper ‘ony the Engh language text inthe International Standard Nas been retained whe adopting i Inthe Indian Stantar, and ae suzn the page numbers ven nore are not the same ae nthe Tec Pubbeaton, For he purpose of deciding whether a partclarreqitoment otis standard is compiled wth the {ial val, ebeorvdor caleulated expressing th recut ofatest or analysis shall eroundod tn ‘ocordance wth 21960 Rules for oundnge nanetialvaue (remse). The nrber of siniiant Pincesrtained in he rounded off value shouldbe ne same ae tat the spect value in Ms andar 1s 16227 (Part) ec 618609: 2011 Indian Standard INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS, PART 3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUCTIVE VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS 1 Scope “Tie pat of IEC 61860 apples to now inductive vltage wanstormers for use wih eectical Iaesuring inatuments and elactical protective sevices at equencles fom 18 Me fo 100 Mz 7 Regan pa hear Yor protection purposes. T {nd protection shal Comply witha ciouses af ts stendara 2 Normative references Clause 2 of IEC 61880-1:2007 Is applicable with he following adtons ec e002 International Standard of resistance for copper EC 60030, 6 stendard votages EC 61869-:2007, nerument transformers - Pat 1: General requirements 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations, For the purposes ofthe document, the trme and dations in IEC 6186 he tallowingadaivons: :2007 apply wth 34. General detnitions 34.301 In normal conatons of use. is “ubstantialy propertonal othe primary valage and afer n phase frm by am angle which ie spprocmately zero for an appropriate stein af he eonnodions {tec 60050-921:1986, 21-03-01] te pray winding, inclusing terminals, Insults ed inouitonfvel which I ntanded to have one ond ofits primery windlng Transformer high is intended to have the ste-pint ‘tts primary winding drcty earthed 18 16227 (Part): 2015 tec 61869: 2011 3.306 tmeaeuring voltage transformer Votage tenstormer ifended 19 ansmit an information signal to mess Integrating meters ang similar appara NEC 60050-921:1998,323-05-04 meattiod) 9:4.308 protective voltage transformer otoge trenstormer intended to transmit an information sin ‘contol davees| {1ec 60950-921:1986 32-03-08) 1 alectical protective and 3.4308 brimary winding Winding whi the voltage tobe transformed is applied 34.307 Secondary winding ‘tnsing wtich supplies the voltage circuits of measuring Instruments, motors, relays or sia Spparatue 23300, ‘esidual vo Utincing of a tinglephaze voltage transformer intended, in @ set of thro single-phase {fanstormers, fr connection In broken deta forthe purpose of 4) producing a residual vollage under earh-aut conditions: ) damping of olxation oscil ions (ferto-retonances), 32 Definitions relate to dietectele ratings 32.01 ‘ated primary volta Ue ‘blue of the primary voltage whieh appear in the designation of he transformer and on which Is pertormance is based NNEC 60050-3211986, 321-01-12 modinod) 32.02 fated secondary voltage value of the secondary vottage which appears in the designation of the transformer and on ‘hich te pevormance ls based {HEC 60050-321-1986, $21-01-18 modi 32.303 ‘ated voltage factor ‘lipyng factor to be appieg to the rated eximary voltage to daterine the maximum voage Siwhicn a twansformer must coms with the colavat thermal requirements fora speciieg {ime and withthe relevant accuracy reguements 015 ec 61869-32011 34 Definitions 343 ratio error ted to accuracy Definition 3.4.3 of IEC 61869-12007 is apelcsbe with the folowing tone text “The ratio error (voltage exon, expresso in por cone given bythe formuls © fta= "e100 ba ie the cated vanctormation| Uy is he actual primary vol U,ls he actual secondary voltage when Up plied under the onions of measurement 35 Definitions related to other 35.201 thermal imiting output alu ofthe apparent power at rated vo without exceeding the limits of temperatur J which can be taken from a secondary winding Fledauymey oe scesara NOTE 342 Inte cae of mae ra secondary wing he hm ingot 3.7 Index of abbreviations 2.7 of IEC 61860-1i placed bythe following Instrument Transformer ‘Curent Transformer ‘apacive Volage Transformer Vottage Transformer ‘icineuated Switchaear ‘Gas-inaulated Switchgear G ‘etal eansformation aio z ‘alee Fansformation ratio le ‘allo evar ae ‘hase dplacerent z ia ‘ated output Toe ghost voiage fr syatem Tn | heat voage for equipment Tre le F ‘mechanical oad a Teltive leakage rie 1s 16227 (Parka): 2015, Ec 61660-32011 5 Ratings ‘Clause 5 of IEC 618601 is applicable with the folowing modiestions: 53. Rated insulation levels 5.2..301 Powerfrequency withstand veltage forthe earthed termi “The rates power-troqueneyshort- duration withstand voltage shall be 3V (cm 8) 55 Rated output 55201 Ratedoutput values ‘Tho standard values trated output ata power factor of 1, expresso n oltmperes, a 10 28-8:0- 10 VA (burden range!) ‘Tho standard values of rated output st a power factor of 0.6 lagging, expr Votampores, are 10+ 26 50-100 VA (burden range) ‘Tho rated output of athree-phase transformer hall Be he rated outpUt por phase 55.202 _Ratedthermal limiting output “Tne rated thermal linting output shall be specified in voltamperes; the standard values aro 25 - 60-100 VA and thet decimal multiples ted tothe rated sscondary voltage wth unty power factor 55203 Rated output values for ual voltage windings “The ratod output of windings intended tobe connected i broken dete wih similar windings to Indie a reidualvaltage shall be spectiog n vollamperes and the value shall be chosen From th values spected in 8.520% 55.304 Rated thermal limiting output for residual voltage windings ‘The rated termal imiting output of the residual voltage winding shall be specited in ‘otampare: tbe stasdord valuos at 25 50- 100 VA and thei decimal mutipos, ‘elated toto 1 secondary voltage with unity power factor.

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