2009 Modal Testing, Finite-Element Model Updating, and Dynamic Analysis of An Arch Type Steel Footbridge

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Modal Testing, Finite-Element Model Updating, and Dynamic

Analysis of an Arch Type Steel Footbridge

Alemdar Bayraktar1; Ahmet Can Altunişik2; Barış Sevim3; and Temel Türker4

Abstract: This paper describes an arch type steel footbridge, its analytical modeling, modal testing, finite-element model updating, and
dynamic analysis. A modern steel footbridge which has an arch type structural system and is located on the Karadeniz coast road in
Trabzon, Turkey is selected as an application. An analytical modal analysis is performed on the developed three-dimensional finite-
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element model of footbridge to provide analytical frequencies and mode shapes. Field ambient vibration tests on the footbridge deck under
natural excitation such as human walking and traffic loads are conducted. The output-only modal parameter identification is carried out by
using peak picking of the average normalized power spectral densities in the frequency domain and stochastic subspace identification in
the time domain, and dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios are determined. The finite-
element model of the footbridge is updated to minimize the differences between analytically and experimentally estimated modal
properties by changing some uncertain modeling parameters such as material properties. Dynamic analyses of the footbridge before and
after finite-element model updating are performed using the 1992 Erzincan earthquake record. At the end of the study, maximum
differences in the natural frequencies are reduced from 22 to only 5% and good agreement is found between analytical and experimental
dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies and mode shapes by model updating. Also, maximum displacements and principal
stresses before and after model updating are compared with each other.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0887-3828共2009兲23:2共81兲
CE Database subject headings: Finite element method; Bridges, pedestrian; Bridges, steel; Modal analysis; Stochastic processes.

Introduction of the finite-element models of footbridges after their construc-

tion. For this purpose, modal testing is now used commonly. The
In recent decades there has been a trend toward improved me- aim of modal testing is to determine as-built natural frequen-
chanical characteristics of materials used in footbridge construc- cies, mode shapes, and damping ratios. These are especially im-
tion. It has enabled engineers to design lighter, slender, and more portant when they are required to further study the behavior of
aesthetic structures. As a result of these construction trends, many footbridges. For example, modal damping, a very important dy-
footbridges have become more susceptible to vibrations when namic parameter that governs the footbridge dynamic response
subjected to dynamic loads. near resonance, varies from structure to structure and can only be
It is generally expected that finite-element models based on determined experimentally after the particular structure is built
technical design data and engineering judgments can yield reli- 共Zivanovic et al. 2006兲.
able simulation for both the static and dynamic behavior of There are two basically different methods available to experi-
footbridges. However, because of modeling uncertainties such as mentally identify the dynamic system parameters of a structure:
stiffness of supports and nonstructural elements, material proper- experimental modal analysis and operational modal analysis
ties, and as well as inevitable differences between the properties 共Cantieni 2004兲. In the experimental modal analysis, the structure
of the designed and as-built structure, these finite-element models is excited by known input force 共such as impulse hammers, drop
often cannot predict natural frequencies and mode shapes with weights, and electrodynamics shakers兲 and response of the struc-
the required level of accuracy. This raises the need for verification ture is measured. In the operational modal analysis, the structure
is excited by unknown input force 共ambient vibrations such as
1 traffic load, wind, and wave兲 and response of the structure is
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Karadeniz Technical Univ.,
measured. Some heavy forced excitations become very expensive
61080 Trabzon, Turkey 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: alemdar@ktu.
edu.tr and sometimes may cause possible damage to the structure. How-
Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Karadeniz Technical ever, ambient excitations such as traffic, wave, wind, earthquake,
Univ., 61080 Trabzon, Turkey. E-mail: ahmetcan8284@hotmail.com and their combination are environmental or natural excitations.
Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Karadeniz Technical Therefore, the system identification techniques through ambient
Univ., 61080 Trabzon, Turkey. E-mail: bsevim18@hotmail.com vibration measurements become very attractive. In this case only
Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Karadeniz Technical response data of ambient vibrations are measurable while actual
Univ., 61080 Trabzon, Turkey. E-mail: temelturker@hotmail.com loading conditions are unknown. A system identification proce-
Note. Discussion open until September 1, 2009. Separate discussions
dure will therefore need to base itself on output-only data 共Roeck
must be submitted for individual papers. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on September 21, et al. 2000兲. In this study, the operational modal analysis proce-
2007; approved on December 2, 2008. This paper is part of the Journal dure is used to determine the dynamic characteristics of arch type
of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 23, No. 2, April 1, 2009. steel footbridges.
©ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828/2009/2-81–89/$25.00. Once the modal dynamic properties of a footbridge 共mainly


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

natural frequencies and mode shapes兲 are identified experimen- presented review of studies about footbridges was presented by
tally and the level of error introduced by the initially developed Zivanovic et al. 共2005兲. Considering the studies about foot-
finite-element models is identified, their drawbacks in finite- bridges, it is clearly seen that there are not enough studies related
element modeling can be found and the initial finite-element to modal testing and finite-element model updating of foot-
model can be corrected. This procedure is called finite-element bridges, especially arch type steel footbridges. For this reason,
model updating, and can be considered as an attempt to use the modal testing, finite-element model updating, and dynamic analy-
best features from both the experimental and analytical models ses of an arch type steel footbridge are studied with detail in this
共Modak et al. 2002兲. paper.
In this study, modal testing, finite-element model updating,
and dynamic analyses of an arch type steel footbridge are studied
with detail in this paper. The first part of this paper briefly reviews
Theory of Modal Parameters Identification
the existing literature concerning the analytical and experimental
investigations of civil engineering structures and especially foot-
bridges. This is followed by finite-element model updating proce-
dures. Then, the formulation of peak picking 共PP兲 and stochastic Ambient excitation does not lend itself to frequency response
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subspace identification 共SSI兲 methods, which are used to extract function 共FRF兲 or impulse response function 共IRF兲 calculations
modal parameters experimentally, is given in detail. Then, the because the input force is not measured in an ambient vibration
arch type steel footbridge is described. Also, the initial finite- test. Therefore, a modal identification procedure will need to base
element model and main assumptions made during its develop- itself on output-only data 共Ren et al. 2004b兲. There are several
ment are presented. After this, modal testing of the footbridge in modal parameter identification techniques available. These tech-
frequency and time domains using PP and SSI methods is de- niques are developed by improvements in computing capacity and
scribed, together with an ambient vibration testing exercise. Then, signal processing procedures. In this study, two different methods,
experimental modal properties compared with the numerical re- which are rather the simple PP method in the frequency domain
sults and finite-element model is manually updated. Finally, dy- and the SSI method in the time domain, are used for modal pa-
namic analyses of the footbridge before and after model updating rameter extraction.
are performed and the key results of this interesting exercise are
PP Method
The PP method is a kind of frequency domain technique. This is
Background Review the simplest known method for identifying the modal parameters
of a structure. Frequency domain algorithms have been the most
Modal Testing popular, mainly due to their simplicity and processing speed, and
also for historical reasons. These algorithms, however, involve
Modal testing of structures is not a recent practice, and many averaging of temporal information, thus discarding most of their
studies have been carried out in the past. Modal testing was origi- details. The PP technique has some theoretical drawbacks such as:
nally developed in the more advanced mechanical and aerospace 共1兲 picking the peaks is always a subjective task; 共2兲 operational
engineering disciplines 共Ewins 1984兲, where modal parameter deflection shapes are obtained instead of mode shapes; 共3兲 only
identification was based on both input and output measurements. real modes of proportionally damped structures can be deduced
After the modal testing procedure transferred to civil engineering, by the method; and 共4兲 damping estimates are unreliable 共Peeters
this procedure was successfully implemented on different types 2000兲. In spite of these drawbacks, the method is often used in
of civil engineering structures such as bridges 共Abdel-Ghaffar civil engineering practice for ambient vibration measurements
1978; Bayraktar et al. 2007d; Brownjohn 1997; Chang et al. due to its implementation simplicity and its speed. Moreover,
2001兲, building 共Sortis et al. 2005兲, historic masonry tower some refinements of the PP method exist. For instance, the coher-
共Gentile and Saisi 2007兲, stadium 共Reynolds et al. 2004兲, reactor ence function between two channels tends to go to one at the
building 共Ceballos et al. 1998兲, dam 共Zhou et al. 2000兲, silo resonance frequencies because of the strong structural response
共Dooms et al. 2006兲, and minaret 共Bayraktar et al. 2007b兲. leading to high signal-to-noise ratio at these frequencies. Conse-
quently, inspecting the coherence function can assist in selecting
Finite-Element Model Updating the eigenfrequencies 共Brincker et al. 2000兲. Theoretical back-
ground and some application studies of the PP method can be
Over the last decade, there have been several attempts to transfer
obtained in detail in the literature 共Ren et al. 2004a兲.
the updating technology from mechanical and aerospace engi-
neering to civil structural engineering. Although the whole is
more difficult to implement in civil engineering, some successful Stochastic Subspace Identification Method
examples of updating in civil engineering can be seen for bridges
共Zhang et al. 2001兲, buildings 共Lord et al. 2004兲, minarets SSI is an output-only time domain method that directly works
共Bayraktar et al. 2007e兲, and high-rise structures 共Wu and Li with time data, without the need to convert them to correlations or
2004兲. Besides these studies, there are only a few papers that spectra. The method is especially suitable for operational modal
related to modal testing, finite-element modeling and updating parameter identification, but it is an incredibly difficult procedure
of footbridges 共Zivanovic et al. 2006, 2007; Bayraktar et al. to explain in to civil engineers without going into great detail. In
2007a,c兲. this study, only the main subject of this method is presented. For
In addition to these, a well presented review of modal testing more interested readers, some detailed papers can be found in the
methods for bridges explaining their advantages and limitations literature 共Van Overschee and De Moor 1996; Peeters and De
was presented by Salawu and Williams 共1995兲. Also, a well Roeck 1999; Peeters 2000兲.


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

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Fig. 1. General arrangements drawing of footbridge

Description of Footbridge 共MAPA 2007兲. General arrangement drawings of the entire bridge
are shown in Fig. 1.
The arch type footbridge investigated is located in a heavy traffic The superstructure of the footbridge consists of steel tubes,
area in Trabzon, Turkey, and has a main span of 35 m. The foot- vertical and lateral load carrying systems, stairs, piers, and the
bridge operates as part of a pedestrian public footpath. This deck system. The arch span consists of two curved steel tubes, 12
bridge was originally designed by MAPA Engineers, Inc. in 2006 horizontal, and eight diagonally braced members. The 16 main


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

Fig. 2. 3D finite-element model of footbridge
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suspended steel pipes 共eight on one side兲 are vertically attached

on both sides of the arch and the floor system. The deck of the
footbridge is suspended from a mast consisting of two curved
steel tubes 共Fig. 1兲. The deck is made of a composite platform
共granite, alum, steel, sheet iron, and concrete beam兲 surrounded
by a steel frame. The deck is 3.3 m wide and 80 mm constant
thickness. Along its whole length, the curved pipe girder and deck
are stiffened by horizontal brace members 共Fig. 1兲. Horizontal
and diagonal supporters are placed under the composite deck.
Both edges of the footbridge, 45 stairs, are placed. There are two
piers consisting of vertical and diagonal members under the
middle of the stairs.
The selected footbridge was modeled as a space frame struc-
ture with three-dimensional 共3D兲 prismatic beam elements which
have two end nodes and each end node has six degrees of free- Fig. 3. Analytically identified mode shapes of footbridge as whole
dom: three translations along the global axes and three rotations and deck
about its axes. The key modeling assumptions were as follows:
1. The main steel pipe girders and columns and its transverse
stiffeners were modeled using 3D beam elements; Natural frequencies and corresponding vibration modes are
2. The composite steel-concrete deck was modeled using shell important dynamic properties and have a significant effect on the
elements; dynamic performance of structures. Footbridges always have four
3. The supports of the steel arch were modeled as fully fixed; main types of vibration modes: lateral, torsional, vertical, and
4. Connections at both ends of the suspenders were modeled as longitudinal. A total of 25 natural frequencies of the footbridge
pinned; and are attained which range between 2.39 and 21.76 Hz. The six
5. The members of the bridge frame were modeled as rigidly vibration modes of the footbridge as a whole and deck are shown
connected together at the intersection points. in Fig. 3.

Finite-Element Modeling Ambient Vibration Testing and Modal Identification

The 3D linear elastic finite-element model 共Fig. 2兲 of the steel The equipment used for the measurement includes four triaxial
footbridge was constructed using the software SAP2000 共1998兲. 共B&K 4506兲 and one uniaxial accelerometers 共B&K 4507兲, a 17-
This program can be used for linear and nonlinear, static, and channel data acquisition system 共B&K 3560兲, and approximately
dynamic analyses of a 3D model of the structure. In this paper, 100 m triaxial and 30 m uniaxial signal cables. Then the signals
the program was used to determine the dynamic characteristics are transferred into the PULSE Lapshop software 共Fig. 4兲. For a
based on its physical and mechanical properties. parameter estimation from the Ambient Vibration System data,
The values of the material properties used in analyses of the the Operational Modal Analysis software 共OMA 2006兲 is used.
footbridge are given in Table 1. The ambient vibration tests are conducted under environmental
loads such as human walking and traffic. To identify the mode
shapes and natural frequencies of the footbridge, structural re-
sponses at sufficient locations on the deck in the vertical, lateral,
Table 1. Material Properties Used in Analyses of Footbridge and transversal direction are obtained. Accelerometer location in
Modulus of elasticity Poisson’s Mass per unit vol. the 3D schematic view and footbridge deck is given in Fig. 5. The
Material 共N / m2兲 ratio 共kg/ m3兲 tests were conducted on three test setups. In the first test setup the
accelerometers are placed at the corner of the footbridge deck as
Steel 2.000E11 0.3 7,900
a point numbers 1, 4, 5, and 8 in Fig. 5. In the second setup the
Concrete 2.482E10 0.2 2,403
accelerometers are placed at the one side of the footbridge as


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

Fig. 4. Pictures from ambient vibration test Fig. 7. Stabilization diagram of first setup

point numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Fig. 5. Since the intended number from both methods and corresponding damping ratios attained
of measurements was larger than the number of channels and from experimental modal analyses are summarized in Table 2.
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sensors available, measurements are performed in two steps in the It can be seen from the results of experimental modal analyses
third test setup. In the first step, accelerometers are placed at 1, 2, that the lowest vibration frequency of the footbridge deck is in the
5, and 6 points and in the second step accelerometers are placed at range of 1.9– 2.1 Hz, which is the frequency region of normal
3, 4, 7, and 8 points in Fig. 5. The signals in the second setup are human walking 共Bachmann et al. 1995兲.
incorporated using a reference accelerometer located in 9 points.
In the PP method, dynamic characteristics are obtained from
each vibration signal as a singular value. But in the SSI method, Finite-Element Model Updating
dynamic characteristics are obtained from collection of all vibra-
tion signals as a singular values. Modal parameters and stabiliza- It can be seen from Table 2 that there are some differences be-
tion diagrams attained from the vibration signal using the PP and tween results obtained from analytical and experimental modal
SSI techniques are shown in Figs. 6–9. analyses. It is thought that these differences come from some
The first six mode shapes obtained from experimental modal
analyses are given in Fig. 10. It can be seen from Figs. 3 and 10
that there is a good agreement between the mode shapes in ex-
perimental and analytical modal analyses. Identified frequencies

Fig. 8. Stabilization diagram of second setup

Fig. 5. Accelerometer locations in footbridge

Fig. 6. Modal parameters attained from PP technique Fig. 9. Stabilization diagrams of third setup


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

Table 3. Experimental and Analytical Frequencies of Updated Model
Analytical analytical Experimental/
共Hz兲 共Hz兲 PP SSI analytical
2.39 2.09 2.08 1.90 1.00
2.50 2.34 2.34 2.40 1.00
5.52 4.77 4.78 4.70 1.00
5.93 5.53 5.53 5.50 1.00
7.63 6.47 6.01 5.80 0.93
7.65 6.63 6.67 6.70 1.01
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Dynamic Analysis of Footbridge

Dynamic analyses of the footbridge before and after finite-

element model updating are performed using the ERZ-EW com-
ponent of the 1992 Erzincan earthquake 共Mw = 6.9兲 ground
motion 共Fig. 11兲 共PEER 2008兲. The maximum value of the accel-
Fig. 10. Experimentally identified mode shapes eration record is 4.82 m / s2. Element matrices are computed using
the Gauss numerical integration technique. The Newmark method
is used in the solution of the equation of motion.
The maximum displacements on the structure before and after
uncertainties in the structural geometry, material properties, finite-element model updating are calculated as 2.23 and
and boundary conditions. For these reasons, the finite-element 3.35 mm, respectively. The time-histories of the maximum dis-
model of the footbridge must be updated. The main purpose of the placements are given in Fig. 12. It is seen from the Fig. 12 that
model updating procedure is to minimize the differences between finite-element model updating is very effective in the displace-
the analytically and experimentally obtained modal properties ments and displacements obtained from the updated model are
by changing uncertainty parameters such as material properties bigger.
and boundary conditions. The updating process typically con- Maximum and minimum principal stress contours of the foot-
sists of manual tuning and then automatic model updating using bridge before and after finite-element model updating are given in
some specialized software. The manual tuning involves manual Figs. 13 and 14. These stress contours represent the distribution of
changes of the model geometry and modeling parameters by the peak values reached by the maximum and minimum principal
trial and error, guided by engineering judgments. The aim of stress at each point within the section.
this is to bring the numerical model closer to the experimental Figs. 13 and 14 show that the maximum principal stresses
one. In this study, the manual tuning procedure is used for finite- occurred at 880 and 550 kN/ m2 before and after finite-element
element model updating and material properties such as density model updating, respectively. Also, minimum principal stresses
and elastic modulus are used for updating parameters. Also, both occurred at 935 and 550 kN/ m2 before and after finite-element
homogeneous 共steel兲 and nonhomogeneous 共concrete兲 structural model updating, respectively. It is clearly seen from the figures
materials are used to update parameters. Frequency values ob- that maximum and minimum principal stresses have a decreasing
tained from analytical and experimental modal analyses after trend after the finite-element model updating.
model updating of the finite-element model of the footbridge are
given in Table 3.
Changing material properties of structural elements for model Conclusions
updating the footbridge is given in Table 4.
In this paper, analytical modeling, modal testing, and finite-
element model updating of an arch type steel footbridge located
in Trabzon, Turkey, was presented. A 3D finite-element model of
the footbridge was developed using the SAP2000 program con-
Table 2. Analytical and Experimental Modal Parameters
sidering the design data, and modal parameters such as frequen-
Experimental frequencies cies and mode shapes were determined. The field ambient
共Hz兲 vibration testing was conducted under the natural excitation of the
Analytical Damping Experimental/ footbridge. Two complementary modal parameter identification
frequencies ratios analytical methods were implemented to accurately extract the dynamic
共Hz兲 PP SSI 共%兲 ratios characteristics. When the analytical and experimental dynamic
2.39 2.08 1.90 1.22 0.87 characteristics were compared with each other, some differences
2.50 2.34 2.40 2.82 0.94 were found. For this reason, the finite-element model of the foot-
5.52 4.78 4.70 0.37 0.87
bridge was updated to minimize the differences between analyti-
cally and experimentally estimated modal properties by changing
5.93 5.53 5.50 0.84 0.93
some uncertain modeling parameters such as material properties.
7.63 6.01 5.80 0.40 0.80
Comparing the results of the study, the following observation can
7.65 6.67 6.70 0.26 0.87
be made:


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

Table 4. Change in Material Properties of Structural Elements for Model Updating
Before finite-element model updating After finite-element model updating

Modulus of Mass per Modulus of Mass per

elasticity unit volume elasticity unit volume
Cross-sectional properties 共N / m2兲 共kg/ m3兲 共N / m2兲 共kg/ m3兲
Curved steel tubes 2.000E11 7,900 1.570E11 7,000
Steel pipe suspended 2.000E11 7,900 1.570E11 7,000
Horizontal braces 2.000E11 7,900 1.570E11 7,000
Diagonal braces 2.000E11 7,900 1.570E11 7,000
Deck 2.482E10 2,403 1.600E10 2,403
Side of deck 2.000E11 7,900 1.500E11 7,900
Stairs 2.482E10 2,403 1.600E10 2,403
Side of stairs 2.000E11 7,900 1.500E11 7,900
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Supporter 共horizontal兲 under deck 2.000E11 7,900 1.500E11 7,900

Supporter 共diagonal兲 under deck 2.000E11 7,900 1.500E11 7,900
Piers 共vertical兲 under stairs 2.000E11 7,900 1.500E11 7,900
Piers 共diagonal兲 under stairs 2.000E11 7,900 1.500E11 7,900

1. From the finite-element model of the footbridge, a total of 25 results, and analytical frequencies were larger than those of
natural frequencies were attained analytically, which range the experiments.
between 2.39 and 21.76 Hz. Considering the first six mode 4. To eliminate differences, the finite-element model of the
shapes, these modes can be classified into vertical and tor- footbridge was updated by trial and error of material proper-
sional modes. ties and the maximum difference in the natural frequencies
2. Ambient vibration testing was conducted under natural exci- was reduced from 22 to only 5%.
tation on the footbridge to accurately extract the dynamic 5. After the model updating, there was good agreement between
characteristics using PP and SSI techniques. Good agreement the frequencies and mode shapes obtained from the updated
of identified frequencies was found between PP and SSI model of the footbridge and experimental measurements.
techniques. 6. Dynamic analyses of the footbridge before and after finite-
3. When comparing the analytical and experimental results, it element model updating are performed. It is seen from the
was clearly seen that there were some differences in both analyses that displacements have an increasing trend, but
maximum and minimum principal stresses have a decreasing
trend after finite-element model updating.
Acceleration (m/s²)

Max = 4.82 (m/s²)
0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0
Time (s)

Fig. 11. Time history of ground motion acceleration of 1992 Erzin-

can earthquake

4 4

2 2
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)

0 0

-2 -2

-4 -4
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time (s) Time (s)
a) Before model updating b) After model updating
Fig. 13. Maximum and minimum principal stresses of footbridge
Fig. 12. Time histories of vertical displacement of footbridge deck before finite-element model updating


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

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J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2009, 23(2): 81-89

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