Wimax Buyers Guide

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WiMAX Buyer’s Guide
October-08 Edition

5 Editor’s Note 31 Components 53 Network Planning

31 Anatech Microwave Co 53 EDX Wireless, LLC
6 Feature: WiMAX - The
32 Huber + Suhner 53 FORSK
Global Broadband Standard
32 Jauch Quartz America 54 Provision Communications
9 Feature: WiMAX Services in 33 MECA Electronics 55 Mentum S.A.
the US 32 Polyphaser
32 TDK Corporation 56 Semiconductors
11 Feature: WiMAX Mobile 56 Beceem Communications
Device Revolution 35 Consulting 56 Comsys Mobile
35 Detecon Consulting 57 Fujitsu Microelectronics
14 Feature: Top 10 Questions 35 Maravedis 57 Intel Corporation
you should ask your WiMAX 36 ORR Technology, LLC 58 NextWave Wireless, Inc.
Vendor 36 The Final Mile 58 Runcom Technologies, Inc.
59 SEQUANS Communications
20 Antennas 37 Distributors 59 Wavesat
20 PCTEL Antenna Products 37 Hutton Communications
20 ARC Wireless Solutions 37 Talley Communications 60 Software Solutions
21 European Antennas 38 Tessco Technologies, Inc. 60 Aptilo Networks
21 Jaybeam Wireless 39 Winncom Technologies 61 Alianza
22 Laird Technologies 61 Aricent Inc.
22 M2 Antenna Systems 40 Equipment 62 Bridgewater Systems
23 Mobile Mark, Inc. 40 Accton Wireless Broadband 62 Proximetry, Inc.
23 MTI Wireless Edge 40 Airspan Networks, Inc.
24 mWave Industries 42 Alvarion, Inc. 63 Testing Solutions
24 Radiowaves, Inc. 42 Aperto Networks 63 Agilent Technologies
43 AXIS Network Technologies 63 Anritsu Company
25 Backhaul 43 Cisco Systems, Inc. 64 Berkeley Varitronics
25 Bridgewave Communications 44 Huawei Technologies 65 Keithley Instruments
25 Ceragon Networks 44 Juni Global 65 Mobile Metrics Inc.
26 DragonWave 45 Juniper Networks 67 Rohde & Schwarz, Inc.
26 EM Solutions 46 Motorola, Inc. 67 Wireless Logix, Inc.
27 Harris Stratex Networks 46 Nokia Siemens Networks
27 RadWIN 47 Nortel Networks
28 Trango Systems, Inc. 47 POSDATA
48 Proxim Wireless Corporation
29 Billing 48 Redline Communications
29 Eyebill Plc 49 Samsung Electronics
29 Alepo USA 49 SR Telecom
30 Aria Systems 50 Telsima Corporation
30 IntraISP 50 Tranzeo Wireless Tech
51 Vecima Networks
51 WiNetworks Inc.
52 ZTE
52 ZyXEL

Wi Max.com
WiMAX Buyer’s Guide October-08 Edition


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Tim Sanders
WiMAX - The Global Broadband Standard
As the worldwide nies help insure that the technology broadband wireless solutions, even
continues to be improved and pro- choosing proprietary ones, in order
telecommunications moted heavily. There are too many to meet customer demand. In fact,
industry heads to- ecosystem companies substantially Clearwire alone has garnered up-
wards the end of the invested in the technology for them wards of 500,000 customers using a
third quarter of 2008 to give up easily on WiMAX. And a precursor WiMAX technology rather
final benefit is that the synergistic ef-
the role of broadband forts of these ecosystem companies
than a certified product. However,
Clearwire certainly chose to not wait
wireless and WiMAX will ensure competition and rapid re- on the “right” technology but on one
technology is emerg- ductions in costs to carriers and con- that was good enough at the time.
ing as a viable broad- sumers. The technology should only It is notable that WiMAX precursor
band option for cus- get more affordable. technology is robust enough to com-
tomers globally. Progress is made weekly by com-
pete strongly with existing DSL and
Cable Company offerings. Of course,
panies who are already fine tuning
The importance of WiMAX is great- with the huge Clearwire and Sprint
the technology. Recent chipset an-
er than it has ever been. However, merger of assets coupled with the
nouncements include new low-power
choices by WiMAX adherents to so- new investment for the company,
chips designed to facilitate handheld
lidify the technology into fixed and Clearwire will move forward with its
units to numerous improved fixed/
mobile standards slowed the overall own mobile WiMAX city deployments
portable and mobile WiMAX solu-
adoption of the technology. Happily near the end of 2008. Its first test of
tions with new capabilities. There
that battle is essentially settled now the technology in Portland, Oregon
have been announcements from
as we end 2008---and mobile WiMAX has gone well.
firms such as Nokia of new devices
has won. designed to work with mobile WiMAX. If as they say that imitation is the
And Google’s Android software plat-
The Technology form is being incorporated into new
sincerest form of flattery WiMAX
technology can already be counted
handheld devices slated to reach the
a resounding success in that it may
When discussing the viability of market in 2009.
have, at least partially, inspired the
WiMAX the conversation should be-
faster emergence of the competing
gin with its ecosystem. One thing that The one area that has been some-
long term evolution (LTE) technol-
the WiMAX Forum™ has clearly done what slow to coalesce has been prod-
ogy standard that uses very similar
very well is develop a wide-ranging uct interoperability testing. With mo-
OFDM-based modulation schemes
ecosystem of companies that are bile WiMAX technology or 802.16e
and protocols to support mobile IP-
building solutions for the technology. having essentially won the battle for
supremacy the next big step is to based broadband wireless for carri-
This ecosystem ranges from silicon
achieve what is called Wave 2 cer- ers. While LTE technology appears to
companies building the chipsets and
tification which supports multiple-in- be at least a couple of years behind
solutions sets that power the overall
put-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna WiMAX in its deployment roadmap,
technology to the radio vendors, an-
sets plus enhanced quality of service the fact that it adopted such a simi-
tenna vendors, software developers
(QOS) capabilities. The first Wave 2 lar form reinforces that the all-IP path
and others that support various as-
tests are already well underway. WiMAX chose will be the platform for
pects of the overall solution.
tomorrow’s successful carriers. And it
This single aspect of the technology On the fixed/portable front several offers hope for an eventual consoli-
may perhaps be more important than solutions have achieved certified in- dation of the two approaches, which
a single standard or even interoper- teroperability ratings. And it is clear would reduce costs and improve ac-
able capabilities. Why? The vested that carriers large and small are cess for consumers.
interests of these supporting compa- moving forward with fixed/portable

The US Market research indicates that there is con-
siderable opportunity especially for
technology has been solid in Europe,
South America, Asia and The Middle
carriers in rural or niche markets. East and to be fair in the US too.
In the USA the WiMAX conversa-
However, the success and scale of In fact, US-based Clearwire is the
tion began with one question---what
such opportunities will be heavily WiMAX carrier with the largest pure
is Sprint going to do? That question
dependent upon the willingness of WiMAX customer base at this time.
was answered with the announced
licensed spectrum holders to collab- But will that continue?
merger of spectrum assets between
orate with these other carriers. Car-
Sprint and Clearwire. Sprint, which There have been potentially huge
riers such as Digital Bridge Commu-
was long mired in trying to digest WiMAX deployments recently dis-
nications, AMATechtel, Towerstream,
its acquisition of Nextel, had been
Covad Wireless, Sparkplug and oth- closed in India, with TATA Networks
hampered in finding the wherewithal
ers are moving aggressively to pro- and others for example, that could
to do something with WiMAX. Sprint
mote niche or rural plays in the US potentially serve millions of custom-
previously announced that it would
market. ers on a nationwide scale. Clearly the
launch a nationwide WiMAX network
basic value proposition of broadband
and in fact at one point announced Firms such as NextWave, which wireless and WiMAX remains solid.
a planned venture with Clearwire to holds considerable spectrum assets Especially for countries with less
collaboratively build-out a nationwide in several bands, have previously an- developed wireline infrastructure,
WiMAX network. nounced an intention to leverage that broadband wireless offers carriers
spectrum with its carrier customers. the opportunity to leapfrog massive
Then, business pressures led Sprint
NextWave recently sold $150 mil- and costly fiber optic network build-
to back out of its Clearwire agree-
lion of its AWS spectrum to several outs to support broadband. The cost
ment along with replacing its CEO
larger carriers with the bulk of that savings in using broadband wireless
and other key executives. And at that
going to T-Mobile. The firm retained to serve major populations is hard to
point finding the funding to do some-
its WiMAX compatible spectrum and refute. The ability to deploy rapidly is
thing with Clearwire seemed prob-
could still choose to partner with a sound advantage as is the poten-
lematic at best.
smaller firms to build out service. tial to offer numerous new generation
Likewise, Clearwire itself could sub- types of IP-based services that mobile
But Sprint hit a home run with its re-
let or partner in some markets, most carriers could never previously sup-
cent announcement of its intent to
probably smaller or rural markets, to ply. As 2008 has moved on we have
merge its spectrum assets with Clear-
carriers with a business plan built for heard numerous announcements
wire and take a major ownership po-
those environs. Can this happen--- that countries around the world are
sition. This deal also depended upon
will spectrum holders work with firms
added investment from Google, Intel, beginning to auction WiMAX compat-
like those mentioned above? Abso-
Comcast, Time Warner Cable and ible spectrum---so the future looks
lutely it can. However the question is,
Bright House Networks. One inter- bright overall for the technology.
will spectrum holders enact a protec-
esting aspect of the deal is that the
tionist philosophy towards their spec-
cable companies have garnered the However, there have been numerous
trum or will they partner to leverage it
right to use some of the spectrum at announcements this past year from
more quickly?
the edge of their networks, likely in major US and International carriers
femtocell deployments. such as AT&T, Verizon and others
The Global Outlook that they intended to use the new
This deal made terrific sense for all long term evolution (LTE) technology
companies involved, and if all goes Whatever problems may have act- instead. This development is clearly
through as expected, a nationwide ed to slow US WiMAX and broad- a threat to widespread WiMAX adop-
US based WiMAX network would be band wireless adoption, the rest of tion. But there are already conversa-
a bellwether event for the US broad- the world appears to have hardly tions afoot for an eventual re-mar-
band wireless market. taken notice. There are over 250 an- riage of the two technologies under a
nounced WiMAX deployments or tri- single standard. In either case, it will
The question then arises is there op-
als worldwide. Adoption of WiMAX be a while before LTE hits the mar-
portunity for other carriers. Recent

ket, likely close to two years. A lot can Still, it seems that an all IP-based Tim Sanders is a former wireless ISP
happen in two years. broadband wireless platform is the operator and current consultant to
technology of the future. And while, the broadband wireless industry. He

Conclusion wireline broadband services show few

signs of slowing growth or replace-
can be reached at 828-505-0702 or

WiMAX has experienced significant ment with WiMAX or WiMAX-type

challenges, not the least of which technologies, it seems reasonable to
has been time to market with certi- expect that much of tomorrow’s tele-
fied products. However, building new
communications growth will come
wireless standards from scratch to be
from advanced IP-based broad-
ready for massive scale worldwide
rollouts is no small task. Some early band wireless services. The state of
over hyping of the technology did not WiMAX is sound.
help in that it pushed expectations
ahead of the practical curve of what
did occur.

Paul Kapustka

WiMAX Services in the US

On May 7, 2008, the Clearwire, a network operator with erful partners and an expanded set
licensed spectrum covering almost of deliverables, including broadband
WiMAX industry in all of the major U.S. population cen- services for small, medium and large
the U.S. got a mega- ters. The company plans to use Mo- businesses, as well as wholesale re-
watt jump-start with bile WiMAX technology -- which sup- seller contracts for its cable-provider
the announcement of ports true broadband speeds over partners.
distances of several miles or more
the “new” Clearwire, from tower to user -- to deliver com- While the highly anticipated launch of
a WiMAX service pro- mercial and wholesale services over Xohm/Clearwire services first in Bal-
vider whose nation- a nationwide footprint, with services timore, then in Chicago, Washington,
wide mobile broad- available in several markets before D.C. and Portland, Ore. should bring
the end of 2008. discussion about WiMAX services to
band network plans the front pages of local newspapers
were backed by $3.2 The May 7 announcement was really and business magazines, they won’t
billion in funding from a twin set of booster rockets, with the be the only WiMAX networks oper-
Google, Comcast, investment cash joining the combi-
nation of the rich spectral and infra-
ating in the country. In fact, several
smaller providers are already running
Intel, Time Warner structure assets of the two biggest working WiMAX networks, signing up
Cable and others. WiMAX players. With $3.2 billion in customers both in regional rural mar-
hand, the new Clearwire is well on its kets as well as in established metro
The existing Clearwire Corporation, a way to the $5 billion total that Sprint locations, using the technology’s
provider of WiMAX services to more had said was needed to fully fund its ease of deployment and lower opera-
than 460,000 subscribers in more planned nationwide WiMAX network. tional costs to compete with existing
than 50 different markets, combined That operation, which Sprint had wireline broadband offerings while
its operations with the WiMax assets called “Xohm,” now lives on inside opening up new markets to custom-
of Sprint Nextel to form the “new” Clearwire, a new company with pow- ers attracted by WiMAX’s mobility

features. tal Bridge’s Dunne concurred: “With its WiMAX offerings.
WiMax, there’s nobody between us
Two of the leading smaller U.S. and the client -- I cannot believe that -- Solo Direct Connect, a Quad Cit-
WiMAX service providers are Tow- is happening. I’m very passionate be- ies, Iowa-area provider, announced
erstream Corp., which provides cause for the first time, it feels like the in 2007 plans to offer Mobile WiMAX
fixed-WiMAX services to small and last mile is solved.” services to the Iowa cities of Daven-
medium businesses as a T1 re- port and Bettendorf, as well as the
placement, and DigitalBridge Com- Other smaller U.S. WiMAX providers nearby Illinois towns of Moline and
munications, which is providing Mo- include: East Moline and Rock Island, using
bile WiMAX services to select rural -- AT&T, which offers WiMAX servic- Cisco/Navini gear in the 2.5 GHz
or secondary metro markets as a es in Alaska, Nevada and Texas, in band.
DSL or cable modem competitor. mainly experimental commercial de-
ployments. AT&T has no announced On the Sprint/Clearwire side of things,
Towerstream, which operates in nine plans to expand its WiMAX opera- the original Sprint Xohm “soft launch”
major metro markets (New York, tions at this time. markets of Baltimore, Chicago and
Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., are all still slated to
Los Angeles, Miami, Seattle, Dallas/ -- Xanadoo LLC, which offers Mobile be online before the end of the year.
Fort Worth and Providence, R.I.), re- WiMAX service to more than 13,000 The “old” Clearwire is going ahead
corded nearly $2.5 million in revenue customers in several small towns in with its previous plans to launch Mo-
for the fiscal quarter ending June 30, Texas, Oklahoma and Illinois, with bile WiMAX services in Portland by
2008, a 20 percent growth from the plans to add more markets in 2008. the fourth quarter of 2008, and is al-
previous quarter. By signing up big- In July, Xanadoo announced an inno- ready building out new networks in
name customers like ESPN, Netf- vative “pre-paid” pricing plan where Las Vegas, Atlanta and Grand Rap-
lix and even Intel, Towerstream is users could purchase Internet access ids, Mich., which should all be opera-
proving that its business-broadband by weekly or monthly increments, tional some time in 2009. Sprint has
offerings (like its mid-range 8 Mbps much like long-distance calling-card also already announced that it is de-
connection for $999 a month) are plans. ploying gear in Boston, Philadelphia
showing increased traction. and the Dallas/Fort Worth area, but
-- Pipeline Wireless, a Boston-area does not plan to launch networks in
DigitalBridge, which was launched business-services provider that in those regions until after the merger
in 2005, first started offering WiMAX 2008 received certification from the deal closes as expected during the
services in Roxburg, Idaho, in 2007. FCC to offer WiMAX services in the fourth quarter of 2008.
In 2008, the company added servic- recently approved 3.65 GHz spec-
es in several cities, including Idaho trum band.
Falls, Idaho, Sioux Falls, S.D., and
Jackson Hole, Wyo., to its list of -- MetroBridge, actually a Canadian PAUL KAPUSTKA is the editor and
more than 15 cities with its “Bridge- company that also provides WiMAX
founder of Sidecut Reports, an online
MAXX” services. The Jackson Hole services in the Phoenix area. In Feb-
deployment, announced in June, home for long-form analysis of topics
ruary of 2008, MetroBridge acquired
was the first to use WiMAX Forum at the intersection of Telecommunica-
the assets of Utah Broadband LLC,
Certified Mobile WiMAX equipment. which will allow MetroBridge to offer tions, the Internet and Public Policy. A
DigitalBridge also closed a $20 mil- services in the Salt Lake City area as longtime technology journalist, Paul
lion funding round earlier in the year, well. MetroBridge had nearly $2 mil- was most recently managing editor
showing that investors, as well as lion (Canadian) in revenues for the of the GigaOM blog network.
customers, believe in the promise of second quarter of 2008, ending June
WiMAX services in the U.S. 30.

Part of the allure of WiMax for small- -- Consolidated Telecommunications

er service providers is its ability to by- Company, a cooperative in rural Min-
pass the copper local loop -- and the nesota, in 2008 started using Mobile
leasing costs and controls that come WiMAX in the 700 MHz band, mainly
with it. “WiMax is a great technology to reach rural customers. The com-
for us to avoid the phone companies,” pany, which also provides wireline
said Towerstream’s Thompson. Digi- and fiber services, expects to expand

Jeff Orr

WiMAX Mobile Device Revolution

As 3G devices were ments are dominated by those two (such as notebooks, netbooks, sub-
categories: CPE and Computers & notebooks and Ultra Mobile PCs
developed, the cellu- Peripherals. Combined, they repre- [UMPC]), the category of Computers
lar industry touted the sent 84.4% of all device announce- & Peripherals will likely evolve into
introduction of new ments. Phones & Personal Digital two separate segments.
Assistants (PDAs) are the third larg-
device classes that est segment accounting for nearly An integration path similar to Wi-Fi
departed from the 10% of announcements. technologies is also expected. The
handheld 2G phone. first embedded systems incorporate
Vehicle technologies, WiMAX as a miniPCI riser
3G aircards, embedded comput- Portable card. This requires the
ing devices and incorporation into Audio & least amount of in-
consumer electronics prod- Video, vestment for
ucts suggested a more and mother-
pervasive experience. Gaming board
The reality of first 3G devices are the varia-
devices, however, was smallest categories with tions
less than 6% of announced Fig. 3 a n d
more phones. 3G WAN
options for computing products. These trailing device seg- cre- ates a stuff/
platforms started taking Fig. 1 ments are heavily reliant on the exis- n o - s t u ff option for inte-
hold during 2008. tence of large regional or nationwide grators. As the percentage of new
mobile WiMAX networks to establish purchases demanding WiMAX con-
Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e-2005) seamless roaming. As infrastruc- nectivity increases, higher integration
learned from this experience ture is built that and cost-savings is justified.
with vendors suggesting covers urban
a more pragmatic intro- communities, Similar to 3G cellular, mobile WiMAX
duction. Six categories these islands systems are designed to operate
define mobile WiMAX of WiMAX in a select set of frequency bands.
devices: coverage can WiMAX Forum specifies certification
be stitched profiles, which identify the spectrum
1. Computers & Pe- together. for operation. The three approved fre-
ripherals Common quency bands for mobile WiMAX are
2. Customer Premise transportation centered on 2.3, 2.5 and 3.5 GHz.
Equipment (CPE) thoroughfares
3. Phones and PDAs will bridge indi- Device announcements spiked
4. Portable Audio and around the
Video Fig. 2 2.3 GHz band
5. Gaming vidual networks utilized by the
6. Vehicle Technologies and demand WiMAX-based
for devices WiBro service
that use this in South Ko-
The industry announced that the first expanded rea. The sweet
round of devices supporting the stan- coverage will spot for mobile
dard would consist of CPE modems increase. WiMAX, based
and computer peripherals. This vi- Fig. 4 on the harmo-
sion has come to fruition as initial As embedded computing systems nized availability of spectrum world-
mobile WiMAX device announce- using mobile WiMAX are introduced wide, is the 2.5 GHz band. Over 100

products have been announced in different networks within a country or con- Jeff Orr is CEO of ORR Tech-
the 2.5 GHz band, nearly double the tinent. Products supporting WiMAX and nology and author of the Mobile
amount announced for the 3.5 GHz other wireless protocols (GSM, CDMA, WiMAX Device Guide. He had
band. UMTS, etc) in the same radio subsystem the distinction of being the first
are coming to market during 2009. WiMAX Forum employee after
serving as a board member for
As larger regional and nationwide the industry trade association.
This trend by networks are deployed, the variety Jeff can be reached at +1 (541)
frequency band of devices available for general and 359-0595 or http://orrtechnology.
is expected to specialized broadband applications com/
continue. Prod- will spark a revolution in how people
ucts developed for communicate – regardless of their
the 3.5 GHz band location.
are primarily designed
Fig. 5 Figure 1
for fixed and stationary applications
Airspan Networks Mi-
due to the characteristics of signal MAX USB adapter
propagation. Manufacturers in this
Figure 2
spectrum will
ZyXEL Communica-
utilize the
tions MAX-206M2
802.16e- SOHO Modem/Router
Figure 3
LG Electronics KC1
to lever- Personal Digital As-
age lower sistant
Figure 4
nent costs
Samsung SWT-W100K
and the Portable Media Player
Fig. 6
volumes of mobile WiMAX chipsets
Figure 5
POSDATA Flyvo G100
Gaming Handheld
Fourteen mobile WiMAX devices
have been certified for use in either Figure 6
dmedia System Co.
the 2.3 GHz band (synonymous with
G5W WiMAX Car-Navi
South Korea’s WiBro network) or
the broader 2.5 GHz band offered
Vendor Model
in many countries today (see table).
Airspan Networks MiMAX USB
Several large WiMAX networks are
Beceem Communications USB200 dongle
anticipated in the coming year based
GCT Semiconductor GCT Mobile WiMAX Single Chip SoC
on 2.5 GHz, including Japan, Taiwan, GDM7205K
and the United States. Intel Corporation Wi-Fi / WiMAX Link 5350
NEC AccessTechnica TRP-2GW-2A PC Card
Most of the devices available for por- POSDATA FLYVO U100 USB Dongle
table and mobile applications have Runcom Technologies Ltd. Tornado RNU200 CPE
not yet been certified. The WiMAX Samsung Electronics SWC-E100 Mobile WiMAX ExpressCard/34
Forum™ is expected to approve in- Samsung Electronics SWT-P230 Mobile WiMAX PC Card

cremental certification profiles in SEQUANS Communications SQN1110-RD

2009, which will increase the number SEQUANS Communications SQN1130-RD

of announced single band devices for Telsima StarMax 3160 Subscriber Station

mobile WiMAX. Multi-band products ZTE TU25 USB Modem

-- those capable of supporting two or ZyXEL Communications Corp MAX-206M2 Modem

more WiMAX frequency bands -- will

*Table 1: Certified mobile WiMAX devices, as of 15 September 2008
become available for roaming across
(Source: WiMAX Forum)

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X^hXd#Xdb$\d$l^bVm [dg bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc#

Top 10 Questions
you should ask your WiMAX Vendor
Tim Sanders

Today of course the broadband wire- dor begins first with the carrier’s
less industry has evolved, particu- business plan. The carrier needs
larly on the radio vendor front to one to identify the types of customers it
that offers numerous proprietary and can best serve and determine their
standards based systems that work bandwidth and service needs as a

in both unlicensed and licensed first step. Once the service require-
spectrum from as low as 700 MHz to ments are laid down, then the carrier
60 GHz and higher frequencies. Car- can begin fitting radio products into
During the 1990’s the riers can utilize proprietary systems a matrix that supports its business
broadband wireless in- still based on 802.11 formats or the needs and its markets. Certainly
dustry became a business newer 802.16 standard (WiMAX) for other requirements impinge this deci-
of thousands of wireless both point-to-multipoint (PtMP) and sion---not the least of which is the ge-
ISPs throughout the US point-to-point (PTP) applications. ography the carrier needs to serve.
and around the world.
In the last five to six years alone Today’s broadband wireless and
Probably the tipping point came when broadband radio vendors have de- WiMAX focused carriers operate in
US regulators and many Internation- veloped solutions that offer true non- both urban and rural markets. They
al regulators apportioned spectrum line-of-sight and self-install capability may also serve both residential and
for license-free use. This decision (primarily in licensed bands) as well business class customers with wide-
permitted carriers to launch service as solutions that support affordable ly varying needs. These types of RF
wherever and whenever they desired bandwidth applications as high as environments create problems that
so long as their equipment met gov- 1 Gbps. In fact, especially for new
are very complex to solve. Carriers
ernment specifications. carriers in emerging markets, the
may need more than one type of ra-
plethora of choices can be dizzying.
dio technology to meet all of these
More recently, and especially on the What radio product will best meet the
needs. Can a single vendor supply
International front, a large amount of carrier’s needs? How does a carrier
everything you need? Or should car-
licensed spectrum has been released choose the best radio and vendor
riers be open to multiple vendors?
for commercial broadband use. Ar- for its needs? The answers to these
guably however, the radio products The answer for each wireless ISP
questions are important, because
based on the 802.11 standard that is likely different and lies first in un-
vendor choice commits carriers to a
evolved to support the early first derstanding its own needs clearly.
platform that may not be easily ad-
launches of citywide broadband wire- However, how you approach vendors
justed or replaced. So how should
less networks may have been just as and the questions you ask them are
carriers go about selecting the right
important. Until carriers began offer- crucial to your ability as a broad-
vendor for them?
ing radio products with media access band wireless carrier to succeed.
controllers (MACs) that supported ChoosingaVendor To that end I propose these Top Ten
core questions to ask of all vendors
longer-range and more interference
resistant services, the industry had Opinions abound on the subject of before you make a final decision.
no real teeth. how to best choose a vendor, but I
believe that the choice of radio ven-

The Top Ten 3.65 GHz PtMP WiMAX systems in
the US, carriers have a new tool that
is beginning to change), will the car-
rier have to deploy hardware up-

offers NLOS capability and higher grades on either the base station or
bandwidth. Similarly carriers using customer premise side to shift to a
What frequencies and licensed spectrum such as 2.5 GHz fully WiMAX-based solution? Or is it
standards do you support? might choose to use low-cost 5.8 possible to simply upgrade via a firm-
And what customer seg- GHz PTP back haul radios. Later as ware update to use your next genera-
ments are your models de- traffic climbs or in the event of inter- tion gear?
ference carriers can shift to licensed
signed to serve?
PTP units in spectrum ranges such This question holds true even if a
Most vendors by sheer necessity or as 6 GHz, 11 GHz, 18 GHz and 23 carrier’s needs are best met with a
by technological choice pick niches GHz. proprietary solution. Most carriers us-
within the broadband wireless and ing unlicensed band frequencies fit in
WiMAX marketplace to serve. Only a I tend to favor using best of breed ap- this category. There are few WiMAX
few major vendors offer wide-ranging plications if they meet your customer product profiles for these spectrum
product lines that serve virtually all needs and target niches. The down- ranges. However, the vendor may
potential needs for a carrier. It can side of multiple vendors however can plan upgrades to its product line that
certainly be argued that special- be difficulty in pinpointing which ven- are not incremental in performance,
izing in a handful of frequencies or dor to contact in case of a problem standards or technology but require
technical standards can convey an as the source of the trouble may be replacement. If this is the case, ex-
advantage in terms of product de- unclear. Also, multiple platforms cre- isting physical infrastructure may
sign and focus. Vendors do develop ate a higher learning curve for techni- have to be replaced to upgrade. It
reputations within the marketplace cal people, because almost all gear, is true that a carrier can simply fix-
for being especially adroit with vari- even WiMAX certified interoperable ture it’s next market with new tech-
ous elements of the broadband wire- gear will likely have slight variations nology and operate existing markets
less equation. One company that in performance that require different with legacy equipment. However, this
is strongly focused on PTP (point- deployment and maintenance tech- once again creates burden for carri-
to-point) backhaul solutions for ex- niques. ers. The carrier must carry multiple
ample might offer a best of breed types of replacement inventory for
Planning for necessary upgrades as failure replacement (increasing in-
product in that category. And while it
your business changes and grows is ventory costs) and it must spend time
may also manufacture PtMP (point-
another consideration. Carriers pick- training technicians in both systems.
to-multi-point) radios for end-user ac-
ing a vendor for an overall strategy or

cess, another firm may be superior in
a series of vendors to fulfill various
that regard for a carrier’s particular
elements of a network deployment
needs. In the past, particularly with What is your product
have to weigh this option as well.
proprietary technologies broadband roadmap for the next 3 years

wireless ISPs typically had to choose and next 5 years? How much
a single vendor for PtMP at the very point-to-multipoint band-
least and then mix and match back Will your next technol- width will you be able to pro-
haul units. ogy upgrade be backwards vide? And what capacity will
compatible with my current your backhaul units be able
Also too, carriers sometimes choose to provide?
radios? How do I protect my
to deploy radios in multiple spectrum
bands such as 900 MHz to reach This is a vendor question very simi-
customers with NLOS problems (900 For carriers the issue of growth and lar to the previous one but addresses
MHz will penetrate some tree cover upgrades is a really big decision some more technically granular is-
and walls at limited range) and also point in determining primary and sec- sues. As carriers plan ongoing ser-
use higher frequency unlicensed ondary vendors for their networks. vices for customers they must plan
bands for PtMP service with other If the current systems that vendors to support the next generation of ser-
customers or customer segments. offer are pre-WiMAX or proprietary, vices that their customers will be de-
More recently, with the availability of and almost all still are (although this manding, not just the ones customers

need now. Understanding what direc- Probably the one area that carriers to success in the industry regardless
tions your vendors may go regarding complain about most often is vendor of chosen platform.
standards, especially in-built support performance claims. Vendors have
for certain services such as IP-based a product to sell so presenting that Happily a lot of knowledge about
products like VoIP or Quality of Ser- product in the best light is a neces- where and how to deploy a given
vice management tools, is important. sity. That doesn’t mean that vendors platform can be learned from a ven-
are dishonest in their claims. But dor’s existing customers. In the case
Carriers increasingly relate that both what it does mean is that vendors will of a new platform there won’t be
residential and business class cus- talk about the metrics that are most existing customers to describe their
tomers are asking for more band- outstanding about their products first. experience. But a vendor’s prior cus-
width. Carriers estimate that their And also, there is a distinct element tomers could talk about the vendor’s
customers will demand 100 Mbps of the real world that intrudes in any responsiveness to problems, how it
connections in as little as five years. conversation about broadband wire- handled returns, warranty service,
A vendor’s ability to deliver higher customer service, billing, and more.
bandwidth products is a decision Always insist upon talking to existing
point as well. No two geographies and markets are customers; preferably some that the
exactly alike. The RF environment can vendor did not recommend.

Does the vendor plan to add product vary even when two towns are very
lines such as backhaul specific prod- close together; as can the topology of
ucts or support the new 3.65 GHz hills, building shadow, needed range, How widely deployed
spectrum range? If the vendor is fo- available tower sites and many more
cused upon WiMAX products does it
are your units and for how
elements that affect the art form of a
plan to offer products for all spectrum long? How long have you
wireless deployment. Vendors cannot
ranges that the WiMAX Forum have field test for every conceivable type
been in business? How
announced. And what about the new of location. So what vendors often do many customers do you
mobile standard long term evolution is test with beta clients in the field. have worldwide and where
(LTE)? Does the vendor have a com- How extensive these tests are and are they? Also, how many
mitment to this standard and to roll- in what geographies they were done units have you shipped?
ing out products based upon it? If you are important to know. Vendors also
are a carrier likely to focus upon LTE perform extensive benchmark testing Nothing beats a track record in terms
this is a key question. And perhaps a of comfort level for a carrier with a
in lab settings. Radio products must
better one is to ask a vendor if it has potential vendor. Nevertheless, ven-
receive certification from the FCC
sufficient intellectual capital to sup- dors can become stale and drop a
and have to meet those testing re-
port all of its product ambitions. bit behind younger more aggressive
quirements too. If radios are WiMAX
interoperable certified they will have vendors in terms of product innova-
Last but not least confirm that your tion. However, for most broadband
undergone additional testing for that
vendors can support the level of wireless ISPs reliability is the top
backhaul bandwidth that customer characteristic they are looking for in
demands will place on your net- terms of gear. Nothing antagonizes
So it is crucial to ask about how test-
works. your customer base more than out-
ing is accomplished and to judge how

closely that testing is to the types of ages. Clearly, carriers carry a big bur-
geography your deployments will den in terms of network management
face. The big key here is to not try and pre-emptive maintenance tasks
How are your radio
for an exact fit, but rather to under- that keep a network vibrant and well-
performance metrics prov- stand the realistic limits of what gear tuned---carriers must do their part.
en? Is it by lab testing? Or can likely do in the real world relative
is testing based upon real to benchmark testing. The closer a But asking a vendor how long a par-
world customer deploy- carrier pushes its chosen radio plat- ticular platform has been deployed,
ments? Can you speak with forms or other components to their especially one making watershed
your vendor’s customers? designed limits the more likely prob- claims of performance and capabil-
lems will arise. Staying within the lim- ity, is essential. Knowing how many
its of what gear can do is a real secret customers have been served in the

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real world and for how long are key customers. It bodes well for any car- carriers need to serve.
determiners of reliability. It is a rule of rier to ask to see data on actual ship-
thumb axiom amongst many carriers ping times and to have a clear under- It is crucial to speak with other carri-
that almost any brand new platform standing of how quickly a vendor can ers that the vendor supports to gain
will experience bugs when it hits the turn product around. an understanding of how well that
field and this is my personal experi- vendor meets the needs of a carrier
ence. If your carrier is facing tight deadlines like yours.
for deployment for cash flow reasons

Many years ago my former wireless or any others, this is a question that
ISP had used a tried and true and needs to go to the top of the list. In
very reliable vendor product. When general, choosing the right platform Who are your stron-
that vendor introduced a new, im- I believe is more important than a gest competitors and why?
proved version of a radio that had platform you can get within a certain What do you do better and
been completely re-engineered we period of time. But for some carriers what do they do better?
happily bought it and became among this can be an issue. And it is certain-
the very first carriers to widely de- ly an issue with ongoing operations. This is a bit of a test of character
ploy it in our network. Approximately Ask also how often they have experi- question for vendors, because they
5 firmware versions later the pain of enced product delays in the past and always know who their strongest
the problems we were experiencing how long they were. Also, what were competitors are. If they are reluctant
almost magically went away after the causes of the delays? A vendor to disclose relative strengths and
that last upgrade. The lesson here that has never had a product delay is weaknesses this can be a red flag.
isn’t to reject new platforms---we probably rare. How the vendor choos- A vendor who is open about the dif-
had every reason to expect it to work es to answer this question whether ferences while maintaining it has a
well. It is rather to perform some field reluctantly or very openly should be stronger offering and can give good
testing yourself before committing to telling in your estimation of how good reasons why will garner trust from
a widespread deployment on a new the vendor relationship will be. carriers. After all, a vendor may have
platform. a strong competitor who has an en-

trenched market presence and brand

name that the market knows well. But
Do you have experi- if your potential vendor feels its newer
How long will it take ence providing solutions for products are technically superior but
me to get shipments and our type of carrier? Who are less well known, it may be right. How
do you guarantee shipping vendors talk about their competition
your biggest customers that
times? And what quantities or where they indicate defensiveness
are similar to us?
can I get per shipment? about their weaknesses is very telling
in how they approach relationships
For carriers this is probably a major
The broadband wireless industry with their customers. It also offers
element at all times. After all, carri-
is arguably in its golden age world- clues in where and how a potential
ers want vendors who understand
wide. The interest in and adoption of vendor may plan upgrades.
their business. A vendor who focused
broadband wireless technologies is solely upon licensed spectrum prod-

at an all time high. Strangely enough, ucts in the past but is now offering
vendors can become a victim of this unlicensed band gear may not under-
interest and success if the demand Can you provide pro-
stand the product needs of this car-
begins outstripping their ability to rier segment as well. The converse fessional services or Inte-
manufacture and ship products in a is certainly true also. Carriers vary gration or do you have part-
timely fashion. Many vendors in the in their needs and the frequencies ner firms that can do so?
broadband wireless space outsource of spectrum carriers choose or have
the bulk of their manufacturing to Carriers have a lot on their plate.
available to them often imply signifi-
other specialized firms. And they may And increasingly it seems that some
cant differences in the types of net-
not actually have complete control of vendors are striving to assist carri-
works and customer bases that these
their ability to produce product for ers with more and more services that

create stronger relationships. Some
radio vendors for example will as-
broadband wireless ISPs can learn
from talking to other vendor custom- Conclusion
sist backhaul radio customers with ers is how they are treated. But there
At the end of the day a vendor re-
the frequency coordination aspect are many clues in regards to a com-
lationship is just that, a relationship.
of buying a licensed frequency PTP pany’s warranty or repair policy. Are
This is not a one time equipment
radio solution. A few even maintain these policies lengthy and offer end-
purchase type of transaction. In the
contacts with spectrum brokers to less disclaimers for example? Or are
broadband wireless space vendor re-
assist customers in purchasing li- warranties simple and all-inclusive?
lationships are long-reaching as they
censed PtMP spectrum. Other ven- Likely for most vendors, the real-
should be. It is imperative for carri-
dors offer integration or network ity will fall somewhere in the middle.
ers to evaluate not merely technical
design professional services. Some Even vendors who have significant
aspects of products but rather the
have been known to assist carriers boiler-plate in their contracts may be
overall relationship with their vendor;
with mapping technology and GIS in- very easy to deal with. They may of-
because that relationship, in many
formation for their potential markets. fer performance above and beyond
ways, will play a significant role in
Some vendors don’t attempt these their contractual obligations. Asking
success or failure.
tasks in-house but outsource them. A other carriers with experience with a
good ecosystem of additional service particular vendor on warranty service
relationships can leverage carriers is helpful.
nicely into a stronger offering to its
customers. Particularly if a carrier is consider-
ing deploying a platform that is new
All of these can be extremely helpful and has little field burn-in history, un-
to a carrier, particularly a carrier new derstanding how much the vendor is
to the broadband wireless space. For willing to support its customers in the
carriers understanding their own inter- field with technical assistance can be
nal weaknesses as a company comes a life or death decision point for a car-
first. Then evaluating vendors for the rier. Similarly, asking a vendor to tell
additional value they can bring to the you what its past problems are gives
table with other services can signifi- a carrier useful clues to how that ven-
cantly advance your business goals. dor will react when problems arise
because how the vendor chooses to

answer this question is almost more
important than the answer itself.
How is your
warranty service handled
and how quickly can you
turn warranty units around?
Also, do you have field tech-
nical staff to help solve dif-
ficult problems and will you
provide this kind of support?
What has been your biggest
failure with your radio prod-

For vendors probably the biggest

test of character is how they address
problems with customers. It is hard to
evaluate how helpful a vendor will be
when problems crop up in advance of
a real world experience. Part of what


PCTEL Antenna Products

www.maxrad.com antenna.sales@pctel.com 471 Brighton Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60108 USA +1.800.323.9122

Company Background:
PCTEL has sales and manufacturing sectors using additional radios. Great
PCTEL is a leading global supplier of locations world-wide allowing us to of- for use in place of an obstructed wall
antenna solutions for multiple wireless fer global support and manufacturing mounted omni.
applications including WiMAX, SCA- of our extensive range of base station,
mobile and portable antenna models. The SP2327-17XPAB is designed to
DA, land mobile radio, broadband wire-
cover frequencies from 2300 to 2700
less access, RFID, in-building wireless,
aeronautical navigation, and GPS. We
Primary Products MHz with a VSWR of less than 1.5.
Port-to-port isolation of typically > 25
produce the industry leading antenna The MSPDBDI244914NF sector panel dB. This panel provides field adjustable
product lines MAXRAD® and Blue- antenna provides coverage of 2.4 GHz azimuth beamwidth of 60˚, 90˚ and 120˚.
wave™. to 2.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz to 5.9 GHz fre-
quencies in a single antenna housing. The MMO24580608 base antenna pro-
PCTEL’s engineering teams are world
class and utilize some of the industry’s vides coverage of 2.4-2.48 and 5.15-
The WISP4959018BMV sector panel
best design tools, test equipment, and 5.85 GHz frequencies and is housed
antennas cover frequencies of 4.9-6.0
test ranges to produce antenna solu- in a rugged U.V. stable, plastic radome
GHz and are designed for use in sec-
tions offering the customer excellent with an aluminum base. This antenna
torized WISP applications using a sin-
performance and value. PCTEL utilizes is ideal for indoor or outdoor applica-
gle sector or multiple sector antennas
high quality materials to build antennas tions.
and multiple radios. It offers a choice
that provide the superior performance of 45º, 60º, 90º or 120° single beam-
and reliability expected by our custom- width sector. Multiple antennas can be
ers. utilized to cover several geographical

ARC Wireless
www.antennas.com sales@antennas.com 10601 WI-70 Frontage Rd N Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 USA +1.800.508.6532

Company Background: nas to sophisticated cellular base sta- designed for WiMAX applications. The
tion antennas. Our engineering orga- Gen I & Gen II enclosures have been
ARC Wireless Solutions, Inc. develops nization is structured to be responsive designed to support numerous radio
and manufactures a diverse line of both to a wide variety of requirements and is mounting options.
custom and off-the-shelf antenna prod- comprised of experienced, dedicated,
ucts and solutions for MIMO, WiMAX, and professional personnel focused on The ARC ABS™, Articulating Bracket
Wi-Fi®, cellular infrastructure, GPS, meeting the antenna needs of our cus- Solution offers user-friendly ease of
RFID, Homeland Security, asset track- tomers. Our product development and installation and maximum flexibility for
ing, Bluetooth®, etc. ARC is known low cost manufacturing capabilities en- precise antenna positioning. The new
for developing and manufacturing high able us to deliver antenna products to bracket has been engineered so that
quality, low cost patented antenna market quickly. it can be installed by only one person
technologies for many types of wire- and is designed for up to three inch di-
less communications and networking Primary Products ameter poles, wall and soffit mounts.
applications. The ARC ABS™ is fully compatible
The ARC IES™, Integrated Enclosure with the ARC IES™, Integrated En-
ARC prides itself on developing custom, Solution, line of products features a closure Solution. The ARC ABS™ will
innovative and efficient antenna de- fully integrated IP-67 enclosure solu- also work with numerous non-ARC an-
signs for leading international, wireless tion designed to accommodate numer- tenna products.
industry OEMs. For over 20 years we ous antenna offerings ranging from
have been developing custom antenna 900MHz to 5.8GHz including embed-
products ranging from low cost GPS ded and external bolt-on versions.
antennas to integrated Wi-Fi® anten- Many of ARC Wireless’ antennas are


European Antennas
www.european-antennas.co.uk sales@european-antennas.co.uk Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 9RG, UK +44(0)1638732177

Company Background: and services of exceptional value to is used within commercial and secu-
our customers by ensuring that their rity systems. Antennas are also used
European Antennas Ltd design and de- expectations are realized and that ev- within WLAN, WiFi, RFID, TETRA,
velop flat panel, sector, omni-direction- ery endeavor is made to exceed them. PMR, telemetry, surveillance, outside
al and broadband antennas. Formed in To meet this objective, changes and broadcast and cellular telecommunica-
1991 by managing director Brian Phil- improvements are continually imple- tions. Antennas are installed in arenas,
lips, European Antennas is now part of mented to manufacturing resources, airports, railways and stations, buoys,
Cobham plc. Based entirely in the UK, processes and procedures via invest- race cars, tunnels, helicopters and
the company has a large catalogue of ment planning and training. European UAVs and can be integrated into sys-
antenna designs whilst specialist an- Antennas is an NQA ISO9001 regis- tems. Our on-site spherical near field
tenna development projects are under- tered company and a member of the anechoic chamber tests all design pro-
taken. Our production facility, develop- WiMAX Forum. totypes, verifies radiation patterns and
ment laboratory, spherical near field provides support documentation.
test facility and administration offices Primary Products:
are all on one site in Cheveley, in Cam-
bridgeshire, England, enabling us to European Antennas design and manu-
keep tight control of our stringent qual- facture antennas in the 250MHz to
ity procedures. 40GHz frequency range for commer-
cial, defense, satellite and security
The business objective of European communication systems. The Vector
Antennas Ltd is to provide products antenna range for WiMAX applications

Jaybeam Wireless
www.jaybeamwireless.com Americas.sales@jaybeamwireless.com 730 21st Street Drive Hickory, NC 28602 USA +1.828.324.6971x302

Company Background: deliver customized antenna solutions nications in harsh tower top environ-
to network operators ments. Jaybeam Wireless offers a
Jaybeam Wireless designs and manu- worldwide. wide selection of gains, azimuth beam-
factures a broad range of antennas for withs and electrical downtilts to give
cellular, PMR, broadcast, military and Primary Products: RF engineers the tools they need for
marine customers worldwide. With a network optimization. Innovative Wide-
Jaybeam Wireless has been supplying
focus on technical innovation and cus- band, Dual-Band and Tri-Band anten-
base station antennas into the cellu-
tomer responsiveness, Jaybeam Wire- na solutions are also available to allow
lar market for nearly 20 years. In that
less seeks to form lasting partnerships deployment of multiple networks in ex-
time our product portfolio has grown
with its customers to deliver high qual- isting tower space with minimum visual
to serve customers operating in the
ity solutions that enhance network per- impact to the community.
700 MHz, Cellular 850 MHz, GSM 900
formance. sioning for customers.
MHz, IDEN, GSM 1800 MHz, PCS
1900 MHz, UMTS 2100 MHz, AWS and WiMAX ANTENNAS
Jaybeam Wireless operates from three
2500 WiMAX frequency bands. • 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5.7 GHz designs
regional manufacturing and design
centers located in the United States, • Remote Electrical Tilt and Remote
Jaybeam Wireless offers a broad range
in the United Kingdom and in France. Panning capability
of base station antenna models in in-
Each location is equipped to support • Directional and Omnidirectional an-
door, point-to-point, sectorized panel
tennas available
new product development as well as and omni directional configurations.
high volume antenna production. From Our high performance antennas are
these locations, Jaybeam Wireless is field proven by network operators
well positioned to rapidly and efficiently worldwide to deliver reliable commu-

Laird Technologies
www.lairdtech.com sales@lairdtech.com 16401 Swingley Ridge Rd., Suite 700 Chesterfield, MO 63017 USA +1.800.323.3757

Company Background: of-the-art design tools to create anten- • Most uniform energy distribution
na products that maximize total system across the entire coverage area - Re-
Laird Technologies is the world’s lead- performance and user satisfaction. duces system overhead compensating
ing designer and manufacturer of an- Laird Technologies’ base station, back- for nulls and hot spots in the coverage
tenna, electromagnetic interference haul, fixed and mobile client, vehicular area and offers highest quality of ser-
[EMI], telematics and thermal manage- and in-building antennas consistently vice (QOS) and subscriber satisfaction
ment solutions for the telecommunica- offer the industries best value proposi-
tions, data-communications, computer, tion. The WiMAX base station product Base Station Antennas - avail-
general electronics, network equip- line features antennas that easily meet able in 700MHz, 2300-2700MHz,
ment, aerospace, defense, automo- ETSI’s most stringent compliance stan- 3300-3800MHz and 4900-5850MHz.
tive and medical equipment industries. dards while still being competitively They come in two basic types;
priced. Sectorized and Omnidirectional
With Laird Technologies’ proven ex-
pertise in high volume and low cost Backhaul Antennas - available in
manufacturing, the product line ex- 3300-3800MHz and 4900-5850MHz.
• Maximum spectral efficiency - Allows
hibits a good value/performance ratio. The antennas are capable of han-
you to reutilize channels in the next
dling up to at least 100W of RF power.
Primary Products over-adjacent sector antenna
• Reduced crosstalk Client Antennas - available in 700MHz,
Laird Technologies’ world class engi- • Reduced interference, improved S/N 2300-2700MHz, 3300-3800MHz and
neering teams utilize proprietary, state- ratio, improved C/I ratio 4900-5850MHz.

M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.

www.m2inc.com jeremy@m2inc.com 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 USA +1.559.432.8873

Company Background Mechanically optimum computer cal- for use in the 2400-2500 MHz band.
culations are held by CNC stamping Mechanically optimum computer cal-
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. has been out the director element structure. The culations are held by CNC stamping
supplying high quality products and loss-less Polyethylene Radome covers out the director element structure. The
services for over 25 years. and adds to the strength of the antenna. loss-less Polyethylene Radome covers
The 2.4-15R is the best performer for and adds to the strength of the anten-
-Industry leader in VHF/UHF products.
it’s size on the Market. If more gain is na. The 2.4-18R is the best performer
-Wide selection of products - One stop required, stacking two at 8” apart nets for it’s size on the Market. Performance
shopping another 3.0 dB gain. Or you can simply can be increased by stacking the two
step up to it’s big brother, the 2.4-18R antennas at 8”, for an overall gain of 21
-Strong technical support - Saves time with a 35” boom for a total of 18 dBi dBi. The 2.4-18R comes complete with
of gain. The 2.4-15R comes complete stainless steel hardware for long life.
Primary Products with stainless steel hardware for long
2400-2500 MHz 2.4 GHz 15 dBI
RADOME YAGI 2400-2500 MHz 2.4 GHz 18 dBI
The 2.4 GHz series of Wave Guide Fed
Yagi’s, have been computer optimized The 2.4 GHz series of Wave Guide Fed
for use in the 2400-2500 MHz band. Yagi’s, have been computer optimized


Mobile Mark, Inc.

www.mobilemark.com info@mobilemark.com 3900-B River Road Schiller Park, IL 60176 USA +1.847.671.6690

Company Background engineers provide guidance on the im- • Parabolic Antennas

pact of the antenna in the overall prod- • Ceiling Mount Antennas
Mobile Mark, Inc. is a leading suppli- uct design. As an active partner in the • Thru-Window Antennas
er of antennas to wireless companies development effort, we can show our • WLAN & GPS Antennas
throughout the world. We offer inno- customers ways to make each wireless
vative designs, quality manufacturing, product better, more reliable, and cost- New Product: The ECOM antennas
and reliable performance. Many of our effective. are available for: Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 3.5
products feature innovative, patented GHz, Public Safety 4.9 GHz, 5 GHz
designs, available only from Mobile Primary Products Broadband and DSRC 5.9 GHz. The
Mark. The company was established antenna base contains a strong com-
Mobile Mark has multiple antennas mercial magnet to held the antenna
in 1984, and operates factories near for 5.2 & 5.8 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 2.4 GHz
Chicago, IL and Birmingham, Eng- securely to a metal surface, but the
bands. antenna are ground-plane indepen-
land. We offer an extensive line of
mobile, portable, and fixed site anten- • Omni-Directional Antennas dent so they can be used effectively on
nas. We also offer custom design prod- • Corner Reflector Antennas any surface. An Elevated-Feed model
ucts for specialized OEM applications. • Patch Antennas is also available to provide additional
• Surface Mount for Wireless Video clearance for vehicles with light bars.
We work closely with our customers to • Body Mount Antennas - Single Band
ensure that the antenna will enhance • Magnet Mount Antennas
the wireless products. Mobile Mark • Portable Device Antennas

MTI Wireless Edge Ltd.

www.mtiwe.com 11 Hamelacha St. Afek Rosh-Ha’Ayin, Israel 48091 +972-3-9008900

Company Background: Primary Products: selectable antenna array specifically

designed to meet the needs of the
MTI Wireless Edge is the world leader MTI’s WiMAX MIMO Antenna WIMAX market. The antenna which in-
in the development, production and Solutions cludes the solid state RF switch is de-
marketing of high quality, low cost, flat signed to be either integrated as part
panel antennas for Fixed Wireless and MTI offers a product line of Slant and
of the radio, or, supplied as a separate
RFID applications. MTI has more than linear dual polarized antennas in 2.5
unit to be added on to the radio by the
30 years experience in supplying an- and 3.5GHz for WiMAX MIMO antenna
end user.
solutions. Currently the company offers
tennas for both military and commer-
5 different CPE antennas in 2.5GHz MTI Wireless Edge provides a large
cial applications from 100 KHz to 40
and 3.5GHz. MTI’s MIMO antennas, selection of smart antennas for WiMAX
GHz. MTI flat panel antenna range for
enabling the use of multiple antennas next generation BTS improving the
FBWA includes both base station and
at both the subscriber and base station, system performance and network cov-
subscriber antennas for various broad
is set to provide a high performance, erage. This allows to choose the most
and narrow band fixed wireless ap-
cost effective solution for dealing with costeffective CPE and to improve the
plications in Point-to-Point (PTP) and
the challenges presented by mobile ROI of the WiMAX network.
Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) schemes
WiMAX systems.
such in both licensed and unlicensed
bands. MTI’s ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Smart Antennas for WiMAX CPEs
certified development and production and Base Stations
plant, based in Israel, produces small,
low profile antennas with superior per- The MTI smart WIMAX indoor CPE is a
formance, and gain. compact and easy to integrate, switch

mWave Industries, LLC

www.mwavellc.com info@mwavellc.com 33R Main Street, Unit 1 Windham, ME 04062 USA +1.207.892.0011

Company Background: waveguide, components and antennas * Antenna design services

since 1989. This affiliation provides * Antenna analysis services
mWAVE Industries, LLC was started mWAVE Industries with 29,000 square * Third party product improvement ser-
in 2004. The three founders bring with feet of in-house machining, welding, vices
them over 60 combined years of expe- fabrication, and metal finishing re-
rience in the microwave antenna and sources. Commercial Products
component industry from companies
offering both standard products and mWave provides a wide range of com-
Primary Products: mcial antennas in the following bands
custom engineered solutions. Their
backgrounds cover the technical fields Custom Products 3.400-3.800 GHz
of both electrical and mechanical/ mWAVE Industries, LLC will design and 4.940-4.990 GHz
structural engineering, with extensive manufacture antennas to meet your 5.250-5.850 GHz
specific requirements. mWave has ex- 5.750-5.850 GHz
knowledge and practice using electro-
magnetic and structural modeling soft- perience from 100 MHz to 40 GHz, and
ware. This experience takes them from with apertures ranging in size from a
the office, to the lab, test range, shop single patch to over 15 feet.
floor, and out into the field. * Small and large aperture antennas
* Antenna components
mWAVE is affiliated with Mega Indus- * Antenna testing
tries LLC, an established world leader * Low and medium volume antenna
in the manufacture of low frequency manufacturing

Radiowaves, Inc.
www.radiowavesinc.com sales@radiowavesinc.com 495R Billerica Ave. N. Billerica, MA 01862 USA +1.978.459.8800

Company Background: Radio Waves has developed a num- and flat panels, (FP series). The SP
ber of “firsts” in the microwave antenna series is a low cost parabolic antenna
Founded in the early 1980s, Radio industry, including the first integrated with diameters ranging from 1 to 2-ft.
Waves, Inc. has grown from special- “slip-fit” microwave antenna design, Larger diameters are also available!
ized beginnings to become a major the first LMDS hub antenna to meet The FP series antennas are configured
leading international provider of anten- stringent CS2 requirements and the as diamond shape for superior sidelobe
nas for various microwave and broad- first WiMax sector antennas. performance, and meet ETSI class
band wireless applications. Radio “TS5” specifications. These antennas
Waves offers a diverse range of reli- Primary Products: are available in two configurations, 9”
able and innovative microwave anten- (18 dBi) & 19” (24 dBi). Radio Waves
nas. Microwave and broadband wire- Radio Waves manufactures a broad MMDS & 3.5GHz antennas offer a low
less antennas are available that cover line of sector hub and subscriber an- profile, cost effective design that is aes-
1.3 GHz to 86 GHz for Point-to-Point, tennas for the MMDS (2.4-2.7) and 3.5 thetically pleasing as well as being light
unlicensed ISM, UNII, 802.11 Wi-Fi GHz (3.4-3.6) bands. The sector (SEC weight, low windload solution.
& 802.16 WiMax broadband wire- series) antennas offer varying azimuth
less bands at 2.4, 3.5, 4.9 and 5 GHz, and elevation beamwidths, plus fea-
LMDS, Point-to-Multipoint, millimeter ture dual polarity. The 3.5 GHz sectors
wave and broadcast microwave appli- meet and exceed the ETSI class “CS2”
cations. Radio Waves is known glob- specifications. For the subscriber end,
ally for their rapid delivery and reliable Radio Waves offers two antenna mod-
microwave antenna designs. els: standard parabolic, (SP series)


BridgeWave Communications
www.bridgewave.com sales@bridgewave.com Santa Clara, CA USA US/Canada: +1.866.577.6908 International: +1.408.567.6908

Company Background: wide, making it today’s leading vendor and 80 GHz links providing additional
of high capacity, high frequency solu- range in a licensed-band solution fea-
BridgeWave Communications, Inc. is tions to address private networks and turing instant on-line link registration.
the leading supplier of gigabit wireless service providers.
solutions. Setting the standard for prod- BridgeWave gigabit radio links are the
uct quality, BridgeWave employs Highly Primary Products: most widely deployed in the world –
Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) during combined with BridgeWave’s state-of-
design and Highly Accelerated Stress BridgeWave provides high-capacity the-art HALT/HASS test methodology,
Screening (HASS) during production business services, cellular / WiFi / “no waiting” customer service, and over
to ensure the highest levels of product WiMAX backhaul, fiber backbone ex- five years of continuous ISO9001 cer-
reliability and customer satisfaction. tensions, redundant fiber overlays, mu- tification, you can be confident select-
BridgeWave is an ISO9001:2000 reg- nicipality mesh backbone and tempo- ing BridgeWave as your high-capacity
istered company. rary connections applications. wireless solution partner.

BridgeWave is a U.S.-based company BridgeWave is the only vendor to of-

headquartered in Santa Clara, Califor- fer operators a choice of both 60 GHz
nia. The company has strong global and 80 GHz gigabit wireless links. Both
presence with over 2,500 solutions technologies offer superior interfer-
deployed in more than 20 countries. ence immunity and data security, with
BridgeWave has a network of experi- 60 GHz links providing the added flex-
enced distributors and resellers world- ibility of deployment anytime/anyplace

Ceragon Networks
www.ceragon.com infoUS@ceragon.com 24 Raoul Wallenberg Street Tel Aviv, 69719 Israel +972 3 645 5733

Company Background: evolving networking needs. Designed flexible network design by supporting
with network evolution in mind, each of multiple network topologies, Ceragon’s
Ceragon Networks is a leading provid- Ceragon’s FibeAir® solutions presents solutions support business case real-
er of high capacity wireless backhaul a modular design and a rich set of fea- ization with scalable pay-as-you-grow
solutions that enable wireless service tures. Covering all-IP, hybrid and SO- capacity and accelerate expansion and
providers to deliver voice and premium NET/SDH wireless backhaul networks, coverage with simple and fast deploy-
data services, such as Internet brows- FibeAir is synonymous with innovative, ment.
ing, music and video applications. highly flexible, and scalable communi-
Ceragon’s wireless backhaul solutions
cation equipment for cost-effective, fu-
use microwave technology to transfer
ture-proof, and high-capacity backhaul
large amounts of network traffic be-
tween base stations and the infrastruc-
ture at the core of the mobile network. Its wireless backhaul solutions provide
Ceragon’s solutions support all wire- a reality-ready answer to the escalating
less access technologies, including demands of today’s WiMAX networks.
WiMAX, GSM, CDMA, and EV-DO. Ceragon’s solutions are designed to
Primary Products: provide a perfect-fit to the inherent
WiMAX data architecture with Native
Ceragon Networks offers a compre- Ethernet and unmatched capacity for
hensive set of products that meet access and aggregation backhaul. With


DragonWave Inc.
www.dragonwaveinc.com sales@dragonwaveinc.com 600-411 Legget Drive Ottawa, ON K2K 3C9 Canada 613.599.9991

Company Background: from capacity upgrades to network ex- microwave radios are known in the
pansions to new network deployments. industry for their small form factor
DragonWave Inc. is an emerging leader and weather-proof design, delivering
in the market of high-capacity wireless Primary Products: exceptional reliability even in the most
Ethernet network solutions. With over stringent outdoor requirements.
6000 deployments in more than 40 DragonWave’s Horizon Compact and DragonWave also offers a portfolio of
countries, DragonWave offers wireless Horizon DUO, are point-to-point Eth- Service Delivery Units (SDU) products
carrier-Ethernet links as a cost-effective ernet radios operating in both licensed based on Pseudowire technology.
alternative that enables cellular carriers and unlicensed spectrum from 6 to 38 SDU offers a solution for providing
and network operators to expand their GHz and support ring/mesh architec- high-capacity TDM transport and high-
market coverage and meet increased tures, providing scalable, ultra-low capacity carrier Ethernet traffic over a
bandwidth requirements rapidly and af- latency, native Ethernet connectivity of single converged packet-based net-
fordably. Our field-tested point-to-point up to 1.6 Gbps full duplex for carrier- work. Providing a convenient, compact
digital microwave radio systems are grade delivery of next-generation termination point for mixed TDM and
ideally suited for backhaul networks, triple-play IP services. DragonWave’s Ethernet services, SDU enables Drag-
mobile and fixed networks, enterprise Horizon systems feature high ef- onWave’s Horizon products to sup-
and private networks, as well as rapidly ficiency, low latency and full support port the network traffic generated by
emerging next-generation networks, in- for critical Ethernet data transport converged IP-based services, such as
cluding WiMAX and LTE. Our wireless features, such as VLAN queuing and data access, VoIP, and video stream-
backhaul solutions are designed to sup- prioritization, flow control, and jumbo ing, as well as legacy TDM services.
port any type of network deployment: packet support. DragonWave’s digital

EM Solutions
www.emsolutions.com.au info@emsolutions.com.au 101 Hyde Rd, P.O. Box 3164 Yeronga, Queensland 4104 Australia +61 7 3392 7600

Company Background: Primary Products: EtherMux® - TDMA Point to Point

and Point to Multipoint Links
EM Solutions supplies products and Capabilities include- EtherMux-TDMA has an architecture
design services to commercial and • System and Module Design of RF based on the IEEE 802.16d-2004
military customers in the telecommu- Equipment from 70MHz to 40GHz Standard, and is ideal for Backhauling
nications sector. Products include car- • 3D Electromagnetic Modelling for Ex- WiMAX 16e Base Stations and Enter-
rier-grade PTP microwave and TDMA act Design of Passive RF Products prise Last Mile.
Wireless Links (branded EtherMux®), • 3D Solid Modelling and CAD
and Satcom Converters and Amplifi- • Mechanical and Thermal Design us- EtherMux® - TDMA Urban
ers. EM Solutions has focused its Links ing Finite Element Analysis Backhauling 16e WiMAX Base Station
product development on Backhaul • Digital Design using DSP, FPGA and Sites
and Enterprise Last Mile applications, Network Processor Devices
• Project Management and Customer EtherMux-TDMA Rural
and its Ka-band Satcom products Regional Telcos and WISPs for Back-
Service Products including 24/7 On-
are leading edge. EM Solutions has haul and Enterprise Last Mile
Line Monitoring
developed all its products in-house,
and has the organisational structure EtherMux® Point to Point Links
and focus to offer adaptation of our Ethernet Microwave Terrestrial Links
core technologies and products to Enabling Wireless Communications of
meet specific customer requirements. Voice, Data and Multimedia


Harris Stratex Networks, Inc.

www.hstx.com sales@hstx.com 637 David Dr. Morrisville, NC 27560 USA +1.919.767.3230

Company Background: transmission solutions are an ideal * Extensive experience in design-

solution for WiMAX network intercon- ing Layer 2 and 3 IP transmission
Harris Stratex Networks is the larg- nection, providing speeds up to 1.2 networks
est independent supplier of wireless Gbps, with carrier-class Layer 2 QoS
transmission systems in the world. We and network resilience. Our Eclipse™ product platform, featur-
provide complete wireless network so- ing Super-PDH™ software-scalable
lutions supported by comprehensive With extensive experience in Ethernet/ capacity, offers advanced nodal solu-
network management software and IP and a comprehensive suite of IP tions, optimized terminal solutions and
world-class professional services for consultancy, network planning and carrier-grade Ethernet data transport.
mobile and private network operators. design services, we can help you build Our TRuepoint® product platform of-
the most efficient, high-performance fers plug-and-play, software-selectable
Primary Products: network possible. capacity, frequency, modulation and
Key features and benefits power, with exceptional transmission
WiMAX networks around the world are
characteristics and the most advanced
placing a heavy burden on the back-
* Scalable, high-speed Carrier Eth- features in its class. Both platforms
haul network. Backhaul solutions must
ernet transport are extensively field-tested.
now support the rapidly increasing
* Network resiliency options, includ-
traffic driven by high-speed broadband
ing link aggregation and RWPRTM
services delivered over WiMAX.
fast ring protection
* Advanced radio and traffic perfor-
Our native Carrier Ethernet/IP wireless
mance monitoring

www.radwin.com sales@radwin.com 27 Habarzel Street Tel Aviv, 69710 Israel Global: +972.3.766.2900 Americas: +

Company Background: portfolio of wireless broadband prod- Product Highlights:

ucts, delivering high capacity, extended
RADWIN Ltd. (www.radwin.com) is a range and carrier-class performance • 50 Mbps full-duplex net throughput
leading provider of sub-6GHz wireless for today’s and tomorrow’s networks. • Superior OFDM and MIMO technolo-
backhaul and broadband access solu- gies
tions. RADWIN offers WiMAX opera- RADWIN 2000 provides 50Mbps full- • Unparalleled performance
tors the ultimate backhaul solution - the duplex net throughput and a range of • Extended range
capacity, reliability, scalability and cost- • Easy to install, simple to maintain
up to 120 km/75 miles. Built on RAD-
structure to build and extend their net- • Competitively priced
WIN’s proprietary air interface together
works and to profitably manage their with advanced Space Diversity, MIMO
business. With a global presence in and OFDM technologies, it delivers op-
over 100 countries, RADWIN empow- timal performance and unmatched ro-
ers Tier 1 carriers and leading service bustness in all environments.
providers with the ability to connect
subscribers everywhere. RADWIN 2000 solutions are ideally
Primary Products: suited for a variety of Ethernet applica-
tions, including backhaul for WiMAX
The upcoming RADWIN 2000 radio se- and IP networks, high-capacity data
ries is the latest addition to RADWIN’s transport, and private networks.


Trango Systems, Inc.

www.trangobroadband.com sales@trangobroadband.com 14118 Stowe Dr, Ste. B San Diego, CA 92064 USA +1.858.391.0010

Company Background: also provides best-in-class point-to- lutions for mixed traffic or IP migration
multipoint solutions for high-speed for mobile communications providers,
Trango Systems, Inc., was founded wireless broadband Internet access including carrier Ethernet networks and
in 1996 and is headquartered in San and wireless IP video surveillance sys- fixed networks
Diego County, California—the heart tems for municipalities, enterprise, ser- o Enterprise Wireless Networks - Pri-
of wireless communication technology vice providers, public safety networks vate network wireless extension appli-
innovation movement. Trango’s dedi- and more. cations including leased line replace-
cated staff combines several decades ment and outdoor wireless WAN
of radio frequency (RF) and systems Designed for ultimate performance and
ease of installation, Trango fixed wire- o Video Surveillance & Security -
engineering experience, resulting in a High-performance wireless remote
strong record of patents, industry lead- less equipment has set the industry
standards for performance and value. monitoring solutions including IP video
ing innovations, and product designs equipment and analog video surveil-
that are known for unprecedented per- dustry-standard technology.
lance equipment for municipal govern-
formance, flexibility, reliability, value, It offers large service providers carrier ment networks
and cost effectiveness. class services with high throughput and
Featured Backhaul Equipment for
Trango designs and manufactures ev- availability, component redundancy,
WiMAX Networks
ery broadband radio it sells, making the and flexible network management.
» TrangoLINK Giga®
company a unique end-to-end manu- Primary Products Split-architecture licensed RF radio
facturer, thus controlling engineering link, native Ethernet & native TDM, full
and production from start to finish for Trango Wireless Solutions duplex high-capacity wireless back-
maximum quality assurance and ro- o WiMAX Backhaul - High-capacity haul, 6-23 GHz
bust performance. The company’s new IP bandwidth for broadband access
state-of-the-art factory utilizes cutting » TrangoLINK® Apex
operators including WiMAX networks, All-outdoor licensed microwave radio,
edge automation to ensure the highest wireless ISPs, and wire line providers
levels of quality and product reliability. all-IP native, full duplex high-capacity
On-site manufacturing facilities also o Wireless ISP Solutions - Point-to- wireless backhaul, fiber interface, 6-23
enable Trango to routinely add new multipoint unlicensed broadband In- GHz
products, quickly add new features, ternet access equipment and wireless » TrangoLINK-45®
and promptly adjust to shifting custom- backhaul All-outdoor unlicensed wireless Ether-
er requirements. o Cellular/Mobile Network Backhaul net bridge, OFDM multi-band 5.x GHz
– Ethernet-native and TDM-native so- with DFS
Trango offers the highest perfor-
mance and value in the industry.

Trango is the leading innovator of point-

to-point and point-to-multipoint micro-
wave wireless transmission systems
for both licensed and license-exempt
spectrums. We develop leading edge
point-to-point licensed microwave wire-
less transmission systems, unlicensed
wireless backhaul, as well as unli-
censed point-to-multipoint high-speed
broadband access solutions, and wire-
less IP video surveillance systems.

Trango specializes in offering high-per-

formance point-to-point digital micro-
wave backhaul radios for critical data
transport for WiMAX broadband service
providers, ISP/WISP operators, carrier
Ethernet, cellular/mobile backhaul, and
private enterprise applications. Trango


Eyebill Interactive Solutions Plc

www.eyebill.com sales@eyebill.com 60 E 42nd St., #1166 New York, NY 10165 USA +1.877.649.5622

Company Background: by its customers worldwide and tive advantage, making your marketing
as a respected partner of leading campaigns unique and memorable,
EyeBill Interactive Solutions Plc is a global telecom equipment vendors. thus increasing your brand awareness:
global software vendor of Billing and Using Piranha Skeletons any number
Customer Care solutions for the tele- Primary Products: of complex pricing and discount poli-
communications industry. EyeBill is cies can be supported based on ser-
different for its taste for innovation, EyeBill Piranha billing is designed for
vice subscriptions, usage, accumulated
industry know-how and ability to turn all types of mobile, traditional and VoIP
bonuses and/or upfront fees. Piranha
your business ideas into real success. service providers - giving them the abil-
Skeletons are pluggable business mod-
Since its establishment EyeBill has ity to enjoy rapid business develop-
els and/or automation procedures that
been supporting both traditional and ment and to move beyond their legacy
succeed to bring to life even the most
non-traditional telephony (VoIP & ge- billing systems with a conceptually new
creative and ambitious service plans.
neric) business models, but to stay solution that incorporates the abilities
ahead of our customers’ demands, of OSS/BSS vendors, but offers revo- EyeBill have paid special attention to
the company constantly initiates bill- lutionary flexibility. making the Piranha billing easily ame-
ing software developments in line nable to integration with third-party
with the hottest trends in the telecom EyeBill Piranha supports all of the clas- systems and telecom equipments for
business - Voice and Video over IP/ sic business models as per the current maximum automatic provisioning of
Broadband, Triple Play, WiMAX, IP telecommunications market trends, any type of data and/or even trigger-
Centrex and other NextGen services. but in addition, EyeBill help you offer ing in addition to the standard real-time
EyeBill is recognized as a premium something unique to your local market AAA control of services (different pro-
telecom billing solutions provider that will give your business a competi- tocols on different equipment are sup-
ported at the same time).

Alepo USA
www.alepo.com sales@alepo.com 3415 Greystone Dr, Suite 104 Austin, TX 78731 USA +1.512.879.1030

Company Background: and the NWG working group to set the debited in real time for both prepaid
standards for 802.16e, Alepo is aiding and postpaid, all with zero leakage.
Founded in 1994, Alepo is a leading in creating and implementing the stan- * Activation and hotlining- self-provi-
provider of enabling infrastructure for dards for new WiMAX technologies. sioning of accounts & MSSs, redirection
telecommunications service providers. Deployed in WiMAX solutions across to activation portal at zero balance.
Alepo provides IT systems and IT con- the globe for both Greenfield and In- * Device Pairing (for Mobile Carriers)-
sulting services for telecommunication cumbent providers supporting a wide offers the ability to pair mobile and
companies, enabling them to compete array of services, Alepo’s experience fixed devices automatically upon self-
efficiently and realize next generation in WiMAX guarantees providers a re- activation over the web.
services & opportunities. liable, industry-leading product that is * Integration with legacy and future
designed to capitalize on the WiMAX systems- Using Alepo’s comprehen-
Alepo’s products are deployed in six market as it exists today and as it sive set of APIs and experience in in-
continents spanning services such as evolves into the future. tegration, Alepo’s WiMAX solutions are
ADSL, MetroE, FTTH, Municipal WiFi, built to integrate with both legacy sys-
WiMAX, VoIP (retail and wholesale), Primary Products: tems and future external subsystems.
and Triple and Quadruple play for cus- * Number Management- Phone num-
tomers such as France Telecom, Digi- * NWG Stage 3 Compliant- AAA fully
16e compliant ber management & auto-provisioning
cel, Turkcell, and Charter Communica- for Voice over WiMAX
tions. * Scalable Real-time Convergent Bill-
ing- created for WiMAX and all servic- * IP Address Management- NWG
Alepo’s WiMAX solutions are on the es delivered over WiMAX (data, voice, compliant DHCP server which auto-
forefront of WiMAX technology. As IPTV, etc). Allows for a single balance provisions static IP addresses.
a member of both the WiMAX forum to be used across all services offered,

Aria Systems
www.ariasystems.com sales@ariasystems.com 1400 N Providence Road, 102 Media, PA 19063 USA +1.484.234.8000

Company Background: Primary Products: tomates the processes of generating

Aria Systems is the premier provider Aria integrates a sophisticated billing and presenting a consolidated invoice.
of on-demand billing and customer engine with customer management Support a wide range of discrete and
management solutions. The company and marketing tools in a single, on- blended billing scenarios including sub-
was founded in 2002 and released our demand application. Aria accelerates scription, transaction and usage-based
Billing & Customer Management solu- revenue capture, automates business rating models.
tion in 2003. Our clients span a variety processes, and significantly reduces
operating costs by actively managing Aria is architected to scale and adapt
of industries including Software as a
each phase of the customer lifecycle. to unique business requirements. Aria
Service, Gaming, Non-profit, Telecom- captures critical customer information
munications and Residential Services. to enable dynamic plans and pricing,
Aria’s client-branded registration mod-
Our Billing & Customer Management and to support revenue sharing and
ule allows customers to select from
solution delivers billing, customer man- pricing and plans based upon distri- settlement with third party partners.
agement, and marketing tools on-de- bution partner or channel. Web-based
mand. Aria allows businesses to focus user self-service provides customers Aria’s Application Programming Inter-
on achieving their mission critical goals with detailed transaction history and face (API) protocols allow it to be inte-
by automating processes, strength- account management features. grated with third party applications and
ening internal controls, and build- systems to enable automated provi-
ing relationships while reducing the Aria offers unsurpassed flexibility in the sioning for customers.
costs associated with legacy systems. types of charges it can rate and au-

www.intraisp.com sales@intraisp.com 2 City Place Dr, Suite 100 St Louis, MO 63141 USA +1.314.216.2098

Company Background: ing WiMAX industry. As an integral part Intra-network roaming support
of Clearwire and in its position at the * Create “friendly areas” where end-
IntraISP is the leading Billing, CRM, forefront of the emerging WiMAX eco- users can roam for free
and OSS system for WiMAX and system, IntraISP continues to pave the * Choose premium markets and charge
broadband service providers. IntraISP way for feature rich Billing, CRM, and customers for roaming
is a wholly owned subsidiary and sepa- OSS systems.
rately run business of Clearwire Cor- Tower Management
poration, the world’s largest residential Primary Products: * Sector tracking
WiMAX provider. * Trouble reporting and notification per
WiMAX capabilities include: tower
IntraISP has been developing and sup- * Tower to market mappings
porting Billing, CRM, and OSS systems Integration to wireless platforms
since 1994. The IntraISP system was * Integrated provisioning and service WiMAX Support
originally developed as a back office management * Network Integration (NextNet, Motor-
system for a large regional ISP. In- * Troubleshoot service issues by gath- ola 802.16e, VoIP)
traISP was among the first companies ering statistics from end-user’s CPE * CPE Support (WiMAX modems, PC
to develop real-time, web-based billing, Cards)
Integration to prequalification systems
and credit card processing solutions. In * Tower/Sector Management, Prequal,
* Service availability check
2007, Clearwire Corporation acquired Mapping
* Capture and store failed service
IntraISP in an effort to accelerate the * Roaming
development of key software functions * Device Status/Info, Troubleshooting
* Tower and sector distance tracking
and features for the dynamic and evolv- * Bandwidth Throttling


Anatech Microwave Company

www.anatechmicrowave.com sales@anatechmicrowave.com 70 Outwater In Garfield, NJ 07026 USA 973.772.6767

Company Background: ing 3283 MHz by 35dBc. AB2530B519

on the other hand is a 2530 MHz nar-
Anatech Microwave, develops, manu-
row band Cavity filter with a 1.5dB
factures, and supplies a large variety
Bandwidth of 20 MHz, Insertion loss of
of RF, and Microwave products, used
3dB and attenuation of 45dBc at 2515
in Wireless, and communication sys-
MHz and 2545 MHz. AM3425B1003 is
tems. Our quality products are used in
an example of a WiMax Ceramic Band-
WiMax, WiFi, Homeland security, and
pass filter at 3425 MHz with a Band-
public safety systems, Wireless LAN,
width of 50 MHz, Insertion loss of 2dB
PCS, GSM, Point to point communica-
and rejection of 25dB at 3225 MHz and
tions, and other wireless, and commu-
3625 MHz, built in a very small pack-
nications systems. For the design en-
age size of 10.6 x 3.9 x 6 mm max.
gineer, Anatech offers the flexibility of
providing products designed to match You can visit our website www.anat-
exact specifications, and requirements. echmicrowave.com to view our entire
As a manufacturer and supplier, Anat- product line.
ech works with a variety of distributors,
and helps maintain their supply chain,
by providing accurate deliveries, and
works with long range demand require-
ments, by maintaining close contact
with the program manager, and con-
tractors. Anatech provides solutions
to the professional that develops, de-
signs, or integrates wireless systems.

Primary Products:
Our key products include a large variety
of RF & Microwave filters and Duplex-
ers offered in different technologies like
Cavity, Ceramic, LC, Saw, and Crystal.
We also offer Power dividers, Direction-
al couplers, Amplifiers, Antennas, and
RF Cables.

In recent years, Anatech has been suc-

cessful in meeting the demands of the
ever growing WiMax market, by build-
ing products in the 3.5 GHz and 2.5 –
2.6 GHz range specifically designed for
WiMax systems. Our primary WiMax
products include Cavity Bandpass fil-
ters and Duplexers, Ceramic Bandpass
filters and Duplexers, Power Dividers,
Amplifiers, Antennas, Directional Cou-
plers and many other related products.

As an example our AB3500B510 is

a Cavity Bandpass filter covering the
WiMax band from 3400 – 3600 MHz, with
an Insertion loss of 2dB while attenuat-


Huber + Suhner
www.hubersuhnerinc.com info.us@hubersuhner.com 19 Thompson Drive Essex, VT 05452 USA 1.866.482.3778
Company Background: Our products are designed for: and maintaining a network is a major
* mobile communication systems task and investment. With the Operator,
HUBER+SUHNER is a leading global * fixed wireless access System Integrator and Installer in mind,
supplier of components and systems * wireless LANs our product solutions are designed for
for electrical and optical connectivity. * high speed switching systems rapid and cost effective installation with
The industrial group with headquarters From our core competencies we HUBER+SUHNER’s recognised hall-
in Switzerland was established in 1969. provide marks of quality and re-
Today, it operates 17 subsidiaries and * RF and microwave connectors, ca- liability.
employs 3200 persons in all markets bles, cable assemblies
of the world and is represented by * antenna solutions From our core competencies we
100 distributors in additional countries. * point-to-point wireless data link solu- provide
tions * fiber optic products
Primary Products: * complete solutions for indoor fiber
* lightning protection solutions
* fiber optic access products distribution and management
Communication Equipment - Our
* fiber optic low weight and volume * RF and microwave connectors,
recognised expertise in Radio Fre-
cable * RF feeder cable and jumper cable as-
quency and fiber optic technology pro-
* fiber optic backplane solutions semblies
vides the basis of our product solutions
* fiber to the antenna solutions * lightning and surge protection solu-
for manufacturers and designers of
* lightning and surge protection prod- tions for RF and data lines
communication equipment. As wireless
ucts solutions for RF and data lines * antenna solutions
connectivity continues to grow in im-
* power splitters, DC-blocks * point-to-point wireless data link solu-
portance in our daily lives, so does the
requirement for high quality, reliable in-
Communication Networks - Building * power splitters, DC-blocks

Jauch Quartz America

www.jauchusa.com info@jauchusa.com 14601 NW Arabian Way Seabeck, WA 98380 USA 360.633.7200

Company Background: Primary Products: ■ Jauch SAW products are available

with single ended /
Electronic appliances of all kinds re- The Jauch SAW product family con- balanced and with balanced I/O
quire one important element; the es- tains Radio Frequency (RF) and Inter- ■ excellent reliability and shock resis-
sential rhythm which enables appli- mediate Frequency (IF) Bandpass-filter tance
ances to adjust and function. Quartz as well as SAW-Resonators. ■ available for extended operating tem-
crystal and oscillator components de- perature range -40°C ~ +85°C
signed and manufactured by Jauch The SAW products may typically be
provide the most reliable pace-setters used for wireless and wired commu- Jauch offers pre developed as well as
for modern electronics. nication systems like digital modems, custom-made SAW products.
pagers, cordless phones, mobile
Jauch provides the most comprehen- phones, remote keyless entry (RKE), We provide technical support to imple-
sive range of structural elements for base stations, repeaters, SONET/SDH, ment our components in your applica-
frequency control. Our high quality PLC communikation, cabel-TV/HDTV, tions.
range extends from frequency control GPS-receiver and wireless communi-
products for standard operating condi- cation-systems like bluetooth, WiMax, All Jauch SAW products are RoHS
tions to high-stability, shockproof com- WLAN, Zigbee etc. compliant and lead free.
ponents that are capable of operating
under the most extreme conditions. Key-Features of Jauch SAW products:
Our products provide total reliability ■ Frequency range up to 2600 MHz
in the most demanding environments ■ many different package types avail-
and fulfill the prerequisites of the most able
innovative high-tech applications. ■ very competitive price

MECA Electronics, Inc.

www.e-MECA.com sales@e-MECA.com 459 East Main Street Denville, NJ 07834 USA 484.234.8000

Company Background: Primary Products:

Since 1961, MECA (Microwave Elec-
tronics Components of America) has de-
signed and manufactured an extensive
line of RF/Microwave components with
industry leading performance including:

• Adapters Attenuators - MECA offers a wide se-

• Bias Tees lection of attenuators designed to ex- DC Blocks - DC Blocks covering wire-
• Cable Assemblies ceed commercial specifications. Stan- less band applications from 0.400 –
• DC Blocks dard attenuation values of 3, 6, 10, 20 3.000 GHz. Available in 7/16 DIN, N,
• Directional & Hybrid Couplers and 30 dB are available from STOCK! BNC & TNC configurations with RF
• Fixed Attenuators Need a special value? Many attenua- power ratings to 500 watts (2.5 kW
• Isolators/Circulators tors are available in all values from 0 peak)
• Power Divider/Combiners - 40 dB in 1 dB increments.
• RF Loads, DC Blocks

Since the early days of Series I AU-

TOPLEX thru recent national deploy-
ments of UMTS and E-911, MECA
has long been the “backbone” of high 705S-3.000 - MECA introduces WiMAX
performance wired and air-interfaced Hybrid Couplers for high performance
WiMAX applications between 2.0 GHz Low Power Loads - MECA V-Line RF
networks for commercial wireless. We loads are optimized for excellent per-
continue to offer a wide variety of mod- - 4.0 GHz. Available with SMA-Female
connectors and rugged aluminum formance across all wireless bands
els specifically design to mesh your and their rugged construction makes
housing for long lasting, reliable perfor-
next generation WiMAX networks with mance. them ideal for both base station and
existing infrastructure. MECA is one in-building wireless systems. N, SMA
of few component manufactures to be and 7/16-DIN are always available
an approved source of supply to ALL from STOCK - even in large quantities
- for your next generation equipment
of the major US / Canadian service
providers and principle OEM’s as well.

Bias Tees - RoHS compliant, high

MECA’s uncompromised reputation for
power, Bias Tees that cover wireless
delivering rugged and reliable compo- band applications from 0.500 – 2.500
nents to the field on-time, every time GHz. Unique modular design offers
is due to the unique ability to manu- maximum connector flexibility at any
facture cost-effective products with- port! Available in 7/16 DIN, SMA, N,
out reliance on foreign materials and BNC & TNC configurations
labor. The quality and consistency of
our products differentiates us from the
countless start-up companies and bro-
Power Divider/Combiners - Increased
kers who buy/resell off shore materials.
power rating and extended frequency
Engineers, Product Managers and
range! 2-way thru 16-way 40w, Power
Equipment Installer alike trust MECA for
Divider/Combiners are optimized for
critical projects and rely on our superior Couplers (CN/CS Series) - 50w cou-
excellent performance across all wire-
product performance and extraordinary plers designed for excellent perfor-
mance across all wireless bands form less bands from 0.7 – 2.7 GHz and
delivery (from STOCK – 2 weeks ARO)
0.8 – 2.2 GHz making them ideal for their rugged construction makes them
to stay on schedule. We proudly offer a
base station, in-building wireless and ideal for both base station and in-build-
36 month warranty on ALL of our Amer-
repeater systems. ing wireless systems.
ican-made RF/Microwave components.


Polyphaser Corporation
www.polyphaser.com info@polyphaser.com 2225 Park Place MInden, NV 89423 USA +1.775.782.2511

Company Background: Primary Products: several data and/or DC boards to fit a

broad range of applications.
PolyPhaser Corporation, founded in RF products include the DC blocked SX
1979 and headquartered in Hayden, Series™, B50, UHF and VHF series for These surge protection devices can be
Idaho USA, is a Smiths business cellular, broadcast, UHF and VHF ap- found all over the world in applications
that manufactures grounding and plications respectively. Our DC pass such as P2P and P2MP radios, cellu-
surge protection products for wire- products include the GX Series™, and lar base stations, 2-way radios, broad-
less communications, including AirSmart™ coaxial line protectors pri- cast stations, as well as, petrochemical
WiMAX, CELULAR, GPS, as well marily used on, GPS, and 3G tower top plants, and remote monitoring sites. We
as, microwave, security, military, applications. work with many of the world’s largest
transportation, and petrochemical. communication OEM’s, and infrastruc-
Data protection line includes the Net- ture contractors. Offering world class
PolyPhaser‘s core competency is the Guard™ and IX series™ for 10/100 application experience, PolyPhaser is
elimination of lightning transient volt- BASE T Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, unmatched in our commitment to cus-
ages from coaxial cables and data DSL, POE, ISDN, AND E1/T1. The Net- tomer satisfaction.
lines. Transients are a major cause of Guard™ is an RJ45 plug-in data protec-
communication failures; the safe re- tion platform. The IX Series™ modular,
moval of them is paramount to system hard-wired protector can be suited to
performance. PolyPhaser is the lead- your application or proprietary protocol.
ing authority on this type of protection. The IX Series™ can also be fitted with

TDK Corporation
www.tdk.com http://tdk.com/sales.php 1221 Business Center Dr. Mount Prospect, IL 60056 USA +1.847.803.6100

Company Background: ductors, and EMC components. Fo- LAN and Bluetooth applications that
cusing on miniaturization and surface achieves the same low-loss and high-
As a leader in the electronics industry, mount requirements our vast array attenuation characteristics of earlier
TDK is your source for everything from of quality electronic components in- products. The new filters adopt an in-
electronic components, materials and cludes LAN components, ferrite cores, novative design with a compact reso-
power supplies to factory automation amorphous cores, transformers, mag- nator and a low-loss structure for the
systems, anechoic chambers, test sys- nets, magnet applied products, piezo- resonator connector to achieve the
tems and more. electric products, delay lines, sen- industry’s first* low-loss, high-attenua-
sors, power supply, RF components tion filter in a 1608-size component re-
TDK can meet your needs anywhere in sulting in 40% less volume. This filter
& RF modules. TDK’s S Parameters
North America or around the world with
data library is available for ceramic will contribute to the miniaturization of
our global network of sales, engineer-
capacitors, inductors and EMC com- mobile devices as well as space and
ing and R&D.
ponents. TDK’s authorized distribu- power savings.
Primary Products: tor network currently stocks many of
these innovative, affordable electronic
The application of TDK’s world-leading components for off-the-shelf delivery.
expertise in ferrite has yielded ad-
vanced electronic components, such TDK Corporation develops a multilayer
as multi-layer ceramic capacitors, in- band-pass filter for 2.4 GHz wireless


Detecon Consulting
www.detecon.com info@detecon.com Oberkasseler Strasse 2 D-53227 Bonn +49 228 700 0

Company Background: services along our customers’ entire market segments include the public
value-added chain. The industry know- sector (Public Sector), telecommunica-
Detecon International is a leading how of our consultants and the knowl- tions and digital media (Telco & Digital
worldwide company for integrated edge we have gained from successful Media), and service industries and
management and technology consult- management and ICT projects in over some specific manufacturing indus-
ing founded in 2002 from the merger 100 countries forms the foundation of tries (Enterprise & Services).
of consulting firms DETECON and our services. Detecon is a subsidiary
Diebold. Based on its comprehensive of T-Systems, the business customers Integrated Management and Technol-
expertise in information and communi- brand of Deutsche Telekom. ogy Know-How
cation technology (ICT), Detecon pro-
Our service portfolio focuses on areas
vides consulting services to customers Primary Services
in which we can provide special stimuli
from all key industries. The company’s Industries for our clients through our unique in-
focus is on the development of new
tegrated management and technology
business models, optimization of Our service portfolio addresses clients
knowledge. Our services range from
existing strategies and increase of from a broad range of industries. But
the classic organization and strategy
corporate efficiency through strategy, within the range, we concentrate
consulting (Strategy & Marketing and
organization and process improve- on market segments in which our
Operations) to highly complex techno-
ments. This combined with Detecon’s know-how has been proven in a wide
logical ICT applications (Technology
exceptional technological expertise variety of integrated management and
enables us to provide consulting technology consulting projects. These

www.maravedis-bwa.com info@maravedis-bwa.com 410 Rus des Recollets, Suite 301 Montreal, QU H2Y 1W2 305.992.3196

Company Background: Maravedis’ Mission is to be the most tion YOU need to face the competitive
trusted bridge between the world of mobile and multiservice broadband
Maravedis, Inc. is a world-leader and emerging technologies and the world of ecosystem.
pioneer in Broadband Wireless and real deployments and sound business
WiMAX market research and analysis. models. Facilitate your research process with
Offering more than just numbers, we the Maravedis retainer program - a
publish reports and provide consulting Primary Products: program to address your specific
specific to the converging wireless in- needs. Whether you need access to
dustry that are developed into informed, Maravedis leverages leading research research, tailored research, sponsor-
rational opinions thanks to our in-depth and database services to provide tai- ship or consulting time… Maravedis
expertise of wireless technologies from lored research that is timely, accurate, will design a program that fits your
WiMAX to cellular mobile technologies and cost effective. strategy and budget.
and emerging fields of technologies.
Leveraging the industry’s broad-
Maravedis is an objective, third party est portfolio of 4G research and the
research and analysis firm focusing on unique web-based WiMAXCounts™
Broadband Wireless Access technolo- operator deployment tracking service,
gies including WiMAX/802.16, 802.20, Maravedis can help you develop your
EV-DO, WCDMA TD-CDMA, HSDPA strategy to maximize your ROI. We’ll
and Wireless Local Loop Systems. work WITH you to deliver the informa-


ORR Technology, LLC

Emerging Technology Expert in Strategy Launch Lifecycle

ORR Technology
www.orrtechnology.com jorr@orrtechnology.com P.O. Box 1504 Prineville, OR 97754 USA +1.541.359.0595

Company Background: career started at Diamond Multimedia Services

where he held multiple senior manage- · Webinar Services
Jeff Orr, owner and founder of ORR ment positions and received more than · Marketing/Sales Alignment
Technology (formerly Split Pea Market- 200 product-related awards over his · Technology Transition
ing), is an expert on emerging broad- decade tenure. · Intelligence/Research
band technology, product marketing · Portfolio Triage
and business management. In total, Primary Products: · Product Coaching
Jeff has managed products generat- · Campaign/Event planning
ing more than $1 billion in revenue. Providing marketing strategy and imple- · Keynote/Guest Speaker
mentation consulting services to small · Mobile Broadband News
Most recently, he built the marketing business, enterprise, and Fortune 100
organization for the renowned WiMAX companies around the world.
Forum industry trade association and
has served as a board member for the Jeff Orr is an expert in emerging tech-
nonprofit group. Orr began his wire- nology, product marketing, product
less career at industry pioneer, Proxim, management, market intelligence, and
where he held senior marketing man- the marketing of technology solutions.
agement roles for seven years. His

The Final Mile

www.thefinalmile.net tim@thefinalmile.net 85 Lanvale Ave Asheville, NC 28806 USA +1.828.505.0702

Company Background: prevent you from making the same to your product and position you to be
mistakes we’ve seen others make. distinct from your competition. The
The Final Mile is a broadband wire- ultimate goal is to enhance your return
less and WiMAX focused consulting New City Expansion Planning and on investment.
company, with a specialization in Rural Management Depending on your
Markets. The Final Mile consults to needs, we can plan and even manage Business and Operational planning
the ISP industry, industry associations, the build out of a new city expansion. and management Advice on opera-
investors, vendors and municipali- We have experience and contacts in tional structure and systems, including
ties as well as other stakeholders in sourcing tower and hub building sites, what to outsource and what to retain
the broadband wireless industry. Our acquiring local partners, effective in house. We assist clients, particu-
experience was gained in the field advertising and sales management, larly institutional ones in picking the
actually deploying wireless networks. particularly to hotel and conference appropriate technical solution to fit
center re-sellers and hiring training their needs and assist them in mak-
Primary Products: and managing field technical special- ing smart choices in how to build out
ists. networks to be as low-cost and main-
General Fixed Wireless Consulting tenance free as possible.
services of all kinds from the smallest Product Positioning and Pricing Meth-
job to multi-month projects. The Final odologies We assist you cooperatively
Mile people have the experience and in producing low-cost creative services
have seen the mistakes. Let us help to enhance the price point available


Hutton Communications
www.hol4g.com info@huttoncom.com 2520 Marsh Lane Carrollton, TX 75006 USA 1.972.417.0100

Company Background: Primary Products:

Hutton delivers a full range of wireless
Hutton Communications, Inc. head- broadband solutions which allow you
quartered in Dallas Texas, is a distrib- to deliver the performance and reliabil-
utor of commercial wireless communi- ity your customers demand.
cations and related equipment.
Our network of manufacturers, resell-
Hutton serves cellular and radio
ers, and engineers deliver a solid
communications dealers, wireless
communications carriers and selfmain-
tained end users of communications Point to Point
systems. In addition, Hutton provides Point to Multipoint
its customers with power systems Licensed Microwave
solutions for emergency backup, alter- 4.9 GHz Public Safety
native energy sources, or out-of-grid Unlicensed Microwave
power requirements. With multiple Wi-Fi Networks
sales and warehouse facilities, Hutton WiMAX
provides local sales support and fast Mesh Networks
delivery to your location. IP Surveillance

Talley Communications
www.talleycom.com sales@talleycomm.com 12976 Sandoval Street Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 USA 1.562.906.8000

Company Background: ers. All five cities are cable processing Broadband Links:
capable and located close to the end * Charts
Talley Communications was founded users. Talley’s inventory reflects the * Become a Redline VAR
in 1983 to serve the needs of wireless demands of wireless communications, * Redline Application Notes
communications professionals in a infrastructure and mobile communica- * Adtran Dealer Application
wide range of industries — from local tions users. In addition, a wide variety * Download Broadband Brochure
public safety to nationwide cellular and of broadband products as well as
everything inbetween. Today Talley is cable assemblies are offered. Talley Talley helps you put complete solu-
one of the nation’s largest distributors provides prompt delivery and freight tions together:
of wireless infrastructure, communica- savings from its five distribution cen- * Unlicensed
tions and mobile products. From the ters, more than any other distributor. * Licensed
very beginning, our mission has been * Point-to-Point
to help make your job of building wire- Choose microwave radios for point-to- * Point-to-Multipoint
less communications an easy one. point or point-to-multipoint voice and * Ethernet
data applications, antennas, lightning * T1
Primary Products: protection, mounting accessories — * Phone Line Networking
everything you need to put a complete
Talley Communications serves cus- solution together — all from top man-
tomers in several industry segments ufacturers including Adtran, Alcatel,
with five distribution centers stocking Bridgewave, DragonWave, Radwin
inventory from over 100 major suppli- and Redline.


Tessco Technologies Inc. zz

www.tessco.com sales@tessco.com 11126 McCormick Road Hunt Valley, MD 21031 USA 1.410.229.1000

Company Background: tery Backup, and the latest in Wi-MAX resellers interested in building profits,
and more! not inventories, and gaining access to
Customers such as carriers and their new channels and markets. Leading
program managers and contrac- And as the wireless world is rapidly wireless broadband products and ser-
tors, large industrial and commercial evolving, making the right decisions vices covering the full range of appli-
companies, government institutions, directly impacts your bottom line and cations, including the latest in wireless
maintenance and repair organizations, success. But when you do business technology for ensuring the deploy-
and value-added resellers, depend on with TESSCO, you can rely on us to ment of your next generation wireless
TESSCO for the latest services and deliver what you need to succeed – the networks. Latest solutions for remote
most reliable solutions in the market- largest selection of products and ser- monitoring and remote location surveil-
place. vices in the industry, exceeding 25,000 lance, including the products and know
from 300 leading brands; the most in- how you need to install, maintain, sell
Primary Products novative technologies to meet your and support video surveillance. World-
most pressing needs, today, and in the class knowledge to help you make the
TESSCO delivers the breadth and future; comprehensive and hands-on right wireless decisions, and compre-
depth of products and services you re- training; backed by on-time and error- hensive, hands-on sales & technical
quire for your homeland security and free delivery, as well as 24/7/365 world- education customized to your specific
public safety communication needs, class customer service and technical requirements.
including our newest innovations and support.
future technologies, such as: Remote Visit www.tessco.com today
Surveillance, Disaster Preparedness Immediate availability of the largest and discover what TESSCO can
& Recovery, Wireless Broadband, Bat- selection of solutions for valueadded do for you.

TESSCO Announces iMAX Solutions Featuring Solectek

Be ready for the exciting world of WiMAX with Solectek’s SkyWay-

MAX fixed system. The standards-based 3.65 GHz licensed technol-
ogy is easy to install, offers excellent power management capabili-
ties and delivers the scalability and performance you need to provide
regional or nationwide service.

Solectek’s new SkyWay-MAX system offers several important ad-

vantages to help carriers, WISPs and others that want to replace
their DSL, cable or proprietary systems. And fixed WiMAX is here

Solectek’s SkyWay-MAX product line provides everything you need

for your WiMAX system to include Base Stations, CPE, Indoor Con-
trollers and Accessories.



Winncom Technologies, Inc.

www.winncom.com sales@winncom.com 30700 Carter St, Suite A Solon, OH 44139 USA 1.888.WINNCOM

Company Background: highest level of presale consulting leading names in the industry:
and post-sale engineering support to PROXIM, MOTOROLA, AXXCELERA,
Winncom Technologies is a worldwide our customers. ALVARION, CISCO, Colubris, Multi-
distributor and provider of complete Tech, BridgeWave, RAD Communica-
networking solutions, wireless and Winncom is proud of its outstanding tions, ALCATEL-LUCENT, AVAYA,
wired. Our unmatched expertise in portfolio of successful wireless and MTI, SKYPILOT and many others.
broadband wireless networking prod- networking deployments in the coun-
ucts and full range of network infra- tries located in North America, Eastern Since its beginnings in 1993, Winncom
structure and access products by the Europe, Eurasia, Far East and Central Technologies Corporation remains at
leading industry manufacturers allows Asia. the forefront of the global technology
us to sell the products and provide marketplace, bringing the latest prod-
complete solutions for various markets Winncom is headquartered in Cleve-
ucts and services to the market and
and applications. land, OH, USA and has local offices in
finding new ways to offer value to our
Hungary, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Uz-
customers. Winncom’s reseller net-
Winncom’s extensive experience bekistan and Kazakhstan with highly
work has reached 8,000 and serves
and engineering resources make it trained sales and technical profession-
over 90 markets worldwide.
possible for us to identify, design and als.
implement the most effective and
economical turnkey solutions based Primary Products:
on a combination of the latest tech-
nologies. With our world-wide pres- Our product offerings include (but
ence, Winncom is able to provide the certainly not limited to) the following


Accton Wireless Broadband Corporation

www.AWBnetworks.com sales@AWBnetworks.com #1 Creation Rd. Hsinchu 30077, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886.3.5770123

Company Background: indoor CPE, outdoor CPE, PC card, Primary Products:

USB adapter and PCI express card.
Established in 2006, Accton Wireless They are all supporting 2.3, 2.5 and WiMAX 802.16e Wave 2 Indoor CPE
Broadband Corp. (AWB), part of the
3.5GHz frequency bands, MIMO and WiMAX 802.16e Wave 2 Outdoor CPE
Accton Group, develops WiMAX de-
has passed the IOT compatible tests
vices for fixed and mobile solutions WiMAX 802.16e Wave 2 PC Card
with major base station vendors.
with the premise located in Hsinchu
Science-based Industrial Park. The WiMAX 802.16e Wave 2 USB Adapter
Partnering with leading telecommuni-
company contributes the utmost to in- WiMAX 802.16e Wave 2 PCI Express
cation vendors and operators, AWB
novative design and R&D for WiMAX Card
has developed a best-of-breed WiMAX
technology with our mission to shorten
the digital gaps. CPE that enables next generation
broadband-centric anytime, anywhere
AWB offers full ranges of WIMAX access. The products have been widely
wave 2 fixed and nomadic CPEs and distributed to local and international mar-
mobile subscriber products including kets and received honorable acclaim.

Airspan Networks, Inc.

www.airspan.com sales@airspan.com 777 Yamato Rd., Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33431 USA +1.561.893.8670

Company Background: tions in the wireless industry today. tion which has been designed and
optimized for the 2.3GHz and 2.5GHz
Airspan is a worldwide leader in broad- Airspan’s WiMAX product range com- Mobile WiMAX bands. It employs the
band wireless with over 400 customers prises HiperMAX, MacroMAX and Mi- software defined radio (SDR) technol-
in more than 100 countries. As a found- croMAX Base Stations, mobile WiMAX ogy first developed for HiperMAX, to-
ing member of the WiMAX forum, Air- user devices, indoor and outdoor CPEs gether with dual radio transceivers, an-
span has led the way in WiMAX, being that also integrate Wi-Fi and VoIP tech- tennas and GPS receiver all in a highly
among the first wave of companies to nologies. In addition, we have devel- integrated, physically small and light,
achieve certification for its Base Sta- oped VoiceMAX, a unique and power- all outdoor package.
tion and End User Devices. ful solution essential for carrier-class
VoIP delivery. Airspan’s award winning MiMAX Q-Se-
Airspan is also leading in the race ries USB device is a quad-band MIMO
to Mobile WiMAX. All of Airspan’s Our products have been developed USB dongle for laptops and personal
base station products support Mobile with the future in mind. Thanks to the computers. Now certified by the WiMAX
WiMAX. MiMAX, Airspan’s USB based advance technologies built into our Forum for the 2.5GHz band, MiMAX
Mobile WiMAX end user device, will be products, we will not only be able to also operates in nearly every applica-
the first Wave 2 compatible unit for lap- software upgrade our HiperMAX base ble WiMAX frequency from 2GHz and
tops. stations to Mobile WiMAX but we will up to 5GHz frequencies. Certification
also be able to run Mobile and Fixed includes thorough assessment of the
Primary Products: WiMAX on the same platform. features required in the WiMAX Forum
Airspan offers one of the most compre- MacroMAXe is a class-leading 2nd 2.5 GHz profile as well as rigorous test-
hensive portfolios of products and solu- generation Mobile WiMAX base sta- ing of multi-vendor interoperability.

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Alvarion, Inc.
www.alvarion.com Internat’l: corporate-sales@alvarion.com, +972.645.6262 North America: sales-north.america@alvrion.com, +1.650.314.2500

Company Background: primary broadband access, corporate Primary Products:

VPNs, toll quality telephony, mobile
With more than 3 million units deployed base station feeding, hotspot coverage Mobile WiMAX - 4Motion Open
in 150 countries, Alvarion (www.alvari- extension, community interconnection WiMAX Solution - Mobile WiMAX en-
on.com) is the world’s leading provider and public safety communications. ables subscribers to take their broad-
of innovative WiMAX and wireless band connection mobile or make their
broadband network solutions, designed As a wireless broadband pioneer, Alva- mobile service broadband.
to enable Personal Broadband to im- rion has been driving and delivering in-
prove lifestyles and productivity with novations for almost 15 years from core BreezeMAX - BreezeMAX is Alva-
portable and mobile data, VoIP, video technology developments to creating rion’s WiMAX platform leveraging the
and other services. and promoting industry standards. Le- company’s BWA industry leadership,
veraging its key roles in the IEEE and proven field experience, and ad-
Alvarion is leading the market to Open HiperMAN standards committees and vanced core wireless and networking
WiMAX solutions with the most exten- with experience in deploying OFDM- technologies, including many years of
sive deployments and proven product based systems, the company’s promi- experience with OFDM technology.
portfolio in the industry covering the full nent work in the WiMAX Forum™ is
range of frequency bands, with both focused on increasing the widespread BreezeACCESS line
fixed, nomadic and mobile solutions. adoption of standard-based products
Alvarion’s products are designed to in the wireless broadband market and Network Management - AlvariSTAR
enable the delivery of personal mobile leading the entire industry to Open NMS
broadband, business and residential WiMAX solutions.

Aperto Networks
www.apertonet.com support@apertonet.com 598 Gibraltar Dr Milpitas, CA 95035 +1.408.719.9977

Company Background: Primary Products:

PacketMAX Subscriber Units
Based in California’s Silicon Valley, PacketMAX delivers the critical ele- -PacketMAX 700 PC and PC Express
Aperto Networks develops and deliv- ments required to extend services to Card - 802.16e
ers the world’s most advanced WiMAX a wide range of subscribers—ranging -PacketMAX 600 USB Adapter -
broadband wireless products for ser- from large enterprises and public-sec- 802.16e
vice providers. Aperto serves more tor organizations to multi-tenant build- -PacketMAX 500 Indoor Gateway -
than 200 carrier customers in 65 coun- ings and residences to users on the 802.16e
tries, and has an installed base of hun- move, connected to the Internet from
dreds of thousands of units worldwide. -PacketMAX 400 Outdoor Gateway -
their PDAs and laptops—using a sin- 802.16e
gle, standards-based platform. -PacketMAX 300 Outdoor Gateway -
Aperto’s wide range of base stations,
subscriber units, and related equip- 802.16d
PacketMAX Base Stations -PacketMAX 100 Outdoor Gateway -
ment enables carriers to offer profit-
-PacketMAX 5000 - Macro Base Sta- 802.16d
able broadband wireless services in
diverse markets via IP-rich, point-to- tion for Fixed and Mobile WiMAX -PacketMAX 20 Voice Services Gate-
point and point-to-multipoint networks -PacketMAX 4000 - Mobile WiMAX way
that are easy to deploy and grow. Ap- Base Station
erto’s carrier-class WiMAX and pre- -PacketMAX 3000 - Fixed WiMAX
WiMAX solutions provide industry- Base Station
leading subscriber density, quality of -PacketMAX 2000 - Pico Base Station
service, manageability, and reliability.


AXIS Network Technology, Inc.

www.axisnt.com info@axisnt.com 7 Midshires Business Park, Smeaton Close Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8HL UK +44.7887.932040

Company Background: Due to the use of our patented trans- dio Heads for WiMAX and UMTS Base
ceiver technology, Axis RRH exhibit Station Systems.
AxisNT is a leading vendor of software excellent uplink and downlink perfor-
reconfigurable digital radios, subsys- mance to give customers the coverage The AxisNT family of Configurable
tems and IP to OEMs for deployment in and capacity edge. Digital Radio Systems (CDRS) per-
WiMAX networks worldwide. Our Re- forms all the digital transceiver functions
mote Radio Heads, and the innovative The AxisNT family of single and between the baseband IQ interface
software that drives them, are already dual RF Modules for 2GHz to 4GHz and the analogue RF front end, and is
enabling WiMAX services to be deliv- employ a multi-band architecture for capable of operating over 400MHz to
ered in the USA, Asia and Europe, with TDD and FDD OEM applications using 4GHz. The CDRS is a multi-protocol,
state-of-the-art power efficiency perfor- OFDMA, CDMA and TDMA technolo- multi-band, digital radio for OEM ap-
mance that helps network operators to gies. The RF Module performs all the plications delivering optimal cost, low-
minimise CAPEX and OPEX. Tx/Rx analogue RF functions between est power consumption and small size,
the digital transceiver and the antenna and employs a flexible architecture for
Primary Products: ports. The RF power amplifiers are de- TDD or FDD applications using OFD-
signed for integration with Digital Pre- MA, CDMA and TDMA technologies.
The AxisNT family of Remote Ra- Distortion (DPD), Quadrature Modula-
dio Heads (RRH) is available imme- tion Correction (QMC) and Crest Factor
diately for OEM deployment in WiMAX Reduction (CFR). Axis has deployed
networks worldwide. its RF Modules in OEM Remote Ra-

Cisco Systems, Inc.

www.cisco.com cs-support-us@cisco.com 170 W Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 USA +1.408.526.4000

Company Background: Cisco Broadband Wireless Access ence Model. It includes a full suite of
products for Mobile WiMAX feature ad- base stations, antenna systems, ac-
Cisco enables people to make power- vanced antenna systems and support cess service network gateways, man-
ful connections-whether in business, adaptive beamforming and multiple-in- agement systems, and customer prem-
education, philanthropy, or creativity. put multiple-output (MIMO). They allow ises equipment. Specific Products:
Cisco hardware, software, and service for multi-megabit service delivery, in-
offerings are used to create the Internet creased coverage, and greater indoor • Cisco Broadband Wireless Gateway
solutions that make networks possible- penetration for the following benefits:
providing easy access to information • Cisco BWX 8300 Series Broadband
anywhere, at any time. • Subscribers experience high-quality Wireless Access System
wireless services
Primary Products: • Service providers get fewer service • Cisco BWX 2300 Series Broadband
calls, faster time-to-market with new Wireless Access System
Through our expansive Cisco IP Next- services, and improved cost efficien-
Generation Network portfolio, mobile op- cies • Cisco BWX 100 Series Modems
erators around the world are seeing the
benefits of increased network efficiency, This open-standards solution is compli- • Cisco BWX Element Management
reduced time to market and the ability ant with the Mobile WiMAX specifica- System
to offer new and personalized services. tion and the Profile C Network Refer-


Huawei Technologies
www.huawei.com mobile@huawei.com 1700 Alma Dr, Suite 100 Plano, TX 75075 USA +1.972.509.5599

Company Background: and usage-based rating models. As a WiMAX Wireless Broadband Gate-
leading WiMAX solution supplier, Hua- way WASN9770
Huawei began investing in IEEE802.16 wei has assisted operators in launching
standard technologies in 2000 and be- commercial or trial WiMAX networks in Today, the subscribers have the end-
came a member of the WiMAX Forum Africa, Europe, Russia, United States, less desire for experiencing wireless
in 2004. As an active industry member, and South America. Huawei will con- broadband data and high-quality mul-
Huawei previously served as chair- tinue to play an active role in the devel- timedia services. With the vitality of IP
man of a number of work groups within opment of WiMAX. infrastructure and IP multimedia con-
the WiMAX Forum including CSN MM tents, market demand for data services
(Connectivity Service Network Mobil- Primary Products: as well as voice services are on the
ity Management), Data Integrity, and increase.
WiMAX Base Station 3703
ROHC (Robust Header Compression).
The Huawei BTS3703, a WiMAX base Huawei can design a customized mo-
In 2008, the WiMAX Forum, on behalf station, based on IEEE 802.16e-2005 bile WiMAX solution for both mobile
of NWG (Network Working Group), and WiMAX Forum NWG Release and fixed operators based on their ex-
awarded Huawei the Outstanding Con- 1.0. The BTS3703, networking with isting network resources.
tribution Award in recognition of the WASN9970 and Mobile Station, is
company’s role in developing WiMAX widely applied to the wireless broad-
technologies that support a wide range band services in both fixed and mobile
of discrete and blended billing scenar- broadband access.
ios including subscription, transaction

Juni Global
www.juniglobal.com 9825 Willows Road NE, Ste #100 Redmond, WA 98052 USA +1.425.702.0848

Company Background: As members of the Femto and WiMAX available antenna isolation. ICS makes
Forums, Juni is able to achieve the it easy to obtain excellent performance
Established in Sydney, Australia in highest levels of product compatibility with a simple one-pole repeater site
1988, Juni has since grown to become and customer satisfaction. configuration, providing up to 7 times
a multinational company providing the more outdoor coverage compared with
latest wireless telecommunications Primary Products: conventional RF repeaters.
technologies and outstanding support
to operators around the world. Juni The offering includes On-Frequency
Global, with offices in North America, repeaters, Indoor fiber DAS, Outdoor
Australia, Hong Kong, Europe, and Fiber DAS, Outdoor Microwave DAS,
Korea, is the premier worldwide sup- and Outdoor Interference Cancella-
plier of the most technically advanced tion (ICS) Repeaters. Juni’s ICS is an
repeaters and RF coverage solutions advanced Digital/DSP multipath can-
for WiMAX, UMTS, CDMA, and GSM cellation technology that allows for an
networks. RF gain value 20+ dB higher than the


Juniper Networks
www.juniper.net/wireless insidesales-all@juniper.net 1194 N Mathilda Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA +1.978.589.0500

Company Background relies upon a standards-based ap- Security - SRX

proach to AAA and support for a variety
Juniper Networks high-performance of commonly used backend formats, Juniper Networks SRX 5000 line of ser-
network infrastructure is the foundation including Structured Query Language vices gateways is the next-generation
for creating a responsive and trusted solution for securing the ever increas-
(SQL), Lightweight Directory Access
environment that meets the require- ing network infrastructure and applica-
Protocol (LDAP), Home Location Reg-
ments of the most demanding service tions requirements for both enterprise
ister (HLR), and Proxy RADIUS. With
provider in the world. Juniper helps and service providers. Designed from
all of these attributes, the SBR Carrier
organizations design, implement, man- the ground up to provide flexible pro-
AAA Server helps optimize the service
age and scale their Next Generation cessing scalability, I/O scalability, and
Networks (NGN), from core to edge; provider’s life-cycle CAPEX and OPEX services integration, the SRX 5000 line
and enables advanced campus, data characteristics, regardless of service of services gateways can meet the net-
center, branch and extended archi- mix or access technologies. work and security requirements of data
tectures to support the varied require- center hyper-consolidation, rapid man-
ments of an organization’s users and Mobile Backhaul aged services deployments, and ag-
applications. Juniper Networks Mobile Backhaul so- gregation of security solutions. Built on
lution addresses the existing backhaul JUNOS® software which incorporates
Primary Products: challenges including the need for a Juniper’s routing heritage, service pro-
scalable solution that protects service vider reliability, and ScreenOS security
AAA heritage, the SRX-series also offers the
provider’s investment at the cell site
and gives them the flexibility to add high feature/service integration neces-
Juniper Networks’ SBR Carrier AAA
next-generation technologies quickly sary to secure modern network infra-
Server fulfills all of the AAA require-
and cost effectively. Juniper Networks structure and applications.
ments of WiMAX, with its support for
multiple EAP methods, robust mobile offers its advanced Mobile Backhaul
IP session management capabilities, Solution that leverages IP/MPLS tech-
and key management functionality in nology that is already in use in many
Home Connectivity Service Network mobile packet cores across the entire
(HCSN) and Visited Connectivity Ser- mobile infrastructure. Unlike piecemeal
vice Network (VCSN) scenarios. Ju- approaches that mix and match com-
niper’s SBR Carrier AAA Server Solu- ponents, the Juniper Mobile Backhaul
tion provides full support for WiMAX, Solution is a fully integrated, high-per-
including all required EAP methods, formance architecture addressing the
mobility management and roaming needs of the cell site, metro backhaul
management. Moreover, WiMAX AAA and aggregation. The Juniper solution
offers scalability, reliability, flexible also includes a comprehensive net-
deployment and life-cycle value that work management component to in-
service providers need in order to re- crease operational efficiency and mini-
alize the full potential of their WiMAX mize OPEX.
service offerings. The product scales
through its high-performance design, Solution Components
support for 99.999 percent uptime, and
its ability to handle thousands of RA- The Juniper Networks Mobile Backhaul
DIUS requests per second on suitable Solution includes:
hardware. Service Providers can per- • Juniper Networks BX 7000 Multi-Ac-
form authentication and authorization cess Gateway
in a single, combined step or as two • Juniper Networks M-series Aggrega-
discrete steps, thereby ensuring high tion Site Gateway with circuit emulation
flexibility in implementation and sup- PICs
port for a variety of business models. • Juniper Networks MX-series for metro
The modular design of WiMAX AAA backhaul aggregation
enables simultaneous fulfillment of • JUNOScope IP Services Manager
both H-AAA and V-AAA functions. Fur- with extensions for mobile backhaul
thermore, the SBR Carrier AAA Server


Motorola, Inc.
www.motorola.com/wimax +1.866.BUY.MOTO

Company Background: Primary Products: WAP 400

wi4 WiMAX WAP 400 Access Point
Motorola wi4 WiMAX leads the industry Motorola’s wi4 WiMAX solution is with light infrastructure for flexible de-
in versatility. Whether you plan to offer designed with the flexibility needed ployments and Multi-input/Multi-output
service spanning broadband access, to keep your service options open. (MIMO) antenna techniques.
fixed voice line replacement, mobile Choose to go directly to mobile ser-
data access, or full mobile communi- vice, or lower your initial CapEx costs CPEi 750
cations Motorola’s portfolio offers the and time-to-revenue by offering fixed The Motorola wi4 WiMAX CPEi 750
products and services to meet your service first. Motorola’s entire portfolio Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)
unique goals. We have products at ev- of products is designed to make this is Wave 2 ready and offers data and
ery tier that enable fast time to revenue transition easy. Components include: voice connectivity in an ultra slim
and high profits. This unique versatility package.
CPEi 850
is designed to offer a diverse set of cus-
The award winning Motorola wi4 WAP 450
tomers a wide array of business models.
WiMAX CPEi 850 combines a Wi-Fi Wi4 WiMAX WAP 450 Access Point
With Motorola wi4 WiMAX, you have all
router with data and voice connectivity for enhanced coverage and capacity
the options necessary to make WiMAX
and is Wave 2 ready. with a compact, high-power, carrier
a business success regardless of your class design
region of the world and whether you CPEi 300
are a new operator or an existing wire- This award winning, stylish, cost ef- and many more.
line, wireless, or ISP service provider. fective Customer Premises Equipment
(CPE) was designed for high-speed
data and voice applications.

Nokia Siemens Networks

www.nsn.com Karaportti 3 02610 Espoo, Finland +358 71 400 4000

Company Background: eo, meaning that you can offer a better The Flexi BTS platform offers numer-
service at a lower cost while improving ous state-of-the-art advantages, in-
Nokia Siemens Networks is a lead- customer satisfaction. Each WiMAX cluding:
ing global enabler of communications base station enables operators to pro- *Easier site construction, with easier
services and one of the world’s larg- vide cost-effective broadband wireless implementation – yielding lower instal-
est telecommunications infrastructure access for hundreds of users and, of lation costs
companies. The company’s global course, both mobile and fixed services *Maximum re-use of legacy site infra-
scale, experienced resources, and can be provided by deploying networks structure
commitment to growing the WiMAX *Reduced initial surveying overheads
based on WiMAX.
ecosystem make Nokia Siemens Net- thanks to quicker site finding
works a powerful partner. Flexi WiMAX Base Stations - Our fu- *Dramatically reduced demand for
ture-proof Nokia Siemens Networks power, resulting in smaller power sys-
Primary Products Flexi BTS platform enables operators tems
to use sites more efficiently, find new *Shorter antenna lines that typically
Our WiMAX E2E solution can be a double RF performance – causing less
key factor in assuring your users a ones and re-use existing sites, oper-
ating with the lowest number of sites environmental impact
true quality of experience and reduc- *Flexible design – sites constructed
ing your costs. Nokia Siemens Net- needed for coverage and capacity. In
fact, due to our market- leading RF per- to adapt to future radio technologies
works now unlocks the true potential
formance, radio network operators can and requirements
of broadband with this end-to-end solu-
tion for the deployment and operation halve the number of sites they need,
of WiMAX networks.WiMAX delivers a with marked capital and operating ex-
unified stream of voice, data, and vid- pense benefits.


Nortel Networks
www.nortel.com sales@nortel.com 195 The West Mall Toronto, ON M9C 5K1 USA +1.905.863.0000

Company Background: VoIP and Applications, Enterprise solu- network capabilities, open/ multi-ven-
tions, and professional services. dor model, proven track record and
Nortel is a recognized leader in deliv- industry leadership, Nortel is best po-
ering communications capabilities that “VoIP to the MAX” sitioned to be the preferred vendor for
make the promise of Business Made a Carrier VoIP over WiMAX solution.
Simple a reality for our customers. Our Nortel “VoIP to the MAX” combines two Visit Nortel’s VoIP to the MAX web-
next-generation technologies, for both powerful market technologies - Car- site (www.nortel.com/voiptothemax) to
service providers and enterprise net- rier VoIP and Mobile WiMAX - into one learn more about the solution!
works, support multimedia and busi- powerful solution. Nortel is deliver-
ness-critical applications. Nortel’s tech- ing an end to end, fully integrated and
nologies are designed to help eliminate cost effective Carrier VoIP over Mobile
today’s barriers to efficiency, speed WiMAX solution bundle enabling ser-
and performance by simplifying net- vice providers to offer advanced IP
works and connecting people to the in- voice and multimedia services while
formation they need, when they need it. de-risking their technology deployment,
achieving faster time to market and un-
Primary Products locking new revenue opportunities.
Nortel delivers a complete end-to-end The solution consists of Nortel’s market
WiMAX solution including WiMAX de- leading Adaptive Application Engine
vices, access network, IP core infra- (A2E) and Mobile WiMAX products.
structure, backhaul options, Carrier With its system integration end-to-end

www.posdata.co.kr/eng 2350 Mission College Blvd, Suite 703 Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA +1.408.986.1140

Company Background: which incorporates the advanced tech- to traffic class.

nologies OFDMA (Orthogonal Fre-
POSDATA is an early pioneer in mobile quency Division Multiple Access) and FLYVO is optimized to deliver high data
WiMAX core technology development TDD (Time Division Duplexing). These rates with TDD technology allowing
and standardization, and a key con- technologies allow FLYVO to serve adaptable uplink and downlink rates
tributor to WiMAX Forum. Leveraging many more users with much higher for maximum efficiency. The maximum
its industry-wide awareness in wire- data rates for more economical service downlink aggregate rate for a single
less IP, applications and networks, the delivery, which has been one of the sector is about 30 Mbps. The entirely
company has unveiled FLYVO, a brand key objectives of WiMAX development. scalable and flexible technology can
for ground-breaking 802.16e compliant FLYVO system core components in- support low latency handovers at fully
Mobile WiMAX end-to-end solution. clude: Radio Access Station (RAS), Ac- mobile speeds over 120km/hr.
Full in-house development of IP-OFD- cess Service Network (ASN-GW), and
MA based mobile WiMAX products Element Management System (EMS).
has been finished and commercially
launched in 2007, with a migration path All IP based, flexible and simplified ar-
toward Wave 2 Mobile WiMAX and chitecture of FLYVO provides optimal
IEEE802.16m systems. deployment condition for new or exist-
ing networks. FLYVO provides sched-
Primary Products: uling and Quality of Service (QoS)
options for various classes of service,
FLYVO Mobile WiMAX system is fully such as video, VoIP or data, which can
compliant with the 802.16e standard, be scheduled and prioritized according


Proxim Wireless Corporation

www.proxim.com info@proxim.com 1531 Buckeye Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 USA +1.408.383.7600

Company Background: Primary Products: WiMAX subscriber units

o MeshMAX™ Product Series - The
Proxim Wireless Corporation is a leading WI-FI MESH world’s first tri-radio (Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi mesh,
provider of end-to-end broadband wire- o ORiNOCO® Public Safety Wi-Fi and WiMAX) access point
less systems that deliver the quadruple Mesh Series - Tri-mode (802.11b/g at
play of data, voice, video and mobility 2.4 and 4.9 GHz) mesh access points POINT-TO-POINT
to all organizations today. We are 100 o MeshMAX™ Product Series - The o GigaLink® Series - Carrier-class
percent focused on wireless technology, world’s first tri-radio (Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi mesh, links up to 1.25 Gbps
and that focus enables us to provide and WiMAX) access point o Lynx®.GX Series - Backhaul for cel-
a complete portfolio of WLAN, Wi-Fi lular and enterprise voice networks
mesh, WiMAX (point-to-multipoint), and WiMAX (POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT)
o Lynx®.G5 Series - Secure backhaul
point-to-point technologies. o Tsunami MP.16 3500 - Licensed
for carriers, enterprises and utilities
WiMAX base station and subscriber
o Tsunami®.GX - Economical wire-
Proxim’s end-to-end broadband wire- units
less Ethernet bridges
less solutions and services have helped o Tsunami MP.11 Series - Unlicensed,
o TeraBridge™ 5345 and 5845 - Car-
more than 235,000 customers around fixed and mobile WiMAX base station
rier backhaul for converged voice and
the world enable new applications, in- and subscriber units
data networks
crease productivity, decrease expens- o Tsunami MP.11 HS Series - Ultra-
o Tsunami QuickBridge® Series -
es, gain operational flexibility and cre- secure, government-grade WiMAX for
Simple, economical wireless Ethernet
ate new business opportunities. Proxim all organizations
has more than 1.8 million units deployed o MP.11 5012 Residential Subscriber
worldwide. Unit - Affordable indoor and outdoor

Redline Communications Group Inc.

www.redlinecommunications.com redline_info@redlinecommunications.com 302 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 0E8 +1.905.479.8344

Company Background: Primary Products:

Redline Communications is the lead- Redline’s full suite of advanced wire-
ing supplier of the world’s most ad- less solutions include the WiMAX
vanced, performance-driven, scalable, Forum Certified™ RedMAX™ solu-
and reliable fixed and mobile wireless tions and its award-winning RedCON-
broadband access and backhaul so- NEX™ family of broadband wireless
lutions. Redline’s industry leadership infrastructure products. Every Redline
and technology innovation are driven product combines unmatched capacity
by strong management and develop- and non-line-of-sight capabilities with
ment professionals with an unwaver- proven performance, reliability and se-
ing commitment to achieving the high- curity.
est standards of excellence in quality,
service and support. This world-class Redline’s products give service provid-
team of managers and developers has ers the ability to simplify the profitable
extensive experience in the design deployment of point-to-multipoint and
and production of carrier-class wire- point-to-point fixed, nomadic and mo-
less access and backhaul solutions. bile wireless broadband networks and
costs associated with legacy systems. revenue-generating services.


Samsung Electronics
www.samsung.com hostmstr@samsung.com Samsung Main Bldg. 250, 2-Ga Joong-gu, Seoul 100-742 South Korea +82 2 3415 6436

Company Background: Primary Products: dense urban areas, supporting multi-

carriers. With improved performance
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a For over 25 years, SAMSUNG has enabled by MIMO/BF technology, U-
global leader in semiconductor, tele- been a global leader in telecommuni- RAS Premium allows operators to de-
communication, digital media and cations networks, the first to commer- ploy highly efficient WiMAX network
digital convergence technologies. Em- cialize CDMA, CDMA2000 1X, and cost effectively.
ploying approximately 138,000 people CDMA2000 1xEV-DO.
in 124 offices in 56 countries, the com-
pany consists of five main business Samsung leads mobile broadband tech-
units: Digital Media Business, LCD nology with the world’s first commercial
Business, Semiconductor Business, Mobile WiMAX solution. Samsung ac-
Telecommunication Network Busi- tively participates in the WiMAX Forum
ness and Digital Appliance Business. as a board member and plays a lead-
ing role in the Technical and Network
Working Groups, leading the standard-
ization of Mobile WiMAX technology.

Universal Radio Access Station (U-

RAS) Premium is the latest Mobile
WiMAX base station ready for wave 2
certification. It is apt for high traffic and

SR Telecom & Co.

www.srtelecom.com info@srtelecom.com 8150 Trans Canada Highway Montreal, Quebec H4S 1M5 Canada +1.514.335.1210

Company Background: 200,000 subscribers built on our tech- plications. All solutions leverage our
nology, real-world experience drives industry benchmark NMS to provide
SR Telecom & Co. is a leader in in- our product innovation. Our solutions cost-effective WiMAX services that
novative broadband wireless access and support strategies are key enablers maximize subscriber Quality of Experi-
(BWA) solutions for voice, Internet and for large-scale WiMAX rollouts. ence and drive operator profits.
enterprise services. Our team has
over 25 years of experience in design- Primary Products:
ing, developing and deploying wireless
access networks for top-tier organiza- The latest generation symmetryMX
tions around the world. system offers a suite of optimized so-
lutions that put broadband to work in
SR Telecom is the only BWA vendor enterprise, residential, personal and
with a decade of experience deploying public safely environments. The sym-
advanced WiMAX technologies in end- metryMX is based on the massively
to-end solutions. scaleable CBS5000 base station run-
ning either symmetryMXe software for
Operators rely on us for rock-solid mobile and nomadic applications, or
network stability. With networks of symmetryMXd software for fixed ap-


Telsima Corporation
www.telsima.com info@telsima.com 328 Gibraltar Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA +1.408.212.8500

Company Background: complements the StarMAX portfolio of ing in or expanding within the growing
Advanced 4G core and access solu- WiMAX markets.
Telsima Corporation is a leading de- tions incorporating innovative Telsima
veloper and provider of WiMAX based innovations. Designed for flexibility, Telsima’s WiMAX Forum Certified
Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) scalability and carrier class deploy- StarMAX™ 3160 Subscriber Unit (SU)
and mobility solutions for media rich ment, it supports different frequency is fully compliant with Mobile WiMAX
applications. The Company also has bands between 2.3GHz to 3.6GHz in Wave 2 profiles, based on 802.16-2005
a product line of voice compression various bandwidth options. It includes standards. The SU supports all Telsima
solutions for emerging markets where advanced antenna & RF spectrum re- enterprise services features and over-
bandwidth is scarce. Telsima’s tech-
use technologies for coverage and ca- the-air fail-safe download of software
nologies offer service providers eco-
pacity enhancement which will enable upgrades. It is packed in small weather
nomic advantages of disruptive cost
the operators to launch triple play ser- proof housing with integrated antenna
structures, new business models and
vices over mobile broadband wireless and comes with Power over Ethernet.
more capital efficient network invest-
access. The StarMAX 3160 SU is high perfor-
ment profiles.
mance, cost-effective solution for both,
Primary Products: The award winning architecture of business and residential users who re-
StarMAX 6400 allows the providers to quire the longer range and throughput,
Telsima’s WiMAX Forum Certified choose between the options of single, best provided by an outdoor unit.
Modular Base Station StarMAX dual or three sector base stations de-
6400™ is fully compliant with Mobile pending on what best supports their
WiMAX standard 802.16 -2005 and business model, especially while enter-

Tranzeo Wireless Technologies, Inc.

www.tranzeo.com sales@tranzeo.com 19473 Fraser Way Pitt Meadows, BC Canada +1.866.872.6936

Company Background: Primary Products: Products

•TR-WMX 3.5GHz PICO Base Station
Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Comprehensive WiMAX Product Fam- •TR-WMX 3GHz Indoor and Outdoor
Inc. (TSX:TZT) leads the wireless ily: Subscriber Units
broad¬band industry as a premier •Full spectrum of PICO Base Stations •TR-WMX 5.8 GHz PICO Base Station
manufac¬turer of high-performance and subscriber unit products for indoor •TR-WMX-5GHz Outdoor Subscriber
wireless network equipment that al- and outdoor installation delivering resi- Units
lows com¬munities and businesses dential and enterprise applications
to communi¬cate without boundaries.
Standards Based
Tranzeo’s full spectrum of point-to-
•Adheres to the IEEE 802.16-2004
point and point-to-multipoint radios,
WiMAX equip¬ment, and mesh net-
•Based on the Wavesat family of prod-
work solutions are designed for wire-
less internet service providers, govern-
ments, campuses, military, carriers, Future Proof
enterprise customers, and systems •Airsync-ready. An advanced autono-
integrators around the globe. Robust mous QoS and real-time provisioning
solutions and first-rate OEM capa- solution from Proximetry
bilities have resulted in re¬markable •Remote upgrade and software man-
growth in sales and market presence. agement


Vecima Networks
www.vecima.com sales@vecima.com 4210 Commerce Circle Victoria, BC V8Z 6N6 Canada +1.888.292.8266

Company Background: Primary Products: leading throughput performance and

system capacity at 900 MHz. Featur-
Established in 1988, Vecima Networks The VistaMAX® product family en-
ing OFDM technology and incorporat-
Inc. is a recognized world leader in val- ables exceptional last-mile broadband
ing the superior WaveRider Dynamic
ue and performance for WiMAX tech- connectivity using integrated single
Polling MAC, the LMS8000 Series is
nology. Vecima’s VistaMAX® family box base stations and subscriber sta-
specifically designed to enable network
follows a portfolio of successful wired tions as the network elements. Using
operators to fully exploit the non-line-
and wireless products featuring QAM VistaMAX® based on the IEEE 802.16-
of-sight advantages of the 900 MHz
modulation, OFDM, DOCSIS® and ad- 2004 standard and WiMAX Forum™
vanced software for network manage- system profiles allows Service Pro-
ment. Vecima’s equipment helps Tele- viders to achieve high performance,
Vecima also offers point-to-point and
communications companies, Wireless non-line of sight wireless connectivity.
point-to-multipoint wireless backhaul in
Internet Service Providers, and MSOs The NMS8000 (Vecima NMS platform)
5.8 GHz, 4.9 GHz and 900 MHz.
provide premium last-mile broadband provides system operators with com-
connectivity. Vecima’s wireless prod- prehensive tools to operate and man-
ucts include base stations, subscriber age VistaMAX® networks. VistaMAX®
stations, backhaul, and sophisticated is available in 1.9, 3.5, 3.65 and 5.8
network management tools in the 600 GHz.
MHz – 5.8 GHz frequency ranges. Vec-
ima Networks is a principal member of The WaveRider LMS8000 Broadband
the WiMAX Forum ™. Wireless System features market-

WiNetworks Inc.
www.winetworks.com info@winetworks.com 32 Maskit St. P.O. Box 12412 Herzliya, Israel 46733 +1.866.491.2869

Company Background: Primary Products: 16e compact base station, WiN2000

16d and WiN5000 16e WIMAX com-
WiNetworks is an innovative provider Win-Max™ is WiNetworks advanced pliant CPEs, and WIN1000 multi-
of unique WiMAX systems built accord- Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) service gateways. The Win-Max™
ing to the 802.16e mobile WiMAX stan- solution offering advanced service product family is available in 3.5Ghz
dard. WiNetwork’s Win-Max™ systems suite and network control supporting and 1.4-1.6GHz. Other spectrum
offer a full range of products including thousands of users. Win-Max™ is versions are in development and will
the Compact Base Station, Customer a leading WiMAX compliant Broad- be announced soon. The WiNMS
Premise Equipment (CPEs), and Relay band Wireless Multimedia platform (WiNetworks NMS platform) provides
Stations. Win-Max systems are stan- for broadband operators seeking to a comprehensive end-to-end control
dards-based products supporting mo- provide fast and cost-effective deliv- over the WiNetworks systems and
bile, portable and fixed 802.16e-2005 ery of IP-based triple-play services to service delivery.
WiMAX. WiNetwork’s offers the Win- residential and SoHo customers over
Max systems in the 1.X, 2.X and 3.XGHz large geographical areas. Win-Max™
frequencies including customized so- comprises of WiN4000 WiMAX 16d
lutions for special frequency ranges. compliant base station, WiN7000


ZTE Corporation
www.zte.com.cn sales@zteusa.com 2425 N. Central Expy., Suite 323 Richardson, TX 75080 USA +1.972.671.8885

Company Background: WiMAX, with more than 20 percent of advanced services, as well as our
the staff concentrating in developing extensive WiMAX expertise and real-
ZTE is one of the biggest champions in terminals alone. world experience of pre-WiMAX de-
the WiMAX industry. It is also the only ployments.
Chinese company among the 15 Board ZTE is a pioneer in promoting the con-
of Directors in the WiMAX Forum. In cept of “carrier-grade WiMAX MAN” Together with existing mobile or wire-
early 2006, ZTE achieved significant globally, and has successfully estab- line access networks, ZTE’s WiMAX
in-roads in Singapore by developing lished 21 commercial trials and trial solutions provide a flexible platform for
the mobile WiMAX network in the is- networks for 802.16e WiMAX world- the delivery of advanced applications
land state, one of the first commercial wide. To date, ZTE has established allowing the operators to provide a
trial networks worldwide. Last year, the WiMAX commercial trial centers and broad portfolio of services for both ex-
company clinched a major WiMAX ter- experiment labs in more than 20 coun- isting and new business models.
minal procurement contract with Sprint tries and regions, including the U.S.,
Nextel, the third largest mobile opera- Typical scenarios:
Africa, Asia and Europe.and presenting
tor in the United States. a consolidated invoice.
-Wireless broadband Access Solution
ZTE’s success in gaining international Primary Products: -2G/3G Complementary Network Solu-
recognition in WiMAX is attributed to tion
a strong R&D effort backed by a solid ZTE’s State-of-the-Art Mobile WiMAX -‘Digital City’ Mobile Broadband Metro-
and dedicated team. It has six R&D Solutions leverage our proven experi- politan Solution
centres in China staffed by more than ence of Wireless, IP, mobility, 2G/3G
1,000 R&D employees specializing in networks, mobile/fixed terminals and

ZyXEL Communications Corporation

www.zyxel.com sales@zyxel.com 1130 North Miller St. Anaheim, CA 92806 USA +1.714.632.0882

Company Background: designed to be fully compatible with speed, security, quality of service and
the IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard. With ease of use. IEEE802.16e mobile .
Founded in 1989 in Taiwan, ZyXEL has its innovative high power RF technol-
grown to become the leading provider ogy, WiMAX will offer high-speed wire- The ZyXEL WiMAX product line pro-
of complete broadband access solu- less broadband Internet access at a vides robust and reliable Wireless MAN
tions for service providers, as well as speed of multiple Mbps to the end-user connections, and its 802.16e CPE
for businesses and home users. and within a range of several miles. It has advanced router/firewall with SIP
provides the ultimate portable Internet based VoIP built-in for an “all-in-one”
ZyXEL solutions boast the latest, hot- usage with guaranteed QoS (Quality solution. Remote management and
test networking features such as Triple of Service) for VoIP, IPTV, and other advanced security made the ZyXEL
Play, Quality of Service (QoS), Network multimedia applications. ZyXEL pro- WiMAX products world’s best 802.16e
Security and Network Management. vides several models of WiMAX devic- standard Wireless Broadband Access
Both corporate and home users can es to operate at 2.5GHz, 3.5GHz, and (BWA) solutions.
take advantage of ZyXEL products and 2.3GHz bands for different regions’ reg-
services to enjoy high quality, versa- ulations. They are deployment-friendly
tile media applications in a secure and and “future-proof”.
manageable networking environment.
Recognized as a pioneer in broadband
Primary Products: technology with the largest DSL modem
/ router shipment in the world, ZyXEL is
As a WiMAX Forum member, ZyXEL uniquely positioned to deliver solutions
delivers WiMAX product line which is that offer the seamless integration of

Network Planning

EDX Wireless LLC

www.edx.com sales@edx.com 101 East Broadway MS 305 Eugene, OR 97401 USA +1.541.345.0019

Company Background: Primary Products: -Coverage/interference, point-to-

multipoint, mesh, and link (back-
EDX Wireless was founded in 1985 as EDX® SignalPro® with the Network haul) studies
one of the first engineering software Design Module is a comprehensive,
providers that offered PC-based plan- carrier-class RF planning tool for the -Outdoor, indoor, outdoor-to-indoor,
ning and design tools for RF networks. design and deployment of wireless urban, rural - any environment
Since that time, EDX has come to be networks. With a focus on innovation
known for its unsurpassed dedication in broadband wireless technologies: -For service providers, equipment
to innovation, customer service and vendors, and technology consul-
engineering honesty. -WiMAX (nomadic and mobile) and tants worldwide
Wi-Fi network design features:
With a global ecosystem of distribu- Unleash the Power of Your Network
tion, integration, service and support, • MIMO/Adaptive Antennas with EDX.
more and more carriers are turning to • Automatic Frequency Planning
EDX for smart wireless network plan- and Traffic Planning
ning tools that meet the challenges of • Specialized studies and features
today’s broadband network designs. for fixed and mobile systems
EDX offers wireless network planning -Advanced propagation prediction
tools for any system operation from 30 models and methodologies
MHz to 100 GHz.

www.forsk.com sales_us@forsk.com 200 S. Wacker Drive, Ste 3100 Chicago, IL 60606 USA 1.312.674.4846

Company Background: Primary Products: productivity.

Forsk is the world-leading provider of Atoll WiMAX is a state-of-the-art It features advanced development tools
RF planning and optimization solutions WiMAX and Broadband Wireless Ac- and open interfaces that enable the in-
for the wireless industry. Our 150+ cus- cess (BWA) network planning and op- tegration of customised or commercial-
tomers are wireless operators, equip- timization tool developed in coopera- ly available complementary modules.
ment suppliers and consulting firms tion with the major WiMAX equipment
from 60 countries. Forsk has strategic manufacturers. Atoll WiMAX supports Atoll is designed to work in a wide
partnerships with major players includ- the IEEE 802.6 and the evolving IEEE range of implementation scenarios,
ing AT&T Mobility, Vodafone, Motorola, 802.16 e evolving standard. It also from standalone to enterprise-wide
Nortel Networks, Alcatel-Lucent and supports advanced antenna diversity server-based configurations using dis-
Huawei. Atoll is an open and flex- systems, such as Adaptive Antenna tributed and parallel computing.
ible multi-technology RF platform sup- Systems (AAS) and Multiple-Input-
porting WiMAX, GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Multiple-Output (MIMO).
1xRTT/EV-DO, TD-SCDMA, and Micro- Atoll is also an open technical informa-
wave. Forsk is member of the WiMAX tion system that easily integrates with
Forum. other IT applications and increases

Network Planning

ProVision Communications
www.provision-comm.com info@provision-comm.com 1 Portland Square Bristol BS2 8RR UK +44(0)117 970 5 970

Company Background:

ProVision Communications are world leaders in RF planning for WiMAX networks. Founded in 2001, the company has devel-
oped an impressive reputation internation­ally, working for leading companies in broadcasting and telecommunications. ProVi-
sion’s RF planning services are built around the ProPhecy™ prediction modelling tool and the ProSite™ optimisation suite. Pro-
Vision was responsible for planning the first WiMAX network to be installed in London, and is now working on WiMAX projects
around the world.

Primary Products:

ProVision’s RF planning tools for WiMAX and LTE are ProPhecy™ - the highly accurate prediction modeller - and ProSite™ - for
network configura­tion and site optimisation. Both tools build on more than 10 years of world leading research and are available
under licence or as part of our consul­tancy services.

The tools support RF planning deci­sion making by precisely modelling propagation behaviours and balancing commercial and
technical constraints during optimisation. Our tools provide substantial capital and operational cost savings in WiMAX and LTE
network roll out and post deployment optimisation.

ProPhecy™ ProSite™ Consultancy Services

ProPhecy™ is ProVision’s powerful ProSite™ provides a complete range ProVision Communications provides
broadband wireless network planning of optimising capabilities, working in end-to-end RF planning and optimisa­
tool. Performing full 3D modelling of conjunction with ProPhecy™ predic­tion tion services for fixed WiMAX, mobile
an­tennas with 3D GIS data, the highly data or other prediction tools. ProSite™ WiMAX, LTE and all OFDM based net­
de­tailed rough surface scattering and can fully optimise and load balance a works. From validation of your early
dif­fraction analysis provide much more WiMAX or LTE network and offer de- business case in both financial and
accurate results for non-line-of-sight cision making data to minimise cost
technical terms, right until post deploy­
(NLOS) paths than alternatives, mean­ while maximis­ing user data traffic and
ment efficient optimisation, we work to
ing better and more effective RF plan­ performance. It considers both techni-
ning. deliver on your specific needs.
cal and fi­nancial criteria and eliminates
the guesswork in network optimisation.
ProPhecy™ models: Our RF Engineers make use of ProPh­
ProSite™ optimisation: ecy™ and ProSite™ to best understand
* WiMAX (802.16) and LTE deploy­ your RF planning scenario. Areas we
ments * Significantly reduces the number of can contribute to include:
* Small to large geographic areas base stations (up to 20% fewer) * Vendor evaluation for Network Op­
* Dense urban or rural areas * Speeds up the network deployment erators and System Integrators
* Full 3D scattering and diffraction process * Virtual network planning using
* Foliage attenuation * Minimises the network interference sourced geographic data
* MIMO Antennas * Increases the data throughput per * Pre-deployment multi-scenario analy­
* Optimum CPE auto alignment user (by up to 30%) sis and business case conclusions
* Interference analysis * Load balances the entire network * Post-deployment optimisation and
* Frequency planning * Lowers CAPEX and OPEX to maxi- expansion plans
* System Specific PHY performance mise on service revenues

Network Planning

Mentum S.A.
www.mentum.com sales@mentum.com 5601 Democracy Dr, Suite 250 Plano, TX 75024 USA 1.972.372.5600

Company Background: as well as new entrants on the latest ment vendors assess, manage and
OFDM technologies such as Inukshuk. improve the performance of the most
Mentum was launched on June 18, valuable asset of a wireless operator:
2007 when CTS Holdings, originator of Primary Products: its wireless coverage and capacity.
the Ellipse wireless backhaul planning
and optimization product suite acquired Our advanced planning and optimiza- Mentum Ellipse® is simulation-based
the Planet EV wireless network plan- tion software solutions, Mentum Plan- software for dimensioning and plan-
ning product line from Ericsson. Our et® for wireless access networks and ning microwave links as well as trans-
roots trace directly back to the world’s Mentum Ellipse® for wireless backhaul mission networks.
first RF planning tool: MSI Planet in networks, help our customers quickly
1992. While our corporate name may and cost-effectively seize emerging Relying on trusted engineering meth-
have changed we retain the culture of market opportunities. ods, Mentum Ellipse incorporates all
excellence that made Mobile Systems the latest ITU specifications required
International a category creator...and Our in-depth wireless engineering ex- for the accurate design of point-to-point
dominator. pertise spans 2G, 3G, 4G and micro- and point-to-multipoint microwave
wave. transmission links. More than an engi-
Our customers have responded posi- neering tool, Mentum Ellipse supports
tively to Mentum since its inception. We Mentum Planet is a sophisticated planning, operation and optimization of
serve 250 global customers, including (yet easy-to use) Windows-based wireless backhaul networks.
large operators such as Sprint, Mobile software solution that helps wireless
TeleSystems, MTS Ukraine and Celtel, operators, integrators and equip-


Beceem Communications, Inc.

www.beceem.com sales@beceem.com 3960 Freedom Circle, Floor 1 Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA 1.408.387.5000

Company Background: Primary Products: integrated, software programmable,

multifunction digital-analog mixed-sig-
In 2005, Beceem was the first to mar- BCS200 Chipset - The Beceem Com- nal IC that implements IEEE 802.16e
ket with a pre-WiMAX chipset called munications BCS200 chipset consists scalable OFDMA PHY and MAC func-
MS100, and followed that success with of a high-performance baseband IC tionality. Both the PHY and MAC func-
the first mobile WiMAX wave1 (released (BCSB200) and an integrated RFIC tionality are implemented using a com-
January 2006 and the first Wave1 to (BCSR200) for implementing a full-fea- bination of hardware and software to
be certified) and Wave2 (released De- tured IEEE 802.16e/WiMAX/WiBRO achieve an optimal balance between
cember 2006) Mobile WiMAX chipsets. Wave 2 compliant mobile subscriber cost, power consumption, performance
Our chipsets cover all profiles and all (MS). and flexibility. Further, the advanced
bands, including dual band radios. features implemented in this chip in-
The solution supports integration of
crease throughput and indoor penetra-
dual receive chains and a single trans-
Beceem Communications is develop- tion performance for both mobile and
mit chain operating in a tightly coupled
ing and implementing advanced wire- fixed applications.
manner to deliver a cost-effective, low-
less communication techniques for
power SIMO (single input multiple out- Terminal implementations based on
mobile broadband systems. Beceem’s
put) and MIMO (multiple input multiple the BCS200 chipset are planned to in-
wireless technologies are surpassing
output) MS solution. The entire PHY, teroperate with any WiMAX CertifiedT
previous spectral efficiency thresholds
MAC, and RF functionality of a Mobile SISO or MIMO capable IEEE 802.16e/
while providing excellent resistance to
WiMAX terminal is implemented by this WiMAX Mobile BS (base stations).
fading, multi-path, and Doppler-shift
required for use in mobile broadband
applications. The BCSB200 baseband IC is a highly-

Comsys Mobile, Inc.

www.comsysmobile.com info@comsysmobile.com 9 Hamenofim St., P.O Box 12675, Herzliya B 46725, Israel +972 9 971 7888

Company Background: WiMAX (802.16e) solutions. Comple- cessor designed for an easy integra-
mented by a handset reference design, tion into mobile Internet devices. The
Comsys is the industry leader in inte- ComMAX chips include an advanced processor is offered to wireless de-
grated digital baseband solutions for implementation of the full PHY/MAC vice manufacturers, enabling cellular/
current and future wireless systems layer, enabling data oriented mobile in- WiMAX convergence while providing
– 802.16e mobile WiMAX, UMTS, ternet applications. significant size and power savings.
networks. Comsys is pioneering the The product line has been specifically ComMAX CM1125 is a full Mobile
convergence of WiMAX into cellular designed with a flexible architecture WiMAX/Cellular baseband processor
handsets with its award-winning base- to support current and future Mobile integrating GSM/EDGE cellular with
band chips, and also offers system IP WiMAX profiles including second wave Mobile WiMAX (IEEE802.16e).
for multimode 3G cellular terminals to certification. With software/hardware
partitioning that has been optimized to ComMAX Multimode Handset Refer-
both silicon and handset manufactur- ence Design Platforms are based on
ers. meet the specific power and die-size
requirements of mobile terminals, the ComMAX CM1100 or CM1125 base-
Primary Products: architecture incorporates a software- band processors and are targeted at
configurable modem core that address- OEM/ODMs. The platforms are deliv-
ComMAX product line includes full es Mobile WiMAX, 3GPP LTE as well ered in a comprehensive package with
Mobile WiMAX baseband processors as future 4G standards requirements. tools enabling handset manufacturers
designed to provide mobile device to accelerate TTM and mass produc-
manufacturers with comprehensive, ComMAX CM1100 is a full Mobile tion.
low power, multimode Cellular/Mobile WiMAX (IEEE802.16e) baseband pro-


Fujitsu Microelectronics America, Inc.

www.us.fujitsu.com/micro/ inquiry.bwa@fma.fujitsu.com 1250 E. Arques Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA 1.408.737.5600

Company Background: Fujitsu OFDMA PHY/MAC baseband embedded applications that use 65nm
SoC offers MIMO and beamforming process technology. Compact modules
As a founder and board member of the features. Fujitsu is fully committed to combining baseband, RF and power
WiMAX Forum™, Fujitsu Microelec- participating in the 2008 Wave 2 certifi- management chips simplify design.
tronics leads the worldwide promotion cation program.
and implementation of new generations The new Mobile WiMAX (802.16e)
of broadband wireless access technol- Primary Products: base station SoC is flexible enough to
ogy. Since the inception of its mobile support the low-cost requirements of a
WiMAX SoC development program, The company’s IEEE802.16e-2005 femto base-station architecture and yet
Fujitsu has been actively working with WiMAX SoC was launched in June scalable enough to support pico and
early engagement customers and 2007. Fujitsu’s second-generation mo- even micro base-station architectures.
world-class base-station companies bile WiMAX SoC solution is available This enables system manufacturers to
for IOT collaboration. Fujitsu has also and targets embedded handheld ap- leverage a single core solution across
been collaborating with ODMs, help- plications such as smart phones and a multiple small base-station platforms.
ing them to commercialize a variety of PDAs. An advanced power manage- The highly integrated SoC incorpo-
MS (mobile station) form factors to be ment scheme greatly reduces its on- rates all the PHY and MAC features
ready for mass production. These form chip power consumption. Enhanced necessary for a base station to meet
factors include PCMCIA cards, USB and optimized PHY and MAC circuitry the Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 certification
dongles and subscriber stations. The allows the chip to be more efficient for requirements.

Intel Corporation
www.intel.com 2200 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA +1.408.765.8080

Company Background: connectivity for your PC, WiMAX-en- solutions into an affordable combo
abled laptops and mobile devices will module (code named Echo Peak), In-
Intel Corporation is the world’s largest provide you the freedom to connect to tel is providing revolutionary advance-
semiconductor company and the inven- the Internet just as you do with your ments in wireless mobile technology
tor of the x86 series of microprocessors, cell phone service. With speeds simi- for the future of laptops, ultra-mobile
the processors found in most personal lar to DSL or cable and faster than us- PCs (UMPCs), and a wide range of
computers. Founded on July 18, 1968 ing your cell phone service to connect, consumer devices.
as Integrated Electronics Corporation WiMAX will allow you to access all the
and based in Santa Clara, California, data-intensive applications you love,
USA, Intel also makes motherboard including streaming media on the Inter-
chipsets, network cards and ICs, flash net, live video conferencing, mobile TV
memory, graphic chips, embedded and more while on the move.
processors, and other devices related
to communications and computing. Laying the foundation for broad, cost-
effective deployments, Intel is working
Primary Products: to easily integrate Intel WiMAX technol-
ogy into complex designs and global
Intel® WiMAX will deliver extended networks, providing a standards-based
broadband Internet beyond Wi-Fi. foundation for ongoing product innova-
With wireless high-speed broadband tion. By integrating Wi-Fi and WiMAX


NextWave Wireless Inc.

www.nextwave.com nwinfo@nextwave.com 3611 Valley Centre Dr San Diego, CA 92130 USA 1.858.480.3100

Company Background: bandwidth intensive mobile multimedia types. With NextWave’s reference de-
applications such as mobile television, signs, manufacturers will be able to de-
Driving the acceleration of WiMAX ser- streaming video, video conferenc- velop highly differentiated products by
vices at the device layer, NextWave ing, and for Quality-of-Service (QoS) leveraging the full value and richness
Wireless Inc., a global provider of wire- sensitive applications such as Voice- of the features offered in the NW2000
less broadband and mobile multimedia over-IP (VoIP); which allows for the chipset; all the while dramatically ac-
products, offers a next-generation fam- convergence of mobile devices with celerating development timelines for
ily of ‘No-Compromise’ WiMAX semi- consumer electronics products across WiMAX devices while also lowering
conductors, featuring a fully integrated Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local development costs.
Wi-Fi/WiMAX system-on-a-chip (SOC) Area Network (LAN) environments.
with advanced 65-nanometer CMOS To ensure the simplest and fastest
process technology, paired with a com- Primary Products: method for evaluating the NW2000
panion multi-band RFIC (Radio Fre- chipset, NextWave offers an Evaluation
quency Integrated Circuit). Delivering Significant to NextWave’s WiMAX Kit, which includes a complete USB
improved performance, and an ultra- portfolio is the fully-tested, optimized WiMAX modem, device drivers, ap-
low power consumption experience, WiMAX reference designs the Compa- plication software and documentation
NextWave’s silicon offers seamless ny provides to manufacturers. The ref- to enable customers to quickly assess
operation and roaming across world- erence designs fully demonstrate the the performance, power consumption,
wide WiMAX frequencies, with either “No Compromise” capabilities of the standards compliance and other key
TDD or FDD operations and profiles. Wave 2-ready NW2000 family, and are attributes of the silicon.
Additionally, the silicon is optimized for made available for a variety of device

Runcom Technologies Ltd.

www.runcom.com info@runcom.co.il UMI Building, 11 Moshe Levi St. Rishon Lezion, Israel 75658 972-3-9428888

Company Background: hanced voice and data services. The facilities. The BST product family con
technology continues to strike roots tains: RNU2000 Macro BST (single &
Founded in 1997, Runcom Technolo- in the expanding wireless agenda, re- multi sectors) Pico BST (indoor & out-
gies develops superior technological cently becoming a cornerstone of the door) , Femto BST (access point) and
standards and products that target the emerging 802.16e standard for Wire- Relay BST (extending network cover-
emerging Beyond 3G market, enabling less MAN (Metropolitan Area Net- age). The MSS product family contains:
the delivery of enhanced communi- works). Runcom’s leading standing in RNU200 Data cards (PCMCIA/CF, USB
cations services to cellular phones OFDMA® solutions and close involve- dongles, Express cards, mini-cards
and other mobile devices. Runcom is ment with every stage of its ongoing etc..), CPE’s (simple CPE, Residential
the recognized pioneer of Orthogonal development positions it competitively Gateway for SOHO with Wi-Fi and Voice
Frequency Division Multiple Access to lead the way in providing solutions I/F’s) and HS (Hand Set, Hand held)
(OFDMA®) technology, accepted in for lucrative, mobile Wireless MAN mobile devices with embedded Wimax
2001 by ETSI as the core component applications in Beyond 3G markets. chip and host application processor.
of the DVB-RCT standard, a wire-
less-enabled platform that facilitates Primary Products: Both the BST & MSS products where
content-rich interactivity between TV fully tested and performed IOT (in-
broadcasters and subscribers over Runcom provides IEEE 802.16e base- teroperability) tests with world-wide
traditional terrestrial infrastructure. band chipset, in a variety of ASIC and leading vendors, as well as various RF
OFDMA® has also been incorporated FPGA, reference designs for MSS (Mo- front-end solution to cover licensed and
as the preferred solution for the IEEE bile Subscriber Station) and for BST unlicensed spectral bands, and where
802.16a BWA standard, enabling tele- (Base Station) modules, stand-alone certified by the Wimax forum
coms to provide customers with en- units and development and testing

SEQUANS Communications
www.sequans.com info@sequans.com Bâtiment Citicenter, 19 Le Parvis de La Défense La Défense Cedex 92073, Paris

Company Background: subscriber terminals, home gate- sion RF transceivers in both transmit
ways, and all types of mobile devices. and receive paths; low noise ampli-
Sequans Communications is the lead- fiers.
ing supplier of WiMAX semiconductor Primary Products:
solutions based on IEEE 802.16-2004 SQN1170 Mobile WiMAX mobile sta-
and 802.16e-2005 standards. Se- SQN1130 Mobile WiMAX mobile tion chipset. Combines baseband, RF,
quans has products that are WiMAX station SOC. Features 2X2 MIMO, and memory in small 12X12 package
Forum Certified™ for both Fixed and maximum likelihood decoder, high with low power consumption (<600
Mobile WiMAX, for both base sta- throughput (>30 Mbps) and low power mW in peak MIMO mode).
tion and subscriber station technol- consumption (<280 mW). WiMAX
ogy, and is the first and only WiMAX Forum Certified™
chipmaker to achieve this distinction.
SQN2130 Mobile WiMAX base station
Sequans offers equipment manufac- ASIC. Can support any size base
turers the most complete and pow- station, including femto with no com-
erful semiconductor solutions avail- promise on features; TDD and FDD.
able today, enabling them to build WiMAX Forum Certified™
the widest range of high performing
WiMAX network components: femto, SQN1140 for 2.5 GHz and SQN1145
pico, micro and multi-sector macro (for 3.5 GHz) Mobile WiMAX mobile
base stations, outdoor and indoor station RFICs. Provides direct conver-

Wavesat, Inc.
www.wavesat.com sales@wavesat.com 1375 Trans-Canada, Suite 300 Montreal, Quebec H9P 2W8 Canada 1.888.802.1616

Company Background: Primary Products: Reference Design:

Wavesat is a global leader in mobile The Odyssey™ 8500 chipset is pow- -Odyssey 8500 Software Platform
broadband, providing advanced semi- ered by a unique 4G multi-core archi- -2.3/2.5/3.5 GHz WiMAX Express
conductor solutions to the world’s lead- tecture incorporating multiple ultra low Card
ing carriers and mobile device manufac- power DSPs, offering flexibility, high -2.3/2.5/3.5 GHz WiMAX USB Dongle
turers to deploy future-proof broadband performance and low power consump- -2.3/2.5/3.5 GHz WiMAX PCI MiniCard
services and prodcuts. Wavesat deliv- tion. The System-On a-Chip (SOC) -2.3/2.5/3.5 GHz WiMAX Indoor CPE
ers silicon, software and reference de- manufactured using advanced Embed-
signs that enable customers to deploy ded DRAM technology requires no ex-
multiple broadband technologies such ternal memory, thus saving customers
as WiMAX Wave2, WiFi, and XG-PHS valuable real estate, cost and power
today and to migrate seamlessly to consumption for very small form-factor
future 4G technologies such as LTE. portable and mobile applications such
Wavesat’s technology leadership re- as wireless USB dongles, mobile hand-
sides in an intelligent, multimode 4G sets and other consumer electronic de-
architecture and cost effective plat- vices.
forms that combine software, refer-
ence designs with superior technical
support to provide integrated, power
efficient solutions. Wavesat is a prin-
cipal member of the WiMAX Forum®.

Software Solutions

Aptilo Networks
www.aptilo.com info@aptilo.com Americas: +1.866.861.3900 Europe/Africa: +46-8 5089 8900 Asia/ME: +60-3 2332 0130

Company Background: roaming partners while a large multi- AAA, policy management and end-to-
tude of service offerings and combina- end pre-paid billing and we have devel-
Aptilo Networks is the leading vendor tions of time-, volume- and price-based oped sufficient functionality for the oth-
of pre-integrated service management subscriber accounts cover required er subsystems. The Aptilo system also
and access control solutions for ser- business models. features a built-in user database. Our
vice providers, enterprises and munici- optional AC-network node can be de-
palities needing a rapidly deployable, The Aptilo WiMAX CSN System is fully ployed for traffic management includ-
scalable multiservice solution to easily interoperable with WiMAX-compliant ing intelligent IP-address allocation,
manage data and voice services over clients and Access Service Network DHCP, policy based routing, VLAN and
WiMAX™, metro wireless, Wi-Fi and (ASN) nodes such as WiMAX 802.16e- bandwidth shaping.
fixed networks. Aptilo’s service man- 2005 based Base Stations and ASN
agement platforms control access, user Gateways through standards interfac- Deploying several subsystems from
services and billing and service flows es defined by The WiMAX Forum®. It different vendors and getting them
in these networks, which are cur¬rently is an open platform that has demon- ready for launch is a complex and
deployed worldwide in more than 40 strated a field proven interoperability costly process, especially if something
countries. with several ASN (Access Service Net- does not work as intended. With an in-
work) and Mobile IP HA (Home Agent) tegrated, ready to deploy solution there
Primary products: products. is no custom integration required at all
By leveraging Aptilo’s solid experience for products from different vendors, as
in the Wi-Fi and wireless mesh markets Save time and money with the different subsystem functions - all
into the WiMAX arena, Aptilo offers a an integrated WiMAX CSN included in the integrated solution - are
proven, multi-access (Wi-Fi / WiMAX) solution: designed to work seamlessly together.
and cost-effective platform that can Furthermore the end to end functional-
grow with the needs of our customers. ities are rigorously tested for each new
The Aptilo’s WiMAX CSN SystemTM release.
consists of the field proven Aptilo Ser- Maintenance may not be the first thing
vice Management Platform integrated considered when launching a new
with add-on modules for the specific WiMAX service. In the long run, how-
WiMAX features. ever, this might be the most important
It can thus by default be used for net- issue when it comes to OPEX (oper-
works using both WiMAX and Wi-Fi ating expenditures) for the service.
access. The system delivers a highly Having several subsystem-vendors
flexible and versatile authentication, releasing new software versions at dif-
authorization, accounting (AAA), pol- ferent times puts a great deal of pres-
icy management and service control sure on the operation of the service.
solution for Mobile WiMAX and Wi-Fi The stability of the service may even
network services, with support for pre- be compromised due to sudden prob-
and post-paid data and Voice over IP Aptilo offers a unique, yet simple ap- lems between subsystems not detect-
(VoIP) services. The integrated data proach to challenges faced by many ed during the testing. By combining all
and voice services solution provides WiMAX Operators. We have integrated the import-ant subsystems required
authentication, authorization and ac- most of the different subsystems func- to deliver data and multi-media ser-
counting through multiple authentica- tions needed into our own product, the vices within the same platform, Aptilo’s
tion types and enforces QoS and ser- Aptilo WiMAX CSN System. WiMAX CSN System not only reduces
vice flow profile parameters for users, the number of software releases per
devices and services. Dedicated subsystems are frequently year, but also provides a more stable
underutilized from a functionality per- operation as the different subsystems
Intelligent AAA Proxy functionality in the spective. Many operators just make are well tested before release.
Aptilo WiMAX CSN System allows ser- use of a fraction of the total function-
vice providers to manage interactions ality. Aptilo is second to none when it Learn more at:
with multiple external AAA servers and comes to critical core functions such as www.aptilo.com/fast-track

Software Solutions

Alianza, Inc.
www.alianza.com sales@alianza.com 333 So. 520 W. , Suite 350 Lincoln, UT 84042 USA +1.801.802.6400

Company Background: broad range of IP telephone and voice Another benefit is a fixed fee pricing
applications to their customers. Add- model enabling service providers to
Alianza’s award-winning hosted voice ing VoIP can double your Average deploy voice services without investing
platform enables WiMAX service pro- Revenue Per User (ARPU), decrease any up-front capital. Alianza’s aggres-
viders to quickly add a feature rich churn and create customer loyalty. But sive pricing also reflects the fact that
voice offering to their broadband ser- finding the capital, taking the time, and there are no built-in licensing fees for
vice - with no capital expenditure. third party components, as often is the
hiring the right folks to build it from the
Alianza offers both residential and case with competitors. An additional
ground up is a formidable task. Alianza
business-class features. Core plat- benefit of a hosted solution is the abil-
removes that barrier with their hosted
form components are unified into a ity to launch in a fraction of the time it
single interface, providing a seamless voice platform.
would take to build a complex in-house
back-office experience. Competitive solution.
The platform is flexible, featuring API’s
products are cobbled together using
that allow integration of back office
disparate 3rd party components; Alian-
za’s proprietary technology, built from administration and optimization of op-
the ground up, provides a cost effec- erational efficiencies. For example
tive and customizable platform for each Alianza provides a single point of ad-
service provider. ministrative interface. One click in the
management portal propagates 17 dif-
Primary Products: ferent processes and remotely enables
devices, eliminating process manage-
WiMAX service providers are looking ment issues that arise - saving time
for long-term solutions for delivering a and money.

Aricent Inc.
www.aricent.com info@aricent.com 700 Hansen Way Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA +1.650.391.1088
Company Background: tensive product portfolio will help you Service Providers
solve your most complex development OSS/BSS Products
Aricent is a global leader in communi- problems. Quickly. Reliably. And, suc- * Billing Mediation System (BMS)
cations software that empowers billions cessfully. * Service Provisioning Platform (SPP)
of people. Our services capabilities * Online Charging and Control System
cover the full lifecycle of communica- Equipment Manufacturers (OCCS)
tions software, from strategic design to Whether you’re creating equipment for * Revenue Reconciliation System
implementation for equipment manu- carriers, network operators, satellite (RRS)
facturers, device manufactuers and operators, or enterprises, we can help * Inter-Connect Settlement System
service providers. Our talented team you meet requirements for scalability, (ICSS)
of 7500+ consultants, designers, reliability, performance, and, of course, * Mobile Application Studio Toolkit
engineers solve the most complex, speed. (MAST)
high-impact challenges for our clients. --Complete communication & network- * Push2Test®
ing solutions * Near Real Time Roaming Data Ex-
Primary Products: --Network management change (NRTRDE)
As systems converge and competition Device Manufacturers Networking Products
accelerates, communications compa- Exceed end-user expectations with * Wireless Networks (WiMAX, GSM,
nies need to deliver the highest quality new communications devices that in- GPRS/EDGE, UMTS/HSPA, TDMA,
products in the shortest time possible. clude both innovative services and iDEN, LTE and CDMA2000)
That’s where Aricent can help. From support for the latest standards. * SIP Network Server
high-level applications to core routers Creation of end-user experiences * WiMAX Enterprise Solution (eASN)
and switches, our expert team and ex- through new applications and services
Software Solutions

Bridgewater Systems Corporation

www.bridgewatersystems.com info@bridgewatersystems.com 303 Terry Fox Dr, #500 Ottawa, ON K2K 3JI Canada +1.613.591.6655

Company Background: Primary Products: been proven in Tier-1 carrier networks

and around the world.
Bridgewater Systems develops sub- The Bridgewater Systems comprehen-
scriber-centric service control solu- sive service control portfolio features: * Multi-network solutions for worldwide
tions, including access control and networks — GSM/UMTS, CDMA, Wi-
policy management software for fixed, * Network access control products, Fi, WiMAX, 4G, and fixed-line.
mobile and converged networks. Using including authentication, authorization,
Bridgewater solutions, global service and accounting (AAA) servers and * Visionary solutions for the next
providers can offer personalized servic- home subscriber servers (HSS). generation of fixed-mobile networks —
es and experiences to their subscribers VCC, UMA/GAN, i-WLAN, and IMS.
by maintaining a real time policy that * Entitlement control products to man- such as casual access and no-touch
controls how subscribers interact with age subscriber access to applications auto-registration.
networks, services, and their devices. and network resources.
Driving and implementing standards
Vendor-neutral and access network * Unique Subscriber Data Manage- – Broad support for fixed and mobile
agnostic, Bridgewater’s carrier-class ment capabilities that bring static and WiMAX, including support for WiMAX
solutions help service providers launch dynamic subscriber data to access Forum® standards, ensures interop-
new services faster, target them more control and policy management, creat- erability. As a principal member of
accurately, and maximize profits by ing per-subscriber awareness and Forum driving standards development
creating a decision point that brings response capabilities for new service around AAA and policy, Bridgewater is
dynamic subscriber context to control- creation and control, find out more. well positioned to bring these insights
ling and merchandizing the subscriber to customers.
interaction with IP-based services. * Standards-based solutions that have

Proximetry, Inc.
www.proximetry.com sales@proximetry.com 909 W Laurel St., Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101 USA 1.619.704.0020

Company Background: Primary Products: Benefits include:

Proximetry provides wireless perfor- AirSync supports multivendor, multi- * Intelligent provisioning to ensure
mance management solutions, for frequency, multiprotocol wireless net- priority users and devices get assured
highly distributed, performance critical, works and their network management performance
multi-protocol wireless networks. Proxi- functions to provide the dynamic con- * Dynamic bandwidth allocation and
metry’s carrier-class software solution, figuration of network resources and predictive routing to maximize network
AirSync, enables network operators, bandwidth allocation essential to deliv- throughput
public safety, energy, and transporta- ering QoS in today’s complex city-wide * Optimization tools to improve voice
tion organizations to provision and networks. Since these networks are and video performance on multimode
manage performance critical wireless continuously affected by environmental networks
networks. The AirSync platform is pow- factors including interference, perfor- * Multivendor, multifrequency, multipro-
ered by patent-pending technology to mance of the network minute by min- tocol networks controlled from a central
ensure proper management of devices, ute can be greatly affected. AirSync’s location
users, and applications. AirSync allows active and dynamic network manage- * Ability to monitor and control network
dynamic control over wireless network ment and control over network servic- performance on an end-to-end basis
traffic, including real-time bandwidth es, applications, users, and devices, * Integrate with existing management
optimization for VoIP, video, and te- makes the wireless network operate at infrastructure, systems, and applica-
lemetry. Proximetry is a privately held maximum efficiency while ensuring the tions
company, headquartered in San Diego, necessary throughput for mission criti- * Leverage and extend network invest-
with offices in Poland and Germany. cal communications. ments

Testing Solutions

Agilent Technologies
www.agilent.com contact_us@agilent.com 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA +1.408.345.8886

Company Background: dard to provide you with the solutions and customer assurance for network
you need, when you need them. So, as operators.
As a world leader in test and measure- you take WiMAX forward, Agilent will
ment solutions, and a Principal Member continue to clear the way. In general purpose test, Agilent’s prod-
of the WiMAX Forum®, Agilent Tech- ucts include general purpose instru-
nologies continues to be at the forefront Primary Products: ments, modular instruments and test
of the WiMAX market. Agilent offers the software, digital design products, para-
largest breadth of WiMAX design and Agilent’s products and solutions are metric test products, high frequency
test solutions spanning the entire life- widely used in areas like communica- electronic design tools, electronics
cycle from R&D, design verification and tions test and general purpose test. manufacturing test equipment, thin-film
pre-conformance, conformance, manu- transistor array test equipment, nano-
facturing, through network deployment In communications test, Agilent’s prod- positioning systems, atomic-force mi-
and service assurance – for Fixed and ucts and services are applicable for the croscopy and scanning probe micros-
Mobile WiMAX, WiBro, and including following types of networks and sys- copy.
support for Wave 2 and MIMO. tems: fiber optics networks, transport
networks, broadband and data net-
Our engineers, experts in test, have works, wireless communications and
dedicated themselves to understand- microwave networks. We also provide
ing the intricacies of this evolving stan- solutions to enable network, service

Anritsu Company
www.us.anritsu.com marcom@anritsu.com 1155 E Collins Blvd., Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081 USA +1.972.644.1777

Company Background: MG3700A Vector Signal Generator modulation, and Over-The-Air (OTA)
and the MS2781B Signature Vector measurements on WiMAX signals.
Anritsu is a leading manufacturer of Signal Analyzer are listed in the State
instruments used in R&D, product test- of the Art (SOA) Equipment document Anritsu Products for WiMAX Test
ing, manufacturing, network and user of the WiMAX Forum. and Measurement
equipment testing, and field mainte-
nance of wireless communications Primary Products: MS2690A Signal Analyzer
technology. Anritsu has made a strong MS2717B, 17B, 19B Economy Micro-
commitment to WiMAX with the goal of Anritsu Company introduced the first wave Spectrum Analyzer Series
offering solutions that will help manu- Mobile WiMAX handheld test solution MS2721B, 23B, 24B Handheld Spec-
facturers and carriers keep up with specifically designed for deploying, trum Analyzer Series
evolving standards and get products installing, and maintaining Mobile MT8222A BTS Master Base Station
to market faster. WiMAX networks. Incorporated into Analyzer
Anritsu’s award-winning BTS Master
Anritsu is an active member of the and Spectrum Master platforms, the
WiMAX Forum and its products have Mobile WiMAX test capability provides
been exhibited at the TWG (Techni- field engineers, technicians and con-
cal Working Group) and the WiMAX tractors with an easy and highly ac-
Forum’s Plugfests. Two products, the curate method for conducting RF, de-

Testing Solutions

Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc

www.bvsystems.com info@bvsystems.com 255 Liberty Street Metuchen, NJ 08840 USA +1.732.548.3737

Company Background: Coyote’s fast scan rate (2x the recom- WiMAX Stimulus Transmitters
mended 40 lambda averaging speed)
For over 35 years, Berkeley Varitron- and portability make it ideal for both Tortoise™ is a dual-band, high power
ics Systems has provided design and walk-about and drive-studies. The fully stimulus transmitter that contains an
consulting services for the wireless optional WiMAX modulator. Class A
loaded system weighs only 7 pounds.
telecommunications industry. Over the amplification, quad cooling fan system
past 15 years, BVS has anticipated the Forecaster software works in conjunc- and lightweight (under 20 pounds) en-
wireless industry’s needs by developing tion with Coyote and is ideal for RF sure that Tortoise will output the clean-
over 50 unique and portable field instru- propagation analysis, coverage valida- est RF signal from a crane to a rooftop.
ments for GSM, TDMA, CDMA and Wi- tion / prediction and base station loca- The optional WiMAX OFDMA Modula-
Fi site surveys. More recently, Berkeley tion estimation. Site survey data is col- tor allows Tortoise to simulate WiMAX
has introduced a line of WiMAX testing base stations and features adjustable
lected and plotted in graphic or tabular
tools and analysis software to meet the step sizes, channel bandwidth and
views and exportable into KML files for
demand for network build out. user settable ID Cell, Segment and
applications such as Google Earth.
frame lengths.
BVS is headquartered in Metuchen, Handheld WiMAX Analyzers WiMAX Site Survey Software
NJ but has sales offices in the North-
eastern, Southwestern and South- The newly released YellowFin™ is a DragNet™ PC software runs on a Yel-
eastern regions on the United States. tablet PC analyzer for Mobile WiMAX lowFin™ receiver using a tablet PC for
Internationally, Berkeley has a South/ spectrum analysis as well as packet on-the-spot WiMAX site survey analy-
Latin American sales office and a Euro- measurements. Full spectrum analysis sis. The internal GPS receiver pro-
pean sales and support offices located features include power triggers, peak vides geo-coded data for automatically
in Switzerland. In addition, BVS has hold / search, multiple waveform traces time-stamped LAT and LON WiMAX
wireless product distributors in over 40 and markers. Packet analysis identifies measurements anywhere in the world.
countries spanning 6 continents. RSSI, Cell ID and Segment data, multi- Survey data is then over-layed onto
path and CINR (carrier-to-interference- maps to provide a complete overview
Primary Products: plus-noise-ratios) all on a preamble for coverage studies and network traf-
basis. fic analysis.
Berkeley’s standout products consist of
WiMAX, Wi-FI and CDMA testing tools
for drive-studies, laboratory, desktop
and field walk-about propagation anal-
ysis. Receiver

WiMAX Pre-Deployment

All Gator transmitters contain Class A

amplifiers, thermal overheat / VSWR
protection and weigh under 23 pounds.
These transmitters include LCD dis-
plays, keypad / knob control that allows
for continuous power output + 0.1dB
over a 32dB range. BVS has already
sold thousands of Gator transmitters

Coyote is a handheld receiver system

that houses 2 removable, indepen- YellowFinTM WiMAX Analyzer
dent receivers, removable compact
flash card storage, removable GPS re-
ceiver and removable battery system.

Testing Solutions

Keithley Instruments Inc.

www.keithley.com info@keithley.com 28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, OH 44139 USA +1.440.248.0400

Company Background: manufacturing, product development tor Signal Analyzer, on which the solu-
and research functions. tion is based, are MIMO-ready, ensur-
Keithley Instruments, Inc. designs, ing that you’re choosing a truly scalable
develops, manufactures and markets Primary Products: and software-upgradeable solution
complex electronic instruments and that can adapt cost-effectively to the
systems geared to the specialized Keithley’s new WiMAX test solution as- evolution of the IEEE 802.16 standard.
needs of electronics manufacturers for sures you of unparalleled flexibility in
high-performance production testing, developing and testing 802.16 OFDM/A Keithley’s system supports the latest
process monitoring, product develop- products. The platform is equally well WiMAX mobile standard, and ugrades
ment and research. The Company has suited for use in both the engineering are always easy and downloadable.
approximately 500 products used to development and highly automated The hardware’s intuitive graphical user
source, measure, connect, control or manufacturing environments. The solu- interface allows you to configure com-
communicate direct current (DC), ra- tion’s hardware and software architec- plex multiple zone and multiple burst
dio frequency (RF) or optical signals. ture allows engineers and manufactur- subframes easily in just seconds. Tasks
Product offerings include integrated ing specialists to analyze and resolve such as deleting or adding zones and
systems solutions, along with instru- problems quickly wherever they occur— bursts or configuring modulation for-
ments and personal computer (PC) from the early product development mat, code rate, repetition coding, guard
plug-in boards that can be used as phase through the manufacturing sup- interval, etc. can all be done through
system components or stand-alone so- port phase. Furthermore, the hardware the GUI or programatically through the
lutions. The Companys customers are architectures of the Model 2920 Vector extensive Application Programming In-
engineers, technicians and scientists in Signal Generator and Model 2820 Vec- terface.

Mobile Metrics Inc.

www.mobilemetrics.net sales1@mobilemetrics.net 5050 Quorum Dr, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75254 USA 484.234.8000

Company Background: set the standards for our field; we’re Gateways and CSNs. The Torrent 7100
also committed to ensuring that our consists of a suite of products that work
Mobile Metrics was founded in 2003 customers are successful in accom- together in a unified manner to provide
specifically to address the wireless plishing their goals, and are available a realistic, high performance, linearly-
data test market, and to the best of our to provide first rate support around the scalable WiMAX test solution
knowledge was the first company to clock.
specialize exclusively in this field. The Torrent 7200 offers simulation,
Primary Products: traffic and conformance testing of Base
Our design staff consists of experts in Stations. It provides an entire WiMAX
the wireless data field who have had Mobile Metrics offers a suite of WiMAX
test tools that, together, form a nearly ecosystem which surrounds the base
key roles in the architecture and de- station and can then be used to per-
velopment of numerous wireless data complete WiMAX testing solution. The
Torrent 7100 WTS and 7200 WTS com- form functional testing, load, capacity,
systems which are currently in service and performance testing.
today. Their thorough knowledge of this bine to test all access and core network
industry and the standards governing nodes (ASN Gateway, BS, CSN) for The Torrent 7200 is based on scalable-
it, which they helped author in some traffic and conformance to NWG Spec- OFDMA and is available in two gen-
cases, have allowed Mobile Metrics ifications. In addition, the 7200 exer- eral varients; one which actually tests
to bring innovative tools to the market cises Base Stations with heavy appli- the airlink and one which bypasses it
quickly -- succeeding in areas where cation traffic over real or simulated R1 entirely for cases in which MAC rather
general purpose tools companies have interfaces. than MAC/PHY testing is of interest.
not. At Mobile Metrics, we’re commit- The Torrent 7100 offers simulation,
ted to ensuring that our test systems traffic and conformance testing of ASN

Testing Solutions

Rohde & Schwarz, Inc.

www.rohde-schwarz.com/usa info@rsa.rohde-schwarz.com 8661A Robert Fulton Dr Columbia, MD 21046 USA +1.888.TEST.RSA
Company Background: Primary Products: tion. Without it, testing is a patchwork
of incompatible instruments and soft-
A global leader Complete range - Rohde & Schwarz
ware that takes too much time, with
Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world’s test solutions encompass all stages
too little measurement repeatability
leading technology innovators in test of WiMAX system design, from R&D
and reliability. We solve this problem
and measurement, broadcasting, radio through precompliance, conformance
with integrated solutions that have
monitoring and location, and mission- and production. We also provide
continuity designed in from the outset.
critical radiocommunications. Founded technology for operations and main-
75 years ago, today Rohde & Schwarz tenance testing. All are supported by Purpose-designed - Among our many
has a global presence and a dedicated dedicated WiMAX testing software, solutions are instruments and software
service network in over 70 countries. for a highly integrated environment. specifically dedicated to WiMAX. For
Rohde & Schwarz’ WiMAX-specific example, the R&S®CMW270 combines
WiMAX expertise test & measurement solutions include: signal analysis, signal generation, and
Rohde & Schwarz supports WiMAX -Wireless communications testers and transmit and receive measurements in
with an extensive product portfolio, test systems a single box. It’s purpose-designed for
providing unique solutions for opera- -Spectrum analyzers WiMAX, so users can do production
tions and production testing. As one of -Signal analyzers and service testing of mobile stations
the two companies selected to develop -Signal generators and customer premise equipment, with
a radio conformance tester for mobile -Drive test instruments simpler setup and flexible test strate-
WiMAX, Rohde & Schwarz has dem- -EMC and field strength testers gies.
onstrated expertise as a leading sup-
plier for certification test equipment for Test continuity - Continuity is key to
wireless communications. effective WiMAX system characteriza-

Wireless Logix, Inc.

www.wirelesslogix.com mtierney@wirelesslogix.com 500 N Central Expressway, 210 Plano, TX USA 75074 1-469-241-6100

Company Background: ity by delivering solutions to a quickly WiMAX Scanner, UDP Server, Land
increasing data-centric network, re- Call Generator, iGPS (In-building DRM)
Combining years of pioneering experi- sulting in an accelerated return on
ences and expertise, we provide a full investment of the next generation data OPTis Benchmarking, OPTis Multi-Call
range of comprehensive and intelligent networks. Generator, and BTS Management Sys-
measurement solutions that allow wire- tem.
less device manufacturers to measure, WirelessLogix is headquartered in
troubleshoot, optimize, and manage Collin County, Texas, with established Regions of Operation:
their networks more quickly and effi- partnerships and customers including
companies like Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T North America
Wireless, Nortel, Nokia, Samsung, Al- (Canada, USA, Mexico)
WirelessLogix’s advanced line of prod- catel-Lucent and Intel. South America
ucts and services are currently being Central America
used by many of the world’s largest Primary Products:
manufacturers and carriers. Through
Test and Measurement equipment for
our measurement and optimization field and lab testing of WiMAX Net-
solutions these companies are not works, Devices and Chipsets
only able to measure and enhance
all aspects of wireless network ele- Industry leading XCAL-X Diagnostic
ments, but also to maximize device Monitoring & XCAP-X Post Processing
and network efficiency and capac- Tools


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