2nd Periodical Test in Mapeh 2019

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Second Periodic Test in MAPEH Grade 8

S.Y. 2019-2020 MUSIC -__________

Year & Section:___________________________Parent’s Signature:__________________ ARTS - ___________

P.E. - ____________
Directions: Read and analyze each question very carefully. Write your answer on the HEALTH - _________
space provided before each number.
TOTAL - ___________
_______1. Which Korean music category is traditionally associated with the lower classes?
A. tang-ak C. sog-ak
B. chong-ak D. a-ak
________2. How is Chinese music described?
A. It is gentle and lyrical.
B. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful.
C. It is meditative and highly ritualized.
D. It is slow and melancholy.
________3. Which of the following is true about Japanese music?
A. It is based on the intervals of human breathing rather than mathematical timing.
B. It is usually solo rather than choral.
C. It has a slow tempo, giving it a very peaceful and pensive character.
D. It is drawn from Hindu mythology and local legends.
_______4. Which of the following is one of the most important duties of the first emperor of each dynasty in China about
A. Teach the folks of their music about the previous dynasty
B. Search out and establish that dynasty’s through standard pitch
C. Change the music style to fit the new dynasty
D. none of these
_______5. According to Confucius, what is the highest sense of music that probably derived the falsetto style of Chinese
vocal music from?
A. means of calming the passion C. means of calming dissipating lust
B. means of calming the dispelling unrest D. all of these
_______6. How is the song Arirang classified?
A. welcome song C. song for spring
B. love song D. parting song
_______7. How many measures does Sakura has?
A. 20 B.24 C. 26 D. 27
_______8. What is the key signature of Mo Li Hua?
A. 2/4 B. ¾ C. 4/4 D. 2/2
_______9. What do you mean by the word Arirang?
A. the hill B. cherry blossom C. jasmine flower D. the world
_______10. What melody is used in the folk song Mo Li Hua?
A. melodic B. pentatonic C. diatonic D. harmonic
_______1. Which of the following ideologies played important roles in East Asian arts?
A. Confucianism B. Daosim C. Buddhism D. all of these
_______2. Why is it that mountains and water are important features in Korean landscape painting?
A. because it is a site for building temples and buildings
B. because it is their tradition to make paintings with such subjects
C. because of its beautiful appeal to the viewers
D. because it gives emphasis about their love for culture
_______3. We could found sweeping roofs in the paintings of East Asia. What is their belief about sweeping roof?
A. a good magnet for luck
B. it will protect them from the elements of water, wind and fire
C. it is their tradition that is passed on from generation to generation
D. it attracts persons to visit their houses
_______4. Chinese art expresses the human understanding of the relationship between nature and humans. What aspect of
Chinese painting is depicted?
A. Daoism B. Buddhism C. Confucianism D. Taoism
_______5. Which of the following is not included in the Six Principles of Chinese painting established by Xie He?
A. observe rhythm and movements
B. use brush in calligraphy
C. use colors correctly
D. leave no spaces for the eyes to rest
_______6. What do you call the type of face painting that indicates devotion, courage, bravery, uprightness and loyalty?
A. Guan Ju B. Huang Pang C. Zhu Wen D. Zhang Fei
_______7. Origami came from ori meaning folding and kami. What is the meaning of kami?
A. garments B. paper C. wood D. silk
_______8. In Face painting, what does white color suggests?
A. craftiness B. suspiciousness C. treachery D. all of these
_______9. Which of the following is correct in Kabuki makeup?
A. black-fear C. pink-old
B. dark red – calmness D. purple-treachery
_______10. Which of the following is one of the greatest contributions of ancient China in the development of Arts?
A. creating printing blocks C. spearheading theater plays
B. invention of paper D. none of these
______1. He is known as the lead proponent of Basketball.
A. James Naismith C. Dr. Luther Gulick
B. Alexander Cartwright D. Walter Hakanson
______2. This is a kind of pass that originates from the chest to the receiver’s chest level.
A. Chest pass B. Bounce pass C. No look pass D. Outlet pass
______3. It is described as infraction or violation of the rules of the game.
A. foul B. warning C. out D. regulation
______4. What do you call to the officiating official in basketball?
A. referee B. umpires C. linemen D. baseman
______5. This is kind of pass in basketball wherein the ball is thrown to the floor so that it bounces to the intended
A. Bounce pass B. Chest pass C. no look pass D. outlet pass
______6. Who devised the first set of rules in basketball?
A. Alexander Carwright B. Dr. Luther Gulick C. James Naismith D. Walter Hakanson
______7. During a basketball game, how many players are there in a team?
A. 5 B.6 C. 7 D. 8
______8. Steve hits the ball in the air and it was caught by a defensive player before the ball hits the ground. What offense
was exemplified in the scenario?
A. Fly outs B. Strike outs C. Force outs D. Tag outs
______9. What do you call to the officiating official in softball?
A. umpires B. linemen C. referee D. baseman
______10. What skill in basketball allows you to move around the court while you’re in possession of the ball?
A. Dribbling B. Shooting C. Rebounding D. Running
______11. How many innings are there in professional baseball games?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14
______12. A kind of defense in baseball/softball that occurs when a hitter misses three pitches.
A. Strike outs B. Force outs C. Tag outs D. Fly outs
______13. An inning is finished after both teams commit _____ outs.
A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5
______14. In softball, a free walk is awarded to a batter on the fourth wall. Is this statement true?
A. Yes B. No C. Partly Yes D. Partly No
______15. The objective of basketball is to shoot the ball through a basket.
A. Yes B. No C. Partly Yes D. Partly No

_____1. Which of the following is defined as a social activity which involves 2 or more people generally assessing each
other’s suitability for a potential relationship?
A. Dating B. Marriage C. Infatuation D. Love
_____2. It is a lifelong partnership of a man and a woman.
A. Dating B. Marriage C. Infatuation D. Love
_______3. Why is dating important?
A. It strengthens the relationship.
B. It gives you the chance to observe other person’s character.
C. It develops affection and respect for each other.
D. All of the above.
______4. Why is it important for couples to undergo courtship?
A. It allows couples to decide whether they are ready to be committed.
B. It develops understanding and acceptance.
C. It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes, limitations, and aspirations in life.
D. All of the above
_______5. The following are qualities in choosing a lifetime partner EXCEPT
A. Good character C. Commitment
B. Maturity D. None of the above
_______6. Why do people marry?
A. for economic security C. for social status
B. for love D. all of the above
______7. This is a factor in choosing a lifetime partner that pertains to being able to provide for the needs of the family.
A. Economic readiness B. Physical maturity C. Love D. Maturity
______8. In choosing a lifetime partner, this quality points out the ability to make wise and thoughtful decisions.
A. Maturity B. Good character C. Fidelity D. Commitment
_____9. Which is an ingredient of a happy married life?
A. commitment B. love C. sincerity D. all of the above
_____10. It is a part of the woman’s womb where the developing human is fed.
A. mammary gland B. placenta C. uterus D. bladder
_____11. It is known as the best and ideal form of infant feeding.
A. breast feeding C. mix feeding
B. formula feeding D. bottle feeding
_____12. Which among the statements given below upholds the responsibility of parents to their children?
A. Choose their course in College
B. Choose their husband or wife
C. Teach them religion
D. Teach them values
____13. Why do couples want to have children?
A. Children are considered wealth of parents.
B. Religious institutions require it.
C. Society expects couples to have offspring.
D. Children allow couple to continue their growing relationship.
_____14. The following are factors to consider when thinking of parenthood EXCEPT
A. Happiness and stability of the marriage
B. Physical and emotional readiness of both partners
C. Financial stability
D. None of the above
_____15. Which do you think is the family structure of extended families?
A. includes members such as parents, grandparents, and cousins
B. includes one or more children who were born into other families
C. includes the combination of two families, like two single parent marriage
D. includes one parent and at least one child

Prepared and submitted by:

Christy Joy Bantang-Yap


John Michael Ballovar


Approved by:

Gloria Flor C. Gelindon

Head Teacher III, MAPEH

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