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Why student should stop cheating

People say many crimes begins with small practice or dishonesty in daily life.This become common to
see students cheating in schools.The pressure to pass tests has led many students to cheat during
tests.This practice should be discouraged,as cheating has no benefit for students.Here are some
reasons why student should stop cheating.

First,Cheating devalues education.One reason students cheat is because they value a grade or a
test score far more than they value actual learning.Because,most of the students believe that
teachers only look at the score of the test,not the progress behind it.So,they think that studying hard
means nothing because in the end,only the scores matter.If they continue to cheat,they will never
know that by studying hard enough,they can find knowledge and maximize their potentials.They
never know if they never try.Cheating keeps students from understanding their abilities and

Second,Cheating makes the next learning step harder.Using a simple example: if you don’t learn
your elements in Chemistry class you will not able to make complex chemical equations.Therefore,to
pass you will have to cheat again or start from scratch.It’s easier to just learn the basics the first
time.Maybe,many of you never considered about this.But,what if you’re going to join the exam to go
to university?.If you keep cheating from the beginning,imagine how many lessons that you have to
learn from the basic.It’s obviously wasting your time to learn the whole thing from the beginning
instead to learn straight into the complex one.No matter how hard you’re trying to solve the complex
one,if you don’t understand about the basics,it means completely nothing.Because the complex
comes from the basic.

Third,Cheating eventually leads to bad habit.By skipping the hard work involved in learning,you
will never develop the important traits of persistance,dedication,diligence,and sacrifice.Success takes
hard work,and cheating is the easy way out.Eventually,you will find that it is difficult to achieve your
goals without these important skills.The students who already get used to cheating,never know the
means of “hard work”.They will take all things easy because they can steal from other people’s
work.Cheating makes us think that everything can be done instantly.Unfortunately,we will never
understand the sacrifice of hard work,which will led us to become a person who can’t appreciate
other people.

Based on those reasons, we can conclude that cheating is a bad habit that should be discouraged
in students.

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