Final Examination in English 11 2018

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Final Examination in English 11

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Name________________________________________________ Score_______________________
Section_________________________________________ Date________________________
Directions: Read all items carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before
each item.
_____1. Which of the following refers to brief narratives that are written from the writer’s memory?
a. flashback b. anecdote c. time stretch d. time summary

_____2. What is the general process of going back through your whole draft and improving on or clarifying
your writing subject’s meaning?
a. revising b. editing c. claiming d. deleting
_____3. Which is not a narrative device?x
a. flashback b. dialogue c. flashforward d. plot
_____4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good claims?
a. A claim should be argumentative and debatable b. A claim should be logical
c. A claim should be interesting and engaging d. A claim should be broad
_____5. Which type of assertion that can be proven objectively by direct experience, testimonies of witnesses
or the results of research?
a. Convention b. fact c. preference d. opinion
_____6. Which is sometimes known as proofreading?
a. Revising b. Editing c. Summarizing d. Outlining
_____7. Which of the following is not considered as a narrative device?
a. anecdote b. flashback c. craft d. dialogue
_____8. Which should not be included in one’s resume?
a. Objective b. Work experience c. Salary d. Education
_____9. Which assertion is based on personal choice?
a. fact b. opinion c. preference d. convention
_____10. Which proofreading abbreviation that means unnecessary repetition?
a. Dgl b. R-O c. Rep d. Sp

For items 11-20. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from the choices inside the box. Write only the letter
of your answer on the space before the item number
a.Outline f. Honors and Awards
b.Preference g. Main Ideas
c. Time summary h. Resume
d. Enrichment Activity i. Objective
e. Time Stretch j. School Activities
k. Work Experience

_____11. Sampaguitas are the most beautiful and most fragrant of all flowers.
_____12. These will be the main points in your outline
_____13. A guide that will help you organize your ideas into logical order.
_____14. A single event in the story that the author focuses writing about.
_____15. It is characterized by jamming together multiple events and /or shortening a relatively long period of
_____16. A document that contains a brief account of a person’s educations, skills, work experience, and other
_____17. This lists any academic and extracurricular recognition you may have received
_____18. This details any other projects, skills, programs, relevant hobbies, or experiences that strengthen
your application
_____19. This informs the reader of the specific purpose of your resume
_____20. This enumerates your experience in school

Fill in the blanks with the correct proofreading symbols and abbreviations as defined in each item.
_____21. transpose elements

_____22. insert something

_____23. a space needed here
_____24. problem with pronoun
_____25. spelling error
_____26. let it stand
_____27. faulty capitalization
_____28. use a period here
_____29. delete
_____30. close up this space
For Items 31-35. Identify the following assertions as statements of CONVENTION, FACT,OPINION or
PREFERENCE. Write your answer on the space before the item number.
__________31. Social networks are the most distracting websites on the internet.
__________32. Facebook is a cooler social media platform than Twitter.
__________33. In the first quarter of 2014, nearly 300 million smartphone units were sold over the world.
__________34. Teachers should use social media in their lessons to get more students interested.
__________35. Many teenagers present obsession with taking selfies shows they are the most narcissistic

Identify each statement whether it is True or False. Write MAGNIFICENT if it is true. If it is false
underline the word/s that make/ makes the statement false and write the correct answer on the space
before the item number.

_____________________ 36. A convention is a way in which something is done, similar to traditions and
______________________37. Opinions result from ambiguities
______________________38. A concept paper is putting your ideas on to paper
______________________39. When you use sentences, you are making a topic outline
______________________40. The development or explanation of each main point is a thesis statement.

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