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Audit Data Anal


I. Purpose
The purpose of this mapping document is to illustrate what tools and applications are available today that can help to facilitate
The mapping document also aligns general, traditional audit procedures to the (1) industry they cover (if applicable), (2) releva
(4) phase of the audit, (5) applicable auditing standard, (6) significant account being tested, (7) relevant audit data standard do
mapping document also links to examples found in the AICPA's Guide to Audit Data Analytics.

II. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative infor
The material was prepared by AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AI
understanding that the staff and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If lega
The staff and publisher make no representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the conten
use of, reference to, or reliance on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenc
to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited

III. Layout and Organization of the Mapping Document

The mapping document is organized into the following sections:

Title Overview
Tab #1 Introduction Discusses the purpose of the document.

This tab includes the full library of example audit

related audit assertions, auditing standards, and
standards. Example audit data analytics are also
Tab #2 Library by Audit Phase and Account illustrate how some traditional procedures could

This tab includes a number of visualization and da

options that could be used to support risk assessm
Tab #3 Visualization & Dashboard Ideas audit procedures.
The following tabs (4–23) break out the library of
procedures by audit phase and account. Please no
tabs include the same procedures that are also in
Tab #4 Divider the "Library by Audit Phase" tab.

This spreadsheet focuses on the risk assessment a

and includes some example audit procedures that
Tab #5 Risk Assessment performed to gain an understanding of the entity

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #6 Journal Entry Procedures performed over manual and automated journal e

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #7 Cash performed to test cash accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #8 Marketable Securities performed to test marketable securities.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #9 Accounts Receivable performed to test accounts receivable.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #10 Inventory performed to test inventory accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #11 Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets performed to test prepaid expenses and other ass

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #12 Investments performed to test investments.

This spreadsheet includes a general audit procedu

Tab #13 Impairment performed to test impairment and valuation adju

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #14 Intercompany performed to test intercompany balances.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

the testing of long-term receivables, non-current
Tab #15 Long-Term Financial Assets other long-term financial assets.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #16 Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) testing of PPE.
This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur
performed over intangible assets (including good
Tab #17 Intangibles (Including Goodwill) write-offs.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #18 Notes Payable performed to test notes payable accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #19 Accounts Payable performed to test accounts payable.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #20 Income Taxes performed to test company income taxes.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #21 Other Liabilities performed to test other liabilities.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #22 Debt performed to test debt accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedur

Tab #23 Equity performed to test equity accounts.
Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures
Mapping Document

day that can help to facilitate the automation of certain traditional audit procedures.
over (if applicable), (2) relevant audit assertions, (3) type of procedure being performed,
evant audit data standard document, and (8) example tool or application that could help to perform that particular procedure. The

d to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred practices.
chnical committees or the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with t
r professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be soug
responsibility for, the content or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising ou
tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing stand
dit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

Overview Number of Analytics Referenced

of the document. N/A

ull library of example audit procedures and

ns, auditing standards, and audit data
udit data analytics are also included to
raditional procedures could be automated. 92

mber of visualization and dashboard

used to support risk assessment and other
–23) break out the library of audit
hase and account. Please note that these
procedures that are also included within
Phase" tab. N/A

ses on the risk assessment area of the audit

ample audit procedures that can be
understanding of the entity under audit. 4

udes general audit procedures that could be

ual and automated journal entries. 21

udes general audit procedures that could be

h accounts. 2

udes general audit procedures that could be

rketable securities. 2

udes general audit procedures that could be

ounts receivable. 20

udes general audit procedures that could be

entory accounts. 8

udes general audit procedures that could be

paid expenses and other assets. 0

udes general audit procedures that could be

estments. 2

udes a general audit procedure that could be

pairment and valuation adjustments. 1

udes general audit procedures that could be

ercompany balances. 8

udes general audit procedures related to

rm receivables, non-current deposits, and
cial assets. 2

udes general audit procedures related to the

udes general audit procedures that could be
gible assets (including goodwill) as well as

udes general audit procedures that could be

es payable accounts. 3

udes general audit procedures that could be

ounts payable. 9

udes general audit procedures that could be

mpany income taxes. 0

udes general audit procedures that could be

er liabilities. 2

udes general audit procedures that could be

t accounts. 1

udes general audit procedures that could be

ity accounts. 0
particular procedure. The

dards or preferred practices.

of the AICPA. It is provided with the
rofessional person should be sought.
ability for any damages arising out of the
Also note that the auditing standard linked
in order to comply with requirements.
Library by Audit Phase and Account

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative infor
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and d
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guid
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

*** Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with

**** The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusio


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

Risk Assessment Procedures

1 Obtain an understanding of the entity. General

Obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial

2 General

Considering information from the client acceptance and retention

evaluation, audit planning activities, past audits, and other
3 General
engagements performed for the entity.

4 Performing analytical procedures. General

a. Obtain the entity's financial statements for the prior 3–5 years in
order to review trends and any inconsistencies. Obtain the financial
statements of the respective peer companies over the last 3–5 years General
and compare.
a. Obtain the entity's financial statements for the prior 3–5 years in
order to review trends and any inconsistencies. Obtain the financial
statements of the respective peer companies over the last 3–5 years General
and compare.

b. For each account, calculate the mean, median, mode, and

standard deviation in order to determine where current accounts fall. General
Review the trends.

Conducting a discussion among engagement team members

5 General
regarding the risks of material misstatement.

Inquiring of management and others

6 General
within the company about the risks of material misstatement.

Journal Entry Procedures

Obtain understanding of the period-end financial reporting process,

1 General
including types and sources of journal entries.
Obtain understanding of the period-end financial reporting process,
1 General
including types and sources of journal entries.

Obtain and review a listing of journal entries made during the period
2 and perform audit procedures to determine the completeness of the General

3 Identify population of journal entries to be selected for testing. General

a. Examine population for missing or incomplete journal entries.


b. Examine possible duplicate account entries. General

c. Examine round-dollar entries. General

d. Examine post-date entries. General

e. Examine entries posted on weekends. General

For all journal entry selections made, perform the following

4 procedures:

a. Obtain and review supporting documentation for each journal General

entry selected.
b. Review each entry for proper authorization. General

c. Observe proper segregation of duties. General

General Audit Procedures


1 General
Obtain a complete list of bank accounts (debit and credit balances)
as well as related loan and similar contracts. Obtain and send bank
confirmations for all accounts, including accounts closed during the
year, requesting information about account balances, contingencies,
liens, pledges, restrictions on the client’s assets, guaranteed
amounts, and so on. If there is a valid reason for not confirming all
accounts, document the rationale in the working papers.
2 General

Examine bank reconciliations as of year-end, including cash-in-transit

accounts, to verify the proper reconciliation of bank statements and
general ledger accounts. When appropriate (for example, to
determine whether receipts or disbursements are recorded on a
timely basis or to verify the appropriateness of reconciling items),
obtain cut-off bank statements.

3 General
Test cutoff of cash receipts and cash disbursements for transfers
between different bank accounts at the balance sheet date.

4 General
Test appropriate valuation of cash and cash equivalents (including
overdrafts) in foreign currencies.

Marketable Securities:

1 General

Verify the existence and ownership of recorded securities through

confirmation or examination of evidence of ownership (for example,
stock certificates, bank statements, broker statements).

2 General

Review confirmation replies for evidence of the existence of

marketable securities and of liens, pledges, or other security
interests in marketable securities.
3 General
Inspect market quotations or other evidence of current value of
marketable securities, including those in foreign currencies.

4 General
Test that marketable securities are carried in accordance with the
client's accounting policies or applicable financial reporting

Accounts Receivable:

1 General

Agree receivables sub-ledger to the general ledger control account

and investigate large and unusual reconciling items.

2 General
Confirm accounts receivable.

Determine the size of the sample and document the rationale for the
method used to select the sample in the working papers. Examine
subsequent cash receipts, shipping records, sales contracts, and
other evidence to verify the validity of accounts receivable for which
replies to confirmation requests are unsatisfactory or were not
obtained, or as part of supporting year-end receivables balances.

3 General

If accounts are verified at an interim date, review the “roll-forward”

of activity from the interim date to the balance sheet date in a
manner responsive to our risk assessment and compare level of
activity for the current period with prior periods. Investigate unusual
items; consider confirming (at the balance sheet date) significant
new accounts and those accounts with significant increases or
decreases between the interim date and the balance sheet date.
3 General

If accounts are verified at an interim date, review the “roll-forward”

of activity from the interim date to the balance sheet date in a
manner responsive to our risk assessment and compare level of
activity for the current period with prior periods. Investigate unusual
items; consider confirming (at the balance sheet date) significant
new accounts and those accounts with significant increases or
decreases between the interim date and the balance sheet date.

4 General
Perform analytical procedures to identify peaks in sales volume in
the last few days or weeks of the year and test cutoff by inspecting
sales register, billings, shipping documents, and other supporting
documents before and after the year-end date. When substantive
procedures are performed at an interim date, perform cut-off testing
at that date also. Interim cut-off testing can include either tests of
controls over the timely recording of transactions or relevant
substantive testing.

5 Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts. General

Evaluate the adequacy of other adjustments to accounts receivables,

6 General
such as rebates, credit memos, and discounts.

Test appropriate valuation of accounts receivables in foreign

7 General
Inquire about or review list of credit balances and investigate large
8 General

Test cutoff of receivables and sales.

9 General


1 General

Observe the taking of physical inventory to establish the following:

a. The client’s personnel are complying with the instructions for
taking inventory.

b. Items belonging to the client, or belonging to others but for
which the client is responsible, are accurately counted and recorded.

c. Items to be excluded from inventory (no-value items, non-
inventory items, items belonging to others) are either subject to
satisfactory control and excluded from the counting process or are
accurately counted and recorded, including a clear description of
their non-inventory status.


d. Count tags, sheets, or cards are properly controlled.

e. Perform tests of the client’s counts (from the floor to the General
recorded counts and from recorded counts to the floor); record
sufficient information to be able to trace the test counts into the
inventory compilation at a later date; record selected information
concerning the tags, sheets, or cards that are used, partially used,
unused, and voided.
f. Inspect shipping, receiving, and transfer documents and the
related inventory items, when appropriate, to establish the numbers General
of the last documents used and other information needed to
subsequently verify cutoffs in the accounting records.

2 Review the physical inventory compilation:

a. Trace test counts, confirmations, and, if necessary, records of the

count prepared by the client (for example, count tags, sheets, or
cards) to the inventory compilation. Determine that the unit of General
measure used in the physical inventory compilation is consistent with
the unit of measure used during the physical count.

b. Trace items on the final inventory listing to the physical inventory

tags. Determine that the unit of measure used in the physical General
inventory compilation is consistent with the unit of measures used
during the physical count.

c. Verify that the information gathered during the physical

observation regarding the tags, sheets, or cards that were used, General
partially used, unused, and voided is accurately reflected in the
inventory compilation.

If significant, confirm inventories held by others at the physical

3 inventory date and trace confirmed quantities to the inventory General
compilation; consider observing these physical inventories as well.

Review and compare the reconciliation of the valued physical

inventory compilation with the general ledger account balances and
4 General
the perpetual inventory records. Investigate large and unusual
reconciling items.

5 General
If inventories are taken at an interim date, review the "roll-forward"
documentation in a manner responsive to the combined risk
assessment and investigate unusual items.
5 General
If inventories are taken at an interim date, review the "roll-forward"
documentation in a manner responsive to the combined risk
assessment and investigate unusual items.

6 General
Trace the cut-off information obtained during the physical
observation to the accounting records of sales and purchases.

7 General
Test the valuation of inventory to ensure that it is performed in
accordance with the client’s accounting policy or applicable financial
reporting framework.

8 Test the allowances to reduce the valuation of inventory to net General

realizable value, for example, reserves for slow moving items,
obsolescence, or lower of cost or market.

Prepaid expenses, Deferred Charges, and Other Assets:

Verify existence and carrying amounts through examination of

1 supporting documents or confirmation or a combination of those General

2 Roll forward of prepaids. General

Investments, Including Investments in Affiliates:

1 General

Verify the existence and ownership of recorded investments,

including those in affiliates, through confirmation or examination of
evidence of ownership. Investigate unusual items.

2 General

Review minutes (shareholders, board, executive committee, and so

on), agreements, and confirmation replies for evidence of existence,
liens, pledges, or other security interests in investments, and of
commitments to acquire or dispose of investments.

3 General

Inspect market quotations, financial statements of investees, and

other evidence of current value, cost, or equity amount of
investments and test that investments are carried in accordance with
the client’s accounting policies or applicable financial reporting
framework, including foreign currency translations.

Impairment Testing:

Use information obtained during the audit in determining whether

1 management has identified appropriate indicators of impairment General
and determine that the valuation adjustments are appropriate.

1 General
Review the general ledger at year-end to ensure that intercompany
accounts net properly.

2 General
Obtain a complete list of affiliated companies and obtain
confirmation of receivables from and payables to affiliates, or agree
the account balances with those in the affiliates' records.

3 General
Test the carrying amounts of intercompany accounts, including those
in foreign currencies.

4 General

Test cutoff by inspecting sales register, billings, shipping documents,

and other supporting documents before and after the year-end date.

5 General
Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful intercompany
receivables, considering the aging and findings from audit
procedures performed in the area of investments.

Long-Term Receivables, Non-Current Deposits, and Other Long-Term Financial Assets:

Verify the existence and ownership of long-term receivables through

1 General
confirmation or examination of supporting documentation.
2 Test the carrying amounts of long-term financial assets. General

Property, Plant, and Equipment and Related Income Statement Accounts:

Obtain a schedule of property, plant, and equipment, including

1 capitalized leases, and related additions, disposals, reclassifications, General
and depreciation, depletion, or amortization (PPE sub-ledger) and
agree balances to the respective general ledger accounts.

For significant additions and disposals during the year, examine

2 invoices, capital expenditure authorizations, leases, and other data General
that support these additions and disposals.

Review and examine support for rentals under operating leases and
for significant charges to repairs, maintenance, and other expense
3 General
accounts to determine if they should be capitalized as property,
plant, and equipment.
Review reasonableness of depreciation, depletion, and amortization
4 charges by reference to the client's accounting policy and applicable General
financial reporting framework and expectation for current year.

Use information obtained during the audit in determining whether

5 General
management has identified appropriate indicators of impairment.

Intangibles, Including Goodwill:

1 General
Obtain a schedule of intangibles, including goodwill, and examine the
bases on which additions, amortization, and disposals are recorded.
Examine invoices, authorizations, contracts, agreements, and other
data that support ownership of intangibles or deferred charges
capitalized and disposed of during the year.

2 General

Determine whether writeoffs are required to reflect permanent

impairments of the carrying amounts of intangible assets or deferred

Notes Payable:
1 General

Confirm notes payable regarding amounts owed, terms, collateral,

and restrictions and the debtor's compliance with the loan
provisions. If not identified through confirmation with creditors,
identify liens, security interests, and assets pledged as loan collateral
by confirmation with the appropriate public filing offices or by
inspection of public records.

2 General
Inspect documentation of loan agreements or other short-term
lending arrangements (for example, factoring) to determine the
terms, restrictions, revolving lines of credit, and other pertinent
provisions of notes payable.

Test calculations and other evidence relating to compliance with the

3 General
terms, restrictions, or other provisions of loan agreements.

Review refinancing agreements and notes payable transactions

4 subsequent to the balance sheet date to determine their effects on General
balance sheet classification or on disclosure.

Determine the exchange rate at the balance sheet date and

5 General
recalculate using that rate.

Accounts Payable:

Agree the accounts payable sub-ledger to the general ledger control

1 General
account and investigate large and unusual reconciling items.
Inquire about or perform a review of accounts payable sub-ledger for
unusual items, for example, significant debit balances in the accounts
2 General
payable sub-ledger or other unexpected amounts to verify proper
classification and valuation.

Perform cut-off tests for goods and services received as well as for
3 supplier credit memos to ensure that transactions are completely General
recorded in the correct period.

Perform a search for unrecorded liabilities at the year-end date by

4 selecting subsequent disbursements and unmatched invoices and General
receiving reports.

5 Test appropriate valuation of accounts payable in foreign currencies. General

Income Taxes:

Test the reconciliation of the current-year book/local GAAP/statutory

and taxable income, validate the split between permanent and
1 General
timing differences, and compare reconciling items with those in prior
years and examine support.

Test computations of provisions for current and deferred income

2 taxes for the current year and reconcile to appropriate balance sheet General
and income statement accounts.

3 Investigate potential impairments of deferred tax assets. General

Review the movement of income tax account balances from prior
4 year (including those currently payable or deferred) and valuation General
allowances for deferred tax assets.

Determine whether provision should be made for any tax positions

taken by the client or other tax contingencies, for example, as a
5 General
result of related party transactions, that may be challenged by tax

Test that intercompany and other related party transactions have a

6 valid business reason and are recorded on an arm's length basis. If in General
doubt, consider the involvement of appropriate specialists.

Provisions, Accrued and Other Liabilities, Deferred Income:

Examine the schedule of provisions, accrued liabilities, and deferred

1 income for correctness and completeness, agree amounts to the General
general ledger accounts and ensure proper cutoff.

Examine the composition and computation of pension and other

2 employee-related long-term reserves for reasonableness and General
consider the use of specialists.

Review other liabilities to determine they are appropriate. Determine

that the amounts appear to be reasonable in comparison with prior
3 General
years and under consideration of your understanding of the clients
business and changes to it.

Read legal confirms, board, and audit committee minutes to ensure

4 General
that appropriate reserves and accruals have been recorded.

1 General

Obtain and review a summary of long-term debt and interest for

reasonableness of calculations of interest expense and accrued
interest, including foreign currency translations, and agree schedules
to general ledger. Test compliance with the terms, maturities,
restrictive covenants, or other provisions of debt agreements. In the
case of noncompliance, review any waivers obtained and ascertain
that debt is properly classified.

For new agreements in the year under audit, inspect original or

authenticated copies of debt agreements or other related
2 General
documents to test the terms, restrictive covenants, and other
pertinent provisions of long-term debt.

Read confirmations received from banks or other debt holders to

identify liens, security interests, and assets pledged as collateral for
3 debt or, if necessary, confirm these items with the appropriate public General
filing offices or by inspection of the public records. Determine
whether the financial statements include the required disclosures.

For long-term debt, confirm amounts owed and in sinking funds,

4 terms, collateral, restrictions, and the client's compliance with the General
provisions of the agreements.
Obtain summary of lease and rent contracts and determine whether
5 they have been correctly categorized, based on lease terms, (for General
example, operating or finance lease) in the financial statements.

Determine whether the effects of refinancing agreements and long-

6 term debt transactions subsequent to the balance sheet date are General
appropriately reflected (for example, classification or disclosure)


Obtain an equity reconciliation schedule, including retained earnings

1 General
Agree the balances per the financial statements to the account
balances per the general ledger. Determine whether changes in
equity, (for example, profit distributions, other equity reductions, or
increases) from the prior year-end to the current-year end are
properly accounted for. Determine compliance with applicable laws
and regulations, including taxation issues.

Review the minutes and other supporting documents for the

authorization for and the details of the transactions that affected the
2 General
equity accounts and disclosures during the period, including equity

Read board or authorized committee minutes and inquire of

management regarding any stock option agreements. Determine
3 General
whether options have been appropriately accounted for and

Read board or authorized committee minutes to determine whether

4 all dividend payments are appropriately approved and declared and General
that tax regulations have been followed.
ned to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred practices. Th
CPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding that the st
gal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and publisher
or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or
d as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
ocedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirements.

ystem-generated reports and data, you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

t endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Planning and
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Year-End Procedures

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment & Planning

Multiple Assertions
Risk Assessment & Planning
Multiple Assertions

Completeness, Accuracy,
Existence, Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End
& Occurrence

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness, Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness, Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations
Presentation & Disclosure
Accuracy Substantive Year-End
Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year-End


Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations
Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations
Presentation and Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Roll forward Year-End
Completeness & Accuracy Roll forward Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End


Completeness & Accuracy

Rights & Obligations
Presentation & Disclosure Substantive Interim & Year-End

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End
Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End


Rights & Obligations Roll forward Year-End
Rights & Obligations Roll forward Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End


Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy

Presentation & Disclosure

Substantive Year-End
Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End


Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations
Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End
Rights & Obligations

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End


Completeness & Accuracy

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy
Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Rights & Obligations

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Presentation & Disclosure

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End
Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy

Rights & Obligations Substantive Year-End

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Presentation & Disclosure Substantive Interim & Year-End

Presentation & Disclosure Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Existence Substantive Interim & Year-End

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year-End

t establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
is provided with the understanding that the staff
rson should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
mages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
auditing standard linked to each
dered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
AS 2101Audit Planning

Par. .12 of AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the Entity and Its Environmentand Assessing the Risks of MaterialMisstatement

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

AS 2101Audit Planning

Par. .13 of AU-C sec. 315, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .08d AU-C sec. 300, Planning an Audit AS 2101Audit Planning

Par. .A27 of AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of AS

in a Financial Statement
of Fraud Audit
in a Financial Statement Audit

Par. .07 of AU-C sec. 315, Understanding theASEntity

and Its Environment
and Assessing
and Assessing
Risks of Material
the RisksMisstatement
of Material Misstatement

Par. .06b AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the AS

and Its Environmentand
and Assessing
Risks ofthe
Risks of

Par. .06 of AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the Entity and

PlanningAssessing the Risks of MaterialMisstatement
Par. .A2 of AU-C sec. 520,Analytical Procedures
AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

AS 2101Audit Planning

The cell was intentionally left blank

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the Entity and Its Environmentand Assessing the Risks of MaterialMisstatement

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .06a of AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the Entity and Its Environmentand Assessing the Risks of MaterialMisstatement

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Par. .19f of AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement (Con

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .A47 of AU-C sec. 240, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit (Journal entries at period end)

Only relevant to integrated audits: Par. .24–.25 of AU-C sec. 940, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is In

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit AS

in Response
in a Financial
Risks andStatement
the Audit Evidence Obtain

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

This cell was intentionally left blank AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Par. .A17 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risk and Evaluating the AuditEvidenc
Par. .21 AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. A7 and .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures inThis

cell was
Assessed Risks
Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C sec. 505,External Confirmations

AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

AU-C sec. 505,External Confirmations AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec
Par. .A13 of AU-C sec. 501, Audit Evidence—Specific
AS 2503Auditing
for Instruments,
Selected Items
Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec

Par. .02a Preface: Principles Underlying

an Audit Conducted in Accordance AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec
With Generally Accepted Auditing

Par. .20 and .A51 AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit

cell was intentionally
in Responseleft
Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence

Par. .A24–.A27 of AU-C sec. 505,External Confirmations

Par. .20 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures
AS 2310The in Response
Confirmation to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

Par. .07 of AU-C sec. 530,Audit Sampling

Par. .12, .23, .A51, and .A60 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidenc

AS 2301 The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement

AS 2301 The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .A24 of AU-C sec. 505,External Confirmations

AU-C section 520,Analytical Procedures

AS 2305Substantive Analytical Procedures

Par. .A58 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obta

Par. .A6 of AU-C sec. 540,Auditing AccountingAS

2501Auditing Accounting
Fair Value
Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures

Par. .A6 of AU-C sec. 540,Auditing AccountingAS

2501Auditing Accounting
Fair Value
Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .11a of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—SpecificASConsiderations

2510Auditing for
Selected Items

Par. .11a of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—SpecificASConsiderations

2510Auditing for
Selected Items

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence— SpecificAS

Selected Items

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific AS

Selected Items

Par. .11a of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—SpecificASConsiderations

2510Auditing for
Selected Items

Par. .A26 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—SpecificASConsiderations

2510Auditing Inventories
for Selected Items
Par. .A23 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—SpecificASConsiderations
2510Auditing Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .A26 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—SpecificASConsiderations

2510Auditing Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .11–.15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific

AS 2510Auditing
for Selected Items

Par. .11–.15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific

AS 2510Auditing
for Selected Items

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items

AS 2510Auditing Inventories

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330,Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

This cell was intentionally left blank AS 2510Auditing Inventories

AS 2510Auditing Inventories

Par. .12, .23, and .A60 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items
Par. .12, .23, and .A60 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items
AS 2301The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement

4th bullet par. .A23 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific

AS 2510Auditing
Inventoriesfor Selected Items

Par. .A20 of AU-C sec. 500,Audit Evidence AU Section 331Inventories

This cell was intentionally left blank AU Section 331Inventories

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

This cell was intentionally left blank

AU-C section 505,External Confirmation

Par. .20 of AU-C sec. 500,Audit Evidence

Par. .12, .23, and .A60 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing

This cell
in Response
left blankto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit E
Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

This cell was intentionally left blank

AU-C section 501, Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items

AU-C section 505,External Confirmation

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations AS 2310The Confirmation Process

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A13, .A14, .04, and .05 of AU-C sec. 501, Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items

Par. .09 and .A17–.A18 of AU-C sec. 501, AuditThis

cell was intentionally
left blankfor Selected Items
4th bullet of par. .A69 of AU-C sec. 600, SpecialThis
cell was intentionallyofleft
Financial Statements

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Pars. .13–.15 of AU-C sec. 550, Related Parties

AU-C section 600, Special Considerations—Audits

was intentionally
Financial Statements
left blank

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .19–.20 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Ev
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A7 of AU-C sec. 540, Auditing Accounting Estimates Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures
Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

This cell was intentionally left blank

AU-C section 505, External Confirmations

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell
in Response
was intentionally
to Assessed
blankand Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell
in Response
was intentionally
to Assessed
blankand Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell
in Response
was intentionally
to Assessed
blankand Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

This cell was

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto intentionally
Assessed left
Risks and blank the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures
AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including
AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures was intentionally
Response to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A19 and .A20 of AU-C sec. 500,Audit Evidence

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit This

cell wasinintentionally
Response to left
blank Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, PerformingThis

was intentionally
in Response
left blank
to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained

Par. .09–.11 of AU-C section 560,Subsequent Events

This cell
left blankFacts

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

Par. .A8 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

Par. .A8 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

Par. .A8 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

All Audit Data Standards - General LedgerAudit Data Standards - Base Standard

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard
Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Cash This cell was intentionally left blank

Cash This cell was intentionally left blank

Cash Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Cash This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Audit Data Standard - Inventory

Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Audit Data Standard - Inventory
Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Audit Data Standard - Inventory

Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Prepaid expenses, deferred This cell was intentionally left blank

charges, and other assets

Prepaid expenses, deferred This cell was intentionally left blank

charges, and other assets
Investments, including This cell was intentionally left blank
investments in affiliates

Investments, including This cell was intentionally left blank

investments in affiliates

Investments, including This cell was intentionally left blank

investments in affiliates

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Long-term receivables, non-current deposits, This cell was intentionally left blank
and other long-term financial assets
Long-term receivables, non-current deposits, This cell was intentionally left blank
and other long-term financial assets

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud
Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Intangibles and Goodwill This cell was intentionally left blank

Intangibles and Goodwill This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Notes Payable This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard
Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income
Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Audit D

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This can be easily achieved by creating calculated fields

to show differences and highlight the large
increases/decreases. Importing the trial balances from ACL resources specific to GL and O2C analytics include: Application Sh
previous years can also be used for trend analysis or
reconstructing the trial balances from a transactional
database can serve multiple purposes.

The Trend Analysis task in IDEA fits a straight line, called the
GL trend
line, which
by yearCompared
represents theprevious
linear relationship,
totals by GLthat
to current
is applied
The Trend Analysis task in IDEA fits a straight line, called the
GL trend
line, which
by yearCompared
represents theprevious
linear relationship,
totals by GLthat
to current
is applied

Summarize by year/account and generate a database ACL Summarization of journal entries by account
would accomplish this.
that will not only contain the count and the sum but also ACL's SUMMARIZE as of v12 now provides
include average, minimum, maximum, standard Average, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation,
deviation. Min, Max, and quartiles

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank GL period close cut-off

This cell was intentionally left blank GL period close cut-off

Gap detection in JE_Number, Missing day of activity

(workdays). Join (reconciliation with trial balance), data ACL's General Ledger (GL)Analytics
range (earliest/latest date)

Stratify GL Accounts
Stratify a particular GL account to look for journal
entries that are outside of the normal range of
Importing the database from accounting packages/ERP values posted to the account
using connector or export/import using CSV. Conduct
proper reconciliation to ensure data integrity by using
field statistics and summarization and compare with
reports from client.
ACL Inspirations for GL Analysis

SmartAnalyzer test ACL Essentials Module for Journal EntriesAnalytics

SmartAnalyzer test (1) Duplicate JEs: same account, same amountIdentify any duplicate
SmartAnalyzer test ACL's General Ledger (GL)Analytics

SmartAnalyzer test ACL's General Ledger (GL)Analytics

SmartAnalyzer test Suspicious weekend or holiday JEAnalyze any and all JE created/poste

Generate reports from items that have been isolated by N/A

the previous tests.
If the authorization information is available electronically,(1)
can transaction
easily checkJE
the transactions
by authorization
joining the Author

This task can be easy or very complex depending on the size

(1) of
the company
of duties:
or the Parked
ERP systems
vs posted
used. We
have, forofexam

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

SmartAnalyzer test - custom for the GAO (Cdn) This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

SUMMARIZE receivables on related revenue

control account and JOIN with General Ledger.
Easy IDEA routine Filter for differences, and report the largest
differences by amount/percentage

Accounts Receivable Analytics can be used for value added tests

Join database (matching) on invoicenumber. IDEA offers several sampling methods together with the ability to calculate sampl

CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select the sample for confirmati

Compare 2 files (Interim and Year-End) using accounts as Perform a variance analysis between Interim and
Year End accounts, highlighting items over a
the key field specified threshold requiring further review.
Compare 2 files (Interim and Year-End) using accounts as Perform a variance analysis between Interim and
Year End accounts, highlighting items over a
the key field specified threshold requiring further review.

SmartAnalyzer test Channel Stuffing Analysis

Re-perform aging Accounts Receivable AnalysisSpecifically looking at days billings outst

Extraction to isolate adjustments - manual operations (1) Unauthorized adjustmentsIdentify adjustments posted in A/R by u

Recalculate AR values using exchange rates in

effect (as obtained from Bank of Canada or other
This cell was intentionally left blank applicable central bank on line) and compare to
recorded values in GL. Identify significant
variances for further investigation.
Isolate credit balances and use a criteria to extract large ACL Essentials - Debtors with credit balances

Compare posting dates vs date entered to identify

SmartAnalyzer test potential cut-off issues

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Inventory Listing extract can be used as a starting po

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Inventory Listing extract can be used as a starting po

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

IDEA for Sample selection Sample selection

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Journal adjustments to inventory accounts

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Journal adjustments to inventory accounts

This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select inventories held by other

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Journal adjustments to inventory accounts

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

SmartAnalyzer test ACL Essentials - Stock & Inventory Management

SmartAnalyzer test ACL Essentials - Stock & Inventory Management

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select investments for confirma

This cell was intentionally left blank Use of Text Analytics Toolkit to identify keywords and word trends ov

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank Fixed Asset Analysis

Extraction on sub-accounts. Manual Summarize and compare intercompany accounts
operations to ensure they net to zero

Summarize and compare affiliate company

This cell was intentionally left blank accounts to ensure they agree; highlight
variances for further analysis.

Extraction + Manual operations This cell was intentionally left blank

Join Sales Orders to Shipping Documents to

Field Statistics and Date Stratification to isolate Billings; review the dates of entry/posting for
transactions/entries after year-end date. each for transactions that "bridge" the year-end
date. Extract these and compare against accruals

Re-perform aging Debtors age analysis

This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select receivables for confirmati
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Performing an extraction (based on

account numbers). Include manual Combination of use of Fixed Asset Analysis and Textual Analytics

Stratify Combination of use of Fixed Asset Analysis and Textual Analytics

This cell was intentionally left blank Combination of use of Fixed Asset Analysis and Textual Analytics
SmartAnalyzer Test:• Recalculate Straight Line Depreciation
creates depreciation
a list of fixedrecalculationRecalculate
assets using the straight-linemethod
expected depreciatio
of depre

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select notes payable for confirm

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Recalculate financial statement balances using

exchange rates in effect (as obtained from Bank
of Canada or other applicable central bank on
This cell was intentionally left blank line) and compare to recorded values in GL.
Identify significant variances for further

Compare AP subledger to the GL and identify

SmartAnalyzer test significant differences for investigation.
SmartAnalyzer test Inspirations - P2P

SmartAnalyzer test This cell was intentionally left blank

Join the two databases (current and subsequent) and ACL Essentials - Three way match
select the option Records with no primary match

Recalculate AP values using exchange rates in

effect (as obtained from applicable central bank
Creation of calculated and summarization on line) and compare to recorded values in GL.
Identify significant variances for further

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Compare YoY by joining other liabilities account

This cell was intentionally left blank against the previous year. Identify and report
significant changes, additions, and subtractions.

This cell was intentionally left blank Use of Text Analytics Toolkit to identify keywords and word trends ov
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,
a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically This cell was intentionally left blank
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,

a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically This cell was intentionally left blank
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.

Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,

a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically This cell was intentionally left blank
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
responders. is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party

This cell was intentionally left blank

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This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation
solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples

This columns offers sample step-by-step examples that can be found in the AICPA's Guide to Audit Data Analytics.
The examples illustrate ways that ADAs can be used throughout the financial statement audit.
Appendix A of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provides examples of using ADAs in performing risk assessment procedures.

- Example 2-1 – Non-statistical Trend Analysis of Sales Revenue

- Example 2-2 – GL Account Balance Analysis
- Example 2-3 – Analysis of Customer Accounts Receivable Churn
- Example 2-4 – Quantity and Pricing Analysis of Sales Revenue
- Example 2-5 – Process Mining from Sales Order to Sales Invoice
- Example 2-5 – Process Mining from Sales Order to Sales Invoice

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

The cell was intentionally left blank

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":
- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue
- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam
Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue
- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":
- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure
- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
Visualization & Dashboard Ideas

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and d
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guida
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

*** Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with t

**** The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusio


Visualization and Dashboa

Risk Assessment Procedures
Traditional Procedure Work Stream
Create an Excel lead sheet for each audit area and
1 agree balances to the trial balance Financial Statements

Scan trial balance and financial statements for

2 abnormal balances Financial Statements

Determine whether beginning retained earnings agrees

3 to prior year retained earnings after closing out Financial Statements

Sum and agree account totals per the general ledger

detail to the trial balance and financial statements, and
4 subledger detail to the general ledger detail. General Ledger and Trial Balance
to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred practices. The m
board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
dvice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and publisher mak
pplication of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or relia
examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
ure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirements.

m-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ed to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

rsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

y reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

and Dashboard Options for Risk Assessment Procedures

Visualization Option
Financial Statement Quantitative Drilldown

Chart of Accounts Analysis

Beginning Balance Validation

Trial Balance to GL Detail Activity Validation

the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
al opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
rvices of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
ed with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
tional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirements.

blish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

sertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

for Risk Assessment Procedures

This tool allows the user to visually drill down financial statement balances to the general ledger (GL) level detail. It also allows

This allows users to determine whether balances meet normal expectations (that is, assets have debit balances, liabilities have

Using Python Pandas to validate that prior year ending balances roll forward correctly to the current year beginning balances.

Using Python Pandas to validate that trial balance activity (ending trial balance minus beginning trial balance) equals GL activit


The proceeding tabs (4 through 23) break out the full library of audit procedures by audit phase and account. Please note that
tabs include the same procedures that are also included within the "Library by Audit Phase" tab.

The remaining tabs are organized as follows:

Title Overview

This spreadsheet focuses on the risk assessment ar

audit and includes some example audit procedures
be performed to gain an understanding of the entit
Tab #5 Risk Assessment audit.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #6 Journal Entry Procedures be performed over manual and automated journal

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #7 Cash be performed to test cash accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #8 Marketable Securities be performed to test marketable securities.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #9 Accounts Receivable be performed to test accounts receivable.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #10 Inventory be performed to test inventory accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #11 Prepaid Expenses & Other Assets be performed to test prepaid expenses and other a

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #12 Investments be performed to test investments.
This spreadsheet includes a general audit procedur
could be performed to test impairment and valuati
Tab #13 Impairment adjustments.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #14 Intercompany be performed to test intercompany balances.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedure

to the testing of long-term receivables, non-curren
Tab #15 Long-Term Financial Assets and other long-term financial assets.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #16 Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) the testing of PPE.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

be performed over intangible assets (including goo
Tab #17 Intangibles well as write-offs.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #18 Notes Payable be performed to test notes payable accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #19 Accounts Payable be performed to test accounts payable.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #20 Income Taxes be performed to test company income taxes.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #21 Other Liabilities be performed to test other liabilities.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #22 Debt be performed to test debt accounts.

This spreadsheet includes general audit procedures

Tab #23 Equity be performed to test equity accounts.
e and account. Please note that these


cuses on the risk assessment area of the

ome example audit procedures that can
in an understanding of the entity under

cludes general audit procedures that could

manual and automated journal entries.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t cash accounts.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t marketable securities.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t accounts receivable.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t inventory accounts.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t prepaid expenses and other assets.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t investments.
cludes a general audit procedure that
to test impairment and valuation

cludes general audit procedures that could

t intercompany balances.

cludes general audit procedures related

g-term receivables, non-current deposits,
m financial assets.

cludes general audit procedures related to

cludes general audit procedures that could

ntangible assets (including goodwill) as

cludes general audit procedures that could

t notes payable accounts.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t accounts payable.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t company income taxes.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t other liabilities.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t debt accounts.

cludes general audit procedures that could

t equity accounts.
General Audit Procedures - RISK ASSESSMENT

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the st

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

Risk Assessment Procedures

1 Obtain an understanding of the entity General

1 Obtain an understanding of the entity General

2 Obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial General


Considering information from the client acceptance and retention

3 evaluation, audit planning activities, past audits, and other General
engagements performed for the entity

4 Performing analytical procedures General

a. Obtain the entity's financial statements for the prior 3–5 years in
order to review trends and any inconsistencies. Obtain the financial
statements of the respective peer companies over the last 3–5 years General
and compare.
a. Obtain the entity's financial statements for the prior 3–5 years in
order to review trends and any inconsistencies. Obtain the financial
statements of the respective peer companies over the last 3–5 years General
and compare.

b. For each account, calculate the mean, median, mode, and

standard deviation in order to determine where current accounts fall. General
Review the trends.

5 Conducting a discussion among engagement team members General

regarding the risks of material misstatement

6 Inquiring of management and others General

within the company about the risks of material misstatement
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Planning and
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Year-End Procedures

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Planning

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards

AS 2101
Audit Planning
Par. .12 of AU-C sec. 315,
Understanding the Entity and Its
and Assessing the Risks of Material
Par. .12 of AU-C sec. 315,
Understanding the Entity and Its
and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement AS 2110
Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Material Misstatement

AS 2101
Audit Planning
Par. .13 of AU-C sec. 315,
Understanding the Entity and Its
Environment and Assessing the Risks of
Material Misstatement AS 2110
Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Material Misstatement

Par. .08d of AU-C sec. 300, Planning an AS 2101

Audit Audit Planning

Par. .A27 of AU-C sec. 240, AS 2401

Consideration of Fraud in a Consideration of Fraud in a Financial
Financial Statement Audit Statement Audit

Par. .07 of AU-C sec. 315, AS 2110

Understanding the Entity and Its Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
Material Misstatement

Par. .06b of AU-C sec. 315,

Understanding the Entity and Its
Environment AS 2110
and Assessing the Risks of Material Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Misstatement Material Misstatement

Par. .06 of AU-C sec. 315,

Understanding the Entity and Its AS 2101
Environment Audit Planning
and Assessing the Risks of Material
AS 2110
Paragraph .A2 of AU-C sec. 520, Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Analytical Procedures Material Misstatement

AS 2101
Audit Planning

The cell was intentionally left blank

AS 2110
Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Material Misstatement

AS 2110
Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 315, Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Understanding the Entity and Its Material Misstatement
and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement AS 2401
Consideration of Fraud in a Financial
Statement Audit

AS 2110
Par. .06a of AU-C sec. 315, Identifying and Assessing Risks of
Understanding the Entity and Its Material Misstatement
and Assessing the Risks of Material
AS 2401
Consideration of Fraud in a Financial
Statement Audit
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards

Audit Data Standard - General Ledger

This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Audit Data Standard - General Ledger
This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Audit Data Standard - General Ledger

This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

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This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Audit Data Standards - General Ledger

All Audit Data Standards - Base Standard

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Audit Data Standard - General Ledger

Various Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

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Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
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This can be easily achieved by creating calculated

fields to show differences and highlighting the large ACL resources specific to GL and O2C analytics
increases/decreases. Importing the trial balances include: Application Sheets, Scripthub, and
from previous years can also be used for trend Inspirations.
analysis or reconstructing the trial balances from
transactional database that can serve multiple

The Trend Analysis task in IDEA fits a straight line,

called the trend line, representing the linear
relationship, that is applied to the actual data in order
to predict future values in the Trend Analysis task. The
trend line represents the fitted data to the actual data GL Comparison by year
using linear regression and the method of least Compared previous totals by GL to current year
squares and then reports the slope of the line. A totals by GL
measure called Mean Absolute Percentage Error
measures the reliability of the forecast data.
The Trend Analysis task in IDEA fits a straight line,
called the trend line, representing the linear
relationship, that is applied to the actual data in order
to predict future values in the Trend Analysis task. The
trend line represents the fitted data to the actual data GL Comparison by year
using linear regression and the method of least Compared previous totals by GL to current year
squares and then reports the slope of the line. A totals by GL
measure called Mean Absolute Percentage Error
measures the reliability of the forecast data.

Summarize by year/account and generate a database ACL summarization of journal entries by account
would accomplish this.
that will not only contain the count and the sum but ACL's SUMMARIZE as of v12 now provides
also include average, minimum, maximum, standard Average, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation,
deviation. Min, Max, and Quartiles

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Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan

Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,

a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically This cell was intentionally left blank
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.
Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,
a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate This cell was intentionally left blank
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.

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Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples

This columns offers step-by-step examples that can be found in the AICPA's "Guide to Audit Data Analytics."
The examples illustrate ways that ADAs can be used throughout the financial statement audit.
Appendix A of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provides examples of using ADAs in performing risk assessment procedures.

- Example 2-1 – Non-statistical Trend Analysis of Sales Revenue

- Example 2-2 – GL Account Balance Analysis
- Example 2-3 – Analysis of Customer Accounts Receivable Churn
- Example 2-4 – Quantity and Pricing Analysis of Sales Revenue
- Example 2-5 – Process Mining from Sales Order to Sales Invoice
- Example 2-5 – Process Mining from Sales Order to Sales Invoice
General Audit Procedures - JOURNAL ENTRIES

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the st

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

Journal Entry Procedures

1 Obtain understanding of the period end financial reporting process, General
including types and sources of journal entries

Obtain and review a listing of journal entries, made during the

2 period, and perform audit procedures to determine the General
completeness of the population

3 Identify population of journal entries to be selected for testing General

a. Examine population for missing or incomplete journal entries

b. Examine possible duplicate account entries General

c. Examine round-dollar entries General

d. Examine post-date entries General

e. Examine entries posted on weekends General

4 For all journal entry selections made, perform the following


a. Obtain and review supporting documentation for each journal General

entry selected.
b. Review each entry for proper authorization General

c. Observe proper segregation of duties General

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Risk Assessment & Planning
Multiple Assertions

Completeness, Accuracy,
Existence, Valuation, Substantive Interim & Year end
& Occurrence

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness, Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness, Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .19f of AU-C sec. 315,Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement (Con

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtaine

AS 2110Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .A47 of AU-C sec. 240, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit(Journal entries at period end)

Only relevant to integrated audits: Par. .24–.25 of AU-C sec. 940, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is In

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

AS 2401Consideration
in Response to Assessed
of Fraud
in aand
the AuditEvidence
Audit Obtain

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec . 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Appendixes B and C in AU-C sec. 240,Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Scanning: Par. .A22 in AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

Par. .A14 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

This cell was intentionally left blank AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit

Par. .A17 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence AS 2401Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard
Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Various This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank GL period close cut-off

Gap detection in JE_Number, Missing day of activity

(workdays). Join (reconciliation with trial balance), ACL's General Ledger (GL)Analytics
data range (earliest/latest date)

Stratify GL Accounts
Stratify a particular GL account to look for journal
entries that are outside of the normal range of
Importing the database from Accounting values posted to the account
packages/ERP using connector or export/import using
CSV. Conduct proper reconciliation to ensure data
integrity by using Field Statistics and Summarization
and compare with reports from client.
ACL Inspirations for GL Analysis

SmartAnalyzer test ACL Essentials Module for Journal EntriesAnalytics

SmartAnalyzer test (1) Duplicate JEs: same account, same amountIdentify any duplicate jou

SmartAnalyzer test ACL's General Ledger (GL)Analytics

SmartAnalyzer test ACL's General Ledger (GL)Analytics

SmartAnalyzer test Suspicious weekend or holiday JEAnalyze any and all JE created/posted

Generate reports from items that have been isolated N/A

by the previous tests.
If the authorization information is available electronically,
(1) IDEA
easily check
JE over
of the transactions
limitEnsure authorization
by joining the and

This task can be easy or very complex depending on the(1)size

of the company
of duties:
or the
ERP vs
We have, of
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
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Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
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General Audit Procedures by Account - CASH

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the st

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

1 General
Obtain a complete list of bank accounts (debit and credit balances)
as well as related loan and similar contracts. Obtain and send bank
confirmations for all accounts, including accounts closed during the
year, requesting information about account balances, contingencies,
liens, pledges, restrictions on the client’s assets, guaranteed
amounts, and so on. If there is a valid reason for not confirming all
accounts, document the rationale in the working papers.

2 General
Examine bank reconciliations as of year-end, including cash-in-transit
accounts, to verify the proper reconciliation of bank statements and
general ledger accounts. When appropriate (for example, to
determine whether receipts or disbursements are recorded on a
timely basis or to verify the appropriateness of reconciling items),
obtain cut-off bank statements.

3 General
Test cutoff of cash receipts and cash disbursements for transfers
between different bank accounts at the balance sheet date.

4 General
Test appropriate valuation of cash and cash equivalents (including
overdrafts) in foreign currencies.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations
Presentation & Disclosure

Accuracy Substantive Year end
Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year end


Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

the scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
AU-C section 505,
External Confirmations

AS 2310
Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, The Confirmation Process
Performing Audit Procedures in
Response to Assessed Risks and
Evaluating the Audit
Evidence Obtained

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing

Audit Procedures in Response
to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the
Evidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A7 and .A22 of AU-C sec. 500,
Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing

Audit Procedures in Response
to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the This cell was intentionally left blank
Evidence Obtained
AU-C section 330, Performing
Audit Procedures in Response
to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the This cell was intentionally left blank
Evidence Obtained
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Cash This cell was intentionally left blank

Cash This cell was intentionally left blank

Audit Data Standard - General Ledger

Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Cash This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Aud

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

SmartAnalyzer test - custom for the This cell was intentionally left blank
GAO (Cdn)

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation solution that
offers a secure online platform for auditors and
accounting firms to effectively perform audit
confirmations (for example, accounts receivable,
accounts payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party responders.

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide
examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":
- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental
- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping
Documents, and a Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - MARKETABLE SECURITIES

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Marketable Securities:

1 General

Verify the existence and ownership of recorded securities through

1 General

Verify the existence and ownership of recorded securities through

confirmation or examination of evidence of ownership (for example,
stock certificates, bank statements, broker statements).

2 General

Review confirmation replies for evidence of the existence of

marketable securities, and of liens, pledges, or other security
interests in marketable securities.

3 General
Inspect market quotations or other evidence of current value of
marketable securities, including those in foreign currencies.

4 General
Test that marketable securities are carried in accordance with the
client's accounting policies or applicable financial reporting

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations
Completeness Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations

Completeness Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

the scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec

AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEviden

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec

Par. .A13 of AU-C sec. 501, Audit Evidence—Specific

AS 2503Auditing
for Instruments,
Selected Items
Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec

Par. 2a Preface: Principles Underlying

an Audit Conducted in Accordance AS 2503Auditing Derivative Instruments, Hedging Activities, and Investments in Sec
With Generally Accepted Auditing
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Marketable Securities This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Audit Da

Caseware ACL

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
responders. is an audit confirmation
solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party
responders. is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of
using ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of

Examples included within Appendix B "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match of Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a
Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AI

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Accounts Receivable:
1 General

Agree receivables subledger to the general ledger control account

and investigate large and unusual reconciling items.

2 General

Confirm accounts receivable.

Determine the size of the sample and document the rationale for the
method used to select the sample in the working papers. Examine
subsequent cash receipts, shipping records, sales contracts, and
other evidence to verify the validity of accounts receivable for which
replies to confirmation requests are unsatisfactory or were not
obtained or as part of supporting year-end receivables balances.

3 General
If accounts are verified at an interim date, review the “roll-forward”
of activity from the interim date to the balance sheet date in a
manner responsive to our risk assessment and compare level of
activity for the current period with prior periods. Investigate unusual
items; consider confirming (at the balance sheet date) significant
new accounts and those accounts with significant increases or
decreases between the interim date and the balance sheet date.

4 General
Perform analytical procedures to identify peaks in sales volume in
the last few days or weeks of the year and test cutoff by inspecting
sales register, billings, shipping documents, and other supporting
documents before and after the year-end date. When substantive
procedures are performed at an interim date, perform cut-off testing
at that date also. Interim cut-off testing can include either tests of
controls over the timely recording of transactions or relevant
substantive testing.
4 General
Perform analytical procedures to identify peaks in sales volume in
the last few days or weeks of the year and test cutoff by inspecting
sales register, billings, shipping documents, and other supporting
documents before and after the year-end date. When substantive
procedures are performed at an interim date, perform cut-off testing
at that date also. Interim cut-off testing can include either tests of
controls over the timely recording of transactions or relevant
substantive testing.

5 Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts. General

6 Evaluate the adequacy of other adjustments to accounts receivables, General

such as rebates, credit memos, discounts.

7 Test appropriate valuation of accounts receivables in foreign General


8 Inquire about or review list of credit balances and investigate large General

Test cutoff of receivables/sales

9 General

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

t endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations
Presentation and Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Roll forward Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end


Completeness & Accuracy

Rights & Obligations
Presentation & Disclosure Substantive Interim & Year end

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
that the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

the scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .20 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, PerformingThis
was intentionally
in Responseto
left blank
Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidenc

Par. .A24–.A27 of AU-C sec. 505,External Confirmations

Par. .20 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures
AS 2310The in Responseto
Confirmation Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidenc

Par. .07 of AU-C sec. 530,Audit Sampling

Par. .12, .23, .A51, and .A60 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Au

AS 2301 The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement

Par. .A24 of AU-C sec. 505,External Confirmations

AU-C section 520,Analytical Procedures

AS 2305Substantive Analytical Procedures

AS 2305Substantive Analytical Procedures

Par. .A58 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtain

Par. .A6 of AU-C sec. 540,Auditing AccountingAS

2501Auditing Accounting
Fair Value
Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures

Par. .A6 of AU-C sec. 540,Auditing AccountingAS

2501Auditing Accounting
Fair Value
Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Receivable Audit Data Standard - Order to Cash Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Example Aud

Caseware ACL
SUMMARIZE receivables on related revenue
control account and JOIN with General Ledger.
Easy IDEA routine Filter for differences, and report the largest
differences by amount/percentage

Accounts Receivable Analytics can be used for value added tests

Join database (matching) on invoicenumber. IDEA offers several sampling methods together with the ability to calculate sampl

CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select the sample for confirmation

Compare 2 files (Interim and Year-End) using accounts Perform a variance analysis between Interim and
year-end accounts, highlighting items over a
as the key field specified threshold requiring further review.

SmartAnalyzer test Channel Stuffing Analysis

SmartAnalyzer test Channel Stuffing Analysis

Re-perform aging Accounts Receivable AnalysisSpecifically looking at days billings outstan

Extraction to isolate adjustments - manual operations (1) Unauthorized adjustmentsIdentify adjustments posted in A/R by una

Recalculate AR values using exchange rates in

effect (as obtained from Bank of Canada or other
This cell was intentionally left blank applicable central bank on line) and compare to
recorded values in GL. Identify significant
variances for further investigation.

Isolate credit balances and use a criteria to extract ACL Essentials - Debtors with credit balances
large amounts

Compare posting dates vs. date entered to

SmartAnalyzer test identify potential cut-off issues
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation solution that

offers a secure online platform for auditors and
accounting firms to effectively perform audit
confirmations (e.g., accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, etc.) in both online and paper formats
securely to third-party responders.

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide
examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents,
and a Master Price List
Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in
Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents,
and a Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - INVENTORY

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

1 General

Observe the taking of physical inventory to establish that:

a. The client’s personnel are complying with the instructions for
taking inventory

b. Items belonging to the client, or belonging to others but for
which the client is responsible, are accurately counted and recorded.

c. Items to be excluded from inventory (no-value items, non-
inventory items, items belonging to others) are either subject to
satisfactory control and excluded from the counting process or are
accurately counted and recorded, including a clear description of
their non-inventory status.


d. Count tags, sheets, or cards are properly controlled.

e. Perform tests of the client’s counts (from the floor to the General
recorded counts and from recorded counts to the floor); record
sufficient information to be able to trace the test counts into the
inventory compilation at a later date; record selected information
concerning the tags, sheets, or cards that are used, partially used,
unused, and voided.

f. Inspect shipping, receiving, and transfer documents and the

related inventory items, when appropriate, to establish the numbers General
of the last documents used and other information needed to
subsequently verify cutoffs in the accounting records.

2 Review the physical inventory compilation:

a. Trace test counts, confirmations, and, if necessary, records of the
count prepared by the client (for example, count tags, sheets, or
cards) to the inventory compilation. Determine that the unit of General
measure used in the physical inventory compilation is consistent with
the unit of measure used during the physical count.

b. Trace items on the final inventory listing to the physical inventory

tags. Determine that the unit of measure used in the physical General
inventory compilation is consistent with the unit of measures used
during the physical count.

c. Verify that the information gathered during the physical

observation regarding the tags, sheets, or cards that were used, General
partially used, unused, and voided is accurately reflected in the
inventory compilation.

If significant, confirm inventories held by others at the physical

3 inventory date and trace confirmed quantities to the inventory General
compilation; consider observing these physical inventories, as well.

Review and compare the reconciliation of the valued physical

4 inventory compilation with the general ledger account balances and General
the perpetual inventory records. Investigate large and unusual
reconciling items.

5 General
If inventories are taken at an interim date, review the "roll-forward"
documentation in a manner responsive to the combined risk
assessment and investigate unusual items.

6 General
Trace the cut-off information obtained during the physical
observation to the accounting records of sales and purchases.
6 General
Trace the cut-off information obtained during the physical
observation to the accounting records of sales and purchases.

7 General
Test the valuation of inventory to ensure that it is performed in
accordance with the client’s accounting policy or applicable financial
reporting framework.

8 Test the allowances to reduce the valuation of inventory to net General

realizable value, for example, reserves for slow moving items,
obsolescence, or lower of cost or market.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end


Rights & Obligations Roll forward Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end
does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

the scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .11a of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations
AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .11a of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .11a of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .A26 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .A23 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items
Par. .A26 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations
AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .11–.15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific AS

for Selected Items

Par. .11–.15 of AU-C sec. 501Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations

AS 2510Inventories
for Selected Items

Par. .15 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items

AS 2510Inventories

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330,Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidenc

This cell was intentionally left blank AS 2510Inventories

AS 2510Inventories

Par. .12, .23 and .A60 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items
AS 2301The Auditor's Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement

4th bullet par. .A23 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific

AS 2510Inventories
Considerations for Selected Items
4th bullet par. .A23 of AU-C sec. 501,Audit Evidence—Specific
AS 2510Inventories
Considerations for Selected Items

Par. .A20 of AU-C sec. 500,Audit Evidence AU Section 331Inventories

This cell was intentionally left blank AU Section 331Inventories

Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Audit Data Standard - Inventory

Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Audit Data Standard - Inventory

Audit Data Standard - Base Standard
Audit Data Standard - Inventory
Audit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Inventory Audit Data Standard - InventoryAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Example Audit D

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Inventory Listing extract can be used as a starting point

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Inventory Listing extract can be used as a starting point

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

IDEA for Sample selection Sample selection

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Journal adjustments to inventory accounts

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Journal adjustments to inventory accounts

This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select inventories held by others fo

This cell was intentionally left blank ACL Essentials - Journal adjustments to inventory accounts

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

SmartAnalyzer test ACL Essentials - Stock & Inventory Management

SmartAnalyzer test ACL Essentials - Stock & Inventory Management

Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank Dronescan for physical inventory counts

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using
ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using
ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master
Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - PREPAID EXPENSES & OTHER ASSETS

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data you
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Prepaid expenses, deferred charges, and other assets:

Verify existence and carrying amounts through examination of
1 supporting documents, or confirmation or a combination of those General

2 Roll forward of prepaids General


is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

s may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy
Rights & Obligations Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Year end

Presentation & Disclosure
does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

dures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidenc

This cell was intentionally left blank

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

Par. .20 of AU-C sec. 500,Audit Evidence

Par. .12, .23, and .A60 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing

This cell
in Responseto
left blank Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEv
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Prepaid expenses, deferred This cell was intentionally left blank
charges, and other assets

Prepaid expenses, deferred This cell was intentionally left blank

charges, and other assets
Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,
a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically This cell was intentionally left blank
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.

Oversight offers Oversight Insights on Demand,

a web-based solution enabling line
of business administrators to automatically This cell was intentionally left blank
audit 100% of expenses to detect and eliminate
fraud, errors, misuse, and waste within their
spend programs.
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in
performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive

Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of


- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - INVESTMENTS

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Investments, including investments in affiliates:

1 General

Verify the existence and ownership of recorded investments,

including those in affiliates, through confirmation or examination of
evidence of ownership. Investigate unusual items.

2 General

Review minutes (shareholders, board, executive committee, and so

on); agreements and confirmation replies for evidence of existence,
liens, pledges, or other security interests in investments; and of
commitments to acquire or dispose of investments.

3 General

Inspect market quotations, financial statements of investees, and

other evidence of current value, cost, or equity amount of
investments and test that investments are carried in accordance with
the client’s accounting policies or applicable financial reporting
framework, including foreign currency translations.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

s may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Existence Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations

Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

dures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidenc

This cell was intentionally left blank

AU-C section 501, Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations AS 2310The Confirmation Process

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A13, .A14, .04 and .05 of AU-C sec. 501, Audit Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Investments, including This cell was intentionally left blank
investments in affiliates

Investments, including This cell was intentionally left blank

investments in affiliates

Investments, including This cell was intentionally left blank

investments in affiliates
Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select investments for confirmatio

This cell was intentionally left blank Use of Text Analytics Toolkit to identify keywords and word trends over

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of
using ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a
Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - IMPAIRMENTS

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Impairment testing
Use information obtained during the audit in determining whether
1 management has identified appropriate indicators of impairment General
and determine that the valuation adjustments are appropriate.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end
does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .09 and .A17—.A18 of AU-C sec. 501, Audit
cell was intentionally
left blank for Selected Items
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Various This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Dat

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank Fixed Asset Analysis
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
General Audit Procedures by Account - INTERCOMPANY ACCOUNTS

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AI

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

1 General

Review the General Ledger at year end to ensure that intercompany

accounts net properly.

2 General
Obtain a complete list of affiliated companies and obtain
confirmation of receivables from and payables to affiliates or agree
the account balances with those in the affiliates' records.

3 General
Test the carrying amounts of intercompany accounts, including those
in foreign currencies.

4 General

Test cutoff by inspecting sales register, billings, shipping documents,

and other supporting documents before and after the year-end date.

5 General
Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful intercompany
receivables, considering the aging and findings from audit
procedures performed in the area of investments.

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

t endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
4th bullet of par. .A69 of AU-C sec. 600, SpecialThis
cell was intentionallyofleft
Financial Statements (Including the Work of C

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .13–.15 of AU-C sec. 550, Related Parties

AU-C section 600, Special Considerations—Audits

was intentionally
Financial Statements
left blank
(Including the Work of Component Auditors)

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
This cell was intentionally left blank Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
Extraction on sub-accounts. Manual Summarize and compare intercompany accounts
operations to ensure they net to zero

Summarize and compare affiliate company

This cell was intentionally left blank accounts to ensure they agree; highlight
variances for further analysis.

Extraction + Manual operations This cell was intentionally left blank

Join Sales Orders to Shipping Documents to

Field Statistics and Date Stratification to isolate Billings; review the dates of entry/posting for
transactions/entries after year-end date. each for transactions that "bridge" the year-end
date. Extract these and compare against accruals.

Re-perform aging Debtors age analysis

Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

General Audit Procedures by Account - LONG-TERM FINANCIAL ASSETS

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AI

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Long-term receivables, non-current deposits, and other long-term financial assets

1 Verify the existence and ownership of long-term receivables through General

confirmation or examination of supporting documentation.
1 Verify the existence and ownership of long-term receivables through General
confirmation or examination of supporting documentation.

2 Test the carrying amounts of long-term financial assets. General


is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

t endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure


Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations
Existence Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .19–.20 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvi

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards

Long-term receivables, non-current deposits, This cell was intentionally left blank
and other long-term financial assets
Long-term receivables, non-current deposits, This cell was intentionally left blank
and other long-term financial assets

Long-term receivables, non-current deposits, This cell was intentionally left blank
and other long-term financial assets
Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL

This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select receivables for confirmation
This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select receivables for confirmation

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit
confirmation solution that offers a secure
online platform for auditors and
accounting firms to effectively perform
audit confirmations (for example,
accounts receivable, accounts payable,
bank, and so on) in both online and paper is an audit
confirmation solution that offers a secure
online platform for auditors and
accounting firms to effectively perform
audit confirmations (for example,
accounts receivable, accounts payable,
bank, and so on) in both online and paper
formats securely to third-party

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs
in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs
in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":
- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue
- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of


- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price
General Audit Procedures by Account - PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Property, plant, and equipment and related income statement accounts

Obtain a schedule of property, plant, and equipment, including
1 capitalized leases, and related additions, disposals, reclassifications General
and depreciation, depletion, and/or amortization (PPE subledger)
and agree balances to the respective general ledger accounts.

For significant additions and disposals during the year, examine

2 invoices, capital expenditure authorizations, leases, and other data General
that support these additions and disposals.

Review and examine support for rentals under operating leases and
3 for significant charges to repairs, maintenance, and other expense General
accounts to determine if they should be capitalized as property,
plant, and equipment.

Review reasonableness of depreciation, depletion and amortization

4 charge by reference to the client's accounting policy and applicable General
financial reporting framework and expectation for current year.
5 Use information obtained during the audit in determining whether General
management has identified appropriate indicators of impairment.

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy

Existence Substantive Interim & Year end
Rights & Obligations

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end


Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end
does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures
This cell was
in Responseto
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtaine

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud

Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud
Property, plant, and equipment Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base StandardAud
Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
Performing an extraction (based on
account numbers). Include manual Combination of use of Fixed Asset Analysis and Textual Analytics

Stratify Combination of use of Fixed Asset Analysis and Textual Analytics

This cell was intentionally left blank Combination of use of Fixed Asset Analysis and Textual Analytics

SmartAnalyzer Test:• Recalculate Straight Line Depreciation

a list of fixed
assets using the straight-linemethod
expected depreciation
of depree
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank
Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples
of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests
of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a
Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - INTANGIBLE ASSETS (INCLUDING GO

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AI

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Intangibles, including Goodwill

1 General

Obtain a schedule of intangibles, including goodwill, and examine the

bases on which additions, amortization, and disposals are recorded.
Examine invoices, authorizations, contracts, agreements, and other
data that support ownership of intangibles or deferred charges
capitalized and disposed of during the year.

2 General

Determine whether writeoffs are required to reflect permanent

impairments of the carrying amounts of intangible assets or deferred

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

t endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy
Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A7 of AU-C sec. 540, Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Intangibles & Goodwill This cell was intentionally left blank

Intangibles & Goodwill This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using ADAs in
performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Substantive

Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests of


- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - NOTES PAYABLE

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Notes payable
1 General

Confirm notes payable regarding amounts owed, terms, collateral,

and restrictions and the debtor's compliance with the loan
provisions. If not identified through confirmation with creditors,
identify liens, security interests, and assets pledged as loan collateral
by confirmation with the appropriate public filing offices or by
inspection of public records.

2 General

Inspect documentation of loan agreements or other short-term

lending arrangements (for example, factoring) to determine the
terms, restrictions, revolving lines of credit, and other pertinent
provisions of notes payable.

3 Test calculations and other evidence relating to compliance with the General
terms, restrictions, or other provisions of loan agreements.

Review refinancing agreements and notes payable transactions

4 subsequent to the balance sheet date to determine their effects on General
balance sheet classification or on disclosure.

5 Determine the exchange rate at the balance sheet date and General
recalculate using that rate.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy
Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Rights & Obligations

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Presentation & Disclosure

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, PerformingAudit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

AU-C section 505, External Confirmations

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Responseto Assessed Risks and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A14–.A15 of AU-C sec. 500, Audit Evidence

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell
in Responseto
was intentionally
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell
in Responseto
was intentionally
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell
in Responseto
was intentionally
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Notes Payable This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Notes Payable This cell was intentionally left blank

Notes Payable Audit Data Standard - General LedgerAudit Data Standard - Base Standard
Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank CMA / MUS Sampling can be used to select notes payable for confirmati

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Recalculate financial statement balances using

exchange rates in effect (as obtained from Bank
of Canada or other applicable central bank on
This cell was intentionally left blank line) and compare to recorded values in GL.
Identify significant variances for further
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples is an audit
confirmation solution that offers a
secure online platform for auditors and
accounting firms to effectively perform
audit confirmations (for example,
accounts receivable, accounts payable,
bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party

Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide

examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in

This cell was intentionally left blank Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

This cell was intentionally left blank - Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure
- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents,
and a Master Price List

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

General Audit Procedures by Account - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Accounts Payable:
1 Agree the accounts payable subledger to the general ledger control General
account and investigate large and unusual reconciling items.

Inquire about or perform a review of accounts payable subledger for

2 unusual items, for example, significant debit balances in the accounts General
payable subledger or other unexpected amounts to verify proper
classification and valuation.

Perform cut-off tests for goods and services received as well as for
3 supplier credit memos to ensure that transactions are completely General
recorded in the correct period.

Perform a search for unrecorded liabilities at the year-end date by

4 selecting subsequent disbursements and unmatched invoices and General
receiving reports.

5 Test appropriate valuation of accounts payable in foreign currencies. General

is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

s may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Presentation & Disclosure

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy

Rights & Obligations Substantive Year end

Valuation Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
that the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

dures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures
in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, PerformingAudit ProceduresThis

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard

Accounts Payable Audit Data Standard - Procure to PayAudit Data Standard - Base Standard
Example Audit D

Caseware ACL
Compare AP subledger to the GL and identify
SmartAnalyzer test significant differences for investigation.

SmartAnalyzer test Inspirations - P2P

SmartAnalyzer test This cell was intentionally left blank

Join the two databases (current and subsequent) and ACL Essentials - Three way match
select the option Records with no primary match

Recalculate AP values using exchange rates in effect

(as obtained from applicable central bank on line) and
Creation of calculated and Summarization compare to recorded values in GL. Identify significant
variances for further investigation.
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of
using ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a
Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - INCOME TAXES

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data you
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Income Taxes
Test the reconciliation of the current year book/local GAAP/statutory
1 and taxable income, validate the split between permanent and General
timing differences, and compare reconciling items with those in prior
years and examine support.

Test computations of provisions for current and deferred income

2 taxes for the current year and reconcile to appropriate balance sheet General
and income statement accounts.

3 Investigate potential impairments of deferred tax assets. General

Review the movement of income tax account balances from prior

4 year (including those currently payable or deferred) and valuation General
allowances for deferred tax assets.

Determine whether provision should be made for any tax positions

5 taken by the client or other tax contingencies, for example, as a
result of related party transactions, that may be challenged by tax General

Test that intercompany and other related party transactions have a

6 valid business reason and are recorded on an arm's length basis. If in General
doubt, consider the involvement of appropriate specialists.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including
AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including

AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Income Taxes This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank this cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using
ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing Tests

of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master
Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - OTHER LIABILITIES

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, deferred income

Examine the schedule of provisions, accrued liabilities, and deferred
1 income for correctness and completeness, agree amounts to the General
general ledger accounts and ensure proper cutoff.

Examine the composition and computation of pension and other

2 employee-related long-term reserves for reasonableness and General
consider the use of specialists.

Review other liabilities to determine they are appropriate. Determine

3 that the amounts appear to be reasonable in comparison with prior General
years and under consideration of your understanding of the clients
business and changes to it.

4 Read legal confirmations, board, and audit committee minutes to General

ensure that appropriate reserves/accruals have been recorded.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
AU-C section 540,Auditing Accounting Estimates,Including
AS 2501Auditing
Value Accounting
Estimates, and Related Disclosures

This cellinwas
Par. .21 of AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures intentionally
Responseto leftRisks
Assessed blankand Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Responseto
cell was intentionally
Assessed Risks
left blank
and Evaluating the AuditEvidence Obtained

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income

Provisions, accrued and other liabilities, This cell was intentionally left blank
deferred income
Example Audit

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

Compare YoY by joining other liabilities account

This cell was intentionally left blank against the previous year. Identify and report
significant changes, additions, and subtractions.

This cell was intentionally left blank Use of Text Analytics Toolkit to identify keywords and word trends over
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of using
ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a Master
Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - DEBT

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

1 General

Obtain and review a summary of long-term debt and interest for

reasonableness of calculations of interest expense and accrued
interest, including foreign currency translations and agree schedules
to general ledger. Test compliance with the terms, maturities,
restrictive covenants, or other provisions of debt agreements. In the
case of noncompliance, review any waivers obtained and ascertain
that debt is properly classified.

For new agreements in the year under audit, inspect original or

2 authenticated copies of debt agreements, or other related General
documents to test the terms, restrictive covenants, and other
pertinent provisions of long-term debt.

Read confirmations received from banks or other debt holders to

identify liens, security interests, and assets pledged as collateral for
3 debt or, if necessary, confirm these items with the appropriate public General
filing offices or by inspection of the public records. Determine
whether the financial statements include the required disclosures.

For long-term debt, confirm amounts owed and ensure funds, terms,
4 collateral, restrictions, and the client's compliance with the General
provisions of the agreements.

Obtain summary of lease and rent contracts and determine whether

5 they have been correctly categorized, based on lease terms, (for General
example, operating or finance lease) in the financial statements.
Determine whether the effects of refinancing agreements and long-
6 term debt transactions subsequent to the balance sheet date are General
appropriately reflected (for example, classification or disclosure)
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Presentation & Disclosure Substantive Interim & Year end

Presentation & Disclosure Substantive Interim & Year end
does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

the scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

This cell was intentionally left blank

Par. .A19 and .A20 of AU-C sec. 500,Audit Evidence

Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit This

cell wasinintentionally
Response to left
blank Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

AU-C section 505,External Confirmations

AS 2310The Confirmation Process

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

Par. .19 and .A51 of AU-C sec. 330, PerformingThis

was intentionally
in Response
left blank
to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Eviden

AU-C section 330, Performing Audit Procedures

in Response
cell was intentionally
to Assessed left
and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained
Par. .09–.11 of AU-C sec. 560,Subsequent Events
was intentionally
left blank
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank

Debt This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Dat

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank is an audit confirmation

solution that offers a secure online platform
for auditors and accounting firms to
effectively perform audit confirmations (for
example, accounts receivable, accounts
payable, bank, and so on) in both online and
paper formats securely to third-party

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank
Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide examples of
using ADAs in performing substantive analytical procedures and tests of

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in Performing

Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and a
Master Price List
General Audit Procedures by Account - EQUITY

I. Notice to Readers

This Audit Data Analytics to Audit Procedures - Mapping document (mapping document) is designed to provide illustrative info
AICPA staff and has not been considered or acted upon by senior technical committees or the AICPA board of directors and doe
and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assis
representations, warranties, or guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the content or application of the material c
on such material. Please note that the audit data analytic vendor tools mentioned are referenced as examples only. They are n
"Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the s

In addition, please note the following:

* Please note that this document is not intended to be all-encompassing. If you rely on system-generated reports and data yo
You may also need to perform procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by the entity in order

** Please note that the auditing standard linked to each "Traditional Audit Procedure" is included to offer additional guidance.
Additional auditing standards should be reviewed and consulted throughout the audit process.

***Please note that the audit data analytics are referenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AIC

****The assertions tested are a function of the actual audit procedures performed. Auditors may reach different conclusions abo


* Industry
Traditional Audit Procedures

General Audit Procedures

Obtain an equity reconciliation schedule, including retained earnings,
1 General
Agree the balances per the financial statements to the account
balances per the general ledger. Determine whether changes in
equity, (for example, profit distributions, other equity reductions or
increases) from the prior year end to the current year end are
properly accounted for. Determine compliance with applicable laws
and regulations, including taxation issues.

Review the minutes and other supporting documents for the

2 authorization for, and the details of, the transactions that affected General
the equity accounts and disclosures during the period, including
equity restrictions.

Read board or authorized committee minutes and inquire of

3 management regarding any stock option agreements. Determine General
whether options have been appropriately accounted for and

Read board or authorized committee minutes to determine whether

4 all dividend payments are appropriately approved and declared, and General
that tax regulations have been followed.
is designed to provide illustrative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It does not establish standards or preferred prac
r the AICPA board of directors and does not represent an official opinion or position of the AICPA. It is provided with the understanding tha
e. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The staff and pu
ontent or application of the material contained herein and expressly disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of the use of, reference
erenced as examples only. They are not endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA. Also note that the auditing standard linked to each
udit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted, and additional standards may need to be considered in order to comply with requirem

ystem-generated reports and data you will need to establish a basis for what ITGCs will be reviewed and how they will be tested.
e data provided by the entity in order to rely upon it for audit procedures. This goes beyond the scope of this current document.

ncluded to offer additional guidance. The "Traditional Audit Procedure" is not limited to the standard noted.

endorsed by or affiliated with the AICPA.

rs may reach different conclusions about the relevant assertions tested based upon the procedures performed.

Audit Assertion or Type of Procedure Phase of Audit
Objective of the Procedure
Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Existence Substantive Interim & Year end

Completeness & Accuracy Substantive Interim & Year end

does not establish standards or preferred practices. The material was prepared by
CPA. It is provided with the understanding that the staff
onal person should be sought. The staff and publisher make no
ny damages arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance
hat the auditing standard linked to each
e considered in order to comply with requirements.

viewed and how they will be tested.

he scope of this current document.

standard noted.

edures performed.

** **
AICPA Statements on PCAOB Standards
Auditing Standards
Par. .21 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures
This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

Par. .A8 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

Par. .A8 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain

Par. .A8 of AU-C sec. 330, Performing Audit Procedures

This cell was
in Response
to Assessed
left blank
Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtain
Significant Accounts Audit Data Standards
Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Equity This cell was intentionally left blank

Example Audit Data

Caseware ACL
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
Example Audit Data Analytics

Oversight Dronescan
This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank This cell was intentionally left blank
This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

This cell was intentionally left blank

Guide to Audit Data Analytics Examples
Appendix B and C of the Guide to Audit Data Analytics provide
examples of using ADAs in performing substantive analytical
procedures and tests of details.

Examples included within Appendix B, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures":

- Example 3-1 – Non-Statistical Predictive Model for Rental Revenue

- Example 3-2 – Regression Analysis of Revenue from Sales of Steam

Examples included within Appendix C, "Examples of ADAs Used in

Performing Tests of Details":

- Example 4-1 – Cash Receipt to Sales Invoice Matching Procedure

- Example 4-2 – 3-Way Match Sales Invoices, Shipping Documents, and
a Master Price List

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