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Name: __________________________ Date: ____________________

Environmental Activist Rubric

Needs improvement Fair Excellent

1 2 3

I did not include I included examples I included examples

examples about what about what unusual about what unusual
Unusual unusual changes in changes in weather are changes in weather are
Changes in weather are or but may not have and accurately
Weather accurately explain why accurately explained explained why unusual
they show an why they show an changes in weather
environmental environmental problem. show an environmental
problem. problem.

I did not describe why I partially described why I thoroughly described

people should care people should care why people should care
Environmental about reducing their about reducing their about reducing their
Footprint environmental environmental environmental
footprint. footprint. footprint.

I included three I included three I included three

ineffective ways that somewhat effective effective ways that
Taking Action people can reduce their ways that people can people can reduce their
environmental footprint reduce their environmental footprint
and videos or pictures environmental footprint and videos or pictures
of myself completing and videos or pictures of myself completing
each of the actions. of myself completing each of the actions.
each of the actions.


Total: _______

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