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Lab # 11

To learn Etching, Drilling and soldering of PCB

A printed circuit board (PCB) is used to hold electronic components mechanically and connect
them electrically electronic components using conductive paths etched from copper laminated
onto an insulative substrate. PCBs can be single sided, double sided or multi-layered.

Comparison between Breadboard and PCB

Table 1: Comparison of Breadboard and PCB

Breadboard PCB

Breadboards are used to make Actual circuits are made like

test versions of circuits before motherboard of computers
making the actual ones.

Connections are temporary Connections are permanent. It

also reduces the size of your

Physically connect jumper Jumper wires i.e. physical

wires connections are least or zero.

Lab # 11

The purpose of this experiment is to learn how to make PCBs, a knowledge that all engineers
dealing with electric circuits must have.

Equipment required
1. Computer with Proteus
2. Butter paper
3. Copper board
4. Hacksaw blade
5. Etching solution FeCl3
6. Plastic containers
7. Hand drill machine
8. Soldering equipment
9. Wire Cutter


Steps before starting with manufacturing of PCB are

1. Check whether circuit works by simulation on Proteus

2. Test on breadboard
Then start with making of PCB

1. Making PCB layout: Make PCB layout of the circuit in Proteus i.e. any PCB layout

Figure 2 PCB Layout on

Figure 1 Making PCB Layout Butterpaper

2. Print PCB layout on Butter paper: Printout should be on the glossy side of
paper using Laser printer and not the Inkjet printer. It is recommended take to more than
one mirror printout.

Lab # 11

3. Cut copper plate to required shape for Circuit board: For cutting mark
dimensions of layout on Cu plate then cut by hacksaw or a cutter.

Figure 3 Cutting Cupper Plate

4. Clean the cut copper plate: Using metallic sponge scrubs until shiny surface is

Figure 4 Cleaning the Copper Plate

5. Transfering PCB layout on Copper plate: Place the butter paper with printout
on the copper plate such that printed side touches the copper plate. Use tape to hold the
paper and board in position that will remail same throughout ironing. Now iron it slowly
and evenly for about 15min taking precaution that you are not touching the Cu plate. For
edges apply pressure.

Figure 5 Placing the printout on Cu Board Figure 6 Ironing

Lab # 11

6. Removing paper from Cu board: Soak the printed plate in warm water to easily
remove paper by peeling.

Figure 7 Soaking in water Figure 8 Removing paper from Cu board

7. Etching: Take a plastic container and add etching agent i.e 2-3 spoons of Ferric
chloride FeCl3 in water. Place board inside solution make sure that printed side is
upward. Keep stiring the solution after 2min time also see if the coppor is removed or
not. Lift board from solution using non-metallic rod. At the end of the process all copper
expect the printed one was dissolved. This copper left acts as wiring.

Figure 9 Etching Figure 10 Washing after Etching

8. After etching wash board with fresh water

9. Remove ink from board: Scrub entire board surface with scotch or rub with cotton
soaked in thinner (acetone) until no toner is remaining on the board. Then wash the
10. Drilling on footprints: Drilling is
done with Mini drill of 0.8mm to 1mm
drill width.

Figure 12 Drilling Footprints

Lab # 11

Figure 11 Mini Drill

11. Place components on side opposite to printed one

a. Soldering iron: temperature controlled is better
as the filament will not burn
b. Solder paste: for tip, so that solder doesn`t
c. Solder wire: thin is better

Steps: Figure 13 Soldering

Heat up iron 600-700 degrees F
Make connection mechanically stable
clean iron
apply heat and solder
inspect solder
13. Cutting extra legs of components after soldering

Figure 14 Wire Cutter

Lab # 11

14.PCB is ready:

Figure 15 PCB


In this lab we learned how to make PCBs which are used for both domestic and industrial
purposes. PCBs are core components in all electronic gadgets. This knowledge of making PCBs
is important in circuit manufacturing and fabrication. Now engineers don’t have to wait or order
for a PCB but can make it themselves. Circuits are the brains of robot and we learned how to get
physical circuit from the soft form.

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