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Section 1: Details

Section: PIPING JSA Date:


Work Location: Pipe shop testing bay Permit Number:

Tools and Equipment Used: Hose, pump, pressure gauge, blank-off flange, gasket, bolts and nut, coupling

Section 2: Hazards and Controls

S/N Work Activity / Job Steps Hazards Control Measures

 Approved written procedure to be cascaded to involved personnel to
ensure they understand the safe operational procedure prior testing
to be carried out
 Ensure all gasket shall be specified according to standard
 Take 5 briefing shall be conducted to involved personnel prior to start
Damaged equipment and tools
the activity
 Only calibrated pressure test gauges with current calibration stickers
Arrange testing equipment & work Non – compliance of Method
1 shall be used
tools. Statement and PTW system
 Pump discharge gauges must be visible to the pump operator for the
duration of the test
 Check the inspection date is valid & condition of tools before use.
 Ensure calibration certificate for the pressure gauges is available
 Location of the pump will be kept outside the pressure testing bay if
carryout high pressure testing
 Piping vessel supports and foundation designed for service shall not be
overloaded by the extra weight of the test fluid.
Untrained personnel  Only (trained) on-job personnel allowed to perform the task
 Provide additional temporary supports and braces maybe required.
Unsafe position of the testing vessel  Minimum of the pressure gauges with block and bleed valve shall be
/materials provided in the system
 Barricade the area where Hydro-test is to be carried minimum 3 meter
Walk through the line to be tested, Overloading of pipe/vessel support maximum can be decided by task testing officer.
locate & identify install inlet point,  Post safety warning notice
2 breathing point & outlet point. Defective Tools / Equipment  Ensure the equipment / tool to be used for hydro – testing(such as
hose, pump, coupling, pressure gauge, spade, gasket, etc.) are free
Falling & Tripping. from defect and suitable for the pressure rating of the system.
 Mechanical ventilation shall be in place if required
Poor illumination and ventilation  Adequate lighting shall be provided on the testing site.
 Ensure safe access & egress of work activity
 Minimum number of people in the area by restricting access
unauthorized personnel in the testing area.
 Test verification record hall be made of each piping system during the
testing by conducting physical inspection of the piping system

 Ensures the skillet blanks or test plugs are appropriate for use and
free of obvious defects
 Valves must be isolated any ancillary equipment not under test
Fall or strike by materials  PTW shall be applied
Blank-off openings identified; install
 Manual handling techniques for lifting the pipelines and materials shall
inlet points, breathing point & outlet
3 Falling from height. be made
 Provide safe working platform to work at height
 Secure the working platform with hard railing support if the height is
above 1.8meter high

 All joints and connections shall be examined for leaks.

Overflow from outlet or at the
 Frequent crosschecking of the filling line
4 Fill-up the line with fluid/water breathing point
 After filling the pipeline system with the fluid crosschecking shall be
made to ensure no leaking at the end of piping to be tested
Slippery  Remove electrical cables /equipment laid on the floor which is
potential for electrical hazard
Fluid leaking

Electric shock

 Suitable safety precautions during Take 5 briefing shall be conducted

to involved personnel
Untrained personnel
 Only (trained) on-job personnel allowed to perform the task
Close valve & connect testing hose to  All personnel involved in system testing should be competent for their
Fluid leaking on the floor
5 inlet point & to testing pump. role including understanding the hazards involved
Connect appropriate pressure gauge.  Ensure the control steps and the required Personal Protective
Equipment observed
Nearby existing electrical equipment’s  Pre-inspection of coupling and joints to ensure bolt tightness

 Testing officer shall perform pre-meeting /Take 5 to review the scope

of test, risks involved, equipment and tools required, and mitigation
actions are taken to involve personnel
Serious injury from pipe rapture or  Personal should keep away from the pressurized segment of the
high-pressure water blast system being hydro tested.
 Whip arrester shall be provided at the joint fittings of the hoses in the
Exceeding maximum allowable vent of accidental rupture
pressure  No personnel in the proximity of the lines being tested
 Monitor the pressure gauge from a safe distance away from the
Apply required pressure rating for the
6 Leakage & causing flood, pipes & potential source of high-pressure jetting (such as flange joint, spade,
hoses burst. and coupling etc.)
 Ensure the pressure relieving device is set at maximum allowable
Nearby existing electrical equipment pressure for weakest portion of the segment to be hydro-tested
 Pressurizes the system, raising the pressure in the system gradually
Inaccurate pressure gauge readings until the designated test pressure is achieved
 Pressure test shall be increase gradually with 5-10 minutes hold at
each step no rapid change in pressure

 Maintains test pressure for 5-10 minutes before inspection.

 If test is above maximum allowable working pressure it must be
reduces to a certain pressure while making a full thorough inspection
for leaks.
 Calibrated test gauge shall always be visible from the operator
 Constant communication between the operator and the person
performing the line system inspection

 Ensure along the access route free from any obstruction

 Do not leave the pressurized hose or pump unattended when the
Un-attended pressurized tool hydro-test is going on.
Inspect the entire line with client’s /equipment  System under test shall be depressurized before any work is done to
representative or surveyor. stop leak or repair weakness including tightness of bolt
Pipe or hose burst  Before taking out nut bolt loose the nut bolt and knock the blind
flange to release trap pressure.

 Air shall not be used to release water to displace from under water
Improper disposal of test fluid
equipment unless it has been determined the equipment will not float
 Drain the lines through the appropriate openings and dismantle the
Release water pressure through the valves, manifolds & blind flanges.
outlet point  Disposing, and/or discharging the test fluids shall follow the local laws
Leakage (slip and fall)
and regulation (DB-QG1-LQ-U-72-00-52-1018)
 Provisions of spill kit

 Drink plenty of water. Wear cool comfortable clothing like cotton

 Ensure work schedules have adequate rest periods to limit exposure
 Know the heat index and check the flag system implemented in
 Monitor the color of your urine to avoid dehydration
9 Working under extreme temperature Heat stress  Wear light clothing
 Ensure the provision of rest shelter with easy access on drinking water
 Ensure buddy system will be followed
 Supervisors or above is mandatory to be at the job site while the job is
on going
 Ensure proper wind up & housekeeping at worksite.
 The accessories (hoses & pump) not being used must be disconnected
10 Windup &Housekeeping Scattered materials and stored separately.
 PSV (in case isolated) to be lined up after hydrotest completion

Section 3: Participants

Name Employee Number Signature Name Employee Number Signature

Section 4: Agreement
The job had been analysed for potential hazards, appropriate guidance had been obtained in identifying the hazards and the required controls were discussed and greed in the JSA Team

JSA Team Leader Name Date Signature

All controls stated in the JSA are in place and the hazards and controls indicated in the JSA have been cascaded to the workforce

Supervisor Name Date Signature

Verified and endorsed by HSE Personnel

Name Date Signature

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