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sree aera 1.16227 (Part): 2015 Indian Standard IEG 618694: 2018 Instrument Transformers Part 4 Addlionel Requirements for Combinal Transformers €===)) © ais 2015 sna ae = SUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS wes 9H, 9 TUNE HC ww a o00e Anne BHAVAN, 8 BAHADUR BIAM ZAPAR MARG vein wantin December 2015 Price Group Instrument Transformers Sectional Commits, ETD 24 [NATIONAL FOREWORD “This Indian Standard (Par 4 which dential wih IEC 61869-4; 2019 srument ansiormers — Part Aasoonalrqurement forcambined Varsormorasuedby he iriratonalEletoteericl ‘Commision (I) nas adopted by the Bure of indan Stanaars onthe recormandaion ofthe Irerumont Tranelomera Sactonal Commitee snd approval of he Elcrtachnca sion Counc “Thstortof EC Sterdard has been approved a suelo publication as anInign Sandardwahout Gotan. Geran convertion are, nowaver,ntideneal tothe sean san Standards tenon is parteuay awa fo he fotowng | Wherever th words itrmtinal Standard! appear refering tei tandardthoy shouldbe read "Indan Standard 1) Comma, as bean used as a decimal marker when nan Standards, he custent practice Ie a pint () asthe decimal marker. In this adopted stndar, relrence appears to catia Inlematonal Standars ter which Indian ‘Standards sso ene The corespondingndan Standard, which arto be subsite nth laces, 1a ited blow long wth ther degree of equivalence for he eatons incicatod Iterations Standard ‘Coresponding Ioan Standard Degree fEquvalonce ec 60008 1ec: 1s 12960 : 1908 Votage bands for Techical Equivalent tlectnca! inealations ineluaing Pretoed valages and toquercy EC e19601 : 2007 Instrument 18-16227 (Pan 1): 2014 Instrument emeat Utanslormers ~ Part 1" General transformers: Part 1 General require requremants TEC 1869-2 2612 Instrument 15 16227 (Pan 2): 2018 Instrum ® transformore ~ Pat 2: Additonal transformers: Pat 2 Addition equlremente for cuitent tequioments for current trontonnens transtormrs TEC 61869-9 : 2011 Instrument 15 16227 (Pals): 2014 insirumo & Utanstormors ~ Pat 3: Adsibonal wanstormers: Part 3 Additional Tequrements fr inductive voiage_fequsemens for Inactive votage ttaneormers tanstomers ‘ne tecnica! commit 1 no proviion of he olowing ntenatona Sundardrelered inthis adopted stndard and hae decided that le accaptable for uve in conjuction wih Ms nde Intemational Stand Te ece002e Intemational Standard resistance er copper Only he Engh language text of he IEC Siandarahas been eaind while adeping it ‘Standard ands sich the page numbers gWen here ar notte same asin IEC Standard Forte purpose of ecising whether a paricularrequroment ol his standard i comp wih, final vale, observed orenleuated, expressing the aout ofa tet or analy, shall ba rounded off {ucordanco mth 182 1960 ‘ules for rounding Of numerical values (revised, The number ot ‘igntear place tainedn tho rounded ot value shouldbe the same gs hat of respected valve Inti tana 15 16227 (Part a): 2015 Tec 61869-42013 Indian Standard INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS PART 4 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMBINED TRANSFORMERS 1 Scope “Tie part of IEC 61869 applies to nowly-manufactured combined transformers for use wth Slectical measuring intuments and electneal protective devices at requenciea fom 15 Hz tot00 He “The roaucements and teste of hs standard, In acon to the requirements and tate of TEC erase, IEG o1a60-2 and IEC 61860-2 cover curont and inetve voltage tansforrers that are neceesary for combined intrument tansformers 2. Normative references Clause 2of IEC 61860-1:2007 Ie applicable with the folowing mosfcation: ‘aon EC 60028, international Standard of esstance for copper Ec 60028, 1 stoncard voltages Ec 61869-1:2007, Instament Transformers - Pat 1: General requirements ec 61869-22012, instument Transformers = Part 2° Addtionel requremonts for cunent Ec 61869-22011, intument Transformers ~ Part 9: Addons! requirements for inductive voltage transformers 3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the tems and detintions given in 1EC 61868-12007, TEC 61960-22012 and IEC 61009-3:201%, as wellae the folowing apo. 2:4 Genera definitions aa404 ‘Combined instrument ts fretument transformer eonsising of @ curent and voltage transformer in the seme ‘nelosure a.402 ror of voltage transformer 5 ‘io erorofvatage transformer determine wit dtconnected curentransormer 1s 16227 (Part) 2015, Tec 61866-42013 leplacemant of voltage transformer hase displacement of vakage transformer determined with disconnected current transformer a4.408 ‘oltage induced by rated continuous thermal current Ww {He wotageinduoed by the rated continuous themal currant of the current transformer in the otage tansfonnar defined 36.2 measure of the raximum variation of te voltage error 34.408 ‘greatest varation of voltage error as, {he greatest possible variation of the ratio error of the voltage transformer due to voltage Indugod by the rated continuous thermal eorrent ol he errant tansform a4, ihe greatest possiblo variation of the phase displacament of the veltage transformer ue 10 ‘otage induced bythe rated continuous thermal eurent ofthe curentvantormor aaa07 Absolute value ofthe variations of vo Sin of te absolute values of the rato eroro! the voltage transformer and the greatest “oration ofthe voltage ror cbained at specie voltage 34.408 Sbsolute value ofthe variations of phase dlsplacement of voltage transformer oy fm of the absolute valu ‘ronan variation ofthe pi the phase digpacement ofthe voltage transformer and the ‘daplacomentoblaned at specified votage 34.409 Yoltage induced at {ts votag induced bythe sho transformer an marked onthe short-time thermal current cunt ofthe cuter aa410 {rrorof current transformer a Fito ero of current transformer determined with unexcte voltage transformer saat phase daplacement of current transformer 5 Phase displacement of erront wanstormer determined with unexcted voltage transformer 4 Wwhtage generated in the current transtormer by capacitive curent due to applied voltage of the wage tansformer and defined as a measure af the maximum variation ofthe current, 1s 16227 (Part 4): 2018, te 618684: 2013, the greatest posible variation ofthe phase dplacemant ofthe currant transformer du to ‘otage generated inthe curenttrasionmor by eapecitve currant sats [Abolute value ofthe variations of current ‘dn of the absolute values ofthe ratio ettor of the curent Wansformer and the gress ‘ataton of the cuent eter obtaines at specties current ‘solute value ofthe varlations of phase displacement of current transformer 3 un of the absolute values of tne phase dlaplacemant of the current transformer and the ‘rontent variation ofthe pave ssplacemont obtained et specified current 31. Index of abbreviations end sym Replacement: &_ [eter af voliage Wansfomor [phase dsplacement of he volage Vansformer T,_[woltage induced by the rated continuous thermal current “A, [the greatest variation ofthe voltage ror T._[rated secondary valage “2A, | he greatest variation of ho phate deplacement ofthe voltage transformer | he absolute valve ofthe variations ofthe vllage eror the absolute value of th variations of he phat deplacomont of vellage Wansiormer Tax [fated short-time thermal current Tented continuous thermal eutrent | the voltage induced st. 45 [error of current wansformer [phase depiacement ofthe caren Wansiormar T;_| woltage generated in the current wansformer by capactve current ‘|e greatst variation athe current error a fe @._ [ihe absote value ofthe variations of the curenteror 3;_|the absolute valve ofthe varaions of ha phase deplacoment of curent WansTormer 1d short-time thermal eurent ‘urn ransformer raest variation ofthe phase displacement oT To, [ated wasonary rat 18 16227 (Part a): 2015 ec 61860-42013, 4 Normal and special service conditions Clause 4 of IEC 61869-1:2007 is applicable. 5 Ratings Clause 5 of IEC 61869-1:2007, Clause 5 of IEC 61860-2:2012 and Clause 5 of IEC 61869. i201 are applicable with the flowing mosiieatios: Adttions subelouse: ‘5401 Additional requirements for measuring and protective combined transforms ‘5401.1 General “The error limits for measuring combines transformers shall corespond to the quirements for Inecsurng curert tonsformers, indicated in 6.201 of 1EC 61360-22072, and to the {equcements for measuring vltags transformers indicated in 56.201 of IEC 61869-9:2071 ‘films of vor for protective combined transfermers shall correspon tothe requirements {or protective curont tensformere indioaed in 5.8202 of IEC 61869-22072, and to Ihe requirements for protective vllage tanetormers nical io 5.6.302 of IEC 61869-9:2011 When operating the currant transformer between 5% of the ralod current and the rated Contnucus thoral current the voltage transormer shall ot exceed te limits of volage error nd phoce displacement corresponding fo ts ase win the specie range of burden 2nd Between 80 % and 120 of he vated vologe When operating the valtage transformer between 80 % of the rated voltage and the rated Wolage multiplied by the rated volage factor tm curent vansformer shal nt exceed the Iimis of cwrret errr and phase displacement within the rango of current corresponding fos ‘ass and thin the apocfedrango of burden. ‘800 72.6401 and and Annex 4A, 6 Design and construction Clause 8 of IEC 61969-12007, Clause 6 of IEC 61860-22012 and Cl Te 61660-$:2011 are applicable wit the fllowing moditieations: 64 Requirements for temperature rise of parts and components 644 General Subclause 64.1 of IEC 61860-2:2012 Ie appiceble withthe flowing mediation: ‘Aadltion Tho temperature se of 9 combined instumeat vansfrmor shall not exceed the prope ahs of fof IEC 61860-12007, 1 a vallage a Indcatod n 7-22 of IEG 61869-22011, “polos tot and the curren transformer ls caring a primary curent equal to the raied Eninuovs thermal current The current Lansfomor Is connected to a uly power factor borden covespanding ‘output ranformer boing loaded at fated burden, ora the highest ated butaen I thee Durdens, and ta power faslor betwean ©. lagging and ny. The addional toloance of 10 K proposed in some 4 1s 16227 (Part): 2015 ec 6150-8: 2013 cases for tha voltage transformers (e08 clause 7.2.2 of IEC 61869-3.2011) Is aleo appiccblo forthe curen trnstermers of the combined nstroment raneformers. 6:12. Markings ‘Atdonalsubclauses: 6.12.01. Terminal markings ‘The terminals of the current and voltage tansformer parts of combined instrument tran: formare shall be marked inthe sameway as for invigual Wansformers. a= specie In 6712201 of IEC 61869-2 2012 ana 673.307 TEC 61880-3:2011 619.402. Rating forthe current transformer according to 6 13.202 of IEG 61869-2:2012 ang the voltage transformer according’ to 6.12302 oF TEC 61869.9-201" shall be matted $oparately onthe rating plate 16.15.4022. Marking of the rating plat ‘of » combined transformer ransformer shal cary onthe eating plate the vale ofthe vltage Uy Inducoc by ‘of tha rated short-time thermal curont Towing though ‘the curent tranetormer, when tha primary winging ofthe voltage transformer is shor-aecuted. The induead vokage fe messured at the terminals of the secondary winding of te volage traneforme loaded with 18 VA or he rate burden. sar es drt ea wo toy sr 7 Tests (Glause 7 of IEC 61869-1:2007, Clause 7 f IEC 61860-2:2012 and Clause 7 of IEC 61658- ‘5:2011 are applicable with he falling meateations: TA. Gonerat Replacement of Table 10: ‘Table 10 List of este eat or doom wasters faa [Venfeton ate dere of pension by aoe rar 1s 16227 (Part 4): 2015 HEC 61860-4: 2013 Pewerttnoy vag waa een inca mia [73.4 ony ee ra Meese ol epson and Slee Sapaton cer (743, Denewin os eran oar FS) Armameng ro |TRE 12 Type tests 7.22. Temperaturerise test ‘Replacement ofthe fet sentence by the flowing: -Atest shall be made in order to prove compliance with 641. Aasstion \Winen tte Is more han one eacondary winding, the tests shall be made wit te appropiate ftherwiso.agraed between tmanufactuer snd. sor, For the tost, the kansformer shall be mountog i manner fepresentatvo of the mounling In service, The preserbed current and voltage are applied ‘Shuitancousl to tne combined Instrument ranstormer For ths purgoce. tls necessary that the pimary mining andthe secondary winding ofthe transfer govaraing the high current fated burden connected. to each ondary. winding ul 18 16227 (Part 4): 2015 ec 618604: 2013 Which excites the current transformers are insulated in relation to one another forthe full Votage a the network lable, two othortost arrangements are recommended +) The combined instrument transformer may be installed insulate. The high voltage is then “pplied smultaneously to to ram, the casing, tothe terminal of the primary winding ‘lualy earthed in eerie, and fo one terminal of each sacondery winging, whilst the terminal ofthe primary winding sppliog to the maine line In sarvice fe earthed, Thus the Inaulaton of the transformer generating the curent need not bo constructed for high votage “The high voltage ie applied othe terminal wtih is connected tothe mala tne Inservice Primary terminals ofthe current transformer are shor-creuited snd connectod to the MQh ‘rotlage, Te rated continuova thermal current inthe short-circuited pimery wing shal beloSlained y emerging one ormore secondary windings of he eaten wansformet 2 “The results of all ree methods are the same and the choice of the method Is lft 1 the manufacturer “The temperatura ie of windings shall be measured by the increase la esistanca method. For ‘hermecoupies may be ‘homomeiers or thermocouples 7.23. Impulse voltage withstand test on primary terminal 7234 General Aston ‘impulse voltage waves shall be applied to the short-cultd primary winding of te rent transformer connected 10 the terminal af the valage tansformer primary winding “inch is at high vokage when in operation. The same connection 1s valid for chopped and ‘muta chopped impulse Yess 726 Test for accuracy Aastionalsubciauses: 726401 Influoncs ofthe current transformer on the voltage transform ‘ihe infuonce ofthe current ansformer on the voltage transformer shall be tested a follows. rot 6, and the phase aiplacement &, of the voltage transformer aro "ith no current supplod to the current wansformer and in accordance with $2e001 and Zeus ot ee oivey-sz0% win the “spectieg range -o! burden (iveasurement 1) Then the current tanstormer Is supped withthe rateé contnuous ther tothe curent transformer shall frm a herzontal loop atthe height of the fe Figure 403). The distance, Indiatea as zn Figur 40%, of te return mee of the other phase inthe main ino. Th rematning Tongths of the cuter ‘winding of to voiage tranetormor te shot ‘connaction as shor as posile, which fs placed in Me ‘eral plane ofthe vimary terminals oho current transformer. 18 16227 (Part 4): 2015 {ec 61860-42013 Figure 401 ~ Geometrical construction of the circuit ‘The voltage induced bythe currant inthe vollage Wansformer is moasured by a miivtimater Gr'an oselloscope tthe secondary terminals This vatage U's 8 measure ofthe maximum ‘aration ofthe waltege or Ie is recommended thatthe vottage transformer Is loaded with the rated burden of 18 VA to {vaid errors by extemal lvonens voltage (measurement 2) For protective transfers, is sulfcent to beng the variation deen into relation to 2% and for messuring transformers Int relation te 80 of ated secondary voltage “The greatest possible vatltion ofthe vltag ero is then Dat, sey = + 1001 at 60% of he raed secondary voltage mt, sey % 100%] at 2 % of he rated secondary voltage here Ugy_ fhe secondary rated voltage, In volts (V7). and Uy, is exprosseain vats (V). “The greatest possible variation of the phase sisplacementis then +8, = 46,344, fn minutes (min, oF 8, = Aa, n contiradine (era). 15 16227 Part 4): 2015 ec 61050-82013 WW the absolute values of tne vasiations of the vokage error 286, and of the phase ‘placement £34, are added to the absolute Snot the raed primary voltage for protective transformer win the epectied range of burn, thon the valves sblained seylgl +lagl and 28,2 lal + lag full not exceed the limits of eror forthe vollage tansformer given In 5.6301. end 5 3023 of EC 61860-22011 (see Figure 404), ‘Adttonaly, it ehal be ensured thatthe voltage ertors duo to the influence ofthe eutret do tot exceed ine mts of error. even at 100% and 120 of he rate voltage. ‘ro prove compliance with 6.19.402 he vale ofthe voltage induced by the rated ahorttin ‘ermal current which shall be inaleatod on the raing plate, may be ealulated wit he ‘volage Uy meastred athe rated continuous thermal current. Tho voltage U Induced at rated short-time thermal currents Ue- Wore ly an’ 1, Isthe voltage induced by the rated continuous thermal current; Ig. f8 80 ead shortstie thermal eurant Jay ithe eatod continsous thermal current To obtain greater accuracy, I is alter to measure the induced voltage U, et the highast 1714:8.402 Influence ofthe voltage transformer on the current transformer In he case of combined instument transformers, the inuence ofthe voltage tansfrmer on the corrent transformer hes oe sted as ols Win an unexcited voltage transformer, the cutent error 4 and the ph te curent transformers are determined according to 7.26201, 7.3.5. Tec 61260:2:2012 (measurement 3). placement & y20r 738.208 of ‘A rltage equal to 120% ofthe rated voltage and the rated voltage multiplied by the rated Votage facir shall then ba applied tothe terminal ofthe votage transformer when Seay the curent vansfoeme, the lator not boing oxcked. A capactve is monsured as he ‘Varsformer, The burden of he secondary windings ofthe wotagetrnetormer does not afct ‘heresuls. They may therefore be open-irculed, ‘At tne rated secondary current of 1 A 0 5A, this recommended resistor can be respoctivaly "00 or 40. Its suliclent for the accuracy of the resistor Rt be 210 % ofthe value. Two ‘eseurements shal then be made. First the vllage drop Us measured when one terminal ‘fhe seconaary wining of the curent transformer is earthed (Piure 202. measurement 4) ‘and"then, when ine ober terminal of the. secondary winding is eeines (Figure 48 ‘measurement 8) The greater valve ofthe two mensuremonts ilo Be eonaisered, °

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