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MMI_ASSGN http://localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/MMI_ASSGN.ipynb?


Assignment MMI


In Linear Diffusion,it requires two inputs: a processed image and a tensor image. it is capable of removing all
noise but we have to pay a price: the image becomes completely blurred. Besides the fact that edges get
smoothed so that they are harder to identify , the correspondence problem appears: edges become
Thus, once they are identified at a coarse scale, they have to be tracked back in order to find their true
loaction, a theoretically and practically rather difficult problem.

The Perona-Malik model develop a model which will remove noise but preserve edges at best and makes use
of anisotropic diffusion to filter out the noise. In Perona-Malik model the rate of diffusion is controlled by edge
stopping function. The drawback of Perona-Malik model is that the sharp edges and fine details are not
preserved well in the denoised image. But the sharp edges and fine details can be preserved well using
appropriate edge stopping function. We have analysed the effect of different edge stopping functions in
anisotropic diffusion in terms of how efficient they are in preserving edges.

Coherence Enhancing diffusion and Edge Enhancing diffusion. The two PDEs, and their variants, are
implemented in the same flter Coherence Enhancing Diffusion Filter , which subclasses the Non-Linear
Anisotropic Diffusion filter. Parameters:
Enhancement allows to switch between EED, cEED, CED, cCED and Isotropic tensor constructions, by
redefning the superclass virtual method Eigen Values Transform. The relevant choice depends on the type of
image structures that one wants to enhance.
Lambda= , Exponent= , Alpha= are the parameters involved in tensor design.
Suggested parameter ranges. Adimensionize=True. Diffusion Time , although larger values can be
relevant for very strong noise or artistic effects. Edge detection threshold , small for
complex images with detail, large for simple images. Finally , , though these parameters
are secondary and have little impact.

In EED, it illustrates that anistropic diffusion filtering is still capable of possessing the contrast enhancing
properties of the Perona-Malik filter(provided that regularization parameter is not too lagre). It depicts the
temporal evolution of a Gaussian-like function and its isolines.

In CED, there is a investigation that how the structure tensor information can be used to design anisotropic
diffusion scale sapces which enhance the coherence of flow like texures. It illustrates the advantages of local
orientation analysis by means of the structure tensor.
CED is capable of enhancing the trabecular structures in order to ease their subsequent orientation analysis.

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1 of 1 12-09-2019, 15:16

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