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Construction of Godown at PACS, Ambajipeta

4.34 m 4.19 m 4.04 m 3.96 m

Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2
C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

3.81 m Beam B2 Beam B2

Beam B1 Beam B1 Beam B1

C2 C2
Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2

3.89 m Beam B2
Beam B2

C1 C1 C1
C1 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 Beam B2 C1

Columns and Beams Lay out

Column C1 - 0.23 x 0.45 m Main T-Beams Type B1 - C1-C1 - 0.23 x 0.60 m

Column C2 - 0.23 x 0.30 m Cross Beam and Allround Beams Type B2 - 0.23 x 0.30 m

Thickness of the Slab 125 mm



7.70 m
Design of Slab S : - ( Two Way Slab ) 4.34 m

Lx = 3.89 m 97.25
Ly = 4.34 m 126.25

Ly/Lx = 3.89/4.34 = 1.12 <2 3.89 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 125 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.150x25 = 3.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 8.50 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.50 = 12.75 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.12 ( Two adjacent edges discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.054 -ay = 0.047
+ax = 0.041 +ay = 0.035

There fore, Maximum factored B.M.,Mux = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.054x12.75x3.892
= 10.50 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(12.75*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 61.66654 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125 mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 160mm c/c , say 150 mm c/c
Maximum factored B.M.,Muy = (ay)(w)(lx)2
= 0.047x12.75x3.892
= 9.07 KN M
From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 190 mm c/c , say 175 mm c/c

Hence Provide 8mm dia steel at 150 mm c/c as Main Reinforcement and at 180 mm c/c
as distribution Reinforcement
Provide Torsion steel at corners - 8mm dia steel - 5 No. - 0.90 m long as a mat
Design of Slab S : - ( Two Way Slab ) 4.34 m

Lx = 3.89 m 97.25
Ly = 4.34 m 126.25

Ly/Lx = 3.89/4.34 = 1.12 <2 3.89 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 125 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.150x25 = 3.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 8.50 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.50 = 12.75 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.12 ( Two adjacent edges discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.054 -ay = 0.047
+ax = 0.041 +ay = 0.035

There fore, Maximum factored B.M.,Mux = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.054x12.75x3.892
= 10.50 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(12.75*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 61.66654 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125 mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 160mm c/c , say 150 mm c/c
Maximum factored B.M.,Muy = (ay)(w)(lx)2
= 0.047x12.75x3.892
= 9.07 KN M
From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 190 mm c/c , say 175 mm c/c

Hence Provide 8mm dia steel at 150 mm c/c as Main Reinforcement and at 180 mm c/c
as distribution Reinforcement
Provide Torsion steel at corners - 8mm dia steel - 5 No. - 0.90 m long as a mat
Design of Beam B1 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m
Length of slab on one side = 4.34 m
Length of slab on other side = 4.19 m
3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x600mm S1 S2

3.89 m

4.34m 4.19m
Load from Slab S1 = 2x(1/2)x(3.89)(3.89/2)x8.50 = = 64.31 KN
Load from Slab S2 = 2x(1/2)x(3.81)(3.81/2)x8.50 = = 61.69 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.60x25x7.70 = 26.57 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x2.70x19x7.70 = 90.85 KN
Load on beam from Slab,Wall and self Weight = 243.42 KN
Load from Cross Beam = 143.42 KN
Total Load = 386.84
Facored Load = 1.50x396.94 = 580.26 KN
Clear Span= 7.70+0.23-0.45-0.45 7.03 m
Factored B.M.due to =WL/12 =1.50*253.52*7.03/12 = 213.91 KNm
Slab,Wall and self Weight

Factored B.M.due to Cross =WL/8 =1.50*143.42*7.03/8 = 126.03 KNm


Total Factored B.M. = 339.94 KNm

Effecive width of flange : bw = 230 mm

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x7.70/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)

= 1.88 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (4.34/2)+(4.19/2)+0.30 = 4.57 m
therefore, bf = 1.88 m
let the depth of the rib be 600mm, then over all depth = 600+125=725 mm
effective depth, d= 600+125-25-20-25-10 = 645.00 mm
Df/d = 125/645= 0.19 & bf/bw = 1880/230= 8.17
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.675
Mulim. = 0.675x230x645 x20/10 =
2 6
1291.76 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From chart14, for Mu/b = 339.94/0.23= 1478.00 KNm/m, & for d=645 mm
d'/d = 35/645 = 0.0543 Say 0.05 & Mu/bd2= 3.552671
From Table 50of SP16,100As/bd=1.20 1.20 Mu/bd2=
As = 1.20x230x645/100 = 1780.20 sqmm
No. of 20mm dia bars required = 5.67 No.s
Hence provide 6 No.s of 20mm dia bars. 1884

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 645 mm & % of steel, pt = 1.27
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2= 1.50x386.84*7.03/7.70/2 = 264.89 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =264.89x1000/(230x645) = 1.79 N/sqmm
< Tcmax (2.80N/sqmm)(from Table J)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.67 N/sqmm 0.67
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.67*230*645/1000
= 99.3945 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 264.89-99.39 = 165.49 KN
Vus/d = 165.49/645 = 2.57 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide10mm dia 2-L stirrups at 130mm c/c.

2-20mm dia 6- 20mm

125 mm 125 mm

10 mm
dia 2 - L
600mm at 130mm 600mm
6- 20mm c/c 2- 20mm

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span Beam B1 C/S at Support

Design of Cross Beam B2 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.88 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 6.46 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.23 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.23 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm S1 S2 6.46m

3.23 m 3.23 m
Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(6.46+6.46-3.23)x(3.23/2)x7.88 = 61.62 KN
Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(6.46+6.46-3.23)x(3.23/2)x7.88 = 61.62 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x6.46 = 11.14 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x2.85x19x6.46 = 80.46 KN
Total load on beam = 214.84 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x214.84 = 322.26 KN
Actual Span of the beam = 6.46/2 3.23 m
Factored Load per Rm = 49.88545 KN/m
Factored B.M. = w*l*l/12 = 49.89*3.23*3.23/12 = 43.37 KNm
Clear Span = 3.23 - 0.23 = 3.00
Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x3.00/6)+0.23+(6x0.115)

= 1.27 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.23/2)+(3.23/2)+0.23 = 3.46 m
therefore, bf = 1.27 m
let the depth of the rib be 300 mm, then over all depth = 300+115= 415 mm
effective depth, d= 300+115-25-8 = 382.00 mm
Df/d = 115/382= 0.30 & bf/bw = 1270/230= 5.52
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.60456
Mulim. = 0.60456x230x3822x20/106 = 405.81 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From chart14, for Mu/b = 73.68/0.23= 188.57 KNm/m, & for d=392 mm
100 As/bd = 0.392 Mu/bd2=
As = 0.392x230x382/100 = 344.41 sqmm
No. of 12 mm dia bars required = 3.05 No.s 715.92
Hence provide 4 No.of 12 mm dia bars
Ast Provided = 452.16 sqmm pt= 0.514637 %
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 382 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.51
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=215.13*3.23/6.46/2 = 80.57 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =80.57x1000/(230x382) = 0.92 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table J)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.48 N/sqmm 0.48
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.48*230*382/1000
= 42.1728 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = = 38.39 KN
Vus/d = 38.39/392 = 1.01 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 200 mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 4 - 12 mm

115 mm 115 mm

8 mm dia
2 - L at
300mm 200 mm 300mm
4 -12 mm c/c 2 - 12 mm
230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span Beam B2 C/S at Support

Design of Column : -


B1 B1

GF 1st Floor(with out wall load)

Load from Beam B1 = 214.84/2/2= 53.71 KN = (214.84-80.46)/2/2= 33.60 KN
Load from Beam B2 = 214.84/2/2= 53.71 KN = (214.84-80.46)/2/2= 33.60 KN
Load from Beam B3 = 214.84/2/2= 53.71 KN = (214.84-80.46)/2/2= 33.60 KN
161.13 KN 115.31 KN
Assume the size of the column as 230x300mm
b= 230 mm D= 300 mm d= 250 mm
Self Weight of the column =10.00x0.23x0.30x25 = 17.25 KN
Load from plinth beam = 1.50*3.23x0.23x19x3.85+1.5083.23x0.23x0.30x25 = 89.87 KN
Total Load on Column = 454.82 KN
Factored Load = 1.5x293.69 = 682.23 KN 9.8873913
Assume uniaxial bending with Mu as 9.22 KNm 10.00 KNm 55.2
let the effective cover be 50mm on either side.
Mu/fckbD2 = 0.0242 d'/D = 0.167
Chart for d'/D = 0.15 will be used.
Pu/fck*b*D= 440.54x1000/20x230x300 = 0.49
Referring chart 33 of SP16, p/fck = 0.04(or) p= 0.80
Ast required = 0.40*230*300/100 552 sqmm 113.04 4.8832
Hence Provide 8 No. of 20 mm dia 2512 sqmm
Total Area of Steel Provided Err:522 sqmm > 2277 sqmm

Also provide 8mm dia lateral ties at 200mm c/c.

8- 20 mm dia

8mm dia lateral ties at

200mm c/c
230 mm
1- 12 mm dia

450 mm

Column C1
Load from Slab = 6.50 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 4.34 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.89 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.89)x(3.89/2)x6.50 = 30.28 KN

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.81)x(3.81/2)x6.50 = 39.43 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x4.34 = 7.49 KN
Total load on beam = 77.20 KN

Load from Slab = 6.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m

Length of slab on one side = 4.34 m
Length of slab on other side = 4.19 m

Load from Slab S1 = 2x(1/2)x(3.89)(3.89/2)x6.50 = = 49.18 KN

Load from Slab S2 = 2x(1/2)x(3.81)(3.81/2)x6.50 = = 47.18 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.60x25x7.70 = 26.57 KN
Load on beam from Slab,Wall and self Weight = Err:522 KN
Load from Cross Beam = 77.20 KN
Total Load = Err:522

517500000 1.37E+09

156818.181818182 424120 737755.98

0.2125610453 0.574878

434.34 13.5 11.75
419.1 13 12 388.62 792.48
403.86 12.5 23.75 381
396.24 12.25 2.25 22.86
1653.54 51.25 26 792.48
22.86 3.75
1676.4 55 1676.4

4.34 m 4.19 m 4.04 m 3.96 m

C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

3.81 m

C2 C2

3.89 m

C1 C1 C1 C1 C1

Columns Lay out

Column C1 - 0.23 x 0.45 m Main T-Beams - C1-C1

Column C2 - 0.23 x 0.30 m Cross Beam - C2-C2



7.70 m

Name of the Work : Construction of PACS Building at Ambajipeta

4.34 m
Design of Slab S1 : - ( Two Way Slab )

Lx = 4.34 m 135.625
Ly = 7.7 m

Ly/Lx = 7.70/4.434 = 1.77 <2 7.70 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thickness of the slab as 150 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.150x25 = 3.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 8.50 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.88 = 12.75 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.08 ( Three Edges discontinuous One Long Edge continuous) ,
- ax = 0.0934 -ay = 0.037
+ax = 0.0703333 +ay = 0.043

There fore, Maximum factored B.M. = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.0934x11.8125x4.542
= 22.43 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(20.78*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 90.149582 mm
d provided = 150-25-5 = 120 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 150 mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
10mm dia steel is to be provided at 150 mm c/c
There fore, Maximum factored B.M. = (ay)(w)(lx)2
= 0.043x11.8125x4.542
= 10.33 KN M
8 mm dia steel is to be provided at 220 mm c/c

However, provide 8 mm dia steel at 200 mm c/c.

Design of One Way Slab : -
7.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm

Dead load = 3.88 KN/sqm 4.54 m 3.28 m

Total Load on Slab = 7.88 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 3.28 m

Maximum factored B.M. = (1.5xwdxl2/10)+(1.5xwlxl2/9)

= (1.5x4.50x3.282/10)+(1.5x4.00x3.282/9)
= 14.43 KN/sqm
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(14.43*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 72.32 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
Provide 8mm dia steel at 120mm c/c as main reinforcement

Distribution reinforcement = (0.15/100)xbxd

= (0.15/100)x100x1000
= 150 sqmm/m
Spacing of 8mm dia steel bars = 50*1000/150
= 333.33 mm
However, provide 8mm dia steel bars at 250mm c/c as distribution reinforcement.

Design of Beam B1 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 4.34 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.89 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm S1 S2 4.34m

3.89m 3.81m
Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.89)x(3.89/2)x8.50 = 39.60 KN
Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.81)x(3.81/2)x8.50 = 39.43 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x4.34 = 7.49 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x4.34 = 56.90 KN
Total load on beam = 143.42 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x143.42 = 215.13 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 215.13*4.34/12 = 77.81 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x4.34/6)+0.23+(6x0.0.125)

= 1.49 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.89/2)+(3.81/2)+0.23 = 4.08 m
therefore, bf = 1.49 m
let the depth of the rib be 300 mm, then over all depth = 300+125=425 mm
effective depth, d= 300+125-25-8 = 392.00 mm
Df/d = 125/392= 0.32 & bf/bw = 1490/230= 6.48
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.72636
Mulim. = 0.62583x230x3772x20/106 = 513.43 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From chart14, for Mu/b = 77.81/0.23= 338.30 KNm/m, & for d=392 mm
100 As/bd = 0.75 0.75 Mu/bd2=
As = 0.717x230x392/100 = 676.20 sqmm
No. of 16mm dia bars required = 3.36 No.s 715.92
Hence provide 3 No.of 16mm dia bars and 1 No. of 12 mm dia bar.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 392 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.79
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=215.13/2 = 107.57 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =161.35x1000/(230x392) = 1.19 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table J)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.568 N/sqmm 0.568
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.568*230*392/1000
= 51.21088 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 107.57-51.21 = 56.35 KN
Vus/d = 56.17/392 = 1.44 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 150mm c/c.

2-16mm dia 3- 16mm

+1-12 mm
125 mm 125 mm

8 mm dia
2 - L at
3- 16mm 300mm 150 mm 300mm
+1-12 mm c/c 2- 16mm

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B2 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m
Length of slab on one side = 5.92 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.66 m
4.34 m 4.19 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

S1 S1

S2 S2

3.89 m

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.54+4.54-3.66)x(3.66/2)x8.50 91.31 KN

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)x(4.54)(4.54/2)x8.50 = 125.99 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.38x25x4.54 = 16.82 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x4.54 = 100.95 KN
Total load on beam = 335.07 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x146.59 = 502.61 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 233.09*4.54/12 = 322.50 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x4.54/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)

= 1.878 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.66/2)+(5.92/2)+0.23 = 5.02 m
therefore, bf = 1.878 m
effective depth, d= 380+125-25-8 = 472 mm
Df/d = 125/392 = 0.26 & bf/bw = 1510/230= 8.17
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.675 + (0.782-0.675)x0.57 = 0.74
Mulim. = 0.74x230x472 x20/10 =
2 6
758.36 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd =87.00/0.23*472 =
2 2
6.29 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.547
As = 0.823x230x472/100 = 593.82 sqmm
No. of 16mm dia bars required = 2.95 No.s
Hence provide 2 No.s of 16mm dia and 2 No.s of 12mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 472 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.92
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=1.50x155.39/2= 251.3 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =116.54x1000/(230x472) = 2.31 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.6 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.60x230x472/1000
= 65.14 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 116.54-65.14 = 186.16 KN
Vus/d=51.40/47.20 = 3.94 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8 mm dia 2-L stirrups at 200 mm c/c.

2-16mm dia 2- 16mm +

2- 12 mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm

8 mm dia
380mm 2-L at 380mm
2- 16mm + o o o o 200 mm c/c 2- 16mm o o
2- 12 mm dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B3 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 2.40 m
Length of slab on one side = 5.92 m

Length of slab on other side = 3.66 m 3.59 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm


2.77 m

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)x(2.40/2)(2.40)x7.88 = 24.48 KN @ 1.20 m

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)x(2.40/2)(2.40)x7.88 = 24.48 KN @ 1.20 m
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x2.40 = 4.14 KN @ 1.20 m
Weight of wall = 1/2x(3.66+5.92)x0.10x0.75x19 = 6.83 KN @ 2.40 m
Weight of Slab S1
transferred from end = 1/2x1/2x(3.66+3.66-2.40)x(2.40/2)x7.88 = 11.63 KN @ 2.40 m
Weight of Slab S1
transferred from end = 1/2x1/2x(5.92+5.92-2.40)x(2.40/2)x7.88 = 22.32 KN @ 2.40 m
Weight of end beam = 1/2x(3.66+5.92)x0.15x0.30x25 = 5.39 KN @ 2.40 m

Total load on beam = 99.27 KN

Facored Load = 1.50x146.59 = 148.91 KN
Factored B.M. = 1.50x(22.68+22.68+4.14)x1.20+1.50x (6.83+11.63+22.32+5.39)x2.40
= 255.31 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x2.40/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)
= 1.410 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (2.39/2)+(2.77/2)+0.23 = 5.02 m
therefore, bf = 1.41 m
effective depth, d= 300+125-25-10 = 390 mm
Df/d = 125/390 = 0.32 & bf/bw = 1410/230= 6.13
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.675 = 0.675
Mulim. = 0.675x230x390 x20/10
2 6
= 472.27 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 = 255.31/0.23*3902 = 7.30 N/sqmm 1110.04348
100 As/bd = 0.806
As = 0.806x230x297/100 = 722.98 sqmm
No. of 16mm dia bars required = 3.60 No.s
Hence provide 3 No.s of 16mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 390 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.88
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=1.50x109.02/2= 74.45 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =81.77x1000/(230x297) = 0.83 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.59 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.59x230x297/1000
= 52.92 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 83.72-40.30 = 21.53 KN
Vus/d=43.42/29.7 = 0.55 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 140mm c/c.

2-16mm dia 3-16mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 150mm
230mm c/c 230mm
3- 16mm o o o o 2- 16mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm
C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support
Design of Beam B4 : - ( L - Beam )
Load from Slab = 7.25 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 3.89 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.59 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

3.89 m

Load from Slab = (1/2)x(3.89+3.89-3.59)(3.59/2)x7.25 = 29.14 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x3.89 = 6.71 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x3.89 = 51.00 KN
Total load on beam = 86.85 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x90.25 = 130.28 KN
Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 135.38*3.89/12= 42.23 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x3.89/12)+0.23+(3x0.10)
= 0.757 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (3.59/2)+0.23 = 2.03 m
therefore, bf = 0.757 m
effective depth, d= 230+100-25-8 = 297 mm
Df/d = 120/297 = 0.34 & bf/bw = 757/230= 3.29
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.361+ (0.473-0.361)x0.0.29 = 0.3935
Mulim. = 0.393x230x297 x20/10 =
2 6
159.66 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 = 42.23/0.23*2972 = 2.08 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.67
As = 0.701x230x297/100 = 457.68 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 4.00 No.s
Hence provide 4 No.s of 12mm dia bars
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 297 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.66
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=130.28/2= 65.14 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =65.14x1000/(230x297) = 0.95 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.53 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.53x230x297/1000
= 36.2 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =65.14-36.2 = 28.94 KN
Vus/d=28.94/29.7 = 0.97 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 6mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 200mm c/c.
However, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 200mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 4-12mm dia

o o 100 mm o o o o 100 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 250mm
230mm c/c 230mm
4- 12mm o o o o 2- 16mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B5 : - ( L - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.25 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 2.77 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.59 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

2.77 m

Load from Slab = (1/2)x(2.77)(2.77/2)x7.75 = = 14.87 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.23x25x2.77 = 3.66 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x2.77 = 36.31 KN
Total load on beam = 54.84 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x54.84 = 82.26 KN
Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 82.26*2.77/12 = 22.79 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x2.77/12)+0.23+(3x0.10)
= 0.692 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (3.59/2)+0.23 = 1.62 m
therefore, bf = 0.692 m
effective depth, d= 230+100-25-8 = 297 mm
Df/d = 100/297 = 0.34 & bf/bw = 692/230= 3.01
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.361 = 0.361
Mulim. = 0.361x230x297 x20/10 =
2 6
146.48 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd = 22.79/0.23*297 =
2 2
1.12 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.343
As = 0.343x230x297/100 = 234.30 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 2.07 No.s
Hence provide 3 No.s of 12mm dia bars.
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 297 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.50
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=82.26/2= 41.13 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =41.13x1000/(230x297) = 0.60 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.48 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.48x230x297/1000
= 32.79 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =41.13-32.79 = 8.34 KN
Vus/d=8.34/29.7 = 0.28 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 6mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 450mm c/c.
However, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 230mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 3-12mm dia

o o 100 mm o o o 100 mm

6 mm dia 2-L
at 230mm
230mm c/c 230mm
3- 12mm o o o 2- 12mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Column : -


B4 B4
GF Ist F(with out wall load)
Load from Beam B1 =265.67/2= 132.84 KN =(265.67-91.77)/2= 86.95 KN
Load from Beam B2 =77.30/2= 38.65 KN =(77.30-48.94)/2= 14.18 KN
Load from Beam B3 =77.30/2= 38.65 KN =(77.30-48.94)/2= 14.18 KN
210.14 KN 115.31 KN
Assume the size of the column as 230x300mm
Self Weight of the column =7.00x0.23x0.3x25 = 12.94 KN
Load from plinth beam = 3.50x0.23x19x3.50+3.50x0.23x0.23x25 = 58.16 KN
Total Load on Column = 396.54 KN
Factored Load = 1.5x338.38 = 594.82 KN
Assume uniaxial bending with Mu as 25.00 KNm
Assume the % of reinforcement, p as 0.90 %.
let the effective cover be 46mm on either side.
Mu/fckbd2 = 0.06 d'/D = 0.153
Chart for d'D = 0.15 will be used.
Pu/fck*b*d = 594.82x1000/20x230x300 = 0.43
Referring chart 33 of SP16, p/fck = 0.44 (or) p=0.88
Ast required = 0.88*230*300/100 607.2 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 5.37
Hence provide 6 No.s of 12mm dia as longitudinal bars.
Also provide 8mm dia lateral ties at 200mm c/c.

8mm dia lateral ties at

6 -12 mm dia 230 mm 200mm c/c

300 mm
Design of Slab S : - ( Two Way Slab ) 4.34 m

Lx = 3.89 m 97.25
Ly = 4.34 m 127.25

Ly/Lx = 3.89/4.34 = 1.12 <2 3.89 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 125 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.150x25 = 3.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 8.50 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.50 = 12.75 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.12 ( Two adjacent edges discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.054 -ay = 0.047
+ax = 0.041 +ay = 0.035

There fore, Maximum factored B.M.,Mux = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.054x12.75x3.892
= 10.50 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(12.75*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 61.66654 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125 mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 160mm c/c , say 150 mm c/c
Maximum factored B.M.,Muy = (ay)(w)(lx)2
= 0.047x12.75x3.892
= 9.07 KN M
From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 190 mm c/c , say 175 mm c/c
Hence Provide 8mm dia steel at 150 mm c/c as Main Reinforcement and at 180 mm c/c
as distribution Reinforcement
Provide Torsion steel at corners - 8mm dia steel - 5 No. - 0.90 m long as a mat
S2 3.23 m
3.48 m

4.48 m

4.23 m 3.48 m
Design of Beam B6 : - ( L - Beam )
Load from Slab = 7.25 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 3.59 m
Length of slab on one side = 2.77 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

2.77 m

Load from Slab =(1/2)x(2x3.59-2.77)(2.77/2)x7.25 = = 22.14 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.23x25x3.59 = 4.75 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x3.59 = 47.06 KN
Total load on beam = 73.95 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x73.95 = 110.93 KN
Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 110.93*3.59/12 = 33.19 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x3.59/12)+0.23+(3x0.10)
= 0.739 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (2.77/2)+0.23 = 1.62 m
therefore, bf = 0.739 m
effective depth, d= 230+100-25-8 = 297 mm
Df/d = 100/297 = 0.34 & bf/bw = 739/230= 3.21
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.361 = 0.385
Mulim. = 0.385x230x297 x20/10 =
2 6
156.22 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd = 33.19/0.23*297 =
2 2
1.64 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.512
As = 0.512x230x297/100 = 349.75 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 3.09 No.s
Hence provide 3 No.s of 12mm dia bars.
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 297 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.50
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=110.93/2= 55.46 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =55.46x1000/(230x297) = 0.81 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.48 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.48x230x297/1000
= 32.79 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =55.46-32.79 = 22.67 KN
Vus/d=22.67/29.7 = 0.76 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 6mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 250mm c/c.
However, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 230mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 3-12mm dia

o o 100 mm o o o 100 mm

6 mm dia 2-L
at 230mm
230mm c/c 230mm
3- 12mm o o o 2- 12mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support


Name of the Work : Construction of PACS Building at Ambajipeta

4.54 m
Design of Slab S1 : - ( Two Way Slab )

Lx = 4.54 m
Ly = 5.92 m

Ly/Lx = 5.92/4.54 = 1.30 <2 5.92 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 100 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.125x25 = 3.13 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 7.88 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.88 = 11.8125 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.08 ( One Long Edge discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.057 -ay = 0.037
+ax = 0.044 +ay = 0.028

There fore, Maximum factored B.M. = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.057x11.8125x4.542
= 13.88 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(14.98*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 70.910354 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125 mm is OK.

From Table 40 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
10mm dia steel is to be provided at 180mm c/c

However, provide 10mm dia steel at 175mm c/c in both the directions.
Design of One Way Slab : -
7.75 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm

Dead load = 3.88 KN/sqm 4.54 m 3.28 m

Total Load on Slab = 7.88 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 3.28 m

Maximum factored B.M. = (1.5xwdxl2/10)+(1.5xwlxl2/9)

= (1.5x4.50x3.282/10)+(1.5x4.00x3.282/9)
= 14.43 KN/sqm
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(14.43*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 72.32 mm
d provided = 125-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 125mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
Provide 8mm dia steel at 120mm c/c as main reinforcement

Distribution reinforcement = (0.15/100)xbxd

= (0.15/100)x100x1000
= 150 sqmm/m
Spacing of 8mm dia steel bars = 50*1000/150
= 333.33 mm
However, provide 8mm dia steel bars at 250mm c/c as distribution reinforcement.

Design of Beam B1 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m
Length of slab on one side = 4.34 m
Length of slab on other side = 4.19 m
3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x600mm S1 S2

3.89 m

4.34m 4.19m
Load from Slab S1 = 2x(1/2)x(3.89)(3.89/2)x8.50 = = 64.31 KN
Load from Slab S2 = 2x(1/2)x(3.81)(3.81/2)x8.50 = = 61.69 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.60x25x7.70 = 26.57 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x2.70x19x7.70 = 90.85 KN
Load on beam from Slab,Wall and self Weight = 243.42 KN
Load from Cross Beam = 143.42 KN
Total Load = 386.84
Facored Load = 1.50x396.94 = 580.26 KN
Factored B.M.due to =WL/12 =1.50*253.52*7.70/12 = 234.29 KNm
Slab,Wall and self Weight

Factored B.M.due to Cross =WL/8 =1.50*143.42*7.70/8 = 138.04 KNm


Total Factored B.M. = 372.33 KNm

Effecive width of flange : bw = 230 mm

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x7.70/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)

= 1.88 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (4.34/2)+(4.19/2)+0.30 = 4.57 m
therefore, bf = 1.88 m
let the depth of the rib be 600mm, then over all depth = 600+125=725 mm
effective depth, d= 600+125-25-20-25-10 = 645.00 mm
Df/d = 125/645= 0.19 & bf/bw = 1880/230= 8.17
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.675
Mulim. = 0.675x230x645 x20/10 =
2 6
1291.76 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From chart14, for Mu/b = 377.19/0.23= 1618.83 KNm/m, & for d=645 mm
100 As/bd = 1.317 1.288 Mu/bd2=
As = 1.317x230x645/100 = 1910.75 sqmm
No. of 20mm dia bars required = 6.09 No.s
Hence provide 6 No.s of 20mm dia bars. 1884

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 645 mm & % of steel, pt = 1.27
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2= 1.50x386.84/2 = 290.13 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =290.13x1000/(230x645) = 1.96 N/sqmm
< Tcmax (2.80N/sqmm)(from Table J)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.67 N/sqmm 0.67
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.67*230*645/1000
= 99.3945 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 290.13-99.39 = 190.74 KN
Vus/d = 190.74/645 = 2.96 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide10mm dia 2-L stirrups at 110mm c/c.

2-20mm dia 6- 20mm

125 mm 125 mm

10 mm
dia 2 - L
600mm at 110mm 600mm
6- 20mm c/c 2- 20mm

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B2 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 8.5 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 4.54 m
Length of slab on one side = 5.92 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.66 m 4.54 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm



5.92 m

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.54+4.54-3.66)x(3.66/2)x8.50 42.15 KN

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)x(4.54)(4.54/2)x8.50 = 43.80 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.38x25x4.54 = 9.92 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x4.54 = 59.52 KN
Total load on beam = 155.39 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x146.59 = 233.09 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 233.09*4.54/12 = 88.18 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x4.54/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)

= 1.510 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.66/2)+(5.92/2)+0.23 = 5.02 m
therefore, bf = 1.51 m
effective depth, d= 380+125-25-8 = 472 mm
Df/d = 125/392 = 0.26 & bf/bw = 1510/230= 6.57
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd fck = 0.675 + (0.782-0.675)x0.57
= 0.74
Mulim. = 0.74x230x4722x20/106 = 758.36 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 =87.00/0.23*4722 = 1.72 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.547
As = 0.823x230x472/100 = 593.82 sqmm
No. of 16mm dia bars required = 2.95 No.s
Hence provide 2 No.s of 16mm dia and 2 No.s of 12mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 472 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.92
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=1.50x155.39/2= 116.54 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =116.54x1000/(230x472) = 1.07 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.6 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.60x230x472/1000
= 65.14 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 116.54-65.14 = 51.4 KN
Vus/d=51.40/47.20 = 1.09 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8 mm dia 2-L stirrups at 200 mm c/c.

2-16mm dia 2- 16mm +

2- 12 mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm

8 mm dia
380mm 2-L at 380mm
200 mm c/c
8 mm dia
380mm 2-L at 380mm
2- 16mm + o o o o 200 mm c/c 2- 16mm o o
2- 12 mm dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B3 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.88 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 2.40 m
Length of slab on one side = 5.92 m

Length of slab on other side = 3.66 m 3.59 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm



2.77 m

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)x(2.40/2)(2.40)x7.88 = 22.68 KN @ 1.20 m

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)x(2.40/2)(2.40)x7.88 = 22.68 KN @ 1.20 m
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x2.40 = 4.14 KN @ 1.20 m
Weight of wall = 1/2x(3.66+5.92)x0.10x0.75x19 = 6.83 KN @ 2.40 m
Weight of Slab S1
transferred from end = 1/2x1/2x(3.66+3.66-2.40)x(2.40/2)x7.88 = 11.63 KN @ 2.40 m
Weight of Slab S1
transferred from end = 1/2x1/2x(5.92+5.92-2.40)x(2.40/2)x7.88 = 22.32 KN @ 2.40 m
Weight of end beam = 1/2x(3.66+5.92)x0.15x0.30x25 = 5.39 KN @ 2.40 m

Total load on beam = 95.67 KN

Facored Load = 1.50x146.59 = 143.51 KN
Factored B.M. = 1.50x(22.68+22.68+4.14)x1.20+1.50x (6.83+11.63+22.32+5.39)x2.40
= 255.31 KNm
Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x2.40/6)+0.23+(6x0.125)

= 1.410 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (2.39/2)+(2.77/2)+0.23 = 5.02 m
therefore, bf = 1.41 m
effective depth, d= 300+125-25-10 = 390 mm
Df/d = 125/390 = 0.32 & bf/bw = 1410/230= 6.13
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd fck = 0.675
= 0.675
Mulim. = 0.675x230x3902x20/106 = 472.27 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 = 255.31/0.23*3902 = 7.30 N/sqmm 1110.04348
100 As/bd = 0.806
As = 0.806x230x297/100 = 722.98 sqmm
No. of 16mm dia bars required = 3.60 No.s
Hence provide 3 No.s of 16mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 390 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.88
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=1.50x109.02/2= 71.75 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =81.77x1000/(230x297) = 0.80 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.59 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.59x230x297/1000
= 52.92 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 83.72-40.30 = 18.83 KN
Vus/d=43.42/29.7 = 0.48 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 140mm c/c.

2-16mm dia 3-16mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 150mm
230mm c/c 230mm
3- 16mm o o o o 2- 16mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm
C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support
Design of Beam B4 : - ( L - Beam )
Load from Slab = 7.25 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 3.89 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.59 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

3.89 m

Load from Slab = (1/2)x(3.89+3.89-3.59)(3.59/2)x7.25 = 29.14 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x3.89 = 6.71 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x3.89 = 51.00 KN
Total load on beam = 86.85 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x90.25 = 130.28 KN
Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 135.38*3.89/12= 42.23 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x3.89/12)+0.23+(3x0.10)
= 0.757 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (3.59/2)+0.23 = 2.03 m
therefore, bf = 0.757 m
effective depth, d= 230+100-25-8 = 297 mm
Df/d = 120/297 = 0.34 & bf/bw = 757/230= 3.29
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.361+ (0.473-0.361)x0.0.29 = 0.3935
Mulim. = 0.393x230x297 x20/10 =
2 6
159.66 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 = 42.23/0.23*2972 = 2.08 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.67
As = 0.701x230x297/100 = 457.68 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 4.00 No.s
Hence provide 4 No.s of 12mm dia bars
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 297 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.66
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=130.28/2= 65.14 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =65.14x1000/(230x297) = 0.95 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.53 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.53x230x297/1000
= 36.2 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =65.14-36.2 = 28.94 KN
Vus/d=28.94/29.7 = 0.97 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 6mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 200mm c/c.
However, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 200mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 4-12mm dia

o o 100 mm o o o o 100 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 250mm
230mm c/c 230mm
4- 12mm o o o o 2- 16mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B5 : - ( L - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.25 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 2.77 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.59 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

2.77 m

Load from Slab = (1/2)x(2.77)(2.77/2)x7.75 = = 14.87 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.23x25x2.77 = 3.66 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x2.77 = 36.31 KN
Total load on beam = 54.84 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x54.84 = 82.26 KN
Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 82.26*2.77/12 = 22.79 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x2.77/12)+0.23+(3x0.10)
= 0.692 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (3.59/2)+0.23 = 1.62 m
therefore, bf = 0.692 m
effective depth, d= 230+100-25-8 = 297 mm
Df/d = 100/297 = 0.34 & bf/bw = 692/230= 3.01
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.361 = 0.361
Mulim. = 0.361x230x2972x20/106 = 146.48 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 = 22.79/0.23*2972 = 1.12 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.343
As = 0.343x230x297/100 = 234.30 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 2.07 No.s
Hence provide 3 No.s of 12mm dia bars.
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 297 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.50
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=82.26/2= 41.13 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =41.13x1000/(230x297) = 0.60 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.48 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.48x230x297/1000
= 32.79 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =41.13-32.79 = 8.34 KN
Vus/d=8.34/29.7 = 0.28 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 6mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 450mm c/c.
However, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 230mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 3-12mm dia

o o 100 mm o o o 100 mm

6 mm dia 2-L
at 230mm
230mm c/c 230mm
3- 12mm o o o 2- 12mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Column : -


B4 B4

GF & 1st Floor 2nd Floor(with out wall load)

Load from Beam B1 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
Load from Beam B2 =2*143.42/2= 143.42 KN =77.20/2= 38.60 KN
Load from Beam B3 =2*386.84/2= 386.84 KN =200.12/2= 100.06 KN
673.68 KN 115.31 KN
Assume the size of the column as 230x450mm
b= 230 mm D= 450 mm d= 400 mm
Self Weight of the column =10.00x0.23x0.45x25 = 25.88 KN
Load from plinth beam = 4.34x0.23x19x3.50+4.34x0.23x0.30x25 = 73.87 KN
Total Load on Column = 814.87 KN
Factored Load = 1.5x896.61 = 1222.30 KN
Assume uniaxial bending with Mu as 55.00 KNm 55.00 KNm
Assume the % of reinforcement, p as 0.90 %.
let the effective cover be 50mm on either side.
Mu/fckbD2 = 0.0886 d'/D = 0.111
Chart for d'/D = 0.15 will be used.
Pu/fck*b*D= 1344.91x1000/20x230x450 = 0.59
Referring chart 33 of SP16, p/fck = 0.11(or) p= 2.20
Ast required = 2.20*230*400/100 2277 sqmm 1256 1021
Hence Provide 4 No. of 20 mm dia 1256 sqmm
4 No. of 16 mm dia 803.84 sqmm
2No. of 12 mm dia 226.08 sqmm
Total Area of Steel Provided 2285.92 sqmm > 2277 sqmm
= 814.20
(Pu/Pu) + (Mu/Muz) = (460/814.2) + (12.5/33.95)
= 0.93 < 1, Hence safe.
Area of steel = 0.98*230*300/100 = 676.20 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars = 676.20/((3.14/4))12*12))
= 5.98 No.s
Hence provide 6 No.s of 12mm dia as longitudinal bars.
Also provide 8mm dia lateral ties at 200mm c/c.
2- 20 mm dia
4 16 mm dia

8mm dia lateral ties at

1 -12 mm dia 200mm c/c
230 mm
1- 12 mm dia

450 mm
2- 20 mm dia
Column C1

Design of Isolated Footing

Load on Column = 814.87 KN 814.87 KN
Load from plinth beam = 4.34x0.23x19x3.50+4.34x0.23x0.30x25 = 73.87 KN
888.7368 KN
Self Weight 88.87368 KN
Total Load 977.61048 KN
Pu = 1466 KN
Mu = 82.50 KN
e=Mu/P= 56.259626 mm This eccentricity may be taken as < L/6 of the footing.
Area of Footing = 6.5174032
Side of Footing = 2.5529205 ,Say 2.60 m 6.75

Step 1: Size of the footing

For the economic proportion, let us keep equal projection beyond the face of the column in the
two directions. This gives
(L – 0.45)/2 = (B – 0.23)/2
or, B = L – 0.22
The factored bearing pressure is 200(1.5) = 300 kN/m2. For the footing of length L and width
B, we, therefore, have:
Pu/BL + 6M/BL2 ≤ 300
or, 1466/BL + 6(82.50)/BL2 ≤ 300 4.8866667
or, BL2 – 6.21L – 3.4 ≤ 0 1.65

Design of Slab S2 : - ( Two Way Slab ) 4.50 m

Lx = 3.51 m 5.3709
Ly = 5.37 m

Ly/Lx = 3.51/5.37 = 1.53 <2 3.50 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 100 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.10x25 = 2.50 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 7.25 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.25 = 10.875 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.53 ( Two adjacent edges discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.076 -ay = 0.047
+ax = 0.057 +ay = 0.035

There fore, Maximum factored B.M. = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.076x10.875x3.512
= 10.18 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(10.18*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 60.73989 mm
d provided = 100-25-5 = 70 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 100mm is OK.

From Table 35 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 130mm c/c

S2 3.23 m

3.48 m

Table 2 & Table 50

3.891175 0.054264 0.346 513.291 1.634685

0N/sqmm)(from Table J)
4.48 m

4.23 m 3.48 m
Design of Beam B6 : - ( L - Beam )
Load from Slab = 7.25 KN/sqm
Effective Span = 3.59 m
Length of slab on one side = 2.77 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

2.77 m

Load from Slab =(1/2)x(2x3.59-2.77)(2.77/2)x7.25 = = 22.14 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.23x25x3.59 = 4.75 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x3.59 = 47.06 KN
Total load on beam = 73.95 KN
Facored Load = 1.50x73.95 = 110.93 KN
Factored B.M. = WL/12 = 110.93*3.59/12 = 33.19 KNm
Effecive width of flange :
(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x3.59/12)+0.23+(3x0.10)
= 0.739 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (2.77/2)+0.23 = 1.62 m
therefore, bf = 0.739 m
effective depth, d= 230+100-25-8 = 297 mm
Df/d = 100/297 = 0.34 & bf/bw = 739/230= 3.21
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.361 = 0.385
Mulim. = 0.385x230x2972x20/106 = 156.22 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd2 = 33.19/0.23*2972 = 1.64 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.512
As = 0.512x230x297/100 = 349.75 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 3.09 No.s
Hence provide 3 No.s of 12mm dia bars.
Shear reinforcement : -
d= 297 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.50
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=110.93/2= 55.46 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =55.46x1000/(230x297) = 0.81 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.48 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.48x230x297/1000
= 32.79 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =55.46-32.79 = 22.67 KN
Vus/d=22.67/29.7 = 0.76 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 6mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 250mm c/c.
However, provide 6mm dia 2-L stirrups at 230mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 3-12mm dia

o o 100 mm o o o 100 mm

6 mm dia 2-L
at 230mm
230mm c/c 230mm
3- 12mm o o o 2- 12mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Load from Slab = 6.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 4.34 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.89 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.81 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.89)x(3.89/2)x6.50 = 30.28 KN

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(4.34+4.34-3.81)x(3.81/2)x6.50 = 39.43 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x4.34 = 7.49 KN
Total load on beam = 77.20 KN

Load from Slab = 6.50 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.70 m

Length of slab on one side = 4.34 m
Length of slab on other side = 4.19 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x600mm

Load from Slab S1 = 2x(1/2)x(3.89)(3.89/2)x6.50 = = 49.18 KN

Load from Slab S2 = 2x(1/2)x(3.81)(3.81/2)x6.50 = = 47.18 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.60x25x7.70 = 26.57 KN
Load on beam from Slab,Wall and self Weight = Err:522 KN
Load from Cross Beam = 77.20 KN
Total Load = Err:522

1226666666.66667 7.3E+09

371717.171717172 948571 ###

0.2196902943 0.560619


Load on the Colum, P = 750 KN
Length of the Column, a = 0.23 M
Breadth of Column, a = 0.38 M
Grade of Concrete = M 20
Grade of Steel = M 415
SBC of Soil, q= 300 KN/SQ.M
Angle of Repose of Soil, phi = 30 degrees = 0.523
Unit Wt. Of Soil, Gramma = 18 KN/CU.M rad
Permissible stress in concrete,pc = 7 N/SQ.MM
Permissible stress in steel ,pt = 190 N/SQ.MM
Modular ratio, m = 280/(3*pc) = 14
N-A constant,k=1/(1+(pt/m*pc)) 0.329
Lever arm constant, j = 1-k/3 = 0.890
Moment of resistance constant,Q =0.5*k*j*pc= 0.976
Depth of Foundation, Df =(q/gamma)*((1-sin(phi))/(1-sin(phi)))^2 1.80 M
Depth of Foundation Dfa = 1.80 M
Load on Column P = 750 KN
Wt. Of Footing = 0.1*P = 75 KN
Total Load on footing, P2 = P+0.1P = 825 KN
Top width of footing Lft = L+0.15 0.53 M
Side of footing, Lf =SQRT(P2/q) 1.700 M
Net upward pressure, qn = P/Lf^2 259.52 KN/SQ.M
Eff. Length of footing, L = [Lf-a]/2 = 0.66 M
B.M. = 0.50 *qn* L^2 = 96.09 KN-M
Eff. Depth, d=Sqrt[BM*1000000/Q*1000) 431 MM
Depth from punching consideraton:
Depth required for punching,dp= Q*(Lf^2-L^2)/4*L= 800 M
Depth of footing df =d+70 or dp*1000 mm whichever is more 800 M
Effective depth,d=df-70= 730
Depth of footing slab dfs= 200 MM
Depth of trepezoidal portion, dftp = df - dfs = 600 MM
Area of steel required,Ast =BM*1000000/.89*(fck/3)*d = 776.29 SQ.MM
No. of 10mm dia. Bars =Ast/78.5 = 10 No's
No. of 12mm dia. Bars =Ast/113 = 7 No's
No. of 16mm dia. Bars =Ast/201 = 4 No's
Check for shear:
Depth of footing at critical section,dcc=d-(df-dfs)*0.5*d/(0.5*(Lf-a) 432 MM
Shear stress,V=qn*(Lf*Lf-(a+d)*(a+d))= 475 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv=V/((a+d)*dcc)= 0.3 N/SQ.MM
Permissible shear stress in M15 concrete,Tc=0.16*sqrt(fck)= 0.72 N/SQ.MM
Hence the design is safe

530 mm

10 -10mm bars

10 -10mm bars 1800

CC(1:4:8) lean concrete 150
Note:All dimensions are in mm
-26293.31 740920495 27219.85 926.5448 463.2724
-15347.52 272274904 16500.75 1153.239



217.1852 2.25 1.125 0.59 590

244.3457 190.0247

54.33 0.020122 22.6375

Design one isolated footing for a column 300 mm x 450 mm, having 20 bars of 20 mm diameter (Ast = 4021 mm2) of Problem 1
Solution 4:
Step 1: Size of the footing
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
Given Pu = 1620 kN and Mu = 170 kNm. The footing should be symmetric with respect to the column as the moment is reversib
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
The factored bearing pressure is 200(1.5) = 300 kN/m2. For the footing of length L and width B, we, therefore, have:
Pu/BL + 6M/BL2 300 ≤
or, 1620(1.15)/BL + 6(170)/BL2 ≤ 300
or, BL2 – 6.21L – 3.4 ≤ 0 (1)
For the economic proportion, let us keep equal projection beyond the face of the column in the two directions. This gives
(L – 0.45)/2 = (B – 0.3)/2
or, B = L – 0.15 (2)
Using Eq.(2) in Eq.(1), we have
(L – 0.15) L2 – 6.212 – 3.4 ≤ 0
or L3 – 0.15 L2 – 6.21 L – 3.4 ≤ 0
We have L = 2.8 m and B = 2.65 m. Let us provide L = 2.85 m and B = 2.70 m (Fig.11.29.4b). We get the maximum and minimu
1620(1.15)/(2.85)(2.70) 170(6)/(2.7)(2.85)(2.85) = 242.105 ±± 46.51 = 288.615 kN/m2 and 195.595 kN/m2, respectively (Fig.11
Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear
The critical section (sec.11 of Figs.11.29.4a and b) is at a distance d from the face of the column. The average soil pressure at
The one-way shear force at sec.11 = (2.7)(1.2 – 0.001d((249.449 + 0.0326d) kN. Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the f
2700(d)(0.29)(10-3) = (2.7)(1.2 – 0.001d)(249.449 + 0.0326d)
This gives, Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
d2 + 15347.51534d – 9182171.779 = 0
Solving, we get d = 576.6198. Let us assume d = 600 mm
Step 3: Checking for two-way shear
At the critical section 2222 (Figs.11.29.4a and b), the shear resistance is obtained cl.31.6.31 of IS 456, which gives cτ = (0.5 +
Actual shear force is determined on the basis of average soil pressure at the centre line of the cross-section which is (195.595
Step 4: Gross bearing capacity
Assuming the unit weights of concrete and soil as 25 kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3, respectively, we have the bearing pressure for (i) P
(i) Due to Pu = 1620 kN: pressure = 1620/(2.7)(2.85) = 210.53 kN/m2
(ii) Due to Mu = 170 kNm: pressure = ± 170(6)/(2.7)(2.85)(2.85) = 46.51 kN/m±2
(iii) Self weight of footing of depth 674 mm and soil of (1000 – 674) = 326 mm: pressure = 0.674(25) + 0.326(18) = 22.718 kN/m
Thus, the maximum and minimum pressures are = 210.53 + 22.718 46.51 = 279.758 kN/m±2 and 186.738 kN/m2 < 300 kN/m2
Step 5: Bending moment
(i) In the long direction (along the length = 2850 mm)
Bending moment at the face of column (sec.33 of Figs.11.29.4a and b) is determined where the soil pressure = 288.615 – (288
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
M/Bd2 = 527.23(106)/(2700)(616)(616) = 0.515 N/mm2 < 3.45 N/mm2 for M 25 concrete.
Table 3 of SP-16 gives p = 0.1462 < 0.15 per cent as required for one-way shear.
Thus, Ast = 0.15(2700)(616)/100 = 2494.8 mm2. Provide 13 bars of 16 mm diameter (area = 2613 mm2), spacing = (2700 – 10
(ii) In the short direction (B = 2700 mm)
The average pressure on soil between the edge and centre of the footing = (288.615 + 242.105)/2 = 265.36 kN/m2. The bendin
Bending moment = (265.36)(1.2)(0.6)(2.85) kNm = 544.519 kNm
M/Ld2 = 544.519(106)/(2850)(600)(600) = 0.531
Table 3 of SP-16 gives p = 0.15068, which gives area of steel = 0.15068(2850)(600)/100 = 2576.628 mm2. Provide 13 bars of 1
Step 6: Development length
Development length of 16 mm diameter bars (M 25 concrete) = 0.87(415)(16)/4(1.6)(1.4) = 644.73 mm.
Length available = 1200 – 50 – 8 = 1142 mm > 644.73 mm. Hence, o.k.
Step 7: Transfer of force at the base of the column
Since the column is having moment along with the axial force, some of the bars are in tension. The transfer of tensile force is n
The arrangement of reinforcement is shown in Figs.11.29.4a and b.
= 4021 mm2) of Problem 1 of sec.10.25.6 of Lesson 25 carrying Pu = 1620 kN and Mu = 170 kNm using M 25 and Fe 415. Assume that the

as the moment is reversible. Assuming the weights of footing and backfill as 15 per cent of Pu, the eccentricity of load Pu at the base is e =

herefore, have:

ections. This gives

the maximum and minimum pressures as

N/m2, respectively (Fig.11.29.4c). Both the values are less than 300 kN/m2. Hence, o.k.

average soil pressure at sec.11 is {288.615 – (288.615 – 195.595)(1200 – d)/2850} = 249.449 + 0.0326d.
ent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear strength of M 25 concrete = 0.29 N/mm2. Hence, the shear strength of the section = 2700(d

6, which gives cτ = (0.5 + 450/300)(0.25)(25)1/2 but the multiplying factor (0.5 + 450/300) >/ 1.0. So, we have cτ = 0.25(25)1/2 = 1.25 N/mm
ection which is (195.595 + 288.615)/2 = 242.105 kN/m2 (Fig.11.29.4c). So, the actual shear force = Vu = (242.105){(2.7)(2.85) – (0.3 + 0.6)

bearing pressure for (i) Pu = 1620 kN, (ii) Mu = 170 kNm and (iii) self weight of footing and backfill soil.

0.326(18) = 22.718 kN/m2

6.738 kN/m2 < 300 kN/m2. Hence, o.k.

ressure = 288.615 – (288.615 – 195.595)(1200)/2850 = 249.45 kN/m2. So, the bending moment = 249.45(2.7)(1.2)(0.6) + (288.615 – 249.4

m2), spacing = (2700 – 100 – 16)/12 = 215.33 mm, say 210 mm c/c.

265.36 kN/m2. The bending moment is determined with this pressure as an approximation.

mm2. Provide 13 bars of 16 mm diameter (area = 2613 mm2) @ 210 mm c/c; i.e. the same arrangement in both directions.

ansfer of tensile force is not possible through the column-footing interface. So, the longitudinal bars of columns are to be extended to the foo
Fe 415. Assume that the moment is reversible. The safe bearing capacity of the soil is 200 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 metre from ground level.

oad Pu at the base is e = Mu/P(1.15) = 170(106)/1620(1.15)(103) = 91.25 mm. This eccentricity may be taken as < L/6 of the footing.

th of the section = 2700(d)(0.29)(103) kN. From the condition that shear strength has to be shear force, we have ≥

0.25(25)1/2 = 1.25 N/mm2. Hence, the shear resistance = (1.25)(2){(300 + 600) + (450 + 600)}(600) = 2925 kN.
5){(2.7)(2.85) – (0.3 + 0.6)(0.45 + 0.6)} = 1634.209 kN < shear resistance (= 2925 kN). Hence, the depth of the footing is governed by one-w

2)(0.6) + (288.615 – 249.45)(2.7)(1.2)(2)/(2)(3) = 527.23 kNm.

to be extended to the footing. The required development length of 20 mm bars = 0.87(415)/4(1.4)(1.6) = 805.92 mm. Length available = 60
metre from ground level. Use M 25 and Fe 415 for the footing.

< L/6 of the footing.

ting is governed by one-way shear. With effective depth = 600 mm, the total depth of footing = 600 + 50 (cover) + 16 (bar dia) + 8 (half bar d

mm. Length available = 600 mm < 805.92 mm. The bars shall be given 90o bend and then shall be extended by 200 mm horizontally to give
16 (bar dia) + 8 (half bar dia) = 674 mm.

00 mm horizontally to give a total length of 600 + 8(20) (bend value) + 200 = 960 mm > 805.92 mm (Figs.11.29.4 a and b).
100 60
100 55
100 40
100 51
100 40
100 44
100 63
100 67
100 50
100 50
100 49
100 48
100 50
100 47
100 42
100 48
100 49
100 48
100 53
100 58
100 42
100 48
100 52
100 45
100 55
100 47
100 55
100 45
100 61
100 42
100 59
100 42
100 52
100 54
100 52
100 57
100 76
100 83
100 61
100 75
4000 2115 52.88%

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